


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  structure of breakpoint regions in a common fragile site.
2 ene, like FHIT and WWOX, located at a common fragile site.
3 emonstration of a germline break in a common fragile site.
4 e, and this locus becomes a folate-sensitive fragile site.
5 ation that encompasses the FRA3B chromosomal fragile site.
6 2 genes in generating a novel Ad12-inducible fragile site.
7  genes would generate a novel Ad12-inducible fragile site.
8  suffice to generate a new virally inducible fragile site.
9 s would also generate a novel Ad12-inducible fragile site.
10 wn to contain an aphidicolin-inducible mouse fragile site.
11  associated with the expression of the FRAXA fragile site.
12 acteristics similar to those in other common fragile sites.
13  collapse, late origin firing and stabilizes fragile sites.
14 ution view of replication-associated genomic fragile sites.
15 omotes replication of DNA lesions and common fragile sites.
16 n to result in chromosome breakage at common fragile sites.
17 a foundation to understand the expression of fragile sites.
18 e in cancer-associated genomic regions or in fragile sites.
19 activity and reduced chromosomal breakage at fragile sites.
20  DNA replication induce expression of common fragile sites.
21 egions are the most characteristic of common fragile sites.
22 eviously identified candidate genes or known fragile sites.
23 nd late-replicating loci such as chromosomal fragile sites.
24 give rise to distinct patterns of chromosome fragile sites.
25 ting a common mechanism for the formation of fragile sites.
26 dary structures that are hallmarks of common fragile sites.
27 aberrations often involve regions containing fragile sites.
28 been observed for several of the cloned rare fragile sites.
29  of lost regions located in genes and common fragile sites.
30 result of carcinogen-induced damage at FRA3B fragile sites.
31 ntrons 4 and 5, originated through breaks in fragile sites.
32 e the preference of HPV for integration into fragile sites.
33 condary structures has not been evaluated in fragile sites.
34 res, telomeres, evolutionary breakpoints and fragile sites.
35 rate that OPT domains are enriched at common fragile sites.
36      The second factor is that telomeres are fragile sites.
37 Poleta in replicating through D loop and DNA fragile sites.
38 us deletions over recessive cancer genes and fragile sites.
39 resemble those of aphidicolin-induced common fragile sites.
40 and chromosomal breakage at the accompanying fragile sites.
41 dividuals and represent the largest class of fragile sites.
42 e hamster ovary (CHO) cell line, breakage at fragile site 1q31 was associated with mdr1 gene amplific
43                                              Fragile site 2 (FS2) is a naturally occurring IR in Sacc
44 y to retain intact fragile common chromosome fragile site 3B(FRA3B)/FHITloci.
45 his leads to formation of gaps and breaks at fragile sites, 4N accumulation, and aberrant cell divisi
46 d in 70% of CCs, and 3p14.2 (FHIT gene/FRA3B fragile site) (56%) and 3p21 (57%) were the most frequen
47 ral molecular mechanism for the formation of fragile sites, a different class of fragile site, the 33
48 leted region at D6S1045 is not the result of fragile sites, a recombination hot spot, or a feature of
49 ation, non-homologous end-joining and genome fragile sites all have potential roles in the production
50        FRA3B thus fulfills the prophecy that fragile site alterations contribute to the neoplastic pr
51 uch breakpoints, however, map distal to this fragile site and are not linked with its expression.
52  and asked whether it also contains a common fragile site and if it is unstable in mouse tumors or tu
53 he tumor suppressor gene FHIT spans a common fragile site and is highly susceptible to environmental
54 n of the AT-rich minisatellite repeat FRA16B fragile site and the CAG trinucleotide repeat in the E2F
55 agent, a clastogen, a mutagen, an inducer of fragile sites and a carcinogen.
56 ion, have been found to frequently reside in fragile sites and genomic regions associated with cancer
57 evant to chromosome instability of mammalian fragile sites and of chromosomes in cancer cells.
