


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ere centered on the maximum of the posterior float.
2 ique of oxygen sensors deployed on profiling floats.
3 d contractility diminished Rho activity in a floating 3D collagen gel, and corresponded to a loss of
4                    Increasing the density of floating 3D collagen gels also disrupted tubulogenesis,
5     Only reporters captured on micro-bubbles float above the dye and become visible in an analyte-dep
6 and breast cancer risk used a method called "floating absolute risks" (FARs) to compute confidence in
7  We conducted microcosm experiments in which floating acid mine drainage (AMD) microbial biofilms wer
8 s that wild African gourds could have simply floated across the Atlantic during the Late Pleistocene.
9 c substrates, and is also capable of forming floating aggregates.
10 minating glaciers, the breakup of melange, a floating aggregation of sea ice and icebergs, has been a
11  and Octopus (Abdopus) aculeatus, a clump of floating algae.
12                          In this study, free-floating algal mats were collected from SLBE and other s
13 flap lying on the anterior lens (stage 2), a floating and folding translucent membrane behind the iri
14                                              Floating and stranded marine debris is widespread.
15 dels, the bulk of extracellular tau was free-floating and unaggregated and <0.2% was encapsulated in
16  For example, a reanalysis that ignores Argo floats and assimilates only moored buoys, wrongly repres
17                Primary LECs cultured as free-floating anterior capsulotomy specimens were resistant t
18 d lead ion phytoremediation potential by the floating aquatic macrophyte Lemna minor L.
19 ine floating seismograph, and show that such floats are able to fill the oceanic data gap.
20 , and vertical profiles from co-located Argo floats are used to calculate T/S anomalies.
21 ated with detergent-insoluble complexes that float at increasingly lower densities of sucrose and (2)
22 tors are divided into two groups that can be floated at different potentials.
23 utomatically separated from the solution and floated at the air/water interface.
24 de design, each operated with a potentiostat floated at the electrospray high voltage.
25                              Solid particles floating at a liquid interface exhibit a long-ranged att
26                                      Objects floating at a liquid interface, such as breakfast cereal
27           The negatively charged tail domain floats away from the anionic MT surface while positively
28 ble saline-linked surface RF cautery device (Floating Ball 3.0, TissueLink, Inc.) was used.
29 or with a real-time US image that appears to float beneath the skin and is displayed where it is scan
30 is study investigated the fusion of apposing floating bilayers of egg L-alpha-phosphatidylcholine (eg
31  the first experimental verification in free-floating bilayers.
32 o approximately 500 pN resulted in fusion of floating bilayers.
33  1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine floating bilayers.
34                     Populations grew as free-floating biofilms in artificial sputum medium, mimicking
35                 Experiments on pellicles, or floating biofilms, of Bacillus subtilis showed that whil
36 lly primed maternal endometrium and the free-floating blastocyst.
37    Depending on the ambient noise level, the floats can record between 35 and 63% of distant earthqua
38 Candida biofilm communities differ from free-floating Candida, exhibiting high tolerance to antifunga
39 fter the laser procedure (P<0.001), and free-floating capsulotomies (P<0.001), suggesting an improvin
40                 The number of eyes with free-floating capsulotomies was 35 (17.5%).
41                    Preparation was done via "float casting"; a mixture of hydrophobized zeolite parti
42                                          The floating catalyst chemical vapor deposition (FC-CVD) pro
43                                              Floating catalyst chemical vapor deposition uniquely gen
44 cture and continuous fibre formation using a floating catalyst direct spinning CVD process.
45 tly enhance the rate of CNT formation in the floating catalyst synthesis.
46 monstrate a catalyst control strategy in the floating catalyst system, where the CNT formation proces
47 l population and nuclear condensation in the floating cell population.
48     h2-calponin expression resumes after the floating cells are allowed to form a monolayer in plasti
49 wth is in stark contrast to planktonic, free floating cells, which are more easily eradicated with an
50 urface of oligotrophic Lake Stechlin using a floating chamber approach.
