


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 y that relies on the principle of 'energetic frustration'.
2 essure or magnetic field, which enhances the frustration.
3 rdered region, which modulates the degree of frustration.
4 onal antiferromagnet, even in the absence of frustration.
5 es are more malleable and dominated by local frustration.
6 ate nor core etching, because of geometrical frustration.
7 t native-centric forces is conceptualized as frustration.
8 xhibiting interesting magnetism such as spin frustration.
9 structure-based model with minimal energetic frustration.
10 tic 'fingerprints' associated with geometric frustration.
11 egory of materials able to exhibit geometric frustration.
12 ins to separate cleanly because of geometric frustration.
13 udy conformational dynamics connected to the frustration.
14 ing" was positively related with experienced frustration.
15 ould be elaborated to capture this source of frustration.
16 mational energy, with little or no energetic frustration.
17 at manipulated emotional demands and induced frustration.
18  is in keeping with the principle of minimal frustration.
19 e oxide slowly interact and develop magnetic frustration.
20 allow us to study the local accommodation of frustration.
21 peratures, the scale of which may imply weak frustration.
22  barriers and therefore different degrees of frustration.
23 ailable to the protein and cause topological frustration.
24 verned by the principle of minimal energetic frustration.
25 magnetic exchange interaction induces a high frustration.
26 relation than proteins with larger energetic frustration.
27 for the detailed study of geometric magnetic frustration.
28 ates of matter, enriched by ingredients like frustration.
29 d version of a webserver that measures local frustration.
30 ivid the origin of this principle of optimal frustration.
31 ractions in the protein and is also known as frustration.
32 g emergent charges arising from kagome Ising frustration.
33  state, while also reducing the LuFe2O4 spin frustration.
34 enes (TSGs) induce very different changes in frustration.
35 lume change upon spin transition and elastic frustration.
36 rvation rather than relief of the effects of frustration.
37 ergy landscape, a consequence of the minimal frustration achieved by evolution in sequences, explains
38   Our results indicate that changes in local frustration also affect partitioning in vivo between spo
39 t a particular patient's disease all lead to frustration among patients, family and the physicians.
40                   In particular, geometrical frustration among spins in magnetic materials can lead t
41 ars to be mediated by macromolecular packing frustration, an entropic contribution to the interpartic
42 s are delicately balanced, leading to strong frustration and a near degeneracy of different ground st
43  interactions, symmetry breaking, structural frustration and confinement-induced entropy loss can pla
44 o investigate many-body phenomena related to frustration and disorder in a material that could be tai
45 a source of social conflict that can lead to frustration and even bloodshed.
46 healthy comparison groups reported increased frustration and exhibited decreased ability to shift spa
47 nker includes therefore sites of R:C complex frustration and frustration-relieving mutations enhance
48                   This engenders feelings of frustration and futility in both patients and the dermat
49 lement in the system, finding a link between frustration and ground-state entanglement.
50                                This leads to frustration and highly degenerate ground states the natu
51  of knots via the interplay of the geometric frustration and intrinsic chirality.
52 ttle is known about the relationship between frustration and its underlying sequence determinants.
53 hus allowing versatile tuning of geometrical frustration and manipulation of ground state configurati
54 , and analysis of the coupling between local frustration and metal binding interactions for a glycine
55 e lattice distortions that partially relieve frustration and produce ground states with zigzagging st
56                                    Geometric frustration and quantum fluctuations can happen beyond m
57                                    Geometric frustration and quantum fluctuations may prohibit the fo
58              Spin glasses are founded in the frustration and randomness of microscopic magnetic inter
59 ty of the H-bond network in cellulose due to frustration and redundancy in the placement of H-bonds.
60  does not exist due to a lack of geometrical frustration and sheds light on the nature of disorder.
61 cal coupling parameters reflect this lack of frustration and strongly distinguish like-charge electro
62 ry of the self-assembled structures leads to frustration and the assembly of unique materials.
63 tric and regular structures may give rise to frustration and thus result in degeneracy.
64 lay between membrane elasticity, geometrical frustration, and achiral symmetry breaking can be used t
65 can lead to delays in patient care, provider frustration, and patient anxiety.
66 ion of their full impact, causing confusion, frustration, and possibly patient harm.
