


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  the base next to Tb to unpair, mimicking a "frame-shift".
2 -short) in which 345 bp is deleted without a frame shift.
3 ptide sequences created by the translational frame shift.
4  to prematurely terminate translation and -1 frame shift.
5 terminus, as would be predicted based on the frame shift.
6 ion, of which none was missense, nonsense or frame shift.
7 lone that include the region of the proposed frame-shift.
8 nal deletions, nucleotide substitutions, and frame shifts.
9 ted a single amino acid substitution and two frame shifts.
10  pseudoknots that stimulate -1 translational frame shifting.
11 e codon recognition and negate translational frame-shifting.
12  Ma3 is important for promoting efficient -1 frame-shifting.
13 eletion (c.1148delC) in CNGB3 that induces a frame shift after Thr383, whereas the carriers were hete
14 ion of specific mutations in the genes mucA (frame-shift), algT (substitution), rpoN (substitution),
15 s that attenuate expression and a T424GfsX48 frame-shift allele identified in MCSZ individuals, we de
16 mino acid 382, part of NLSIII, resulted in a frame shift and a 420 amino acid protein (p53(420)).
17 yptic splice site in intron 4 resulting in a frame shift and a premature stop (p.S66Nfs * 15).
18 Two mutations, 485delT and 513insTT, cause a frame shift and a premature stop codon and the third mut
19 p G deletion in the coding region, causing a frame shift and a premature stop codon, led to a nonfunc
20 ontains a single base deletion that causes a frame shift and a premature stop of translation within t
21 use of the nature of the mutation, causing a frame shift and a premature termination of translation,
22                            This results in a frame shift and a stop codon after 46 nucleotides.
23              This deletion, which leads to a frame shift and a truncation of the Alx-4 protein, could
24 ediction of the protein sequences, including frame shift and amino acid insertions.
25 alternative exon (exon 15) that results in a frame shift and early termination.
26 tains a single base insertion that creates a frame shift and leads to premature termination of the Sc
27 ination has previously been used to genotype frame shift and point mutations, and small insertions or
28        This mutation is predicted to cause a frame shift and premature stop codon which truncates the
29 ing of exon 5, which creates a translational frame shift and premature stop codon.
30                                    Recently, frame shift and premature termination mutations in the p
31 ha chain genes (4904delG) that resulted in a frame shift and premature termination of the protein at
32                        The mutation causes a frame shift and premature termination which are predicte
33 egion of the rd7 mPNR message that creates a frame shift and produces a premature stop codon.
34 receptor-related protein 5 (LRP5), causing a frame shift and resulting in the replacement of the C-te
35                      In addition to numerous frame shift and splice-site mutations, 36 missense mutat
36      hSRBC-coding region mutations including frame shift and truncation mutations were detected in a
37 ide repeats in the 5' region, resulting in a frame shift and truncation.
38  association defect and a modest increase in frame shifting and stop codon read-through.
39  codons, the pseudogene contains a number of frame shifts and a 103-bp deletion.
40              Alternative splicing results in frame shifts and leads to novel larger translation produ
41 thal doses, AZT has no significant effect on frame shifts and most base-substitution mutations.
42  sequences indicates a pseudogene containing frame shifts and premature stop codons.
43 rete insertion/deletion mutations leading to frame shifts and premature termination implicate haploin
44 portantly, fourth, fully half of spontaneous frame-shift and base-substitution mutation during starva
45 more, a subset of previously uncharacterized frame-shift and missense mutations at the N terminus of
46 one base deletion in rat GADD34 results in a frame-shift and premature appearance of a stop-codon res
47 44delGG and ORF15+694_708del15) leading to a frame-shift and premature termination of translation in
48 t nucleotide 342/343, predicted to produce a frame-shift and premature termination.
49 ed a null mutation resulting from a nonsense frame-shift and the emergence of a stop codon.
50 he presumed wild-type normal allele causes a frame-shifted and truncated coding sequence.
51 ew make it possible to interactively correct frame-shifts and otherwise edit cluster assemblies.
52 n which deletions and insertions (leading to frame shifts) and stop codons were introduced.
53  Escherichia coli, however, mostly -1 and +1 frame-shifts are observed, which occur predominantly in
54 es not require SOS functions, whereas the +1 frame-shifts are SOS-dependent.
55 upting mutations (nonsense, splice site, and frame shifts) are twice as frequent, 59 to 28.
