


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ental data that should be used as benchmarks for interpreting 18O kinetic isotope effects upon enzyme
2 containing membranes and provide a framework for interpreting (2)H-NMR experiments in similar membran
3  participants in the analysis) are necessary for interpreting a clinical trial's findings.
4           Our structure provides a framework for interpreting a large body of genetic data regarding
5            Together with emerging algorithms for interpreting a positive long QT syndrome genetic tes
6           These findings provide a framework for interpreting a range of recent experimental studies
7                 This also provided the basis for interpreting additional removal of viruses by the th
8   However, choosing the relevant annotations for interpreting an association study of a given trait r
9 l reference-guided bioinformatics algorithms for interpreting analog signals representing sequences o
10  Throughout, we provide practical strategies for interpreting and analyzing nucleic acid experiments
11 nvestigations, which could have implications for interpreting and comparing simulation results with e
12  inbred mice to study glucose metabolism and for interpreting and designing experiments.
13 on gp33, and provides a structural framework for interpreting and designing future experiments to fun
14 parative analysis presents new opportunities for interpreting and diagnosing environments.
15 ese findings may have important implications for interpreting and evaluating fibre optic strain measu
16 rk thus provides valuable mathematical tools for interpreting and extracting learned features from fe
17 l conditions, our findings have implications for interpreting and modelling subglacial hydrologic pro
18 ess this, we generated a computational model for interpreting and predicting effects of pathway compo
19      We also review newly developed analyses for interpreting and validating optical signals, includi
20           Thus, they introduce a new context for interpreting (and reinterpreting) data from ex vivo
21 s an objective basis for AR segmentation and for interpreting AR dynamics under various conditions, b
22  in an oxidizing atmosphere has implications for interpreting Archean sulfur deposits used to determi
23  EADs exhibit unique dynamics, which are key for interpreting arrhythmia mechanisms in this ubiquitou
24           In addition to pinpointing a trend for interpreting associated frameshift error rates based
25  simplest ears known and a novel perspective for interpreting bat echolocation calls.
26 , due to the lack of a mechanistic framework for interpreting behavioral data in such tasks, the natu
27 y in a single integrated system is important for interpreting behavioral shifts of either state.
28               This result is useful not only for interpreting benign and pathogenic missense variants
29  structure of CloQ and use it as a framework for interpreting biochemical data from both wild-type an
30  The method can generate valuable hypotheses for interpreting biological data and designing biologica
31               Data visualization is critical for interpreting biological data.
32 LTI systems modelling might offer advantages for interpreting biological measurements.
33 equencing germline DNA as reference material for interpreting cancer genetics may have consequences t
34 small-molecule inhibitors is a critical step for interpreting cell-based data and guiding inhibitor o
35        This conclusion may have implications for interpreting changes in allele frequencies in popula
36                   These findings are helpful for interpreting changes in baroreflex buffering in olde
37 he functions of DNA methylation is necessary for interpreting changes in this mark that are observed
38 croscopic techniques are the best benchmarks for interpreting clinical images.
39              This has important implications for interpreting clinical neuromyelitis optica and neuro
40 CGG-repeat-dependence of FMRP expression and for interpreting clinical phenotypes in premutation carr
41 dynamics, which provide a unifying framework for interpreting clone fate data and for measuring rates
42 up early forest, with important implications for interpreting coeval assemblage data worldwide.
43 ur results establish a theoretical framework for interpreting complex and varied manifestations of tr
44 ition imaging is nonetheless a powerful tool for interpreting complex atomic force microscopy images,
45         Consequently, alternative approaches for interpreting complex data sets are required to allow
46              Cells have ingenious mechanisms for interpreting complex signals from their external mic
47  of this study was to develop a new approach for interpreting confocal TMRM signals during I-R based
48 ement among patches is the crucial parameter for interpreting connectivity but because of the difficu
49  whether commonly used network constructions for interpreting connectivity can predict actual linkage
50            A clinical framework is presented for interpreting contrast sensitivity and gain loss to c
51 se complicating factors, we offer guidelines for interpreting correlation data and a discussion of ho
52 nd requires new methodologies and frameworks for interpreting cross-phenotype results.
