


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 e for uniform labeling with a thiol-reactive fluorochrome.
2 ecule, thereby releasing previously quenched fluorochrome.
3 at terminates in a 7-amino-4-methyl-coumarin fluorochrome.
4 (AML) cells, all with the same near-infrared fluorochrome.
5 y, and each pool was labeled with a specific fluorochrome.
6 (6-methoxy-8-quinolyl)-p-toluene sulfonamide fluorochrome.
7 in the staining characteristics of the three fluorochromes.
8 dead yeast cells, which nonspecifically bind fluorochromes.
9 oncatameric DNA probe labelled with multiple fluorochromes.
10 seradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP) and up to four fluorochromes.
11 d bacterial artificial chromosomes producing fluorochromes.
12 rimers that are 5'-end labeled with infrared fluorochromes.
13 ease in pH1, measured using the pH-sensitive fluorochrome, 2',7'-bis(carboxyethyl)-5-(6)-carboxyfluor
14 ls was measured with the cationic lipophilic fluorochrome 3,3'-dihexyloxacarbocyanine iodide [DiOC(6)
15 d to measure cells labeled with five or more fluorochromes (a practice known as polychromatic flow cy
16 odified at the 5'- or at the 3'-end with Cy5 fluorochrome (acceptor).
17          The same performance values for the fluorochrome acid-fast bacillus smear were 33, 98, 62, a
18      The approach utilizes cycles of labeled fluorochrome addition, detection to count incorporations
19 was monitored using a dansylated polymyxin B fluorochrome agent.
20 n tumors, nonsilencing siRNA tagged with the fluorochrome Alexa 555 was encapsulated into DOPC liposo
21 first converted to an intermediate bearing a fluorochrome and amine groups, then reacted with either
22                    Using a calcium-sensitive fluorochrome and digital multichannel intravital microsc
23 MP-3653) represents a liposome tagged with a fluorochrome and functionalized with a PEG chain spacer
24 rypton was stained with multiple DNA-binding fluorochromes and a monoclonal anti-double-stranded DNA
25 le blocking troublesome interactions between fluorochromes and biomolecules.
26 tumors, producing images of distributions of fluorochromes and nanoparticles as well as tumor vascula
27 al and spectral measurements of a mixture of fluorochromes and the ability to differentiate relative
28 tions of a single Ab conjugated to different fluorochromes and thus in principle can be integrated in
29 ures consisting of biologics, radionuclides, fluorochromes, and CNT could be synthesized and designed
30 etic encoded tags that can be complexed with fluorochromes, and combinations of these probes are high
31 ial resolution, nanomolar sensitivity to NIR fluorochromes, and modest NIRF light attenuation through
32 ured ROI production with oxidation-sensitive fluorochromes, and monitored cell death by annexin V and
33 tion of HREC proliferation and staining with fluorochrome-annexin V showed numerous apoptotic HRECs.
34                 Apoptosis was examined using fluorochrome-annexin V staining.
35 rom 63-88C3 and CAP63 labeled with different fluorochromes as positive and negative probes, respectiv
36 /7 and caspase-9 activities were measured by fluorochrome assays.
37 e fluorescence emission of the near-infrared fluorochromes attached to the N-termini of the dendritic
38 que (FMT) that enables rapid measurements of fluorochrome-based affinity tags in live xenograft model
39 ngivalis, and phagocytosis was measured in a fluorochrome-based assay by flow cytometry.
40 nd nitric oxide levels were measured using a fluorochrome-based assay.
41  (NEUT-side-fluorescence light) labeled by a fluorochrome-based polymethine reagent using a routine a
42   To demonstrate PEG-fluorochrome shielding, fluorochrome-bearing peptide probes were synthesized, th
43               Although the transfer of small fluorochromes between them was rarely observed beyond se
44 omide colorimetric assay and the DNA-binding fluorochrome bis (benzimide) trihydro-chloride (Hoechst
45 uring the experiment, the animals were given fluorochrome bone markers for histomorphometry.