67 ent electronic/magnetic structures caused by frustration, and the findings lead us to propose a class
68 inhibitors illustrates the unpredictability, frustrations, and potential rewards of drug development
69 al stresses-an intrinsic signature of glassy frustration-anharmonicity and low-frequency vibrational
70                                              Frustration appears to reduce attention flexibility, par
71 magnetism, systems incorporating geometrical frustration are fascinating, as their behavior is not on
72 , at least two very different definitions of frustration are used.
73 rototypical system in three dimensions where frustration arises from competing interactions rather th
74                                    Geometric frustration arises when lattice structure prevents simul
75 es, and improving collaboration may mitigate frustration arising from differences in perspective.
76                          Roma et al. offered frustration as explanation of their findings, yet failed
77 e results enabled us to identify the elastic frustration as the fundamental mechanism at the origin o
78 hindered either from the complete removal of frustration (as in the widely used Go-like models) or fr
79  in n-butanol is in fact caused by geometric frustration associated with an isotropic to rippled lame
80 nd spin texture associated with the magnetic frustration at the bar vertices.
81  the significantly reduced curvature-induced frustration at the convex interfaces of the normal gyroi
82                               We expect this frustration-based model of allostery will prove to be ge
83                               The concept of frustration between competing geometrical or bonding mot
84 nd hydrophobic interactions, pointing to the frustration between competing interactions.
85 rged species as resulting from a topological frustration between local homonuclear and long-ranged he
86  complex soft-matter self-assembly, by using frustration between space filling and the entropic penal
87 ed states of matter that emerge from quantum frustration between spin and orbital degrees of freedom.
88                        This process suggests frustration between two partially ordered forms of the p
89 more arousal than comparison subjects during frustration, but behavioral and psychophysiological perf
90                     We control the amount of frustration by continuously tuning the range of interact
91 ificial ices enable the study of geometrical frustration by design and through direct observation.
92 ident lattice, but also demonstrate how this frustration-by-design concept can deliver magnetically f
93 a two-dimensional lattice geometry where the frustration can be controlled by tuning the unit cell pa
94 e an uncharted arena in which the physics of frustration can be directly visualized.
95                 Here, we show that geometric frustration can be exploited as a vehicle for conductivi
96 viors illustrates that the degree of elastic frustration can be manipulated by molecular guests, whic
97             In the case of quantum networks, frustration can lead to massively entangled ground state
98 raph theory, we demonstrate that topological frustrations can be avoided while simultaneously preserv
99 ons, folding routes experiencing topological frustrations can be either enhanced or relieved.
100                          Such a conflict, or frustration, can result in the formation of partially mi
101 negative feedback received in the context of frustration, children with severe, chronic irritability
102  models built using the principle of minimal frustration commonly employed in the investigation of pr
103 ral response to positive feedback during the frustration condition did not differ between groups.
104 bility to shift spatial attention during the frustration condition relative to the nonfrustration con
105                                       In the frustration condition, children with narrow-phenotype bi
106                                   During the frustration condition, participants in the severe mood d
107 ulating synthesis", we reveal that geometric frustration confers, on a system at ambient temperature,
108                                              Frustration, defined as a competition between interactio
109 t massively destabilizes the complex through frustration, does not participate in specificity directl
110                       Moreover, the level of frustration due to evolutionary conflict dictates the de
111                      An account based on the frustration effect accommodates these results and those
112         Nevertheless, they found that only a frustration effect accounted for both their data and tho
113  interactions and their abundances due to a "frustration" effect: Strengthening of functional interac
114                    In this paper, we observe frustration effects in quasicrystal artificial spin ice
115  Kondo, crystal electric field, and magnetic frustration effects may be present, resulting in low tem
116 ce of soft elastic modes have little elastic frustration: Energy is insensitive to most directions in
117 rromagnetic net structure, allowing study of frustration-enhanced magnetocaloric effects in a finite
118 tacts, a conflict we term electronic packing frustration (EPF).
119 ble crystallographic signatures of geometric frustration: excess volume and correlated "snake-like" i
120 redictions based on the principle of minimum frustration, fast-folding sequences match their Go-like
121 eoretical folding path and minimal degree of frustration for a protein based on its natively folded c
122 igma of the varicocele, although a source of frustration for clinicians, has been a siren call for re
123 ronic pancreatitis remains a great source of frustration for clinicians.
124 sults demonstrate the importance of chemical frustration for understanding biomolecular energy landsc
125 cular importance for metallic systems, where frustration forms the basis for the design of metallic g
126 hich a local Hamiltonian is guaranteed to be frustration-free by lifting Shearer's theorem from class
127     Here we introduce a continuous family of frustration-free Hamiltonians with exactly solvable grou
128                                              Frustration-free Hamiltonians, in turn, play a central r
129 ero energy, i.e., whether its Hamiltonian is frustration-free.
