


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 rds large social contagion become explosive (first order).
2  its shape to be axisymmetric to a very good first order.
3 eversed during heating, and is apparently of first order.
4 at the conversion of 3a or 3b to 4a or 4b is first order.
5 ry described by an autoregressive process of first order.
6 and the correlated metal at higher doping is first-order.
7 ase transition switches from second-order to first-order.
8 antrine used a 2-compartment open model with first-order absorption.
9                                Solutions are first-order accurate in time and second-order accurate i
10 rating that the phase transition was in fact first-order, although still very close to tricritical.
11                        This paper presents a first-order analysis of the feasibility and technical, e
12 constant Fe concentrations, thereby allowing first order and interactive effects of Cu and Fe to be e
13                                Moreover, the first-order and higher-order sensory and motor nuclei ac
14 actice such as Tikhonov zero-order, Tikhonov first-order and L1 first-order regularization methods.
15 lor series approach is more precise than the first-order approach, in particular for large uncertaint
16                                          The first order approximation (FOA3) currently employed to e
17 nvPM mass concentration still adheres to the first order approximation (FOA3), and this agreement is
18  systems and solving the process in a pseudo-first order approximation.
19 -Alder one) for this reaction in water (as a first-order approximation of the enzymatic reaction) are
20 ed, cannulated resistance arteries and large first-order arterioles support the hypotheses that O2 -d
21 ed cannulated resistance arteries and large, first-order arterioles support the hypothesis that these
22 terioles and venules (median RBC velocity in first-order arterioles, 5 minutes after administration w
23 nge of the transition order, becoming of the first order at a tricritical point, or by the appearance
24             Under transient flow conditions, first-order attachment rate coefficients (katt) of DNA m
25 hus in surface temperature consistent with a first-order autoregressive process.
26 this simple relationship can be applied as a first-order basis for predicting organic matter stoichio
27 ies (BDEs) up to 80 kcal mol(-1) show pseudo-first-order behavior and large but temperature-dependent
28 s higher than 500MPa was best described by a first order biphasic model with approximately 25% labile
29     The theoretical calculation based on the first-order Born approximation with correct boundary con
30 mic electron transfer proteins; the limiting first-order catalytic rate constant for aerobic respirat
31                       We also argue that the first-order character of the transition is responsible f
32 al that nitro compounds induce a switch from first order concentration dependence in Bronsted acid to
33 or the hydrolysis were obtained under pseudo-first-order conditions with DABCO as the nucleophile.
34    The reactions were performed under pseudo-first-order conditions, and the second-order rate consta
35 ut does not argue that sea level change is a first-order control on seafloor morphology worldwide.
36 of the supercontinent Pangaea, has exerted a first-order control on the long-term trajectory of Phane
37 ture and water vapor content are known to be first-order controls on the formation of convective clou
38                                            A first-order correction factor was developed to account f
39 ing pressure myography to study rat isolated first-order cremaster muscle arterioles the AT1 R inhibi
40 for the orientation of boundaries defined by first-order cues (luminance) as well as second-order cue
41                                              First order decay rate constants of both enterococci and
42                                              First order decay rate constants were well correlated to
43 r both enzymes, inactivation kinetics showed first order decay(s).
44 ly similar across mussel densities, but that first-order decay constants varied between experimental
45 curves of all studied pesticides fitted to a first-order decay curve in both types of cereals.
46 ndGEM) that includes two key parameters: the first-order decay rate (k) and methane production potent
47                                              First-order decay rate constants ranged from 0.055 to 0.
48 ate that the information that contributes to first-order decisions differs from the information that
49 dgments are based on the same information as first-order decisions.
50                     Here, Ryan et al. tackle first-order defocus, an artefact of a non-uniform refrac
51 ctive index, leading to light scattering and first-order defocus.
