


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ivating mutations (nonsense, splice-site, or frameshift mutations).
2  while the second patient had a c.592_593dup frameshift mutation.
3 lls from schizophrenia patients with a DISC1 frameshift mutation.
4 2 expression was disrupted by an insertional/frameshift mutation.
5 (a-3, a-4, and a-5) each containing a unique frameshift mutation.
6 tors carried an 8-bp mutS deletion causing a frameshift mutation.
7 his construct undergoes continual subsequent frameshift mutation.
8 s appear to result from gene duplication and frameshift mutation.
9 ) (CD22DeltaE12) and results in a truncating frameshift mutation.
10  lineage, rpmGC is a pseudogene containing a frameshift mutation.
11 ch carries the protein-truncating c.6174delT frameshift mutation.
12      Four patients shared exon 10 V452WfsX38 frameshift mutation.
13 he domain 1 voltage sensor and introducing a frameshift mutation.
14 he dG(1,8) site, creating a complex for "-2" frameshift mutation.
15 lls required TGFBR2-even the form encoding a frameshift mutation.
16  lines, consisting of nonsense, missense and frameshift mutations.
17 n, minimizing generation of more deleterious frameshift mutations.
18 re expression of polypeptides in the face of frameshift mutations.
19 itutions (M(1)dG --> A and M(1)dG --> T) and frameshift mutations.
20 n strand breaks and potentially deletion and frameshift mutations.
21 pair (MMR) can lead to base substitution and frameshift mutations.
22 s (mostly M(1)dG to dT and M(1)dG to dA) and frameshift mutations.
23 otein C (gC), and gD, respectively, harbored frameshift mutations.
24  mechanism in LQT2 patients with nonsense or frameshift mutations.
25 sversion base substitutions and certain (-1) frameshift mutations.
26 er tracts during replication and can lead to frameshift mutations.
27 ically in the avoidance of transversions and frameshift mutations.
28 jority being either nonsense substitution or frameshift mutations.
29 which is specifically affected by one of the frameshift mutations.
30 tures present in subjects with DVL1 and DVL3 frameshift mutations.
31 ds to large numbers of base substitution and frameshift mutations.
32 rrelated positively with the total number of frameshift mutations.
33           Forty-three mutations, including 8 frameshift mutations, 10 nonsense mutations, 4 splice si
34 ilaggrin S100 domain, whereas two additional frameshift mutations, 1249insG and 7945delA, occur in th
35 t with HS-RDEB, who was homozygous for a new frameshift mutation, 345insG, in exon 3 of COL7A1.
36                              Of these, 21 (2 frameshift mutations, 4 nonsense mutations, 4 splice sit
37 tients with CD who were heterozygous for the frameshift mutation (6% of CD cases analyzed) had reduce
38 aza and 4 aza-8-fluoro derivatives increased frameshift mutations about 22- and 4-fold, respectively.
39 e been described to date, with the c.649dupC frameshift mutation accounting for the majority of cases
40                            The p.F513SfsX113 frameshift mutation adds 113 amino acids to the C termin
41 and characterization of a novel heterozygous frameshift mutation affecting the carboxy-terminus (439f
42 re, we observed that a known illness-related frameshift mutation after amino acid 807 causes the C re
43 patients with GATA2 deletions and one with a frameshift mutation also have primary lymphedema.
44 Glis3 observed in NDH1 patients results in a frameshift mutation and a C-terminal truncated Glis3.
45 ctivates a cryptic splice site, leading to a frameshift mutation and a premature stop codon that rend
46 omponent TrkA was originally thought to be a frameshift mutation and not to encode a functional prote
47 meshift mutation, one had exon 4 Q130SfsX130 frameshift mutation and one had exon 10 Q468X stop codon
48 ein regulatory complex member, resulted in a frameshift mutation and PCD.
49 emonstrated a thymine insertion leading to a frameshift mutation and premature truncation of catalase
50 duce exon skipping; the other mutations were frameshift mutations and a deletion.
