


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 diate containing an aromatic nitro-activated fluorine atom.
2  for a drug molecule to include at least one fluorine atom.
3 ne carbon atom as well as the absence of the fluorine atom.
4 1a lacks the stabilizing effect of the three fluorine atoms.
5  9-11 when the ArF group possesses two ortho fluorine atoms.
6 uents, and the positions and number of vinyl fluorine atoms.
7 ckbone hydrogen bonding), are substituted by fluorine atoms.
8 e center of the bilayer corresponding to the fluorine atoms.
9 despite the lack of strongly electronegative fluorine atoms.
10  allosteric binding site and the addition of fluorine atoms.
11 axial arrangement of the C2' and C3' vicinal fluorine atoms.
12 cement of the bromine atom in 4BP-TQS with a fluorine atom [4FP-TQS (4-(4-fluorophenyl)-3a,4,5,9b-tet
13 represents a rare example of a carbon linked fluorine atom acting as a hydrogen bond acceptor.
14 tivity was further enhanced by addition of a fluorine atom adjacent to the phenolic hydroxyl group as
15                     The electron-withdrawing fluorine atoms allowed us to measure peptide binding dow
16 s a possible hydrogen bonding between the 3'-fluorine atom and Asp185, which correlates with its pote
17 with a significant -ve charge density on the fluorine atom and correspondingly a +ve charge density o
18 timal RNA affinities were observed with a 3'-fluorine atom and nucleobase in a trans-diaxial orientat
19  9.8 +/- 0.5 A, and the distance between the fluorine atom and the 3'-methine carbon was 10.3 +/- 0.5
20 clo-DNA series, no short contact between the fluorine atom and the H6 of the base, reminiscent of a n
21                           We also introduced fluorine atoms and long alkyl chains into polymer backbo
22 ric interaction between one of the two ortho fluorine atoms and the methyl group [-N=C(CH3)] on the k
23 een the geminal hydroxyl groups, the geminal fluorine atoms, and the active-site aspartate residues.
24 ues by systematically changing the number of fluorine atoms, and we determined high-resolution crysta
25 sten centers induces an upfield shift of the fluorine atom appended on the arylimido group, the exten
26 nes induces distinct (19)F NMR shifts of the fluorine atoms appended on the ligand that defines a chi
27 uted) is described in which the nitrogen and fluorine atoms are attached to sp(3)-hybridized carbons.
28  much as a factor of 2, depending on how the fluorine atoms are distributed within the molecule.
29 are attributed to steric interactions of the fluorine atoms associated with 5-FTrp146 and 5-FTrp214 i
30 ved in the active site complex, with the CXF fluorine atom at a approximately 3 A (bonding) distance
31                Second, the introduction of a fluorine atom at C3 also interrupts the sigmatropic shif
32                            Introduction of a fluorine atom at C3 of 3DUrd shifts its antimetabolic ac
33 rected toward the common area defined by the fluorine atom at position 6 and the beta-ketoacid moiety
34           The addition of an electronegative fluorine atom at the 2-position of dI lowered the oligon
35 interest to investigate the influence of the fluorine atom at the 3'-position.
36 n of the benzylamine moiety, combined with a fluorine atom at the 3-position of the aniline ring, we
37 esults suggest that introduction of a single fluorine atom at the beta,gamma-bridging carbon atom of
38 e dinucleotide (TAD) analogue 7 containing a fluorine atom at the C2' arabino configuration of the ad
39 ine is a modified cytidine analog having two fluorine atoms at the 2'-position of the ribose ring.
40                          The presence of two fluorine atoms at the beta-position of the enamide moiet
41 ine atoms in the molecule, (2) the number of fluorine atoms at the C2 and C6 positions, and (3) the n
42       One electron-deficient linker has four fluorine atoms attached directly to a thiophenyl unit.
43 ch is facilitated by the presence of several fluorine atoms attached the ring.
44 iffers by the number and position of pendant fluorine atoms attached to the backbone.
45 haped primary coordination of xenon to three fluorine atoms (AX3E2 VSEPR arrangement) and a secondary
46                                          The fluorine atom-benzene complex is predicted to be a sigma
47 ecause the size and electronegativity of the fluorine atom can be used to make defined structural alt
48                                          The fluorine atom caused a small deviation from planarity in
49 an increase in MW as a result of introducing fluorine atoms does not lead to higher risk of P-gp medi
50 ally substituted with hydrogen (H12SubPc) or fluorine atoms (F12SubPc).
