


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 onfocal microscopy using a flavonol-specific fluorescent dye.
2 ntraoperative application of a near infrared fluorescent dye.
3 nerate detectable SHG without the use of any fluorescent dye.
4 ic structures were visualized by infusion of fluorescent dye.
5 miluminescent precursor to a nearby emissive fluorescent dye.
6 ph that requires an intravenous injection of fluorescent dye.
7 DOTA) and labeled with copper 64 ((64)Cu) or fluorescent dye.
8 densities with cells labeled with a membrane fluorescent dye.
9 ected by different probes each with a unique fluorescent dye.
10 tein covalently labeled with a near-infrared fluorescent dye.
11 cific monoclonal antibody to a near-infrared fluorescent dye.
12 tigated using Laurdan as a membrane-anchored fluorescent dye.
13 channel pore dilates to allow the passage of fluorescent dyes.
14 s has been extensively studied ex vivo using fluorescent dyes.
15 rs derived from direct (co)polymerization of fluorescent dyes.
16 han relying on indirect measurements such as fluorescent dyes.
17 ular ROS content via the use of ROS-reactive fluorescent dyes.
18 A molecule is decorated by a known number of fluorescent dyes.
19 e of FISH probes, each conjugated to several fluorescent dyes.
20 ments to be labeled with sulfhydryl-specific fluorescent dyes.
21 ical samples site-specifically with suitable fluorescent dyes.
22 n one, depending on the concentration of the fluorescent dyes.
23 ives the development of novel, sophisticated fluorescent dyes.
24  growth factor (PDGF) and contains a pair of fluorescent dyes.
25  in vivo can be based on environment-sensing fluorescent dyes.
26 essentially impossible by using conventional fluorescent dyes.
27                                Introducing a fluorescent dye (0.1% [w/w] fluorescein) into the phloem
28  assay formats) labeled with a long lifetime fluorescent dye (14 or 17 ns) that act as substrates for
29 nverted a reactive oxygen species-responsive fluorescent dye, 2',7'-dichlorodihydrofluorescein (DCFH)
30                               An ESIPT-based fluorescent dye, 3-hydroxyflavone, is chemically masked
31 venient procedure for the preparation of the fluorescent dye 4',5'-dichloro-2',7'-dimethoxy-5(6)-carb
32            The phthalate linker releases the fluorescent dye 7-hydroxycoumarin upon exposure to light
33 he immobilization of zinc finger peptide and fluorescent dye acrydine orange on the micro well plate
34                     Chemical inactivation of fluorescent dyes after each image acquisition round allo
35 ulfide (CdSe@ZnS) quantum dots (QDs) and the fluorescent dye Alexa 647 as reporter in an assay design
36 d to label the Ts1 protein molecule with the fluorescent dyes Alexa-Fluor 488 and Bodipy.
37 e luminescent terbium(III) complex (Tb) or a fluorescent dye, Alexa Fluor 647 (A647).
38 h peptides that were labeled with a deep-red fluorescent dye, Alexa Fluor 647, and the dark quenchers
39  phenylboronic acid and the diol-containing, fluorescent dye Alizarin Red S (ARS) was probed.
40 n of benzoxaborole with the diol-containing, fluorescent dye Alizarin Red S is probed.
41     Labelling of proteins in live cells with fluorescent dyes allows protein uptake and intracellular
42 orically been performed using cell-permeable fluorescent dyes, although the use of the recombinant ph
43                             A combination of fluorescent dye and drug anions is possible as well and
44 yosin light chain 1 (LC1) was labeled with a fluorescent dye and exchanged with the native LC1 of ske
45 vessels were labelled by i.v. injection of a fluorescent dye and imaged with scanning laser confocal
46 ',3'-tetramethylindotricarbocyanine infrared fluorescent dye and injected intravenously into immunoco
47 s and derivatization of the protein BSA with fluorescent dye and polyethylene glycol.