56 events adapt and get fixed more rapidly than frame-shifting AS events; selection for smaller exon siz
57                  The point deletion causes a frame shift at the C-terminal border of the transactivat
58                        One mutation causes a frame shift at the sixth codon and is thus likely to def
59 esis first using human cell lines carrying a frame-shift at NADH dehydrogenase (respiratory complex I
60                                            A frame-shift ATM mutation was found in one peripheral T c
61 H, yet one of these had a homozygous somatic frame-shift BRCA2 mutation, suggesting that some carcino
62              In contrast, as a result of the frame shift caused by the 93 nucleotide deletion, the C-
63 of cryptic nuclear localization signals by a frame shift caused by the mutation.
64 rection or hypothetical reconstruction of 61 frame-shifts caused by either sequence error or mutation
65 sults in a deletion of exon 4 of Vps34 and a frame shift causing a deletion of 755 of the 887 amino a
66  spliced exon that creates a transcriptional frame shift, changing 38 amino acid codons before introd
67                      Other mutations include frame-shift deletion and chromosomal inversion.
68  where affected individuals had a homozygous frame-shift deletion in CCDC88A (c.2313delT, p.Leu772*te
69 , a neurogenetic disease typically caused by frame-shifting deletions or nonsense mutations in the ge
70  undocumented nonsynonymous substitution and frame shift discrepancies between the two resources.
71 line single-base deletion (di) that causes a frame shift downstream from the VP sequences and a loss
72 nd, and further explains why these reference frames shift during movement.
73              We also identified missense and frame-shift ECRG2 mutations in various human malignancie
74 switch from Bacillus anthracis(48 nt), and a frame-shifting element from a human corona virus (59 nt)
75 esis together with syndromes (i.e. ribosomal frame-shifting, embryonic lethality, neurodegeneration a
76 ted in microsatellite sequences, relative to frame-shift error frequencies in coding sequences, from
77 results demonstrate that an increase in both frame shift errors in homonucleotide repeat sequences an
78                 The bp deletion results in a frame-shift followed by a stop-codon.
79             These nucleotide deletions cause frame shifts for codon usage, producing proteins which c
80 ife cycle that introduce base substitutions, frame shifts, genetic rearrangements and hypermutations.
81                    P1 carried a heterozygous frame-shift IFNGR2 mutation inherited from her father.
82  phenotype in the two Lewis(a+b-) animals; a frame shift in futC, regulating conversion of Lewis(x) t
83 boundary of the 5-HT(2A)-R, which produces a frame shift in the coding sequence and a premature stop
84 equent anatomical differentiation reflects a frame shift in the developmental identities of the avian
85                    This mutation generates a frame shift in the transcript, introducing a premature s
86  mutation that disrupts splicing, leading to frame shifts in the coding region that predict the gener
87  The decamer duplication mutation produces a frame-shift in the BRI sequence generating a larger-than
88 encodes only one complete Ig domain before a frame-shift in the second Ig domain occurs, leading to e
89 We conclude that dGAP induces both -2 and +1 frame-shifts in a CpG repetitive sequence and that these
90                                 dGAP-induced frame-shifts in the (CG)3 sequence, therefore, varied fr
91 -Fraumeni-like family; and 14058delG (exon 7 frame-shift) in a 39-year-old with a family cancer histo
92 ent variants alter the same codon, or when a frame-shifting indel is followed by a frame-restoring in
93 y consisted of truncating mutations or small frame-shifting indels.
94 nction (LoFs) variants defined as stop-gain, frame shift, initiation codon (INIT) and splice site mut
95 small molecule that inhibits HDR can enhance frame shift insertion and deletion (indel) mutations med
96      This study examines the role of a novel frame-shift insertion discovered in a conserved region o
97 fied a deficient CYP97A3 allele containing a frame-shift insertion in orange carrots.
98 n replicating eukaryotic cells, resulting in frame-shifting insertion/deletion (indel) mutations and
99 eotide at codon 43 of the C-chain, causing a frame shift, leading to a premature stop codon at codon
100 equence changes are predicted to result in a frame-shift, leading to premature truncation of the lyso
101                             The mechanism of frame shift mutagenesis induced by N-(deoxyguanosin-8-yl
102 'exonuclease activity of DNA polymerase III, frame-shift mutagenesis increased 5-7-fold.
103         When these strains were SOS induced, frame-shift mutagenesis increased by approximately 100%.
104 ) except that E1A is deleted, a liposome-E1A frame-shift mutant DNA complex, or just PBS.
