


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 5) value of 342 microM were obtained for the fluorogenic substrate.
2 red for maximal enzymatic activity against a fluorogenic substrate.
3 sured in transduced cells and media, using a fluorogenic substrate.
4 bstrate poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase and of a fluorogenic substrate.
5 focal fluorescence microscopy using a Bodipy fluorogenic substrate.
6  low micromolar inhibitory potency against a fluorogenic substrate.
7 in as the enzyme and BODIPY FL casein as the fluorogenic substrate.
8 difluoro-4-methylumbelliferyl phosphate as a fluorogenic substrate.
9 r aminopeptidase activity against many model fluorogenic substrates.
10 cted and quantitated by flow cytometry using fluorogenic substrates.
11 eactions is often limited by the need to use fluorogenic substrates.
12  human sirtuin hydrolases against a panel of fluorogenic substrates.
13 igher chymotrypsin-like activity measured on fluorogenic substrates.
14 the cleavage of macromolecular and synthetic fluorogenic substrates.
15  caspase-12 when incorporated into synthetic fluorogenic substrates.
16 iety of intracellular enzymes with available fluorogenic substrates.
17  ratio at a given analyte concentration with fluorogenic substrates.
18 inatorial substrate libraries and individual fluorogenic substrates.
19  cPLA2 showed 20-fold higher activity toward fluorogenic substrates, 1-O-(1-pyrenedecyl)-2-arachidono
20 ing enzyme (IDE)-catalyzed hydrolysis of the fluorogenic substrate 2-aminobenzoyl-GGFLRKHGQ-ethylened
21 parameters for the interaction of E with the fluorogenic substrate 2-aminobenzoyl-Thr-Ile-Nle-Phe(p-N
22 ntained heat-labile sialidase activity for a fluorogenic substrate, 2'-(4-methylumbelliferyl)-alpha-D
23 g the lysophosphatidylcholine-like substrate fluorogenic substrate 3 (FS-3) and approximately 10,000
24 fluorescent compounds seen with the existing fluorogenic substrate, 4-methylumbelliferyl-alpha-D-gluc
25  analysis of xylanase activity using a novel fluorogenic substrate, 6,8-difluoro-4-methylumbelliferyl
26 e assay measures the rate of hydrolysis of a fluorogenic substrate-6,8-difluoro-4-methylumbelliferyl
27 atalytic specificity was determined with the fluorogenic substrate: 6-carboxyfluorescein approximatel
28 the rat theta 2-2 enzyme (rGSTT2-2) with the fluorogenic substrate 7-amino-4-chloromethyl coumarin (C
29 e H(2)O(2)-supported oxidation of the marker fluorogenic substrate 7-ethoxy-4-trifluoromethylcoumarin
30 iluted 20000-fold into buffer containing the fluorogenic substrate 9H-(1,3-dichloro-9,9-dimethylacrid
31 continuously monitored using a validated MMP fluorogenic substrate, a microdialysis system placed wit
32 ctions of Staphylococcus aureus sortase with fluorogenic substrate Abz-LPETG-Dnp in the presence or a
33 reening of a library of 137,180 tetrapeptide fluorogenic substrates against the T. brucei 20 S protea
34                                              Fluorogenic substrates allow for direct measurement of e
35                           The cell-permeable fluorogenic substrate allows single-cell cloning of cell
36 d with a solution containing glucose and the fluorogenic substrate amplex red through the engineered
37 ndividual reaction vessels containing excess fluorogenic substrate and catalyzed the production of a
38                                Together, the fluorogenic substrates and antibody aldolases provide re
39     Di- and tetra-oligopeptides were used as fluorogenic substrates and irreversible/competitive inhi
40 e expression were assessed by using specific fluorogenic substrates and macroarrays, respectively.
41 to detect the production of thrombin using a fluorogenic substrate, and (iv) titration of argatroban
42 al-Try-7 amino-4 methyl coumarin, a specific fluorogenic substrate, and Cbz-Leu-Leu-Tyr-CHN2, a speci
43    Values of k(cat)/K(M) with hypersensitive fluorogenic substrates are 10(4) and 10(2)-fold lower th
44                          The hydrolysis of a fluorogenic substrate, Arg-528/Asp-575 < Lys-528/Asp-575
45 e compared with pro-memapsin 2 using two new fluorogenic substrates, Arg-Glu(5-[(2-aminoethyl)amino]n
46  as a marker and the design of BlaC-specific fluorogenic substrates as probes for Mtb detection.
47 rance of peptidase activity that cleaved the fluorogenic substrates Asp-Glu-Val-Asp-aminotrifluoromet
48 ity was monitored in cells after PDT using a fluorogenic substrate, (Asp-Glu-Val-Asp)-AFC (7-amino-4-
49  protease activity in extracts measured by a fluorogenic substrate assay.
