


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 arkers, and chemokines, most notably CX3CL1 (fractalkine).
2 x with the chemokine domain of human CX3CL1 (fractalkine).
3 d that TCR-driven TEM is also dependent upon fractalkine.
4 CXCR4 and CX3R1, the receptors for SDF-1 and fractalkine.
5 cells and differentiated osteoblasts express fractalkine.
6 kine receptor and modifies the activities of fractalkine.
7 mutants had a 100-fold decreased affinity to fractalkine.
8 lso showed a 100-fold decreased affinity for fractalkine.
9 GRO-alpha, -beta, and -gamma, and IL-8), and Fractalkine.
10 een these two functionally distinct forms of fractalkine.
11  IL-6 are able to increase the expression of fractalkine.
12 sponsible for the neuroprotective effects of fractalkine.
13 stinal epithelial cells as a novel source of fractalkine.
14 ould be illustrated by CX3CL1, also known as fractalkine.
15 ed that intra-PAG injection of 100 ng CX3CL1/fractalkine 30 min before administration of 400 ng DAMGO
16 ase (eNOS)], pro-inflammatory genes, CX3CL1 (fractalkine), 5-lipoxygenease-activating protein, and ma
17                                              Fractalkine, a chemokine anchored to neurons or peripher
18                                              Fractalkine, a chemokine expressed by inflamed endotheli
19 ray on left ventricles (LV) showed increased fractalkine, a chemokine implicated in heart failure.
20                                       CX3CL1/fractalkine, a chemokine that exclusively binds to CX3CR
21 a at levels sufficient to drive induction of fractalkine, a key marker of inflammation in endothelial
22 a at levels sufficient to drive induction of fractalkine, a key marker of inflammation, in endothelia
23               In addition, we identified CSF fractalkine/Abeta(1-42) that positively correlated with
24                                     Finally, fractalkine activates the PI3K/Akt survival pathway in h
25 igand 1), and the surface-attached chemokine fractalkine, all implicated in leukocyte trafficking, mi
26                                              Fractalkine also appears to modulate the effects of intr
27                                              Fractalkine also binds the human cytomegalovirus recepto
28          The transmembrane chemokines CX3CL1/fractalkine and CXCL16 are widely expressed in different
29 phic effects of fractalkine, suggesting that fractalkine and its receptor are involved in a complex n
30                                              Fractalkine and its receptor CX3CR1 are expressed in ath
31 tigated the expression of the CX3C chemokine fractalkine and its receptor CX3CR1 in human coronary ar
32 VM) from male C57Bl/6 mice were treated with fractalkine and responses measured under basal condition
33        Comparison of the binding surfaces of fractalkine and the CC chemokine MCP-1 reveals structura
34 pplication of this methodology to the CX3CR1-fractalkine and the CXCR1-IL-8 receptor-ligand systems d
35  to determine the expression and function of fractalkine and the fractalkine receptor CX3CR1 in the h
36 cell damage and loss follow the induction of fractalkine and up-regulation of cell adhesion markers i
37 endothelial damage and apoptosis (release of fractalkine and von Willebrand factor; increased caspase
38 th inflammation, increased levels of CX3CL1 (fractalkine) and its unique receptor, CX3CR1, have been
39  communication between neurons (that produce fractalkine) and microglia (that express its receptor).
40 surface, as well as release of CCL2, soluble fractalkine, and soluble VCAM-1.
41 onclusion, our results indicate that CX3CR1, fractalkine, and the enzymes responsible for its cleavag
42 y reduced by a neutralizing antibody against fractalkine, and they migrate toward a medium conditione
43 the specific receptor for the CX3C chemokine fractalkine--and induction of leukocyte chemotaxis.
