


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 rmining the acceptance probability itself is fluctuating.
2 esenting symptoms are often non-specific and fluctuating.
3           The statistical properties of such fluctuating active systems differ from those of their eq
4 OA in the cytoplasm at the cell rear and its fluctuating activity at the front edge.
5 dor sources in an open arena using naturally fluctuating airborne odor cues as their positions were r
6 ow that nanodimensional spider silk captures fluctuating airflow with maximum physical efficiency (Vs
7 man biomechanical energy is characterized by fluctuating amplitudes and variable low frequency, and a
8 onsidered critical for plants' adaptation to fluctuating and challenging growth environment.
9 ers the ParA/ParB biochemistry and the known fluctuating and elastic dynamics of chromosomal loci.
10 g pathways responsible for chemodetection in fluctuating and heterogeneous environments might be opti
11                     Sensory inputs are often fluctuating and intermittent, yet animals reliably utili
12          These phases include pinned-jammed, fluctuating, and dynamically ordered states, and each pr
13 target binding to investigate the effects of fluctuating antibiotic concentrations on individual bact
14 eria to efficiently colonize and dominate in fluctuating aquatic environments.
15 h precipitation amounts and air temperatures fluctuating around 0 degrees C) during the last 2-3 deca
16 C (FLC), that bolted dramatically earlier in fluctuating - as opposed to constant - warm temperatures
17 ease in variance and the correlation between fluctuating asymmetry and overall integration through ti
18 ation, and direct developmental integration (fluctuating asymmetry) through 27,000 y of Late Pleistoc
19 nities were linked with species' populations fluctuating asynchronously across space, perhaps stemmin
20 formance was obtained for the EEQ signals in fluctuating background noises that had regular temporal
21 tion of small concentrations of ligands in a fluctuating background of biochemically similar ligands
22  is a random telegraphic signal continuously fluctuating between 0 and 1 with a tunable mean.
23 nter only holding environmental temperatures fluctuating between 4 degrees C to 42 degrees C.
24                      The trimer is flexible, fluctuating between closed and more open conformations a
25  results in adult flies exhibiting increased fluctuating bilateral asymmetry, therefore recapitulatin
26 with individualized dosing during ENDURANCE, fluctuating by <1.5 mean letters from the baseline at al
27 ite to the target, thus cannot exchange upon fluctuating Ca(2+) levels.
28 dditionally, we observe that phage DNAs have fluctuating cellular arrival times and vie for resources
29 the desired function even in the crowded and fluctuating cellular environment.
30                                  We observed fluctuating changes in telomere length and fluctuations
31             Serous retinal detachment showed fluctuating changes over time, with alternating active a
32 bined models), polarizable models (e.g., the fluctuating charge, Drude oscillator, and the induced di
33 e regulated but how they interact with their fluctuating chromatin substrate.
34 y means by which the skin immune system uses fluctuating commensal signals to calibrate barrier immun
35 ression, are related to abnormal patterns of fluctuating communication among brain systems involved i
36 ease (MR; i.e., better speech recognition in fluctuating compared with continuous noise backgrounds)
37 trient cycling genes to fix carbon under the fluctuating conditions that the sandstone rock would exp
38 kely due to the fact that plants grown under fluctuating conditions were not able to fully utilize th
39 ondary metabolite production, and fitness in fluctuating conditions.
40  that DNA exists in a dynamic equilibrium of fluctuating conformations as it is driven by Poiseuille
41 Syndrome) and 17 patients revealing signs of fluctuating consciousness (Minimally Conscious State).
42 temperatures, and instead induces a strongly fluctuating Coulomb spin liquid with defect-induced froz
43 solved or improved in 49.2%, had a steady or fluctuating course in 30.4%, and worsened in 20.4%.
44                         All eyes presented a fluctuating course of serous RD during follow-up.
45 lution, improvement, worsening, or steady or fluctuating course.
46 etermined by stochastic switches of randomly fluctuating cross-antagonistic transcription factors.
47                                              Fluctuating Cu, In and Ga concentrations result in a wid
48 for cytosolic antioxidant protection despite fluctuating Cu.