53 e goal of this lecture is to provide a basis for interpreting current literature and newly proposed c
54 , we introduce the use of compartment models for interpreting data collected from snapshots of synchr
55 ato plants, and we establish some guidelines for interpreting data with the intention of opening up n
56 d metabolomic data and systems biology tools for interpreting data, it is now possible to begin descr
57                  We present a general method for interpreting deep neural networks and extracting net
58 ena such as El Nino-Southern Oscillation and for interpreting deep ocean measurements made from ships
59  survival analysis, and describe a framework for interpreting deep survival models using a risk backp
60          Our work provides a new perspective for interpreting diagenetic signatures in sedimentary ro
61                 This result has implications for interpreting disease phenotypes in animal models and
62      The power of an algorithm-driven method for interpreting disulfide mass-mapping data is demonstr
63  of patients to develop evidence-based tools for interpreting EBV results.
64             Here, we leverage new approaches for interpreting ecosystem carbon flux observations in c
65 e of the first metabolite reference profiles for interpreting effects of dietary and hepatic choleste
66            These studies provide a framework for interpreting effects of substrate modifications on R
67  hypotheses, and provides an exact framework for interpreting empirical observations.
68 s and bubbles) magmas is of great importance for interpreting eruption dynamics.
69 uss the implications of this new information for interpreting existing data and future experiments ta
70 rther developed to provide useful frameworks for interpreting existing results.
71 ults presented here provide a starting point for interpreting experimental data on DNAzyme kinetics,
72 tions can challenge conventional assumptions for interpreting experimental data, especially where exi
73 ient formation and provide a solid framework for interpreting experimental observations of morphogen
74  present results further provide a framework for interpreting experimental results from point mutatio
75 led in this work provides a structural basis for interpreting experimental studies of nucleosome unfo
76 deacetylation reaction mechanisms as well as for interpreting experiments based on 6-11B-1 labeling.
77                These results have importance for interpreting experiments employing optogenetic, gene
78 from lab-scale column tests might be helpful for interpreting field-scale CO2 leakage scenarios and i
79 ns of electronic medical records, are useful for interpreting findings about location of binocular VF
80       Our results have a general implication for interpreting fluorescence-based measurements of sign
81                      We discuss implications for interpreting fMRI data where stimulus-specific Delta
82 ptation (repetition suppression) is critical for interpreting fMRI-adaptation experiments.
83 terization of such abnormalities is required for interpreting functional data.
84 entals of motor protein mechanochemistry and for interpreting functional diversity across the kinesin
85  structural models may provide a useful tool for interpreting functional effects of PAMs.
86 rstanding how neural computation is powered, for interpreting functional imaging scans of brains, and
87 her nonophthalmologists could be responsible for interpreting fundus photographs captured in a teleme
88   These findings have important consequences for interpreting future exoplanet observations, includin
89 ificance of bacterial tetrahymanol synthesis for interpreting gammacerane biosignatures is known.
90  design and provide a quantitative framework for interpreting gastroretentive oral formulation test r
91 hese results, a general approach is proposed for interpreting gel electrophoresis data of charged ana
92 d called Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) for interpreting gene expression data.
93 tional engineering approach and intelligence for interpreting genomic information from an individual
94 This organization has important implications for interpreting genotype-phenotype associations, regula
95 tion of these elements and gives a framework for interpreting geochemical signatures in mantle rocks.
96 eglaciation, both of which have implications for interpreting geodetic measurements of land uplift an
97 th eQTL analysis in disease-relevant tissues for interpreting GWAS results.
98 vailability of de novo sequencing algorithms for interpreting high-mass accuracy tandem mass spectrom
99 P C tetramer and provides a proof of concept for interpreting high-throughput interaction data using
100 ing and contain important fossil assemblages for interpreting hominin evolution.
