


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ere limited to a 3% excess rate of a bulging fontanelle.
2 natal vitamin A supplementation or a bulging fontanelle.
3 ive index during compression of the anterior fontanelle.
4 r (8.5-MHz probe) and mastoid (13-MHz probe) fontanelles.
5 a, flat midface, receding forehead, and wide fontanelles.
6 his deletion syndrome include large anterior fontanelle (100%), motor delay/hypotonia (92%), moderate
7   53 infants were reported to have a bulging fontanelle; 32 (0.3%) in the vitamin A group and 21 (0.2
8 lle (n = 91) and 432 children who had normal fontanelles after receiving vitamin A or placebo were ev
9 re, absence of hyoid bone, failed closure of fontanelle, bifid xiphoid process and hypoplasia of clav
10 ging with scans obtained through the mastoid fontanelle can depict CSVT at an early stage.
11  defects and restored normal skull shape and fontanelle closure.
12                      Hemodynamic response to fontanelle compression can be used as a noninvasive pred
13 o obtain resistive indexes before and during fontanelle compression in 14 hydrocephalic infants.
14             Baseline resistive index without fontanelle compression was not correlated with intracran
15 ed by hypoplastic or absent clavicles, large fontanelles, dental anomalies and delayed skeletal devel
16 stence of a metopic suture and open anterior fontanelle early in hominin evolution, and they put an e
17 fossil record do not support the metopic and fontanelle features proposed by Falk and colleagues.
18 ll triangular-shaped remnant of the anterior fontanelle, from which a clear metopic suture (MS) cours
19 esulted in clavicular hypoplasia and delayed fontanelle fusion, a phenotype similar to the cleidocran
20 sion models predicting each score, a bulging fontanelle had a small negative effect in all models; wh
21 n the placebo group, children with a bulging fontanelle in the vitamin A group tended to grow less (-
22           Compared with children with normal fontanelles in the placebo group, children with a bulgin
23 0.5 cm, P = 0.33), whereas those with normal fontanelles in the vitamin A group grew significantly mo
24                   Children who had a bulging fontanelle (n = 91) and 432 children who had normal font
25 re not significantly different for treatment-fontanelle-specific groups.
26 ed from the analysis the effect of a bulging fontanelle was not significant in any model (P > or = 0.

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