58 nce indicates that telomeres resemble common fragile sites and present a challenge for DNA replicatio
59 RC sites are strongly associated with common fragile sites and recurrent deletions in cancers.
60 ad of the fork, including stable protein-DNA fragile sites and termination.
61    Extreme late replication is a property of fragile sites and the 21-kb deletions destabilized the D
62  been learned about the genomic structure at fragile sites and the cellular checkpoint functions that
63 understanding the genomic features of common fragile sites and the cellular processes that monitor an
64                                              Fragile sites and their associated genes show frequent d
65 addition, important genomic elements such as fragile sites and tRNA genes are found to be clustered s
66 s the most frequently expressed human common fragile site, and allelic losses at FRA3B have been obse
67 ve cancer genes, 17 were of sequenced common fragile sites, and 178 were in genomic regions that do n
68 ntially located at late-replicating domains, fragile sites, and breakpoints, including the mixed-line
69 r results may account for the role of LTR in fragile sites, and for the association of CENP-B with pe
70                                              Fragile sites appear as breaks, gaps, or decondensations
71                                       Common fragile sites appear to arise through incomplete DNA rep
72 Implicit in this hypothesis is that genes at fragile sites are altered by chromosome rearrangement an
73                             Folate-sensitive fragile sites are associated with the expansion and hype
74                                       Common fragile sites are chromosomal loci prone to breakage and
75                                              Fragile sites are gaps and breaks in metaphase chromosom
76                                       Common fragile sites are highly unstable regions of the genome.
77 gous deletions of recessive cancer genes and fragile sites are known to occur in human cancers.
78                                       Common fragile sites are loci that form chromosome gaps or brea
79                          In contrast, common fragile sites are present in all individuals and represe
80                                              Fragile sites are prone to deletions, translocations, an
81 important in fragile-site stability and that fragile sites are recognized by the G(2)/M checkpoint pa
82       Several lines of evidence suggest that fragile sites are regions of DNA whose replication is un
83                                       Common fragile sites are regions of human chromosomes prone to
84       Several lines of evidence suggest that fragile sites are regions of late replication.
85                            Human chromosomal fragile sites are regions of the genome that are prone t
86                                       Common fragile sites are regions that show elevated susceptibil
87                                         Rare fragile sites are seen in a small proportion of individu
88  Our results support a model in which common fragile sites are sequences that initiate replication la
89                            Human chromosomal fragile sites are specific loci that are especially susc
90                                  Chromosomal fragile sites are specific loci that preferentially exhi
91                                       Common fragile sites are specific regions in the human genome t
92                                       Common fragile sites are specific regions of the genome that fo
93                        Thus, we propose that fragile sites are unreplicated chromosomal regions resul
94                                        Human fragile sites are weak staining gaps in chromosomes gene
95                 Specific regions of genomes (fragile sites) are hot spots for the chromosome rearrang
96                                       Common fragile sites, as their name implies, are present in vir
97 how that miR genes are frequently located at fragile sites, as well as in minimal regions of loss of
98 lutionarily conserved novel gene, designated fragile site-associated (FSA) gene.
99 HIT encompasses the common human chromosomal fragile site at 3p14.2 and numerous cancer cell bialleli
100 IT, encompasses the common human chromosomal fragile site at 3p14.2, the hereditary renal cancer tran
101  suppressor gene FHIT, which spans the FRA3B fragile site at 3p14.2.
102      FRA7G is a common aphidicolin-inducible fragile site at 7q31.2, showing loss of heterozygosity i
103                                   The common fragile site at chromosomal band 3p14.2 (FRA3B) is the m
104                             The constitutive fragile site at chromosomal band 3p14.2, FRA3B, is the m
105         The FHIT gene, which spans the FRA3B fragile site at chromosome 3p14.2, is a candidate tumor
106        The FHIT gene, encompassing the FRA3B fragile site at chromosome 3p14.2, is a tumor suppressor
107     FRA7G is an aphidicolin-inducible common fragile site at human chromosomal band 7q31.2.
108 icap, facial dysmorphism and expression of a fragile site at Xq27.3.
109 mere replication was compromised, leading to fragile sites at telomeres.