44           Both events were inhibited by anti-fractalkine antibody administered directly into the DRG
45 ogether, these results suggest that IL-1 and fractalkine are endogenous regulators of morphine analge
46 US28 recognizes many of the same epitopes of fractalkine as CX3CR1.
47 M10/17) are involved in cleavage of neuronal fractalkine as indicated by studies with pharmacologic i
48 ing interleukin-1beta, interferon-gamma, and fractalkine as well as a decreased expression of synapto
49                                              Fractalkine attracts and immobilizes leukocytes by bindi
50 tudies support a key regulatory role for the fractalkine axis in advanced and relapsed peritoneal met
51 ted the function of a potentially targetable fractalkine axis in the formation and the development of
52          Step one mediates the high-affinity fractalkine binding involving Tyr14, Asp25, and Glu254.
53 By surface plasmon resonance measurements of fractalkine binding to biosensor chip-immobilized cell m
54                                              Fractalkine binds CX3CR1 on microglia and circulating mo
55 y protein-1beta), CCL5 (RANTES), and CX3CL1 (fractalkine), but not CXCL12 (stromal-derived factor-1al
56 CR1--the specific receptor for the chemokine fractalkine--by human prostate cancer cells, whereas hum
57                                     However, fractalkine can also be proteolytically cleaved from its
58                                      Because fractalkine can be expressed as a cell surface-bound pro
59                            A soluble form of fractalkine can be generated by proteolytic cleavage at
60                 We show that the cleavage of fractalkine can be markedly enhanced by stimulating cell
61                                 In addition, fractalkine can be proteolytically released from the cel
62                                Both forms of fractalkine can mediate adhesion of cells expressing its
63 .05) cells expressed increased levels of the fractalkine chemokine receptor.
64 nterleukin-8 [IL-8], and I-TAC), and CX(3)C (Fractalkine) chemokines.
65 , we provide data showing that TACE-mediated fractalkine cleavage occurs at a site distinct from the
66 er, dihydrotestosterone was unable to induce fractalkine-cleavage from human bone marrow endothelial
67 mutants had a 2-4-fold decreased affinity to fractalkine compared with wild type CX(3)CR1.
68 vasation of CX3CR1-bearing cancer cells on a fractalkine concentration gradient, while leaving unalte
69                                        Serum fractalkine concentration peaked at 90 minutes after rep
70                                              Fractalkine contains a chemokine domain (CDF) attached t
71 talloproteinase ADAM17 and increases soluble fractalkine content in culture medium.
72                        Our data suggest that fractalkine contributes to lymphocyte shifts, which may
73 p-regulated in CP patients and together with fractalkine correlated noticeably with severe fibrosis a
74 e receptor that uniquely binds to its ligand fractalkine (CX(3) CL1) and has been shown to be importa
75                                              Fractalkine (CX(3)CL1) is the first described chemokine
76             In this report, we show that the fractalkine-CX(3)CR1 interaction resulting in recruitmen
77            The soluble form of the chemokine fractalkine/CX(3)CL1 regulates microglia activation in t
78                                              Fractalkine (CX3 CL1), a chemokine that regulates adhesi
79                                More recently fractalkine (CX3C1) and its receptor (CX3CR1) have emerg
80 s a specific receptor for the CX3C chemokine fractalkine (CX3CL1 according to the new chemokine nomen
81                                              Fractalkine (CX3CL1) and its receptor (CX3CR1) are invol
82                                              Fractalkine (CX3CL1) and its receptor (CX3CR1) comprise
83            The protective/neurotoxic role of fractalkine (CX3CL1) and its receptor CX3C chemokine rec
84                         Interactions between fractalkine (CX3CL1) and its receptor, CX3CR1, mediate l
85 ression, CTLA4 expression and the absence of fractalkine (CX3CL1) in baseline tumour specimens.