49  rats were stimulated in vivo with broadband fluctuating currents applied juxtacellularly.
50                                              Fluctuating currents resulted in strong cellular respons
51                               This period of fluctuating disease may last for a decade or more.
52 ade and involved patients with a chronic yet fluctuating disease, the recently proposed "normalized s
53 rk in vesicles derived from mammalian cells, fluctuating domains are observed in ZF4-derived GPMVs, c
54 t how L-DOPA therapy affects the dynamics of fluctuating dopamine concentrations in the striatum on a
55 ee text], we also find a high vortex density fluctuating driven state not obeying the conventional GC
56 ain cell surface molecules are driven by the fluctuating dynamics of cortical cytoskeleton.
57 ical currents, known as Johnson noise, cause fluctuating electric and magnetic fields in proximity to
58                               In particular, fluctuating electric fields due to nearby charge traps o
59 llent agreement with the continuum theory of fluctuating electrodynamics.
60 ived independence', 'feeling terrified' and 'fluctuating emotions' illustrate the experiences of invo
61 ogen uptake optimizes plant performance in a fluctuating environment [1].
62 estigate how the fate of a new mutation in a fluctuating environment depends on the dynamics of envir
63 strated how conditional gene regulation in a fluctuating environment drives dilution of condition-spe
64 ula: see text]), life-history evolution in a fluctuating environment tends to maximize the average po
65  system to facilitate SSC homeostasis in the fluctuating environment within the seminiferous tubule.
66                    To maintain life across a fluctuating environment, cells alternate between phases
67         When yeast cells are challenged by a fluctuating environment, signaling networks activate dif
68 s generalize to any evolving population in a fluctuating environment.
69  age- (or stage-) structured population in a fluctuating environment.
70  outer membrane in response to a continually fluctuating environment.
71 s in external osmolarity as a consequence of fluctuating environmental conditions and colonization of
72               Such anticipatory responses to fluctuating environmental conditions are typically orche
73 velopmental manifestation of heterosis under fluctuating environmental conditions in hybrid progeny o
74     Maintaining constant performance despite fluctuating environmental conditions is of prime interes
75 ons because they were confronted with harsh, fluctuating environmental conditions.
76  enable organisms to anticipate and adapt to fluctuating environmental conditions.
77 photosynthetic processes, particularly under fluctuating environmental conditions.
78 al for maximizing reproductive success under fluctuating environmental conditions.
79  between brain networks dynamically adapt to fluctuating environmental demands.
80 evolved sophisticated mechanisms to adapt to fluctuating environmental nitrogen availability.
81 but the drivers for photoacclimation in such fluctuating environments are poorly understood.
82 asticity can mitigate adaptive trade-offs in fluctuating environments but how plasticity arises is li
83 or genome copy number supports adaptation to fluctuating environments but is also associated with fit
84                           Cells acclimate to fluctuating environments by utilizing sensory circuits.
85 o-noise ratios when deployed in the complex, fluctuating environments found in vivo.
86 o the strength of selection, suggesting that fluctuating environments might select for high-activity
87 an help explain how natural selection across fluctuating environments produces networks that enable l
88                                   Given that fluctuating environments select for individual plasticit
89  we studied genetic constraints in fixed and fluctuating environments using the Escherichia coli lac
90 tal fate decisions, phenotypic plasticity in fluctuating environments, and carcinogenesis.
91                              In periodically fluctuating environments, by contrast, there is an optim
92                                      Despite fluctuating environments, cells must produce the same me
93 ected to evolve in response to unpredictably fluctuating environments.
94 ility of size and form in response to widely fluctuating environments.
95 integrated to determine mature phenotypes in fluctuating environments.
96             All organisms live in temporally fluctuating environments.
97 ve mechanism is robust in a wide spectrum of fluctuating environments.
98  compared to microbial assemblages from more fluctuating environments.
99 e sensing is common in bacteria that live in fluctuating environments.
100 standing microalgal adaptation to stressful, fluctuating environments.
101 ght to play a particularly important role in fluctuating environments.
102 cally to sustain a stable internal milieu in fluctuating environments.