46 sistant, respectively), were loaded with the fluorochrome calcein and exposed to a range of concentra
47       We demonstrate that enzyme-activatable fluorochromes can be detected with high positional accur
48 teractions, rather than synthesizing de novo fluorochromes, can yield new approaches for the design o
49                    Fluoro-Jade is an anionic fluorochrome capable of selectively staining degeneratin
50  -8, -9, and -12 activities were measured by fluorochrome caspase assays.
51 ding polymerase type, buffer conditions, and fluorochrome chemistries--a rational strategy for the se
52  each tagged with a specific fluorochrome or fluorochrome combination, has resulted in the differenti
53 tibodies (anchor markers) in the appropriate fluorochrome combinations, in order to show the quantifi
54 within 10% of their mean for each individual fluorochrome concentration and were significantly distin
55   We observed at least a 10-fold increase of fluorochrome concentration in cyclophosphamide-sensitive
56 c catheter placed above wells of varying NIR fluorochrome concentration, varied markedly (>100%) with
57                                              Fluorochrome concentrations derived from FMT measurement
58 cant dissimilarities in signal from distinct fluorochrome concentrations.
59 y showed that the pDNA hybridized to one PNA-fluorochrome conjugate molecule.
60 sed using C3dg-biotin tetramers complexed to fluorochrome conjugated streptavidin and measured by flo
61  followed by secondary staining with anti-Ab fluorochrome-conjugated Abs to amplify fluorescence inte
62 d, and naive animals were immunostained with fluorochrome-conjugated anti-FoxP3 and anti-CD4 monoclon
63 ese rare cells is to sort cells stained with fluorochrome-conjugated antibodies into fractions, then
64 d arborization of vessels labeled in vivo by fluorochrome-conjugated lectin with effective treatment.
65 pensions obtained from gingival tissue, with fluorochrome-conjugated monoclonal antibodies against CD
66 Tie2-GFP transgenic mice in combination with fluorochrome-conjugated monoclonal antibodies to vascula
67  different concentrations of a cocktail of 4 fluorochrome-conjugated monoclonal antibodies.
68  After tumor disaggregation, staining with a fluorochrome-conjugated monoclonal antibody, and flow cy
69                              Construction of fluorochrome-conjugated peptide-I-A(b) class II tetramer
70 ion of epitope-specific CD4 T cells by novel fluorochrome-conjugated peptide-I-A(b) tetramers allows
71                                              Fluorochrome-conjugated peptide-MHC (pMHC) class I multi
72                                              Fluorochrome-conjugated peptide-MHC (pMHC) multimers are
73 f SCT and AT-SCT peptide-MHC complexes using fluorochrome-conjugated TCR multimers suggests that nona
74                        On unfixed borreliae, fluorochrome-conjugated uPA bound to all species.
75 CD4 with specific monoclonal antibody (MoAb)-fluorochrome conjugates and for DNA polyploidization wit
76                                              Fluorochrome conjugates and UV microscopy were used to q
77 fferences in monoclonal antibodies and their fluorochrome conjugates, or failure of the total absolut
78 rt a method to couple commercially available fluorochromes covalently and sequence-specifically to pD
79 the donor fluorochrome FITC and the acceptor fluorochrome Cy3.
80 pairs per millimeter and detection limit for fluorochrome Cy5.5 of 1-10 pmol.
81                 The system is linear down to fluorochrome densities <<1 molecule/microm2.
82 injection of fluorescent tracer (Fluorogold; Fluorochrome, Denver, CO) into the superior colliculus t
83 loss (judged by lack of Fluorogold labeling; Fluorochrome, Denver, CO), adjacent areas with relative
84  as assessed by changes in bone geometry and fluorochrome-derived bone formation rates.
85                                   The single-fluorochrome detection limits achieved by the cumulative
86 ion was measured using the oxidant-sensitive fluorochrome dihydrorhodamine 123 (DHR-123).
87 dant production (using the oxidant-sensitive fluorochrome dihydrorhodamine-123) were monitored by int
88 nd 596) were labeled with a europium chelate fluorochrome (donor).
89 nced dynamic bone formation rates in in vivo fluorochrome double labeling experiments.
90                                By using dual fluorochrome dyes (Hoechst and Nile Red) to locate nucle
91 retrograde labeling of RGCs with Fluorogold (Fluorochrome; Englewood, CO) was used.