130  shows that the switch is driven by magnetic frustration from antiferromagnetic Mn(2+) spin ordering
131 n of factors including unavoidable energetic frustration from nonnative interactions, natural variati
132                                              Frustration from strong interdomain interactions can mak
133 e structure, this study introduces "chemical frustration" from deprotonation and misligation that giv
134                         After two decades of frustration, genetic studies of schizophrenia have enter
135                                    Geometric frustration gives rise to new fundamental phenomena and
136                                 The magnetic frustration has a clear in-plane (ab) magnetic anisotrop
137                                          The frustration has been ascribed to premature docking of th
138                           Although geometric frustration has been particularly well studied in magnet
139 nergy landscapes, models that lack energetic frustration have been able to capture the main structura
140              Mechanisms related to geometric frustration have been proposed to understand the origins
141 received such rewards in the immediate past (frustration hypothesis), it must have been caused by see
142 rimental support to the principle of minimal frustration hypothesis.
143 ands 1 and 4), which cause early topological frustration (i.e., misfolding) in the folding landscape.
144 nar dipole moment, is receptive to geometric frustration if the columns aggregate in a hexagonal rod
145 with the proximal glutamate; this structural frustration implies a "rack" mechanism for the 290 mV (v
146 nduced anisotropy has the ability to relieve frustration in 5d(2) systems relative to their 5d(3) cou
147 nal MRI study to examine neural responses to frustration in children with severe mood dysregulation.
148 ding the effect of curvature and topological frustration in crystals yields insights into the fragili
149      To understand the effects of such local frustration in dictating the energy landscape of protein
150 egion recently identified as contributing to frustration in folding acts as a regulatory hinge loop t
151 requirement for function can lead to kinetic frustration in folding.
152 f enquiry into the importance of the role of frustration in highly correlated electron materials.
153  Previous attempts to unlock the geometrical frustration in hydrogen-bonded structures have focused o
154  electron-hole matching approach to inducing frustration in intermetallic systems.
155 al dynamics compared to CheY or NtrC lead to frustration in its folding landscape.
156                               Geometric spin frustration in low-dimensional materials, such as the tw
157                                    Energetic frustration in protein folding is minimized by evolution
158        Much of the physical basis of minimal frustration in protein folding thus remains to be elucid
159 erged as model systems for studying magnetic frustration in recent years.
160 em described epitomizes the use of molecular frustration in the design of finite self-assembled struc
161 ompanying paper elaborate on the topological frustration in the folding free-energy landscape of CheY
162 sensitive Go-model simulations conclude that frustration in the folding in Spo0F, corresponding to th
163 ngly consistent with our prediction of early frustration in the folding landscape of CheY.
164 roles in biasing the early events leading to frustration in the folding of CheY.
165                                 We show that frustration in the heterodimer interface gives the heter
166  is a property of the core, and suggest that frustration in the landscape of the slow-folding spectri
167 lymerization to a local roughening (due to a frustration in the local packing of the chiral molecules
168  encoded in the molecular structure, staging frustration in the metallic state is challenging due to
169     A minimalist Go-model, with no energetic frustration in the native conformation, has been shown t
170 in the EIS while other residues experiencing frustration in the native state are in structured region
171 ular protein and directly probe the residual frustration in the native state.
172 (KIS), with this difference being related to frustration in the structure of Im7.
173 ering activation energy barriers and kinetic frustration in the system.
174 otein folding involves searching for minimal frustration in the vast conformational landscape.
175                                              Frustration in this landscape can arise from the competi
176 f A12-28, a signature of underlying residual frustration in this peptide.
177 onalized on the basis of geometrical packing frustration in which the channels occupy defect sites th
178                                    The term "frustration" in the context of magnetism was originally
179 have investigated the conditions under which frustration increases the folding rate.
180      We also present evidence that geometric frustration-induced conductivity is a general phenomenon
181 eometrical Hall effect at T<1.2 K due to its frustration-induced magnetic order.
182 transverse polarized state, and observe that frustration induces extra degeneracy.