51 , we identified three independent homozygous frameshift mutations and a homozygous deletion of two ex
52                 We identified two homozygous frameshift mutations and a homozygous nonsense mutation
53 rprisingly mistranslated because of numerous frameshift mutations and large indels.
54 ad RNA-seq output to reliably identify small frameshift mutations and missense mutations in highly ex
55                       We detected two unique frameshift mutations and one duplication in three patien
56 gKaKs can automatically detect and eliminate frameshift mutations and premature stop codons to comput
57 y changes: either a straight morphology from frameshift mutations and single nucleotide polymorphisms
58 tal age on base substitutions, we found that frameshift mutations and transposition events increased
59 A in which functional loss from nonsense and frameshift mutations and/or targeted deletions is observ
60 d resulted in two premature stop codons, one frameshift mutation, and one cysteine to glycine amino a
61 tations, 10 indels, 14 nonsense mutations, 9 frameshift mutations, and 5 splice-site mutations.
62 ases were characterized by both missense and frameshift mutations, and enzymatic activity of BAP1 mis
63  These included four missense mutations, two frameshift mutations, and one tRNA homopolymer expansion
64                                              Frameshift mutations are particularly deleterious to pro
65 t the majority of reported LQT2 nonsense and frameshift mutations are potential targets of NMD.
66 set of lacZ strains revealed that genetic -1 frameshift mutations are strongly elevated in Clp-defect
67 the rates of hybridization-induced point and frameshift mutations as well as homologous recombination
68   We found that base substitutions outnumber frameshift mutations, as seen in other experimental syst
69 he mutations include missense, nonsense, and frameshift mutations, as well as splice-site and deletio
70 tary motor neuropathy of a dominant-negative frameshift mutation at the C-terminus of choline transpo
71 rtion of a transposable element as well as a frameshift mutation, both of which are completely absent
72  the anticodon loop are known to suppress +1 frameshift mutations, but in no case has the molecular m
73 ility of XMC, we identified the novel CHRDL1 frameshift mutation c.807_808delTC [p.H270Wfs*22] presum
74 -2A>G), whereas the other bears a homozygous frameshift mutation (c.1328_1329insT [p.Tyr444fs*3]) in
75 rphogenetic Protein-4) gene and identified a frameshift mutation (c.226del2, p.S76fs104X) that segreg
76  patient was homozygous for an ablative APOE frameshift mutation (c.291del, p.E97fs).
77                                  A described frameshift mutation (c.33_34insC) occurred with the next
78 her 32-year-old cousin were homozygous for a frameshift mutation (c.45_46del AG, p.T15Tfsx27) in exon
79  family from New Zealand with a heterozygous frameshift mutation (c.465dupA) in exon 7.
80 ity for two mutations in the PSAT1 gene--one frameshift mutation (c.delG107) and one missense mutatio
81 ng whole-exome sequencing, we identified two frameshift mutations (c.981_993del [p.Gln327Hisfs( *)102
82 ations were detected, but a homozygous RAPSN frameshift mutation, c.1177-1178delAA, was identified in
83 date gene sequencing identified a homozygous frameshift mutation, c.139_140delAG, in the transmembran
84 osed with CVID and identified a heterozygous frameshift mutation, c.2564delA (p.Lys855Serfs( *)7), in
85 ffected children and identified a homozygous frameshift mutation, c.571dupA (p.Ile191Asnfs( *)6), in
86 a large Israeli family revealed a homozygous frameshift mutation, c.947delA (p.Lys316Serfs( *)90), an
87                   We identified a novel ESR2 frameshift mutation, c.948delT, which segregated with hi
88 We tested the hypothesis that a deletion and frameshift mutation (C563fsX673) in the CEL VNTR causes
89                               A heterozygous frameshift mutation causing a 12-amino acid extension to
90 furazone, and suppressed the frequency of -1 frameshift mutations characteristic of Pol IV, while los
91 UV-induced mutagenesis, we focused on the +1 frameshift mutations detected by reversion of the lys2de
92 wo reports showed that 3 different net -1 bp frameshift mutations early in DSPP's repeat domain cause
93                         Model mRNAs carrying frameshift mutations exhibited a YoeB-mediated cleavage
94 -linked families identified three additional frameshift mutations, for a total of four truncating all
95 l cancer patients with peptides derived from frameshift mutations found in their tumors.