52 eater polyphenol to protein ratios increased first order degradation rates, consequently decreasing f
53 by Pt carbonates under O2 (MS/IR) displays a first order dependence upon O2 partial pressure and a ne
54                                  For DMSO, a first-order dependence of decomposition rates on DMSO co
55  derived from 2D (1)H EXSY spectra confirmed first-order dependence of H2 release on M.2 concentratio
56                       These studies showed a first-order dependence of the polymerization rate on the
57 etic studies reveal that the rate exhibits a first-order dependence on [Co] and [AcOH], but no depend
58 ldehyde and catalyst concentrations, inverse first-order dependence on [ynoate], and no dependence on
59 propiolate and methyl 4-formylbenzoate shows first-order dependence on aldehyde and catalyst concentr
60 he hydrolysis of the squaramate anions shows first-order dependence on both squaramate and OH(-).
61 th temperature and ethylene concentration, a first-order dependence on ethylene concentration with sa
62 er dependence on the cyclic anhydride, and a first-order dependence on the catalyst only if the two m
63 generation catalyst that includes an inverse first-order dependency in pyridine.
64 ectively and quantitation was carried out by first order derivative method.
65                           Calculation of the first order derivative of measured current vs. applied p
66 on PAHs bound to PM from tunnel-wash waters, first-order desorption rates for PAHs with log Kow > 5.5
67                                              First-order detachment rate coefficients, kdet, of DNA m
68 eities such as ON- and OFF-type responses to first-order did not affect responses to second-order ele
69 uO NP dissolution kinetics were modeled by a first-order dissolution model.
70                                              First-order dissolution rate constants of CuO NPs increa
71                         Formation of HMF was first-order during an induction period and zero-order th
72 informative about gripping force, and that a first order dynamic linear model with these STN LFP feat
73                                   We learn a first-order dynamics model to predict cell and nuclear s
74                                            A first-order electron and hole decay of approximately 1 p
75 on in free space is very doubtful given that first-order electron-photon interactions are forbidden i
76                        In this binding mode, first-order electrostatic interactions (Coulomb) dominat
77 cterized by a rapid distribution followed by first-order elimination.
78 tionally used in hepatic dosimetry provide a first-order estimate of absorbed dose.
79 on select infrastructure types and developed first-order estimates of potential land losses associate
80 s released from the depot in a well behaved, first order fashion.
81 the known linear response characteristics to first-order features and a static nonlinearity accuratel
82  Ni3TeO6-type structure with low temperature first-order field-induced metamagnetic phase transitions
83 act solution for a stress tensor accurate to first-order finite differences and motivates the use of
84 er in alkyne for MoF9 derivatives instead of first order for the others) and the isolation of stable
85 two-photon process is employed to overcome a first order forbidden transition and the first, second a
86 nd kinetic parameters involved in the pseudo-first-order formation of (Z)-2-(chloromethyl)-3-(2-hydro
87                       Although the APMB is a first-order geologic feature similar to the Sierra Nevad
88 pressure denaturation profiles gives rise to first order, GNMR, and second order, VNMR (the derivativ
89                                          The first order gradiometer based on piezoelectric and magne
90                                          The first-order grow-in rate of the L-H(*) signal (kexp(280n
91                       Analysis of the pseudo-first-order H2S release rate under biologically relevant
92                    The Fc-ProteinA/G complex first-order half-life was determined for each antibody a
93 ous mathematical models such as, zero order, first order, Higuchi model and Peppas model.
94  loss does not interfere with measurement of first order hydrogenase inactivation, providing rate con
95 plete system breakdown takes place through a first-order (i.e., discontinuous) transition in terms of
96 s well as monitoring of laser ablation, when first-order imaging and interference are not feasible.
97 uminated by chaotic light, in the absence of first-order imaging and interference.
98 vealed zero order in the azide substrate and first order in both the catalyst and Boc2O.
99 isiloxanediol-catalyzed addition reaction is first order in catalyst over all concentrations studied
100 the vinylallene product, and the reaction is first order in PhB(OH)2.
101 In a closed system, the dimerization rate is first order in the concentration of the pi-complex that
102 e experimental rate law was determined to be first-order in 1-hexene (0.3-4 M), first-order in initia
103                      The overall reaction is first-order in both azide and HS(-) under the investigat
104 iles (e.g., alcohols) in reactions that were first-order in cation radical and first-order in nucleop
105                          Polymerizations are first-order in ethylene pressure and inverse-order in si
106 ic studies demonstrated that the reaction is first-order in hydrosilane and B(C6F5)3 but zero-order i
107 ned to be first-order in 1-hexene (0.3-4 M), first-order in initial catalyst concentration, and zero-
108  that were first-order in cation radical and first-order in nucleophile.