101 lar traps has yielded a conceptual framework for interpreting how extracellular DNA may function in c
102 nts of the human gut will set the groundwork for interpreting how the gastrointestinal microbiota inf
103 ontrol law suggests an interesting framework for interpreting human reaching motion control alternati
104 he model therefore serves as a powerful tool for interpreting I(CaL) experiments.
105  we outline the statistical mechanical basis for interpreting IC experiments and clarify the use of s
106    These findings provide important insights for interpreting in vivo patterns of [F-18]-AV-1451 rete
107 ioning of cooperativity suggests a framework for interpreting in vivo transcriptional synergy.
108   Our study provides an anatomical reference for interpreting information about interorganelle commun
109 itions due to collisions with H(2), critical for interpreting infrared astronomical observations, are
110  might provide useful structural information for interpreting interactions of suramin with many prote
111 MSI provides a much-needed standardized tool for interpreting ions for subsequent identification in u
112                        The established model for interpreting isotope and enantiomer fractionation pa
113 d how this information was vitally important for interpreting its biology.
114 tion studies that provide the knowledge base for interpreting large-scale genetic association results
115              These results have implications for interpreting left lateralized vOT activation during
116  Homo erectus and therefore has implications for interpreting life history in hominins.
117 imal region of the flagella may be important for interpreting light signals.
118 ifferent ligands and provide a new framework for interpreting long-distance allosteric coupling.
119             The study provides a useful tool for interpreting meaningful genotypic mutations and guid
120 constructions, providing an important marker for interpreting membrane-associated structures.
121 n H(+)-bearing whitlockite with implications for interpreting meteorites and the need for future samp
122 evaluation of secondary endpoints is crucial for interpreting miRNA inhibition studies.
123   Our framework provides a theoretical basis for interpreting molecular signal processing algorithms
124           Our results are therefore critical for interpreting monosynaptic rabies-based tracing in th
125 t may become a unified theoretical framework for interpreting motor function.
126 scular control of mouse vocal production and for interpreting mouse vocal behavior phenotypes.
127 aphically detailed epistemological framework for interpreting movement patterns in all organisms, whe
128 ce of noncanonical pathways has consequences for interpreting mutants in the core microRNA machinery.
129 munoassays are valuable to testing providers for interpreting negative HIV test results obtained shor
130                       We provide a framework for interpreting network biology studies and leveraging
131 viding important constraints and a framework for interpreting neural data.
132 More broadly, this work provides an approach for interpreting neural population activity in the conte
133 species, providing an evolutionary framework for interpreting novel findings and for developing new h
134 orted mechanisms and help define a framework for interpreting nucleotide specificity differences acro
135       Nonetheless, new software is necessary for interpreting O-glycopeptide ETD spectra in order to
136 ovel framework for creating new emitters and for interpreting observations in many fields of science.
137 stood, despite the value of this information for interpreting observed trends in reported microcephal
138 r findings will serve as a genomic framework for interpreting ongoing molecular investigations of the
139 posite fermions, which have proven effective for interpreting other experiments in this regime.
140 l system returns functionally intact signals for interpreting other people's actions adequately; thes
141 5 mo of age, when infants develop a capacity for interpreting others' goals and intentions.
142 f the Fe2 core bridges and provide the basis for interpreting parallel nuclear resonance vibrational
143              These results have implications for interpreting Parkinson disease models and suggest th
144 de concentration and temperature is critical for interpreting past climate change and for predicting
145 sion synaptobrevin and providing a framework for interpreting past mutation experiments.
