


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 intracellular 150 mM typical values (through fluorescence imaging).
2 racting biophysical parameters from confocal fluorescence images.
3 e the information content of densely labeled fluorescence images.
4  matrices with the sequential acquisition of fluorescence images.
5 mors and metastases in mice were detected by fluorescence imaging.
6 t complex assessed by pull down and confocal fluorescence imaging.
7 essed by measuring the FAD+/NADH ratio using fluorescence imaging.
8 Fe and Zn enrichment was visualized by X-ray fluorescence imaging.
9 rated the greatest virus binding as shown by fluorescence imaging.
10 conjugated with MIP-NANA was demonstrated by fluorescence imaging.
11 nters in diamond for correlated magnetic and fluorescence imaging.
12 ogen processes based on medium-throughput 3D fluorescence imaging.
13 gel pad array is achieved with single filter fluorescence imaging.
14 d by 4D live-cell and snapshot deconvolution fluorescence imaging.
15 on, trafficking, and signaling processes via fluorescence imaging.
16 ting tissue autofluorescence associated with fluorescence imaging.
17 FDG and exposed to Cy7 azide with subsequent fluorescence imaging.
18 light to all-trans-retinol using single cell fluorescence imaging.
19 , which was validated by immunohistochemical fluorescence imaging.
20  and tested in vivo by PET and near-infrared fluorescence imaging.
21 n tumors under chemotherapy in near-infrared fluorescence imaging.
22 or uptake in mice was imaged with PET/CT and fluorescence imaging.
23 lor, and histology readouts toward precision fluorescence imaging.
24 n that of ZD2-Cy5.5 (0.5 micromol kg(-1)) in fluorescence imaging.
25 e plethora of high-content data generated by fluorescence imaging.
26 ctively-coupled plasma-mass spectrometry and fluorescence imaging.
27 ophore (CyAm7) 24 hours before near-infrared fluorescence imaging.
28 rowding membrane environment using live-cell fluorescence imaging.
29 idine orange in activated sludge by confocal fluorescence imaging.
30 red state transitions in vivo by chlorophyll fluorescence imaging.
31 o 127-times higher than that obtained by NIR fluorescence imaging.
32  enabling cellular force mapping directly by fluorescence imaging.
33 CM) using three-dimensional super-resolution fluorescence imaging.
34 escence from environment severely interferes fluorescence imaging.
35  provides 3.6 x 4.2 x 6.5 mum resolution in fluorescence imaging, 7 x 7 x 3.5 mum in OCT in three d
36 the main advantages of QDs compared to other fluorescence imaging agents.
37 nance imaging (gadolinium) and near-infrared fluorescence imaging agents.
38 eled samples, improvement can be obtained on fluorescence images allowing the observation of structur
39 ts incorporation into peptides for live-cell fluorescence imaging-an approach that is applicable to m
40                        Using biochemical and fluorescence imaging analyses, we show that Shh signalin
41                     In our work, we combined fluorescence image analysis and stochastic Langevin simu
42             Scanning electron microscopy and fluorescence image analysis revealed cross-aligned and l
43                      For the first time, the fluorescence imaging analysis of DAT was combined with t
44              The DiI-bubble negative zone on fluorescence images and the damaged zone (transition zon
45 ells: a chemical probe for dynamic live-cell fluorescence imaging and a combination of scanning trans
46 luorescently labeled lectins was assessed by fluorescence imaging and an excellent selectivity to spe
47                                              Fluorescence imaging and biodistribution studies showed
48 quisite proteomic selectivity as revealed by fluorescence imaging and chemical proteomic activity-bas
49                              We present a 3D-fluorescence imaging and classification tool for high th
50                                        After fluorescence imaging and data storage, the fluorophores
51 trics at single-cell resolution by combining fluorescence imaging and deep learning.
52 al activity in vitro by simultaneous calcium fluorescence imaging and diffusion MR acquisition.
53 s such as array tomography, super-resolution fluorescence imaging and electron microscopy.