96  a patient with SRNS with a homozygous ADCK4 frameshift mutation had partial remission following CoQ1
97 deletion and one-third exhibit homopolymeric frameshift mutations (HFMs).
98 ts deficient for UV-induced reversion of the frameshift mutation his4-38.
99  We report the first intragenic deletion and frameshift mutations identified in RAD21 in two patients
100 ed resequencing study, we identified a CXCR2 frameshift mutation in a pedigree with congenital neutro
101 dy shows that whole-genome duplication and a frameshift mutation in ACE2 are sufficient to generate a
102                           A novel homozygous frameshift mutation in ADCK3 (p.Ser616Leufs*114), was id
103 g was supported by the discovery of a NOTCH1 frameshift mutation in an unrelated family with similar
104 P4S1 (NM_007077.3: c.124C>T, p.Arg42( *)), a frameshift mutation in AP4B1 (NM_006594.2: c.487_488insT
105  repair protein, Msh2 in the correction of a frameshift mutation in both yeast and mammalian cells.
106 he consequences of a familial PAH-associated frameshift mutation in CAV1, P158PfsX22, on caveolae ass
107                              We identified a frameshift mutation in caveolin-1 (CAV1), which encodes
108 p1 or pgp2 or a reduction in curvature due a frameshift mutation in cjj81176_1105, a putative peptido
109 le-genome sequencing identified a homozygous frameshift mutation in CORO1A disrupting the last 2 C-te
110 identified a spontaneous mouse mutant with a frameshift mutation in Crx (CrxRip).
111 he discovery cohort, we associated CD with a frameshift mutation in CSF2RB (P = 8.52 x 10(-4)); the f
112 on in DUOX2 that impaired its function and a frameshift mutation in CSF2RB that was associated with C
113                              We identified a frameshift mutation in CSF2RB that was replicated in an
114  Jewish individuals, we associated CD with a frameshift mutation in CSF2RB.
115 ere found to have at least one allele with a frameshift mutation in DOK7 exon 7, suggesting that loss
116  direct DNA sequencing, we have identified a frameshift mutation in exon 1 of KRT5 in the proband fro
117        Tapasin loss is caused by a germ-line frameshift mutation in exon 3 (TAPBP(684delA)) along wit
118 exome sequencing, we identified a homozygous frameshift mutation in EXPH5 in three siblings with inhe
119 ne receptor M3 (CHRM3) (1q41-q44) homozygous frameshift mutation in familial congenital bladder malfo
120 g AD came from flaky tail mice, which have a frameshift mutation in Flg and also carry an unknown gen
121        We report an ultra-rare, heterozygous frameshift mutation in FZD5 (p.Ala219Glufs*49) that was
122 ine the effect of microsatellite length upon frameshift mutation in gene-specific sequence contexts,
123  Restoration of pathogenicity by repair of a frameshift mutation in GPCMV gene GP129 using this appro
124 ient patient lack XLF due to an inactivating frameshift mutation in its gene, and that reintroduction
125 bouriffe (ebo/ebo) harbors a homozygous 2-bp frameshift mutation in Lrrc8a that truncates the 15 term
126 lele frequency of 0.1% and found a recessive frameshift mutation in MYL4 that causes early-onset atri
127         In the fifth family, we identified a frameshift mutation in NNT, a nuclear-encoded mitochondr
128 and functional evidence demonstrating that a frameshift mutation in one paralog, Helianthus annuus FT
129                       An MNV replicon with a frameshift mutation in open reading frame 2 (ORF2) that
130                                            A frameshift mutation in pgp1 of our laboratory isolate of
131 n another family, we discovered a homozygous frameshift mutation in PSPH, the gene encoding phosphose
132 ygome/exome analysis identified a homozygous frameshift mutation in RSPRY1 with resulting nonsense-me
133 ous cell carcinomas identified a case with a frameshift mutation in SCCRO that putatively codes for a
134 ete PAI-1 deficiency because of a homozygous frameshift mutation in SERPINE-1.