109 ch indicate that the disassembly reaction is first-order in the concentration of Abeta fibrils and a
110 be explained by a resonant coupling with the first-order, in-plane, Bragg harmonics.
111 etics of this latter process are shown to be first-order, indicative of a unimolecular mechanism.
112             By using a physically intuitive, first-order interference model of plasmon-light interact
113 tants that differ by a factor of 7.5 for the first order intramolecular cyclization (C) following ele
114 ibly at the N terminus followed by a slower, first order irreversible binding event involving both th
115           Both PS and FAME degradation fit a first order kinetic model (R(2)>0.9).
116 s on mineral phases are fitted with a pseudo-first order kinetic model.
117 ation about the browning process following a first order kinetic reaction.
118 ngle and Chroma values fitted zero order and first order kinetic, respectively.
119  hexythiazox dissipation curves followed the first-order kinetic and its half-life ranged from 3.43 t
120 ts in the microsecond time scale following a first-order kinetic law.
121 l (AT) degradation followed a zero-order and first-order kinetic model, respectively, for all systems
122  aw and bread moisture varied according to a first-order kinetic model, with FP samples ageing faster
123 g storage, following a temperature dependent first-order kinetic model.
124 both species, thermal degradation followed a first-order kinetic model.
125                      The Peleg model and the first-order-kinetic model fit the experimental data well
126 l treatments at 60 and 80 degrees C followed first order kinetics and was greatly suppressed when com
127 centrations reached equilibrium according to first order kinetics between 6 and 7 hours in all cold b
128                                              First order kinetics described temperature changes (0-4
129                   Finally, the data followed first order kinetics for analysed mycotoxins and thermal
130                Dissipation behavior followed first order kinetics in both crops.
131 se of RES and QUE from the micelles followed first order kinetics over 48h.
132                  Uranium uptake rates follow first order kinetics over a range encompassing most envi
133 l, 2-4 independent segments following pseudo-first order kinetics were identified, plus an initial se
134            Degradation of betalains followed first order kinetics while changes of L( *), Hue angle a
135 an also thermally decompose following pseudo-first order kinetics.
136 f monomeric anthocyanins decreased following first-order kinetics (k25 degrees C=34.4d(-1), activatio
137         Degradation of anthocyanins followed first-order kinetics and reaction rate constants (k valu
138                                       Pseudo-first-order kinetics established relative reaction effic
139 l from the liquid phase; (ii) deviation from first-order kinetics for the removal from the liquid pha
140 ics that differ dramatically from the simple first-order kinetics for the same reaction in solution.
141 t both displayed data consistent with pseudo-first-order kinetics in substrate.
142 second-order kinetics in extended and mainly first-order kinetics in the confined CsPbBr3 , respectiv
143 e substrate manganese (with two-phase pseudo-first-order kinetics modeled using rate coefficients of:
144 ger pad ridges evolved over time following a first-order kinetics relationship.
145 , LMG-N2-G was transformed, following pseudo-first-order kinetics to OXO-LMG and LMG, but kinetic exp
146              BPA degradation followed pseudo-first-order kinetics with a rate constant of 0.96 (+/-0.
147  was determined experimentally (using pseudo-first-order kinetics) and theoretically to be noticeably
148      Treatment resulted in loss of LRV1 with first-order kinetics, as expected for random virus segre
149      The degradation of DEET followed pseudo-first-order kinetics, whereas the degradation of caffein
150 It was shown that thermolysis of CPs follows first-order kinetics.
151 of phenolics during storage displayed pseudo first-order kinetics.
152 e concentration is, however, consistent with first-order Langmuir adsorption kinetics at low surface
153                                            A first-order linear model fit best at the riparian site,
154 n pair rate is greatly suppressed due to the first order loss.