54                                  We employed fluorescence imaging and GCaMP6 reporter mice to generat
55                      We show by quantitative fluorescence imaging and gene reporter assays that drug
56 mples, enabling correlative super-resolution fluorescence imaging and high-quality electron microscop
57 other techniques, including lower-resolution fluorescence imaging and higher-resolution atomic struct
58  ZW800-1-labeled Bs-F(ab)2 for near-infrared fluorescence imaging and image-guided surgical resection
59                          Cell fractionation, fluorescence imaging and immunoelectron microscopy demon
60                                     Confocal fluorescence imaging and live cell microscopy showed tha
61                              Here we show by fluorescence imaging and microscopy that H202 and ROS ac
62          These models have largely relied on fluorescence imaging and microscopy to quantify cells in
63 uspended and adherent cells according to the fluorescence imaging and morphological features.
64                 Here, we use single-molecule fluorescence imaging and quantitative cell biology appro
65 ations normally required for single-molecule fluorescence imaging and should be broadly applicable to
66 tumor cell death, using planar near-infrared fluorescence imaging and SPECT, respectively, was evalua
67 R molecules using time-lapse single-molecule fluorescence imaging and subsequent analysis of tracks.
68 I fluorescence compared with traditional NIR fluorescence imaging and thus much deeper penetration de
69                              Single-molecule-fluorescence imaging and tracking has been used to measu
70 ic dyes are fundamental for super-resolution fluorescence imaging and tracking methods.
71 sing electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, fluorescence imaging and X-ray photoelectron spectroscop
72 escence molecular tomography, intraoperative fluorescence imaging, and (68)Ga-NODAGA-RGD PET for alph
73 pon continuous cycles of target recognition, fluorescence imaging, and fluorophore cleavage, this app
74 electrophysiology, confocal and conventional fluorescence imaging, and immunoblotting.
75 g reduces protein adhesion as observed using fluorescence imaging, and platelet adhesion (81.7 +/- 2.
76 ion of the mixed FliG ring was estimated via fluorescence imaging, and the probability of CW rotation
77          Drug delivery was assessed by using fluorescence imaging, and tumor necrosis was quantified
78 in the cell remains poorly characterized, as fluorescence imaging approaches are limited in the numbe
79 activity in behaving mice, we have developed fluorescence imaging approaches based on two- and miniat
80  immunohistochemical, molecular-genetic, and fluorescence imaging approaches revealed that phosphatid
81                                   Multicolor fluorescence images are acquired and analyzed to determi
82 n water and identify testosterone in cell by fluorescence imaging as a visible biomarker.
83 ed sections of the lungs were analyzed using fluorescence imaging, autoradiography, and immunohistoch
84 evelop a high-resolution and high-throughput fluorescence imaging-based approach for the unbiased map
85 t technological advances including live-cell fluorescence imaging-based approaches and microfluidic d
86                      Detection rates for the fluorescence imaging-based detection were found to be 10
87                                      Using a fluorescence-imaging-based genetic screen, we found that
88 e and accessible method for super-resolution fluorescence imaging, but generating high-quality data i
89 rometry (LC-MS) measurements showed that DOX fluorescence imaged by fluorescence microscopy could be
90 lignant tissues are usually distinguished on fluorescence images by applying empirically determined f
91                             Super-resolution fluorescence imaging by photoactivation or photoswitchin
92 ess, then allows highly efficient 3D OCT and fluorescence imaging by using only one raster scan.
93 ing bio-imaging modality in situations where fluorescence imaging cannot be applied.
94 alibrated values of pixel intensities of the fluorescence images captured by a handhold fluorescence
95                                  Chlorophyll fluorescence images captured in a multiscale time series
96 cers and intravascular optical near-infrared fluorescence imaging catheters are emerging to assess ne
97                             Using two-photon fluorescence imaging combined with patch-clamp in acute
98 cise identification of cells within confocal fluorescence images, compensation for changes in backgro
99                  Optical bioluminescence and fluorescence imaging confirmed tumor-specific probe accu
100            An application in single-molecule fluorescence imaging demonstrates the algorithm when app
101                                   Whole-body fluorescence imaging detected fluorescent signals in the
102    Intravascular 2-dimensional near-infrared fluorescence imaging detected nanoparticles in human cor
103           We review and compare two critical fluorescence imaging directions: one that uses nonspecif
104 NIR2, 950-1,400 nm) is promising for in vivo fluorescence imaging due to deep tissue penetration and
105 used to capture wide-band wide-field-of-view fluorescence images during a field deployment in Eilat,
106         New developments in super-resolution fluorescence imaging, electron microscopy, and quantitat
107               Herein, we report that in vivo fluorescence imaging, enabled by renal-clearable near-in
108            HyP-1 is also compatible with NIR fluorescence imaging, establishing its versatility as a
109 uction in surface expression was verified by fluorescence imaging experiments.
