


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  in a more dynamic setting, and assessed the following: (1) whether internally guided temporal expect
2 ated with cognitive measures at baseline and following 12 weeks of antipsychotic treatment.
3 lated with better neurocognitive functioning following 12 weeks of antipsychotic treatment.
4 e adults after 52 h of sleep deprivation and following 14 h of recovery sleep.
5 yperammonemia, which were partially reversed following 24-hour and 48-hour withdrawal of ammonium ace
6                             We evaluated the following 3 widely used empirical therapies for the abil
7                                              Following a 24 h recording to characterize basal sleep/w
8 ells, skeletal muscle stem cells, is altered following a burn injury and likely hinders regrowth of m
9 ehavior) were acquired in individual infants following a clinically required heel lance.
10 iron in wheat and maize flours was developed following a cloud point extraction (CPE) procedure.
11                              Early treatment following a first clinical demyelinating event (FCDE) de
12 posing that communities track climate change following a fixed function or with a time delay.
13                        Participants reported following a gluten-free diet for at least 1 year before
14                                 Importantly, following a high-fat challenge, carriers in the Amish Co
15 e similar for all four FMDV serotypes tested following a homologous FMDV vaccination regime.
16 tentially life-threatening allergic reaction following a honeybee, vespid, or ant sting.
17 ; (iii) psychogenic focal retrograde amnesia following a minor neurological episode; and (iv) patient
18 atively, retrieved memory can be maintained, following a period of reconsolidation during which it is
19 ters peaked early, with no increase in titer following a second vaccine dose.
20  now recommended by the European Commission, following a series of alerts related to the contaminatio
21 es (inhibition of PARP-1 > PARP-2 > PARP-3), following a similar drug, Olaparib.
22  1-2 d by starting with clinical samples and following a simple laboratory workflow.
23  probed the phenotypic changes in metabolism following a single copy knock-in of mutant PIK3CA (H1047
24                                              Following a single intranasal inoculation, both animal s
25 urst" model, morphospace continued to expand following a slowdown in rates.
26                      BP was measured 3 times following a standardized protocol and averaged.
27 rs to propagate in the brains of PD patients following a stereotypic pattern consistent with progress
28                 Higher total cortisol output following a stressor was associated with increased depre
29 rrent associations between cortisol response following a stressor, functional brain activity to rewar
30                Similar results were obtained following ACSL6 knockdown in rat myotubes, which was ass
31 r and patients barely survive >6 months even following active chemotherapy interventions.
32 an LF-ISO cycle, reduce the intensity of the following active phase by stabilizing the atmosphere.
33                                   RATIONALE: Following acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), jo
34 ravel the processes of domestication and the following adaptation of domesticated wheat to a wide var
35 haemoglobin (Hb) or ferric iron, and reduced following addition of the iron chelator deferoxamine (DF
36 roughout orthotopic rat brain tumors in vivo following administration by convection enhanced delivery
37  of il27p28 expression in vivo in splenic DC following administration of dimethyl PGE2 in conjunction
38  from desired drug effects to adverse events following administration of either therapeutic or toxic
39 Hif1alpha developed less-severe liver injury following administration of ethanol, injection of anti-M
40 g factor (G-CSF); these effects are reversed following administration of neutralizing anti-G-CSF anti
41 ath) up to 10 years after hospital discharge following adversity-related (self-inflicted, drug-relate
42 mprovements have traditionally been observed following aerobic exercise interventions; that is, susta
43 pha compared with macrophages from male mice following allergen challenge.
44 n alternative method for quantifying the AAR following AMI, which unlike T2-mapping, is not affected
45 g measured in extinction/reinstatement tests following an extended 3 week withdrawal period.
46  of humans' ability to rapidly resume search following an interruption.
47                                              Following an introduction to the mechanisms underlying s
48 rval (CI): 1.03, 1.16] in the 10-14 d period following an SSO event, with positive ORs for all age gr
49 d for the enhancement of fear generalization following an unpredictably cued threat.