51           These electron-withdrawing pendant fluorine atoms fine tune the energetics of the polymers
52 itution in position 4 of the tricycle with a fluorine atom gave the best result.
53         Azobenzene functionalized with ortho-fluorine atoms has a lower energy of the n-orbital of th
54 enzyme A esters, possessing one or more beta-fluorine atoms, have been synthesized using Wittig, conj
55   As the replacement of a hydrogen atom by a fluorine atom in a compound can have an important impact
56 ectly bonded to the cyclopropane ring, and a fluorine atom in a relationship cis to the amino group w
57 to measure a relative anchimeric role of the fluorine atom in hydrolysis versus mu-hydrido bridging.
58                                            A fluorine atom in paraposition and one ortho-methyl group
59                                  The smaller fluorine atoms in [Fe(dftpy)2](2+) enable spin crossover
60 s or by incorporating multiple nonequivalent fluorine atoms in a single receptor.
61 signals are created by strategically placing fluorine atoms in close proximity to bound analytes so t
62 lly, clustering three highly electronegative fluorine atoms in close proximity.
63      Two of the compounds examined contained fluorine atoms in either the arabino or xylo disposition
64 ce of two adjacent TT units (or two opposing fluorine atoms in PTBF2) with opposite orientations or i
65                  Here, we report that adding fluorine atoms in the benzyl ring of the abscisic acid (
66 es have determined that incorporation of two fluorine atoms in the central phenyl group, as in 20 and
67 nzenes with multiple magnetically equivalent fluorine atoms in the form of a tetrafluorophenyl core o
68 bination of three factors: (1) the number of fluorine atoms in the molecule, (2) the number of fluori
69         The third compound also incorporated fluorine atoms in the xylo configuration on the furanose
70 h reference compounds that the presence of a fluorine atom increases the in vitro anti-HIV activity,
71 l any m/z ratios relating to the presence of fluorine atoms, indicating that 4-F-GlcNAc did not incor
72 that the nonplanar compound extends with its fluorine atom into a pocket, which coincides with a regi
73                         The incorporation of fluorine atom into a stereogenic center is a highly chal
74 cal composition--incorporation of one or two fluorine atoms into a single proline residue in the 99 a
75 ect this method to allow the introduction of fluorine atoms into advanced, highly functionalized inte
76                                            A fluorine atom introduced in the para-position of phenyla
77                                    Since the fluorine atom is a suitable probe for structural analysi
78  IR intensity for C-F stretches in which the fluorine atom is bonded to the carbon that is bonded to
79                                    Whereas a fluorine atom is found not to bind covalently to the con
80                  We evidenced that if a sole fluorine atom is not able to balance the loss of the 3-O
81 nt of methods allowing the introduction of a fluorine atom is of great importance.
82 eliminary study of two molecules, in which a fluorine atom is positioned proximately above the pi-orb
83                                 However, the fluorine atom itself is nonpolarizable, and thus, despit
84                Blocking this position with a fluorine atom led to 6-fluoro-3-(4-fluoropiperidin-3-yl)
85               The first sublattice is due to fluorine atoms located in Ba(2+) double layers and is ri
86  assignments of the resonances, and that the fluorine atoms located next to the tin atoms are extreme
87  orbital level: (1) increasing the number of fluorine atoms lowers the energy of the pi*(M identical
88                       In all structures, the fluorine atoms made surprisingly close contacts to the o
89 uorinated PC monolayers, indicating that the fluorine atoms modified the binding of this hydrophobic
90                                          The fluorine atom of [1-F](+) is connected to one of the for
91  arrangement) and a secondary contact to the fluorine atom of HF in [H5F4][SbF6].2[XeF3.HF][Sb2F11] a
92 F3.HF][Sb2F11] and [XeF3.HF][Sb2F11] or to a fluorine atom of SbF6(-) in [XeF3][SbF6].
93   Molecular modeling study shows that the 3'-fluorine atom of the d-2',3'-unsaturated cytidine tripho
94 bonds with the essential divalent cation and fluorine atoms of BeF(3)(-).
95                                          The fluorine atoms of the 3-fluorotyrosine interact primaril
96 rofile to PDE4 with rolipram except that the fluorine atoms of the difluoromethyl groups of 5v, 5za,
97                    To evaluate the effect of fluorine atom on molecular shapes, X-ray data for 5- and
98                                          The fluorine atom on the active-site Tyr6 is located near th
99 ization of the position para (or ortho) to a fluorine atom on the aromatic ring using an electron-wit
100 nNOS provide insights into the effect of the fluorine atoms on binding.
