


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 t spore inside a domed-shaped, multicellular fruiting body.
2 D mounds, and finally sporulation within the fruiting body.
3 gnals progression from the slug stage to the fruiting body.
4 C-signal that directs the morphogenesis of a fruiting body.
5 helps to pattern cell movement and shape the fruiting body.
6 of the outer basal disc and lower cup of the fruiting body.
7  anterior-like cells to the upper cup of the fruiting body.
8 de synthase for antrocamphin biosynthesis in fruiting body.
9  and production of multicellular biofilms or fruiting bodies.
10 shown to restrict bacterial contamination of fruiting bodies.
11 generate three-dimensional aggregates called fruiting bodies.
12 hat results in the formation of spore-filled fruiting bodies.
13 ir range in the nearly still air surrounding fruiting bodies.
14  sites, where they culminate to form sessile fruiting bodies.
15 re differentiation inside Myxococcus xanthus fruiting bodies.
16 aggregates, ensuring that spores form within fruiting bodies.
17 s of PilA and pili as pilT fibA mutants form fruiting bodies.
18 h culminates in the assembly of spore-filled fruiting bodies.
19 stem mutants affect the shape of these early fruiting bodies.
20 oncentration and form aggregates that become fruiting bodies.
21 regate during the formation of multicellular fruiting bodies.
22 ain as migrating slugs when they should form fruiting bodies.
23 the formation of spore-filled, multicellular fruiting bodies.
24 centration; they form aggregates that become fruiting bodies.
25 sulting in small, numerous, and disorganized fruiting bodies.
26 ams that enlarge tiny random aggregates into fruiting bodies.
27 mentally resistant myxospores encased within fruiting bodies.
28  to form larger aggregates that develop into fruiting bodies.
29 during their starvation-induced formation of fruiting bodies.
30 esulting in a small colony covered by sexual fruiting bodies.
31  progression ensures that spores form inside fruiting bodies.
32 xpression with the cell movements that build fruiting bodies.
33  proceeds through development to form mature fruiting bodies.
34 lti-tipped aggregates that mature into small fruiting bodies.
35 on nitrocellulose filters, forming defective fruiting bodies.
36 n and development ending with small, gnarled fruiting bodies.
37 tative medium, but is no longer able to form fruiting bodies.
38  where the parental strain immediately forms fruiting bodies.
39 leaves, germlings form structures resembling fruiting bodies.
40 riminate against nonkin, leading to chimeric fruiting bodies.
41 er in complex ways to form well proportioned fruiting bodies.
42 e C-signaling, which increases as cells form fruiting bodies.
43 t nutrients caused partial disaggregation of fruiting bodies.
44 ortholog, and results in formation of barren fruiting bodies.
45 n low-calorie diets, just like the mushrooms fruiting bodies.
46 entiation, in particular in the formation of fruiting bodies.
47 ng early and incorporate bacteria into their fruiting bodies.
48 eriod of vigorous motility leading to raised fruiting bodies (8 to 16 h), and a period of maturation
49 s indicates that they are capable of forming fruiting body aggregates in the presence of prey, demons
50  bacteria are provided as a nutrient source, fruiting body aggregation is more organized, such that f
51                                In total, 212 fruiting bodies and 106 underlying topsoil samples were
52 ed soil), very efficiently accumulated Hg in fruiting bodies and concentration levels were at 3.7+/-1
53 pression of the operon occurs within nascent fruiting bodies and depends in part on C signaling.
54 ong the fungal communities identified in the fruiting bodies and external mycelial cortices of Chines
55 erence in the fungal communities between the fruiting bodies and external mycelial cortices of Chines
56 a and fluorescence was visible in transgenic fruiting bodies and GFP was detectable in planta.
57 naB(A116V) mutant was unable to develop into fruiting bodies and produced fewer myxospores than the w
58 o erect aerial filaments, which develop into fruiting bodies and spore-bearing structures.
