


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 lishment of a biofilm within its vector, the flea.
2 dents and humans via the bite of an infected flea.
3  proventriculus or produced a biofilm in the flea.
4 ic plague, blocks feeding by its vector, the flea.
5 etween maternal host and principal host of a flea.
6 -PhoQ two-component regulatory system in the flea.
7 ds produced by its primary prey, small water fleas.
8 cteria; yet only Y. pestis forms biofilms in fleas.
9 ease that is spread from mammal to mammal by fleas.
10 e and to be transmitted from host to host by fleas.
11 e agent of plague, is usually transmitted by fleas.
12  but not bubonic plague, when transmitted by fleas.
13 stis recently evolved, is not transmitted by fleas.
14 elegans and the ability to colonize or block fleas.
15 en 1939 and 1998 from patients, animals, and fleas.
16 mples were prepared from 381 field-collected fleas.
17 ive alternative for identifying Y. pestis in fleas.
18 he Bartonella variants carried by individual fleas.
19 ae is transmitted experimentally to cats via fleas.
20 gue, is transmitted by the bites of infected fleas.
21 thropod hosts across the globe, primarily in fleas.
22 sufficient to make Y. pestis orally toxic to fleas.
23 erium associated with wild rodents and their fleas.
24 is colonization and biofilm formation in cat fleas.
25  in host-opportunistic than in host-specific fleas.
26 of Bartonella infection in either rodents or fleas.
27 tentially other human pathogens, vectored by fleas.
28  to three challenges with Y. pestis-infected fleas, 14 of 15 unvaccinated control mice developed plag
29 flea; however, little is known about the cat flea, a species that may bridge zoonotic and anthroponot
30   However, because rodent and, consequently, flea abundance doubled following experimental defaunatio
31               Direct examination of infected fleas, aided by in vitro studies and experiments with th
32 kedly reduces the severity and prevalence of flea allergic dermatitis.
33 ss cohesive biofilm both in vitro and in the flea and had a greatly reduced ability to localize to an
34                     Y. pestis biofilm in the flea and in vitro is dependent on an extracellular matri
35 sylla cheopis and to produce biofilms in the flea and in vitro.
36 families of peptides are also shared by both fleas and are unique to these organisms.
37 atasi, and possibly other arthropods such as fleas and bed bugs, the strong saliva-induced DTH respon
38            Yersinia pestis is transmitted by fleas and causes bubonic plague, characterized by severe
39 apanese in World War II with plague-infected fleas and cholera-coated flies and of the Americans duri
40  heaviest in coastal and temperate climates, fleas and flea-borne disease agents can occur almost any
41 n experimentally infected Xenopsylla cheopis fleas and in experimentally infected monkey blood and or
42 e in humans follows transmission by infected fleas and is characterized by an acute, necrotizing lymp
43 orm, whipworm, pinworm, Chinese liver fluke, fleas and lice.
44 n the expected rate of spread by blocked rat fleas and that observed during the Black Death has even
45 s once monthly oral agent for the control of fleas and ticks on dogs and cats which was directly comp
46 t repellents, or products to control lice or fleas and ticks on pets.
47    The recently discovered glycine-rich snow flea antifreeze protein (sfAFP) has no sequence homology
48             Here, we show that, for the snow flea antifreeze protein (sfAFP), stability and cooperati
49 to determine the X-ray structure of the snow flea antifreeze protein (sfAFP).
50 trix enveloping the Y. pestis biofilm in the flea appeared to incorporate components from the flea's
51               The immature stages of the cat flea are extremely susceptible to environmental factors
52                                          Cat fleas are the most important ectoparasite of cats and do
53 acquisition of new genes, allowing it to use fleas as transmission vectors.
54     This mutant was able to infect and block fleas as well as the parental wild-type strain, indicati
55 ilar to holotricin was found only in the cat flea, as were the abundantly expressed Cys-less peptide
56 human granulocytic ehrlichiosis; a novel cat flea-associated typhus group rickettsiosis; bartonellose
57 ase, flea-borne typhus, and plague are three flea-associated zoonoses of cats of concern in the USA.