48  dielectric permittivity, a CLC doped with a fluorescent dye and pumped optically is capable of mirro
49  the ligands permits covalent conjugation of fluorescent dye and redox-active dopamine to the QDs, pr
50 udies were carried out with Hoechst 33342 as fluorescent dye and substrate of ABCG2 to elucidate the
51 can be isolated by their ability to efflux a fluorescent dye and that retinoid signaling acts on this
52         It was labeled with a thiol-reactive fluorescent dye and via a chelator with a radionuclide.
53 ic dorsoventral levels of the chick NT using fluorescent dyes and a photoconvertible fluorescent prot
54 nanocapsules for encapsulating and releasing fluorescent dyes and bioactive molecules in living syste
55 ers, theragrippers could also be loaded with fluorescent dyes and commercial drugs such as mesalamine
56                                        Using fluorescent dyes and confocal microscopy, we monitored t
57   Subsequent separations were achieved using fluorescent dyes and fluorescently tagged proteins.
58 ists of a mixture of environmental-sensitive fluorescent dyes and human skin cells that generate fluo
59 lity of this concept by covalently attaching fluorescent dyes and hydrophilic polymers to the COF sur
60 nt and efferent origin were labeled with PKH fluorescent dyes and injected into the bloodstream.
61 HPY conjugates are complementary to existing fluorescent dyes and offer advantages for the developmen
62 fluorescence produced by mixtures of various fluorescent dyes and quantum dots.
63 at designated spots with covalently attached fluorescent dyes and the chain backbone with dyes of dif
64 tracked the fate of the cargo (a hydrophilic fluorescent dye) and shell (conjugated with a radioisoto
65 meation of ions and large molecules (ATP and fluorescent dyes) and occurs during both irreversible (c
66      Actin is labeled with extremely diluted fluorescent dye, and a small volume within the I-band (
67 s functionalized with bioconjugation groups, fluorescent dyes, and biomolecules.
68  GPCRs with biophysical probes, particularly fluorescent dyes, and highlight the relevant chemical bi
69  of the study was to evaluate laser-assisted fluorescent-dye angiography (LAA) to assess perfusion in
70                If [Rfunction(O)PO3](2-) is a fluorescent dye anion ([RdyeOPO3](2-)), the IOH-NPs show
71                                      Organic fluorescent dyes ( approximately 4 nm), quantum dots, ei
72 gP/pDNA polyplexes loaded with a hydrophobic fluorescent dye are retained in local neural tissue for
73 nd molecular bioimaging, near-infrared (NIR) fluorescent dyes are being extensively investigated.
74                                              Fluorescent dyes are easily doped into the hydrogel fibe
75          DNA constructs labeled with cyanine fluorescent dyes are important substrates for single-mol
76                                      Using a fluorescent dye as the reporter, our approach begins by
77  the imaging depth is the use of red-shifted fluorescent dyes, as scattering of photons is reduced at
78 h Cyanine 3 (Cy3) and Alexa Fluor 647 (A647) fluorescent dyes associated with the aptamer and peptide
79                        Some animals received fluorescent dyes at 26 and 54 d.
80 stranded DNA (ssDNA) molecules, labeled with fluorescent dyes at the same (3' or 5') end.
81 ven in the membrane of a cell containing the fluorescent dye Atto 647N, the signal/background of the
82 abeled at selected sites with Alexa 488 (C5) fluorescent dye (Ax) in the GDP, GTPgammaS (collectively
83 ect mesothoracic ganglia were examined using fluorescent dye backfills of lateral nerves.
84                                  We employed fluorescent dye ballistic labeling ("DiOlistics") alone,
85 chnical and practical limitations of current fluorescent dye-based methods.
86 lective microelectrodes and the pH-sensitive fluorescent dye BCECF, we conducted in vivo measurements
87 c populations by visualizing the transfer of fluorescent dye between cells.
88                    Herein, we report a novel fluorescent dye (bis(triphenylphosphonium) tetraphenylet
89 idant-sensing beads based on the ratiometric fluorescent dye BODIPY 581/591.
