


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  analogs was similar to that observed in the fluid phase.
2 ssure is the isotropic stress exerted by the fluid phase.
3 uid to superlattice and from superlattice to fluid phase.
4 ),Bb], which normally is present only in the fluid phase.
5 ent IAA cross-link two insulin moieties in a fluid phase.
6 her nonionic detergents than bilayers in the fluid phase.
7 hat graphene be dispersed and processed in a fluid phase.
8 ar volume and area per headgroup in the bulk fluid phase.
9 he effect of enhancing binding to aPL in the fluid phase.
10 rescence microscopy suggests a homogeneously fluid phase.
11  at the interface between the matrix and the fluid phase.
12 ver wild-type in the solid phase but not the fluid phase.
13  consists of a matrix meshwork embedded in a fluid phase.
14 cks in the gel phase, which develop into the fluid phase.
15 letes interstitial HA and eliminates the gel-fluid phase.
16 onon gap when the lipid transitions into the fluid phase.
17 100 mmHg through the creation of a large gel-fluid phase.
18 oversight of the predominant role of the gel-fluid phase.
19 perties of small unilamellar vesicles in the fluid-phase.
20 ge pathways and viscous coupling between the fluid phases.
21 id bilayer were the same for the gel and the fluid phases.
22 ase and the POPG partitioned between gel and fluid phases.
23 ycero-3-phosphocholine (DPPC)/cholesterol in fluid phases.
24 ries, and can merge quickly, consistent with fluid phases.
25 tension, lysis strain, and area expansion of fluid phase 1-stearoyl, 2-oleoyl phosphatidylcholine (SO
26 tively profile the deformation of nanoscale, fluid-phase 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DO
27 toyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DPPC), and fluid phase, 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoch
28 1 (p1) and piscidin 3 (p3) are determined in fluid-phase 3:1 phosphatidylcholine/phosphatidylglycerol
29 paramagnetic behavior in either the solid or fluid phase above 200 K and weak antiferromagnetic inter
30 ays was unexpectedly linked and dependent on fluid-phase activation of factor XII.
31 patients with HAE, which assumes a systemic, fluid-phase activation of the contact system to generate
32  24 SCR protein that is secreted with normal fluid-phase activity but marked loss of complement regul
33 R-mediated Ag processing (type I complex) or fluid phase Ag processing (type II complex).
34  peptide-MHC class II complexes derived from fluid-phase Ag processing remains unchanged.
35 entially shielding them from inactivation by fluid phase agents and promoting efficient generation of
36 llectins, we hypothesized the existence of a fluid-phase analog of CL-12 released from cells, which m
37 brane thickness fluctuation amplitude in the fluid phase and a rapid suppression of fluctuations upon
38 ti-constituent mixture comprised of a linear fluid phase and a thrombus (solid) phase.
39  is considered to be a sludgelike mixture of fluid phase and aggregates of rigid clusters.
40 -component homogeneous giant vesicles in the fluid phase and analyses of the domain areas of the fuse
41 excessive complement activation, both in the fluid phase and at host cell surfaces decorated by C3d.
42 xing of the anesthetic drugs in the membrane fluid phase and exclusion from the solid phase.
43 key role in the homeostasis of complement in fluid phase and on cell surfaces.
44 t controls complement activation both in the fluid phase and on specific cell surfaces, thus allowing
45  PGK inhibited C9 polymerization both in the fluid phase and on the surface of sheep erythrocytes.
46  ability of FI to degrade C4b and C3b in the fluid phase and on the surface, irrespective of the cofa
47 ycan hyaluronan, together with the large gel-fluid phase and pressures it generates, were recently id
48  LdRab5a and LdRab5b differentially regulate fluid phase and receptor-mediated endocytosis in Leishma
49 consequences and epitope mapping, using both fluid phase and solid phase approaches, were performed.
50 f matrix-detached cells in a complex ascites fluid phase and subsequent adhesion to the mesothelium l
51  readily forms complexes with plasminogen in fluid phase and such complexes are present in human seru
52 rnative pathway complement activation in the fluid phase and the cell surface in the fH-mutant mice.
53 up by nonspecific endocytosis as part of the fluid phase and traveled through the endosomal compartme
54 ric multiphase inclusions of crystalline and fluid phases and are characterized by a "crustal" signat
55 ertaining to the adsorption of 34 nm radius, fluid-phase and gel-phase liposomes onto a titanium oxid
56 t morphology and show delayed uptake of both fluid-phase and membrane markers.