155 se orientation discrimination task involving first-order, luminance-modulated gratings to the contras
156                    This compound undergoes a first order magnetic transition from a high temperature
157 importance sampling algorithm coupled with a first-order Markov model for the background nucleotide s
158 position and thus in their ability to invoke first-order mechanisms exploiting local luminance featur
159 dented opportunity to bridge the gap between first-order mechanoreceptive afferent input codes and th
160 eRh is highly unusual in that it undergoes a first order meta-magnetic phase transition from an antif
161 g mixed-phase regions in materials showing a first-order metal-insulator transition (MIT) offers uniq
162                        Here we show that the first-order metamagnetic phase transition in FeRh films
163 esoscale and should be a general property of first-order metamagnetic phase transitions.
164 ted transient imide 25 via rate-determining, first-order methane elimination (KIE approximately 8.7).
165                   Four shape descriptors, 10 first-order metrics, and 26 textural features were evalu
166             The models tested here include a first-order, microbial implicit approach (CASA-CNP), and
167 better fit for the zero order model than the first order model which was hence chosen for determinati
168 netics of (111)In-LNC50 from the lungs fit a first order model with an elimination half-life of 10.5+
169      Thermal degradation kinetics followed a first-order model in water (e.g. degradation rate: 0.001
170                    As compared to the pseudo-first-order model, the pseudo-second-order kinetic model
171 metabolism kinetics were best described by a first-order model.
172 agnitude with theoretical predictions from a first-order model.
173                                          Our first-order modern Mississippi River sulfate partition i
174 mentally demonstrates for the first time the first-order nature of the onset of chiral ordering.
175 s neuromodulatory effect on mitral cell (MC) first-order neurons.
176 e MASER emission may be modeled by a pair of first order, non-linear differential equations, derived
177          Our technique enables us to produce first-order OAM beams with the smallest possible central
178 aximum-work efficiency, when accurate to the first order of eta C , reads [Formula: see text](DeltaT
179 experiments demonstrate that the reaction is first order on the substrate and pseudozero order relati
180 kinetic model compared to that of the pseudo-first-order or pseudo-second-order rate equations.
181               Under anaerobic conditions the first-order oxidation rate constants decreased by one to
182  of 55 Hz, in contrast to the 314 Hz for the first order parametric resonance; furthermore, the half
183  produces unsym-[H1](+), which converts by a first-order pathway to sym-[H1](+).
184       Results showed that despite comparable first order performance in the perceptual task, SDIs had
185   Many lithium-storage materials operate via first-order phase transformations with slow kinetics lar
186  to engineer phase coexistence mediated by a first-order phase transition between an emergent, low-te
187                                            A first-order phase transition in the fluid phase between
188       In addition, both the second-order and first-order phase transition points can be decreased by
189 loys are an excellent example because of the first-order phase transition taking place at ~400 K from
190 by interpreting the pattern development as a first-order phase transition to a spatially modulated ph
191 tead focus on the possibility that this is a first-order phase transition which provides evidence tha
192                                  Despite the first-order phase transition with a large lattice mismat
193 r condensation takes place through a genuine first-order phase transition, provided that the intercon
194 orthorhombic phase around 160 K, again via a first-order phase transition.
195 orhombic-to-tetragonal phase transition is a first-order phase transition.
196 phenomenologically described in terms of the first-order phase transition.