58 (6R,7S)-himachala-9,11-diene in the crucifer flea beetle Phyllotreta striolata, a compound previously
59 ighly susceptible to attack by an indigenous flea beetle, Epitrix cucumeris, and the Colorado potato
60                                  Phyllotreta flea beetles are adapted to crucifer plants (Brassicales
61 ing field data on prairie community ecology, flea behavior, and plague-transmission biology, we find
62  biofilm formation and essentially abolishes flea biofilms.
63 nd humans, C. felis felis is responsible for flea bite allergy dermatitis and the transmission of dog
64                              Transmission by flea bite is a relatively recent adaptation that disting
65 ional lymph nodes that drain the intradermal flea bite site.
66 e by increasing bacterial dissemination from flea bite sites and incidentally enhanced replication in
67 ive for C. elegans biofilm formation and for flea blockage but only moderately defective in an in vit
68 ify genes and pathways involved in Y. pestis flea blockage.
69 f ilp had no effect on bacterial blockage of flea blood feeding or colonization.
70 cuses on the ecology and epidemiology of the flea-borne bacterial zoonoses mentioned above with an em
71                            We identified the flea-borne Bartonella parasites infecting sympatric popu
72 ionary model in which Y. pestis emerged as a flea-borne clone, with each genetic change incrementally
73 in coastal and temperate climates, fleas and flea-borne disease agents can occur almost anywhere in t
74                                        Other flea-borne human pathogens have emerged recently (e.g.,
75 he evolution and emergence of Y. pestis as a flea-borne pathogen.
76                                Understanding flea-borne pathogens, and the associated risks for owner
77  vaccines for the ability to protect against flea-borne plague.
78 g examples from tick-borne Lyme borreliosis; flea-borne plague; and mosquito-borne dengue, malaria, a
79 ace antigens are more closely related to the flea-borne R. typhi than to the mite-borne R. akari.
80                                          For flea-borne Rickettsia typhi, the etiological agent of mu
81                                            A flea-borne rickettsia, previously referred to as ELB, ha
82  scenario in which plague first emerged as a flea-borne septicemic disease of limited transmissibilit
83 blocked, as a model for studying alternative flea-borne transmission mechanisms.
84                  Here, we show that although flea-borne transmission usually leads to bubonic plague
85  have contributed to the recent evolution of flea-borne transmission.
86 abling proventricular blockage and efficient flea-borne transmission.
87 ked fleas has been the accepted paradigm for flea-borne transmission.
88  the evolutionary adaptation of Y. pestis to flea-borne transmission.
89                         Cat-scratch disease, flea-borne typhus, and plague are three flea-associated
90                                              Flea-borne zoonoses such as plague (Yersinia pestis) and
91 pod vector, plague epizootics require a high flea burden per host, even when the susceptible host pop
92 he flea life cycle, targeting not only adult fleas but also the immature stages in the environment, c
93 rrelated with the number of bites by blocked fleas but not with the total number of fleabites.
94 ue depends on blockage of the foregut of the flea by a mass of plague bacilli.
95                      The bacteria can starve fleas by blocking their digestive tracts, which stimulat
96   The predatory zooplankton, the spiny water flea (Bythotrephes longimanus), invaded the Laurentian G
97                                   Control of fleas can be achieved, over a timescale of several month
98 ctious window often followed by death of the flea, cannot sufficiently explain the rapid rate of spre
99       However, due to the lack of any stable flea cell line or a published flea genome sequence, litt
100 given rodent from the principal host of this flea; changes in FGMCs were lower in the host species mo
101 es of crustaceans in orders Anostraca (water flea), Cladocera (brine shrimp), Isopoda (pill bugs), Am
102 habit temporary freshwater bodies, and water fleas (Cladoceromorpha), which live in all kinds of fres
103 was greater in veterans who reported wearing flea collars during the war (5 of 20, 25%) than in those
104 nce defect for the DeltapgmA mutant, nor was flea colonization or blockage affected.
105                                To address if fleas combat rickettsial infection, we characterized the
106                                     Although flea concentrations may be heaviest in coastal and tempe
107 ection, and after 4 weeks 95% of co-infected fleas contained an average of 103 antibiotic-resistant Y
108 recently, selamectin have revolutionized cat-flea control.
109 e present the analysis of the sialome of cat flea Ctenocephaides felis.
110 kettsial infection, we characterized the cat flea (Ctenocephalides felis) innate immune response to R
111 logy to a Wolbachia strain isolated from cat fleas (Ctenocephalides).