183 and ascribe their stability to a geometrical frustration inherently present in chiral colloidal membr
184  incorporates sequence details and energetic frustration into an overall minimally frustrated folding
185 cking route is attributed to the topological frustration introduced by the packing of the functional
186 that the backtracking results from geometric frustration introduced into the fold for functional purp
187                                    Geometric frustration is a broad phenomenon that results from an i
188                                              Frustration is a useful concept for analyzing proteins'
189                                              Frustration is detected in H1-H2 packing in that a nonna
190             Although a significant degree of frustration is expected, we find that Sr2MgOsO6 orders i
191                                         This frustration is harnessed by guest exchange to yield a ve
192 ant designed computationally to have reduced frustration is indeed less GroEL-dependent.
193 me, and that a sufficient level of energetic frustration is needed for fast-translating codons to be
194                              Whilst magnetic frustration is observed in numerous electrically insulat
195                    Experiment indicates that frustration is often minimal in evolved biological syste
196 ed to statistically prove that the effect of frustration is stronger than that of inequity.
197           An anticipated consequence of this frustration is the emergence of chemical pressures (CPs)
198 del landscape (in particular, the feature of frustration) is consistent with detailed simulations eve
199 ics by exploiting a combination of geometric frustration, lattice distortions and epitaxial engineeri
200  electrostatics seems to remove some of that frustration, leading to enhanced formation of native-lik
201                        In spin ice, magnetic frustration leads to highly degenerate yet locally const
202 ttice of triangular motif, the phenomenon of frustration leads to numerous energetically equivalent g
203 ropose a method of quantifying the degree of frustration manifested by spatially local interactions i
204                     An intermediate level of frustration maximizes the chance of evolving bnAbs.
205 t an addition of a small amount of energetic frustration may enhance folding speed for certain protei
206 udy leads strong support for the geometrical frustration mechanism for dynamic arrest in both thermal
207 uestions such as whether the path of minimal frustration might tend to favor folding from one or from
208 cular, those associated with TSGs change the frustration more in the core than the surface (by introd
209 ms obtaining a referral (23% [18%-29%]), and frustration obtaining health care services (26% [23%-28%
210 accessing specialty care (29% [26%-33%]) and frustration obtaining health care services (36% [32%-41%
211                                  Geometrical frustration occurs when entities in a system, subject to
212                 In assemblies, the geometric frustration of a locally preferred packing motif leads t
213 ense of metal-binding affinity, and that the frustration of a residue is directly related to its role
214 elix and discuss the apparent conformational frustration of AMCP-containing oligomers.
215             The sign of EB is related to the frustration of antiferromagnetic coupling between the fe
216                   By examining the curvature frustration of both high and low curvature, the transfer
217                                         This frustration of crystallinity reveals that La(3+) disrupt
218                                              Frustration of crystallisation by locally favoured struc
219                       We find that geometric frustration of dimer rotation by interactions yields spa
220  type of basis cell can reduce or remove the frustration of EET rates across the photosynthetic netwo
221 of apomyoglobin contributes to the energetic frustration of folding by preventing docking and stabili
222 n ice', in which the local moments mimic the frustration of hydrogen ion positions in frozen water.
223                                              Frustration of inter-filament spacing leads to optimal s
224 mulation, we estimate the residual energetic frustration of lambda(6-85) to be delta(2) G approximate
225  monoclinic I2/m symmetry, which reduces the frustration of the face centered cubic lattice of Os(VI)
226 n, the magnets are locally unfrustrated, but frustration of the lattice persists due to its topology.
227 der which leads to both further disorder and frustration of the magnetic interactions in the manganes
228                                  Geometrical frustration of the molecule-cage interaction in FAPbI3 p
229                                 We find that frustration of the otherwise dominant Fe stripe and V Ne
230 due to superexchange interaction, the strong frustration of the phase string signs on the kinetic ene
231 g rates may be correlated with the degree of frustration of their respective energy landscapes.
232                                       Steric frustration of this binding was seen with Mes3P, and yet
233           Transduction of the strain energy (frustration) of the bilayer drives protein oligomerizati
234                          Sites of high local frustration often correlate with functional regions such
235  of hydrogen chloride to release geometrical frustration opens up the possibility of completing the p
236 der (ADHD) and has been frequently linked to frustration or the unsatisfied anticipation of reward.
237                                              Frustration, or the competition between interacting comp
238 ce and structure, while displaying different frustration patterns.
239                                  Geometrical frustration plays a crucial role in this process, and ac
240                                  Feelings of frustration, powerlessness and guilt were common and deb
241                     The principle of minimal frustration predicts that the unfolded ensemble is biase
242  at localizing and quantifying the energetic frustration present in protein molecules.