135  that stochastically becomes functional by a frameshift mutation in single cells.
136 tified a homozygous 1-bp deletion inducing a frameshift mutation in STAG3 on chromosome 7.
137 exome sequencing revealed a novel homozygous frameshift mutation in the basic helix-loop-helix transc
138 f the COL13A1 c.1171delG (p.Leu392Sfs( *)71) frameshift mutation in the C2C12 cell line reduced acety
139 lpha1PV is a dominant negative mutant with a frameshift mutation in the carboxyl-terminal 14 amino ac
140                                 In humans, a frameshift mutation in the coding sequence of the DLX3 g
141 s rat is severely osteopetrotic because of a frameshift mutation in the colony-stimulating factor-1 (
142 er disrupted the start codon or introduced a frameshift mutation in the early coding region, ensuring
143               Genome sequencing identified a frameshift mutation in the eccCa1 gene.
144 uria, we identified a homozygous deleterious frameshift mutation in the gene CUBN, which encodes cubu
145 osome 1p36-p35 and identified a heterozygous frameshift mutation in the gene encoding atrial natriure
146                           A novel homozygous frameshift mutation in the gene encoding for LAT was ide
147 ere ketoacidosis and identified a homozygous frameshift mutation in the gene encoding monocarboxylate
148 equencing identified a heterozygous germline frameshift mutation in the gene encoding nitrogen permea
149 tified a spontaneous genomic duplication and frameshift mutation in the guanine exchange factor dedic
150 p A streptococcus carriage strain contains a frameshift mutation in the hasA gene resulting in loss o
151                                            A frameshift mutation in the human TWIK-related spinal cor
152 ess using oligonucleotides that correct a -1 frameshift mutation in the LYS2 gene of Saccharomyces ce
153 differences that might be found, including a frameshift mutation in the mycocerosic acid synthase gen
154 varian failure (POF) identified a homozygous frameshift mutation in the STAG3 gene leading to a prema
155     Unexpectedly, these data also revealed a frameshift mutation in the UL13 kinase in our strain F i
156         Positional cloning revealed an early frameshift mutation in tmie, the zebrafish ortholog of t
157 ailable from one patient showed a homozygous frameshift mutation in tripeptidyl peptidase II (TPP2) a
158 ed and a C. trachomatis isolate containing a frameshift mutation in trpR was isolated.
159 ons was rescued by a secondary, compensatory frameshift mutation in U(L)41.
160 l cancers from two independent cohorts where frameshift mutations in 19 genes were analyzed and CD3(+
161 heterozygous ACTB deletions and nonsense and frameshift mutations in 33 individuals with developmenta
162 d either homozygous or compound heterozygous frameshift mutations in 4 of 33 unrelated cases of LQTS
163  The two evolved cell lines showed different frameshift mutations in a stretch of eight adenosines in
164 de novo heterozygous missense, nonsense, and frameshift mutations in BCL11A, encoding a transcription
165 onsense-mediated mRNA decay in patients with frameshift mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2.
166  strong selection against indels that caused frameshift mutations in coding regions.
167                             Genes containing frameshift mutations in colon cancer cell line have been
168 k established between CD8(+) TIL density and frameshift mutations in colorectal cancer.
169 iseases, with higher frequencies of nonsense/frameshift mutations in DLBCL compared with FL.