50        We monitored the survivorship of bees following antibiotic treatment in order to determine if
51 ritical mediator of colorectal tumorigenesis following APC loss.
52                                              Following aquarium releases, invasive lionfishes have co
53 estigate quantitative auxin pattern recovery following auxin transport perturbation.
54     Interestingly, our data suggest that the following base on the template strand dictates the addit
55  differences in functionality of CD4 T cells following blocking of different inhibitory receptors, an
56             Isolated small bowel perforation following blunt abdominal trauma (BAT) is an uncommon si
57 se of the ACE-inhibiting effect was observed following butanol extraction due to accumulation of hydr
58 cted 6 h (inflammatory) and 24 h (resolving) following carrageenan-induced pleurisy in rats.
59                                              Following cartilage injury, Gdf5-lineage cells underpin
60                     They were grouped in the following categories according to PIMT compliance: 1) re
61 assess associations between outcomes and the following categories of group attendance and allocation:
62                                 In contrast, following challenge with maH3N2, progestin treatment red
63 on prevalence and IPD incidence prior to and following childhood PCV immunization in South Africa.
64 ealed rapid restoration of bladder integrity following chitosan treatment, indicating that chitosan c
65                          Senescence occurred following cisplatin- or Taxol-treatment in cell lines fr
66 LOCK in adult neocortices and RNA sequencing following CLOCK knockdown in differentiated human neuron
67 ific understanding of cross-modal plasticity following cochlear implantation has been restricted due
68 A metabolic risk score was computed from the following components: waist circumference, triglycerides
69 hanisms that mediate DAT endocytic recycling following constitutive and regulated internalization.
70 oid leukemia (CML) patients at diagnosis and following conventional tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) t
71                        Lymph node recurrence following CRLM resection was associated with high expres
72 iduals after kidney or liver transplantation following current FDA bioequivalence metrics.
73 significant apoptosis in either HCFs or HKCs following CXL.
74  0.005), and increased risk for delirium the following day (odds ratio, 2.83 [1.27-6.59]; p = 0.02).
75 ared with the waiting group (n = 147) in the following defined primary study outcomes: coping behavio
76 per receipts occurs but BPA pharmacokinetics following dermal exposure is not understood.
77 01); 81.8% occurred within a 120 days-period following diagnosis of the first retinal tear.
78 s symptoms, necessitating rigorous treatment following diagnosis.
79  proliferation and triglyceride accumulation following different induction periods and using various
80 er stages, younger beta-cells join the islet following differentiation from post-embryonic progenitor
81  Mg thin film was not dissolvable during the following discharge process.
82 ending cardiac rehabilitation within 30 days following discharge.
83  responsible for histone (H3-H4)2 deposition following DNA synthesis.
84 ypersensitivity reactions to ASA, especially following doses lower than 100 mg, should directly under
85               Similar outcomes were observed following dosing with HMW PEO alone.
86 rates seldom exceeding 50% and poor outcomes following dropout, we must explore innovative strategies
87 tion and by facilitating compensatory growth following drought.
88 noprecipitation at downstream targets in NAc following E2f3a overexpression or repeated cocaine expos
89 ic growth of the somatic and neural elements following early development of the central nervous syste
90 ession of multiple miRNAs, including miR126, following eCig exposure.
91 wever, owing to the exhaustive fragmentation following EI ionization, despite the use of mass spectra
92 opioid use influences postoperative outcomes following elective surgery is not well understood.
93 effect sterile due to arrested gonadogenesis following embryo hatching.
94                                              Following encapsulation, the printed black phosphorus is
95  inflammatory cytokines both at baseline and following endotoxin exposure when compared with infants
96  we performed TSS mapping of the translatome following energy stress.
97                                 SUBJECTS AND Following ethics board approval, second year residents w
98  We observed reduced PRMT5-mediated H4R3me2s following excision of Cdc73 placing this histone modific
99 he notch-drives-growth model and real plants following excision.