110 y pursued by using gamma tracing followed by fluorescence imaging (FI) and, when applicable, blue-dye
111                                              Fluorescence Imaging (FI) is a powerful technique in bio
112 im of this study was to evaluate the role of fluorescence imaging (FI) using an intraoperative inject
113 PNs with (177) Lu enables the integration of fluorescence imaging (FL) and photodynamic therapy (PDT)
114  imaging (BLI) and the respective multicolor fluorescence imaging (FLI) of the iRFPs.
115 ression using immunostaining and light-sheet fluorescence imaging, followed by automated mapping and
116 RITERIA: fluorescence in situ hybridization, fluorescence imaging for lymph node mapping, nonmalignan
117 ope that allows quantitative reflectance and fluorescence imaging for monitoring of local Dox concent
118 sis and highlight the utility of chlorophyll fluorescence imaging for revealing transient stress-indu
119 opathy (LHON) into the mouse germ line using fluorescence imaging for tissue-specific enrichment in t
120  visualized with both small-animal SPECT and fluorescence imaging from the first week of tumor growth
121 m)Tc-nanocolloid enables combined radio- and fluorescence image guidance during sentinel node (SN) bi
122 ng after 3 d and subsequently resected using fluorescence image-guided surgery.
123 iew of clinicatrials.gov using search terms "fluorescence," "image-guided surgery," and "near-infrare
124 al tissue with 3D precision, high-resolution fluorescence imaging has revolutionized biological resea
125                 As revealed by near-infrared fluorescence imaging, hyperfibrinolytic mice presented a
126                                              Fluorescence imaging identified four genomic regions lin
127                                 Live in vivo fluorescence imaging identified robust, quantifiable and
128 ing is combined with sensitive and versatile fluorescence imaging in a polymeric material for in vivo
129                                              Fluorescence imaging in deep tissue with high spatial re
130 hown responsible for providing intracellular fluorescence imaging in HepG2 cells.
131  demonstrate the use of DSIMe during in vivo fluorescence imaging in patients undergoing surgery for
132 ng down a foundation for translating in vivo fluorescence imaging in preclinical noninvasive kidney f
133 ncerning cccDNA biology, we have developed a fluorescence imaging in situ hybridization (FISH)-based
134 s with large diameters were used for in vivo fluorescence imaging in the long-wavelength NIR region (
135                                      In vivo fluorescence imaging in the near-infrared region between
136 re time of 20 ms for rare-earth based probes.Fluorescence imaging in the near-infrared window between
137                                              Fluorescence imaging in the second near-infrared window
138                                              Fluorescence imaging in the second near-infrared window
139 of a mouse, which has not been observed with fluorescence imaging in this window before.
140 ombined magnetic resonance and near-infrared fluorescence imaging in vivo.
141                    Total internal reflection fluorescence imaging indicated that LFA-1 and both chemo
142                       Notably, the post-STEM fluorescence imaging indicated that the bacterial cell w
143                                 However, the fluorescence imaging indicated that the increased NP ret
144                              Single-molecule fluorescence imaging is a good read-out scheme for compe
145 small studies have shown that intraoperative fluorescence imaging is a safe and feasible method to as
146                            Indocyanine green fluorescence imaging is a surgical tool with increasing
147                In this work, single-molecule fluorescence imaging is applied to measuring rates of hy
148                                     Although fluorescence imaging is being applied to a wide range of
149                               Intraoperative fluorescence imaging is emerging as a highly effective m
150 s, however with a strong drawback: polarized fluorescence imaging is indeed spatially limited by opti
151     Due to the confocal pinhole, deep tissue fluorescence imaging is not practical.
152  of reporter fluorophores in single-molecule fluorescence imaging is of paramount importance, as it d
153                            Calcium indicator fluorescence imaging is one of the main techniques for i
154                                     Although fluorescence imaging is regularly used for laboratory st
155 (CA) for safe magnetic resonance imaging and fluorescence imaging is reported.