57 ) is essential for complement homeostasis in fluid-phase and on surfaces.
58 membrane protein required for trafficking of fluid-phase and receptor-mediated endocytic cargos.
59 nfluence gp120 binding, HIV-1 attachment, or fluid-phase and receptor-mediated endocytosis.
60 plement system is tightly controlled by many fluid-phase and tissue-bound regulators.
61 icated in phagosome maturation, retention of fluid phase, and antigen presentation.
62 e IQC is body-centred, self-assembles from a fluid phase, and in parameter space neighbours clathrate
63 or self-assembly and without an intermediate fluid phase, and in the continuous case, solid-solid rec
64 ive pathway is continuously activated in the fluid phase, and tissue surfaces require continuous comp
65 ibutable to coexistence of gel (L(beta)) and fluid phases are found for ternary mixtures with low cho
66 ion of human Bruch's membrane/choroid to the fluid-phase assay accelerated the C3b cleavage, and this
67                                              Fluid-phase assays showed reduced FH activities that cor
68 holipid syndrome, using both solid-phase and fluid-phase assays.
69                                              Fluid-phase assembly is particularly attractive, but the
70 ase diagram, allowing the rational design of fluid-phase assembly processes.
71 ere incubated with C-reactive protein in the fluid phase at physiological concentrations, no associat
72 d model wherein nascent C3b generated in the fluid phase attaches nonspecifically to its targets.
73  in two functional assays (cell surface- and fluid-phase-based) measuring cofactor activity of CFH in
74        A first-order phase transition in the fluid phase between a molecular insulating fluid and a m
75 ) upon varying electrolyte concentration and fluid phase bilayers formed from DMPG/DMPC and POPG/POPC
76 ition of the module's concave surface forces fluid-phase bilayers to bend locally.
77 rimental data and shows that, in the case of fluid-phase bilayers, polymerization arises equally due
78     Published studies utilize solid-phase or fluid-phase binding assays to show that the factor H Y40
79                 Recombinant soluble JAM-C in fluid phase bound to immobilized JAM-C as assessed in a
80 o determine equilibrium unfolding curves and fluid phase boundaries for solutions of coarse-grained g
81 motion of lipid molecules, especially in the fluid phase, but not the faster internal motion.
82 PMA-activated macrophages took up LDL in the fluid phase by macropinocytosis.
83 C3 convertase and facilitates recruitment of fluid-phase C3 convertase to the cell surfaces.
84 likely to explain this because regulation of fluid phase C3b is unaffected by domains 19-20.
85 ive generation and/or defective clearance of fluid-phase C3b:protein complexes may have pathological
86 critical roles in internalizing membrane and fluid phase cargo and in balancing the inflow and outflo
87  endosomes that contain lysosomally directed fluid phase cargo, by controlling the morphogenesis and
88  and enhances, respectively, the delivery of fluid-phase cargo to lysosomes, without affecting Rab5 a
89                       Thus, septins regulate fluid-phase cargo traffic to lysosomes by promoting macr
90 llagen type I was determined with the use of fluid-phase cell attachment assays in HSFs, human foresk
91 yer, 2) the reorganization of unconstrained, fluid-phase CL molecules in concert with Drp1 self-assem
92 lains resistance to warfarin, which inhibits fluid-phase coagulation but not selectins.
93  linear and branched lipids gave rise to gel/fluid phase coexistence at room temperature.
94 rom a shape theory derived for vesicles with fluid phase coexistence to the geometry of giant unilame
95 leation and growth in membrane mixtures with fluid phase coexistence.
96 ms with liquid-ordered and liquid-disordered fluid phase coexistence.
97 strates the cooperation between membrane and fluid phase complement inhibitors and the body's ability
98 cally, this analysis separated patients with fluid-phase complement activation (clusters 1-3) who had
99                                              Fluid-phase complement activation caused deposition of C
100                             In patients with fluid-phase complement activation, those in clusters 1 a
101 at these C3 glomerulopathies are diseases of fluid-phase complement dysregulation.
102 e hypothesized that the interactions between fluid-phase complement regulators and conserved ricketts
103 is centrally important in the functioning of fluid-phase complement regulators and is the basis of ho
104              Properties that VCP shares with fluid-phase complement regulators suggest that such conf
105 ls and cell lines was the time absent from a fluid-phase complement source; therefore, we hypothesize
106                The unsaturation level of the fluid-phase component was varied by lipid choice, i.e.,
107 h respect to saturation under single and two fluid-phase conditions in a micromodel.