103 tory evolution by facilitating adaptation to fluctuating environments.
104 both benign and harsh, as well as stable and fluctuating, environments can favour the evolution of co
105                 Characterizing the impact of fluctuating enzyme conformation on enzymatic activity is
106          Magnetic field dependence reveals a fluctuating exchange splitting, indicative of a variatio
107 s and neurotransmitters are released through fluctuating exocytotic fusion pores that can flicker ope
108 itions to survival predicted under realistic fluctuating exposure conditions.
109 constant internal nutrient concentrations in fluctuating external environments-is essential to the su
110 ough different hypotheses such as steady and fluctuating external wind and internal metabolic heating
111 A allows P. aeruginosa to rapidly respond to fluctuating extracellular heme levels independent of the
112  persist in these same regions under rapidly fluctuating extreme climatic conditions until the end-Tr
113 ly heterogeneous group of rare diseases with fluctuating fatigable muscle weakness as the clinical ha
114 r magnetic resonance, we show that a rapidly fluctuating FG-Nup populates an ensemble of conformation
115                      The interplay among the fluctuating fields leads to the spatially heterogeneous
116 the detector spin as a sensitive measure for fluctuating fields.
117 ccur by chance, based solely on the neurons' fluctuating firing patterns, or it may occur too frequen
118 rged multispecies diffusion coupled with the fluctuating fluid momentum equation result in enhanced c
119 ics when bonds experience time-dependent and fluctuating forces, as well as potential consequences of
120 hese processes also generate a background of fluctuating forces, which influence intracellular dynami
121 , stripes are widely suspected to exist in a fluctuating form.
122  surface-immobilized 3'-Cy3-labeled ssDNA, a fluctuating FRET signal is observed, consistent with ran
123 es and wide-ranging chromosome copy numbers, fluctuating from 1 up to 55.
124 cess enacted along a continuum of behaviours fluctuating from full to no engagement.
125                              Observations of fluctuating gene expression and phenotypic heterogeneity
126 ex history with respect to contamination and fluctuating geochemical conditions.
127 bility in both initial conditions and slowly fluctuating global factors across the population.
128 ay and white matter volumes, suggesting that fluctuating glucose levels in children with diabetes may
129               An emerging hypothesis is that fluctuating gonadal hormones, especially estrogen, in th
130 need for Fe-S cluster biogenesis varies with fluctuating growth conditions.
131 bserved in the wild type, particularly under fluctuating high levels of light.
132 to serve a rheostat function for integrating fluctuating hormone levels into the ABA-response pathway
133               Our calculations show that the fluctuating hydrodynamics approach recovers the electrop
134 d, demonstrating the self-consistency of the fluctuating hydrodynamics equations.
135 s and sediments and provide insight into how fluctuating hydrologic and redox conditions impact coupl
136 2.12 and HRA1 enables a flexible response to fluctuating hypoxia and is of importance to stress survi
137 ves from their adaptive value in predictably fluctuating (i.e. seasonal) environments.
138 n even in wild type plants, especially under fluctuating illumination, suggesting that Deltapsi-induc
139 ggests that selection on phenotypes is often fluctuating in direction, allowing phenotypes to respond
140 he molecular extension measured for hairpins fluctuating in equilibrium between folded and unfolded s
141 competition of HTS with ferromagnetic order, fluctuating in superconducting samples and static beyond
142 uum of transcriptional states, with a slowly fluctuating initiation rate converting the gene between
143 e olfactory system receives intermittent and fluctuating inputs arising from dispersion of odor plume
144 eet (GIS) varies considerably in response to fluctuating inputs of surface meltwater to the bed of th
145                                              Fluctuating inputs therefore act as an instructive signa
146 ostasis greatly depends on the match between fluctuating insulin demands and adjusted rates of insuli
147 l THz dynamics, changing atomic cohesion and fluctuating interfacial configurations.
148 ult in fewer nuclear spin flip-flops, a less fluctuating intra-crystalline magnetic environment, and
149 G) of the adrenal gland constantly integrate fluctuating ionic, hormonal and paracrine signals to con
150 dal Oscillation, loss of Arctic sea ice, the fluctuating jet stream, and regular incursions of polar
151 inant regression to mitigate the effect of a fluctuating lake trout age structure to directly improve
152 nterface and at the tide-induced groundwater fluctuating layer.