51                                  We used the floating-chamber method in connection with surface water
52 e agreement with measured N(2)O fluxes using floating chambers (9.5-372 mug m(-2) hr(-1)) and correla
53 ods, including eddy covariance measurements, floating chambers, anchored funnels, and boundary model
54 easured at 4 sites on 7 sampling dates using floating chambers.
55 rentiate either into syncytiotrophoblasts in floating chorionic villi or extravillous trophoblasts (E
56                                        These floating chronologies are linked to the absolute calenda
57 ne adsorbed on a solid surface and the other floating close by.
58 rexpression of FGFR1OP2/wit3.0 increased the floating collagen gel contraction of naive oral fibrobla
59    Tubulogenesis required the contraction of floating collagen gels through Rho and ROCK-mediated con
60 oblasts failed to contract three-dimensional floating collagen gels.
61 gs suggest that quiescence of fibroblasts in floating collagen matrices may result from a defect in R
62 thways involved in fibroblast contraction of floating collagen matrices.
63 both stimulate human fibroblasts to contract floating collagen matrices.
64  that lysophosphatidic acid (LPA)-stimulated floating collagen matrix contraction is independent of R
65 ometry, including adjacent, nested, and free-floating colonies.
66  cells (VICs) within three-dimensional, free-floating, compliant, collagen hydrogels, simulating thei
67 These progenitors assemble in scaffold-free, floating conditions and, with the inclusion of native me
68 ell types in maturated NR-like structures as floating cultures, thereby revealing the multipotency of
69  determine that both villous protrusions and floating cysts contribute to PEC translocation to myocar
70 y and failed to form villous protrusions and floating cysts.
71 lable satellite altimetry and Argo profiling float data, we showed that the eddy-induced zonal mass t
72 ration made over 21 months using a profiling float deployed near the Hawaii Ocean Time-series station
73                                        Night floats described in 33 studies involved 5 to 7 consecuti
74 ending upon whether matrices are attached or floating during matrix remodeling.
75 in fear extinction as well as an increase in floating during the forced swim test, indicative of a de
76 ant exudative fluid collection with diffuse, floating echoes and thin, incomplete internal septations
77 victa struggle in water, whereas a group can float effortlessly for days?
78 serving as the upstream grounding point in a floated electrospray emitter system was replaced with a
79 ut fish (n = 5) over a six week period using floating emergence traps.
80 e at a relatively high frequency about their floating equilibrium before coming to stop under viscous
81 leaf pockets supports prolific growth of the floating fern Azolla filiculoides.
82 ar matrix and to remodel and contract a free-floating fibroblast-populated type I collagen lattice.
83                                         Free-floating fibroblast-populated type I collagen lattices w
84 btained by transferring nanoparticles from a floating film onto a substrate in a dip-coating fashion.
85 ices and onto dissociated substrate cells on floating filters (spot assay), we demonstrate that ventr
86          Distinct C-H bands were detected in floated flocs after electrolysis, suggesting the sorptio
87 eployments (often in the order of 30 min) of floating flux chambers.
88 cation) and feature selection via sequential floating forward search and the t-test.
89       The DNA obtained is of high purity and floating free in solution, and it can be directly analyz
90 any tandem repeats formed microcolonies that floated freely in the medium.
91 mbedded in the retina, whereas the other end floated freely in the vitreous.
92                   The preimplantation embryo floats freely within the oviduct and is capable of devel
93         The elimination of the commonly used floating gate architecture reduces the chance of electro
94          The photon-generated charges on the floating gate cause high resistance regions in the trans
95 tion by an order of magnitude, compared to a floating gate electrode.
96  interface, as evidenced by the response of "floating gate" configuration devices.
97                When DNA is hybridized at the floating gate, it offsets the primary gate voltage felt
98 ched between two gate dielectric layers as a floating gate.
99 The key aspect of the design is the use of a floating-gate electrode functionalized with ssDNA whose
100                         Electret and organic floating-gate memories are next-generation flash storage
101 It is distinguished from mostly organic nano-floating-gate memories by using the electret dielectric
102  time, compared to electret and organic nano-floating-gate memory devices.