100 ngth BAK at mitochondria and then dissociate following exposure of the BAK BH3 and BH4 domains before
101 g a molecular switch that dictates cell fate following exposure to adverse environments.
102 ctive with resistance arising in most tumors following exposure to chemotherapy.
103          Multivariable regression showed the following factors to be significant: giving alteplase in
104 5% of the molecules in each case yielded the following figures of merit: training, 99.2%; internal te
105 lar signal-regulated kinase (ERK) activation following G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) activation.
106                                              Following gene inactivation and replacement in human cel
107 (NNS complex) by UV crosslinking immediately following glucose withdrawal (0, 4, and 8 min).
108  ribosome-EF-Tu-GDP-Pi-Lys-tRNA(Lys) complex following GTP hydrolysis by EF-Tu.
109 tly reduce or ablate XRCC1 chromatin binding following H2O2 treatment.
110                                      Indeed, following haplotypes from generation to generation requi
111         Multivariate predictors of mortality following HCC recurrence were identified to develop a ri
112 aphy, we quantified the lymphatic flow index following heterotrophic cardiac transplantation in a mur
113 tive impairments during scene discrimination following hippocampal lesions.
114  and predictors of high-intensity statin use following hospital discharge for myocardial infarction (
115       Increases in high-intensity statin use following hospital discharge occurred over this period a
116 human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) emergence following human exposures to simian immunodeficiency vir
117 buted to the p300-bound regulatory landscape following hybridization and whole-genome duplication.
118                                  In patients following hyperoxia, mean diffusivity (MD) was unchanged
119 articipants received painful thermal stimuli following hypnotic analgesia on their own hand, but also
120  during the induction and start bronchoscopy following hypoventilation may decrease hypoxemia without
121                    This process involved the following: i) increased Gsk3beta activation, ii) beta-tr
122 tructure and function during the first month following iatrogenic macular detachment surgery.
123  structure and function over the first month following iatrogenic retinal detachment for the delivery
124                                              Following immediately after the serendipitous discovery
125                We studied sentinel behaviour following immigration in a habituated population of wild
126 duced significantly reduced numbers of LLPCs following immunization with T-dependent antigens or infe
127 port outcomes and risk factors for anal HSIL following implementation of universal AC screening offer
128 ll tooth-inducing and tooth-forming capacity following in vitro expansion, and at ratios >1:3 postnat
129 ucture of hPolbeta in the open conformation, following incorporation of (-)3TC-MP, with a second (-)3
130 ce from different sources, changes to advice following increased scientific understanding, and top-do
131  respiratory-competent cells can be produced following incubation of HOS cells lacking mitochondrial
132                             Normal responses following induction of cystitis by cyclophosphamide were
133 eactivate the neonatal proliferative network following infarction, which was associated with loss of
134 al symptoms and observed fetal malformations following infection has been missing.
135 l of bees while decreasing viral replication following infection with FHV, whereas treatment with the
136                                      Indeed, following infection with Listeria monocytogenes, DNA-PKc
137 ble for the initial reduction of macrophages following infliximab treatment in hTNF-Tg mice.
138 n induction in SKMEL28 human melanoma cells, following inhibition of Hsp90 and BRAF signaling using 1
139                             On the tenth day following initiation of dosing, 10 patients underwent an
140 integrity during ordinary tissue turnover or following injury represents a central biological problem
141 st fish functionally regenerate their retina following injury, and Muller glia (MG) are the source of
142  to proliferate and generate new endothelium following injury.
143 extracellular ATP and UTP molecules released following injury/stress.
144 s a transient period of health vulnerability following inpatient hospitalization for acute illness.
145    Finally, to dissect early and late events following interspecific hybridization, we examined the e
146 motivation to work for sucrose were employed following intra-PVT delivery of either GLP-1R agonist, e
147 We addressed the role of ROS in C57BL/6 mice following intradermal infection with Leishmania amazonen
148 ents who underwent MRI at baseline then 24 h following intravenous infusion of ketamine (0.5 mg/kg).