153       To maintain homeostasis in response to fluctuating levels of dietary zinc, animals regulate gen
154 that mediate the transcriptional response to fluctuating levels of zinc have not been fully defined.
155 d seed yields relative to wildtype plants in fluctuating light and/or temperature.
156 cclimation of chloroplast metabolism to ever-fluctuating light availability.
157  the cytochrome b6f site and in flv1/3 under fluctuating light conditions, where linear electron tran
158 ctive mutants-exhibited reduced growth under fluctuating light conditions, while PSII photoprotection
159 that help the plant respond metabolically to fluctuating light conditions.
160  constant light, but severely impaired under fluctuating light due to PSI photo damage.
161 s under controlled photoinhibitory light and fluctuating light environments.
162 facilitating photosynthetic adaptation under fluctuating light environments.
163 igh light use efficiency, plants grown under fluctuating light had a slow growth rate early in develo
164              In contrast, plants grown under fluctuating light had thinner leaves, lower leaf light a
165 etween circadian regulation and responses to fluctuating light in the cyanobacterium Synechococcus el
166                             When grown under fluctuating light intensities, the Arabidopsis MET1 null
167 ssential role in enabling plants to adapt to fluctuating light intensity through a mechanism distinct
168                           Plant responses to fluctuating light occur across levels of organizational
169 tribution of photosynthesis according to the fluctuating light patterns throughout the canopies.
170 n the wild type during the initial hour of a fluctuating light regime, but this advantage vanished un
171 nsient and is thus critical for growth under fluctuating light regimes.
172 hotosynthetic eukaryotes are challenged by a fluctuating light supply, demanding for a modulated expr
173 ms of these limitations to photosynthesis in fluctuating light that have shown promise in improving t
174 hotosystem I photoinhibition when exposed to fluctuating light, demonstrating FLV's biological role a
175 reater photosynthetic capacity compared with fluctuating light-grown plants.
176  the nucleus to promote plant acclimation to fluctuating light.
177 lant dry matter productivity by about 15% in fluctuating light.
178 about the regulation of photosynthesis under fluctuating light.
179 -oxidative damage induced by high-fluence or fluctuating light.
180 y signalling to nuclei during acclimation to fluctuating light.
181 igher affinity toward the dynamic and highly fluctuating lipid bilayer.
182 ned model that describes virus assembly on a fluctuating lipid membrane.
183  many degrees of freedom including orbitals, fluctuating local moments, magnetism, and the crystal st
184 ropose that efficient cell pairing relies on fluctuating local signal emission and perception, which
185                        Filaments with highly fluctuating longitudinal NP densities are also observed
186 f a scanning NV center in order to image the fluctuating magnetic fields from paramagnetic impurities
187 ins a challenge to detect and image randomly fluctuating magnetic fields.
188                          Moreover, the total fluctuating magnetic moment of FeSe is approximately 60%
189 ual trees varied in their growth response to fluctuating mean annual temperature and summer moisture
190 that regulate gene expression in response to fluctuating metabolite concentrations.
191 ivo, the Rca hydrolytic activity is tuned by fluctuating [Mg(2+)] in response to changes in available
192 nolayer within 8 s, enabling us to track the fluctuating minor structures' appearance and disappearan
193                               We find that a fluctuating model - based on repeated population growth
194  core of Ig20, generating a conformationally fluctuating molten globule-like state.
195 profound lymphopenia, hypogammaglobulinemia, fluctuating monocytopenia and neutropenia, a poor immune
196 -3,5-dimethylanilide, which is stabilized by fluctuating mu2 -kappa(2) C,O:kappa(1) O' coordination o
197 t into the local control of BKCa channels by fluctuating nanodomains of Ca(2+).
198 inal for pure liquids: they self-organize in fluctuating nanometric aggregates.