156          Second harmonic generation 2-photon fluorescence imaging is widely applicable to the study o
157  strategy resulted in far less background in fluorescence imaging, it better preserved epitope recogn
158 ipulation, a newly developed single-molecule fluorescence imaging magnetic tweezers nanoscopic approa
159                              Bimodal nuclear/fluorescence imaging may not only improve cancer detecti
160              Both radionuclide detection and fluorescence imaging may provide useful information to i
161           We report a simple single-molecule fluorescence imaging method that increases the temporal
162                     In the last two decades, fluorescence imaging methods have been developed that re
163                         However, traditional fluorescence imaging methods have only limited detection
164                               By integrating fluorescence imaging methods we observed evidence for di
165                        Using single-molecule fluorescence imaging methods, we have quantified the nat
166 oblasts, assayed by microfluidic studies and fluorescence imaged microdeformation, respectively, sign
167  imaging system by combining the traditional fluorescence imaging microscope with two imaging fiber b
168 ovel near-infrared (NIR), two-photon induced fluorescence imaging modality, which significantly enhan
169                           We applied several fluorescence imaging modes, such as wide-field and confo
170                              The findings on fluorescence images, NADH-stained images, and hematoxyli
171 e multimodality nanoprobes for near-infrared fluorescence imaging (NIRFI), magnetic resonance imaging
172              In contrast, two-photon excited fluorescence images obtained from fluorescently labeled
173                             Furthermore, the fluorescence images of Cys/Hcy in Raw 264.7 cells were o
174 lenge, we analyzed total internal reflection fluorescence images of migrating fibroblasts coexpressin
175 ecord large field-of-view, bright-field, and fluorescence images of samples that are stained with a s
176 al images and approximately 90-nm-resolution fluorescence images of several elements in frozen-hydrat
177 natomical segmentation of high-resolution 3D fluorescence images of the adult mouse brain.
178                                              Fluorescence images of the microbead column revealed cap
179           DCO2 inside RBCs was determined by fluorescence imaging of [H(+)] dynamics in cells under s
180                                              Fluorescence imaging of a red fluorescent protein (mStra
181            Because of their high brightness, fluorescence imaging of a single carbon dot and CD aggre
182                          The use of 6 in the fluorescence imaging of BALB/c mice bearing a 4T1-luc2 t
183                                              Fluorescence imaging of brain slices found that IN admin
184 hat dual noninvasive bioluminescence and NIR fluorescence imaging of cancer xenograft models represen
185 les on the use of nanoparticles in (a) plain fluorescence imaging of cells, (b) targeted imaging, (c)
186 tform for high-resolution, three-dimensional fluorescence imaging of complete tissue volumes that ena
187  and sub-100 nm resolution deconvolved x-ray fluorescence imaging of diffusible and bound ions at nat
188 lytical system was developed that integrates fluorescence imaging of intracellular probes with high-s
189 ctivity-based probe that enables ratiometric fluorescence imaging of labile iron pools in living syst
190 he trafficking process using single molecule fluorescence imaging of live cells and have quantified o
191 ination microscopy allows high-speed 3D live fluorescence imaging of living cellular and multicellula
192                                              Fluorescence imaging of microfluidic droplets showed the
193 e, we report through-scalp and through-skull fluorescence imaging of mouse cerebral vasculature witho
194                                              Fluorescence imaging of mouse eyes and fluorescence micr
195 y, the approximate time frame for time-lapse fluorescence imaging of mt-Keima is 20 h for living cell
196                         Studies that rely on fluorescence imaging of nonadherent cells that are cultu
197 on nanotubes (SWNTs) as bacterial probes for fluorescence imaging of pathogenic infections.