197 s, allowing us to use the physical theory of first-order phase transitions to understand the onset of
198 se states are an intrinsic characteristic of first-order phase transitions, typically related to loca
199                                              First-order PHE transformation rates, kPHE, and half-liv
200 excitation by green (519-nm) pulses, similar first-order PINEM peak amplitudes were obtained for opti
201 oncentrations chosen, the transfer follows a first-order process where lipid monomers are transferred
202 hydrodynamic modelling and notch geometry as first-order proxies to assess whether, in a particular a
203  of 0-100 cm of the soil profile, to provide first-order quantification and to evaluate future change
204      Doxorubicin leakage can be described by first order rate constant for transport across the lipid
205 d intermediates autodecomposed slowly with a first order rate constant k2 = 0.003 min(-1); when a red
206 oxorubicin dissolution can be described by a first order rate constant of 1.0x10(-9)cms(-1) at 37 deg
207               B. thetaiotaomicron had larger first order rate constants than all other organisms unde
208         On Ni-Co and Co clusters, the pseudo-first-order rate coefficients are single-valued function
209 carboxylation kinetics, and the activity and first-order rate constant for the CA hydration reaction
210 (PCP), we found it was clear that the pseudo-first-order rate constant for the reduction of resazurin
211  was informed by the development of a pseudo first-order rate constant model, and tested in a paper-b
212 enzyme-TPPS] complex of 1.3 10(4)mol/L and a first-order rate constant of 6.6 10(-1)s(-1) for dissoci
213 (4-) decayed to ground state products with a first-order rate constant of k = 2 x 10(3) s(-1).
214 eaction with a substrate in solution (pseudo-first-order rate constant, k1(f)), accounts for the impo
215                              Observed pseudo-first-order rate constants (kobs) ranged from 3.8 x 10(-
216 tibiotics were identified in terms of pseudo-first-order rate constants for formation of reactive spe
217  molar absorptivity and fluence-based pseudo-first-order rate constants for transformation of the six
218 ned as the slopes of the plots of the pseudo-first-order rate constants versus the concentrations of
219                       Kinetic studies reveal first-order rate dependence on Fe catalyst concentration
220  Fluopyram dissipated in accordance with the first-order rate dynamics equation with the maximum half
221 s characterized and was determined to follow first-order rate kinetics, indicated by statistically eq
222 re monitored over time and used to calculate first-order rate potentials for methylation and demethyl
223 are usually approximated by sums of discrete first-order rates, using 3 or more parameters.
224  to be formed by consumption of (ArBO)3 as a first-order reactant.
225  Our study reveals a transition from a slow, first order reaction at low accumulated hole density to
226 ted by kinetic experiments which indicated a first order reaction in hydroxide and a full negative ch
227                            Calculated pseudo-first order reaction rate constants were in the followin
228  concentration of Abeta fibrils and a pseudo-first-order reaction in the concentration of peptide moi
229 tion of the antioxidant compounds followed a first-order reaction kinetics and the degradation rate c
230                         Degradation followed first-order reaction kinetics and the temperature-depend
231 conditions, anthocyanin degradation fitted a first-order reaction model.
232 e presence of 100 mug/L graphene, the pseudo-first-order reaction rate constant was increased ~50 tim
233  containing L-ascorbic acid proceeded with a first-order reaction rate during storage (40 degrees C f
234 ing l-ascorbic acid (0.050%) degraded with a first-order reaction rate during storage (40 degrees C/7
235 o acids or peptides, anthocyanin degraded at first-order reaction rate.
236 appearance of MGO were confirmed as overall, first order reactions, albeit probably composites of mul
237 d by a pair of sequentially-occurring pseudo-first order reactions.
238 statory system, where projections beyond the first-order receptor neurons are not fully characterized
239 ting point (>-2 degrees C), where the pseudo-first-order reduction rate constant, k, decreased twofol
240 a kH/kD value of 6.7(6) when [Rh] was in the first-order regime.
241 onov zero-order, Tikhonov first-order and L1 first-order regularization methods.
242 sources reveal two types of thalamic relays: first order relays receive subcortical driver input (for
243                       Techniques such as the first order reversal curve (FORC) methods, were develope
244 haracteristics captured by angular-dependent first order reversal curve measurements indicate a stron
245 d interactions is experimentally captured by first-order reversal curves, the DeltaM method, and pola
246 higher root branching intensity, but shorter first-order root length and consistently low mycorrhizal
247 s - root diameter, root branching intensity, first-order root length and mycorrhizal colonization - i
248 for resource acquisition by producing longer first-order roots and maintaining high mycorrhizal colon
249  that CP-AMPARs mediate transmission at this first-order sensory synapse and that limiting Ca(2+) acc
250  method involves collisions entirely between first order solitons in optical fibers whose propagation
251 y" calculation process is demonstrated using first order solitons, leading eventually to the realisat
252        Mobile phone call data provide a new, first-order source of information that allows the tracki
253 fectively isolated the scattering signals in first-order spectral images (n=+1) of the nanotag from t
254 b was associated with reduced heterogeneity (first-order standard deviation, P = .01; entropy, P = .0
255  years]) were analyzed to extract (a) global first-order statistical histogram and model-based fracta
256 xture features (TFs) and 6 features based on first-order statistics (FOS) were investigated.
