


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 otein, a key protease in bone resorption, by five-fold.
2 NA and hINV protein are increased by four to five-fold.
3 A reduced the potency of the antisense ON by five-fold.
4 the basal P-rr promoter::GUS construct about five-fold.
5  BTB [POZ] domain containing 11) by at least five-fold.
6 y actions reduces mitigation rates more than five-fold.
7 oRNAs and can stimulate methylation by up to five-fold.
8 increased the DMFT and DMFS scores more than five-fold.
9 of striatal preproneuropeptide Y mRNA nearly five-fold 16 h after injection as determined by RT-PCR,
10 ses a flat cylindrical catalytic domain with five-fold alpha/beta-propeller architecture and a C-term
11 partment, door-to-antimicrobial times varied five-fold among treating physicians.
12 estral complex increased, exemplified by the five-fold amplification of the AbdB-related genes, leadi
13 pc(Min/CKO) or Apc(1638N/CKO)) was increased five-fold and essentially all of the Apc-deficient cells
14                           The incidence rose five-fold and mortality doubled as age increased from 65
15 s in the urine; tolvaptan increased recovery five-fold and reduced ECV deposition in kidney tissue.
16 iple junctions in graphene consist mostly of five-fold and seven-fold carbon rings.
17 ll cycle involves the induction of NFkappaB (five-fold) and cyclin D1 (three-fold).
18 wsone increased the rate of Te(VI) reduction five-fold, and the fraction of Te recovered as extracell
19                             Rates vary about five-fold around the world, but they are increasing in r
20          At Survey I, a significant four- to five-fold association with total SCIN score emerged for
21 increases the knock-in efficiency by two- to five-fold at different loci, whereas NHEJ inhibitor SCR7
22 CARTp-IR cells was significantly reduced (by five-fold) at P14, and this reduced number persisted int
23 rangement of dimers around their icosahedral five-fold axes is almost identical, whereas the quasi-si
24 dle of five alpha-helices co-linear with the five-fold axis of symmetry.
25  two-fold symmetry axis and surrounding each five-fold axis, three separate protrusions surrounding e
26  each three-fold axis, and a channel at each five-fold axis.
27 cking studies predict Fab binding will leave five-fold clustered epitopes exposed.
28 RPC6 channel activity was increased by about five-fold compared to channel activity with low Ca(2+) b
29 hat fully hydrated complex of F(-) is mainly five-fold coordinated (showing square pyramid structure)
30                                              Five-fold cross tests on a widely used benchmark dataset
31  the ABGEN algorithm has been tested using a five-fold cross validation with the existing Fab structu
32 d strong performance within the PPMI cohort (five-fold cross-validated R(2) 41%, 95% CI 35-47) and si
33 nsive benchmarking experiments based on both five-fold cross-validation and independent tests indicat
34                                              Five-fold cross-validation and the Area Under Receiver O
35                                   Stratified five-fold cross-validation identified FA in the SN(FA-SN
36                                            A five-fold cross-validation on the database achieved a po
37   The prediction accuracies were examined by five-fold cross-validation on the genotype-phenotype dat
38                               In this paper, five-fold cross-validation test results based on the sam
39                   EL_PSSM-RT is evaluated by five-fold cross-validation using PDNA-62 and PDNA-224 as
40 RT and two existing PSSM encoding methods by five-fold cross-validation.
41 set using leave-one-out cross-validation and five-fold cross-validations.
42               Quercus gambelii experienced a five-fold decrease in conspecific fruit set at HZ relati
43 f the Era-1 mutant protein showed a four- to five-fold decrease in the ability to convert GTP to GDP.
44 rse mesh surrounding the portal vein becomes five-fold denser through elongation, corrugation, and ra
45  the capsid surface between the two-fold and five-fold depressions.
46 logic stage III melanoma was demonstrated by five-fold differences in 5-year survival rates for defin
47                             We demonstrate a five-fold dominant protective association for G2 against
48                      These changes include a five-fold elongation of the retinal cell body and the mo
49 bition of sumoylation at Lys14 could enhance five-fold ERRalpha1's response to coactivator GRIP-1.
50 cide was 5.1 (95% CI, 4.8-5.3), suggesting a five-fold excess of suicides in male prisoners, with a p
51 P cells, which produce no IGF-II and express five-fold fewer IGF-IRs, die in serum-free media or foll
52    Upon reaction with HNO, CuDHX1 displays a five-fold fluorescence turn-on in cuvettes and is select
53 -type and mutated terminators increased over five-fold from rates observed during transcriptionally r
54 eeks, hearts from experimental rats had over five-fold greater capillary density, 70% reduction in ap
55  We demonstrate that d-AuNPs are stable in a five-fold greater salt concentration than citrate-capped
56 ter implantation, the survival MSC(HO-1) was five-fold greater than the MSC(LacZ) group; MSC(HO-1) al
57      However, T. cordata exhibited a two- to five-fold greater wood elastic modulus than its relative
58 s with exceptionally high drug loading-up to five fold higher encapsulation efficiency and drug loadi
59 lds higher than to Poaceae, and greater than five folds higher than to Oleaceae and Asteraceae.