112                                      The cat flea, Ctenocephalides felis felis, is the most important
113 vestigated the chronic toxicity to the water flea Daphnia magna of two HFFRs, aluminum diethylphosphi
114                                 In the water flea Daphnia magna, SSRIs increase offspring production
115 ed by planktonic organisms such as the water flea Daphnia.
116 n in metapopulations of two species of water fleas (Daphnia) in the skerry archipelago of southern Fi
117 s and ponds disable the ability of the water flea, Daphnia pulex to respond effectively to its predat
118 thesis that a transmissible infection in the flea depends on the development of a biofilm on the hydr
119                    Transmission of plague by fleas depends on infection of the proventricular valve i
120 icient early-phase transmission by unblocked fleas described in our study calls for a paradigm shift
121  highly bacteremic kittens in the absence of fleas did not become infected.
122 obial peptides had a normal phenotype in the flea digestive tract.
123 emain infectious for a long time because the fleas do not suffer block-induced mortality.
124  We evaluated the effects of four species of flea ectoparasites (Parapulex chephrenis, Synosternus cl
125 netic analysis correlated plasma levels with flea efficacy.
126 and were epidemiologically linked to cat and flea exposure (P< or =0.004), whereas those with B. quin
127 dulisporamides was examined in an artificial flea feeding system for intrinsic systemic potency as we
128 lization and adherence of the biofilm to the flea foregut is essential for transmission.
129 -mediated bacterial biofilm formation in the flea foregut, which greatly increased transmissibility.
130 ility of Y. pestis to produce biofilm in the flea foregut.
131 reduced ability to localize to and block the flea foregut.
132 .henselae isolates was evaluated by removing fleas from the naturally bacteremic, flea-infested catte
133  of any stable flea cell line or a published flea genome sequence, little is known regarding R. typhi
134  only is the PhoP-PhoQ system induced in the flea gut environment, but also this induction is require
135 sting ex vivo biofilm-forming ability to the flea gut environment, thus enabling proventricular block
136  acquisition and fitness of Y. pestis during flea gut infection, consistent with posttranscriptional
137 ynthesis is not required for survival in the flea gut.
138 genetic exchange with microbial flora of the flea gut.
139 xic digestion product of blood plasma in the flea gut.
140 rd" for identifying Yersinia pestis-infected fleas has been inoculation of mice with pooled flea mate
141  the etiological agent of plague, by blocked fleas has been the accepted paradigm for flea-borne tran
142          In recent years, the control of cat fleas has increasingly relied on the use of IGRs applied
143                      Sialomes of cat and rat fleas have in common the enzyme families of phosphatases
144 ding Yersinia biofilm-forming ability to the flea host environment.
145 val of Y. pestis within the mammalian and/or flea host.
146 iofilm formation has been studied in the rat flea; however, little is known about the cat flea, a spe
147  host reservoir (great gerbil), main vector (flea), human cases, and external (climate) conditions, w
148   Accordingly, we assessed R. typhi-mediated flea IMD pathway activation in vivo using small interfer
149 eplicates as a biofilm in the foregut of cat fleas in a manner requiring hmsFR, two determinants for
150                    CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Fleas, in contrast to bloodsucking Nematocera (mosquitoe
151 ith increasing environmental temperature for fleas infected with either wild type or pPla- Y. pestis.
152 ry's deadliest infections, is transmitted by fleas infected with Yersinia pestis.
153 s required for growth on acetate but not for flea infection or virulence in mice.
154                                              Flea infestation was a significant risk factor for B. he
155                           Following an acute flea infestation, a dog developed an unusual clinical pr
156                                              Flea infestation, adoption from a shelter or as a stray
157 emoving fleas from the naturally bacteremic, flea-infested cattery cats and transferring these fleas
158 eremia, the prevalence of B. henselae in the fleas infesting these cats, and whether B. henselae is t
159 ive genomics, and investigations of Yersinia-flea interactions have disclosed the important steps in
160                                 The Yersinia-flea interactions that enable plague transmission cycles
161 ch has been proposed as a model of Y. pestis-flea interactions.
162  results suggest that feeding obstruction in fleas is a biofilm-mediated process and that biofilms ma
163 ce of infection and transmission via blocked fleas is a dominant paradigm in the literature, our mode
164 rders are secondarily wingless (for example, fleas, lice, grylloblattids and mantophasmatids), with a
165 ost invasive vectors, such as anthropophilic fleas, lice, kissing bugs, and mosquitoes.