170                                              Frameshift mutations in exon 12 of the nucleophosmin gen
171       After <SPTX, patients with nonsense or frameshift mutations in exons 2, 9, and 10 had a signifi
172                  Animals carrying 3 distinct frameshift mutations in fga were raised and bred to prod
173 us exonic deletions, nonsense mutations, and frameshift mutations in five further unrelated families
174 lysis of patients revealed several different frameshift mutations in intron 6 or exon 7 of KRT10.
175  rare, autosomal dominant disorder caused by frameshift mutations in KRT10 or KRT1 and characterized
176    Expression of LCA-associated dominant CRX frameshift mutations in mouse retina mimicked the CrxRip
177 failure and identified compound heterozygous frameshift mutations in NSMCE2.
178           We identified two missense and one frameshift mutations in one Pakistani and two Turkish fa
179 enotype resulted from nonsense, missense, or frameshift mutations in prfA Five strains carried hly mu
180 re is thought to reflect the accumulation of frameshift mutations in sequences that are repeated with
181     Here we show that missense, nonsense and frameshift mutations in SLC6A5, encoding the presynaptic
182                                              Frameshift mutations in the calreticulin (CALR) gene are
183                                    Recently, frameshift mutations in the caveolar structural protein
184 re, we report the identification of frequent frameshift mutations in the coding mononucleotide repeat
185 ymptomatic carriers, we identified recurrent frameshift mutations in the cohesin-associated factor PD
186 ditional 1515 CD cases and 7052 controls for frameshift mutations in the colony-stimulating factor 2-
187 is study implicate KRT1 and KRT10 C-terminal frameshift mutations in the high frequency of revertant
188 uncating frameshift, missense, or homozygous frameshift mutations in the last exon.
189       Compared with the exclusive activating frameshift mutations in the proline, glutamic acid, seri
190 oth type 2P (CMT2P) has been associated with frameshift mutations in the RING domain of LRSAM1 (an E3
191 ereditary spastic paraplegia (HSP) caused by frameshift mutations in the SPG20 gene that results in a
192 some MSI-H CRC cells despite the presence of frameshift mutations in the TGFBR2 gene because the muta
193 ome (>77,400 for 5- to 20-nt HP tracts), and frameshift mutations in these regions are likely to disr
194 en probands had newly identified nonsense or frameshift mutations in this gene.
195 ilies, we identified heterozygous C-terminal frameshift mutations in TREX1, which encodes a 3'-5' exo
196 y microsatellite instability (MSI-H) develop frameshift mutations in tumor suppressors as part of the
197 ty as well as for the majority of UV-induced frameshift mutations in yeast.
198 ndary somatic loss-of-function (nonsense and frameshift) mutations in SAMD9 rescued the growth-restri
199 igation of an apparent correlation between a frameshifting mutation in the canonical first exon of NO
200 utation (one missense, one nonsense, and one frameshift mutation) in GPR126.
201                            In addition, four frameshift mutations including three novel mutations of
202     Interestingly, the percentage of overall frameshift mutations increased from 71 (37 degrees C) to
203 state carcinoma cell line homozygous for the frameshift mutation induced altered regulation of severa
204 bineering strategy to introduce simultaneous frameshift mutations into the flanking Hoxa9, Hoxa10 and
205                            Selection against frameshift mutation is a main constraint on tandem repea
206                               In family 1, a frameshift mutation L330fsdel17ins9 (c.987 1003del17ins9
207  function as a transcription factor, or were frameshift mutations leading to TCF12 truncated for this
208                                         This frameshift mutation leads to a caveolin-1 protein that c
209                                         This frameshift mutation leads to caveolin-1 protein that con
210 omatic NF1 loss was different in each tumor (frameshift mutation, loss of heterozygosity, and methyla
211    These results provide insight into how -1 frameshift mutations might be generated for the PdG addu
212 indicated that loss of expression was due to frameshift mutations, mostly by addition or deletion of
213 ibuting to A-->T and A-->C transversions and frameshift mutations observed in cells following treatme
214 lls from four members of a family in which a frameshift mutation of disrupted in schizophrenia 1 (DIS
215                                      A novel frameshift mutation of four-and-a-half LIM domain 1 gene
216                                  We observed frameshift mutations of CDKN1B in 14 of 180 SI-NETs, and
217  mutated sequences as those of patients with frameshift mutations of the THRA gene.
