


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 rporated in bread dough, and their impact on freshly baked and stored bread properties was assessed.
2                            Here we show that freshly biopsied normal human brain contains abundant al
3 zing samples collected from the parent rock, freshly blasted waste rock (less than 10 days old), and
4  yellow- and red-fleshed, and commercial and freshly blended were analyzed.
5         These findings were recapitulated in freshly brushed HAECs from cells and tissue of asthmatic
6                 The carbon, derived from the freshly collected HABs by calcination in argon without a
7 al and umbilical vein endothelial cells, and freshly collected human buccal epithelial cells in suspe
8 f clinical isolates, we surveyed adhesion of freshly collected IE from children under 5 years of age
9 ulfur isotope composition of DMS analyzed in freshly collected seawater was similar to delta(34)S of
10 switchgrass (dry powder) and bush allamanda (freshly collected) are 44 mW cm(-2) and 51 mW cm(-2) res
11      The fate of newly settled dispersers on freshly colonized oceanic islands is a central theme of
12                      Cucumis sativus L. is a freshly consumed garden vegetable that could be in conta
13 n vitro gastro-small intestinal digestion of freshly cooked and refrigerated potato starch.
14                                              Freshly cooked starch pastes had a paste clarity of 71%,
15                                      For the freshly cooked starch pastes, approximately 88% starch h
16 s by scanning electron microscopy imaging of freshly created surfaces that result from the progressiv
17 ssibly enhanced by chemical reactions at the freshly created surfaces.
18                    Leaching experiments with freshly crushed granodiorite, the dominant bedrock, show
19                                  Exposure of freshly cultured uveal melanoma cells to hypoxia led to
20   The expression of proinflammatory genes in freshly cultured uveal melanoma samples was studied in a
21 ationship with host trees is colonization of freshly dead tissues, but there are also parasites of li
22 began at the onset of acidic drainage in the freshly deglaciated area.
23                                          The freshly deposited Ni film increases in activity by as mu
24  ionizable PFAS ( summation operatorPFAS) in freshly deposited snow (760-3600 pg L(-1)) were 1 order
25  Ratios of individual PFAS concentrations in freshly deposited snow relative to surface snow (CSD/CSn
26            Thus, alpha2AP-PFCs can visualize freshly developed thrombi that might still be susceptibl
27  using an ex vivo enrichment process against freshly disaggregated tumors to purge the repertoire, in
28     Kir2 antagonist caused depolarization of freshly dispersed ICC and colonic smooth muscles, sugges
29                                              Freshly dispersed ICC showed no evidence of functional K
30  adrenaline increased the CO2 sensitivity of freshly dissociated carotid body type I cells in vitro.
31 studied by using in vitro calcium imaging on freshly dissociated MBH neurons.
32 curring immediately after the interaction of freshly dissolved hIAPP with the membrane, but significa
33                                              Freshly dissolved pEAbeta (3-42) contains two alpha-heli
34              Here we examined the binding of freshly-dissolved IAPP as well as pre-formed fibrils wit
35 red by adding dyes, sawdust or essences to a freshly-distiled, much less valuable sample (white cacha
36           Statistical analysis revealed that freshly-distilled and barrel-aged spirits were different
37  but megastigmatrienones are also present in freshly-distilled spirits.
38 med ferric hydroxide was less effective than freshly dosed ferric chloride in accelerating Fe(VI) dec
39 both in vitro--by incubating the drug with a freshly drawn blood sample--and in blood from patients t
40  provide a useful metric for differentiating freshly emitted (SHS) from aged smoke (THS).
41  significantly, with the relative amounts of freshly emitted particles versus aged particles (particl
42        The inclusion of organic compounds in freshly emitted sea spray aerosol (SSA) has been shown t
43 Initial chamber levels of individual VOCs in freshly emitted secondhand smoke (SHS) were in the range
44      A classification of the mixing state of freshly emitted soot particles shows that most of them a
45 nce of aged wildfire smoke may interact with freshly emitted ultrafine particles, resulting in a decr
46 pth, up to 35% less atmospheric warming than freshly-emitted (D(f) approximately 1.8) [corrected] agg
47                                              Freshly enucleated mouse eyes were imaged using two nonl
48 ion enhanced the ability of NK cells to kill freshly established human lymphoblastoid cell lines from
49                       Using non-infected and freshly established or persistent hrHPV-infected keratin
50               Therefore, we examined airways freshly excised from newborn non-CF pigs and CF pigs bef
51     A T helper 17 response was stimulated in freshly excised human skin resulting in significantly up
52  demonstrate penetration of the aptamer into freshly excised human skin using two different fluoresce
53 y aimed to collect mechanical test data from freshly excised lung, obtained from both Sprague-Dawley
54                                 Data from 82 freshly excised melanocytic lesions clinically suspected
55              Lymphocytes were extracted from freshly excised skin SCC tumours and corresponding perip
56 der toward the healthy surrounding tissue on freshly excised specimens from the oral cavity.
