


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  series of copolymers with varying amount of fluorine substitution.
2 ss the generality of the effects produced by fluorine substitution.
3 ucture-activity relationships as a result of fluorine substitution.
4 luoromethanes also decreases with increasing fluorine substitution.
5 identical polymers, except for the number of fluorine substitutions (0, 1, or 2) on the repeat unit (
6 myl-gamma-glutamate to examine the effect of fluorine substitution adjacent to the scissile isopeptid
7  represent a valuable tool for designing new fluorine substitutions and support ligand optimization i
8  In the present investigation, the effect of fluorine substitution at aziridine positions other than
9 anitrocubane, and (8) the effects of geminal fluorine substitution at C-2 of 1,3-diradicals.
10                          Differences between fluorine substitution at the 3' and 2' positions may acc
11         In a previous study we reported that fluorine substitution at the carbon positions of aziridi
12                                  In general, fluorine substitution directly on the left-hand aromatic
13 introduction of a benzyl alcohol group and a fluorine substitution, each of which resulted in over 10
14 itution in SiH2FCH2 is consistent with other fluorine substitution effects.
15 ers, dependent on the number and site of the fluorine substitution: fluorine on carbon adjacent to th
16                                     Multiple fluorine substitution for hydrogen in the alpha-methylen
17                    The assays confirmed that fluorine substitution had marked effects on the affinity
18 ed cyclooctynes (OMe, Cl, F, CN) showed that fluorine substitution has the most dramatic effect on re
19                     A study of the effect of fluorine substitution in Baylis-Hillman reactions of var
20                                              Fluorine substitution in SiH2FCH2 is consistent with oth
21 new N-heterocyclic carbene precursor bearing fluorine substitution in the backbone results in signifi
22 cts, our results suggest that the effects of fluorine substitution in the reactions of fluorinated ty
23 he conformational biases induced by a single fluorine substitution in the template can be enhanced by
24 cant structural perturbation imparted by the fluorine substitution in these complexes is a rotation o
25 3G (or both) mutations were compensated by 2'fluorine substitutions in the mRNA codon.
26   We find that the stabilization imparted by fluorine substitution is additive over that obtained by
27                                   Increasing fluorine substitution leads to an increase in the entrop
28                                              Fluorine substitution lowers the inversion barrier impre
29  (X = H, F) as model systems, the effects of fluorine substitution on main-chain conformations, packi
30 synthesized in order to study the effects of fluorine substitution on monoamine oxidase inhibition.
31 our research program to study the effects of fluorine substitution on the biological activities of ne
32                Among nucleoside analogues, a fluorine substitution on the carbohydrate moiety or intr
33         This is reminiscent of the effect of fluorine substitution on the chemistry (inter- and intra
34                               The effects of fluorine substitution on the Cope rearrangements of 1,5-
35                               The effects of fluorine substitution on the cyclobutylcarbinyl to 4-pen
36                    The degree and pattern of fluorine substitution on the inhibitor benzyl ring modul
37 dies of this class of antivirals showed that fluorine substitution on the left-hand phenyl ring in co
38  was used to gain insight into the impact of fluorine substitution on the overall protein structure a
39                               The effects of fluorine substitution on the S-isomers were less predict
40                                     Finally, fluorine substitutions on the phenylazide ring did not c
41 xtension is highly dependent on the specific fluorine substitution pattern.
42 -band gap conjugated molecules with specific fluorine substitution patterns has been synthesized in o
43 oly(hydroxyalkanoate) (PHA) bioplastics with fluorine substitutions ranging from around 5-15 %.
44                                              Fluorine substitution resulted in a significant decrease
45  7% with PBnDT-DTffBT (2F) but also suggests fluorine substitution should be generally considered in
46 (cat)/K(M) = 30 M(1) s(1)) based on a single fluorine substitution that originates from differences i
47 sulfate with differing mixes of hydrogen and fluorine substitution was also observed.
48                                              Fluorine substitution was found to confer substantial st
49       Depending on the degree and pattern of fluorine substitution, we observe a face-to-face (aromat
50                                              Fluorine substitution which increases the contribution o
51 ated a remarkable electronic effect of the 4-fluorine substitution, while the effect of the 4-methyl
52         Although it is commonly thought that fluorine substitution will not result in any significant

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