108 used to characterize the transport under two fluid-phase conditions.
109 rred to represent a magmatic-derived aqueous fluid phase, contain significant concentrations of Mo (~
110  model systems, we show that an HA-dependent fluid phase contributes substantially to pressures in ma
111 tory functions of factor H without affecting fluid-phase control of complement.
112  be regulated by a series of steps involving fluid-phase convertases.
113 atic Helfrich Hamiltonian, much unlike their fluid-phase counterparts.
114               We investigated the binding of fluid-phase CRP to six immobilized proteins: complement
115 al point and throughout the metastable fluid-fluid phase diagram.
116 wo mechanisms: cell-free infection following fluid-phase diffusion of virions and by highly-efficient
117 1)) relaxation rates from 0.022 to 21.1 T of fluid phase dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine bilayers are
118                                           In fluid-phase DMPC bilayer systems, the peptides interacte
119 lls can also segregate into micrometer-scale fluid phase domains.
120 ively exhibit the effects of fluctuations in fluid phase DOPS.
121 e POPC/POPG MLVs but is deeply inserted into fluid phase DPPC/POPG vesicles, resulting in immobilizat
122 hat C3b:plasma protein complexes form in the fluid-phase during complement activation.
123 tra-rare renal diseases are characterized by fluid-phase dysregulation of the alternative complement
124           Dense deposit disease is caused by fluid-phase dysregulation of the alternative complement
125                                              Fluid phase endocytosis accounted for the remainder of a
126 endocytic-dependent degradation and restores fluid phase endocytosis in rvs161 cells.
127 lastomeres exhibit polarized actin-dependent fluid phase endocytosis only on the G(M1), integrin, mic
128 on level and phosphorylation state regulates fluid phase endocytosis via the interaction between the
129                                              Fluid phase endocytosis was inhibited by expression of a
130 d impedes Lucifer yellow uptake (a marker of fluid phase endocytosis).
131       The ability to take up Ag, measured by fluid phase endocytosis, was comparable between CIITA(-/
132 monstrate that Cav1 overexpression decreases fluid phase endocytosis, whereas silencing of Cav1 enhan
133  that the cell internalizes light chain by a fluid phase endocytosis, which is then modified and ulti
134 esponding sequence in Cav2, did not suppress fluid phase endocytosis.
135 esis that Cav1 can regulate Cdc42-dependent, fluid phase endocytosis.
136 ular uptake of bisphosphonate drugs requires fluid-phase endocytosis and is enhanced by Ca2+ ions, wh
137 i-ICAM/NCs affected neither EC viability nor fluid-phase endocytosis and traffic to lysosomes.
138 Pase Rab5 has previously been shown to block fluid-phase endocytosis and trafficking of plasma membra
139 es suggest that BSA-SWNTs enter NRK cells by fluid-phase endocytosis at a rate of 30 fg/day/cell upon
140 erexpression, CORO1C overexpression restored fluid-phase endocytosis in SMN-knockdown cells by elevat
141 which was confirmed by direct measurement of fluid-phase endocytosis in the presence of these compoun
142 hibited by dansylcadaverine, indicating that fluid-phase endocytosis is involved in the initial inter
143 ound that LdRab5a specifically regulates the fluid-phase endocytosis of horseradish peroxidase and al
144                                              Fluid-phase endocytosis of LDL by M-CSF human macrophage
145                 Previously, we reported that fluid-phase endocytosis of native LDL by PMA-activated h
146  QDs are internalized by macropinocytosis, a fluid-phase endocytosis process triggered by Tat-QD bind
147 inocytosis is a type of poorly characterized fluid-phase endocytosis that results in formation of rel
148 bulin, co-localize with dextran, a marker of fluid-phase endocytosis, and induce fibrillization of in
149              In fact, through the process of fluid-phase endocytosis, Pgp was redistributed from the
150 mechanism used by GPI-anchored receptors and fluid-phase endocytosis.
151 les through local TLR4 receptors and through fluid-phase endocytosis.
152 ermore, uptake characteristics differed from fluid-phase endocytosis.
153 ial cells is generally believed to occur via fluid-phase endocytosis.
154 ciated with macropinosomes, the vesicles for fluid-phase endocytosis.
155 nd for clathrin-independent, actin-dependent fluid-phase endocytosis.
156 t on the recycling of endocytosed CFTR or on fluid-phase endocytosis.