146 nisms interact in such effects are important for interpreting patterns in environmental quality, pred
147              These results have implications for interpreting patterns of calcification in N. dutertr
148          Understanding hotspots is important for interpreting patterns of genetic variation in popula
149 ation obtained in this study will be crucial for interpreting personal genome sequences and understan
150               The model provides a framework for interpreting perturbations of hDAT activity.
151          Visual assessment alone is adequate for interpreting PET findings as positive or negative wh
152 ptimal combination of method and system, and for interpreting phenotypes within the constraints of ea
153                   We evaluated this approach for interpreting plasma clearance curves with the goal o
154      Such information is increasingly needed for interpreting population persistence and guiding effe
155  implying temporal marker stability suitable for interpreting population structures and evolution.
156                         We describe a method for interpreting potentially disparate results from indi
157 he evolution of tumoral immune tolerance and for interpreting preclinical and clinical responses to D
158                        This has implications for interpreting prehistoric migration dynamics and cult
159  the absence of RecA, as well as a framework for interpreting previous genetic and biochemical data c
160 omains, as well as providing new information for interpreting previous genetic work.
161 esentations may provide a unifying framework for interpreting previous results related to dynamics le
162                   We compared two approaches for interpreting PRO scores and identified which way bet
163 ality-of-life issues and compared approaches for interpreting PRO scores.
164  The results provide fundamental information for interpreting protein footprinting experiments in oth
165                             Existing methods for interpreting protein variation focus on annotating m
166                Our results have implications for interpreting recent genome-wide scans for positive s
167 ferences in health care use lack a framework for interpreting reports of variations in health care us
168 at uses the methods, and discuss a framework for interpreting results as they apply to molecular neur
169 A catalog of PTV will be a valuable resource for interpreting results from future disease-association
170       These data have important implications for interpreting results from large-scale genetics studi
171 The results also have important implications for interpreting results from reporter gene assays, whic
172  few years, it has become a useful framework for interpreting results from single-cell transcriptomic
173 imates, as described herein, may be critical for interpreting results from this powerful methodology.
174        FFS offers a potentially useful basis for interpreting results of initial treatment of chronic
175  The structure has also provided a rationale for interpreting SAR within the triazole series.
176 eir relatives, provide an improved framework for interpreting schistosome biology.
177  phases in the lowermost mantle is important for interpreting seismic anisotropy in Earth's interior.
178  signal provides a thermal calibration scale for interpreting seismic velocities located distant from
179 atosensory perception, 'read-out' mechanisms for interpreting sensory maps, and contextual effects on
180                  Categorization is essential for interpreting sensory stimuli and guiding our actions
181 , our free-energy maps may provide a context for interpreting sequence-dependent nascent chain phenom
182 ions, together with the different approaches for interpreting serum prostate-specific antigen values
183 y developing adolescents can provide a basis for interpreting sexual dimorphisms in abilities and act
184 n important cis-regulatory property critical for interpreting Shh morphogen action in the mammalian n
185  computations underlying brain function, and for interpreting signals that may be useful for the cont
186  follow from them, are therefore less useful for interpreting single-molecule experiments.
187 his detailed characterization will be useful for interpreting soybean genomic data sets and highlight
188 in analytical techniques, and new approaches for interpreting stable isotope data, have expanded the
189 at receptor binding sites, posing challenges for interpreting structure-activity relationships for ma
190 sistently, because they can serve as a guide for interpreting studies into cancer stem cells of solid
191                             Novel algorithms for interpreting such data phylogenetically are needed,
192 stability and physical properties is crucial for interpreting such experimental data, and for testing
193            These results provide a framework for interpreting sympathetic activity recorded from inta
194                                 The criteria for interpreting the (18)F-florbetapir scan as positive
195     An algorithm which can provide a context for interpreting the alignment and uses a simple method
196 ds and terms, literature references and aids for interpreting the analysis results.
197 ghlights the importance of understanding ADs for interpreting the ANN results.
