コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 onal shift to a 'high-drive' condition (18-h food deprivation).
2 crose pellets under 24-hr but not under 0-hr food deprivation).
3 nable weanling animals to survive periods of food deprivation.
4 drial beta-oxidation genes were repressed by food deprivation.
5 ct any alterations in ARC NPY mRNA following food deprivation.
6 ed by the refeeding hyperphagia that follows food deprivation.
7 5, 10, 20 and 40 microg) following overnight food deprivation.
8 ther of these responses when the stimulus is food deprivation.
9 sweeter nonnutritive sugar after periods of food deprivation.
10 in response to systemic/metabolic aspects of food deprivation.
11 ht to mediate the neuroendocrine response to food deprivation.
12 both physiological/psychological stress and food deprivation.
13 no inhibitory effects on feeding after 24 h food deprivation.
14 tion during the lengthening period of summer food deprivation.
15 or SHU9119 to rats before a 24 hr period of food deprivation.
16 elimination of odors as cues, and the use of food deprivation.
17 ody weight, and become hyperphagic following food deprivation.
18 o give rise to interoceptive cues like 24-hr food deprivation.
19 ity in other systems may be downregulated by food deprivation.
20 isual interneurons, an effect not altered by food deprivation.
21 failed to recover normal pumping rates after food deprivation.
22 did not show an altered feeding response to food deprivation.
23 ahepatic tissues during periods of prolonged food deprivation.
24 uced fibre atrophy caused by denervation and food deprivation.
25 to exhibit exaggerated locomotor response to food deprivation.
26 ll Period mutant mice was also robust during food deprivation.
27 ed by control floxed mice only after 24 h of food deprivation.
28 n than controls under conditions of complete food deprivation.
29 ing neurons increases in response to chronic food deprivation.
30 kness with ad libitum food and after 48 h of food deprivation.
31 y and suppressed 6-h refeeding after 24 h of food deprivation.
32 limited food is presented after a period of food deprivation.
33 bohydrate content of the diet consumed after food deprivation.
34 te for the reduced contribution from chronic food deprivation.
35 ally contiguous phases: 1-h chow access, 2-h food deprivation, 10-min chow access, and 10-min access
37 ntal area upon feeding responses elicited by food deprivation (24 h), 2-deoxy-D-glucose-induced gluco
39 eus (Arc) and their synthesis increases with food deprivation, a naturally-occurring stimulus that ma
41 etailed profile of cognitive consequences of food deprivation, affected by time of day, task demands,
43 on the GH-IGF-I axis differed from those of food deprivation alone; and b) whether administration of
44 culating FFA for glucose-stimulated IS after food deprivation also applies in the case of nonglucose
51 oth the depletion of energy induced by acute food deprivation and excessive storage of energy by high
52 bling induction of beta-oxidation genes upon food deprivation and facilitating activation of SCD in f
53 t small intestine OEA levels decrease during food deprivation and increase upon refeeding, suggesting
54 y a biological role for AGS-3 in response to food deprivation and indicate the mechanism for its acti
55 havioral shift occurs more rapidly following food deprivation and is modulated by cAMP and insulin si
57 f the CRR, and thus the ability to withstand food deprivation and maintain euglycemia, is not known.
60 Acb shell GABA(A) receptor stimulation or by food deprivation and produced a syndrome of forepaw trea
61 (dNPF), an ortholog of mammalian NPY, mimics food deprivation and promotes memory performance in sati
63 on the nutritional state-they decreased with food deprivation and recovered after subsequent feeding.
64 ationally related manipulations of the task (food deprivation and reward magnitude) produced some sub
66 multaneous variations in motivational state (food deprivation) and reinforcer magnitude (food present
67 iven to rats in a 'low-drive' condition (2-h food deprivation), and also after a motivational shift t
68 For example, ghrelin levels rise following food deprivation, and ghrelin administration stimulates
70 muli, including exposure to dauer pheromone, food deprivation, and high temperature, can induce C. el
71 as markedly increased by lipin 1 deficiency, food deprivation, and obesity, often independent of chan
72 Twenty-eight peptides were increased >50% by food deprivation, and some of these were increased by 2-
73 tis elegans to alter several behaviors after food deprivation, apparently so that the animals can mor
74 food deprivation, suggesting that effects of food deprivation are mediated by modifying this protein.