166 t based upon a detailed understanding of the flea life cycle, targeting not only adult fleas but also
167                          Possibly the oldest flea-like animals known, they provide a challenge to the
168                                          New flea-like fossils from China provide a rare, tantalizing
169                The poor vector competence of fleas likely imposed selective pressure that favored the
170 ng of how these organisms are transmitted by fleas, maintained in zoonotic cycles, and transmitted to
171 eas has been inoculation of mice with pooled flea material.
172              Horizontal gene transfer in the flea may be the source of antibiotic-resistant Y. pestis
173 smissible infection, Y. pestis colonizes the flea midgut and forms a biofilm in the proventricular va
174  that unrelated co-infecting bacteria in the flea midgut are readily incorporated into these aggregat
175 chia coli donor to Y. pestis occurred in the flea midgut at a frequency of 10-3 after only 3 days of
176 Y. pestis recently evolved, can colonize the flea midgut but does not form a biofilm in the foregut.
177 l infection rates and bacterial loads in the flea midgut but produced a less cohesive biofilm both in
178           The other strains persisted in the flea midgut for 4 weeks but did not increase in numbers,
179 d of 110 kb, however, failed to colonize the flea midgut normally, indicating that one or more genes
180              By enabling colonization of the flea midgut, acquisition of this PLD may have precipitat
181 d resistance to antibacterial factors in the flea midgut, and extending Yersinia biofilm-forming abil
182 s tested, were unable to stably colonize the flea midgut.
183 egulated at 21 degrees C in vitro and in the flea midgut.
184                          Although infectious fleas might be an important source of infection and tran
185 d that, in contrast to the classical blocked flea model, O. montana is immediately infectious, transm
186 amides were selected for evaluation in a dog/flea model; pharmacokinetic analysis correlated plasma l
187  the complex habits of mosquitoes, ticks and fleas; most vector-borne viruses or bacteria infect anim
188 ids, proved able to block Xenopsylla cheopis fleas normally.
189 ne is a new insecticide for the treatment of fleas on domesticated pets and has recently been reporte
190 at provide tools for better control of adult fleas on the host.
191                     Plague is transmitted by fleas or contaminated aerosols.
192 ly observed associations between climate and flea population dynamics in India.
193 tic species (including tadpoles, fish, water fleas, protozoan, and bacteria) with known nonspecific t
194                                              Fleas radiated with their vertebrate hosts, including wi
195          These data demonstrate that the cat flea readily transmits B. henselae to cats.
196 on of research on their biology and control, fleas remain such a burden for companion animals and the
197                                          Cat fleas removed from bacteremic cattery cats transmitted B
198                       Infected Vero cell and flea RNAs were reverse transcribed by using random hexam
199 portant human pathogen that is maintained in flea-rodent enzootic cycles in many parts of the world.
200  appeared to incorporate components from the flea's blood meal, and bacteria released from the biofil
201 tants established long-term infection of the flea's midgut but failed to colonize the proventriculus,
202 the host species more closely related to the flea's principal host.
203                             Sixty of the 381 flea samples were positive for Y. pestis by PCR; 48 of t
204 an indicator of the presence of Y. pestis in flea samples.
205 g production and quality of offspring in two flea species (host-specialist Parapulex chephrenis and h
206 nd compatibility barriers by identifying the flea species associated with each rodent host, and the B
207     FGMCs among rodents infested by the same flea species were correlated positively with the phyloge
208                          Currently, only one flea species-the rat flea Xenopsylla cheopis-has been in
209 fspring in a generalist than in a specialist flea, supporting the association between life-history pl
210 but the assemblage of Bartonella variants in fleas tended to reflect the assemblage of Bartonella var
211 gue, replicates as biofilm in the foregut of fleas that feed on plague-infected animals or humans.
212 ed with higher host FGMCs than parasitism by fleas that spent most of their life 'off-host'.
213 l mammals, infectious prairie dog carcasses, fleas that transmit plague without blockage of the diges
214               However, we also found several fleas that were carrying variants never found in the hos
215                                     In these fleas, the plague-causing bacteria are surrounded by an
216  blockage-dependent plague transmission from fleas to mammals.
