


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 in other cognitive abilities (i.e., category fluency).
2 sitively associated with the semantic verbal fluency.
3  with digit recall (dual-task) and in letter fluency.
4 ional connectivity compared with nonmnemonic fluency.
5 ween anterior segment involvement and speech fluency.
6 rent performance and the subjective sense of fluency.
7 ditory feedback for those with better verbal fluency.
8 o be impaired in this group, phonemic verbal fluency.
9 mation processing and on a measure of verbal fluency.
10 < .05) with the exception of semantic verbal fluency.
11 sures predicted verbal recognition or verbal fluency.
12 niasis relative to women with moderate or no fluency.
13 rs and several other types of disruptions to fluency.
14 neral cognition, verbal memory, and category fluency.
15 k of cognitive decline in the area of verbal fluency.
16 of 12) engaged primarily Pop during phonemic fluency.
17  also protective against a decline in verbal fluency.
18 epeated deficits on tests of verbal (letter) fluency.
19 ing, working memory, free recall, and verbal fluency.
20 attentional set shifting and semantic verbal fluency.
21 ept for tests of immediate recall and verbal fluency.
22 ) and discuss the role of mixed emotions and fluency.
23 iations were for global cognition and verbal fluency.
24 rated decline in global cognition and verbal fluency.
25 area and its homologue in relation to verbal fluency.
26 this system are involved in subcomponents of fluency.
27 lobal cognition, verbal memory, and category fluency.
28 emantic (Cohen's d 0.73) and phonemic verbal fluency (0.51).
29 .01]), SCAFI Z scores (-0.09 [0.01]), verbal fluency (-0.34 words [0.07]), and ADL (0.64 points [0.04
30 ated polymer:fullerene blends (at excitation fluencies ~10(15) photons/cm(2) per pulse) is shown to b
31 asks; specifically, the TACT-Visual for both fluency (33.48 +/- 11.83 vs 25.59 +/- 10.27, p = 0.034)
32 greater annualised rate of decline in letter fluency (4.5 +/- 1.3 words/year) than C9N FTLD (1.4 +/-
33 ce on word list learning and semantic verbal fluency, a pattern more typical of the cognitive deficit
34 tex was proportional to the change in verbal fluency, a simple index of executive function.
35 e with differential aspects of the patients' fluency abilities.
36 tions such as planning, set-shifting, verbal fluency, abstract reasoning and working memory; difficul
37 ]; P = .03), lower scores on tests of verbal fluency (adjusted z scores, 0.50 vs -2.02; P = .02), wor
38 related with the percentage change in verbal fluency after anterior temporal lobe resection, such tha
39 y, and figural memory and a trend for verbal fluency (all P < .05).
40 ures of cognitive abilities, except Category Fluency, also were associated broadly with age; of the g
41 posterior cortical basis, including semantic fluency and ability to copy an intersecting pentagons fi
42 was associated with rate of change in verbal fluency and BIN1 was associated with rate of change in g
43 76560(T) was associated with impaired verbal fluency and comprehension in schizophrenia but improved
44 resence of cognitive deficits on both letter fluency and confrontation naming in the ALS group.
45 I activation paradigms were employed, letter fluency and confrontation naming, which were developed f
46 D- on Symbol-Digit Matching, Verbal Category Fluency and Delayed Recall tests.
47 of short-term recall and attention, semantic fluency and fund of knowledge, and motor praxis.
48 e frontal aslant tract in relation to verbal fluency and grammar impairment in primary progressive ap
49 ct and grammar deficits suggests that verbal fluency and grammar processing rely on distinct anatomic
50  was the neuroanatomical distinction between fluency and grammatical processing.
51 this review, we examine both RAN and reading fluency and how each has shaped our understanding of rea
52 , which showed weak correlations with verbal fluency and inhibitory control at younger ages that incr
53      A composite cognition measure of verbal fluency and memory and attention constructed from result
54 with even more marked deficits in the verbal fluency and memory domains.
55 ticularly associated with deficits in verbal fluency and memory functioning.
56                              Although verbal fluency and memory recovered by 1 year, both were below
57 icantly correlated with postoperative verbal fluency and naming test scores.