59 estored the ability of a bsgA mutant to form fruiting bodies and spores and, with one exception, rest
60  gene during vegetative growth, formation of fruiting bodies and spores on semi-rich nutrient medium
61 erium that feeds on other bacteria and forms fruiting bodies and spores, depends on poly P for motili
62 he temporal and spatial formation of complex fruiting bodies and sporulation of M. xanthus.
63 is a morphogen that controls the assembly of fruiting bodies and the differentiation of myxospores.
64 ractions suffice to explain the formation of fruiting bodies and the differentiation of spores within
65  of a bsgA mutant and was capable of forming fruiting bodies and viable spores in the absence of the
66 the three isolates produced the confirmatory fruiting bodies and was thus classified as N. pseudofisc
67 ifferentially expressed between mycelium and fruiting body and 242 proteins in the mevalonate pathway
68 ly regulates the steps that together build a fruiting body and differentiate spores within it.
69 Cell-bound C-signal guides the building of a fruiting body and triggers the differentiation of myxosp
70 pping of Con A receptors, and development to fruiting bodies) and does not inhibit growth on plates,
71 l and phenolic compounds (also higher in its fruiting body) and stronger antioxidant activity than P.
72 21, respectively) from Grifola frondosa (GF) fruiting bodies, and evaluating their effects on nitric
73 illuminated from the lamella side, in sliced fruiting bodies, and in the stipes.
74 ing body formation, the morphology of mature fruiting bodies, and the efficiency of sporulation.
75 he lower cup and the outer basal disc of the fruiting body, and DimB retains a high nuclear concentra
76 n in both vegetative structure (thallus) and fruiting body (apothecia) of anthraquinones, secondary m
77 nd mulch-associated fungus with a splash cup fruiting body appearing like a miniature bird's nest of
78                           Most Agaricomycete fruiting bodies are ephemeral, and their fossil record i
79                                              Fruiting bodies are extended vertically in a series of t
80                                     Although fruiting bodies are relatively large structures that con
81                                              Fruiting bodies are smaller and produce fewer spores, wh
82 liding movements to build mounds that become fruiting bodies as some cells differentiate into spores.
83 iaca cells were incapable of building normal fruiting bodies but formed clumps and fungus-like struct
84 o use peptides to trigger sporulation within fruiting bodies, but their sequences have not been defin
85 telium discoideum, which forms multicellular fruiting bodies by aggregation and utilizes two polymorp
86    Myxobacteria build their species-specific fruiting bodies by cell movement and then differentiate
87                The formation of spore-filled fruiting bodies by myxobacteria is a fascinating case of
88 roduction of asexual spores (conidia) within fruiting bodies called conidiomata.
89 s that results in the formation of tree-like fruiting bodies capable of producing spores.
90    Peripheral cells do less C-signaling than fruiting body cells, because they have a different spati
91                                       Sexual fruiting bodies (cleistothecia) can be formed in both ho
92 lta gpgA mutant was unable to produce sexual fruiting bodies (cleistothecia) in self-fertilization an
93 A (dimethylarsinic acid) in Xerocomus badius fruiting bodies collected from selected Polish forests f
94 ails of the internal structure of M. xanthus fruiting bodies consisting of interconnected pockets of
95 adients to the surface of the soil to form a fruiting body consisting of a stalk supporting a spore h
96  discoideum during the formation of chimeric fruiting bodies, consisting of dead stalk cells and viab
97             Extract of processed C. cibarius fruiting bodies contained l-tryptophan, 5-methyltryptoph
98 telium cells aggregate to form multicellular fruiting bodies containing spores that germinate when tr
99 um and, upon starvation, aggregation to form fruiting bodies containing spores.
100 r mounds that differentiate and develop into fruiting bodies containing spores.
101 l process that results in the formation of a fruiting body containing environmentally resistant myxos
102 toxicity similar (sometimes superior) to its fruiting bodies, contrarily to S. bellinii.