90 ed Affibody were conjugated to two different fluorescent dyes (both emitting in the near-infrared) an
91 an elevate the fluorescence signal of single fluorescent dyes by several orders of magnitude.
92             We used the membrane-impermeable fluorescent dye calcein and alexa-dextran, with or witho
93  quantitation of the release kinetics of the fluorescent dye calcein from target cells (>50 lytic eve
94           Monitoring calcium uptake with the fluorescent dye calcein shows that calcium ions first pe
95                 Cell-to-cell transfer of the fluorescent dye calcein-AM confirmed cytoplasmic communi
96 emonstrate how a nonspecific small molecular fluorescent dye can be empowered to form a selective pro
97                We have shown recently that a fluorescent dye can be stably conjugated to a mAb using
98                                Excitation of fluorescent dyes can also result in damage to catalytic
99                        This study shows that fluorescent dyes can have unintended effects on cellular
100 mo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdU), deuterium, or the fluorescent dye carboxy-fluorescein diacetate succinimid
101 de solution containing a membrane-impermeant fluorescent dye (carboxyfluorescein), the peptide permea
102             Finally, we demonstrate that the fluorescent dye cargo was able to penetrate intra-tumora
103 naptic spine density and morphology by using fluorescent dye confocal imaging.
104                                    Using the fluorescent-dye conjugate, [S14R, W50Pra(Bodipy)]Ts1, we
105 ral-racemic fluorinated dendrons and a green fluorescent dye conjugated to its hydrophilic part (RF-N
106                       MDPs are composed of a fluorescent dye conjugated to maltohexaose, and are rapi
107 e NIRF imaging agents that consist of bright fluorescent dyes conjugated to disease-targeting moietie
108             A series of novel PSMA-targeting fluorescent dye conjugates of Glu-urea-Lys-HBED-CC was s
109 sepair on the conformational dynamics of the fluorescent dye Cy3 attached to the 5' end of double-str
110                  Electrokinetic injection of fluorescent dye (Cy3) labeled oligonucleotide target int
111                A cyanine-class near-infrared fluorescent dye, Cy7, and doxorubicin were synthetically
112 stained with near-infrared voltage-sensitive fluorescent dye DI-4-ANBDQBS.
113 , electron microscopy, immunohistochemistry, fluorescent dye diffusion technique for functional asses
114 Cx43, and functional assessment of Cx43 with fluorescent dye diffusion were performed.
115 , water uptake, mass loss, and BODIPY (green-fluorescent dye) diffusion coefficient in PLGA.
116 , we observed, by applying the ROS-sensitive fluorescent dye dihydrorhodamine-123 and confocal micros
117                                              Fluorescent dyes (DiO and DID) containing surface modifi
118 Circular dichroism spectral measurements and fluorescent dye displacement assay confirm the intrusion
119 tion measurements of simultaneously injected fluorescent dyes DY-780 (hepato-biliary elimination) and
120           However, labeling of DNA with some fluorescent dyes, e.g., tetramethylrhodamine, alters DNA
121 al spectroscopy studies were performed using fluorescent dye encapsulated NLCs and NLC-CPPs.
122                               MBP conjugated fluorescent dye-encapsulating liposomes served to provid
123 x was incorporated into the lipid bilayer of fluorescent dye-encapsulating liposomes, allowing for th
124 ion of a small molecule-type thermosensitive fluorescent dye, ERthermAC, to monitor thermogenesis in
125                                          The fluorescent dye, even when coupled to a nanoparticle, mi
126 apical marker, as well as the excretion of a fluorescent dye, evidenced that these spheroids spontane
127  of the mPFC were selected for intracellular fluorescent dye filling, followed by high-resolution thr
128  beginning of transmembrane helix B with the fluorescent dye fluorescein (acetamidofluorescein).
129 dismutase and horseradish peroxidase), and a fluorescent dye (fluorescein) was synthesized.
130 re generated, half of which were seeded with fluorescent dye for imaging purposes.