149                                     However, following intravenous injection of tumor cells, mice lac
150 te enhanced natural community APase activity following iron amendment within the low zinc and moderat
151    Among 38 plasma miRNAs that were elevated following ischemia, eight were tested for their ability
152  inhibition of ASIC1a reduces neuronal death following ischemic stroke in rodents.
153  formed cartilage discs in Transwell inserts following isotropic chondrogenic induction with transfor
154 cal role in the determination of the p53beta following its splicing.
155 re early trends in pediatric transplantation following KAS, including: (i) use of pediatric donors, (
156 ytic subunit p22(phox), which is upregulated following Kras activation.
157                                              Following lab validation, we performed a human validatio
158            To analyze cases of complications following laser vitreolysis as voluntarily reported to t
159                                              Following ligation, the selenocysteine can be deselenize
160 o enhance research on this topic include the following: longitudinal behavioral studies of children t
161  the balance between cell death and survival following loss of cell-matrix contact.
162 methylation (H3K4Me3) at the CDKN2A promoter following LPS-induced senescence.
163                                              Following lytic reactivation by sodium butyrate, the lev
164                 MK2 positively regulated the following macrophage RNA: Emr1 (F4/80), Itgam (CD11b), C
165 are associated with increased hospital costs following major surgery, but the mechanism by which they
166 nced vaccine efficacy and sterile protection following malaria challenge.
167 e was attenuated in Calhm1 knockout cultures following mechanical stimulation at a pressure of 55 mmH
168 n the caudate (p = 0.1) or putamen (p = 0.8) following methylphenidate injection.
169 bility under varying MR conditions using the following metrics: sensitivity, scatter fraction, contra
170 us have a rapid and potent killing phenotype following microinjection into an insect host.
171 min were identified using LC/MS and LC-MS/MS following monodimensional electrophoresis.
172 ins strength of the respiratory motor output following months of inactivity, thereby supporting a maj
173 gram, and cerebrospinal fluid collection the following morning for measurement of amyloid-beta, tau,
174                                              Following multivariate analyses adjusting for covariates
175  normal hearts and during cardiac remodeling following myocardial infarction (MI).
176 rticipation may prevent cognitive impairment following natural disaster.
177  better understand the mechanism of recovery following nerve injury in this species we investigated t
178 available drugs to treat tactile-driven pain following neuropathy.
179 e report a case of severe falciparum malaria following nosocomial Plasmodium falciparum transmission
180             Differential expression analysis following nuclear RNA-seq of neutrophil active transcrip
181 d immunomodulatory effects in vitro, but not following oral administration in humans.
182 a PCSK9 and total cholesterol levels in rats following oral dosing.
183 37) or placebo (PBO; n=43) transdermal patch following overnight abstinence completed three sessions
184                                              Following oxygen exposure, preterm infants frequently de
185 ne marrow had significantly reduced survival following P. berghei ANKA infection compared to those re
186 ive modulation of preparatory motor activity following PA in healthy participants but no effect on at
187                 This study compares outcomes following pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD) for patients trea
188 h is the most common and morbid complication following pancreatoduodenectomy.
189 tensity curve analysis (kappa > 0.9) and the following parameters: AUGC90, K(trans), and maximum slop
190 ming to GCs) and expand in lymph nodes (LNs) following pathogenic SIV infection in a cohort of vaccin
191 ging throughout the lives of the animals and following pBDL in adulthood.
192 hospital-related inpatient costs for 90 days following PD, converted to 2014 $USD.
193 onic angina and incomplete revascularization following percutaneous coronary intervention were random
194                                              Following peripheral axon injury, dysregulation of non-c
195  myelination occur as a downstream mechanism following peripheral deficit.
196 ized in a p38alpha- and NMD-dependent manner following persistent DNA damage.