110 reakpoint region (Mbr) on chromosome 18 is a fragile site, because it adopts a non-B DNA conformation
111 ls with low doses of aphidicolin that induce fragile site breakage.
112 destabilized chromosomes and specific common fragile site breakage.
113  provide insight not only into the nature of fragile sites, but also into the broader consequences of
114 lication underlies fragility at common human fragile sites, but specific sequences responsible for ex
115 erved functional elements within orthologous fragile sites by interspecies sequence comparison.
116  the first to demonstrate that AT islands in fragile sites can function as MARs both in vitro and in
117                    Thus, the study of common fragile sites can provide insight not only into the natu
118 ormal demonstration that certain chromosomal fragile sites can serve as RAG complex targets, and they
119 e cloning and characterization of the common fragile site (CFS) FRA6E (6q26) identified Parkin, the g
120                                       Common fragile sites (CFS) are chromosomal regions that exhibit
121 though distinct from late-replicating common fragile sites (CFS), the stability of ERFSs and CFSs is
122 -to-replicate genomic regions, namely common fragile sites (CFS).
123 ith DNA secondary structures, such as common fragile sites (CFSs) and palindromic repeats.
124                           Chromosomal common fragile sites (CFSs) are genetically unstable regions of
125                                       Common fragile sites (CFSs) are genomic regions that are unstab
126                                       Common fragile sites (CFSs) are hot spots of chromosomal breaka
127                                       Common fragile sites (CFSs) are large genomic regions present i
128                                       Common fragile sites (CFSs) are loci that preferentially exhibi
129                                       Common fragile sites (CFSs) are regions of profound genomic ins
130                           Chromosomal common fragile sites (CFSs) are unstable genomic regions that b
131 ves late replication intermediates at common fragile sites (CFSs) during early mitosis to trigger DNA
132 rvical cancer and the position of the common fragile sites (CFSs) has been observed at both the cytog
133 rvical cancer and the position of the common fragile sites (CFSs) has been observed at the cytogeneti
134                                       Common fragile sites (CFSs) represent large, highly unstable re
135 enomic deletions and duplications and common fragile sites (CFSs) seen as breaks on metaphase chromos
136 metaphase telomeres that resemble the common fragile sites (CFSs), and the association of sister telo
137 is also required for the stability of common fragile sites (CFSs), whose rearrangements are considere
138 y integrates at loci containing human common fragile sites (CFSs).
139 regions, we assessed the stability of common fragile sites, chromosomal loci that are prone to breaka
140             Thus, this is the largest common fragile site cloned to date.
141                            With three common fragile sites cloned, their mechanism of expression and
142  found that aphidicolin (APH)-induced common fragile sites contain more sequence segments with potent
143                            FRA7G is a common fragile site containing the candidate tumor suppressor g
144                               Moreover, this fragile site contains an evolutionarily conserved novel
145 tion of human cells induces four chromosomal fragile sites corresponding to the U1 small nuclear RNA
146                           Common chromosomal fragile sites, defects in DNA replication or telomere dy
147 ible for aphidicolin-induced and FdU-induced fragile sites differ.
148 B-mediated DNA amplification, we cloned 1q31 fragile site DNA from a Chinese hamster cell line contai
149     In this study, loss of expression of the fragile site-encoded Wwox protein was found to contribut
150 endent DNA lesions, termed early replication fragile sites (ERFSs), by genome-wide localization of DN
151 st genetic condition in mammals that reduces fragile site expression and alleviates the severity of a
152                        Yet, the mechanism of fragile site expression has been elusive.
153                    ATR deficiency results in fragile site expression with and without addition of rep
154 prevent mitotic catastrophe following common fragile site expression.
155 down by RNA interference, also have elevated fragile-site expression.
156 at ATR-deficient cells have greatly elevated fragile-site expression.