58                                     Phonemic fluency and other frontally based tasks were not associa
59 t; and in homosexual men, with poorer verbal fluency and perceptual speed.
60 on Naming Test, and tests of semantic verbal fluency and phonologic verbal fluency, from which was de
61 associations with declarative memory, letter fluency and processing speed tasks.
62 e gone beyond word reading to affect reading fluency and reading comprehension.
63 lated to standardized behavioral measures of fluency and reading.
64 x-Item Screener (SIS) and every 2 years with fluency and recall tasks.
65 plexity, lexical content, speech production, fluency and semantic content.
66 dardized behavioral measures of orthographic fluency and single word reading.
67  examined, but with anomia, reduced phonemic fluency and slowed speech rate the most prominent defici
68 in tests of verbal memory, attention, verbal fluency and spatial reasoning.
69 volvement of this anterior-dorsal network in fluency and suggested a preferential role of a posterior
70 D patients showed greater declines in verbal fluency and the MMSE (P < 0.05).
71                                       Verbal fluency and Trail Making Test performance, but not mood,
72 rom the neuropsychological battery (category fluency and Trail Making Test, part A, time test) correc
73 ures of executive function (including letter fluency) and processing speed (visual inspection time an
74 , World List Delayed Recall, Semantic Animal Fluency) and Six-Item Screener (SIS) assessments, admini
75 neral cognition, verbal memory, and semantic fluency) and verbal memory (averaging tests of recall).
76  of memory, reasoning, phonemic and semantic fluency, and a global score that combined all cognitive
77 raction ability, sustained attention, verbal fluency, and ability to learn and recall new verbal and
78 f general cognition, verbal memory, category fluency, and attention.
79 e function, verbal episodic memory, semantic fluency, and calculation as well as a measure of subject
80  Scale-Cognitive subscale (ADAS-Cog), verbal fluency, and Color Trails Test Parts 1 and 2 were applie
81 d on the basis of measures of memory, verbal fluency, and constructional praxis, which were adapted f
82 cognitive function, memory retention, verbal fluency, and dementia severity after adjustment for age,
83 -list learning, percentage retention, letter fluency, and digit span backward tests.
84                               Memory, verbal fluency, and executive function were impaired in 13% (12
85 ory, attention, language, visuomotor, verbal fluency, and executive functions was administered before
86 rooved pegboard, timed gait, semantic verbal fluency, and finger tapping) were administered every 24
87 ncome countries, education, literacy, verbal fluency, and motor sequencing confer substantial protect
88 einjury intelligence, motor strength, verbal fluency, and neurobehavioral symptom severity at 1 year
89 nhibition or selection, set shifting, verbal fluency, and recognition or working memory were included
90 l consumption-consuming expectancies, goals, fluency, and regulatory fit-impact physical consumption.
91 positively correlated with WAIS-R IQ, verbal fluency, and Rey Auditory Verbal Learning scores at firs
92 grammatical processing, semantic processing, fluency, and sentence repetition) across PPA variants to
93 ioning, memory, executive function, semantic fluency, and speed of processing were also obtained.
94 cal comprehension, single word retrieval and fluency, and spontaneous speech.
95 cological factors, perceptual and conceptual fluency, and the interaction of multiple components.
96 tor speed, visual and working memory, verbal fluency, and visuo-construction.
97 ion, free recall, recognition memory, verbal fluency, and vocabulary.
98 word test, letter-digit substitution, verbal fluency, and word learning) and a global cognition score
99 CT recipients for executive function, verbal fluency, and working memory.
100 g general cognition, verbal memory, category fluency, and working memory.
101    Residential proximity to town and Spanish fluency are associated with greater likelihood of men's
102 al gyrus (LIFG) in phonological and semantic fluency are still controversial.
103  tract correlated with performance in verbal fluency as assessed by the Cinderella story test.
104 ants' tendency to reject enhanced perceptual fluency as evidence of prior study.
105  conditions to interpret enhanced perceptual fluency as evidence of prior study.
106 ortical damage was related to overall speech fluency, as estimated by clinical judgements using the W
107 verbal recall, verbal recognition and verbal fluency assessment.