157  C1INH activity levels because inhibition of fluid-phase Factor XIIa and kallikrein requires lower C1
158 es of solute transport (dispersion) in a two fluid-phase filled micromodel, we directly delineated th
159 rder of magnitude larger than that in single fluid-phase flow in the same micromodel.
160                                       In the fluid phase, GM1 was shown to strongly soften the bilaye
161 inal region of AspA was deficient in binding fluid-phase gp-340, and L. lactis cells expressing AspA
162 ties to mediate aggregation of lactococci by fluid phase gp340.
163 versely, aggregation of S. gordonii cells by fluid-phase gp340 was not affected by deletion of hsa bu
164  been long appreciated, the less mobile, gel-fluid phase has been largely ignored for historical and
165                                    Data from fluid-phase HRP electron tomography showed that fibricar
166 ation of the performance of a nonradioactive fluid phase IAA assay in relation to standard IAA radioa
167 d samples (n = 477 from 78 women) by 11-plex fluid-phase immunoassay.
168 methods such as comprehensive phage display, fluid-phase immunoassays, and antigen microarrays have b
169 ere we report a simple, robust and ultrafast fluid-phase immunocapture method for clinical measuremen
170 ntroduced by electrospray injection from the fluid phase in ambient conditions into vacuum, and are s
171 of elements that strongly partition into the fluid phase in rocks provide essential constraints on ge
172 ant flow by regulating the ratio of solid to fluid phase in the monolayer, leading to a jamming trans
173           Capillary trapping of a nonwetting fluid phase in the subsurface has been considered as an
174 e focused on coexisting optically resolvable fluid phases in simple lipid mixtures.
175 , temperature-induced transition from gel-to-fluid phase increases the lateral diffusion of the lipid
176 t a hyaluronan-rich, relatively immobile gel-fluid phase induces vascular collapse and hypoperfusion
177 urthermore, three-dimensional binding in the fluid phase is biologically and physically distinct from
178 entified macropinocytosis as the pathway for fluid-phase LDL endocytosis and determined signaling and
179                  These mixtures consist of a fluid phase lipid component (1,2-dilauroyl-sn-glycero-3-
180 chain unsaturation on the interaction of the fluid-phase lipid and cholesterol.
181  percolation threshold at which diffusion of fluid-phase lipid becomes confined to micrometer-size do
182                               In the case of fluid-phase lipid bilayers, the actin adsorbs to form a
183                              With increasing fluid-phase lipid fraction, these hybrid, supported memb
184 or calculating areas for gel-phase lipids to fluid-phase lipids and obtained agreement to within 5% o
185 extracellular milieu through a nonsaturable, fluid phase macropinocytic mechanism that is distinct fr
186 te that PTD-mediated transduction occurs via fluid-phase macropinocytosis involving an intracellular
187 cumulation can occur by nonreceptor mediated fluid-phase macropinocytosis when macrophages are differ
188 ntry of several molecules through a putative fluid-phase macropinocytotic mechanism.
189 nelles by colocalization of the internalized fluid phase marker dextran with both mepacrine and trans
190 egalin-cubilin ligand albumin as well as the fluid phase marker dextran.
191           These tubules were labelled by the fluid phase marker horseradish peroxidase (HRP), and wer
192                             Endocytosis of a fluid phase marker is unaffected by TbVps34 RNAi, but re
193  imaging of endogenous proteins along with a fluid-phase marker to address these issues.
194                                Uptake of the fluid-phase marker, dextran, was only modestly affected.
195 inocytic compartments during the uptake of a fluid-phase marker, dextran.
196  the secretion and trafficking of VEGF and a fluid-phase marker, methylpolyethylene glycol (mPEG).
197 ly in intracellular vesicles with dextran, a fluid-phase marker.
198 live-cell fluorescent imaging of intravirion fluid phase markers to monitor HIV-1 uncoating at the in
199 ke of Ig-opsonized targets, latex beads, and fluid phase markers, and it was accompanied by activatio
200 of reducing binding to a panel of aPL in the fluid phase (mean +/- SD inhibition 14 +/- 18.5% versus
201 tion are similar to the fluctuation modes of fluid phase membranes, highlighting the importance of un
202                             In one-component fluid-phase membranes, the probe has the expected spectr
203 ediabetic patients compared with our current fluid phase micro-IAA radioassay (mIAA; 44 and 74%, resp
204 ge of transport hydrodynamics as a result of fluid-phase occupancy.