50                                        Using fluorogenic substrate assays, Western blotting, cathepsi
51                                              Fluorogenic substrates based on 4-methylumbelliferone (4
52 tral enzyme of this network, by developing a fluorogenic substrate-based method for time- and space-r
53 like activity as assessed by the cleavage of fluorogenic substrate benzyloxycarbonyl-DEVD-7-amido-4-(
54 .02 s-1 for the enzymatic hydrolysis of this fluorogenic substrate by FIV PR under the conditions of
55 ress curves of the hydrolysis of a sensitive fluorogenic substrate by FXIa in the presence of PN-2 to
56                         Upon cleavage of the fluorogenic substrate by SPase I, the fluorescent intens
57  The strategy utilized in the design of this fluorogenic substrate can be applied in future endeavors
58 ps for performing enzymatic assays for which fluorogenic substrates cannot easily be designed.
59               We synthesized and optimized a fluorogenic substrate capable of reporting on granzyme B
60       Fusion was detected by cleavage of the fluorogenic substrate CCF2 by beta-lactamase-Vpr incorpo
61 ate cleavage pattern of human AMCase against fluorogenic substrates, chitobiose-4-methylumbelliferyl
62 , while matriptase activity was monitored by fluorogenic substrate cleavage.
63                                              Fluorogenic substrates composed of a fluorophore possess
64                    Turnover was observed via fluorogenic substrate conversion and fluorescence micros
65                                          The fluorogenic substrates detect activation at much lower c
66  forms by immunoblots and by cleavage of the fluorogenic substrate DEVD-AFC.
67 tivity, as measured in cell lysates with the fluorogenic substrate DEVD-AMC, was elevated almost imme
68  In this work, we report readily synthesized fluorogenic substrates enabling enzyme-economical evalua
69 this paper, we describe the development of a fluorogenic substrate for 17beta-hydroxysteroid-dehydrog
70 h ALDH activity, detected using Aldefluor, a fluorogenic substrate for ALDH.
71 ge of DEVD-aminomethylcoumarin (DEVD-AMC), a fluorogenic substrate for caspases 2, 3, and 7; in contr
72                                      A novel fluorogenic substrate for continuous feline immunodefici
73  using pH-sensitive fluorescent probes and a fluorogenic substrate for cysteine proteases showed that
74 no, 4-methyl coumarin amide (AAMCA), a novel fluorogenic substrate for FAAH, was designed and synthes
75                                            A fluorogenic substrate for HIV-1 protease was designed an
76                                      Using a fluorogenic substrate for phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2)), w
77 plication of a novel type of chromogenic and fluorogenic substrate for protease detection is describe
78                      We have developed a new fluorogenic substrate for the alpha-glucosidase enzyme a
79 cein di-beta-d-galactopyranoside, which is a fluorogenic substrate for the intracellular enzyme beta-
80                                        A new fluorogenic substrate for the specific detection of orga
81 the identification and characterization of a fluorogenic substrate for tumor necrosis factor-alpha co
82 re assayed with a novel, membrane-impermeant fluorogenic substrate for vp165, we found that insulin s
83 ethylrhodamine) have been used previously as fluorogenic substrates for a number of DNA modifying enz
84 r enzyme fluorescence (REF) that uses custom fluorogenic substrates for bacterial enzymes allows rapi
85 k through development of near-infrared (NIR) fluorogenic substrates for beta-lactamase, an enzyme exp
86                                Analysis with fluorogenic substrates for caspase activity confirmed th
87              Here we report the synthesis of fluorogenic substrates for glycosidases based on a sulfo
88 bes a design of cell-permeable near-infrared fluorogenic substrates for imaging beta-lactamase expres
89                               A series of 54 fluorogenic substrates have been synthesized and evaluat
90 plarily demonstrated for the cleavage of the fluorogenic substrate hydrodabcyl-Ser-Phe-EDANS by the p
91 due to the complication involving the use of fluorogenic substrates in in vitro assays.
92 ating and neighboring cells using orthogonal fluorogenic substrates in various mixed cell systems.
93  reaction to convert a novel, cell-permeable fluorogenic substrate into fluorescein within living cel
94                          Therefore, this new fluorogenic substrate is a useful tool for the alpha-glu
95 ed lipid vesicles, and their reaction with a fluorogenic substrate is probed.
96                The rate of hydrolysis of the fluorogenic substrates is proportional to enzyme concent
97 the widely used Amplex Red, as well as other fluorogenic substrates, is often overlooked.
98           In this paper, we describe a novel fluorogenic substrate, KLTFGTVK(Abz)PVQAIAGY(NO2)EWL, in
99 tered the interaction of the enzyme with the fluorogenic substrate (Leu-Arg-Gly-Gly-NH)2-rhodamine.
