


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                                              Fortunately, 2 large mortality morbidity trials, TREAT (
2                                              Fortunately, 50 years ago Claude Shannon defined informa
3                                              Fortunately, 8-oxoG is recognized and excised by either
4 ses are the leading cause of death globally; fortunately, 90% of cardiovascular diseases are preventa
5  is addicted to the products of science, and fortunately a peculiar set of humans are addicted to sol
6       Although this type of ocular injury is fortunately a relatively rare occurrence, the effects ar
7                                              Fortunately, a coherent and well-supported set of recomm
8                                              Fortunately, a detailed understanding of Internet techno
9                                              Fortunately, a flood of information from high-throughput
10                                              Fortunately, a number of drugs that block signaling casc
11                                              Fortunately, a number of visual landmarks can help them
12                                              Fortunately, a plethora of recent developments in biolog
13                                              Fortunately, a study of the laser power dependence of th
14                                              Fortunately, a substantial body of research and clinical
15                                              Fortunately, absence of functional information has not p
16                                              Fortunately, adaptation of populations in the laboratory
17                                              Fortunately, advances in molecular therapies have led to
18                                              Fortunately, all cells possess protein quality control m
19                                              Fortunately, all PCDD/Fs congeners decomposed well over
20                                              Fortunately, among the 124 cases reported through 30 May
21                                              Fortunately, an extensive surveillance program enables c
22 ity to solve puzzles, the solutions to which fortunately are of value to society.
23                                              Fortunately, as shown herein, both the peroxo and the hy
24                                              Fortunately, automotive catalysts are one of the more ef
25                                              Fortunately, bacteria exhibit a remarkable physiological
26                                              Fortunately, before the operation the echocardiography w
27                                              Fortunately, both consequences specifically activate HV
28                                              Fortunately, both the incidence and mortality associated
29                                              Fortunately, clinical investigations that have assessed
30                                              Fortunately, clinical research in the treatment of AIH h
31                                              Fortunately, clustering of time progress curves sufficie
32                                              Fortunately, coaches are becoming increasingly aware of
33 res mu on R(n)enjoying three conflicting but fortunately compatible properties: (i) mu is a sum of we
34                                              Fortunately, corporations' behavior can be altered by so
35                                              Fortunately, CT colonography is significantly (P <.01) l
36                                              Fortunately, decreasing NGS costs have resulted in a gro
37                                              Fortunately, development of reliable and objective defin
38                                              Fortunately, during the past 2 years, we have witnessed
39 e, they have been regarded as "undruggable." Fortunately, during the recent Europhosphatase meeting (
40                                              Fortunately, effective strategies have been developed to
41                                              Fortunately, efforts in recent years have not only intro
42                                              Fortunately, emerging data suggest that baroreflex sensi
43                                              Fortunately, evidence-based interventions are increasing
44                                              Fortunately, examination of the reported roles and funct
45                                              Fortunately, extensive molecular phylogenetic studies, f
46                                              Fortunately for me and fellow scientists the problems of
47                                              Fortunately for survival of aquatic ecosystems, chitin i
48                                              Fortunately for the sufferer, a clearly focussed view is
49                                              Fortunately, for the purposes of linkage analysis, one c
50                                              Fortunately, ganglion cell morphology appears to remain
51                                              Fortunately, guidance for navigating these competing con
52                             This perception, fortunately, has changed significantly within recent yea
53                                              Fortunately, hematopoietic cells have sophisticated repa
54                                              Fortunately, host cells have evolved defense mechanisms
55                                              Fortunately, however, the majority of patients with BK v
56                                              Fortunately, however, the sufferer can occasionally reve
57                                              Fortunately, humans learn from nonexperiential sources o
58                                              Fortunately, humoral rejection is not the only outcome o
59                                              Fortunately, I began research in 1950 when the basic con
60                                              Fortunately, immersive Virtual Reality (iVR) technology
61                                              Fortunately, improvements in the management of leprosy o
62                                              Fortunately, in recent years knowledge regarding this en
63                                              Fortunately, in the case of hypercalcaemia, there is a b
64                                              Fortunately, in this specific ABMT patient population, t
65                                              Fortunately, in view of the confounding effect of excess
66                                              Fortunately, inadequate mydriasis and instability of the
67 use of Kawasaki disease remains unknown, but fortunately intravenous immune globulin therapy has prov
68                                              Fortunately it is relatively easy to get training exampl
69                                              Fortunately, it is becoming more feasible to obtain gene
70                                              Fortunately, it is increasingly easy to present data in
71                                              Fortunately, large-scale process-based measures are beco
72 300 nm-oxide substrate in making 2D devices, fortunately, leads to close-to-optimal responsivity for
73 on and compliance with treatment bundles has fortunately led to a decline in multiple organ failure a
74                                              Fortunately, listeners can improve performance through s
75  density and ionization state and the sun is fortunately located in a region of low extreme ultraviol
76                                              Fortunately, losses from the permafrost C pool will be p
77                                              Fortunately, LRFs are rare after TMT, but the salvage st
78                                              Fortunately, major systems biology initiatives have rece
79                                              Fortunately, mammals and their associated gastrointestin
80                                              Fortunately, many challenges remain before we will be cl
81                                              Fortunately, many children develop tolerance to allergen
82                                              Fortunately, many new therapies directly targeting the m
83                                              Fortunately, many of the data display and gene-clusterin
84                                              Fortunately, many of the properties of DNA for antisense
85                                              Fortunately, many organisms have systems in place that e
86                                              Fortunately, many parents and teens understand the impor
87                                              Fortunately, molecular tools for several key enzymes in
88                                              Fortunately, Monte Carlo Markov chain sampling provides
89                                              Fortunately, most cases of appetite suppressant-related