205 t reduce complement regulation in the actual fluid phase of plasma, it reduces regulation on HDL part
206 COPD, as judged by reduced chemotaxis to the fluid phase of sputum from subjects with COPD compared w
207  >99.9% of the microorganisms inhabiting the fluid phase of this particular fracture.
208 uantitative structures of the fully hydrated fluid phases of dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) an
209 mbotic or antifibrinolytic mediators in the "fluid phase" of the blood can also predispose toward ACS
210  measurements of the bending rigidity of the fluid phase only, whereas electrodeformation and fluctua
211             Similarly, plasmin either in the fluid phase or attached to surfaces inhibited complement
212 elopment, physical forces originating from a fluid phase or from cells pulling on their environment c
213 tion or expression of P1, in the presence of fluid-phase or adsorbed saliva or salivary agglutinin pr
214 s of Ags such as OVA and transferrin but not fluid-phase or phagocytic Ag uptake.
215 phase Darcy flow in porous media is that the fluid phases organize into separate flow pathways with s
216  level of PSGL-1 and had enhanced binding to fluid-phase P- and E-selectin compared with Ly-6C(lo) mo
217 ce sLe(x) determinants, augmented binding to fluid-phase P- and E-selectin, and improved cell rolling
218                      Pentraxin 3 (PTX3) is a fluid-phase pattern recognition molecule and a key compo
219                      Pentraxin 3 (PTX3) is a fluid-phase pattern recognition receptor of the humoral
220 ar effect of KL(4) on the orientation of the fluid phase PG headgroups is observed, with similar chan
221          Macrophages that show high rates of fluid-phase pinocytosis also show similar high rates of
222 sions can take up LDL-sized nanoparticles by fluid-phase pinocytosis and indicate that fluid-phase pi
223 tive unmodified LDL by receptor-independent, fluid-phase pinocytosis converting these macrophages int
224                                              Fluid-phase pinocytosis has been demonstrated by macroph
225 ticles) can serve as models of LDL uptake by fluid-phase pinocytosis in cultured human monocyte-deriv
226              The mechanisms of regulation of fluid-phase pinocytosis in macrophages and, specifically
227     We therefore sought to determine whether fluid-phase pinocytosis occurs in vivo in macrophages in
228                                              Fluid-phase pinocytosis of LDL by macrophages is regarde
229 by fluid-phase pinocytosis and indicate that fluid-phase pinocytosis of LDL is a mechanism for macrop
230 e phenotypes demonstrate either constitutive fluid-phase pinocytosis or inducible fluid-phase pinocyt
231                   Thus, targeting macrophage fluid-phase pinocytosis should be considered when invest
232 mounts of native LDL by receptor-independent fluid-phase pinocytosis, either constitutively or in res
233 itutive fluid-phase pinocytosis or inducible fluid-phase pinocytosis.
234 res, KL(4) is more peripheral and dynamic in fluid phase POPC/POPG MLVs but is deeply inserted into f
235             We have developed a multianalyte fluid-phase protein array technology termed high-through
236 membrane attack complex (MAC) assembles from fluid-phase proteins to form pores in lipid bilayers.
237 )-macroglobulin and occurred primarily via a fluid-phase, rather than receptor-mediated, uptake pathw
238  a three-dimensional (3D) technique in which fluid-phase receptors and ligands are removed from their
239 athogenic leptospires bound factor H, a host fluid-phase regulator of the alternative complement path
240 evasion strategy of binding two host-derived fluid-phase regulators of complement, factor H and facto
241       Allotypic variants of a key complement fluid-phase regulatory protein, complement factor H (CFH
242 nd quantify the principal mechanism of CO(2) fluid phase removal in nine natural gas fields in North
243 data for the phospholipid probes in the DOPC fluid phase require two components (fast and slow).
244                                              Fluid-phase salivary agglutinin and, to a lesser extent,
245 mmunoreactive and were readily aggregated by fluid-phase salivary agglutinin.
246   To quantitatively understand how the fluid-fluid phase separation affects the crystal nucleation, w
247 nitiated by aqueous mixing followed by fluid-fluid phase separation, such as coacervation.