243 els) or from the compromise with the minimal frustration principle and/or realistic protein geometry
244 chanisms are robust and owing to the minimal frustration principle, just as for protein folding, are
245                                         This frustration produces a non-collinear spin state even wit
246 rkflow on the Protein Databank, we find that frustration produces many immediately intuitive results:
247 e, we describe a workflow in which localized frustration, quantifying unfavorable local interactions,
248 toring, error monitoring, or task-associated frustration ratings.
249                As a consequence, the optimum frustration regime for protein folding can be predicted
250 erefore sites of R:C complex frustration and frustration-relieving mutations enhance the kinase inhib
251                                Although many frustrations remain with physicians' ability to measure
252                        A review on geometric frustration remarks that classical crystallography is in
253 lectric hexaferrite BaFe12O19 with geometric frustration represents a promising candidate for the pro
254                                         This frustration results in a two-dimensional periodic honeyc
255          Here, we demonstrate that geometric frustration selects the equilibrium morphology of cohesi
256 to examine the relationship between magnetic frustration, short-range magnetic order and Fermi surfac
257 t signals, this repressilator can generate a frustration state with large variations (fluctuations or
258                                              Frustration stress also increased Fos (a neuronal activi
259                                        This "frustration stress" manipulation also activates the hypo
260  the sight of the palatable food for 15 min (frustration stress) before assessing food consumption fo
261 ceptor antagonist D-Phe-CRF(12-41) decreased frustration stress-induced binge eating in rats with a h
262 ssessment in response to both separation and frustration stressors.
263                               After years of frustration, success in identifying disease-associated D
264 en functional fold, the principle of minimal frustration suggests that, independent of sequence, all
265                                          The frustration suppresses conventional antiferroelectric or
266 in face emotion labeling and experience more frustration than do normally developing children, the br
267 ed SNVs create stronger changes in localized frustration than non-disease related variants, and rare
268                          There is no greater frustration than to see the target but be unable to addr
269 periments also identify regions of energetic frustration that "crack" during unfolding and impede the
270  demonstrate a consequence of this geometric frustration that leads to a new design principle for the
271 ite this, it has been a particular source of frustration that mutation screening of specific candidat
272  introduce sizeable topological or energetic frustration that needs to be overcome.
273 ) demonstrating a deviation from the dipolar frustration that typically limits r(33) in conventional
274 ely negative (74%) centering on concerns and frustrations that older African Americans did not have a
275 f the authors' own data indicated no role of frustration, that is, no effect of previous experience w
276 us, according to the strength of the elastic frustration, the system may undergo first-order transiti
277  means to directly visualize the dynamics of frustration, thermal excitations and defects.
278 es the dynamic processes associated with the frustration to be dampened.
279 s disorder tuned SIT differs from the common frustration tuned SIT that also occurs in magnetic field
280          In particular, we imposed geometric frustration upon a prototypical system, CaF2, by ball mi
281 hange in free energy and the local energetic frustration upon binding, we engineered a single-point m
282                                Nonproductive frustration was attributable to competition for van der
283  Conversely, mutations at positions with low frustration were found to correlate with increased GroEL
284                    However, these effects of frustration were more marked in the severe mood dysregul
285  roles of the subdomains and ILV clusters in frustration were tested by altering the sequence connect
286 her) at a common junction leads to molecular frustration when dispersed in aqueous solution.
287 s a materials-by-design approach to studying frustration, where lithographically patterned bar magnet
288  applied to the s = 1/2 Heisenberg star with frustration, where the quantum character of the environm
289 ut unverified source for GroEL dependence is frustration, wherein not all interactions in the native
290  evolving following the principle of minimal frustration, which allows proteins to rapidly fold to th
291                                  Geometrical frustration, which arises from the topology of a well-or
292 rating a key phenomenon known as topological frustration, which leads to localized non-bonding states
293  of the Cu atoms to icosahedra prevents this frustration while nucleating the formation of Bergman cl
294                             After decades of frustration with ineffective therapy, patients are now b
295                 However, clinicians indicate frustration with the lack of guidance provided by the US
296  compound exhibits a high degree of magnetic frustration, with significant antiferromagnetic interact
297 mong critical care professionals, leading to frustration, withdrawal from patient care, and job aband
298 ings lead us to propose a classification for frustration within molecular magnets that encompasses an
299 ce of a topological defect produces extended frustration within the system caused by a domain wall wi
300 ntary guests to eliminate the "electrostatic frustration" within the host and turn on the intrahost i

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