197 yelin peptide presentation to CD4(+) T cells following phagocytosis of injured, phosphatidylserine-ex
198 t and puc expression) BLUF domain before and following photoexcitation.
199 gulate Ca(2+) homeostasis in excitable cells following plasma membrane depolarization.
200                                              Following polyploidy events, genomes undergo massive red
201 ms scoring at least 4 on at least one of the following Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) i
202 function after one year of follow-up in eyes following previous successful trabeculectomy.
203 ior-temporal and precentral gyri immediately following question onset; at the same time, high-gamma a
204                                          The following questions need to be answered in this regard:
205 ains in secreted proteases, MMP-2 and MMP-9, following radiation.
206                         Most cancers develop following random somatic alterations of key oncogenic ge
207                                  At 32 weeks following randomisation, both long-acting regimens met p
208 otoxicity (ADCC) to eliminate infected cells following reactivation from HIV-1 latency.
209            Prostheses were exchanged for the following reasons - fractures (5 patients, 3.2%), inflam
210         Multivariate predictors of mortality following recurrence included model for end-stage liver
211 ls readily recover from a desensitized state following removal of desensitizing antigen.
212 tion and mass were examined in sheep fetuses following removal of the thyroid gland in utero.
213                                              Following removal of these regions in the model, we pred
214 response that occurs on functional telomeres following replication in G2.
215 s (1850-2005) and future projections to 2100 following representative concentration pathway 8.5 (RCP8
216 dard of care to improve intracranial control following resection of brain metastasis.
217  disease progression in the remnant pancreas following resection of IPMN; and (2) 10 patients who und
218 V-specific T-cell responses did not increase following RG-101 injection, suggesting that NK cells, bu
219 mmunity, may contribute to HCV viral control following RG-101 therapy.
220  and is a critical marker of islet integrity following rodent islet isolation.
221 riptomic analysis of the human host response following RVFV infection, which could give insight into
222 ase food intake after fasting or salt intake following salt depletion; inactivation increased saline
223 e lineage sorting (ILS) and/or introgression following secondary contact.
224 keholders engaged in this study selected the following seven criteria for evaluating their WM-system:
225 ated via a non-FcepsilonRI mediated response following silver nanoparticle (Ag NP) exposure, which wa
226 a4beta7 mAb (Rh-alpha4beta7) just before and following SIV infection protected rhesus macaques from d
227  expression of GS and innexin2 are increased following sleep deprivation, indicating that GS and inne
228 the breach caused by microneedle penetration following staining and optical imaging.
229                   The framework includes the following steps: (1) ensuring adequate financial investm
230 ncentrations of N2O typically peaked rapidly following stormwater inundation, associated with limited
231                                          The following strains of bacteria: Lactobacillus rhamnosus B
232 ges in protein-RNA interactions within 1 min following stress imposition.
233                 Furthermore, changes in IL-6 following stress predicted intraindividual variability i
234 actors influence vulnerability to depression following stress.
235   Participants were randomized to one of the following study arms: view a one minute family video mes
236 response that prevented the growth of tumors following subsequent tumor cell challenge.
237 mygdala and showed functional downregulation following successful fear extinction in S1 mice.
238       The integrated framework was developed following superior performance of random forest based me
239 ften used to eradicate remaining tumor cells following surgery with the goal of maximizing local cont
240                                              Following the application of two plant protection produc
241 ves to cope with excess excitation energy by following the changes in absorbed light energy partition
242 d for nafithromycin, a new lactone-ketolide, following the completion of a nine-laboratory, Clinical
243  dimer was identified as the active state by following the dependence of activity on total enzyme con
244  from both humans and macaques was increased following the experimental addition of haemoglobin (Hb)
245 l period of the mice extended beyond 70 days following the final dose.