57 s during Mohs surgery because large areas of freshly excised tissue can be assessed in real time with
58 surements are fast and can be carried out on freshly excised tissue without any tissue preparation, t
59 olecular phenotyping (QMP) of the surface of freshly excised tissues to determine the presence of dis
60 r content was determined at 170 locations on freshly excised tongue specimens using the Raman bands o
61 to study the Van der Waals interface between freshly exfoliated flakes of the high-T c superconductor
62     The HPLC-DAD-MS/MS method was applied to freshly extracted canola oil samples as well as commerci
63                                          Ten freshly extracted human teeth of each type on each arch
64 aced into the sockets of the mesial roots of freshly extracted mandibular premolar teeth in three min
65 adiation treatments (0, 15, 30 and 60min) on freshly extracted tomato juice quality (physicochemical
66 (copigmentation, non-discolored pigments) of freshly fermented model wine from Cabernet Sauvignon var
67 ferences in the wines, with the color of the freshly fermented model wine obtained from PEF and TV pr
68 mposition between the control and pretreated freshly fermented model wines were not related only to a
69 tent of residual native polyphenols in these freshly fermented model wines.
70                                The growth of freshly formed aerosol particles can be the bottleneck i
71 ions, the polyphenol-like components bind on freshly formed iron hydroxides, a process that affects b
72  These findings show that ICC, when isolated freshly from colonic muscles, expressed a Ba(2+) -sensit
73 sues at a level of sensitivity comparable to freshly frozen tissue.
74 ing, hexyllithium was added to passivate the freshly generated Lix Z NCs.
75 n flow channels and in cultures of suspended freshly grown cells indicated that starvation conditions
76 ates obtained in lab conditions using either freshly grown cells or starved cells to explain reactor
77 ty benchmarking and shelf life evaluation of freshly harvested black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) w
78 es C show similar characteristics to that of freshly harvested fruits.
79 o obtain a naturally sweet wine and by using freshly harvested grapes with the stoppage of the fermen
80 A and CDKN2B and the noncoding gene ANRIL in freshly harvested leukocytes and platelets.
81                                              Freshly harvested papaya fruit were exposed continuously
82 from controlled laboratory measurements of a freshly harvested specimen.
83 ivity gradually declined during storage, and freshly harvested sweetpotatoes also demonstrated higher
84 o correlation between metabolite contents of freshly harvested tubers and starch content or cooking t
85 ynivalenol and zearalenone in 150 samples of freshly harvested wheat grains collected in three region
86 ects), and intersegmental vessel area within freshly hatched live embryos.
87  stents were indistinguishable from those of freshly implanted stents (lipid-core burden index: 50+/-
88 sis, and NIRS findings in a control group of freshly implanted stents, in which any lipid signal orig
89 n pre-existing stents and a control group of freshly implanted stents.
90 stances sharply decrease at the margins of a freshly inflicted wound to increase again as healing beg
91 ed to quiescent mixed chimeras compared with freshly irradiated secondary recipients.
92                            Importantly, even freshly isolated "steady-state" normal luminal progenito
93             Using a patch-clamp technique in freshly isolated (not cultured) pulmonary artery smooth
94 reproducible screening of alpha1C mutants in freshly isolated adult cardiomyocytes in a reliable, tim
95                                           In freshly isolated adult mouse bone marrows, both SALL4 an
96                                           In freshly isolated adult Muller glia, we identified 7 miRN
97 edge detection were comparable with those of freshly isolated adult rabbit ventricular CMs.
98 STIM1 with mCherry and immunofluorescence in freshly isolated adult rat ventricular myocytes and thos
99  IL-13 epigenetic signature was validated in freshly isolated AECs from subjects with asthma and clus
100 m cell markers and more tumorigenic than the freshly isolated Aldefluor-positive cells.
101 ed cytotoxicity (ADCC) were compared between freshly isolated and expanded Treg and effector T cells.