92 protocol, using transgenic mouse brains with fluorochrome expression in microglia.
93 ferentiation was examined by using indicator fluorochrome-filled liposomes in an enhanced immunofluor
94 ytometric analysis of FRET between the donor fluorochrome FITC and the acceptor fluorochrome Cy3.
95  animals were stained with a newly developed fluorochrome (Fluoro-Jade) specific for degenerating neu
96  followed by staining with a newly developed fluorochrome (Fluoro-Jade) specific for degenerating neu
97 ms and the high specificity of the PicoGreen fluorochrome for double-stranded (ds)DNA.
98 cquisition of a series of images of multiple fluorochromes from multiple arrays occurs under computer
99 radiolabeled elements or sterically hindered fluorochrome groups, are usually employed to screen phos
100 emiacetal aglycon leaving group that tethers fluorochromes in close proximity, also positioning them
101    Continuous (1- to 5-minute) excitation of fluorochromes in the capillary lumen (light-dye treatmen
102  of rhodopsin's screening of autofluorescent fluorochromes in the RPE.
103 henol-glucuronide moiety (TrapG) to trap the fluorochromes in the vicinity of the active enzyme.
104 eroxidase (WGA-HRP) and up to four different fluorochromes in V2 labeled neurons and terminations in
105         p-nitrophenyl phosphonate-conjugated fluorochromes, including the very bright and stable quan
106 the 3' end of the first ODN and NIR acceptor fluorochromes (indodicarbocyanine Cy7 or, alternatively,
107         Caspase 3 activity was measured by a fluorochrome inhibitor of caspase (FLICA) assay.
108 -3, -8, and -9 activities were measured by a fluorochrome inhibitor of caspase (FLICA) assay.
109 aspase-9 and -12 activities were measured by fluorochrome inhibitor to caspase (FLICA) assays.
110 transcripts by the incorporation of a second fluorochrome into DNA templates promotes more robust and
111   Infusion of Fluo-4 AM, a calcium-sensitive fluorochrome, into the mouse circulation resulted in dye
112 nce resonance energy transfer (FRET) between fluorochromes introduced into these DNA molecules.
113  CNIR800, that carries a near-infrared (NIR) fluorochrome IRDye 800CW, with a quencher connected thro
114 dition, the assay sensitivities using direct fluorochrome label as the reporter, or alkaline phosphat
115 in that bound HLA-A*0201 were identified and fluorochrome-labeled A*0201 tetramers with each peptide
116 d-type mice by intravenous administration of fluorochrome-labeled anti-E- and anti-P-selectin antibod
117    Neutrophil phenotype was determined using fluorochrome-labeled antibodies to CD16 and CD11b and as
118               Cells were characterized using fluorochrome-labeled antibodies to surface markers, intr
119 rix is externalized and immediately bound by fluorochrome-labeled avidin present in the culture mediu
120 n in real time by exploiting the capacity of fluorochrome-labeled avidin to stain degranulating cells
121 s supported by competitive binding assays of fluorochrome-labeled beta25-35 and Mac-1 antibodies (Wt.
122 d anti-CD11b) and (2) competitive binding of fluorochrome-labeled beta25-35 with anti-CD18 or anti-CD
123 cipient origin, is combined with multi-color fluorochrome-labeled CD epitope-specific monoclonal anti
124 itopes of the target are modified with short fluorochrome-labeled complementary oligonucleotides and
125                   Physical proximity between fluorochrome-labeled CR3 and Fc gamma RIIIB on individua
126                                Intracellular fluorochrome-labeled diamine oxidase (DAO) was used as a
127 alpha-subunit of E. coli RNA polymerase to a fluorochrome-labeled DNA fragment containing the rrnB P1
128 logy is protein-dependent association of two fluorochrome-labeled DNA fragments, which allows generat
129 sure both snapshot and finish-line images of fluorochrome-labeled DNA.
130 ling of both fixed and live spirochetes with fluorochrome-labeled Fab-CB2 and 11G1, and an immunoglob
131  proliferation of B-1a lymphocytes that bind fluorochrome-labeled Ft-LPS and the differentiation of t
132 populations were identified by staining with fluorochrome-labeled HLA tetramers and anti-CD19, CD27,
133 ults obtained with fluorogenic substrates or fluorochrome-labeled inhibitors of caspases.