103      Previous studies have demonstrated that fruiting body-derived Myxococcus xanthus myxospores cont
104                      Of particular interest, fruiting body-derived myxospores contain a specific two-
105 ronmental conditions: (i) starvation-induced fruiting body development and (ii) predation of other or
106 ing body stages to identify genes regulating fruiting body development and develop EST-SSR markers as
107 cessed, target genes critical for M. xanthus fruiting body development and EPS production in a RAMP-d
108 FruA is a transcription factor essential for fruiting body development and is thought to play a key r
109  waves, termed ripples, during multicellular fruiting body development and predation on other bacteri
110  of progress has been made in the studies of fruiting body development and social gliding in Myxococo
111 ons, but is also required for Pxr to prevent fruiting body development by a developmentally proficien
112 thus is a bacterium displaying multicellular fruiting body development during which approximately 80%
113 molecules per cell and drives the process of fruiting body development forward.
114 een 384 chemicals for complete inhibition of fruiting body development in M. xanthus.
115 ruA is an essential transcription factor for fruiting body development in M. xanthus.
116                                              Fruiting body development in Myxococcus xanthus is a mul
117 tify an sRNA, Pxr, that negatively regulates fruiting body development in Myxococcus xanthus.
118 -like activator gene nla18 causes defects in fruiting body development in Myxococcus xanthus.
119                           Myxococcus xanthus fruiting body development is induced by amino acid limit
120 ls in the early stages of starvation-induced fruiting body development migrate in a highly organized
121 endospore formation by Bacillus subtilis and fruiting body development of Myxococcus xanthus have rev
122      Microcinematography was used to examine fruiting body development of Myxococcus xanthus.
123                          Given the elaborate fruiting body development of this bacterial species, M.
124    In this report, we analyze how M. xanthus fruiting body development proceeds in a coculture with s
125 us xanthus that is proficient at cooperative fruiting body development to evolve while repeatedly enc
126 er cell rises 100-fold from the beginning of fruiting body development to the end, when spores are fo
127                  Then, as myxobacteria begin fruiting body development, a rising level of C-signal in
128 H CsgA is responsible for C signaling during fruiting body development, although the mechanism is unc
129 te to perform group functions highlighted by fruiting body development, an obligate multicellular fun
130         Surface motility, biofilm formation, fruiting body development, and host invasion are some of
131 ional studies indicate that SRY drives early fruiting body development, and hybrid MatA protein carry
132  includes motility, predation, multicellular fruiting body development, and sporulation.
133 ve progress in identifying genes controlling fruiting body development, cell behaviors and cell-cell
134 nscription factor for fruA expression during fruiting body development, was identified using a genomi
135                                     Later in fruiting body development, waves are replaced by streams
136 ns (EBPs) control the temporal expression of fruiting body development-associated genes in Myxococcus
137 , including group motility and multicellular fruiting body development.
138 s produced minor but reproducible defects in fruiting body development.
139 ting a stringent response and for initiating fruiting body development.
140  events that occur during Myxococcus xanthus fruiting body development.
141 tant cells is altered in the early stages of fruiting body development.
142 ive growth resulting in significantly faster fruiting body development.
143 polysaccharide O-antigen and is required for fruiting body development.
144 they were inactivated to look for effects on fruiting body development.
145 uch as sporulation, heterocyst formation and fruiting body development.
146 ertion mutagenesis as an essential locus for fruiting body development.
147 ies of different NtrC-like activators during fruiting body development.
148 at they are deficient in social motility and fruiting body development.
149 nthus is essential for biofilm formation and fruiting body development.
150  differentiation of early sexual tissues, or fruiting body development.
151 M. xanthus genotypes that were defective for fruiting-body development, including several lines that
152                                 Cells inside fruiting bodies differentiate into round, nonmotile, env
153                                 Cells inside fruiting bodies differentiate into round, nonmotile, env
154 isproportionate number of spores in chimeric fruiting bodies do not actually gain higher fitness as a
155 g in the formation of many aggregates called fruiting bodies, each of which contains up to 100,000 sp
156 y, resulting in formation of a spore-bearing fruiting body, evolved at least six times independently
157   With the exception of linoleic acid in cut fruiting bodies, fatty acid concentrations remained almo
158 rowth and multicellular development, forming fruiting bodies filled with spores.