103 uMOS features control (CG), sensing (SG) and floating gates (FG), allows the quiescent point to be in
104                                  This "super-float-gating" mechanism enables very high sensitivity ph
105 cale liquid domains within membranes of free-floating giant unilamellar vesicles with diameters betwe
106 ith fluorine and copper has been prepared on float glass substrates.
107         The homeodomain transcription factor Floating head (Flh) is required for the generation of ne
108                                              floating head, a mutant with defective pineal developmen
109 t the grounding line is greater than that of floating ice in hydrostatic equilibrium.
110  marks the boundary between grounded ice and floating ice shelf-is underway.
111 ional retreat of glaciers, disintegration of floating ice shelves and a 'greening' through the expans
112             Most of these glaciers flow into floating ice shelves over bedrock up to hundreds of mete
113                                              Floating ice shelves preserve few direct traces after th
114                                          The floating ice shelves surrounding the Antarctic Ice Sheet
115 oday, the ice sheet is fringed by vulnerable floating ice shelves that buttress the fast flow of inla
116 ential to reduce the thickness and extent of floating ice shelves, potentially limiting their ability
117 sponse to oceanic forcing, especially of the floating ice shelves.
118 tal shelf cause melting of the undersides of floating ice shelves.
119                 We suggest the presence of a floating ice tongue since at least 300 AD lasting until
120  are usually inaccessible beneath a cover of floating ice.
121                     Whereas BaCaps were free floating immediately after delivery, they consolidated i
122 ther with more biofilm, suggesting that they float in a preferred orientation.
123           Covering the surface of villi that float in blood, syncytiotrophoblasts express the neonata
124                                    Platelets float in the blood as discoid particles.
125       Secreted signaling molecules typically float in the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane or fre
126  liquid interface, such as breakfast cereals floating in a bowl of milk or bubbles at the surface of
127 oteins, instead of being isolated components floating in a fluid lipid environment, can be assembled
128 eaf and PS and cholesterol in the inner leaf floating in a sea of PC and PE in both leaves.
129 survey of neustonic micro- and meso-plastics floating in Mediterranean waters, providing the first ex
130              Fully nanodimensional GO flakes floating in nitrogen gas were incorporated with Au nanop
131 adable polyester reported for the first time floating in off-shore waters.
132 ocation chambers (cdPCR) or aqueous droplets floating in oil (ddPCR).
133 del of the human omentum, as opposed to free-floating in the intraperitoneal cavity (IP) in mice.
134 ious types of miniature semiconductor diodes floating in water act as self-propelling particles when
135 ssing, gap crossing, texture discrimination, floating in water, and whisking laterality.
136              The experiment deployed 17 Argo floats in an anticyclonic eddy (AC) with enhanced daily
137  motion of a polymer-coated metal oscillator floating inside a surrounding tube.
138 collected a peat core 4 m long from the free-floating island of Posta Fibreno, a relic mire in Centra
139                                              Floating islands mysteriously moving around on lakes wer
140      The incorporation of the enzymes to the floating layers to form Tyr/AA/LuPc2 and Lac/AA/LuPc2 fi
141                     Foliar application and a floating-leaf assay in the presence of the inducer shows
142 dition of an exponential component with free floating lifetime to the constrained model, in which the
143  shallower water reduces a male's ability to float, limits the inflation of his vocal sac, and conseq
144  precursors, and how they can stabilize free-floating lipid microdiscs.
145                         Here, we exploit the floating liquid marble, a liquid droplet coated with hyd
146                                              Floating liquid marbles allow the OECs to freely associa
147                                      We used floating liquid marbles to co-culture OECs with Schwann
148 nd fibronectin matrix assembly, and produced floating macrophages rather than B lymphocytes.
149  irreversibly inhibits the formation of free-floating mammospheres to an extent similar to that of sa
150 tic has a longer half-life than most natural floating marine substrates, and a hydrophobic surface th
151 ions at desired locations using electrically floated masks to focus the metal ions to an area as litt
152 how that serum stimulation of fibroblasts in floating matrices does not result in ERK translocation t
153  ERK pathway was decreased in fibroblasts in floating matrices.
154 e data suggest that PDGF- and LPA-stimulated floating matrix contraction utilize myosin II-dependent
155 x models: cell migration in nested matrices, floating matrix contraction, and stressed-released matri
156            This is achieved by fabricating a floating metallic structure that concentrates the pyroel
157 characterized the quantity and morphology of floating micro- and macroplastics in 29 Great Lakes trib
158  The wave angular momentum is transferred to floating micro-particles, guiding them along closed traj
159    Transmembrane recordings were made with a floating microelectrode from the anterior right ventricu
160  1999, we estimated a minimum of 21,290 t of floating microplastic.