90                                              Fortunately, most large-scale systematic biases are dete
91                                              Fortunately, most of these can be managed nonoperatively
92                                              Fortunately, most patients are cured with chemotherapy,
93                                              Fortunately much has been discovered in the last 150 yea
94                                              Fortunately, natalizumab-associated PML remains a rare e
95                                              Fortunately, negative controls are largely bait independ
96                                              Fortunately, new analytic approaches for decision-making
97                                              Fortunately, new insights into gout biology are permitti
98                                              Fortunately, new material, which preserves previously un
99                                              Fortunately, new tools have recently been developed that
100                                              Fortunately, non-ATP-competitive inhibitors of MK2 have
101                                              Fortunately, noninvasive interventions have been identif
102                                              Fortunately, nonlinearity in lithographically easy-to-pr
103                                              Fortunately, our understanding of the genetics and molec
104                                              Fortunately, powerful algorithmic techniques lead to sof
105                                              Fortunately, previous research has uncovered many intrac
106                          The malignant form, fortunately rare, is typically aggressive and resistant
107                                              Fortunately, recent studies report that lignin compositi
108 ent-centered care is a challenging goal, but fortunately, recent studies show that physicians can be
109                                              Fortunately, recent years have seen an increase in the b
110                                              Fortunately, securing access to effective antimicrobials
111                                              Fortunately, several modern drugs (eg, statins, angioten
112                                              Fortunately, several prospective, randomized studies on
113                                              Fortunately, sexual transmission of chlamydiae has been
114                                              Fortunately, significant insights into aging can be achi
115                                              Fortunately, significant myopathy occurs at a low rate.
116                                              Fortunately, single-molecule spectroscopic techniques ha
117                                              Fortunately, some complex traits have arisen recently.
118                                              Fortunately, some landowners may be willing to accept ma
119                                              Fortunately, state-of-the-art fluorescence microscopy me
120                                              Fortunately, structural similarities exist between diffe
121                                              Fortunately, structurally defined oligosaccharides can b
122                                              Fortunately, such age-related synaptic alterations could
123                                              Fortunately, such claims are starting to be refuted by a
124                                              Fortunately, surgical intervention is seldom required.
125                                              Fortunately, survival for patients with Wilms' tumor is
126                                              Fortunately, the 3D structure of chromosomes proves poss
127                                              Fortunately, the Americans With Disabilities Act may pro
128                                              Fortunately, the attitude of physicians toward these mat
129                                              Fortunately, the emergence in the past three years of a
130                                              Fortunately, the emergence of novel classes of materials
131                                              Fortunately, the field of synthetic hydrogels is develop
132                                              Fortunately, the incidence of new infections has markedl
133                                              Fortunately, the kinetics experiments that are most usef
134                                              Fortunately, the leprosy bacillus is sensitive to severa
135                                              Fortunately, the local pathologists correctly diagnosed
136                                              Fortunately, the magnitude of bias in [Ncirc ]e is stron
137                                              Fortunately, the majority of injuries to the spleen and
138                                              Fortunately, the majority of statistical power can still
139                                              Fortunately, the mechanisms underlying negative response
140                                              Fortunately, the morbidity and mortality from each of th
141                                              Fortunately, the most reactive amines were ones that did
142                                              Fortunately, the process of natural selection has lent u
143                                              Fortunately, the required CH235-lineage hypermutation ap
144                                              Fortunately, the same heuristic can also be used to iden
145                                              Fortunately, the tools of modern science have revealed p
146                                              Fortunately, the use of sulfur(VI) fluorides (e.g., R-SO
147                                              Fortunately, theoretical advances in the modeling of tra
148                                              Fortunately, therapy has improved as well, with the deve
149                                              Fortunately, there are a number of other experimental to
150                                              Fortunately, there are a variety of methods by which a n
151                                              Fortunately, there are excellent options for managing st
152                                              Fortunately, there are natural gaps in a typical mass sp
153                                              Fortunately, there exist software libraries and pipeline
154                                              Fortunately, there exists a highly effective treatment b
155                                              Fortunately, there has been a decline in the rates of ju
156                                              Fortunately, there is a rapid expansion in the research
157                                              Fortunately, there was sparse serological evidence that
158                                              Fortunately, these complex interactions between the host
159                                              Fortunately, these diagnoses are rarely seen in children
160                                              Fortunately, these levels can be significantly reduced (
161                                              Fortunately, these materials have been the focus of a gr
162                                              Fortunately, these materials were easily made.
163                                              Fortunately, these results also imply that those cases m
164                                              Fortunately, they have a weakness: they utilize their se
165                                              Fortunately, this discrepancy can be corrected by one of
166                                              Fortunately, this gap is beginning to close, and these t
167                                              Fortunately, this remains a rare condition.
168                                              Fortunately, this situation is changing.
169                                              Fortunately, time estimates inferred using many genes or
170                                              Fortunately, tumour development is limited by the narrow
171                                              Fortunately, understanding the early stress response of
172                                              Fortunately, using computational approaches, we can obta
173                                              Fortunately, vacuum fluctuations are not immutable and c
174                                              Fortunately, vesicles can undergo rapid retrieval and re
175                                              Fortunately, we have chondritic meteorites, which provid
176                                              Fortunately, we now have a reasonable armamentarium of m
177                                              Fortunately, we now have the ability to dissect biologic

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