159  including 14-alpha-demethylase (CYP51F1) in fruiting body for converting lanostane to ergostane trit
160 ody aggregation is more organized, such that fruiting bodies form specifically after a step-down or l
161 Che-like Frz pathway, which is essential for fruiting body formation and differentiation.
162 nslocate from the cytoplasm to the membrane, fruiting body formation and EPS production were restored
163   The deletion of fdgA resulted in defective fruiting body formation and reduced sporulation efficien
164 t the identification of a novel inhibitor of fruiting body formation and sporulation, beta-d-allose.
165 netic locus, mrp, which is required for both fruiting body formation and sporulation.
166                                              Fruiting body formation depended on regulatory genes req
167                             We conclude that fruiting body formation does not occur exclusively in re
168                         SigF is required for fruiting body formation during development as well as so
169 pores, whereas DeltagprADeltagprB eliminated fruiting body formation in homothallic conditions.
170 480, and asgC767 and improved the quality of fruiting body formation in the asgB480 mutant.
171 (sRNA) Pxr negatively controls multicellular fruiting body formation in the bacterium Myxococcus xant
172                   Furthermore, inhibition of fruiting body formation occurs only when beta-d-allose i
173                                              Fruiting body formation of Myxococcus xanthus requires t
174                                              Fruiting body formation of Myxococcus xanthus, like biof
175 ch media and for cellular aggregation during fruiting body formation on starvation media.
176 t tan cells may not require yellow cells for fruiting body formation or starvation-induced sporulatio
177 defective in PKB activation, chemotaxis, and fruiting body formation upon nutrient deprivation.
178 pB deletion mutant exhibited a 24 h delay in fruiting body formation, accumulated less glycogen in th
179 hus includes co-ordinated group movement and fruiting body formation, and requires directed motility
180  When expressed in M. xanthus, NafA restored fruiting body formation, EPS production, and S-motility
181 n protein on the cell surface, is delayed in fruiting body formation, produces fewer spores, is delay
182                       During this process of fruiting body formation, short-range C-signaling between
183 ting events in high CO2 but not later steps (fruiting body formation, sporulation), indicating a majo
184 n in the EBP gene nla4 affects the timing of fruiting body formation, the morphology of mature fruiti
185 etion of the pfk-pkn4 operon did not inhibit fruiting body formation, the spore yield was low.
186 the tan vegetative cells that contributed to fruiting body formation.
187  processes involving vegetative swarming and fruiting body formation.
188  signals to ensure appropriate timing during fruiting body formation.
189  cycle that includes swarming, predation and fruiting body formation.
190 tants on single cell reversals, swarming and fruiting body formation.
191 reversals required for directed motility and fruiting body formation.
192 s requires gliding motility for swarming and fruiting body formation.
193 reas a step-up in prey availability inhibits fruiting body formation.
194 rtant clues about the mechanisms involved in fruiting body formation.
195 red for beta-d-allose-mediated inhibition of fruiting body formation.
196 n timing events during the initial stages of fruiting body formation.
197 al model that reproduces the early stages of fruiting body formation.
198 nd reversal rates during the early stages of fruiting body formation.
199 us is essential for social (S-) motility and fruiting body formation.
200 ing that both SfaD and GpgA are required for fruiting body formation.
201 eas regions were defective in S-motility and fruiting body formation.
202 ed with the initiation of asexual and sexual fruiting body formation.
203 rdinates its motility during aggregation and fruiting body formation.
204 ort directional motility during swarming and fruiting body formation.
205 ding social motility, predatory rippling and fruiting body formation.
206 outside colonized D. discoideum spores after fruiting body formation; this observation, together with
207  one continuous simulation all the stages of fruiting-body formation that have been experimentally ob
208 ination and cheating behavior during asexual fruiting-body formation.
209  cycle that includes vegetative swarming and fruiting-body formation.