218 rtaken to characterize the effects of a TPP1 frameshift mutation on the retina in Dachshunds.
219             One patient had exon 1 C31LfsX34 frameshift mutation, one had exon 4 Q130SfsX130 frameshi
220                       We have identified one frameshift mutation, one splice-site mutation, and two m
221 Polkappa has the highest potential to create frameshift mutations opposite the abasic site.
222  false-positive calls of nonsense mutations, frameshift mutations, or genomic rearrangements for any
223 nonhomologous end joining repair, leading to frameshift mutations, or homology-directed repair using
224 moter methylation (P = .04), p53 nonsense or frameshift mutations (P = .01), and a gene expression si
225 deletion in exon 6 at codon 260 results in a frameshift mutation, p.Asp260fs, altering residues 260-2
226 s included a complete deletion of RTN2 and a frameshift mutation predicted to produce a highly trunca
227                 The mutations included three frameshift mutations, predicted to encode truncated prot
228       We discovered multiple exon deletions, frameshift mutations, premature stop codons, and transcr
229 on of translation occurred downstream of the frameshift mutation, probably at the BRCA1-Met-297 codon
230       We used a minigene system to study two frameshift mutations, R1032Gfs 25 and D1037Rfs 82.
231 xonucleases ExoI and ExoVII display elevated frameshift mutation rates but not base substitution muta
232                       Significant changes in frameshift mutation rates were also observed in some hyb
233 feU gene of E. coli K-12 is cryptic due to a frameshift mutation - repair of the single-base-pair del
234 owed a clear phenotype-genotype correlation: Frameshift mutations resulted in severe phenotypes with
235                                              Frameshift mutations resulting in a truncated Riz1 incap
236 sent in T-ALL are predominantly heterozygous frameshift mutations resulting in truncation of the C-te
237 enerate single-base deletions (also known as frameshift mutations) resulting from DNA template-strand
238 ce isolate, where the gene is disrupted by a frameshift mutation, resulting in a pseudogene.
239 premature stop codon introduced by the CHADL frameshift mutation results in nonsense-mediated decay o
240                                         This frameshift mutation results in the loss of the stop codo
241                                          The frameshift mutation results in the production of a trunc
242 4.0 x 10(-12), odds ratio (OR) = 16.7) and a frameshift mutation, rs532464664 (p.Val330Glyfs*106), in
243 tive to valine-resistance assay that detects frameshift mutations showed that mutagenesis is elevated
244                     MSI tumors had increased frameshift mutations, showed genetic evidence of immunoe
245                                     This new frameshift mutation shows that overlapping DSPP mutation
246   Null alleles with ACC2 nonsense mutations, frameshift mutations, small deletions, genomic rearrange
247 n PTPN22 was identified, including two novel frameshift mutations (ss538819444 and rs371865329) and t
248 cluded the possibility of a gain-of-function frameshift mutation such as those found in loricrin or c
249 athway is known to increase the frequency of frameshift mutations suggesting competition between thes
250                           A novel homozygous frameshift mutation (T base deletion at nucleotide posit
251 ble mutant that induces even higher rates of frameshift mutation than does the wild-type hAAG; the Y1
252 hotobacterial cqsA genes harbour a conserved frameshift mutation that abolishes CAI-1 production.