108 e function, verbal and visual memory, verbal fluency, attention and working memory, and social cognit
109 ve function (comprising set-shifting, verbal fluency, attention, and working memory) than did Val-hem
110  the expressive semantic tests of naming and fluency, average performance was worse in the left- than
111 ntreal Cognitive Assessment, semantic verbal fluency, Beck Depression Inventory, and Questionnaire fo
112 0-1.17]), worse language intelligibility and fluency (beta -0.032, OR 1.10 [1.02-1.20]), more irritab
113 ological profile with relatively high-verbal fluency but low word list recall distinguished the hippo
114        Caucasian) face reduced their English fluency, but at the same time increased their social com
115 ses, lutein was related to recall and verbal fluency, but the strength of the associations was attenu
116 cond concerns the degree to which processing fluency can explain aesthetic feeling or may simply be o
117 eralization of activation patterns in letter fluency compared to the controls.
118                                         Each fluency condition was compared to self-paced repetition
119 at the collective studies of RAN and reading fluency contribute to our goals of creating optimal asse
120 omized trial to compare the efficacy of 8 mm Fluency covered stent and bare stent in transjugular int
121                                   Therefore, Fluency covered stent has advantages over the bare stent
122 of the frontal aslant tract underlies verbal fluency deficits in primary progressive aphasia and furt
123  semantic memory might partially account for fluency deficits seen in aging, mild cognitive impairmen
124 nfrontation naming in the presence of verbal fluency deficits, although naming deficits have been des
125 ic subgroups was apparent only in the verbal fluency difference score.
126 nce (Trail Making Test, Digit Symbol, Verbal Fluency, Digit Span, Finger Tapping) were administered b
127 with the Color Trail Making Test, FAS verbal fluency, Digit Span, Hooper Visual Organization Test, an
128    All patients who received tests of verbal fluency, digit-symbol substitution and faces recognition
129 tion of factors underlying changes in verbal fluency draws attention to the need for uniform and deta
130                              Yet, conceptual fluency driven by previous experience could theoreticall
131 ility), and Stroop and verbal fluency tests (fluency executive functioning).
132 l stimulus predicts the degree of perceptual fluency experienced when the stimulus is processed a sec
133 tion (SSC), category naming (CAT) and verbal fluency (FAS), in localizing the Wernicke's area and stu
134 LS patients relative to controls, the letter fluency fMRI task revealed significantly impaired activa
135 P < 0.01) and a reduction in phonemic verbal fluency following BPVP (P < 0.01); these changes were no
136 o selective reductions in categorical verbal fluency following UPVP (P < 0.001) and BPVP (P < 0.01) a
137 rm gyrus) was predictive of smaller gains in fluency for older children.
138                                     Category fluency, for example, is generally considered to reflect
139 emantic verbal fluency and phonologic verbal fluency, from which was derived a difference score.
140 s1170191) on brain activation using a verbal fluency functional magnetic resonance imaging task.
141 coding tasks (g=-1.50), followed by category fluency (g=-1.31).
142 tor system, however, evidence for comparable fluency has been lacking.
143    By comparing phonological versus semantic fluency, higher activation was robustly observed in BA 4
144 ministered Dissociative States Scale, verbal fluency, Hopkins Verbal Learning Test, a biphasic alcoho
145 tution (HR, 1.59; 95% CI, 1.22-2.04), verbal fluency (HR, 1.61; 95% CI, 1.23-2.08), and inverted inte
146                Between 1 and 5 years, verbal fluency improved (P = .0002), as did executive function
147               We studied letter and category fluency in 14 high functioning ASD individuals and 14 ag
148 ch and language processing revealed that non-fluency in aphasia is primarily predicted by damage to t
149 ex, is a robust predictor of impaired speech fluency in aphasic patients, even when motor speech, lex
150 al temporal reflexes that generate a greater fluency in associative representations, making them more
151 tion, and concentration or naming and verbal fluency in elderly adults without cognitive impairment.
152                                   Studies of fluency in MTL amnesics have yielded mixed results but w
153 ain damage that negatively influences speech fluency in patients with aphasia.
154               Hence, evidence for primacy or fluency in perceiving continuous magnitudes is insuffici
155 ledge deficits, but sparing of phonology and fluency in semantic dementia.
156 owed a larger deterioration of letter verbal fluency in STN, especially when off DBS.