198 charged surface patch and provides a context for interpreting the biochemical characteristics of a nu
199 re highly congruent, and provide a framework for interpreting the biogeography and evolutionary histo
200 ative perspective provides valuable insights for interpreting the biology of schistosomes, including
201                       We present a framework for interpreting the carbon isotopic composition of sedi
202          More broadly, this has implications for interpreting the cause of any mutant phenotype, assi
203 h-resolution CT data were found to be useful for interpreting the cause of variations in the (99m)Tc
204 erapy provide a cellular and molecular basis for interpreting the changes in retinal signaling in thi
205             To provide an improved framework for interpreting the circular dichroism (CD) spectra of
206  difficulty in relearning pretrauma schemata for interpreting the civilian physical and social enviro
207 EGG pathway graph and (iii) propose a method for interpreting the classification models induced using
208 , and biochemical methods to present a model for interpreting the clinical significance of rare genet
209 e, and RNA interference studies hold promise for interpreting the complex suite of genes that subserv
210 is one of several factors that are important for interpreting the complexities of MeCP2 transcription
211 fferent species and led to statistical tools for interpreting the data in terms of population genetic
212 ergy minimization calculations were compared for interpreting the data to provide possible secondary
213  These findings provide a quantitative basis for interpreting the dynamics and kinetics of DNA-sequen
214                 These data have implications for interpreting the effects of exercise on aversive con
215 tion of the applications of HPLC PG analyses for interpreting the effects of genetic and chemical per
216 unities remains challenging, yet is critical for interpreting the evolution and ecology of microbes i
217 man genetic diversity in Africa is important for interpreting the evolution of all humans, yet vast r
218 ylogeny proposed here has broad implications for interpreting the evolution of spiders, their remarka
219 limnological conditions provides a framework for interpreting the evolution of the Lake Malawi fish a
220 ions, which could have profound implications for interpreting the evolutionary genetics of the oyster
221 de a first-principles theoretical foundation for interpreting the experimental results.
222          Our data provide a predictive basis for interpreting the fossil record to unravel the evolut
223 els of the myocyte are becoming useful tools for interpreting the functional significance of changes
224                       We develop an approach for interpreting the genetic basis of the variation in i
225 of microorganisms-their traits-offers a path for interpreting the growing amount of microbiome data.
226 r the laboratory mouse, a key model organism for interpreting the human genome and for understanding
227 igorous structural and biophysical framework for interpreting the important functions of PD-1 and rev
228 O species, since this information is crucial for interpreting the kinetic data.
229 r adaptation in many environments and useful for interpreting the large number of reference microbial
230 ound the head, can provide detailed guidance for interpreting the likely sources of NIRS signals, as
231 kainate should be useful structural measures for interpreting the markedly different current response
232 y membership, of sensory stimuli is critical for interpreting the meaning of events in our environmen
233 riptions of each system to provide a context for interpreting the meaning of findings in suicide.
234 odomain that provides an important framework for interpreting the mechanisms by which functionally im
235 verse human traits, and providing a resource for interpreting the molecular basis of human disease.
236 ar to the P. aeruginosa system) form a basis for interpreting the molecular origins of the difference
237  larval zebrafish has important implications for interpreting the natural actions of neuromodulators
238 alorimetry, and quartz crystal microbalance) for interpreting the nature of binding process.
239 of various PduA mutants provide a foundation for interpreting the observed biochemical and phenotypic
240  not, we developed a comprehensive framework for interpreting the observed effects of pollen on honey
241 nted here demonstrates significant confounds for interpreting the outcome of the trial and argues tha
242 lphate reservoir size is therefore important for interpreting the oxygenation history of early Earth
243  Detailed records of volcanism are essential for interpreting the palaeoenvironments occupied by our
244  Pol gamma structure also provides a context for interpreting the phenotypes of disease-related mutat
245 ity under lower mantle conditions is crucial for interpreting the physical and chemical properties of
246 this problem that provides a basic framework for interpreting the physics of heavy-electron materials
247          This framework could serve as a key for interpreting the physiology of sleep stages and reco
248                  This framework is necessary for interpreting the predictions of scaling theories for
249 ty of Earth's lower mantle offers a paradigm for interpreting the properties of this region.