210 s edodes (shiitake mushroom) associated with fruiting-body formation.
211 enced the 18S rRNA genes of the coprophilic, fruiting body-forming amoeba Guttulinopsis vulgaris and
212  and patterns of diversity within and across fruiting body groups were examined.
213  The organization of Myxococcus xanthus into fruiting bodies has long been studied not only as an imp
214  three-dimensional structure of myxobacteria fruiting bodies has previously presented a challenge due
215 te determination during morphogenesis of the fruiting body; however, transcriptomic and proteomic stu
216 ol (vitamin D(2)) formation was immediate in fruiting bodies illuminated from the lamella side, in sl
217 gulates the size of Dictyostelium discoideum fruiting bodies in part by regulating cell-cell adhesion
218 gation in phase 2, and disintegration of the fruiting bodies in the third phase.
219 can aggregate and develop into multicellular fruiting bodies in which many die altruistically as they
220  cells glide to aggregation centers and form fruiting bodies in which rod-shaped cells differentiate
221                            This slug forms a fruiting body in which about a fifth of cells die to for
222  cells coordinate their movements to build a fruiting body in which spores form.
223 A in alrA- cells causes cells to form normal fruiting bodies, indicating that AlrA affects group size
224 he world, but those studies focused on their fruiting bodies instead of other presentations, such as
225 king and the self-organization of cells into fruiting bodies is an active area of research.
226 ons, the spacing and location of the nascent fruiting bodies is determined by the wavelength and patt
227                        The inability to form fruiting bodies is not due to a loss of S-motility, but
228          We also show that the myxobacterial fruiting body is more resistant to predation by worms th
229                               Ten M. xanthus fruiting bodies isolated from soil were surveyed for var
230 As in Cremini was distributed throughout the fruiting body, it was localized to the hymenophore regio
231 anscript are required for differentiation of fruiting bodies, karyogamy, meiosis, and efficient forma
232 mpA and ecmB in the lower cup and the mutant fruiting bodies lack a basal disc.
233  systems to self-organize into multicellular fruiting bodies, large mounds in which cells differentia
234 iding motility and initially is able to form fruiting bodies like the wild type when starved for nutr
235 with complex architectural features, such as fruiting-body-like aerial projections whose tips serve a
236  amoebae aggregate upon starvation to form a fruiting body made of dead stalk cells and reproductive
237 ossibly chimeric (genetically heterogeneous) fruiting body made of dead stalk cells and spores.
238                Mutants exhibiting defects in fruiting body morphogenesis also produce fewer viable sp
239 rtion mutants that block the final stages of fruiting body morphogenesis and reduce sporulation effic
240 nalling system mediated by CsgA and restores fruiting body morphogenesis and spore differentiation.
241 bA active site residue E342 is important for fruiting body morphogenesis in the absence of PilA.
242  group 2 PdsA gene resulted in disruption of fruiting body morphogenesis, but left aggregation unaffe
243 to respond to PE and the observed defects in fruiting body morphogenesis.
244  mutant, but was more effective at restoring fruiting body morphogenesis.
245 A5 and pktB8 with respect to aggregation and fruiting body morphology, but that pktA5 and pktB8 were
246 indole compounds identified in the processed fruiting bodies of A. mellea.
247                 One knockout mutant produced fruiting bodies of abnormal shape that depended on the c
248 the levels of eight metallic elements in the fruiting bodies of Bay Bolete (Boletus badius; current n
249        Along with the abundance of cospin in fruiting bodies of C. cinerea and the lack of trypsin-li
250 tely from the external mycelial cortices and fruiting bodies of Chinese Cordyceps from different samp
251  was to evaluate the chemical composition of fruiting bodies of P. ostreatus grown on blank and print
252             Methanolic extracts of processed fruiting bodies of six edible mushroom species (Basidiom
253 y associated with development of the asexual fruiting bodies of the fungus on certain substrates.