157   The persistence of deterioration in verbal fluency in the off STN DBS state was suggestive of a sur
158                      We argue that a lack of fluency in these concepts is a major stumbling block for
159 ) was predictive of greater gains in reading fluency in younger children, whereas increased activity
160 rail Making Test Parts A and B, and Category Fluency) in cognitively normal individuals aged 21 to 10
161 on, digit-symbol, Trails-A, Trails-B, verbal-fluency) in older adults, whereas it did not correlate w
162 variance associated with twins' oral reading fluency increased as the quality of their teacher increa
163                                       Letter fluency indices significantly correlated with fractional
164  simply as 'fluent' or 'non-fluent', however fluency is a multidimensional construct that encompasses
165 eviews have concluded that diminished verbal fluency is common after STN DBS, but that changes in glo
166 er anatomical evidence that the breakdown in fluency is due to a motor articulatory planning deficit
167            Results suggest that orthographic fluency is reflected in both lower-level, sublexical, pe
168 tion (Mini Mental State Examination); verbal fluency (Isaac's Set Test); visual memory (Benton Visual
169 d subscores for attention and concentration, fluency, language, and visuospatial function), and betwe
170 measures, namely, age >or=72 years, semantic fluency less than 20 words in 90 s and inability to copy
171  patients also exhibited deficits on figural fluency, letter-number sequencing, and backward digit sp
172 us findings using this paradigm, whereby the fluency manipulation increased "oldness" responses to bo
173 ory (range of means, -0.65 to -0.92), verbal fluency (mean, -0.89), and motor dexterity (mean, -2.5).
174                                         Word fluency measures reflecting expressive language and exec
175 tington's disease, including tests of verbal fluency, memory, attention and planning.
176 retinopathy with g (and with tests of verbal fluency, mental flexibility, and processing speed but no
177  predicted oldness ratings to old items, and fluency modulated PRC connectivity with other brain regi
178 posite score, composed of measures of verbal fluency, motor functions, working memory, verbal memory,
179                                  In category fluency, no between-group differences in lateralization
180      In addition to linguistic knowledge and fluency, nursing requires considerable cultural and prag
181  in naturalisation figures, English language fluency, occupational and income status, health insuranc
182  degrees +/- 2 degrees for the pristine, ion fluencies of 1E11, 3E11, 5E11, 7E11, 1E12 and 3E12 ions
183           The laser output was constant at a fluency of 75 mJ/cm2 and 20 Hz.
184 d significantly poorer performance in verbal fluency on the Controlled Oral Word Association Test FAS
185    During speech production, irrespective of fluency or auditory feedback, the people who stuttered s
186 gical measures of word comprehension but not fluency or grammatical competence, and therefore reflect
187 ession is related to increases in processing fluency or implicit memory.
188 ly for loss of grammaticality, regardless of fluency or speech status.
189 , attention, working memory, verbal semantic fluency, or calculation.
190  the contribution of different mechanisms to fluency, or its lack.
191 king memory, executive functions, conceptual fluency, or motor speed.
192 ncephalopathy demonstrated reduced cognitive fluency (P = .001).
193 P = .005; Pc = .045) and the semantic verbal fluency (P = .005; Pc = .045) measures.
194 001), naming speed (P < .001), and cognitive fluency (P = .007).
195  0.03), trail making task B (P = 0.01), word fluency (P = 0.01), and reaction time (P = 0.05) were im
196 selective attention (p < 0.001) and phonemic fluency (p = 0.043).
197 g, digit-symbol-substitution test and verbal fluency (P<0.05), whereas Abeta+ AD patients showed grea
198 tive (P < .05 for all measures except Verbal Fluency, P = .52), and behavioral domain scores (9.4 [11
199  HUFAs reduced the risk of decline in verbal fluency, particularly in hypertensive and dyslipidemic s
200  matched on demographic variables and verbal fluency performance participated in the study.
201  interrelations between global cognitive and fluency performance, lesion topography, and ultrastructu
202 clusion severity correlated with poor letter fluency performance.
203 CI -2.0 to 1.0), phonemic or category verbal fluency (phonemic fluency test 0.90, -1.3 to 3.1; catego
204  the fundamental role that mental arithmetic fluency plays in the acquisition of higher-level mathema
205 itive measures of phonemic and semantic word fluency predicted performance on the consent standards.