101 l, to further understand the impact of these fluorine atoms on open circuit voltage (V(oc)), short ci
102 e carbon increases with increasing number of fluorine atoms on the alkoxide ligands for both molecula
103                   Strategic placement of the fluorine atoms on the chromophores can result in either
104                                              Fluorine atoms on the meso-pentafluorophenyl groups are
105  methyl groups on the one hand and (ii) four fluorine atoms on the other, at the 3,5,3',5'-positions
106                          Introduction of two fluorine atoms on the phenyl ring yielded analogue 4y th
107 hesis of perhexiline analogues incorporating fluorine atoms onto the cyclohexyl ring(s) provided a ra
108 etween four and six carbons in length, and a fluorine atom ortho to the aromatic OCH3 provides compou
109  the structure of this ion is fluxional; the fluorine atom oscillates between the former methylium ce
110  are in inverse ratio to the total number of fluorine atoms per anion.
111 mpt to define the roles that the two vicinal fluorine atoms play in the puckering preferences of the
112  tetrad in which pyrene residues replace the fluorine atoms present on the conventional BODIPY-based
113 nt at the 6-position, i.e., on the number of fluorine atoms present.
114  side chains containing between three and 21 fluorine atoms readily polymerize under controlled condi
115                                          The fluorine atoms reduce the pK(a) of the nucleophilic alph
116 placement of one or more hydrogen atoms with fluorine atom(s) is a common tactic to improve potency a
117 amined how the site-specific introduction of fluorine atom(s) modifies the thermal properties in the
118                        The subtle effects of fluorine atom(s) on the course of asymmetric reactions a
119 edict that replacing one hydroxyl group by a fluorine atom should considerably suppress the major met
120                                        Three fluorine atoms significantly increased the affinity by w
121 ility of the proton to bind the nitrogen and fluorine atoms simultaneously in a bifurcated arrangemen
122 r this transformation have used bench-stable fluorine atom sources; however, many still rely on the u
123      The tags have a minimum number of total fluorine atoms, starting at zero and increasing in incre
124                      These ligands contained fluorine atom substituents to allow their interactions w
125 en the Ba(2+) and Sn(2+) layers, and the few fluorine atoms that inhabit the Sn(2+)-Sn(2+) double lay
126 he strong electron-withdrawing effect of the fluorine atoms the role of the negative charge of the di
127       It is further evident that, of the two fluorine atoms, the pro-R alpha-fluorine interacts with
128                       For similar numbers of fluorine atoms, their absorption of radiation in the IR
129 fluorobenzonitrile (2) substituting its para-fluorine atom to form 2-(4-cyanotetrafluorophenyl)-4,4,5
130                                  Tethering a fluorine atom to the aminoquinoline C(3) position afford
131 the pK(a) of the basic nitrogen, by adding a fluorine atom to the piperidine ring, leading to 3-(4-fl
132 ing strategically placed hydroxyl groups and fluorine atoms to further probe the SAR of 2-azetidinone
133 combined electron withdrawing effects of two fluorine atoms to modulate the electronic density of the
134 tion at C-5'', and in some cases addition of fluorine atoms to the aniline ring allowed for the ident
135            The Ph-N=N- group activates ortho fluorine atoms toward alkylthiolation under mild conditi
136                          Installation of the fluorine atom was accomplished using nonafluorobutanesul
137                                          The fluorine atom was used as the leaving group for the form
138 econdary amines bearing different numbers of fluorine atoms, were synthesized and used as phase tags
139 drug discovery, due to the unique effects of fluorine atoms when incorporated into molecules.
140 C6 positions, and (3) the number of pairs of fluorine atoms which are ortho to one another.
141 f the decrease in pK(a) brought about by the fluorine atom, which affects the ionization state of the
142 c linear acene contains electron-withdrawing fluorine atoms, which lower the molecular orbital energi
143  dendron containing 243 chemically identical fluorine atoms with a MW of 9082 Da.
144 from which the nature of the interactions of fluorine atoms with the rest of the protein can be evalu
145 as established by tracking surface-localized fluorine atoms with XPS, by monitoring changes in carbon
146                              The presence of fluorine atoms within the pyranose ring slightly increas

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