254                                          The fruiting bodies of the fungus Phycomyces blakesleeanus a
255                                              Fruiting bodies of the oyster mushroom Pleurotus ostreat
256 g multicellular aggregates that develop into fruiting bodies of viable spores and dead stalk cells.
257                                   The mature fruiting body of Dictyostelium consists of stalk and spo
258 ing does not spread to neighboring asci in a fruiting body of mixed genetic constitution.
259  nutritional and chemical composition of the fruiting bodies; optimize the preparation of bioactive p
260 ed by starvation inside cell aggregations of fruiting bodies or is induced artificially by glycerol i
261  and secrete cellulose coats but do not form fruiting bodies or significant numbers of viable spores.
262                                          The fruiting bodies, or mushrooms, of terrestrial fungi have
263 ally to mat A males (conidia) or form mature fruiting bodies (perithecia) or meiotic progeny (ascospo
264 ing sonication-resistant spores, and compact fruiting bodies persisted after nutrient addition.
265 ng, but for two of the strains the resulting fruiting bodies remained flattened mounds of cells.
266               Sporulation within the nascent fruiting body requires signaling between moving cells in
267 ns (Deltapkn8 and Deltapkn14) developed into fruiting bodies significantly faster than that of the pa
268  complex of polypeptides, inhibits group and fruiting body size.
269 e photosensory input for phototropism of the fruiting body sporangiophores, but the madC gene has rem
270 vegetative cells with the proteome of mature fruiting body spores.
271 s during Bailinggu's mycelia, primordia, and fruiting body stages to identify genes regulating fruiti
272 opmental process that produces a dome-shaped fruiting body structure filled with differentiated cells
273 molyte in certain mushrooms to help maintain fruiting body structure.
274 vior is the aggregation of cells into raised fruiting body structures in which cells differentiate in
275 n fruiting bodies was much lower than across fruiting bodies, suggesting that migration across even s
276 e resulting spore population of a M. xanthus fruiting body than the tan vegetative cells that contrib
277  the Asd-4 mutant with wild-type resulted in fruiting bodies that appeared to be normal macroscopical
278 deum when migrating slugs differentiate into fruiting bodies that contain persistent spores on top of
279 larly by reducing chimerism in multicellular fruiting bodies that develop near colony-territory borde
280 length determines the spacing and pattern of fruiting bodies that will rise up presaging sporulation.
281 rate into defined tissues and develop into a fruiting body that consists of a stalk and spores.
282 at eventually produced aerial structures, or fruiting bodies, that served as preferential sites for s
283 oach the top of the stalk in a Dictyostelium fruiting body, they rapidly encapsulate in response to t
284 phatidylethanolamine and to form well-spaced fruiting bodies, though substantial aggregation was obse
285  millimeters of nearly still air surrounding fruiting bodies to reach dispersive air flows.
286 s adenylyl cyclase can develop so as to form fruiting bodies under some conditions if PKA is made con
287     Upon starvation they build multicellular fruiting bodies using a developmental program that progr
288            However, genetic variation within fruiting bodies was much lower than across fruiting bodi
289                                   Bay Bolete fruiting bodies were collected from the forest area near
290                              Eight of the 10 fruiting bodies were found to be internally diverse, wit
291 ucibly induce hundreds of randomly localized fruiting bodies when exposed to low nutrient availabilit
292 ents are plentiful and to form developmental fruiting bodies when nutrients are limiting.
293 lls that grow into complex structures called fruiting bodies, where they later sporulate.
294 y some of the initial aggregates mature into fruiting bodies, whereas others disperse, merge, or spli
295  but it has never been observed to produce a fruiting body, which calls to question its capacity for
296 lation of myxobacteria aggregates to build a fruiting body whose shape is species-specific and within
297 m discoideum, a social slime mold that forms fruiting bodies with spores, depends on inorganic polyph
298 nisms but aggregate upon starvation and form fruiting bodies with viable spores and dead stalk cells.
299 owed reduced aggregation and failure to form fruiting bodies with viable spores.
300 earn how myxococcus builds its multicellular fruiting body within which it differentiates spores.

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