86 y be exerting these effects via IL-1 because fractalkine (CX3CL1) induced the release of IL-1 from ac
87                                              Fractalkine (CX3CL1) is an unusual member of the chemoki
88                                              Fractalkine (CX3CL1) is an unusual membrane-bound chemok
89                                              Fractalkine (CX3CL1) is of particular interest in athero
90                                              Fractalkine (CX3CL1) is synthesized as a type I transmem
91                                              Fractalkine (CX3CL1), a CX3C chemokine, is expressed in
92                   We show that the chemokine fractalkine (CX3CL1), an activating ligand of CX3CR1, re
93 avelled longer distance toward the source of fractalkine (CX3CL1), an endogenous ligand of CX3CR1.
94 yte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1, CCL2), fractalkine (CX3CL1), or their cognate receptors, CCR2 a
95  transendothelial migration (TEM) depends on fractalkine (CX3CL1), PECAM-1 (CD31), and ICAM-1 (CD54)
96 or the 8-kDa chemokine binding domain of rat fractalkine (CX3CL1), the 18-kDa human hormone leptin, a
97 rprising features, especially its mimicry of fractalkine (CX3CL1).
98                                              Fractalkine (CX3CL1, FKN) is expressed in the inflamed v
99                                              Fractalkine/CX3CL1 is a membrane-tethered chemokine that
100 rprisingly, some markers of atherosclerosis (fractalkine/CX3CL1, CCL8, M-CSF, HGF), T-cell developmen
101 ults were correlated with mRNA expression of fractalkine, CX3CR1, and with the presence and degree of
102                 This study demonstrates that fractalkine-CX3CR1-mediated mechanism may direct lymphoc
103 hese results indicate that the inhibition of fractalkine/CX3CR1 signaling in SGCs may serve as a targ
104 ter postnatal day 5 and is controlled by the fractalkine/CX3CR1 signaling pathway.
105                       However, the effect of fractalkine deficiency on atherosclerosis susceptibility
106                                              Fractalkine-deficient B6.ApoE(-/-) mice were comparable
107 reduced dramatically by approximately 85% in fractalkine-deficient females [42,251 +/- 26,136 microm(
108  < 0.01) and by 50% at the BCA (P < 0.05) in fractalkine-deficient females at 16 weeks of age.
109 ls, aortic-root lesion area was unchanged in fractalkine-deficient male and female B6.ApoE(-/-) mice
110 n, the major reduction of atherosclerosis in fractalkine-deficient mice appears to be at the BCA rath
111                                   Lesions in fractalkine-deficient mice on the B6.ApoE(-/-) and B6.LD
112                                              Fractalkine-deficient mice on the C57BL/6 (B6) backgroun
113 we used targeted gene disruption to generate fractalkine-deficient mice.
114 he immune environment at the injury site via fractalkine delivery resulted in a dramatic increase in
115                                              Fractalkine depresses myocyte contractility by mechanism
116 ion, dependence on ICAM-1, and dependence on fractalkine distinguish TCR-induced TEM from IP-10-induc
117 a positive correlation between the number of fractalkine-expressing cells and the number of CX3CR1-po
118 TNF-alpha provoked a significant increase in fractalkine expression and release of the soluble form,
119 ontrast to previous reports we do not detect fractalkine expression by Langerhans cells or immature d
120 nd Western blot were used to measure overall fractalkine expression in neurons.
121 histochemistry consistently showed increased fractalkine expression in placentas from severe early-on
122 -E8 expression correlated significantly with fractalkine expression, severe fibrosis, and the presenc
123 d CCL11 (eotaxin), CXCL8 (IL-8), and CX3CL1 (fractalkine) expression.
124 of a fragment containing the majority of the fractalkine extracellular domain.
125                                The chemokine fractalkine (FK) has two structural features that make i
126                                              Fractalkine (FK) is a structurally unusual chemokine tha
127                                              Fractalkine (Fk) is a structurally unusual member of the
128                                              Fractalkine (FK, CX3CL1) is a novel multidomain protein
129 eukocyte receptor specific for the chemokine fractalkine (FKN or CX3CL1).
130 rophage response to chemoattractants such as fractalkine (FKN) (CX3CL1) and colony-stimulating factor
131 ific receptor for the novel CX(3)C chemokine fractalkine (FKN) (neurotactin).