161 st accumulation of peat ever found in a free-floating mire, yet it has formed during the past seven c
162  These fascinating ecosystems, known as free-floating mires, have been extensively investigated from
163                             Pumice rafts are floating mobile accumulations of low-density pumice clas
164 Planum's polygons and the dimensions of the 'floating mountains' (the hills of of water ice along the
165 sonal fluctuations in temperature, but their floating nature meant that water-table depth was not a k
166 -mm gap between paired dermal equivalents in floating, nested collagen matrices.
167 oits the aggregative behavior of tuna around floating objects (FADs).
168 tes leads to interdiffusion and the virtual 'floating' of viruses to the surface.
169 n area closed to fishing was free of visibly floating oil and all sensory and chemical results for th
170 y allowing even mild wave action to disperse floating oil into tiny droplets (<70 mum) in the water c
171 re copackaged in the ER-budded vesicles that float on a Nycodenz gradient.
172 gent-resistant membranes, and these proteins float on sucrose gradients with Cav-1-rich fractions.
173  be sedimented by high-speed centrifugation, floated on sucrose gradients at a density of 1.1 g/ml, a
174  fine droplets of the extraction solvent are floated on the mixture, and the phase separation is simp
175 d tunable whispering gallery mode microlaser floating on a liquid surface fabricated by using inkjet
176        Besides, networklike g-C3N4 membranes floating on a water surface are created and can be readi
177  dilute film of polymer-coated nanoparticles floating on a water surface.
178                  Mice ran on Styrofoam balls floating on air while viewing one of three different, hi
179  retinas are placed on polycarbonate filters floating on explant culture medium and fed every day wit
180 the catalytic domains, with the PLAT domains floating on the flexible linkers away from the main body
181  35 years by deliberate plantation and seeds floating on the tide.
182 .82-sun illumination (825 W/m(2)), a GO leaf floating on water generated steam at a rate of 1.1 L per
183 rom above is shone on a dye-doped LCE sample floating on water, the LCE 'swims' away from the light,
184 has volumetric anomalies-water's solid (ice) floats on its liquid; pressure can melt the solid rather
185 th high contact angle up to 147 degrees that floats on the surface of an oil-water mixture.
186  to form a sandwich which, after incubation, floats on the surface of the sample.
187 on, even at high coverages, leaving the SAM "floating" on the Au surface.
188           Ten-mum-thick tissue sections were floated onto Low-E (IR-reflective) slides for ATR-FTIR o
189 ated around broken cells or cell debris with floating open ends, eDNAs produced via the lysis-indepen
190 dociasulfates showed no signs of either free-floating or bead-bound adociasulfate aggregates.
191  limit on the frequency of Jupiter-mass free-floating or wide-orbit planets of 0.25 planets per main-
192 tion method based on the solidification of a floating organic drop (DLLME-SFO) was developed for the
193  techniques based on the solidification of a floating organic drop (VA-DLLME-SFO) and salt-assisted c
194  cadmium in herb samples based on solidified floating organic drop microextraction (SFODME) using 1-(
195 extraction method based on solidification of floating organic droplet (DLLME-SFO) was developed for t
196 liquid-liquid microextraction and solidified floating organic droplets (AA-LDS-LLME-SFOD) prior to sp
197                                          The floating oscillator-embedded triboelectric generator (FO
198 ly decays by the residual oscillation of the floating oscillator.
199 eformed, transferred to other substrates, or floated out to produce free-standing macroscopic fabrics
200  wander, involving reorientation of Europa's floating outer ice shell about the tidal axis with Jupit
201  pound174 877-818 000), and pound172 114 for floating outreach ( pound17 126-491 692).
