


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1    Supporting data were obtained using MgIDP-fluoroaluminate.
2 -) (FPBA = tris(2,2',2' '-nonafluorobiphenyl)fluoroaluminate) (4), [rac-Et(Indenyl)(2)ZrMe](+)[FPBA](
3                            Together, GDP and fluoroaluminate (AlF4-) form a transition state analog o
4                           In the presence of fluoroaluminate and Ca(2+), ADP (or AMP-PCP) favors form
5 ization was measured using phosphate analogs fluoroaluminate and fluoroscandium.
6 and Lys(684) participate in stabilization of fluoroaluminate and Mg(2+) at the phosphorylation site.
7 tion state formation by measurement of MgADP-fluoroaluminate binding.
8 , phosphate accelerated formation of the ADP-fluoroaluminate complex 3-fold.
9     Sulfite accelerated formation of the ADP-fluoroaluminate complex 9-fold when 200 microM ADP plus
10 n the MF(1) crystal structure with the MgADP-fluoroaluminate complex bound to two catalytic sites, th
11                                          ADP-fluoroaluminate complex formation is restricted to a sin
12 ng MgADP in a single catalytic site, the ADP-fluoroaluminate complex formed at least 10-fold more slo
13             The rate of formation of the ADP-fluoroaluminate complex in (alpha Y300C)3 beta 3 gamma i
14          The results indicate that the MgADP-fluoroaluminate complex is a transition state analog and
15 auses slow, complete inactivation as the ADP-fluoroaluminate complex is formed.
16 drolyzable GTP analog, and the GDP.magnesium fluoroaluminate complex provide evidence that the Mg(2+)
17 at the enhanced rate of formation of the ADP-fluoroaluminate complex reflects augmented cooperativity
18 a subcomplex does not form an inhibitory ADP-fluoroaluminate complex under any of the conditions exam
19  F-, phosphate inhibits formation of the ADP-fluoroaluminate complex.
20  wild-type are similar, the mutant forms ADP-fluoroaluminate complexes 7 times faster than wild-type
21 ter incubation with excess ADP and Mg2+, ADP-fluoroaluminate complexes are formed in three catalytic
22 Al3+, F-, Mg2+, and excess ADP occurs as ADP-fluoroaluminate complexes form in two catalytic sites.
23 r hydrolyzing ATP and forming inhibitory ADP-fluoroaluminate complexes in catalytic sites.
24 nce spectrum observed after entrapping MgADP-fluoroaluminate complexes in two catalytic sites of the
25 vely, abolishes cooperative formation of ADP-fluoroaluminate complexes in two catalytic sites.
26 rimental observations of fluoromagnesate and fluoroaluminate complexes of beta-phosphoglucomutase (be
27 wever, protein refolding reactions using ADP-fluoroaluminate complexes, or single-ring GroEL and GroE
28                                              Fluoroaluminate forms a complex at the catalytic site yi
29                                              Fluoroaluminate induced a very large increase in MgADP b
30 rmal transition state formation as judged by fluoroaluminate-induced MgADP binding affinity changes,
31 beta-Glu-181 to Gln abolished the effects of fluoroaluminate on MgADP binding.
32 ed by 1300-fold and was not inhibited by ADP-fluoroaluminate or ADP-fluoroscandium.
33 ATPase of mutants was not inhibited by MgADP-fluoroaluminate or MgADP-fluoroscandium, showing the Arg
34 was slightly inhibited by MgADP-azide, MgADP-fluoroaluminate, or MgADP-fluoroscandium, in contrast to
35 m mutant betaY331W was potently inhibited by fluoroaluminate plus MgADP but not by MgADP alone.
36 f [125I]IAAP binding to vanadate-trapped (or fluoroaluminate-trapped) Pgp without any further nucleot
37                                          ADP-fluoroaluminate was more inhibitory than in wild-type, b
38 omplex of G alpha(i1) with GDP and magnesium fluoroaluminate, whereas the K180P mutation destabilizes
39 nd G(i) family G proteins in the presence of fluoroaluminate, which mimics the presence of the termin

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