206  was linked to a greater decline in category fluency (prediction I: beta = -0.031, P = 0.012).
207 s associated with slower decline in category fluency (prediction II: beta = +0.026, P = 0.005).
208 ia Functional Index (SCAFI), phonemic verbal fluency (PVF), and the quality of life measures activiti
209 emisphere can in some patients reduce verbal fluency, questioning the general applicability of the se
210 EPORT: Self-expandable, covered stent (Bard, Fluency((R))) was implanted using a single transfemoral
211 reduced PRC activity could reflect increased fluency rather than LTM retrieval per se.
212 research in learning and teaching of reading fluency, reading comprehension, writing, mathematics, an
213                   Confrontation naming, noun fluency, recognition, and perceptual organization did no
214                                       Verbal fluency-related activation in the RIFG was not anatomica
215 se of old items, the same PRC region showing fluency-related reductions for new items also contribute
216 nts using the Western Aphasia Battery speech fluency scale, diadochokinetic rate, rudimentary auditor
217 ory score 4.4 versus 4.3, p = 0.79; semantic fluency score 15.7 versus 14.0, p = 0.21; calculation im
218 res was detected except for a lower phonemic fluency score with decreasing MSDPS (P = 0.048) and a lo
219 r in combination with DHA (800 mg/d), verbal fluency scores improved significantly in the DHA, lutein
220 ateral prefrontal cortex and baseline letter fluency scores predicted most of the variance in the dru
221 FTLD, and regression analysis related verbal fluency scores to atrophy in frontal and parietal region
222 very preterm boys only, verbal IQ and verbal fluency scores were positively associated with total mid
223 n Mini-Mental State Examination and category fluency scores.
224 ere the Visual Analog Mood Scale, and verbal fluency (semantic and letter) at 7 months post-DBS in th
225 (figure copying) or higher (naming, semantic fluency) semantic demands.
226 rsolateral prefrontal dysfunction and letter fluency showing greater dependence on inferolateral pref
227         When SC fluency was compared with OS fluency, significant activations were found in anterior
228 sponses were associated with enhanced verbal fluency specifically for drug words.
229                             The ACE-R verbal fluency subscore distinguished between PSP and PD with a
230 e propose the ACE-R, particularly the verbal fluency subscore, as a valuable contributor to the diffe
231  on two frontal lobe cognitive tests [Letter Fluency (t = 1.97, P = 0.05, df = 200) and Category Flue
232  (t = 1.97, P = 0.05, df = 200) and Category Fluency (t = 2.15, P = 0.03, df = 200)] as compared with
233 d that the [oxy-Hb] change during the verbal fluency task (VFT) was reduced in patients with ESLD com
234 -level-dependent fMRI during an overt verbal fluency task in 85 subjects (44 healthy volunteers and 4
235 g Task, Stroop Color and Word Test, a verbal fluency task, and the California Verbal Learning Test.
236 on in schizophrenic patients during a verbal fluency task.
237    We used functional MRI (fMRI) with verbal fluency tasks in 12 right-handed patients with left temp
238 mispheric differentiation for certain verbal fluency tasks in ASD, consistent with some previous evid
239 required to covertly produce words in verbal fluency tasks.
240 y the recall of lists of words during verbal fluency tasks.
241 e same processes required to complete verbal fluency tasks.
242 symbol substitution (DSS) test, and a verbal fluency test (P < 0.05).
243 ndex (P = .004; Pc = .04); a semantic verbal fluency test (P = .002; Pc = .02); the Letter-Number Seq
244 (p < 0.0087 for all tests) except the Animal Fluency Test (p = 0.4378).
245 on the Boston Naming Test (BNT) and Semantic Fluency Test (SFT), neuropsychological measures of seman
246  Word Association Test (COWAT), and Semantic Fluency Test (SFT).
247 il Making Test (TMT) A and B, and the Verbal Fluency Test (VFT).
248 honemic or category verbal fluency (phonemic fluency test 0.90, -1.3 to 3.1; categorical fluency test
249  fluency test 0.90, -1.3 to 3.1; categorical fluency test 1.1, -0.3 to 2.6), verbal memory (paragraph
250 st, Digit Symbol Substitution Test, and Word Fluency Test and in global cognition.