157                                         This fragile site extends over a broad region of several hund
158 ted with increased chromosome instability at fragile sites following replication stress, and these fi
159                                       Common fragile sites form gaps at characteristic chromosome ban
160    Given its similarity to known chromosomal fragile site (FRA) sequences, this polymorphic 1p21.2 se
161 ET/PTC rearrangements, are located in common fragile sites FRA10C and FRA10G, and undergo DNA breakag
162 ap of a previously published rare, heritable fragile site, FRA11A, with the cervical cancer deletion
163 trinucleotide repeat at the folate-sensitive fragile site FRA11B has been implicated in the generatio
164                                AT islands in fragile sites FRA16B and FRA16D are significantly more a
165 umor suppressor gene that maps to the common fragile site FRA16D on chromosome 16q23.3-24.1, is alter
166 ning of WWOX, a gene that maps to the common fragile site FRA16D region in chromosome 16q23.3-24.1.
167 WWOX may span the yet uncharacterized common fragile site FRA16D region.
168                                              Fragile site FRA16D spans the WWOX/FOR tumor suppressor
169 WOX gene, encompassing the common chromosome fragile site FRA16D, is altered in a large fraction of c
170 OX, the gene that maps to common chromosomal fragile site FRA16D, is frequently affected by aberratio
171 1, a chromosome region that spans the common fragile site FRA16D.
172 r suppressor spanning the common chromosomal fragile site FRA16D.
173 f >1 Mb across the second most active common fragile site, FRA16D (16q23.2).
174 ontaining oxidoreductase) gene at the common fragile site, FRA16D, is altered in many types of cancer
175  The 16q23.2 breakpoint transects the common fragile site, FRA16D, providing a molecular demonstratio
176 ressor spanning the second most common human fragile site, FRA16D.
177 g agent and was able to induce 5azaC-dR type fragile sites FRA1J and FRA9E in human cells.
178                                              Fragile site FRA3B is the most unstable site and is dire
179        The FHIT gene, which spans the common fragile site FRA3B, has been shown to produce aberrant t
180                                          The fragile site FRA3B, which lies within the FHIT tumor-sup
181  in a variety of tumors and spans the common fragile site FRA3B.
182 and breaks and breaks at the specific common fragile sites FRA3B and FRA16D were significantly elevat
183  papillomavirus DNA has been identified at a fragile site (FRA3B) within the FHIT locus in cervical c
184 tly expressed human constitutive chromosomal fragile site (FRA3B, telomeric to the t(3;8) translocati
185 putative target, 3p14.2, contains the common fragile site, FRA3B, a hereditary renal carcinoma-associ
186 triad gene (FHIT) encompasses a human common fragile site, FRA3B, that is susceptible to environmenta
187 d in the fragility of the most active common fragile site, FRA3B.
188  the FHIT gene, which encompasses the common fragile site, FRA3B.
189 at the DNA probe for D7S522 spans the common fragile site FRA7G at 7q31.
190  the MET amplicon in these EAs is defined by fragile site FRA7G.
191 suppressor locus (7q31.1/D7S522) and a known fragile site (FRA7G) that is deleted in a variety of epi
192         Thus for the first two cloned common fragile sites, FRA7G and FRA3B, there is an association
193 .2, a region that contains one of the common fragile sites, FRA7G.
194                                       Common fragile sites frequently coincide with the location of g
195 construct a statistical model that separates fragile sites from regions showing signatures of positiv
196                        We find that the LMO2 fragile site functions as a 12-signal at an efficiency t
197 esults suggest that the Chinese hamster 1q31 fragile site has many important functions including regu
198  repeating DNA derived from folate-sensitive fragile sites has been shown to exclude single nucleosom
199                          The study of common fragile sites has its roots in the early cytogenetic inv
200 esponsible for expression of these inducible fragile sites have not been identified.
201 cycle checkpoints and DNA repair, and common fragile sites have provided insight into understanding t
202 ng component of chromosome structure, common fragile sites have taken on novel significance as region
203 ng component of chromosome structure, common fragile sites have taken on novel significance as region
204                                          The fragile site in 11q23.3, FRA11B, has been shown to cause
205  which contains the most common constitutive fragile site in the genome, FRA3B.
206 the second most common aphidicolin-inducible fragile site in the human genome (Fra7G).