253  three SMO missense mutations, and one PTCH1 frameshift mutation that are novel and have not been doc
254 al, TERT, revealed a missense mutation and a frameshift mutation that cosegregated with pulmonary dis
255                       First, OG1X contains a frameshift mutation that inactivates the etaR response r
256 orchidism, and absent puberty), a homozygous frameshift mutation that is predicted to disrupt the 3 C
257                  The duplication predicted a frameshift mutation that led to a premature stop codon a
258 ant AdEasyE1Delta2347, which carries the Hr6 frameshift mutation that prevents production of the E1B
259 it pays off handsomely, identifying a single frameshift mutation that segregates with the disease.
260 ong necrotizing fasciitis cases has a unique frameshift mutation that truncates MtsR, a transcription
261                         One tumor harbored a frameshift mutation that was germline in origin, thus re
262 ve evolution in haplotypes segregating for a frameshift mutation that was previously thought to indic
263 ontaining either an internal stop codon or a frameshift mutation that would render the protein produc
264 ding to Nal(r) and for base substitution and frameshift mutations that occur in the lacZ gene.
265 tations that fall on interfaces and nonsense/frameshift mutations that result in truncated negative r
266 6%) and consisted exclusively of nonsense or frameshift mutations that truncated the coding region at
267      All the variants are either nonsense or frameshift mutations that, in representative cases, resu
268 s as a potential mechanism leading to an N-1 frameshift mutation, the nick left after the removal of
269 ne repair, leading to substitution and short frameshift mutations, they are both a source of genome d
270                          The introduction of frameshift mutations to exon 11 resulted in nonsense-med
271             We demonstrate that nonsense and frameshift mutations trigger NMD, providing further evid
272                                          One frameshift mutation (truncation at amino acid 1171) pred
273 a homozygous p.D18fs*13 TRDN-encoded triadin frameshift mutation was discovered in a 10-year-old fema
274                       An independent de novo frameshift mutation was identified in a child with idiop
275                                 A homozygous frameshift mutation was identified in LRAT in 4 patients
276                              Consequently, a frameshift mutation was identified in mucA, a key regula
277                                            A frameshift mutation was introduced that replaced the las
278 sing even further when at least one of these frameshift mutations was present in all tumor cells.
279 essing an NOD2 gene with the Crohn's disease frameshift mutation were only slightly resistant to TNBS
280  that result in amino acid substitutions and frameshift mutations were also observed, though in a rat
281 s repeat domain caused DD, whereas 6 more 3' frameshift mutations were associated with DGI.
282                                              Frameshift mutations were associated with earlier age of
283                       In total, six distinct frameshift mutations were found in eight subjects, and a
284 ere sequenced, and no missense, nonsense, or frameshift mutations were found.
285                                        Novel frameshift mutations were identified in 5 patients.
286                                              Frameshift mutations were introduced into the gag gene s
287                 TIL densities increased when frameshift mutations were present within the ASTE1, HNF1
288 d the VEEV capsid, with a previously defined frameshift mutation, were found to have no detectable ef
289 es); two siblings shared the same homozygous frameshift mutation, whereas one individual with sporadi
290 escribe a new humanized FUS-ALS mouse with a frameshift mutation, which fulfils both criteria: the FU
291 FOS-induced mutation was characterized by +1 frameshift mutations, which increased from 0% in control
292                  These included nonsense and frameshift mutations, which most likely lead to haploins
293 ne confirmed abnormal splicing, leading to a frameshift mutation with early termination.
294 of NCF4 showed compound heterozygosity for a frameshift mutation with premature stop codon and a miss
295 h the G3 site is an established hot spot for frameshift mutation with the model arylamine derivative
296 utations were detected in 47 cases (10%): 46 frameshift mutations with insertion/deletion of one to 2
297                Seven independent missense or frameshift mutations within mshA were identified and cha
298 ensity to promote C-->A transversions and -1 frameshift mutations within poly(dGMP) and poly(dAMP) ru
299 NA deletions, rearrangements, or nonsense or frameshift mutations within the APOA1 gene resulting in
300                        The following 2 novel frameshift mutations within ZEB1 were identified: c.2617

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