


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 iphosphate glucose, isocitrate, lactate, and fucose).
2  distinction of GlcNAc from GlcNAc with core fucose.
3  the fuc locus and is unable to swim towards fucose.
4 6-deoxygulose and likely regeneration of TDP-fucose.
5 red with antibodies with a high amount of Fc fucose.
6  mannose-terminated glycans with and without fucose.
7 ructure that mimicked the pyranoside ring of fucose.
8 resistant to CCL2, which binds core alpha1,3-fucose.
9 he genes in the locus is highly inducible by fucose.
10  specifically binds to terminal alpha-linked fucose.
11 n site, enabling Glu-88 to engage Ca(2+) and fucose.
12 te GDP-Arap, while synthesizing abundant GDP-fucose.
13 examined biofilm formation and chemotaxis to fucose.
14  and the fucP mutant are chemotactic towards fucose.
15 roteins were able to salvage l-fucose to GDP-fucose.
16 tions and prevented by specific removal of L-fucose.
17 e (N)-linked paucimannosylation (mannose(1-3)fucose(0-1)N-acetylglucosamine(2)Asn).
18 contains the DC-SIGN-targeting carbohydrates fucose (1.35 nmol/mg), mannose (2.68 nmol/mg), N-acetylg
19 bidopsis thaliana revealed that 2-fluoro 2-l-fucose (2F-Fuc) reduces root growth at micromolar concen
20  subsequent repeats of this unit composed of fucose, 3OMe6dTal, and MeGlcA would be assembled by a cy
21  the affinities of the protruding domain for fucose (460 muM) and H type 2 trisaccharide (390 muM), a
22 in cancer cells using peracetylated 5-thio-L-fucose (5T-Fuc).
23 plex N-glycans (i.e. contained xylose and/or fucose) (88 %), whereas complex N-glycans comprised a mu
24          Our findings suggest that EHEC uses fucose, a host-derived signal made available by the micr
25                                            L-fucose, a monosaccharide widely distributed in eukaryote
26  WreT would each act once to attach mannose, fucose, a second fucose, and 3-O-methyl-6-deoxytalose (3
27 ovo synthesis of guanosine diphosphate (GDP)-fucose, a substrate for fucosylglycans, requires sequent
28 ovo synthesis of guanosine diphosphate (GDP)-fucose, a substrate for fucosylglycans, requires sequent
29 ed fraction indicate that AAL binds O-linked fucose added to Ser/Thr residues present in or adjacent
30                                              Fucose affects the expression of microbial metabolic pat
31 biosynthesis; however, the secretion rate of fucose-alkyne-labeled pectin is greatly decreased in fra
32 triflation at O2, O3, and O4 of l-rhamnose/l-fucose allowed selective inversions at respective positi
33                       The disaccharide motif fucose-alpha(1-2)-galactose (Fucalpha(1-2)Gal) is involv
34                                     Although fucose-alpha(1-2)-galactose (Fucalpha(1-2)Gal)-containin
35 11168 forms less biofilms in the presence of fucose, although its fucose permease mutant (fucP) shows
36  this approach, we found that an alkynylated fucose analog (FucAl) is metabolically incorporated into
37      To address this, we screened a panel of fucose analogues and identified 2-fluorofucose and 5-alk
38 accharide modifications (i.e., core alpha1,3-fucose and beta1,2-xylose) showed significantly enhanced
39                                  FusK senses fucose and controls expression of virulence and metaboli
40                The comparison of growth on L-fucose and D-glucose allows first insights into the geno
41   In vitro unfolding assays demonstrate that fucose and glucose stabilize folded TSRs in an additive
42  Fringe enzymes add N-acetylglucosamine to O-fucose and modify Notch signaling by altering the sensit
43 al C-H...O hydrogen bond between H-C(5) of L-fucose and O(5) of D-galactose was identified.
44  domains 11-13) of human Notch1 (hN1) with O-fucose and O-glucose glycans and shown by flow cytometry
45    Taken together, this work suggests that O-fucose and O-glucose glycans cooperatively stabilize ind
46                     A new study shows that O-fucose and O-glucose stabilize the repeats but that exte
47 residues on Notch1 are functionalized with O-fucose and O-glucose, which act as surrogate amino acids
48 on sources, the pathway for the breakdown of fucose and rhamnose is encapsulated within a bacterial m
49                             The breakdown of fucose and rhamnose released from plant cell walls by th
50  of the d-absolute configuration, except for fucose and rhamnose which are l.
51                      S. typhimurium accesses fucose and sialic acid within the lumen of the gut in a
52 on data revealed PLL to be specific toward l-fucose and the disaccharide glycan 3,6-O-Me2-Glcbeta1-4(
53  single oligosaccharide residues, i.e., core fucose and xylose, and terminal galactose.
54 ies required for salvage and conversion of l-fucose and/or d-Arap into the nucleotide-sugar substrate
55 minic acid (Neu5Ac), galactose, mannose, and fucose) and significantly (p < 0.05) alter infection.
56 act once to attach mannose, fucose, a second fucose, and 3-O-methyl-6-deoxytalose (3OMe6dTal), respec
57 olved in the utilization of glucose, xylose, fucose, and arabinose, which are also substrates for the
58 nt of beta-glucan reveal binding to mannose, fucose, and glucose residues by Ca(2+) coordination of v
59  containing two GlcNAcs, three mannoses, one fucose, and one xylose (N2M3FX) as a substrate.