207 osomal band 3p14.2 is the most active common fragile site in the human genome.
208 and 3p14.2, FRA3B, is the most active common fragile site in the human genome.
209 of this 363 bp segment effectively creates a fragile site in the micronuclear genome, providing the f
210 e frequency of double-strand breaks (DSB) at fragile sites in cancer cells due to replication stress.
211 ing proteins could lead to rearrangements at fragile sites in cancer cells.
212  increased instability at common chromosomal fragile sites in cells lacking the replication checkpoin
213 ot for chromosome aberrations reminiscent of fragile sites in human cells.
214                  FRAXA is one of a number of fragile sites in human chromosomes that are induced by a
215      We found that several major chromosomal fragile sites in human lymphomas, including the bcl-2 ma
216      We previously identified two chromosome fragile sites in Saccharomyces cerevisiae that were indu
217 t Ad12 cannot induce the RNU1, RNU2, or PSU1 fragile sites in Saos-2 cells lacking the p53 and retino
218          Here, we studied the involvement of fragile sites in the formation of RET/PTC rearrangements
219  evidence for the involvement of chromosomal fragile sites in the generation of cancer-specific rearr
220 B at 3p14.2 is the most active of the common fragile sites in the human genome and is expressed when
221 maps to FRA6E, one of the most active common fragile sites in the human genome, it represents another
222 s stress but also in its absence, similar to fragile sites in the human genome.
223 ene deficiencies and induction of chromosome fragile sites in vitro, we have analyzed the frequency o
224          To determine whether CGG tracts are fragile sites in yeast, the CGG tracts were flanked by d
225 ter chromosomal instability, particularly at fragile sites, in SCKL1-affected patient cells after tre
226                      In contrast to the rare fragile sites, including FRAXA, no repeat motifs, such a
227 , and undergo DNA breakage after exposure to fragile site-inducing chemicals.
228 entify FRA3B sequences that are required for fragile site induction, we used microcell-mediated chrom
229 ions for understanding both the mechanism of fragile site instability and the consequences of stalled
230  stress accompanied by dramatic increases in fragile site instability, and chromosomal amplifications
231 duced replication intermediates, suppressing fragile site instability, and localizing SLX4 to ALT tel
232 e role of DNA secondary structures in common fragile site instability, provides a systematic method f
233               To understand the mechanism of fragile site instability, we examined the contribution o
234 de fusion with interstitial loci adjacent to fragile sites, intra-molecular rearrangements, and fusio
235 he physical relationship of Fhit to a common fragile site is similar to that observed with the orthol
236                              DNA breakage at fragile sites is associated with regions that are delete
237                                 Further, the fragile site-like nature of all of the breakpoint sites
238 RA3B is the most frequently expressed common fragile site localized within human chromosomal band 3p1
239 ian tumors, indicating that loss within this fragile site may be important in the development or prog
240                                         This fragile site may predispose chromosome 3p to breakage th
241              The hypothesis that chromosomal fragile sites may be "weak links" that result in hot spo
242 is work further demonstrates that the common fragile sites may play an important role in cancer devel
243          Recent findings suggest that common fragile sites may serve as markers of chromosome damage
244             Correspondingly, genes at common fragile sites may sustain elevated levels of DNA damage
245 expansion of 55-200 CGG repeats in the FMR1 (fragile site mental retardation 1) gene.
246 e associated with cancer breakpoints, common fragile sites, microRNA, and cancer-related genes, sugge
247  test the hypothesis that other unidentified fragile sites might be located in 11q23.3-24 and may cau
248                                  Chromosomal fragile sites not only are susceptible to DNA instabilit
249 replication is compromised, analogous to the fragile sites observed in mammalian chromosomes.
250 d is the most highly expressed of the common fragile sites observed when DNA replication is perturbed
251 2 is the most highly expressed of the common fragile sites observed when DNA replication is perturbed
252 ces demonstrated that gaps and breaks in the fragile site occur over a broad region within and proxim
253 12 interval known to contain the most common fragile site of the human genome (FRA3B), the FHIT gene,
254 e 3p14.2 region spans the most active common fragile site of the human genome, encompassing a familia
255 eductase (WWOX) spans the second most common fragile site of the human genome, FRA16D, located at 16q
256 ed DNA sequences, such as those found in the fragile sites of chromosomes.