131                       In vivo imaging with a fluorescent dye for new bone formation revealed a strong
132 th biotin for affinity enrichment, or with a fluorescent dye for visualization of the direct-binding
133                       The suitability of the fluorescent dyes for biological applications was demonst
134 the N- and C-terminal NBDs for labeling with fluorescent dyes for ensemble and single-molecule FRET s
135 ll molecular architecture with two different fluorescent dyes for multiplex spectral analyses and are
136 currently available on the choice of optimal fluorescent dyes for single-molecule microscopy utilizin
137        To intercalate the DNA with YOYO-1 (a fluorescent dye) for BaNC-HDC, we flush the capillary co
138 TMPMs did not affect the efflux of entrapped fluorescent dye from cells expressing the Cdr1p homologu
139 to Cdr1p and blocked the efflux of entrapped fluorescent dyes from the AR (Gu5) isolate.
140 mics of the outgrowing cells was assessed by fluorescent dye Fura-2 in response to acetylcholine (ACh
141 rate attoliter volumes of binary mixtures of fluorescent dyes has been demonstrated.
142 derlying photobleaching and photoblinking of fluorescent dyes has led to improved photoprotection str
143 c electrical signals using voltage-sensitive fluorescent dyes has only been performed in experimental
144 ndem hairpin PI polyamides conjugated with a fluorescent dye have been synthesized, but the study of
145                                              Fluorescent dyes have been designed for internal cellula
146 c analysis of spines using microinjection of fluorescent dyes, high-resolution confocal microscopy, d
147 tinuous patterns into the flow by uncaging a fluorescent dye, highly detailed measurements of the tra
148 enhancement of parenchymal labeling with the fluorescent dye Hoechst 33342.
149                EETI 2.5F-Fc, conjugated to a fluorescent dye, illuminated MB following i.v. injection
150 logical profiling assay that multiplexes six fluorescent dyes, imaged in five channels, to reveal eig
151 t (RF-NBD) or achiral hydrogenated and a red fluorescent dye in its hydrophilic part (RH-RhB).
152 tous fatty acid vesicles containing either a fluorescent dye in the encapsulated aqueous phase, or hy
153 ligonucleotides each tagged with a different fluorescent dye in the presence of 13 nm gold nanopartic
154 2X7, in the absence of Px1, was permeable to fluorescent dyes in an agonist-dependent manner.
155 ent proteins labelled with GFP and two other fluorescent dyes in HeLa cells were resolved with an ima
156                   ATP also leads to entry of fluorescent dyes in many cells expressing P2X7 receptors
157 sential support for the stability demands on fluorescent dyes in single-molecule spectroscopy and flu
158  individual layer 2/3 pyramidal neurons with fluorescent dyes in specific domains of the orientation
159                               Separations of fluorescent dyes in the 3D-printed device and its glass
160                                 Imaging with fluorescent dyes in the pipette showed that the hydrophi
161 ed single-cell imaging of Ca(2+) -responsive fluorescent dyes in the unicellular green alga Chlamydom
162 ect, site-specific labeling of proteins with fluorescent-dyes in live cells.
163 resonance energy transfer (FRET) between two fluorescent dyes incorporated into DNA substrates to pro
164  alteration of subcellular localization of a fluorescent dye, indicating that SH affects membrane per
165 ybrid sentinel node tracer consisting of the fluorescent dye indocyanine green (ICG) and (99m)Tc-nano
166 reported that the well-known and widely used fluorescent dye indocyanine green (ICG), which has FDA a
167  Based on several retrospective studies, the fluorescent dye indocyanine green is considered a possib
168 tide (pHLIP) conjugated with a near-infrared fluorescent dye [indocyanine green (ICG)] targets low ex
169             We used retrograde tracing using fluorescent dye injected into fast or slow twitch lower
170 ch combined a radiometal chelating agent and fluorescent dye into a single moiety.
171 ration-induced transport of an intercalating fluorescent dye into and within single cells.