132                       The neuronal chemokine fractalkine (FKN) and its microglial receptor CX3CR1 may
133                       We studied the role of fractalkine (FKN) and its receptor, CX(3)CR1, in allogra
134  linked to the 8-kDa chemokine domain of rat fractalkine (FKN) for the purpose of surface exposure up
135                                              Fractalkine (FKN) is a dual-adhesion molecule-chemokine
136                                              Fractalkine (FKN) is a membrane-bound chemokine that can
137 very of a cathepsin S (CatS) inhibitor and a fractalkine (FKN) neutralizing antibody, from day 11 to
138                    Surface expression of the fractalkine (FKN) receptor CX(3)CR1 was monitored by flu
139                                              Fractalkine (FKN), a CX(3)C chemokine/mucin hybrid molec
140  sole member of the CX(3)C chemokine family, fractalkine (fkn), induces angiogenesis and that fkn mig
141                  We show that the chemokine, fractalkine (FKN), is markedly up-regulated in neurons a
142 ing CX(3)CR1, the receptor for the chemokine fractalkine (FKN).
143 e chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP-1)/CCL2 and fractalkine (FKN)/CX3CL1 in cellular and mouse models of
144                Here, we demonstrate that the fractalkine (FKN)/CX3CR1 system represents a regulatory
145                 The membrane-bound chemokine fractalkine (FKN, CX3CL1) on endothelial cells plays a r
146                                              Fractalkine (FKN/CX3CL1) is a cell surface-expressed che
147                                              Fractalkine (FKN/CX3CL1) is a unique chemokine combining
148                                              Fractalkine (FKN/CX3CL1) is a unique member of the chemo
149 nt transendothelial migration in response to fractalkine (FKN; FKN/CX3CL1) and stromal-derived factor
150 vated by the chemokine CX3CL1 (also known as fractalkine [FKN]), which promoted production of reactiv
151 r protease responsible for the conversion of fractalkine from a membrane-bound adhesion molecule to a
152 ived factor 1; SDF-1), regulates cleavage of fractalkine from neurons.
153 erone dramatically increases the cleavage of fractalkine from the plasma membrane of bone cells and i
154 n, SDF-1 also up-regulates expression of the fractalkine gene.
155 eptor CX3CR1 and migrated specifically along fractalkine gradients after activation with IL-2.
156 , treatment with i.gl. fluorocitrate blocked fractalkine (i.gl.)- and carrageenin (paw)-induced hyper
157       Finally we discuss potential roles for fractalkine in constitutive leukocyte trafficking based
158 tudied the influence of the chemokine CX3CL1/fractalkine in de novo breast cancer formation using HER
159 e donors produce soluble factors that induce fractalkine in endothelial cells.
160 f mononuclear cells expresses high levels of fractalkine in human coronary atherosclerotic plaques an
161  cell type expressing transmembrane forms of fractalkine in human skin, the tonsil, and the large int
162  mechanisms regulating the levels of soluble fractalkine in the bone marrow, we focused on androgens,
163                         However, the role of fractalkine in the healthy intestine and during inflamma
164 as used to measure protein levels of soluble fractalkine in the medium of rat neuronal cultures expos
165 s [interleukin-1beta (IL-1)] and chemokines (fractalkine) in acute analgesia and in the development o
166 educing contractility after Iso stimulation, fractalkine increased the Ca(2+) transient amplitude but
167                                              Fractalkine induced hyperalgesia in rats without CP, whi
168 incubation of isolated and cultured SGC with fractalkine induced the production/release of TNF-alpha,
169                                              Fractalkine-induced hyperalgesia was blocked by minocycl
170 ly, the activation of the CX3CR1 receptor by fractalkine induces the release of interleukin-1beta fro
171 helial cultures were monitored for levels of fractalkine induction as a marker for initiating the hos
172  endothelial monolayers is required for this fractalkine induction, where the endothelial cells appea
173 ron and tumor necrosis factor alpha, driving fractalkine induction.