251 lt Intelligence Scale-Revised), and the Word Fluency Test from the Multilingual Aphasia Examination.
252                           Scores on the Word Fluency Test improved more in the exercise (4.1 +/- 0.8)
253  over time in the mean DSST, TMT, and verbal fluency test scores.
254 p Test, Letter-Digit-Substitution Test, Word Fluency Test), mood (Center for Epidemiological Studies-
255 ated with improved performance on the Verbal Fluency test, a measure of verbal processing, suggesting
256 ana University Story Recall Test, the Animal Fluency Test, and the Indiana University Token Test.
257  (SCAFI), the neurocognitive phonemic verbal fluency test, and two quality-of-life measures: the acti
258  2001 were assessed using the Isaacs' verbal fluency test, Benton Visual Retention Test, Trail Making
259 nation, Letter Digit Substitution Task, Word Fluency Test, Stroop test, 15-word Verbal Learning Test,
260                 Other outcomes included Word Fluency Test, Trail Making Test Parts A and B, and Geria
261     The correlation between the brief verbal fluency test, which can be easily administered (crucial
262 xamination Trail-Making Test B, and category fluency test.
263 r Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised, and Word Fluency Test.
264 oning, the Trail Making Test, and the Verbal Fluency Test.
265 range, 0-10), and executive function (Animal Fluency Test; range, >/=0), and cognitive impairment (SI
266 sual-spatial ability), and Stroop and verbal fluency tests (fluency executive functioning).
267 (DSST), Trail Making Tests (TMT), and verbal fluency tests at the same time points.
268  recall, digit symbol substitution, and word fluency tests were used to assess cognitive performance
269 age processing (semantic and phonemic verbal fluency tests), visuospatial skills (Benton Judgment of
270 stitution Task (DSST), semantic and phonemic fluency tests, and the Stroop Color and Word Test.
271 awing and figure copying, Stroop, and verbal fluency tests.
272 t in performance scores on verbal memory and fluency tests.
273 g a functional segregation of LIFG in verbal fluency that also have implications for the controversia
274 the impact of the psychological principle of fluency (that people tend to prefer easily processed inf
275                                    In letter fluency, the ASD group had significantly greater activat
276 RI and a well-validated method to manipulate fluency: the masked priming paradigm.
277                   Finally, we argue that the fluency theory of aesthetic pleasure can be amended to m
278 that subjects rely on arousal and perceptual fluency to evaluate these memories.
279 ved the visual study list may have relied on fluency to make some of their recognition decisions.
280 y and predicted behavioral misattribution of fluency to oldness.
281                 After covarying for phonemic fluency (total FAS score), the N category impairment was
282 lking, simple dual task with phonemic verbal fluency (walking while naming words beginning with a sin
283 lex dual task switching with phonemic verbal fluency (walking while naming words, alternating between
284                                         Poor fluency was associated with regions dorsal to the tradit
285                                      When SC fluency was compared with OS fluency, significant activa
286                       Overall, mnemonic word fluency was found to elicit greater DMN activity and str
287 nce for a specific role of BA 45 in semantic fluency was found.
288                                Higher verbal fluency was positively correlated with rCMRglu in the sa
289                 A worsening of letter verbal fluency was seen in STN.
290 nic variant, speech rate (a common proxy for fluency) was intermediate between the other two variants
291 d word recall, psychomotor speed, and verbal fluency were administered.
292 education level and lack of English language fluency were associated with poor knowledge of intensive
293 ses linked with this differential perceptual fluency were identified as negative potentials 100-300 m
294                            Changes in verbal fluency were not related to patient age, disease duratio
295 igit Symbol Substitution (DSS), and (c) Word Fluency (WF).
296 culture hindered Chinese immigrants' English fluency, when speaking about both culture-laden and cult
297 rebral abnormalities were specific to letter fluency, which are more likely to indicate executive dys
298 ith controls on tests of verbal learning and fluency, while bipolar probands showed performance decre
299 heir performance and abnormalities on verbal fluency, while those with an Affective ToM deficit also
300  range of accessible print sizes and reading fluency within this range.
301                            Verb and phonemic fluency, working memory, cognitive flexibility, immediat

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