172 stem enabled locally controlled release of a fluorescent dye into the brain of a zebrafish for the fi
173 ese neutral conjugates can shuttle the bound fluorescent dye into the cytosol of intact plant cell ve
174              Legs were tracked with infrared-fluorescent dyes invisible to the fly, and compatible wi
175 pen in response to various stimuli, allowing fluorescent dyes, ions, and cytoplasmic molecules such a
176 labeled AMG 110 with (89)Zr or near-infrared fluorescent dye (IRDye) 800CW to study its tumor targeti
177 betuzumab, labeled with both a near-infrared fluorescent dye (IRDye800CW) and a radioactive label ((1
178  of cyclic peroxides activated by oxidizable fluorescent dyes is an example of chemically initiated e
179 PET), which causes pH-dependent quenching of fluorescent dyes, is more effectively introduced by phen
180                                  Traditional fluorescent dyes label axon terminals near an injection
181 us macaques were infused with differentially fluorescent dye-labeled autologous CD8(hCXCR5) and untra
182 hout affecting binding specificity in vitro, fluorescent dye-labeled CPP-DGEA demonstrated extremely
183 maging studies using radionuclides, gene and fluorescent dye-labeled MSCs.
184 pal synapses with nanoscale resolution using fluorescent dye labeling and electron microscopy.
185 +) ion by combining nanoparticle extraction, fluorescent dye labeling, and flow injection analysis (F
186 transcriptome analysis, genetic tracing, and fluorescent dye-labeling experiments, we show that Tbx1-
187  of living cells using a minimally invasive, fluorescent dye labelled lipid analogue.
188       We designed cell-permeant red-emitting fluorescent dye labels with >140 nm Stokes shifts based
189 cell lines, we discovered TP-alpha from a TP fluorescent dye library TPG (TP-Green).
190        Photoswitches and membrane-impermeant fluorescent dyes likewise penetrate through P2X receptor
191  the effects and photophysical properties of fluorescent dyes linked to various UAAs for smFRET measu
192                                              Fluorescent dye-loaded protein G-liposomal nanovesicles
193  modified successfully to the surface of the fluorescent dyes-loaded Alb NPs, thus enabling the probe
194        This method, based on the analysis of fluorescent dyes localized into the tumor, is more time,
195 cule FRET assay to measure distances between fluorescent dyes located on the promoter and map its str
196 rgy transfer (FRET) pathways between QDs and fluorescent dyes, luminescent lanthanide complexes, and
197                       Here, we demonstrate a fluorescent dye method suitable for visualization of one
198                                          The fluorescent dyes methylene blue, MB(+), and thionine, Th
199                                 We performed fluorescent dye microinjections to identify aortic arch
200  aromatic polyanions in water, including the fluorescent dye molecule pyranine with nanomolar affinit
201 o measure resonance Raman cross-sections for fluorescent dye molecules due to the overwhelming isoene
202            Infusion and retention of 130-155 fluorescent dye molecules per CPMV using DAPI (4',6-diam
203 py is limited by the spectral overlap of the fluorescent dye molecules that are coupled permanently t
204                            An average of 2.5 fluorescent dye molecules were attached at specific loca
205 er washing unbound nanovesicles, millions of fluorescent dye molecules were released by adding a dete
206 higher sensitivity than an assay using usual fluorescent dye molecules, besides avoiding bleaching ef
207                             Devices based on fluorescent dye molecules, quantum dots and carbon nanot
208                                          The fluorescent dye moves in the hydrophobic groove formed a
209                                          The fluorescent dye, N-Methyl mesoporphyrin IX, binds to the
210         These sequences bind to a G4-binding fluorescent dye, N-methyl-mesoporphyrin IX (NMM).
211    A small library of six polarity-sensitive fluorescent dyes, nicknamed MediaChrom, was prepared.
212  size and superb photophysical parameters of fluorescent-dyes offer unique advantages for high-resolu
213                               Separations of fluorescent dyes on devices ablated with and without the
214 enerated by covalent conjugation of multiple fluorescent dyes onto macromolecular polymeric scaffolds
215 m in length) filled with solutions of either fluorescent dye or 20 nm diameter fluorescent polymer na
216 t labelling of viral particles with either a fluorescent dye or biotin.