174                        The administration of fractalkine into the DRG (L5) produced mechanical hypern
175 DAMs) 10 and 17, which convert transmembrane fractalkine into the soluble form, was significantly inc
176                                              Fractalkine is a CX3C-family chemokine, highly and const
177                                              Fractalkine is a unique chemokine that combines properti
178                                              Fractalkine is a unique CX(3)C chemokine/mucin hybrid mo
179                                              Fractalkine is also highly expressed in neurons, and its
180                                        Thus, fractalkine is an important player in the early inductio
181                         The chemokine CX3CL1/fractalkine is expressed by neurons as a transmembrane-a
182          Indeed, at this developmental stage fractalkine is overexpressed within the barrels and CX3C
183                                 For example, fractalkine is present in human atherosclerotic lesions
184               We therefore hypothesized that fractalkine is regulated by PGE2 and contributes to depr
185 uggest that, during peripheral inflammation, fractalkine is released in the DRG and contributes to th
186  We demonstrate that under normal conditions fractalkine is synthesized as an intracellular precursor
187                We examined whether placental fractalkine is up-regulated in severe early-onset PE and
188 vascular cell adhesion molecule-1, IL-6, and fractalkine) is particularly high in malignant RCCs.
189 ty-prone mouse strain, the chemokine CX3CL1 (fractalkine) is rapidly induced in the neurons of the hy
190 cell response can result in the induction of fractalkine, leading to chronic inflammation and endothe
191                    Stimulation of hPSCs with fractalkine led to a significant increase in MFG-E8 expr
192 peptide 1-42 (Abeta(1-42)), Flt3 ligand, and fractalkine levels in CSF in a large cohort of PD patien
193 ase activity and markedly diminishes soluble fractalkine levels, leading to cell death.
194                                              Fractalkine localized with caveolin-1 in detergent-insol
195 otactic protein-1, interleukin [IL]-8, IL-6, Fractalkine, macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-1beta
196 hemokine (SLC), EBI1-ligand chemokine (ELC), fractalkine, macrophage inflammatory protein-1gamma (MIP
197                                              Fractalkine may be exerting these effects via IL-1 becau
198  potential role of this signaling cascade in fractalkine-mediated chemotaxis is discussed.
199                        Our results suggest a fractalkine-mediated interaction between macrophages and
200                  Similarly, the responses of fractalkine(-/-) mice to a variety of inflammatory stimu
201  of minocycline (inhibitor of microglia) and fractalkine (microglia-activating factor) on visceral hy
202  neuron-to-microglia signaling via chemokine fractalkine, microglia to astrocyte signaling via the cy
203 pression on endothelial cells, suggests that fractalkine might mediate adhesion of leukocytes to the
204 mino- or carboxyl-terminal ends of the human fractalkine molecule have revealed that epithelial cells
205                      The basal expression of fractalkine mRNA and protein in the intestinal epithelia
206                                              Fractalkine mRNA expression has been observed in the int
207                                 Furthermore, fractalkine mRNA expression was significantly up-regulat
208 he reagent used in previous studies, an anti-fractalkine N-terminal peptide antisera, cross-reacts wi
209  of CC chemokines and a structure similar to fractalkine (neurotactin) in having a transmembrane regi
210 s such as fibroblast growth factor-4, CX3CL1/fractalkine, neurotrophin 4 oncostatin-M, pulmonary and
211                                The effect of fractalkine on contractility and intracellular calcium w
212 ts we do not detect high-level expression of fractalkine on endothelial cells in normal or inflamed c
213                                              Fractalkine, or neurotactin, is a chemokine that is pres
214 on and platelet activation serum biomarkers (fractalkine, platelet P-selectin, platelet factor 4 [PF4
215  We have previously shown that the chemokine fractalkine promotes the adhesion of human prostate canc
216  of activation-associated chemokines such as fractalkine, RANTES (regulated on activation, normal T c
217 sults suggest that in human atherosclerosis, fractalkine, rather than mediating inflammatory cell rec
218                    Using these specific anti-fractalkine reagents we do not detect high-level express
219 nced in mice lacking the microglial-specific fractalkine receptor (CX3CR1) and is dependent upon func
220 r mouse model studies support a role for the fractalkine receptor (CX3CR1) in the initiation of perit
221  shown that the deficiency of the microglial fractalkine receptor (CX3CR1) led to the acceleration of
222                                     Although fractalkine receptor (CX3CR1) on microglia was found to
223 t of spirulina to increase expression of the fractalkine receptor (CX3CR1) on microglia.