100  agents led to the cleavage of the caspase-4 fluorogenic substrate, LEVD-7-amino-4-trifluoromethylcou
101                          Using combinatorial fluorogenic substrate libraries, the P1-P4 substrate spe
102 ty was assayed by monitoring cleavage of the fluorogenic substrate Mca-RPPGFSAFK(Dnp)-OH, a derivativ
103                           HRP first oxidizes fluorogenic substrate molecules like Amplex Red to radic
104 ochemistry, immunoblots, and cleavage of the fluorogenic substrate N-benzyloxycarbonyl-Asp-Glu-Val-As
105 ghly sensitive, selective, and tight binding fluorogenic substrate of a copper amine oxidase that is
106                            We report a novel fluorogenic substrate of bovine plasma amine oxidase (BP
107                            The 14-amino-acid fluorogenic substrate of sequence RALTK(Abz) VQ approxim
108 Tx was detected, as shown by the cleavage of fluorogenic substrates of the proteasome.
109 ity of rat nardilysin was investigated using fluorogenic substrates of the type 2-aminobenzoyl-GGX(1)
110  culture by introducing a combination of two fluorogenic substrates or a fluorogenic and a luminogeni
111 ty was comparable with results obtained with fluorogenic substrates or fluorochrome-labeled inhibitor
112                          The chromogenic and fluorogenic substrates, p-nitrophenyl-alpha-D-glucopyran
113                    The novel chromogenic and fluorogenic substrates, p-nitrophenyl-beta-D-glucopyrano
114 (Danio rerio) CYP1 isoforms with a series of fluorogenic substrate probes was determined by the rate
115 6 kDa proteolytic fragments with a synthetic fluorogenic substrate produced hyperbolic substrate vers
116 le Michael or Diels-Alder reactions of these fluorogenic substrates provide products of significantly
117 e in fluorescence on caspase cleavage of the fluorogenic substrates ranged from 40 to 83 depending on
118                                        These fluorogenic substrates release highly fluorescent BODIPY
119 veloped a high-throughput assay based on the fluorogenic substrate reporter WH-15.
120 Ti(2) and i(2)ANDNOTi(1) gates that cleave a fluorogenic substrate, reporting through an increase in
121 cs an i(1)ANDi(2) gate and cleaves the other fluorogenic substrate, reporting through an increase in
122 trates are required in costly amounts, while fluorogenic substrates require an additional apparatus (
123 ts, containing varying concentrations of the fluorogenic substrate resorufin beta-d-galactopyranoside
124 el in human plasma, employing ecarin and the fluorogenic substrate, resulted in improvement of the de
125 ave combined the GzB substrate with a second fluorogenic substrate selective for caspase 3 to allow b
126  the TF.factor VIIa (FVIIa) complex toward a fluorogenic substrate showed that the catalytic efficien
127 s was developed using the thrombin-specific, fluorogenic substrate SN-59 (100 muM).
128 y inhibit serine protease activity against a fluorogenic substrate specific for TLSPs.
129           The preparation was active against fluorogenic substrates specific for cathepsin D and E an
130 s by fluorescence polarization assay against fluorogenic substrates specific for MMPs or TLSPs.
131       Calpain activity was assayed using the fluorogenic substrate Suc-Leu-Leu-Val-Tyr-7-amino-4-meth
132                       Data from both sets of fluorogenic substrates supported the contribution of a P
133                                              Fluorogenic substrate tests provided a sensitive and sim
134          Our objective was to create a novel fluorogenic substrate that could be used for real-time d
135 ed components are mixed with an enzyme and a fluorogenic substrate that permits to follow the enzymat
136  compounds should provide a diverse range of fluorogenic substrates that may be used to rapidly scree
137                                          The fluorogenic substrates that we describe and their sequen
138                          We show here, using fluorogenic substrates, that FZ treatment leads to the i
139            When loaded with a cell-permeable fluorogenic substrate, the cell library simultaneously r
140 n droplet microfluidic screening systems use fluorogenic substrates to measure enzymatic activities w
141   Mildly permeabilized cells were exposed to fluorogenic substrates to monitor the activity of intrac
142  low micromolar range) in competition with a fluorogenic substrate toward a recombinant form of the t
143 dish peroxidase, patterned downstream, where fluorogenic substrate turnover was recorded.
144 ded MBL)) and the identification of suitable fluorogenic substrates (umbelliferone-derived cephalospo
145                          A validated MT1-MMP fluorogenic substrate was infused through the microdialy
146 hancement of precision and sensitivity using fluorogenic substrates was demonstrated in a direct-bind
147                        The efficiency of the fluorogenic substrates was exemplified by inhibitor scre
148                                          The fluorogenic substrates were compared to chromogenic subs
149                                          Two fluorogenic substrates were prepared, one using a covale
150                               Hypersensitive fluorogenic substrates were used to determine steady-sta
151 or the variants were determined with a novel fluorogenic substrate, which was designed to match the n
152    ANG cleaves a dinucleotide version of the fluorogenic substrates with a k(cat)/K(M) value of 61 M(
153  analysis of a series of otherwise identical fluorogenic substrates with Lys at P1 and different resi
154                                              Fluorogenic substrates with P1, P2, and P4 basic amino a
155 ge by purified mutant enzymes of a series of fluorogenic substrates with systematic changes in P(4) a
156 ently monitored with peptidic chromogenic or fluorogenic substrates, with certain peptide sequences i
157 ot protect monocytes from apoptosis, and the fluorogenic substrate YVAD-AFC failed to show an increas
158 ssue section directly in a cuvette using the fluorogenic substrate Z-arg-arg-AMC.
159 latin zymography in SDS-PAGE, and by in situ fluorogenic substrate zymography in RPE/choroid sections

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