102                               Recruitment of freshly isolated and fluorescence-labeled platelets and
103 re, we established a specific fingerprint of freshly isolated arterial and venous ECs from human umbi
104 urs not only in tumor cell lines but also in freshly isolated B cells from patients and that this act
105 ignaling can activate EBV lytic induction in freshly isolated B cells from peripheral blood mononucle
106 ed when compared with miR-146a expression in freshly isolated BMSCs or control BMSCs cultured in para
107                We have shown previously that freshly isolated BMSCs when induced to express neuronal
108                                              Freshly isolated cardiac myocytes were loaded with the C
109                                           In freshly isolated CD-derived cyst monolayers, we observed
110                             Here we examined freshly isolated CD14 monocytes for gene expression usin
111                                        Using freshly isolated CD31(+) cells from human quadriceps bio
112                                     Although freshly isolated CD56(bright) NK cells produced IFN-gamm
113             IL-4 expression was increased in freshly isolated CD8(+) lupus T cells (SLE: 8.09 +/- 1.9
114 nregulation did not promote rapid killing by freshly isolated CD8(+) T cells.
115 amatically altered adhesion and spreading of freshly isolated CD8(+)/CD103(+) lung tumor-infiltrating
116 ty of RNA loading and short exposure time of freshly isolated cells jointly ensured a high yield of v
117 tribution of surface-sarcolemmal caveolae in freshly isolated cells matches that of intact myocardium
118 reated primary AEC cultures and validated in freshly isolated cells of subjects with and without asth
119 3 mRNA expression by quantitative PCR on the freshly isolated cells or following 24 h of activation.
120 urrent and an increase in [Ca(2+)]i level in freshly isolated cerebral arterial muscle cells (CAMCs),
121 t both human leukemia cell lines and against freshly isolated chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) cell
122 ther confirmed by transcriptomic analysis of freshly isolated club cells and their cultured progeny.
123                                              Freshly isolated club cells express Sca-1 and integrin a
124 e first time, cortical cellular stiffness in freshly isolated contractile vascular smooth muscle cell
125 In this study, we developed a preparation of freshly isolated CPASMCs of normal pregnancy and investi
126                                              Freshly isolated decidua basalis macrophages expressed l
127 did not spontaneously produce IL-12, whereas freshly isolated decidual CD4(+) T cells expressed high
128  concentration signals and ionic currents in freshly isolated DRG neurons.
129                Using microarray profiling on freshly isolated ECs from heart, brain, and liver, we re
130 d protein expression and insulin response in freshly isolated endothelial cells from patients with ty
131 -derived LC, monocyte-derived LC [MDLC], and freshly isolated epidermal LC), we characterize previous
132 one marrow-derived dendritic cells (DCs) and freshly isolated FACS-purified ILCs, we demonstrate that
133 EK) 293 cells and ventricular cardiomyocytes freshly isolated from adult rabbits or genetically modif
134 ial were evaluated in endothelial cell tubes freshly isolated from mouse collecting lymphatic vessels
135 ur results indicate that CD8(+)CD103(+) TIL, freshly isolated from NSCLC specimens, display transcrip
136 to assess autophagic clearance in adipocytes freshly isolated from subcutaneous adipose tissue of obe
137 controlling V(m) of intact endothelial tubes freshly isolated from superior epigastric arteries of C5
138                       Intact endothelium was freshly isolated from superior epigastric arteries of Yo
139 ctrophysiology performed on podocytes of the freshly isolated glomeruli showed enhanced basal TRPC ch
140 cedented detail, even in living podocytes of freshly isolated glomeruli.
141                         Cryopreserved versus freshly isolated hBTSCs were equally able to engraft int
142                         Cryopreserved versus freshly isolated hBTSCs were similar in vitro with respe
143  that were higher for cryopreserved than for freshly isolated hBTSCs.
144                In vitro, platelets activated freshly isolated HSCs (induction of alpha-smooth muscle
145                                              Freshly isolated HSCs from L-FABP(-/-) mice correspondin
146                                              Freshly isolated HSCs from Lxralphabeta(-/-) mice have i
147                                  Analysis of freshly isolated human blood cells found that monocytes
148 otch receptor 1 was constitutively active in freshly isolated human blood eosinophils, and inhibition
149 etry and microscopy and confirmed in primary freshly isolated human CD4(+)CD25(hi)CD127(-) Tregs by c
150 essed the proliferation of melanoma cells in freshly isolated human metastatic melanoma ex vivo and i
151 rol levels using methyl-beta-cyclodextran in freshly isolated human monocytes.