217 of the mammalian retina without the use of a fluorescent dye or exogenously expressed recombinant pro
218 subsequent bioorthogonal ligation with azide-fluorescent dyes or affinity enrichment tags.
219      Anl-labeled proteins can be tagged with fluorescent dyes or affinity reagents via either copper-
220 or formalin-fixed specimens are stained with fluorescent dyes or antibodies to visualize ROIs, then s
221 tion of 30 sub-nL sample droplets containing fluorescent dyes or DNA fragments.
222 ies usually based on labeling protocols with fluorescent dyes or nanoparticles are often explored.
223 icient protocol for on-the-resin coupling of fluorescent dyes or other functional groups to the N-ter
224     We find that >90% of AMPARs labeled with fluorescent dyes or sQDs were diffusing in confined nano
225 he steady-state rotational anisotropy of the fluorescent dye, Oregon Green, within individual SVs.
226  target for optical imaging of OSCC with the fluorescent dye PARPi-FL.
227                                              Fluorescent dye partitioning with microfiberoptic detect
228 ered between small atomic ions (current) and fluorescent dye permeants, indicating that these permean
229  further produced with a near infrared (NIR) fluorescent dye physically integrated in the crystal lat
230 ntreated, healthy rat liver and labeled with fluorescent dye PKH2, we found that hepatocytes in cultu
231 robes are often limited by the properties of fluorescent dyes, prompting the development of new probe
232 ifunctional smHSSs integrated with proteins, fluorescent dyes, quantum dots, and magnetic nanoparticl
233 environments and that such channels mediated fluorescent dye release from liposomes.
234  the toxin mediated breakdown and subsequent fluorescent dye release from phospholipid vesicles (lipo
235 on or semiautomated, time-lapse reading of a fluorescent dye released from NK cell-sensitive targets,
236 m for the synthesis of new moderately bright fluorescent dyes remarkable for their chemical stability
237 ell surface pH by positioning a pH-sensitive fluorescent dye, seminaphtharhodafluor (SNARF), conjugat
238 ty at two wavelengths of Laurdan, a membrane fluorescent dye sensitive to local membrane packing.
239  together with a chemically diverse panel of fluorescent dyes sensitive to an array of reactive speci
240 r negatively charged biomolecules, including fluorescent dyes such as tetramethyl rhodamine isothiocy
241 embrane perturbation (percent leakage of the fluorescent dye, Sulforhodamine B) over the entire studi
242 he successful incorporation of a hydrophobic fluorescent dye tagged with a fluorooctyl group.
243                        For in vivo analyses, fluorescent dye-tagged PMNs were injected intravenously
244  composed with green and near-infrared (NIR) fluorescent dyes tethered to Schaap's dioxetane.
245 etic host cucurbit[7]uril (Q7) linked to the fluorescent dye tetramethylrhodamine (TMR), and the char
246 ces) than aptamers selected to bind a larger fluorescent dye, tetramethylrhodamine (TMR).
247   This was accomplished using fluorescein, a fluorescent dye that loses fluorescence intensity upon r
248 Peptides were distally labeled with either a fluorescent dye that quenched QD PL through FRET or a ru
249 visualize chromatin in situ, we identified a fluorescent dye that stains DNA with an osmiophilic poly
250 nlike monomers or dimers, the oligomers bind fluorescent dyes that indicate they have characteristics
251 template using high-resolution melting (HRM) fluorescent dyes that intercalate into the growing duple
252                               In contrast to fluorescent dyes that show blinking characteristics due
253       After the conjugation with appropriate fluorescent dyes, the CPP-DGEA peptides were evaluated i
254 pound B (PIB) is a neutral derivative of the fluorescent dye Thioflavin T (ThT), which displays enhan
255 ering vesicles containing a Ca(2+) sensitive fluorescent dye to a passivated surface and measuring ch
256                             The ability of a fluorescent dye to absorb and emit light of different wa
257 d with the immunosuppressant rapamycin and a fluorescent dye to link targeted immune cells with the e
258  occurring from a fluorescein isothiocyanate fluorescent dye to plasmonic citrate-capped gold nanopar
259 penetration enhancers on the skin by using a fluorescent dye to probe the transdermal pathways of the
260 able fluorescence signaling, we conjugated a fluorescent dye to the N-terminal of iRGD, which was lin
261 been designed and synthesized by conjugating fluorescent dyes to a non-peptidic, pharmacophore-based
262 by the selective adsorption of water-soluble fluorescent dyes to disordered monolayer phases.
