


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  elevated levels of nitrogen mustard-induced forward mutation.
2 igh selection coefficient (s > 0.1) for each forward mutation.
3 sequences and raises the rate of spontaneous forward mutation.
4 -52, rth1Delta/rad27Delta) mutations in both forward mutation and repeat-tract instability assays.
5 c heat stress caused elevated frequencies of forward mutations and interchromosomal DNA recombination
6 e of base substitution mutations by the CAN1 forward mutation assay compared to the rate for the wild
7                Here, we describe a pGAL-CAN1 forward mutation assay for studying transcription-associ
8               Use of an Escherichia coli lac forward mutation assay has shown that this procedure red
9 ion of the mutational spectra generated by a forward mutation assay revealed that errors in DNA repai
10                               Here, we use a forward mutation assay to systematically examine the acc
11 We have developed an in vitro DNA polymerase forward mutation assay using damaged DNA templates that
12                                   The HSV-tk forward mutation assay was utilized to determine the cor
13     Most of the R2 base substitutions in the forward mutation assay were caused by the misincorporati
14                               In a lacZalpha forward mutation assay, A661E and T664R yielded mutation
15                                 We adapted a forward mutation assay, originally developed for lambda
16 sphoribosyltransferase (APRT(+)) --> APRT(-) forward mutation assay, we found that while Cr(VI) alone
17                                   By a yeast forward mutation assay, we show that strengthening RNA f
18 ower fidelity as demonstrated by a PCR-based forward mutation assay.
19 e-associated 3'-5' exonucleases using a lacZ forward mutation assay.
20 spectively, as measured by the M13 lacZalpha forward mutation assay.
21 d by using single-molecule PCR or an in vivo forward mutation assay.
22 ase in mutation frequency in the M13mp2 lacZ forward mutation assay.
23 rpes simplex virus-thymidine kinase (HSV-tk) forward mutation assay.
24 reduced mutation rate in an M13mp2 lacZalpha forward mutation assay.
25 n DNA copying fidelity in an M13 phage-based forward mutation assay.
26 merase fidelity of HIV-1 RT via an M13-based forward mutation assay.
27  (about 20-fold) as determined by a rifampin forward mutation assay.
28  polymerases were compared using a PCR-based forward mutation assay.
29 and measured its fidelity using a LacZ-based forward mutation assay.
30 In the experiments reported here, the SUP4-o forward-mutation assay was used to monitor GC --> TA mut
31 quired for suppressing mutations in the CAN1 forward-mutation assay.
32                                              Forward mutation assays reveal a 6-fold reduction in the
33 irement for this regulation, we employed two forward mutation assays to characterize PrimPol's replic
34                                     However, forward mutation assays using a lacZ alpha reporter gene
35 fidelity in both misincorporation assays and forward mutation assays, but display a substantially hig
36 and replication error rates in M13 lacZalpha forward mutation assays, similar to HIV-1 RT.
37 s and hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase forward mutation assays.
38 hermophilic archaea, a quantitative assay of forward mutation at extremely high temperature was devel
39                        The measured rates of forward mutation at the pyrE and pyrF loci in S. acidoca
40 pH 3.5 and 75 degrees C based on the rate of forward mutation at the pyrE gene and the nucleotide cha
41 , thus comprising a significant component of forward mutations at this locus.
42 bstitutions detected, a majority represented forward mutations away from the consensus sequence.
43 Because of the large size of the LYS2 locus, forward mutations first were mapped to specific LYS2 sub
44                                              Forward mutation frequencies and rates were measured at
45 ic conditions showed a powerful induction of forward mutation frequencies compared to wild-type cells
46                               Measurement of forward mutation frequencies in msh2Delta rfc1:Tn3 and p
47 specific mutations in the T4 rII gene and on forward mutation in the T4 rI gene.
48 ion assay to show that the mean frequency of forward mutations in primary mammary adenocarcinomas ari
49                In conclusion, our study puts forward mutations in RCBTB1 as a cause of autosomal-rece
50 t mutations can account for up to 99% of all forward mutations inactivating the 4-kb LYS2 gene.
51 ion, implying that impairment of [PSI(+)] by forward mutations is due to altered ability of the ATPas
52         Viral evolution was mainly driven by forward mutations located inside CTL epitopes restricted
53  again tested conditionally on the number of forward mutations mapped on the sequence genealogy.
54 ich is tested conditionally on the number of forward mutations mapped on the sequence genealogy.
55  transgene that selects for phage containing forward mutations only in the lambda cII gene, using an
56    This can be attributed largely to the low forward mutation rate and the propensity for closely lin
57                                          The forward mutation rate in this system is 1.4 x 10(-5) mut
58 as corroborated by a 12-fold decrease in its forward mutation rate.
59 aize (Zea mays) afford the advantage of high forward mutation rates but pose a challenge for identify
60 L/F116Y/Q151M (VILYM) RTs, for their overall forward mutation rates in an M13 gapped-duplex assay tha
61                                     When the forward mutation rates were measured via a gap-filling a
62  in vitro tropism (residues 317 and 321) and forward mutation residues (residues 399, 460, 553, and 5
63  we used the ampD system to observe the true forward-mutation sequence spectrum of DSBR-associated st
64  into the mechanism of TAM, we obtained LYS2 forward mutation spectra under low- versus high-transcri
65    A defect in mug also has little effect on forward mutations, suggesting that Mug does not play a r
66    Finally, we summarize those aspects of T4 forward-mutation systems which are relevant to optimal c
67 ant displays a higher rate of CAN1S to can1r forward mutations than the ogg1Delta or msh2Delta single
68 in DNA repair capacity, approximately 50% of forward mutations that arise in the CAN1 gene under high
69 act instability phenotype and a high rate of forward mutations to canavanine resistance that result p
70 e reversions arose significantly faster than forward mutations, with the most rapidly reverting mutat

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