152           UDP-glucose-promoted chemotaxis of freshly isolated human neutrophils also was blocked by P
153                    Here, we demonstrate that freshly isolated human neutrophils can function as antig
154 trated nonenveloped virus failed to activate freshly isolated human pDCs, these cells produced substa
155 ing identified a band corresponding to C3 in freshly isolated human peripheral blood cells that was a
156 HUVECs was found to impair transmigration of freshly isolated human peripheral blood T lymphocytes, b
157 distribution and molecular nature of MSCs in freshly isolated human salivary glands (SGs) as most rep
158 evealed that miR-223 was highly expressed in freshly isolated human, murine, and porcine endothelial
159 hrough PKM2, sensitizes cultured and ex vivo freshly isolated human-renal carcinoma cells to drug-ind
160 gnificantly higher under basal conditions in freshly isolated islets from Fxyd2(-/-) mice compared wi
161 okines and demonstrates that preconditioning freshly isolated islets in culture with IKKbeta SNA-NCs
162 stingly, proteomics and phosphoproteomics of freshly isolated kidney cortex identified either reduced
163 oped a method to generate Ts cell lines from freshly isolated lamina propria lymphocytes from patient
164                                Consistently, freshly isolated LECs from Orai1 knockout embryos displa
165 nergistically triggered the proliferation of freshly isolated Lin(-)IELs and CD3(-)CD56(+) IELs (NK-I
166 CA/B-expressing CD4 T cells colocated within freshly isolated liver tissue (p < 0.001).
167                         We conclude that all freshly isolated lymphoid organ-resident human DCs, but
168 e performed multiparameter flow cytometry on freshly isolated metastatic melanoma samples from 2 coho
169 Thus, we examined the alterations of mRCC in freshly isolated mitochondria from mice brain that were
170                        Oxygen consumption in freshly isolated mitochondria from mice treated with Hon
171 usly reported that a significant fraction of freshly isolated MM cells harbor bortezomib-resistant NF
172                                        Here, freshly isolated monocytes are demonstrated to indeed be
173                                              Freshly isolated monocytes of dysferlinopathy patients s
174 ation of the IDO1 expression and activity in freshly isolated monocytes, plasmacytoid DC (pDC) and in
175 using live time-lapse confocal microscopy in freshly isolated mouse acinar cells during perifusion wi
176              Here, have we demonstrated that freshly isolated mouse and human NK cells express low le
177                                              Freshly isolated mouse ependymoma, glioma and choroid pl
178  photosensitization could be demonstrated in freshly isolated mouse tissues and led to TRP channel-de
179 ell supernatants from mSMG cell cultures and freshly isolated mSMG cells, with and without SS, using
180 cyte-derived macrophages and neutrophils and freshly isolated murine alveolar and pulmonary interstit
181   Compounds 4, 13, 14, and 19 were tested in freshly isolated murine pancreatic acinar cells (PACs) t
182 3 secretion in human monocyte-derived DC and freshly isolated myeloid DC.
183 hat, similar to many other malignant tumors, freshly isolated myeloma cells expressed several carcino
184 nockdown similarly increased INa recorded in freshly isolated myocytes.
185                         Adoptive transfer of freshly isolated natural occurring CD4(+)CD25(+)Foxp3(+)
186 myocyte cell surface antigen, and mixed with freshly isolated neonatal rat ventricular cardiomyocytes
187 icient to reveal metabolic differences among freshly isolated neurons of different types and changes
188                                              Freshly isolated NK cells also produced IFN-gamma in res
189 udy, we investigated IFN-gamma production by freshly isolated NK cells in response to both soluble an
190                    Short-term stimulation of freshly isolated NK cells with cytokines, such as IL-15,
191  requirements for production of IFN-gamma by freshly isolated NK cells.
192 hogenetic protein (BMP)-2 (dTB-BMPs); and 4) freshly isolated nondecellularized natural TBs (nTBs).