199 present experimental evidence for a phase of fluctuating nematic character in a heavy-fermion superco
200 ensitive and selective for detecting rapidly fluctuating neurochemicals in vivo; however, many challe
201                                      Despite fluctuating noise, this checkpoint remains robust and re
202 nput with known amplitude on a background of fluctuating noise.
203 cogen provisioning underlies adaptation to a fluctuating normoxia-anoxia hatching environment by incr
204 ory, however, populations facing irregularly fluctuating normoxia-anoxia hatching environments failed
205 n part because they allow cells to cope with fluctuating nutrient availability.
206  7-8 copies were optimal under conditions of fluctuating, occasionally rich nutrient influx and lower
207 w that the olfactory bulb linearly processes fluctuating odor inputs, thereby simplifying downstream
208 sduction can occur within less than 2 ms and fluctuating odor stimuli can be resolved at frequencies
209 ents into an ordered part and a persistently fluctuating one.
210 tensities, delivered via a realistic dynamic fluctuating or square wave pattern, were used to grow an
211  can be used to understand the nature of the fluctuating order and hence the nature of the ordered st
212             Our measurements reveal that the fluctuating order has a nematic component, confirming re
213       Here we report the alignment of slowly fluctuating oscillatory brain activity to external rhyth
214 391 (49.9%), respectively, of iNTS isolates, fluctuating over time and geography and increasing durin
215  is complex, with some individuals' function fluctuating over time and some reverting to normal cogni
216 sms containing OAI sediments incubated under fluctuating oxic/anoxic atmosphere.
217 hypoxic stress and adapt to heterogeneous or fluctuating oxygen levels.
218                      Once the same thermally fluctuating particles are driven away from equilibrium b
219                             We show that the fluctuating Poisson-Nernst-Planck (PNP) equations for ch
220 ex structure, indicating that a transient or fluctuating polyelectrostatic interaction accounts for t
221 rategies present in the founder network, the fluctuating population is found to lead more securely to
222 ies has experienced a consistently large but fluctuating population size.
223 ycling, and how to effectively manage wildly fluctuating populations, all of which are growing domain
224                 It was suggested that slowly fluctuating power envelopes of electrophysiological sign
225 avitary optic disc maculopathy develops when fluctuating pressure gradients along anomalous communica
226 cond timescale upon TA binding, generating a fluctuating "protean clamp" that stably traps the substr
227 ht-harvesting function remains robust in the fluctuating protein environment despite limited excitoni
228 , and the system must stay robust within the fluctuating protein environment.
229  had marked systemic inflammation, fever and fluctuating radiologic findings.
230 stically equivalent under static aerobic and fluctuating redox conditions despite lower soil respirat
231 on were equivalent in the static aerobic and fluctuating redox treatments during periods of O2 exposu
232  model parametrization based on the observed fluctuating regime.
233 ems feature folded stability landscapes with fluctuating resilience, fold-bifurcations, and alternate
234                     Hence, the importance of fluctuating resource availability in influencing communi
235                 Further analysis showed that fluctuating resource availability increased community te
236 nd time of supply, and examine the impact of fluctuating resource availability on temporal variabilit
237              Meanwhile, the timing effect of fluctuating resources did not significantly alter commun
238 siting that Tc marks a transition from phase-fluctuating SC/CDW composite order above to a SC/CDW con
239 and infectivity (arms race dynamic; ARD) and fluctuating selection (fluctuating selection dynamic; FS
240 typically diverse populations adapting under fluctuating selection [13-17].
241 utionary responses to environmentally driven fluctuating selection and use this theoretical framework
242 ge cycling is an overlooked process by which fluctuating selection can occur in nature, suggesting th
243                                   Seasonally fluctuating selection could potentially make a large con
244 ace dynamic; ARD) and fluctuating selection (fluctuating selection dynamic; FSD) in experimentally co
245 l class of models with multilocus seasonally fluctuating selection in diploids.
246                                Understanding fluctuating selection is important for our understanding
247 lection can occur in nature, suggesting that fluctuating selection may be a more common and important
248 e provide rare evidence of context-dependent fluctuating selection on growth rates over time in a lon
249                               Here, we study fluctuating selection using Escherichia coli populations
250 ever, while MA can only generate one mode of fluctuating selection, we show that GFG can in fact prod
251 ncing selection through context-dependent or fluctuating selection.