60 hma characteristics to a similar degree as a five-fold higher dose of DEP.
61 nitrogen and creatinine levels were at least five-fold higher in the transgenic mice, which also deve
62 lobin concentration of 100 g/L or less had a five-fold higher in-hospital mortality rate after surger
63 exhibited 1.8-fold higher AT1R densities and five-fold higher levels of Ang II-stimulated inositol ph
64                     MV was associated with a five-fold higher mortality hazard (hazard ratio 5.59, co
65 vels above the median were associated with a five-fold higher risk of periodontitis (95% CI = 1.6 to
66 omes per mouse, a dose that is approximately five-fold higher than doses of scAAV-shRNA vectors that
67 emic exposure to 5-FU as measured by AUC was five-fold higher than that observed after administration
68 egrees C, Vc,max.25 and Jmax.25 were two- to five-fold higher than the values used to parameterize cu
69 ified PN401 dose schedule were approximately five-fold higher than those achieved with 5-FU alone.
70 F with hemolysis, peak ubiquitin levels were five-fold higher than without hemolysis (p < .05).
71 ls of NOS1beta mRNA and protein were 30- and five-fold higher, respectively, than those of NOS1alpha
72                                     Four- to five-fold-higher endotoxin levels were detected in LAP p
73 als) to reach plateau, yielding as much as a five-fold improvement in performance at a rate of approx
74      Here, we report that CS/DS is increased five-fold in human biopsies of esophagus squamous cell c
75 ading to an additional increase of more than five-fold in imaging contrast in vivo.
76 nt centres and increasing case ascertainment five-fold in November, 2014, can avert 77 312 (95% CI 68
77 rgone rapid growth, with an increase of over five-fold in the number of processed samples and consequ
78 a) induced cell death and apoptosis (two- to five-fold) in GBM cells.
79                    Similarly, NGF elicited a five-fold increase in activated ERKs.
80 d and MEFs from PKCdelta knockout mice had a five-fold increase in cell migration relative to the wil
81 s overproducing Cyp4a12 exhibited a four- to five-fold increase in cell proliferation compared with c
82 n generated SOD1 transgenic (Tg) rats with a five-fold increase in copper zinc superoxide dismutase a
83 covariates, intubation was associated with a five-fold increase in odds of next-day delirium with odd
84 ll 400 and 2 mM DTBA yielded approximately a five-fold increase in overall iSAT protein synthesis act
85               Platelet counts demonstrated a five-fold increase in PC.
86      The migratory clones exhibit a four- to five-fold increase in protein and mRNA expression of T-l
87 ohol plus the two HIV PIs caused a more than five-fold increase in serum ALT, a synergistic increase
88 al duct surface, leading to an approximately five-fold increase in surface area.
89  organotypic and acute slices was a four- to five-fold increase in the absolute frequency of glutamat
90  organotypic and acute slices was a four- to five-fold increase in the absolute frequency of glutamat
91 -targeted protocol may have been offset by a five-fold increase in the frequency of adult respiratory
92 rmability at 7 days of storage, reflecting a five-fold increase in the number of undeformable cells.
93 d with the periodontal pathogens displayed a five-fold increase in the oxidative stress index compare
94                     This was combined with a five-fold increase in the proportion of astrocytes immun
95                                  There was a five-fold increase in the total number of thymocytes exp
96 ally, lipopolysaccharide induced a three- to five-fold increase in tumor necrosis factor-alpha and in
97 espectively, on the lesioned side; and (v) a five-fold increase in tyrosine hydroxylase-positive fibr
98                                    However a five-fold increase in viral transcripts within the lagoo
99  and arginines in Cp183-EEE, particularly at five-fold, increase capsid stability and reduce CTD expo
100 sional scleroderma fibroblasts had three- to five-fold increased levels of PN1 mRNA compared with hea
101  but lower average glucose values had almost five-fold increased odds of hospital mortality (odds rat
102 BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation (noncarriers) have a five-fold increased risk of breast cancer.
103 th Asian backgrounds living in the UK have a five-fold increased risk of diabetes and a two-fold incr
104    Patients with LAV >32 ml/m2 had an almost five-fold increased risk of POAF, independently of age a
105                                              Five-fold increases in each size, number of terminal den
106 o-fold in responding T cells, accompanied by five-fold increases of TNFalpha, IL-6, and IL-8.