224 ntrathecal neutralizing antibody against the fractalkine receptor (CX3CR1) potentiated acute morphine
225 CNS, are the only CNS cells that express the fractalkine receptor (CX3CR1).
226 to a mouse line that lacks expression of the fractalkine receptor (CX3CR1).
227 the interaction between the chemokine CX3CL1/fractalkine receptor and mu, delta or kappa opioid recep
228  this study, we investigated the role of the fractalkine receptor chemokine CX3C motif receptor 1 (CX
229 ll subsets correlated with expression of the fractalkine receptor CX3CR1 (r2 = 0.99, P = 0.006).
230 al intraepithelial lymphocytes expressed the fractalkine receptor CX3CR1 and migrated specifically al
231 al fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), and the fractalkine receptor CX3CR1 in DRGs.
232 pression and function of fractalkine and the fractalkine receptor CX3CR1 in the human small intestina
233 vious studies have shown that the microglial fractalkine receptor CX3CR1 is involved in synaptic deve
234  lysosome content, but signaling through the fractalkine receptor CX3CR1 is not an essential componen
235 flammatory cells with high expression of the fractalkine receptor CX3CR1 that has been implicated in
236 hat a single chemokine receptor subtype, the fractalkine receptor CX3CR1, is able to reduce both infl
237 uscle cells within the neointima express the fractalkine receptor CX3CR1.
238  T cell subsets based upon expression of the fractalkine receptor CX3CR1.
239                  In this study, we show that fractalkine receptor expression marks emigrating subpopu
240                    We also discover that the fractalkine receptor increases on peripheral CD8(+) T ce
241 [chemokine receptor-2 knockout (CCR2(KO)) or fractalkine receptor knockout (CX3CR1(KO))] failed to re
242 nce, however, for an association between the fractalkine receptor polymorphism (CX3CR1-I249) and coro
243 vascular endothelium-homing receptor CX3CR1 (fractalkine receptor) are enriched in HIV-infected ART r
244           Impaired signaling via CX3CR1, the fractalkine receptor, promotes recovery after traumatic
245               The inhibition of hypothalamic fractalkine reduces diet-induced hypothalamic inflammati
246              Thus, it has been proposed that fractalkine regulates cellular communication between neu
247 he protease responsible for this PMA-induced fractalkine release.
248 teraction, an extensive mutagenesis study of fractalkine's chemokine domain was undertaken.