263  Here we use the incorporation of sulfonated fluorescent dyes to gain new understanding of additive o
264                            Using n different fluorescent dyes to generate 2(n) unique cellular barcod
265  Cardiac optical mapping uses potentiometric fluorescent dyes to image membrane potential (Vm).
266 esolution (SCCaNR), employing Ca2+-sensitive fluorescent dyes to localize stochastic openings and clo
267                                        Using fluorescent dyes to measure changes in pH arising from t
268   Administration of the NP platform carrying fluorescent dyes to mice bearing intraperitoneal ovarian
269 present a method to target voltage-sensitive fluorescent dyes to specified cells using an enzyme-cata
270 nce transport, we performed radiolabeled and fluorescent dye tracer assays.
271 , thus driving the repopulation, as shown by fluorescent dye tracing.
272 e to track the movement of a bleach front of fluorescent dye traveling in the phloem from the cotyled
273                                      Using a fluorescent dye uptake assay, we observed that BX430 als
274 otentials, but only Px1 displayed detectable fluorescent dye uptake.
275 types of 1 mum fluorescent particles and the fluorescent dye uranine.
276 etramethylrhodamine methyl ester (TMRM) is a fluorescent dye used to study mitochondrial function in
277            The temperature sensitivity of 22 fluorescent dyes was assessed.
278  method using a 2-step staining process with fluorescent dyes was established to identify subpopulati
279 thylamino-2',7'-difluorofluorescein (DAF-FM) fluorescent dye, we found that insulin increased NO prod
280  Finally, using an environmentally sensitive fluorescent dye, we obtained direct evidence that the ce
281                          Using HAP-selective fluorescent dyes, we show that all types of sub-RPE depo
282 oxin C-fragment (TTc) labeled with Alexa 790 fluorescent dye were done (15 ug/20 uL) in the left calf
283                            A large number of fluorescent dyes were loaded into Alb NPs to make Alb NP
284                                    Moreover, fluorescent dyes were released at higher rates from perm
285                               Four different fluorescent dyes were used and two different therapeutic
286 RET relay, a luminescent terbium complex and fluorescent dye, were assembled to QDs via peptides that
287 nd IL-17A detection antibody labelled with a fluorescent dye, which detects cytokines bound to these
288       Cy3B is an extremely bright and stable fluorescent dye, which is only available for coupling to
289                                 We coupled a fluorescent dye, which serves as a chemical sensor, to a
290 nt material, followed by impregnation with a fluorescent dye, which under ultra violet (UV) illuminat
291                            We report six new fluorescent dyes, which were characterized by UV-vis/flu
292 rt that indocyanine green (ICG), an infrared fluorescent dye with FDA approval as an intravenously ad
293 achieved with only Fluoro-Gold, a neurotoxic fluorescent dye with membrane penetration characteristic
294 e of the availability of a limited number of fluorescent dyes with both high quantum yield and minima
295                          Near-infrared (NIR) fluorescent dyes with favorable photophysical properties
296 rform routine resonant Raman measurements of fluorescent dyes with high quantum yield, using conventi
297 and IgG4 were detected in parallel using two fluorescent dyes with no crosstalk.
298  of concentrations by a method that uses two fluorescent dyes with the same fluorophore, having diffe
299  QDs to be excited from one source by common fluorescent dyes without emission signal overlap and res
300  the RTX-evoked uptake of the large cationic fluorescent dye YO-PRO1.

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