134                                              Fluorochrome-labeled Mabs were used in T-cell phenotypic
135                               The assay uses fluorochrome-labeled monoclonal antibodies to HCMV immed
136 lymerase-mediated incorporation of different fluorochrome-labeled nucleotides (FdNTPs) was investigat
137  to mediate the consecutive incorporation of fluorochrome-labeled nucleotides into an array of large
138 t-dependent annealing of short complementary fluorochrome-labeled oligonucleotides attached to a pair
139    In vitro, PEG blocked the interactions of fluorochrome-labeled peptide probes with each other (abs
140                         Upon mixing RNAP and fluorochrome-labeled promoter a time-dependent biphasic
141 tinal ganglion cell layer cells (RGCLCs) and fluorochrome-labeled retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) on fl
142                              Preservation of fluorochrome-labeled RGCs was assessed 2 weeks later.
143 rs followed by intracellular staining with a fluorochrome-labeled SLP-76-specific Ab.
144                       Optical imaging with a fluorochrome-labeled version of the mAb showed colocaliz
145 ive, as characterized by irregular, punctate fluorochrome labeling and elevated proteoglycan.
146 d is based on biotinylation and streptavidin-fluorochrome labeling of APCs, followed by subsequent ac
147                                              Fluorochrome labeling of dentin in Dmp1-null mice showed
148                                        Using fluorochrome labeling, the present study determined the
149 on chamber for PCR, which through the use of fluorochrome labelled probes allows the target molecules
150                                              Fluorochrome-labelled monoclonal antibodies were used in
151 ing propidium iodide, a nucleic acid-binding fluorochrome largely excluded by the intact cell membran
152  included donor NIR Cy5.5 indodicarbocyanine fluorochrome linked to the 3' end of the first ODN and N
153                           Using PEG to block fluorochrome-mediated interactions, rather than synthesi
154 tensity into molecules of equivalent soluble fluorochrome (MESF) units.
155 tandard units of mean equivalents of soluble fluorochrome (MESF).
156 alculated as molecules of equivalent soluble fluorochrome (MESF).
157 ifferentiate relative concentrations of each fluorochrome mixture in real time.
158 ase-DNA template complex that considered the fluorochrome moiety of the FdNTPs and the linker length
159 cular imaging, generally designed by placing fluorochromes on a cleavable substrate in close proximit
160 painting probes, each tagged with a specific fluorochrome or fluorochrome combination, has resulted i
161 e C2A domain of synaptotagmin I labeled with fluorochromes or a radioisotope binds to both apoptotic
162 ng Br-RNA was immunolabelled indirectly with fluorochromes or gold particles.
163 was performed without the use of antibodies, fluorochromes, or dyes, leaving the sorted spores in the
164  technique by staining tissue specimens with fluorochrome- or biotin-labeled GAGs to visualize the di
165 A was 68,171 molecules of equivalent soluble fluorochrome (P<0.0001), representing 55%+/-22%.
166 64 to 59,753 molecules of equivalent soluble fluorochrome per cell (MESF), as determined by flow cyto
167 nucleotide probes were synthesized with five fluorochromes per molecule, and the light emitted by a s
168 ystem was validated with in vitro imaging of fluorochrome phantoms and in vivo fluorescence measureme
169 velopment and validation of simple models of fluorochrome point spread functions within the imaging s
170  graft copolymer bearing near-infrared (NIR) fluorochromes positioned on cleavable substrate sequence
171 ection depends on FRET efficacy and relative fluorochrome positions within ODN binding sites.
172 used to measure protein phosphorylation; the fluorochrome probe 2'7'-dichlorofluorescin diacetate was
173 to energy resonance transfer among the bound fluorochromes (quenching) but became brightly fluorescen
174 entary studies, nucleotides labeled with the fluorochrome R110 were incorporated into surface-elongat
175 Easy to find: magnetic nanoparticles bearing fluorochromes (red) that intercalate with DNA (green) fo
176 idin conjugated to magnetic nanoparticles or fluorochromes, respectively.