76 e increases in food intake following 24 h of food deprivation are reduced by systemic and central adm
79 ate different protein breakdown responses to food deprivation between children with edematous and non
80 tabolic state, we examined whether overnight food deprivation blunts stress-induced recruitment of th
85 ly hatched Caenorhabditis elegans respond to food deprivation by halting development and promoting lo
86 of liquid diet or 10% sucrose solution after food deprivation by rats with APX also were considerably
89 the delay was extended beyond 1 h, and that food deprivation could attenuate the degree of impairmen
92 by a state of negative-energy balance (24-hr food deprivation), demonstrating a specific influence of
93 duced rise in hypothalamic malonyl-CoA after food deprivation, demonstrating that leptin was not requ
95 esponse of chromatin-associated proteins, as food deprivation did not affect the mobility of heteroch
100 s were tested for reinstatement after 1 d of food deprivation (experiment 1) or exposure to intermitt
101 ic gene expression resulting from short-term food deprivation (fasting) in Caenorhabditis elegans.
103 adapted to prolonged periods (1-2 months) of food deprivation (fasting) which result in metabolic cha
104 erian hamster feeding behaviors; (2) whether food deprivation (FD) co-increases agouti-related protei
106 EXPERIMENTS 2 AND 3: Following overnight food deprivation, five groups of rats were injected with
112 d tanycytes, were significantly decreased by food deprivation in male mice in a manner that was parti
116 lects calorie-rich foods following prolonged food deprivation in the absence of taste-receptor signal
117 mediating the short-term feeding response to food deprivation in the nucleus accumbens shell as well
118 of food and over an extended time course of food deprivation in wild-type and mutant worms to determ
119 immunoreactivity in this area is enhanced by food deprivation; in contrast, it is reduced by injectio
120 mice at this chronological age, because 24-h food deprivation increased arcuate NPY mRNA in wild-type
122 context of diet-induced and genetic obesity; food deprivation increased Deptor mRNA in both the ARC a
124 easure of eating is modulated by satiety and food deprivation increases the reward value of food, the
127 nfused into the basolateral amygdala blocked food deprivation-induced changes in sucrose-related acti
129 These similarities between NPY-induced and food deprivation-induced feeding are consistent with a s
130 oraging and food hoarding were not affected, food deprivation-induced increased food hoarding was sur
131 suggests an intact Arc is not necessary for food deprivation-induced increases in food foraging and
134 lating concentration of FFA that accompanies food deprivation is a sine qua non for efficient GSIS wh
135 ce of energy and nutrient homeostasis during food deprivation is accomplished through an increase in
136 circulating FFA levels after 24 and 48 h of food deprivation is critically important for pancreatic
139 Lipid stores are mobilized in the case of food deprivation or high energy demands--for example, du
140 ntaining neurons or fibers are unaffected by food deprivation or MA, and the antimetabolite 2-DG has
143 hich can be altered by manipulations such as food deprivation or prior exposure to MOP receptor agoni
144 stimuli (footshocks, shock-predictive cues, food deprivation, or reward omission) and inhibitions af
146 at another environmental stressor, acute 1 d food deprivation, potently reinstates heroin seeking in
147 ess NMDA-elicited feeding by PTK inhibitors, food deprivation readily drives PTK activity in vivo.
149 corticosterone levels were reduced, whereas food deprivation resulted in significantly enhanced plas
150 In Caenorhabditis elegans, pairing odor with food deprivation results in aversive olfactory learning,
151 in which stimuli produced by 0-hr and 24-hr food deprivation served as discriminative cues for the d
153 ternation in a T-maze and on a task in which food-deprivation state was used as a contextual cue.
155 ine or sucrose, it effectively blocked acute food deprivation stress-induced reinstatement of cocaine
157 change in its biochemical fractionation upon food deprivation, suggesting that effects of food depriv
158 , whereas nutrient supplementation following food deprivation suppressed it; the former and latter co
163 responses that are otherwise associated with food deprivation; thus, unlike forced dieting, cessation
164 at an increase in locomotor speed induced by food deprivation was accompanied by an activity- and oct
166 portance of considering prolonged periods of food deprivation when assessing chemical risks posed to
167 ach 4-min session that took place under 0-hr food deprivation, whereas no pellets were delivered duri
169 other, naturally occurring stressors such as food deprivation, which is being exacerbated by global w
172 ice, otherwise apparently normal, respond to food deprivation with markedly reduced reflex hyperphagi
173 crose palatability induced by an increase in food deprivation without affecting the performance of su
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