248                                              Fluid phase separations of racemates are difficult becau
249 acropinocytosis delivered small, fluorescent fluid-phase solutes into endolysosomes sufficiently fast
250  analysis of the interaction between LPS and fluid-phase supported lipid bilayer assemblies (sLBAs),
251 mbrane attack complex and its by-product the fluid-phase terminal complement complex and relate these
252 on occurs via a pathway more consistent with fluid-phase than receptor-dependent endocytosis and is s
253 ctrum of disorders, ranging from exaggerated fluid-phased thrombosis dependent on prothrombotic agent
254 ting in the wedge, and transport of the melt/fluid phase to a reservoir in the crust beneath Mt Raini
255 concentration gradient, all delivered in the fluid phase to eliminate variability associated with air
256  in the silicate melt causes unmixing of the fluid phase to form an H2O-rich vapour and a hydrosaline
257 ution of distances from random points in the fluid phase to the nearest fiber.
258 antifying the contributions of free- and gel-fluid phases to hydraulically transmitted pressures in a
259 luid pressure measurement to capture the gel-fluid phase, together with a dependence on xenograft and
260              We used fluorescent dextrans as fluid phase tracers and observed the cholecystokinin-eli
261                                              Fluid phase tracers were colocalized with cleaved BZiPAR
262                                Here, we used fluid-phase tracers in murine models and determined that
263 that include endocytosis and degradation and fluid-phase transcytosis in the apical-to-basal directio
264  compartments in part via diffusion-limited, fluid phase transfer through the cytosol, suggesting tha
265  approximately 45 degrees C, with the gel to fluid phase transition (L(beta)-L(alpha)) occurring at a
266                              The primary gel-fluid phase transition at T(m) occurs through developmen
267 n of a membrane bilayer following the gel-to-fluid phase transition in a pure phospholipid vesicle wa
268 pectroscopy, we are able to trigger a gel-to-fluid phase transition in lipid vesicles and monitor in
269 onitoring (QCM-D) to directly detect the gel-fluid phase transition of a SPB.
270 ty of phospholipid membranes at their gel-to-fluid phase transition, where the release of encapsulate
271                                              Fluid phase transitions inside single, isolated carbon n
272 e temperature-driven fluid-to-gel and gel-to-fluid phase transitions of the fatty acids within the br
273 er of albumin into mouse milk is mediated by fluid phase transport is considered.
274  markedly alter lipid physical properties in fluid phases underscores the need to study the function
275 ium will be present in their interior due to fluid phase uptake from the extracellular space.
276  results reveal a novel and key role for the fluid phase uptake of extracellular calcium and its subs
277  ester hydroperoxides, induce TLR4-dependent fluid phase uptake typical of macropinocytosis.
278 ly internalize exogenous protein antigens by fluid-phase uptake and receptor-mediated endocytosis.
279 f the quantum dots allowed for non-targeted, fluid-phase uptake by macrophage cells.
280 ine the fundamental roles of endocytosis and fluid-phase uptake for the maintenance of the glomerular
281 red for proper cell migration, spreading and fluid-phase uptake in both established cell lines and hu
282                                 Nonsaturable fluid-phase uptake of LDL by macrophages converts the ma
283 rophage phenotype demonstrating constitutive fluid-phase uptake of native LDL leading to macrophage c
284 ive endosomal compartments, endocytosis, and fluid-phase uptake were severely disrupted in Vps34-defi
285 gocytosis, receptor-mediated endocytosis, or fluid-phase uptake), or costimulatory molecule expressio
286 lizes to actin-rich structures implicated in fluid-phase uptake, including tubular membranes containi
287 As bound to albumin and respond by enhancing fluid-phase uptake.
288          Measurements of these parameters in fluid phase using soluble molecules (i.e., three-dimensi
289 te transport in a micromodel filled with two fluid phases using direct, real-time imaging.
290 r of magnitude larger than the corresponding fluid phase values.
291 nts measured for gel-phase vesicles than for fluid-phase vesicles, even in the absence of anionic lip
292 he endothelial surface, and incorporation of fluid-phase VWF into VWF fibers.
293 nger strands and inhibited the attachment of fluid-phase VWF onto vessel wall strands.
294  binding of either factor H variant from the fluid phase was observed.
295 solution of (1)H NMR lipid resonances in the fluid phase, whereas the linewidth of gel-phase lipids r
296  of problems concerns the composition of the fluid phase, which includes both dispersed/dissolved par
297 her decreasing the lateral interactions, the fluid phase will dominate throughout the 0.18-0.26 inter
298 d discontinuous transitions between distinct fluid phases with widely differing viscosities.
299         The regions represent high-viscosity fluid phases, with a size determined by the distance bet
300      Macropinocytosis of LDL taken up in the fluid phase without receptor-mediated binding of LDL is

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