202 sidential care, 35 supported housing, and 30 floating outreach services.
203 02 to 0.126, p=0.306) and lower for those in floating outreach than in residential care (-0.424, -0.7
204              People in supported housing and floating outreach were more socially included but experi
205 ons-residential care, supported housing, and floating outreach-and recruited up to ten service users
206  severe mental health problems than those in floating outreach.
207 ween the P and shell domains and between the floating P domains were modeled.
208  maximum packing volume fraction as the sole floating parameter while holding the intrinsic viscosity
209 nts and the preexponential coefficients are "floating" parameters, allows the relative concentration
210           Herein, we show a novel and simple floating particle coating method can give closely packed
211 , however the polymeric composition of these floating particles is still largely unknown.
212 aneous, template-free organization into free-floating particulate sheets, which resemble the assembly
213 tion of other biological fluids that contain floating particulates or aggregates.
214           Cloned hCSSC were cultured as free-floating pellets in serum-free media for 3 weeks.
215                               A custom-built floating pin microspotter was constructed to deliver sol
216 ysis of sediment cores recovered beneath the floating Pine Island Glacier ice shelf, and constrain th
217                            A handful of free-floating planetary-mass objects have been discovered by
218 etion models interpret brown dwarfs and free-floating planets as protostars ejected from star-forming
219 e of exploring the entire population of free-floating planets down to Mars-mass objects, because the
220 ence of Earth-mass and super-Earth-mass free-floating planets, as predicted by planet-formation theor
221                      Unlike individual, free-floating planktonic bacteria, biofilms are surface-attac
222  with properties distinct from those of free-floating (planktonic) cells.
223            We present an extensive survey of floating plastic debris in the eastern North and South P
224 rising concern regarding the accumulation of floating plastic debris in the open ocean.
225 Our observations of the size distribution of floating plastic debris point at important size-selectiv
226 sinks removing millimeter-sized fragments of floating plastic on a large scale.
227 been studied after short-term exposure or on floating plastic, yet a prominent share of plastic litte
228 esynaptic and postsynaptic dependency of the floating plasticity threshold is justified by a cascade
229 pendent plasticity learning rules with local floating plasticity thresholds, the slow dynamics of whi
230 aecal matter represents a mechanism by which floating plastics can be vertically transported away fro
231 zation, and may confound comparisons of free-floating plastics.
232                 Paroxetine-treated long-time floating (PLF) and paroxetine-treated short-time floatin
233 curacy that is limited only by the errors of floating point arithmetic.
234  algorithm on a number of integer-and real- (floating point) valued RNA-seq WIG files generated by th
235 w can be remedied by using exact rather than floating-point arithmetic.
236 culation, has an arithmetic intensity of 130 floating-point operations per 64 bytes of I/O, or 2.03 o
237 ly requires ((log(n)+log(1/epsilon))mn+n(3)) floating-point operations.
238         We have found that using low-latency floating-point operators can significantly reduce FPGA a
239 d a specialized synthesis tool to generate a floating-point pipeline with resource and throughput con
240                                     A freely floating polymer film, tens of nanometers in thickness,
241  Compression of monolayers into stable, free-floating products may be a general and preparative appro
242                                   Autonomous floats profiling in high-nitrate low-silicate waters of
243 ttributes that facilitate dispersal, such as floating propagules.
244 results in the spontaneous formation of free-floating pseudoislets (PIs).
245 ting (PLF) and paroxetine-treated short-time floating (PSF) groups were stratified as proxies for dru
246 bserving system, with the deployment of Argo floats reducing a warm bias in the original observing sy
247 revealed by trajectories of subsurface RAFOS floats released during the period 2003-2005 that recorde
248 ion for two years, and by model-simulated 'e-floats' released in the subpolar DWBC.
249 ) copolymer (PLGA) fiber microfilaments as a floating scaffold to generate elongated embryoid bodies.