252 ession within the small SDR may be weak, but fluctuating sex ratios could favor elevated recombinatio
253 nce bonds (RVB) formed by a superposition of fluctuating singlet pairs have been a paradigmatic conce
254 ckgrounds of continuous and various types of fluctuating speech-shaped Gaussian noise including those
255 mpared with WT filamin, the conformationally fluctuating state of the Ig20 mutant makes Ig21 enthalpi
256 logy of the cells, metabolomics revealed the fluctuating state of the metabolism.
257                                              Fluctuating states such as alertness can be governed by
258 Unlike the DC current steps used previously, fluctuating stimulation currents reliably evoked spike t
259  for useful information to be extracted from fluctuating stimuli in a wide range of background condit
260                    Each neuron's response to fluctuating stimuli is largely linear and can be describ
261 sponse to both square-pulse and naturalistic fluctuating stimuli, we examined the class-dependent var
262 ts dominate functional cycles, with proteins fluctuating stochastically between functional states def
263 ganisms operate in dynamic environments with fluctuating stress exposure.
264 e full progression of selective sweeps under fluctuating stress, from stochastic events in single cel
265 ccurate pathway are fitter in increasing but fluctuating stress.
266 ve been theoretical proposals of dynamically fluctuating stripes, direct spectroscopic evidence of ch
267 ity versus doping in terms of the physics of fluctuating stripes.
268                            The dynamical and fluctuating structures of IDPs or of disordered regions
269 o dynamically adjust their CRL repertoire to fluctuating substrate abundances.
270  active-site collision with conformationally fluctuating substrates, and enable regulation.
271 h cultivars, the growth was characterized by fluctuating sucrose concentration along with a constant
272 cell, the inability to instantaneously match fluctuating supply and demand in energy metabolism resul
273 asis and the adaption of this process to the fluctuating supply of the vitamin.
274 swallow group size is probably maintained by fluctuating survival selection and represents the first
275 t of these patients is made difficult by the fluctuating symptoms and the placebo effect of invasive
276 t is unclear whether production can adapt to fluctuating systemic needs.
277 oresponsiveness with the day-night cycles of fluctuating temperature and light conditions.
278          Independently of bolting time, warm fluctuating temperature profiles also caused morphologic
279                                              Fluctuating temperatures could be used to enhance or wea
280 perature and biological processes means that fluctuating temperatures lead to physiological, life his
281                                              Fluctuating temperatures often reversed these responses,
282                                              Fluctuating temperatures that remain within permissive t
283 n performance-must account for the effect of fluctuating temperatures.
284 these perturbations in a dynamic fashion and fluctuating through different conformations and activity
285  to the highest-magnitude, highest-frequency fluctuating treatment cycled in concert with temperature
286 thoxyl-labeled lignins nearly doubled in the fluctuating treatment relative to the static aerobic tre
287 lower cumulative Cbeta mineralization in the fluctuating treatment relative to the static aerobic tre
288                  On a diurnal scale, similar fluctuating trends in T0 and T50 (temperature of surface
289  mean and the trace of the covariance of the fluctuating turbulence.
290 blem of learning to navigate complex, highly fluctuating turbulent environments.
291 ch are dominated by shear stresses in highly fluctuating turbulent flow, has not been feasible.
292 hically defined data registers, encoding the fluctuating values of abstract semantic variables.
293 embryos from the chemically harsh, thermally fluctuating vent environment.
294       We discuss spatial correlations of the fluctuating vortex signals measured by the different sen
295 onds to the average energy dissipated by the fluctuating vortex state above [Formula: see text].
296 mune, neuromuscular disease characterized by fluctuating weakness of voluntary muscle groups.
297 understanding of colloid mobilization during fluctuating weather conditions.
298 kes precisely into account the statistically fluctuating work requirement of the logical process.
299 m allows monitoring two of the most relevant fluctuating wound parameters during the healing process
300 onal simulations of pair formation through a fluctuating zone show that the combination of local pher

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