193                     Our results suggest that freshly isolated OSCs are not germ stem cells, and are n
194                                  Here we use freshly isolated pancreatic acini that preserve the lumi
195 NA expression was significantly increased in freshly isolated PBMC from affected family members, this
196                                              Freshly isolated PBMC stimulated with heat-killed Mycoba
197                                              Freshly isolated pediatric ALL blasts also expressed hig
198 differences between IgM and IgD signaling in freshly isolated peripheral blood CLL cells and in CLL c
199 bilical veins or cell lines, cocultured with freshly isolated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBM
200 2 was capable of infecting and immortalizing freshly isolated peripheral blood mononuclear cells in c
201 illing the Berlin ARDS definition (n=10), in freshly isolated PMNs from age-matched and sex-matched h
202  of alpha3beta1-dependent gene expression in freshly isolated primary keratinocytes, suggesting that
203  for endothelial ADAM10 in transmigration of freshly isolated primary leukocytes under flow has not b
204                                  We cultured freshly isolated psoriatic epidermal cells, whole psoria
205                                              Freshly isolated psoriatic Mo-MDSCs directly suppressed
206                        IKs was recorded from freshly isolated rabbit ventricular myocytes using whole
207 reased P-gp transport of BODIPY-verapamil in freshly isolated rat brain capillaries.
208 ts on Fru-2,6-P2 metabolism were observed in freshly isolated rat cardiomyocytes treated with amino a
209       Whereas murine renal tubular cells and freshly isolated renal tubules rapidly absorbed RCM, pla
210 ary cultures of proximal tubular cells or in freshly isolated renal tubules revealed that this Xpr1 d
211 ly, <1% of dermal DCs occupied lymphatics in freshly isolated skin.
212                   Single-channel analysis in freshly isolated split-open tubules demonstrated that th
213                               We report that freshly isolated subpopulations of tumor-specific endoth
214 arkers, and inhibited cytokine production of freshly isolated T cells or T cells co-cultured with FRC
215                               In contrast to freshly isolated T lymphocytes, we found that in vitro-c
216                         Furthermore, we used freshly isolated transgenic keratinocytes to show that m
217 bitor necrostatin-1 (Nec-1) does not protect freshly isolated tubules from hypoxic injury.
218 breast cancer-associated adipose tissue from freshly isolated tumors promotes F-actin remodeling, cel
219 ensitive current in A549 cells as well as in freshly isolated type II alveolar epithelial cells from
220                             In vitro, pooled freshly isolated UCB-derived Treg were as suppressive as
221  or tissue culture polystyrene compared with freshly isolated VICs.
222                            The sarcolemma of freshly isolated WT myofibers from denervated muscles al
223 f chromatin from the nuclear substructure of freshly isolated, unfixed cells, followed by caspase tre
224 le cell and transient BK currents (TBKCs) in freshly-isolated DSM cells from NDO patients.
225                                           In freshly-isolated myocytes from rat cerebral resistance a
226 he flies' food source, i.e., attacked and/or freshly killed honeybees.
227                                        Thus, freshly laid eggs were collected and readily distinguish
228                                              Freshly matured seeds exhibit primary dormancy, which pr
229 oting" routes that operate simultaneously in freshly matured seeds.
230 annual plant Arabidopsis thaliana We planted freshly matured, dormant seeds (>180 000) representing >
231 utation accumulation by gene conversion, the freshly mutated copy being corrected by the presence of
232  and mechanism responsible for the growth of freshly nucleated nanoparticles remain largely uncertain
233 luding 519 (77%) archival samples, 155 (23%) freshly obtained samples (collected 45 days or fewer bef
234                                              Freshly obtained tumour samples had significantly lower
235            The benefits and risks of opening freshly occluded intracranial large arteries in patients
236                                              Freshly plated myofibroblasts assemble exogenous FN (488
237 ed Ag-NP of different sizes (10-100 nm) with freshly precipitated and crystalline CuS and ZnS in oxyg
238                                         This freshly precipitated Fe(III) forms the nuclei for the fo
239 VI) decomposition was different from that of freshly precipitated ferric hydroxide from ferric chlori
240 R spectra revealed that water arrangement in freshly precipitated gypsum contained a small amount of
241 ge cartridge, then allowed to react with BF3 freshly preformulated in petroleum ether/tetrahydrofuran
242 rin in orange juice, both when the juice was freshly prepared (not from concentrate) or reconstituted
243 ith sputum eosinophil differential counts in freshly prepared and archived patient samples from a var
244 05) by coronary ligation-induced trapping of freshly prepared autologous platelets (infused before an
245 ts were compared to the samples reacted with freshly prepared DPPH.
246 eviations as low as 0.7 mV after exposure of freshly prepared electrodes for 1 h to aqueous solutions
247 ation as low as 1.7 mV after conditioning of freshly prepared electrodes for 1 h.
