


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 uorescence detection after derivatizing with fluorescamine.
2 maller peptides or of new amino groups using fluorescamine.
3 on was confirmed by end group analysis using fluorescamine.
4 oxide that was subsequently derivatized with fluorescamine.
5 mploying a previous derivatisation step with fluorescamine.
6 3-ap) alone, followed by derivatization with fluorescamine.
7                            The assay employs fluorescamine, a primary-amine specific fluorogenic dye,
8       The modified receptor was labeled with fluorescamine, an amine-reactive fluorescent probe.
9                                        While fluorescamine and naphthalene-2,3-dicarboxaldehyde (NDA)
10      To this end, here we describe optimized fluorescamine and NDA derivatization reactions that enha
11                  In principle, the optimized fluorescamine and NDA microplate procedures reported her
12                                     For both fluorescamine and NDA, we have shown that the RFI values
13 nd 1200 m(-1) min(-1), respectively, using a fluorescamine assay.
14 as studied using atomic force microscopy and fluorescamine assays.
15                                      Because fluorescamine could specifically target the surface amin
16 carboxaldehyde derivative of glycine and the fluorescamine derivative of leucine enkephalin, with the
17                                        Using fluorescamine derivatization and annexin V binding it wa
18                                              Fluorescamine derivatization of external aminophospholip
19 sitivity and improved resolution compared to fluorescamine derivatization.
20                                              Fluorescamine derivatized 3-amino-2,2,5,5,-tetramethyl-1
21 taining detergent (5 min), then labeled with fluorescamine dye (10 s), and analyzed using the microCh
22                                         This fluorescamine (FSA)-based assay was used to determine th
23 e labeled on their primary amino groups with fluorescamine in a 10-min reaction, and the samples anal
24 s from multiple time points are treated with fluorescamine in a single 96-well plate.
25 ements of two-photon-excited fluorescence of fluorescamine-labeled bradykinin and analysis of multiph
26 yes and nanomolar sensitivity (10(-9) M) for fluorescamine-labeled proteins.
27        Our results demonstrate site-specific fluorescamine labeling at the amino terminus of the 0K-b
28                       The results prove that fluorescamine labeling is capable of detecting protein-n
29             Herein, we demonstrated that the fluorescamine labeling method developed by our group not
30 lasm; (ii) release fluorescent material from fluorescamine-labelled cell walls of M. luteus; and (iii
31 hydroxylamine, which can be derivatized with fluorescamine, separated by HPLC and quantified fluorime
32  deacetylation product can be derivatized by fluorescamine, thus generating a fluorescent signal.
33 ect fluorescence produced by the reaction of fluorescamine with hydrolyzed peptides.

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