105 s of the wild type, and insertion and double-frame shift mutants of Bat that this transcriptional reg
106 on and cleavage site, and JH-associated RGMc frame-shift mutants undergo COOH-terminal cleavage only
107 pendent families, we identified a homozygous frame shift mutation c.722dupA (p.Val242Glyfs( *)33) in
108                                            A frame shift mutation in MEU1 abolished its ability to ac
109 unremarkable, but genetic testing revealed a frame shift mutation in SCN1A, consistent with severe my
110 3-kinase p110delta (PIK3CD) and a homozygous frame shift mutation in SKAP (KNSTRN), both ablating pro
111          By genetic mapping, we identified a frame shift mutation in the pericentrin (Pcnt) gene.
112 the AnkB homologue of the Paris strain has a frame shift mutation that led to a loss of the CaaX moti
113                                     A second frame shift mutation was identified in urbs1-2 and is ne
114 ine with the Fas rendered nonfunctional by a frame shift mutation was resistant to H. pylori-induced
115                                      A novel frame shift mutation, p.
116  the first report of amyloidosis caused by a frame shift mutation.
117                                            A frame-shift mutation (121ins2) is the predominant but no
118 he recessive red flesh allele resulting in a frame-shift mutation and a premature stop codon.
119 4 after the initiation codon) that creates a frame-shift mutation and an abnormal sequence for the la
120 equence for codon 522 in exon 13, leading to frame-shift mutation and premature termination.
121 ly conserved with mouse Lyst, and contains a frame-shift mutation at nucleotides 117-118 of the codin
122 apaya accessions showed the presence of this frame-shift mutation in all red flesh accessions examine
123 ng and complete PAI-1 deficiency caused by a frame-shift mutation in exon 4 of the PAI-1 gene.
124 uction in maize (Zea mays) is triggered by a frame-shift mutation in MATRILINEAL (MTL), a pollen-spec
125                           We characterized a frame-shift mutation in ssfA1, which encodes an alpha su
126 d level, excluding the amino-terminal end, a frame-shift mutation in the 5' region of the gene in T.
127 ndicate that the Mc phenotype results from a frame-shift mutation in the gene encoding the 16-kDa gam
128 ensitive allele has a disrupted PRD due to a frame-shift mutation in the open reading frame of the do
129 elevated fat mass and, in both, a homozygous frame-shift mutation involving the deletion of a single
130          In a second family, we identified a frame-shift mutation of GATA4 (E359del) that was transcr
131     Megencephaly, or mceph, is a spontaneous frame-shift mutation of the mouse Kv1.1 gene.
132 are human prostatic cancer cells that have a frame-shift mutation of the tumor suppressor gene PTEN a
133                                            A frame-shift mutation that causes a form of syndromic epi
134 ssed in flowers, but its IGS gene contains a frame-shift mutation that renders it inactive.
135                      In the mutant allele, a frame-shift mutation truncates the protein N terminal of
136 4 cells were subsequently found to possess a frame-shift mutation within the TLR2 gene which resulted
137                                         By a frame-shift mutation, we have engineered a human IGF-I r
138 rminus different from that of IIp45 due to a frame-shift mutation.
139 s) intact, whereas the other exhibited an E1 frame-shift mutation.
140 tions (p.Q51X, p.Y149X, p.C156X), three were frame shift mutations (c.28delG, c.105C>A+106_124dup, c.
141 tions, seven are missense mutations, two are frame shift mutations and one is intronic mutation.
142  kn1 alleles carrying nonsense, splicing and frame shift mutations cause severe inflorescence and flo
143                In addition, repair-dependent frame shift mutations in a GCGCGC region of Salmonella t
144  mutation at nt 2018, could be suppressed by frame shift mutations in either exon of NS2 which reopen
145                                          All frame-shift mutations (19/19) were associated with the S
146           We conclude that both TGF-beta RII frame-shift mutations and microsatellite instability occ
147 se gene structure rearrangements resulted in frame-shift mutations and premature termination codons.
148                                          A10 frame-shift mutations appear to be restricted to sporadi
149                                              Frame-shift mutations at microsatellites occur as a time
150                                              Frame-shift mutations in a run of 10 adenines (A10) of t
151 Jurkat T cell line lacks PTEN protein due to frame-shift mutations in both PTEN alleles and therefore
152                                          Two frame-shift mutations in GJB2, 167delT and 30delG, were
153                   With SOS, the frequency of frame-shift mutations increased to 2.6%, even though the
154                                              Frame-shift mutations introduced into just this suppress
155                                        After frame-shift mutations occurred that restored the EGFP re
156 ignificance of variants such as nonsense and frame-shift mutations that are assumed to be clearly pat
157 nse mutations, but also include nonsense and frame-shift mutations that result in truncated DP-1 deri
158         Within JAK1 the K142, P430, and K860 frame-shift mutations were identified as hot spot mutati
159                                        MYO1A frame-shift mutations were observed in 32% (37 of 116) o
160 nger nucleases (ZFNs) can introduce targeted frame-shift mutations with high efficiency, thereby enab
161 trast to the digital ON-OFF switches through frame-shift mutations within coding sequences, such modu
162 single-nucleotide variants (1 nonsense and 4 frame-shift mutations).