177  arrays, two triplicate hybridizations (with fluorochrome reversal) comparing RNAs from a fibroblast
178                         A method to attach a fluorochrome sequence-specifically to supercoiled plasmi
179 e differential uptake of an (111)In-labeled, fluorochrome-shielded, integrin-binding RGD probe and a
180 ach for fluorescent probe design termed "PEG-fluorochrome shielding", where PEGylation enhances quant
181                           To demonstrate PEG-fluorochrome shielding, fluorochrome-bearing peptide pro
182 blood compared with the intensity of the raw fluorochrome signal, which would vary +/-60%.
183 beled chromosome-painting probes with unique fluorochrome signatures onto human or mouse metaphase ch
184  polychromatic flow cytometry (with up to 17 fluorochromes simultaneously) in surface and intracellul
185 ealed through staining with the aniline blue fluorochrome, Sirofluor.
186 e use of recommended methods was as follows: fluorochrome stain for acid-fast bacillus microscopy (47
187 uberculosis, and 13 (38%) of these were also fluorochrome stain positive.
188 ochrome stain-positive specimens and 57% for fluorochrome stain-negative specimens.
189                 LCR sensitivity was 100% for fluorochrome stain-positive specimens and 57% for fluoro
190 itutions with abnormal chest radiographs and fluorochrome stain-positive sputa were evaluated for tub
191  16S ribosomal RNA (16S rRNA) expression and fluorochrome staining with Mitotracker Red CMXRos (Delta
192 ression, live-cell imaging, and aniline blue fluorochrome staining.
193 amined the route of entry into mouse skin of fluorochrome-tagged or naked second-generation 2'-O-meth
194    The elongation products were labeled with fluorochrome-tagged probes and detected in a flow cytome
195 ice were stained with Fluoro-Jade B (FJB), a fluorochrome that binds specifically to degenerating fib
196 ligonucleotides), each of which containing a fluorochrome that can form a fluorescence resonance ener
197  staining using Abs of interest labeled with fluorochromes that are compatible with HO342 and 7-AAD e
198 tary oligonucleotides that are modified with fluorochromes that could participate in fluorescence res
199 ility of an expanded range of antibodies and fluorochromes that have improved our ability to identify
200 as engineered by conjugating a near-infrared fluorochrome to a peptide ligand derived from the amino
201 duced a third probe labeled with a different fluorochrome to create a triple-probe/three-color system
202 cular tomography and a cathepsin-activatable fluorochrome to image autophagy in the heart in vivo aft
203 NA in alkaline conditions and uses PicoGreen fluorochrome to monitor denaturation.
204 group that facilitates the attachment of the fluorochrome to nucleophilic moieties located near beta-
205 ne is reacted with a maleimide moiety on the fluorochrome to produce a fluorescent conjugate which is
206 tem was tested by using a combination of the fluorochromes to confirm spectral separation.
207 -specific coupling of commercially available fluorochromes to DNA expression vectors while retaining
208 stigated by placing restricted injections of fluorochrome tracers, wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish
209 we found that the simple addition of an anti-fluorochrome unconjugated Ab during staining resulted in
210  we attempted to improve staining using anti-fluorochrome unconjugated primary Abs followed by second
211 y hypoxic rats were in vivo-labeled with DiI fluorochrome via liposome delivery and subsequently iden
212 diolabeling ((89)Zr-DNP) and a near-infrared fluorochrome (VT680) for microscopic and cellular valida
213                       In tissue, 250 pmol of fluorochrome was easily detected during the 10-second im
214 rm (containing a (18)F isotope and a far red fluorochrome), we show good correlations between FMT and
215 ious pairs of proteins fused to two distinct fluorochromes were coexpressed in N. benthamiana leaf ti
216                           Both Cy7 and 800CW fluorochromes were linked by using hydrophilic internucl
217                                The different fluorochromes were readily distinguished with the system
218 markers and the corresponding antibodies and fluorochromes were selected based on their contribution
219 e case of Cy5.5-Cy7 and Cy5.5-800CW pairs of fluorochromes, which was sensitive to the relative posit
220  These fluorogenic dyes integrate a coumarin fluorochrome with the bioorthogonal trans-cyclooctene(TC
221 ergo an internal charge transfer to form new fluorochromes with longer pi-electron systems.

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