257 rons have similar preferences in response to first-order stimuli, defined by changes in luminance, an
258         While an ON- or OFF-type response to first-order stimulus attributes has no significant influ
259 charge-transfer insulator initially yields a first-order structural phase transition at ca. 4 GPa sim
260 23GPa is interpreted as the fingerprint of a first-order structural transition.
261 itory input--both in terms of deterministic (first-order) structure and the entropy of random sequenc
262 ) are crucial gene expression regulators and first-order suspects in the development and progression
263  task" that allowed us to assess in what way first-order task performance and metacognition are relat
264 onship between metacognitive performance and first-order task performance by recording EEG signals wh
265                                We also use a first-order Taylor expansion to approximate the transfor
266 linear approximation to the uncertainty by a first-order Taylor series expansion and thus, they are o
267 matic constructions may be superimposed on a first-order tectonic fabric, we emphasize the difficulty
268                                   Neurons in first-order thalamic nuclei transmit sensory information
269                                           To first order, the relative deposition velocities of water
270 periments that the QPT in RENiO3 and V2O3 is first order: the magnetically ordered volume fraction de
271  for rod-like colloids is a signature of the first-order thermodynamics nature of this phase transiti
272 e 7 of the salinomycin synthase, resulted in first-order, time-dependent washout of deuterium from 6a
273 dels, that is discriminative models from (i) first-order to higher-order linear-chain CRFs, and from
274 igher-order linear-chain CRFs, and from (ii) first-order to higher-order semi-Markov CRFs (semi-CRFs)
275 l adopted nodes can induce the switch from a first-order to second-order phase transition associated
276 o. 127) is found around 250 K, with a final, first-order transformation at 286 K to the cubic structu
277 e understood as remnants of the normal state first-order transition and its associated crossovers tha
278 e-transition (or pre-melting) effect for the first-order transition between ordered and disordered ph
279 ween 1.0 and 1.7 GPa and merge into a single first-order transition for pressures greater, similar1.7
280 the Curie temperature, T C < T < T*, where a first-order transition has been previously predicted.
281 l cascading process, manifested by an abrupt first-order transition in dynamical behaviors.
282    We also show that such dynamics lead to a first-order transition in endemic states, where small ch
283 merge along the Widom line extension of that first-order transition in the supercritical region.
284  coexistence in the vicinity of MIT leads to first-order transition in these manganites.
285 dense fluid, on account of the fact that the first-order transition line is shifted to higher pressur
286 s explored using the framework of the random first-order transition theory of the glass transition al
287 ation process, similar to that of the random first-order transition theory.
288  the spin models at the origin of the random first-order transition theory.
289 P4/mbm, #127) at around 285 K, followed by a first-order transition to a tetragonal gamma-phase (reta
290  increasing the fivefold symmetry, we find a first-order transition to an alternative icosahedra-rich
291  elastic frustration, the system may undergo first-order transition with hysteresis, gradual, hystere
292                                          The first-order transition, with observed width as small as
293  a discontinuity in the order parameter like first-order transitions yet feature critical behavior li
294 oling, uncompensated in heating, consists of first order-type consecutive transitions from a pure Ir(
295  alter the discharge rate and sensitivity of first-order vestibular neurons.
296 -order ( degrees Brix, fructose, glucose), a first-order (vitamin C), a second-order (sucrose) and a
297 action (12 190 features extracted, including first-order, volume, shape, and texture features) from t
298                  The reaction is found to be first order with respect to the catalyst and has a posit
299   The kinetics of polyamide bromination were first order with respect to the concentration of the sec
300 s, the reaction is second-order globally and first-order with respect to both the 2-alkynylthioanisol

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