248  no treatment, or 5 repeated doses of 500muM freshly prepared FTA loaded HNPs via IN or intravenous (
249                                  Exposure of freshly prepared ISE membranes to humidity prior to thei
250 lin and other peptide hormones released from freshly prepared islets, stimulated directly on a membra
251                                              Freshly prepared multiple emulsions showed good thermal
252 ially aggregated materials and decreased for freshly prepared or heavily aggregated Abeta, suggesting
253 for 1-2 hours, in cell-lysate samples either freshly prepared or previously stored frozen at -80 degr
254 elevation, CSS appeared hyperintense in both freshly prepared ovine eyes and living rat eyes using T2
255                   Assays were repeated using freshly prepared pools, and statistically significant me
256                             Lf absorption by freshly prepared porous 3 mum CaCO3 particles followed b
257                              Lyophilized and freshly prepared reagents within the transfer pipette pr
258                              In contrast, in freshly prepared solutions at pH 6.8, POPC-PDs are compo
259 re, we show that the water contact angles of freshly prepared supported graphene and graphite surface
260 rove or preserve vital quality parameters in freshly prepared tomato juices, and henceforth possesses
261 ences are highlighted and elaborated between freshly prepared, aged under open circuit conditions, an
262 on, and Tenax adsorption were performed with freshly pressed 'Wonderful' juices, commercial juices an
263 y (p<0.05) lower in some industrially versus freshly processed products but not for all products.
264 ing a spontaneous mouse model of GIST and 57 freshly procured human GISTs, we discovered that TAMs di
265                       Mechanical wounding of freshly-pruned canes drastically shortens the time requi
266  study, the effect of mechanical wounding on freshly-pruned canes was tested to increase the inductio
267                    Our data demonstrate that freshly purified allogeneic NK cells can recognize and k
268 egressing tumors triggered TLR9 signaling in freshly recruited myeloid cells appearing within four da
269 surface areas are only recorded for crystals freshly removed from solution and are again attributed t
270                                          The freshly removed tumors, however, lack surface RAE-1 expr
271                                              Freshly replicated DNA molecules initially form multiply
272  regions where DNA segments belonging to two freshly replicated sister DNA molecules form left-handed
273 ayed on to the luminal surface epithelium of freshly resected colon tissue from the Apc(min) mouse an
274 re the main producers of lymphotoxin beta in freshly resected HEV(high) breast tumor samples, and the
275 by analyzing datasets containing images from freshly resected human brain cancer and from a silica ph
276 16(luc) tumors (2-5 mm) were stitched into 1 freshly resected human colon specimen and followed by an
277 blasts and muscle cells were derived from 12 freshly resected human esophagectomy specimens.
278      Fractionation of beta8(high) cells from freshly resected human GBM samples also reveals a requir
279                                              Freshly resected paired lung tissue slices cultured in 1
280                                        Using freshly resected tumor tissue, we describe an optimized
281 al organization of membranes in LBs and LBPs freshly secreted by primary cultures of rat ATII cells h
282                                Additionally, freshly secreted surfactant LBPs exhibit superior activi
283                                  Conversely, freshly seeded scaffolds exhibited very direct and unifo
284 ) T cell evasion, we compared the ability of freshly sorted SIV-specific CD8(+) T cells to readily su
285 , with older sediments being less toxic than freshly spiked sediments.
286 ferential distribution is less pronounced in freshly spread cells, arguing for the existence of a sor
287           Physicochemical property ranges of freshly squeezed and processed juices, and a previously
288 y juices that were not from concentrate, and freshly squeezed juices.
289 m commercial citrus juices and was absent in freshly squeezed ones.
290 ing the shelf life (4 degrees C-180 days) of freshly squeezed orange juice samples processed by both
291 treatment improves the quantum yield of both freshly synthesized (PLQY approximately 90%) and aged na
292                               Interestingly, freshly synthesized and DMSO-solubilized 1 was inactive.
293 rtunity to detect and scrutinize a sample of freshly synthesized r-process elements.
294           "Series 1" compared the effects of freshly thawed cryopreserved umbilical cord-mesenchymal
295                 Our results demonstrate that freshly thawed cryopreserved xeno-free human umbilical c
296  incorporation into or co-precipitation with freshly transformed iron minerals, and partial arsenic r
297 ssays using a synthetic sequence that mimics freshly unwound single-stranded DNA at replication fork
298 isk exposures from penetrating injuries with freshly used hollow-bore needles, developed Ebola virus
299        To test this hypothesis, we collected freshly voided urine at day 1 after birth from neonates
300 etermined that norepinephrine was present in freshly wounded skin, thus providing a potential mechani

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