257 atase gene on 6p25.3 and adjoining the FRA7H fragile site on 7q32.3 in a systemic ALK-negative ALCL.
258 occurred within a common aphidicolin-induced fragile site on human chromosome 7, FRA7H.
259                  The expression of the FRAXE fragile site on the human X chromosome is associated wit
260 involved in preventing aphidicolin-sensitive fragile sites, our data suggest that the lesions respons
261                   The distribution of common fragile sites parallels the positions of neoplasia-assoc
262 ctivate the ATR kinase in S phase and show a fragile-site phenotype in metaphase.
263                                       Common fragile sites predispose to specific chromosomal breakag
264 we investigated the AT islands in the FRA16B fragile site region for their possible roles in the orga
265 itical roles in maintaining the stability of fragile site regions.
266 occur either over tumour suppressors or over fragile sites, regions of increased genomic instability.
267 f a site-specific double-strand break or DNA fragile site resulted in homologous recombination of rep
268 d nuclear element 1s, suggesting that common fragile sites serve a function.
269 ffected genes overlap with early replicating fragile sites, show elevated levels of gammaH2AX, and su
270  that RECQL4-depleted human cells accumulate fragile sites, sister chromosome exchanges, and double s
271  checkpoint kinases, CHK1 and CHK2 on common fragile site stability in human cells.
272           Hus1 was found to be essential for fragile site stability, because spontaneous chromosomal
273 To further elucidate the pathways regulating fragile site stability, we have investigated the effects
274 omosome stability, and in particular, common fragile site stability.
275  but not ATM, is critical for maintenance of fragile site stability.
276 was previously shown that ATR is critical to fragile-site stability and that ATR-deficient cells have
277 ese data indicate that BRCA1 is important in fragile-site stability and that fragile sites are recogn
278 that this checkpoint function is involved in fragile-site stability.
279 mic loci/regions include centromeres, common fragile sites, subtelomeres, and telomeres.
280 d in cancer-associated genomic regions or in fragile sites, suggesting that miRNAs may play a more im
281 cation of a sequence element within a common fragile site that increases chromosome fragility.
282  long GAA/TTC tracts also act as chromosomal fragile sites that can trigger gross chromosomal rearran
283                  Thus, loop anchors serve as fragile sites that generate DSBs and chromosomal rearran
284  are possibly intrinsic properties of common fragile sites that may affect their replication and cond
285 on genomic regions, termed early replicating fragile sites, that may explain many AID-independent DSB
286 ation of fragile sites, a different class of fragile site, the 33-base pair AT-rich repeating DNAs de
287 nisms regulating the stability of chromosome fragile sites, therefore, has important implications in
288 rofile that is remarkably similar to that of fragile sites; these similarities are outlined and discu
289  been no direct evidence linking breakage at fragile sites to the formation of a cancer-specific tran
290 ven of 13 samples (85%) were deleted for the fragile site tumor suppressors WWOX and FHIT.
291  do not overlap known recessive oncogenes or fragile sites ("unexplained" homozygous deletions).
292 ormalities occurred preferentially at common fragile sites upon conditional Hus1 inactivation.
293 sult in chromosome breaks in regions termed "fragile sites." Using DNA microarrays, we mapped recombi
294  about the general characteristics of common fragile sites, we investigated the chromatin structure o
295  confer selective growth advantage, and over fragile sites, where they are thought to reflect an incr
296                                  Chromosomal fragile sites, which are regions of the genome that exhi
297 s in tumors are often associated with common fragile sites, which are specific genomic loci prone to
298  cannot progress through the A/T-rich FRA16B fragile site, while the regular replication mode is not
299 cture-forming ability, we refined legitimate fragile sites within the cytogenetically defined boundar
300 uences within the large nonexonic regions of fragile sites would be to identify conserved functional

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