163 ntified (12 missense, four nonsense and five frame-shift mutations); 14 of these were novel.
164                                              Frame-shift mutations, generated by nucleotide insertion
165 m non-deletion AGS patients, revealing three frame-shift mutations, two splice donor mutations and on
166 regions and gave rise to common D310 C-tract frame-shift mutations.
167 mature SP-B was associated with nonsense and frame-shift mutations.
168 erase chain reaction primer sets and for A10 frame-shift mutations.
169  had a higher odds of containing nonsense or frame-shift mutations.
170 erases and induce both base substitution and frame-shift mutations.
171                    Nonsense, splice-site, or frame-shifting mutations in RS1 consistently caused elec
172 f MCPH after finding homozygous missense and frame-shifting mutations in seven MCPH families.
173 nd 14 patients had nonsense, splice-site, or frame-shifting mutations in the RS1 gene (group B).
174 -nucleotide variations and indels leading to frame shifts, nonsense, missense or splice-site alterati
175 elta 3-5), which is predicted to result in a frame-shifted, nonsense mutation in the NH(2) terminus o
176 cient strains, it appears that both types of frame-shifts occurred as a result of misalignment, which
177 '-end of the coding sequence, resulting in a frame shift, occurred in a patient with ASMD and catarac
178        We showed earlier that RluF induced a frame-shift of the RNA, moving A2602 into the stem and t
179  deletion from the coding region and causing frame-shift of translation.
180 alternative splicing (AS) events, especially frame-shifting ones, has been controversial.
181 s stronger in frame-preserving exons than in frame-shifting ones.
182 nd here we demonstrate it perfectly corrects frame-shifts only 60% of the time.
183 quire readthrough of a translational reading frame shift or stop codon, common mechanisms used by ret
184 entified FMO splice variants either caused a frame-shift or lacked essential functional sites.
185 ere reduction in VLCAD mRNA in patients with frame-shift or splice-site mutations and absent or sever
186 codons caused by nucleotide substitutions, a frame shift, or altered splicing.
187 for clpX can be relieved by point mutations, frame shifts, or deletion of the gene spr1630, which is
188 to elucidating a mode of co-evolution of the frame-shifted overlapping ORFs in the adeno-associated v
189                                The resulting frame-shifted peptide precursor does not enter the secre
190 des 1414 to 1433 in exon 8 that introduced a frame shift predicting the loss of a normal stop codon a
191 8-aa hydrophilic C terminus resulting from a frame shift produced by deletion of exon 6.
192        Molecular dynamics simulations of the frame-shifting pseudoknot from beet western yellows viru
193 he junction is the most labile region of the frame-shifting pseudoknot.
194                               In addition, a frame shift resulted in a stop codon terminating the ded
195 rp2/3 complex component ARPC1B that causes a frame shift resulting in premature termination.
196   The remaining three mutations included two frame shifts resulting from deletion of one or two bases
197                  The 97-nt deletion causes a frame shift, resulting in a ATF2-like polypeptide of app
198                                The predicted frame shift results in a truncation of the 32-kD major C
199 protein-coding regions and correct erroneous frame-shifts, suitable for subsequent phylogenetic analy
200  This mutation (GPIb alpha deltaAT) causes a frame shift that alters the amino acid sequence of GPIb
201         This mutation causes a translational frame shift that encodes for 86 altered amino acids and
202 xa13(Hd) deletion results in a translational frame shift that leads to the loss of wild-type HOXA13 p
203 e enhancement in mutagenesis was due to a +1 frame-shift that occurred at a high frequency.
204 vents have been identified causing a partial frame-shift that results in an altered amino acid sequen
205 applicability of the two similarly protected frame-shifted thiodisaccharide donors, Glc-GlcA and GlcA
206 the second examination, analyses of multiple frame shifts, truncations, and point mutations within th
207 e footprinting results and the analysis of a frame-shifted uORF, in which the repression capability w
208 The predicted exon 10 skipping and resultant frame shift were confirmed with RNA derived from PLL-aff
209                  In addition, -1 and -2 base frame shifts were detected with both 1,N2-epsilon-Gua an
210                 Three short protein sequence frame shifts were detected with respect to the non-refin
211 tation that produces a translational reading-frame shift with the consequent formation of a stop codo
212               The PKCzetaII coding region is frame-shifted with respect to the PKCzeta open reading f
213 F per transcript and identifies and corrects frame-shifts with high accuracy.
214           Thus, the pol eta products yielded frame-shifts with the N 2 but not the C8 IQ adducts.
215 is more accurate than Genewise at correcting frame-shifts within an order.
216 ber of tools capable of correcting erroneous frame-shifts within assembled transcripts are available

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