107                  Brightness of LSSmOrange is five-fold larger than that of the brightest red LSSFP an
108 pts with exon 8 were expressed approximately five-fold less than those with exon 7.
109 l activators and the CTD of bovine BRCA1 had five-fold lower activity when compared to the more acidi
110 .5-fold higher Maximal Velocity (Vmax ), and five-fold lower Michaelis Constant (Km ) than previously
111 y four (8%) had CAC scores of 100 or more, a five-fold lower prevalence than industrialised populatio
112 foci yields per unit dose were approximately five-fold lower than in fibroblast cultures.
113 ly co-localises with IRAP, was approximately five-fold lower.
114 k patients with chest pain were greater than five-fold more likely to receive reperfusion therapy (13
115                                              Five-fold more MCP-1 was required to initiate chemotaxis
116 octahedral NiO5N to edge- and corner-sharing five-fold NiO4N.
117 r the lesion, then increased reaching almost five-fold normal levels six weeks after treatment.
118 shion by coexpression of wild-type PrP, with five-fold overexpression delaying death beyond 1 year.
119 lating inflammatory mediators) was increased five-fold (p < 0.001).
120  (P < 0.01) and protein expression increased five-fold (P = 0.01) between 2 and 24 mo of age.
121  unpurged autografts for low-grade NHL had a five-fold (P =.008) greater risk of relapse than recipie
122          HB-EGF expression was reduced about five-fold (p=0.0001) in pre-eclamptic pregnancies.
123 from hCD59-expressing animals demonstrated a five-fold prolongation in function compared with control
124                Measurement of the spectra of five folded proteins and their unfolding curves at a sin
125 patial resolution and signal strength two to five-fold, recovers cellular and sub-cellular structures
126 noma cells in IRAK-M(-/-) mice resulted in a five-fold reduction in tumor growth as compared with tum
127 mbination of both MSC and LDCT resulted in a five-fold reduction of LDCT false-positive rate to 3.7%.
128 onucleic acid (DNA) probe was used, which is five-fold reduction when compared with the traditional m
129 tions with specific L1 invading arms between five-fold related capsomers.
130 ith the symmetry-mismatched positions of the five-fold related head fibers, suggesting a mechanism fo
131               This is compared to a three to five fold stabilization of the holo wild-type molecule o
132  structures resembles the densest packing of five-fold symmetric stars.
133  torsion could prompt atoms to possess lower five-fold symmetries and higher potential energies, maki
134 nsional quasicrystallites that exhibit local five-fold symmetry and maintain translational and rotati
135 ed an alpha-helical bundle, located near the five-fold symmetry axis of the molecule.
136 y, exhibiting crystallographically forbidden five-fold symmetry elements.
137  is forbidden for periodic crystals (such as five-fold symmetry in the plane and icosahedral symmetry
138 f trypsin-digested capsids show that CTDs at five-fold symmetry vertices are most protected.
139 gnaling with insulin increased by as much as five-fold the amount of eIF4G bound to eIF3.
140 tate plus ionomycin, or CD40 ligand led to a five-fold to 35-fold decrease in BCL-6 mRNA levels.
141  where the metal core changes its shape from five-fold to crystalline-like motifs and can adapt to th
142 n lymphoma in PWHA is unchanged and is still five-fold to fifteen-fold higher than in the general pop
143 isons of mean rates between countries showed five-fold to ten-fold differences in rates of agency ind
144 urface charge constant, results in a four to five fold tumor accumulation of nanoparticles following
145 erent x-ray diffraction investigations on Ag five-fold twinned nanowires (FTNWs) have drawn controver
146          Reminiscent of PrP, ZIP6 levels are five-fold upregulated during EMT and the protein forms a
147  and psychosocial aspects of work; three- to five-fold variation in awareness of someone outside work
148 nceived assembly pathway that initiates at a five-fold vertex and continuously proceeds outwards in a
149 y to epitopes located around the icosahedral five-fold vertex of the capsid.
150 er, form two concentric rings at the special five-fold vertex of the icosahedral capsid.
151 oncurrent with the formation of holes at the five-fold vertices.
152 m albumin (HSA) overall and at 9.4 mCi/mg in five-fold water, 4 and 10% (wt/vol) HSA overall; all wer
153 s that became mechanosensitive was increased five fold when the skin was heated briefly prior to infu
154 on or quantitation, is approximately two- to five-fold when compared with commonly used chromogenic s
155 hyllene or linalool emission increased about five-fold when N. benthamiana VAMP72 function was blocke
156 ased viability of a priA2::kan strain two to five-fold whereas recF null priA2::kan double mutants we
157 put of the PacBio RSII platform by more than five-fold, while maintaining the ability to correctly ca
158 creased only modestly (approximately two- to five-fold) with liver fibrosis in mice and humans, demon

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