コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 h after ingestion of 300 kcal of the liquid-formula diet.
2 Normally volunteers consumed low fat liquid formula diets (10% of calories as fat and 75% as glucose
4 g a 10% reduced weight by ingesting a liquid formula diet; and (c) receiving twice-daily subcutaneous
5 intaining usual weight by ingesting a liquid formula diet; (b) maintaining a 10% reduced weight by in
6 baseline, 2) after dieting for 6 weeks on a formula diet enriched in either monounsaturated fatty ac
7 al volunteers consumed the same very-low-fat formula diet for 25 d and then an isoenergetic solid foo
8 gs, total diet replacement (825-853 kcal/day formula diet for 3-5 months), stepped food reintroductio
10 Although carbohydrate-rich, protein-free formula diets have been shown to elevate, and high-prote
11 ave shown that enteral therapy, with defined formula diets, helps children with Crohn's disease and r
12 ), were randomly assigned to one of two 28-d formula diets: high PA (40% of energy as fat, 16.8% as P
17 loss levels and remaining on the same liquid formula diet required to maintain a 10% reduced weight.
18 t-stable normal volunteers by a very-low-fat formula diet with 10% of energy as fat and 75% as short
19 e stimulation of fatty acid synthesis by the formula diet with 75% glucose polymers was similarly red
20 glucose polymers was similarly reduced by a formula diet with amounts of fat, starch, and sugar chos
22 three types of dietary therapy: an elemental formula diet with complete elimination of table foods, a
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