250 a traditional program with alternative night float schedules or adopt a "shift" model, both with incr
251 n of the cell, followed by fixation and free-floating section labeling with up to three antibodies, w
252 ofluorescence staining was performed on free-floating sections and on 1-microm ultrathin cryosections
253 stochemistry was performed on 40-microm free-floating sections using a diaminobenzidine labeling proc
254                                         Free floating sections were stained with antibodies against a
255 g standard procedures applied to 30 mum free-floating sections with diaminobenzidine as the chromogen
256 he Indian and Pacific Oceans) by a submarine floating seismograph, and show that such floats are able
257 d B-scan ultrasound confirmed a 4.31 mm free-floating semi-translucent vitreous cyst with a hyperecho
258 ing its stability and function as a "peptide float," separating helix-1 from the rest of the protein.
259 tion results in the formation of giant, free-floating sheets with only 2.7 nm thickness.
260 hift length, protected sleep time, and night float should acknowledge the limitations of this evidenc
261 time, and predicts that the particles either float, sink to the ocean floor, or oscillate vertically,
262                                          The Floating Skeleton concept suggests a biomechanical ratio
263 f photon hopping occurs, we predict a photon-floating solid phase, due to the motion of particle- and
264                One such technology employs a floating, solid-walled enclosure as the primary culture
265 metabolic pathways are catalyzed not by free-floating 'soluble' enzymes, but via one or more membrane
266 s used to transform adherent iPSCs into free-floating spheres that were easy to maintain and were exp
267                                              Floating "spheres" of viable cells, known to contain an
268 eness and clonogenicity and formed more free-floating spheroids and highly branched ductal-like struc
269 l disturbance to blood flow as compared with floating strut that has more significant ISA distance.
270  gene in slacker (slak), a blind mutant with floating synaptic ribbons.
271    For the production of biofortified BLV, a floating system with two level of Ca (100 and 200mgL(-1)
272                Sixteen-hour shifts and night float systems were analyzed separately.
273                      Interventions used were float systems, other cross-coverage systems, or unspecif
274 or some time in the cytosol, and these "free-floating" TGN cisternae produce clathrin-coated vesicles
275        Using the new Argo array of profiling floats that gives unprecedented space-time coverage of t
276  differentiate into tubules when cultured in floating three-dimensional (3D) collagen gels, but not w
277 actile efficiency was investigated in a free-floating, three-dimensional collagen matrix model.
278 ongly correlated with forced swim test (FST) floating time.
279  by conducting in situ hybridization on free-floating tissue sections using (35)S-labeled cDNA probes
280  limit interns' shifts to 16 hours and night float to 6 consecutive nights.
281 n assays showed that UL16(1-155) was able to float to the top of sucrose step gradients when coexpres
282 he molten alloy system, the insoluble carbon floats to the surface where it can be skimmed off.
283 ved CTC imaging in vivo and analysis of free-floating tumor cells now show that cytoskeletal regulati
284  embryonic rat brains and maintained as free-floating undifferentiated neurospheres.
285 illi-syncytiotrophoblasts on the surfaces of floating villi and invasive CTBs that remodel the uterin
286  and smooth muscle cells in blood vessels of floating villi and the chorion.
287  In semen, HIV-1 particles may exist as free-floating virions; inside infected cells; or attached to
288                                          The floating water bridge phenomenon is a freestanding rope-
289 periments have been performed on a series of floating water bridges as a function of applied voltage,
290 ative pachymetry, and preoperative posterior float were found only in the customized group.
291                This mitochondrial proportion floats with mitochondria rather than sedimenting to the
292    By combining mixed-layer depths from Argo floats with satellite retrievals of particulate organic
293  fable: raising the level of water so that a floating worm moved into reach.
294                 The crystals produced by the floating zone technique are free of contamination from f
295 exaboride, SmB6, has been carried out by the floating zone technique using a high power xenon arc lam
296 , 0.6% Mo, and 0.3% W:BiVO4) grown using the floating zone technique.
297 ng synchrotron X-ray diffraction on high-pO2 floating zone-grown single crystals that this transition
298 tal of SmB6 was successfully grown using the float-zone technique; upon continuing the zone melting,
299 meter scale) crystal using a novel refluxing floating-zone method, collecting high-quality single-cry
300 ed to prepare SmB6 single crystals, flux and floating-zone procedures, such ascriptions should not be

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