217 infested cattery cats and transferring these fleas to specific-pathogen-free (SPF) kittens housed in
218 de an experimentally tractable surrogate for fleas to study plague transmission.
219 he disease plague, forms biofilms to enhance flea-to-mammal transmission.
220                                            A flea-to-mouse transmission model was developed for use i
221 barriers mediated by limited between-species flea transfer.
222  subcutaneous route of infection that mimics flea transmission of bubonic plague.
223  of transmission cycles; mechanisms by which fleas transmit Y. pestis; resistance and susceptibility
224  this evolutionary leap from an enteric to a flea-transmitted systemic pathogen.
225                    At the temperature of its flea vector (approximately 20-30 degrees C), the causati
226 ms a bacterial biofilm in the foregut of the flea vector that interferes with normal blood feeding.
227 Thus, the interactions of Y. pestis with its flea vector that lead to colonization and successful tra
228 ole in producing the foregut blockage in the flea vector that precedes transmission.
229 lague, forms a biofilm in the foregut of its flea vector to produce a transmissible infection.
230 es in the non-sterile digestive tract of its flea vector to produce a transmissible infection.
231  generally considered to occur via a blocked flea vector), inhalation of infectious respiratory dropl
232 in vitro, infectivity and maintenance in the flea vector, and lethality in murine models of systemic
233 que life stage in the digestive tract of its flea vector, characterized by rapid formation of a bacte
234 lockage of the foregut proventriculus of its flea vector.
235 o environments of the mammalian host and the flea vector.
236 usative agent of bubonic plague, which has a flea vector.
237 at might interact with the mammalian host or flea vector.
238 o, exhibits significant oral toxicity to the flea vectors of plague, whereas Y. pestis does not.
239 ittle is known regarding R. typhi biology in flea vectors that, importantly, do not suffer lethality
240 ted mortality eliminates 30-40% of infective flea vectors, ureD mutation early in the evolution of Y.
241 olving transmission between rodent hosts and flea vectors.
242 d three gene losses, enabled transmission by flea vectors.
243 rtonella spp. infection in rodents and their flea vectors.
244 lite that exhibits systemic efficacy against fleas via modulation of an invertebrate specific glutama
245 e highest number of eggs produced per female flea was accompanied by the longest duration of developm
246                                         Each flea was analyzed individually by both PCR and mouse ino
247 e maternal host from the principal host of a flea was found in X. ramesis (but not P. chephrenis) wit
248         The altered biofilm phenotype in the flea was not due to lack of PhoPQ-dependent or PmrAB-dep
249 fection of mice, Caenorhabditis elegans, and fleas was investigated.
250 GS: A salivary gland cDNA library from adult fleas was randomly sequenced, assembled, and annotated.
251 , the density of infected hosts and infected fleas was roughly twofold higher in sites where large wi
252                We found that the majority of fleas were host-generalists but the assemblage of Barton
253                            Oropsylla montana fleas were implicated as the vector for disease transmis
254                               A total of 132 fleas were removed from cats whose blood was simultaneou
255 ncipally vectored by insects (i.e., lice and fleas), whereas spotted fever group rickettsiae are excl
256 ive naive cats were injected with feces from fleas which had been feeding on cats infected with a pur
257 can be acquired from the bites of infectious fleas (which is generally considered to occur via a bloc
258 o mammals, including humans, by the bites of fleas whose digestive tracts are blocked by a mass of th
259             Bubonic plague is transmitted by fleas whose feeding is blocked by a mass of Yersinia pes
260             Bubonic plague is transmitted by fleas whose feeding is blocked by a Yersinia pestis biof
261                                Parasitism by fleas with a 'stay on the host body' exploitation strate
262   B. henselae DNA was detected in 34% of 132 fleas, with seasonal variation, but without an associati
263  and Y. pseudotuberculosis to infect the rat flea Xenopsylla cheopis and to produce biofilms in the f
264 ofilm-dependent blockage in the oriental rat flea Xenopsylla cheopis respectively.
265 estis to its most proficient vector, the rat flea Xenopsylla cheopis, and subsequent transmission eff
266     Currently, only one flea species-the rat flea Xenopsylla cheopis-has been investigated by means o
267  the midgut of its principal vector, the rat flea Xenopsylla cheopis.
268 terization FS50, a salivary protein from the flea, Xenopsylla cheopis, that exhibits an inhibitory ac

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