198 c phagolysosomes, we herein report "turn-on" fluorescence imaging of phagocytosis with viable bacteri
199                                        X-ray fluorescence imaging of pinna cross-sections revealed pr
200 oltage-sensitive microelectrodes or confocal fluorescence imaging of plasma membrane PIP2 to characte
201                        Using single-molecule fluorescence imaging of quantum dot-labeled TRF1 and TRF
202                                 Here, we use fluorescence imaging of single cells during hyperosmotic
203    Typically, the approximate time frame for fluorescence imaging of SoNar is 30 min for living cells
204                     Using in vivo two-photon fluorescence imaging of the barrel cortex in fully awake
205  then demonstrate non-invasive through-skull fluorescence imaging of the brain vasculature of murine
206 onstrate nanometre-precision single-molecule fluorescence imaging of the individual motor domains (he
207                                     In vivo, fluorescence imaging of the pancreatic surface allows, f
208 white-light imaging of burrow formation with fluorescence imaging of tracer particle redistribution b
209  were similar to those obtained from ex vivo fluorescence imaging of transport gradients across the p
210 plate-reader-based assay, along with in vivo fluorescence imaging of tumor xenografts expressing SoNa
211 llowed us to directly compare the ability of fluorescence imaging (of the fluorescent proteins) and q
212                                              Fluorescence imaging offers expanding capabilities for r
213 n wavelengths: 550 nm for high quantum-yield fluorescence imaging on the one hand and 808 nm for phot
214 ry and Src were formed as observed by direct fluorescence imaging or imaging of an Src kinase sensor
215 tures that were automatically extracted from fluorescence images, our classification method distingui
216                          In conjunction with fluorescence imaging, our results suggest that even thou
217                                              Fluorescence images present clear multiple detections at
218 y, we developed and characterized HYPOX-4, a fluorescence-imaging probe capable of detecting retinal-
219 detection would save many lives, but current fluorescence imaging probes are limited in their detecti
220 orescent imaging (zone adjustable time-lapse fluorescence image processor) and separation controller.
221 mbined optical trapping with single-molecule fluorescence imaging provides a powerful methodology to
222                                Nevertheless, fluorescence imaging provides the surgeon with previousl
223  As such, this approach greatly improves the fluorescence image quality for examining live cell behav
224 on scattering in this spectral region allows fluorescence imaging reaching a depth of >2 mm in mouse
225 dual-laser modulated synchronously amplified fluorescence image recovery (DM-SAFIRe) improves signal
226 to variable-molecular-weight tags exhibiting fluorescence imaging, reporter, and electrophoresis appl
227 n detection and simultaneous single molecule fluorescence imaging represent a unique platform for nov
228                                     Confocal fluorescence imaging revealed facile uptake of functiona
229                                              Fluorescence imaging reveals polymerases remaining bound
230                                  Single-cell fluorescence imaging reveals that individual damaged cel
231 oes not require any major change in existing fluorescence imaging setups, only the addition of an app
232                         Variable-chlorophyll-fluorescence-imaging showed active photosynthesis with h
233 in the absence of syringe pumps and portable fluorescence imaging solutions makes this technology pro
234 oparticle-enhanced MRI and quantum-dot-based fluorescence imaging, sound technologies for intraoperat
235 e investigated by mutational, Multiparameter Fluorescence Image Spectroscopy, and live cell microscop
236                       Recent single-molecule fluorescence imaging studies mostly argue against the ex
237                                              Fluorescence imaging studies suggest an increase in PLCb
238 g mitochondria, as demonstrated by live cell fluorescence imaging studies.
239 (1), was successfully utilized for AIE-based fluorescence imaging study on methylmercury-contaminated
240                         Here we describe the Fluorescence Imaging System (FluorIS), based on a consum
241                              A point-of-care fluorescence imaging system was used to image ICG fluore
242                                    The X-ray fluorescence imaging technique allows not only the imagi
243                       Here, we present a new fluorescence imaging technique by which single fluoresce
244                       Unfortunately, current fluorescence imaging techniques are limited either in pe
245 ll interactions can be answered by combining fluorescence imaging techniques with fluorescent protein
246 in the near-infrared are highly desirable in fluorescence imaging techniques.