249                                              Fractalkine's effect appears to be dependent on the acti
250                                              Fractalkine's hypernociceptive effect appears to be indi
251 EP4 KO mice but surprisingly, PGE2 regulated fractalkine secretion only in fibroblasts.
252 rols (WT) by ELISA and the effect of PGE2 on fractalkine secretion was measured in cultured neonatal
253 ipts, including CXCL1/KC, LCN2, iNOS, CX3CL1/fractalkine, SERPINA3G, and IkappaBalpha ("marker genes"
254                         The observation that fractalkine serves as a survival factor for primary micr
255               The data show that the rate of fractalkine shedding in healthy cultures positively corr
256 neural hearing loss by examining the role of fractalkine signaling after aminoglycoside ototoxicity o
257 and T280M, have been associated with reduced fractalkine signaling characterized by decreased adhesiv
258                   To investigate the role of fractalkine signaling in macrophage recruitment, we cros
259       The present study examined the role of fractalkine signaling in regulating the injury-evoked be
260                        Our data suggest that fractalkine signaling in the cochlea is neuroprotective,
261 s demonstrate that loss of neuron-microglial fractalkine signaling leads to reduced beta-amyloid depo
262 eukocytes into the spiral ganglion, and that fractalkine signaling plays a role in macrophage recruit
263                                Disruption of fractalkine signaling reduced macrophage recruitment int
264                            Here we show that fractalkine signaling regulates macrophage recruitment i
265                                              Fractalkine signaling, a pathway mediating the communica
266          By ruling out an essential role for fractalkine signaling, our study narrows the search for
267                hPSCs overexpress MFG-E8 upon fractalkine stimulation in vitro, which underlines the s
268 show that the source of calcium mobilized by fractalkine stimulation is the extracellular pool.
269 d evaluated for MFG-E8 mRNA expression after fractalkine stimulation.
270 n the neuroprotective role of both SDF-1 and fractalkine, suggest that this novel interaction between
271 eceptors mediate the neurotrophic effects of fractalkine, suggesting that fractalkine and its recepto
272 biosensor chips showed a higher affinity for fractalkine than non-sulfated peptides.
273 rostatic interactions with basic residues on fractalkine that are necessary for receptor function but
274 he CX3CR1 receptor and undergo chemotaxis to fractalkine that can be inhibited by G protein inactivat
275 e phagocytic capability of microglia through fractalkine (the ligand of CX3CR1) signaling and by prom
276                                      CX3CL1 (fractalkine), the only member of the delta subclass of c
277                                              Fractalkine, the first member of the CX(3)C chemokine fa
278      This membrane-bound localization allows fractalkine to function as an adhesion molecule for cell
279                                              Fractalkine treatment of AVM decreased both the speed of
280  capture by and firm adhesion to immobilized fractalkine under physiologic flow conditions.
281                      By electron microscopy, fractalkine was 29 nm in length with a long stalk (mucin
282 leukin-6, interleukin-8, interleukin-10, and fractalkine was identified to be the most important.
283                                           LV fractalkine was increased in EP4 KO mice but surprisingl
284                                              Fractalkine was measured in LV of 28-32 week old male EP
285                     Cellular distribution of fractalkine was regulated during polarization of T-84 ce
286 NF-alpha-mediated up-regulation of placental fractalkine was reversed in the presence of the aspirin-
287 leukin-6, interleukin-8, interleukin-10, and fractalkine, was significantly higher in patients who de
288            To determine the biologic role of fractalkine, we used targeted gene disruption to generat
289                               The effects of fractalkine were assessed on the visceromotor response i
290 row aspirates express the cell-bound form of fractalkine, whereas the soluble form of the chemokine i
291 tivated by the neuronal chemokine CX3CL1 (or fractalkine) which controls key functions of microglial
292 y epithelial cells are a source of CX(3)CL1 (fractalkine), which mediates cell adhesion and acts as a
293                We tested the hypothesis that fractalkine, which is constitutively expressed by primar
294 factors may be the proinflammatory chemokine fractalkine, which is expressed in the syncytiotrophobla
295 elopment, and the neuroprotective chemokine, fractalkine, which is upregulated during postnatal devel
296 en MFG-E8 and the pro-inflammatory chemokine fractalkine, which may determine the severity of pain, f
297 late the expression and release of placental fractalkine, which, in turn, may contribute to an exagge
298 ymphotactin, and the murine CX(3)C chemokine fractalkine with high affinity (K(d) = 1.6 to 18.7 nM).
299 mutant receptors E13A, D16A, and D266A bound fractalkine with high affinity but were unable to induce
300                     Thus, the interaction of fractalkine with its receptor CX3CR1 could play a crucia

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