246                                              Following the financial crisis of 2007-2008, a deep anal
247 sly discernable, and cytokinesis takes place following the formation of elongated bipolar phragmoplas
248 ng panthers (Puma concolor coryi) in Florida following the initial cross-species infection from bobca
249                                              Following the introduction of an externally hyperpolariz
250 al cleft lip and palate and tongue agenesis, following the loss of the primary cilia in the CNC-deriv
251  occurring, and we term this state "E0H(+)", following the Lowe-Thorneley naming scheme.
252                                           By following the maximum range of negative pressure, along
253                                              Following the MIP, there was a robust induction of depre
254                                              Following the procedure, the fat-grafted cohort reported
255 acids can be used as fluorescent markers for following the progression of amyloidogenic processes.
256       The structure of 1 is photo-switchable following the reversible ring closure/opening of the cen
257 n in depressed mood on a visual analog scale following the sad mood induction procedure (MIP).
258                                              Following the use of the projection artifact removal alg
259 assium ion-selective membrane (ISM) coating, following their first contact with 0.1 M KCl solutions.
260 asticity in the primary somatosensory cortex following therapy.
261                                              Following this line, we show here that crystals of membr
262                                          The following three MR imaging-guided biopsy strategies were
263 resting-state functional connectivity of the following three regions with the SCC was differentially
264  Prospective, multisite, observational study following three sequential, independent cohorts, from a
265 NF-alpha compared with CD44(-/-) macrophages following TLR2 stimulation (p < 0.01).
266 C3 in regulating the production of IFN-alpha following TLR7 activation.
267 as expressed in odontoblastic processes 2 wk following tooth injury without pulp exposure, whereas Ep
268        Routine radiological contrast swallow following total gastrectomy or distal esophagectomy cann
269 8 as linearly ubiquitinated targets of LUBAC following TRAIL stimulation.
270  auditory localisation biases can be reduced following training with accurate visual feedback.
271                                              Following training, subjects were exposed to a series of
272 ion and induced Crohn's disease-like ileitis following transfer into Rag1(-/-) hosts.
273 resulting in lower platelet count increments following transfusion.
274 e duct-like tubes expressing biliary markers following transplantation under the kidney capsule of im
275                                              Following transplantation, appropriate vascular remodeli
276 ability to cause blinding corneal infections following trauma and during contact lens wear.
277                         Moreover, activation following trauma exposure reduced the susceptibility for
278 nges in blood immune cell subsets that occur following trauma, including induction of Th17-type CD4 T
279 aptic strength and learning, is dysregulated following traumatic brain injury (TBI), suggesting that
280 tored the transcriptional regulation of SNCA following treatment with different drugs known to regula
281 of macrophage efflux to draining lymph nodes following treatment with infliximab.
282 terferon-stimulated gene (ISG) transcription following treatment with the noncanonical cyclic dinucle
283 graft and efficiently inhibited tumor growth following treatment with the therapeutic antibody rituxi
284  uptake significantly ( 2-fold both 2 and 6h following treatment).
285 taking, might be especially prone to relapse following treatment.
286  resulting in increased apoptotic cell death following treatment.
287 overall survival (OS) in 20 or more patients following treatment.
288 ree mortality from changes in soil chemistry following tree death.
289 nd identity discrimination task prior to and following tRNS to either IFC or an active control region
290                                      METHOD: Following uniform quality control and imputation procedu
291 ore the genetics in a larger set of patients following-up on the most promising genomic regions previ
292                                              Following vaccination with trivalent oral polio vaccine
293                            We identified the following variables as unfavourable predictors of surviv
294 confidence interval: 0.60-0.90), whereas the following variants were not statistically significant: r
295 hird interdigit cortical separation distance following verum acupuncture predicted sustained improvem
296                                              Following visual adaptation to one individual face, the
297 ganization of the central and peripheral EVC following visual field defects specifically affecting ce
298                                              Following widely accepted guidance, such as Cochrane or
299 y, eligible patients had at least one of the following within the screening period of 4 weeks: platel
300                          We hypothesise that following zygotic genome activation (ZGA), the combinati

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