247 sed a combination of noninvasive chlorophyll fluorescence imaging technology and RNA sequencing to de
248 ment and experimental demonstration of a new fluorescence-imaging technology with a detection range o
249       Unexpectedly, we find using time-lapse fluorescence imaging that cdc-42 is not required for epi
250 ography, an automated method for whole-organ fluorescence imaging that integrates two-photon microsco
251 ment of single-molecule and super-resolution fluorescence imaging, the subject of the 2014 Nobel Priz
252 zation of ultrafast processes, time-resolved fluorescence imaging, three-dimensional depth imaging, a
253             Here we studied the potential of fluorescence imaging to detect ccRCC tumors in nude mice
254              Here we use 3D super-resolution fluorescence imaging to determine the directional outcom
255 c example, we demonstrate the feasibility of fluorescence imaging to differentiate this proliferative
256  fluorescence tagging and live-cell confocal fluorescence imaging to explore the biosynthesis and sub
257  of Raman spectral measurements and confocal fluorescence imaging to interrogate the pharmacological
258 Here we use DNA curtains and single-molecule fluorescence imaging to investigate how Msh2-Msh3, a euk
259 ne fixed-point laser excitation and scanning fluorescence imaging to locally alter the concentration
260  this probe system successfully used in cell fluorescence imaging to monitor levels of testosterone i
261                 Here, we use single-molecule fluorescence imaging to provide a comprehensive characte
262 tal sulfide-utilizing powder diffraction and fluorescence imaging to resolve the former and absorptio
263 -proteins, we used total internal reflection fluorescence imaging to study a transmembrane protease,
264  single-molecule atomic force microscopy and fluorescence imaging to study DNA binding dynamics of MB
265  and built synthetic nanoprobe combined with fluorescence imaging to study protein-DNA interactions a
266  used 64Cu-PET-CT, MRI, autoradiography, and fluorescence imaging to track the kinetics of long-circu
267 luid cell with STEM, followed by correlative fluorescence imaging to verify their membrane integrity.
268 ical method, named near-infrared II (NIR-II) fluorescence imaging, to image murine hindlimb vasculatu
269  was applied, in conjunction with two-photon fluorescence imaging, to probe the disposition of nanopa
270 ultiple technological formats from real-time fluorescence imaging, to solar energy materials, to opto
271                         Electrochemistry and fluorescence imaging tools have been developed to fill t
272                                        Coral fluorescence imaging tools have the potential to improve
273 bitors, through a combination of single-cell fluorescence imaging, transcriptomics, proteomics, and i
274 hrotron radiation based 3D confocal mu-X-ray fluorescence imaging upon a chemically fixed and air-dri
275 d images and the DiI bubble-negative zone on fluorescence images was noted at all time points.
276 ombining mass spectroscopy imaging (MSI) and fluorescence imaging was developed to localize in situ s
277                                   Open-field fluorescence imaging was performed preoperatively and du
278             In vivo, ex vivo and microscopic fluorescence imaging was performed.
279                                              Fluorescence imaging was used to analyze the effectivene
280                               Confocal X-ray fluorescence imaging was used to compare Se distribution
281                                              Fluorescence imaging was used to determine the height an
282 ed physical force measurement with sensitive fluorescence imaging we investigate the complex formed b
283                        Using single-molecule fluorescence imaging, we demonstrate these sacrificial n
284  chromatin biochemistry, and single-molecule fluorescence imaging, we developed a novel and sensitive
285                  Here, using single-molecule fluorescence imaging, we discover that SA1 displays two-
286               Here, using two-photon calcium fluorescence imaging, we observed the simultaneous dynam
287 ime in vivo imaging and subsequent composite fluorescence imaging, we show a widespread distribution
288  Here using multi-wavelength single-molecule fluorescence imaging, we show that mammalian Cor1B, Cof1
289 ours after injection, both microSPECT/CT and fluorescence images were acquired, both before and after
290                                          The fluorescence images were registered with standard reflec
291 referenced hyperspectral and high-resolution fluorescence imaging were coupled to microspatially mapp
292 itro data along with optical bioluminescence/fluorescence imaging were used to validate acquired MSOT
293                                Near-infrared fluorescence imaging with DPA-713-IRDye800CW showed stro
294                           Here, by combining fluorescence imaging with electrical field stimulation,
295  into live bacteria, applied single-molecule fluorescence imaging with single-particle tracking and l
296 us assay by Western blotting using multiplex fluorescence imaging with specific antibodies against pa
297  process, in static or flow conditions using fluorescence imaging, within the traditional fields of L
298 ingle molecule localization accuracy) in the fluorescence images without the use of chemical fixation
299 ium oxyanions were characterized using X-ray fluorescence imaging (XFI) and scanning transmission X-r
300 hus have developed chemically specific X-ray fluorescence imaging (XFI) at the sulfur K-edge to image

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