250                This work lays the foundation for interpreting the range of individual sensitivities t
251 on of gene expression (MARGE) is a framework for interpreting the relationship between the H3K27ac ch
252                  Genes2FANs is a useful tool for interpreting the relationships between gene/protein
253 ological adaptations, which has consequences for interpreting the reproductive modes of Mesozoic gymn
254 nding bacterial population genetics is vital for interpreting the response of bacterial populations t
255 eins in sequence space, and provides a basis for interpreting the response of proteins to substitutio
256 g compounds to elucidate kinase function and for interpreting the results of experiments involving ki
257 ne set enrichment has become a critical tool for interpreting the results of high-throughput genomic
258 technique for inferring genetic networks and for interpreting the results of its application to exper
259              Such knowledge should be useful for interpreting the results of laboratory and field stu
260                   These findings are helpful for interpreting the results of observational safety stu
261  units and provide a rich set of constraints for interpreting the results of physiological recordings
262  This review provides a contextual framework for interpreting the results of recent studies, key clin
263 s in order to provide a biological reference for interpreting the results.
264 l diversity of BMCs and provides a reference for interpreting the role of BMC gene clusters encoded i
265 nary heart disease (CHD) events, but methods for interpreting the score in combination with conventio
266           This result has broad implications for interpreting the sequence dependence of membrane pro
267 ve data generated by this study are of value for interpreting the serial CMAS scores of children with
268 sis for explaining ecosystem variability and for interpreting the significance of abrupt responses an
269      Further, we propose a decoding strategy for interpreting the spikes emitted by the retina, which
270 ponent analysis (PCA) is an excellent method for interpreting the static time-of-flight secondary ion
271 urret and outer shell proteins, were helpful for interpreting the structural features of those protei
272 sented here should provide important context for interpreting the surge of genetically based estimate
273 sults provide a previously undescribed basis for interpreting the synaptic connections between mitral
274 l and raise the question of how useful it is for interpreting the systemic response in psoriasis-like
275 tion, which altogether offers a new paradigm for interpreting the temporal occurrence of barites in t
276 for ordering and the proper clinical context for interpreting the test result.
277           This finding may have implications for interpreting the treatment efficacy results of in vi
278 ns of nanometers, and they have implications for interpreting the unusual mechanical behavior of nano
279 gic synapses and provide an anatomical basis for interpreting the variable effects caused by disrupti
280       A microbial species concept is crucial for interpreting the variation detected by genomics and
281 nteraction networks should be valuable tools for interpreting the wealth of data being generated by l
282  A molecular model that provides a framework for interpreting the wealth of functional information ob
283 ive stereotypes provide a possible framework for interpreting their behavior, the risk of being judge
284 ese data from identified neurons are pivotal for interpreting their electrophysiological responses to
285     This function provides a new perspective for interpreting their molecular structure.
286  studies, and a consistent model is provided for interpreting them in terms of the differences in the
287 parent in the spurt of computational methods for interpreting these data in the past few years.
288 ganismal fitness remains the ultimate metric for interpreting these experiments, and the dynamics of
289 t led to these insights, discuss a framework for interpreting this research that is centered upon the
290 relationship to spiking activity is critical for interpreting this signal and elucidating its functio
291 ronolide B synthase have provided a platform for interpreting this wealth of biochemical data, while
292 s an object-oriented computational framework for interpreting transcriptional regulation using DNA-se
293              These results have implications for interpreting transient circuit manipulations and for
294 and behavior and have important implications for interpreting transitional stages in vespid social ev
295 nscription represents an important mechanism for interpreting tropically stimulated gradients of auxi
296 libration method may provide a valuable tool for interpreting TST results in other populations.
297 ing inflammation provide probabilistic basis for interpreting v-lesions.
298                 Classical genetic approaches for interpreting variants, such as case-control or co-se
299 alth outcomes as well as appropriate cutoffs for interpreting vitamin B-12-related biomarkers.
300 ystems were compared to our current protocol for interpreting wound cultures.

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