60 quenching, decreased apparent affinity for L-fucose, and significant inhibition of active L-fucose tr
61 glycogene regulatory networks: high mannose, fucose, and terminal beta-GalNAc, identifying miRNA regu
62  group adjacent to the linking position of L-fucose, and the hydrophobic interaction of L-fucose with
63 lower action where sialic acid neighbors the fucose, and the neuraminidase showed statistically lower
64 ennary structures, only alpha1,6-linked core fucoses, and more LacNAc repeat structures; the MDA-MB-2
65 ike particles (VLPs) and identified alpha1,2-fucose as a key attachment factor.
66 ped by attachment of di- or tri-O-methylated fucose as catalyzed by glycosyltransferase WreB.
67 f apoFgFCO1 and an open complex with product fucose at atomic resolution.
68 lar, collectin-11 has been shown to engage L-fucose at sites of ischemic stress, activating the lecti
69 Fringe-catalyzed addition of GlcNAc to the O-fucose at T466 in EGF12 substantially increases binding
70 Ac and blocking the addition of galactose or fucose at the carbon 4-position of 4-F-GlcNAc.
71 lactose at the Le(a) nonreducing end nor the fucose at the Le(x) reducing end; the pentasaccharides o
72 ) transfer N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) to O-fucose attached to EGF-like repeats of NOTCH receptors.
73  fucose from host glycans, resulting in high fucose availability in the gut lumen.
74  fuc + strains, are involved in coordinating fucose availability with biofilm development.
75                        Here we show that the fucose-binding Aleuria aurantia lectin (AAL) binds to nu
76                                      A novel fucose-binding lectin (SL2-1) from the bacterium Strepto
77 the family 51 carbohydrate-binding module, a fucose-binding lectin from Ralstonia solanacearum, and h
78 the native source, and characterized as an l-fucose-binding lectin, named P. luminescens lectin (PLL)
79 ifaria genome identified BambL as a putative fucose-binding lectin.
80 teins, but are related to certain eukaryotic fucose-binding lectins.
81 s that have no similarity to known bacterial fucose-binding proteins, but are related to certain euka
82  beta-propeller fold creating seven putative fucose-binding sites per monomer.
83 aled that it associates as a trimer with two fucose-binding sites per monomer.
84                Although the labelling by the fucose-binding Ulex europaeus agglutinin I (UEA-I) was c
85 lex confirmed that at least three sites were fucose-binding.
86                       New work suggests that fucose can have a protective role in both gut-centered a
87 od source for beneficial gut symbionts, host fucose can suppress the virulence of pathogens and patho
88 plex forms (e.g. beta1,2 xylose and alpha1,3 fucose) can render the product immunogenic.
89 Within Fut2(-) mice, the B. thetaiotaomicron fucose catabolic pathway was markedly down-regulated, wh
90                                              Fucose chemotaxis also correlated with possession of the
91      This study suggests that components for fucose chemotaxis are encoded within the fuc locus, but
92                                    Selective fucose cleavage from the H2-antigen saccharide enables e
93 e crystal structure of the recombinant PLL.l-fucose complex confirmed that at least three sites were
94         Mice were placed on standard chow or fucose-containing diet (equivalent to a control fucosylg
95                                            L-Fucose-containing glycoconjugates are essential for a my
96 immunohistochemistry confirmed that alpha1,2-fucose-containing H and A antigens of the HBGA family we
97 ive binding to this glycan compared to other fucose-containing oligosaccharides results from addition
98 n (AAL), lectins which bind sialic acid- and fucose-containing structures, respectively.
99 he polyanionic polysaccharides alginates and fucose-containing sulfated polysaccharides.
100 ever, Fsar's polydispersity index (1.12) and fucose content (34.50%) were lower than those of Fysk, a
101   Furthermore, these lines display reduced L-fucose content in N-glycan structures accompanied by sev
102 p at the C-6 position of the nonreducing end fucose could elicit a strong IgG immune response.
103 ange of substrates, including L-arabinose, D-fucose, D-galactose, D-glucose, and D-xylose.
104 roduce the same biochemical phenotype of GDP-fucose deficiency.
105 he inhibitors were used in vitro to generate fucose-deficient antibodies with enhanced antibody-depen
106                                       In the fucose-deficient murus1 mutant, AGPs lack these fucose m
107 bon sources and revealed a new pathway for L-fucose degradation in S. solfataricus.
108    Within the newly discovered pathway for L-fucose degradation the following key reactions were iden
109 he structures of the fuconolactonase and the fucose dehydrogenase were determined by X-ray diffractio
110       The enzymatic product of an adjacent L-fucose dehydrogenase, BmulJ_04919, was shown to be L-fuc
111 ly synthesized from 4-deoxy-L-fucose using L-fucose dehydrogenase.
112        The observation of the m/z 587.3 core fucose diagnostic peak corresponding to [GlcNAc + Fucose
113 er the O-fucose monosaccharide or the GlcNAc-fucose disaccharide at T466 of EGF12 and observed no cha
114              Antibodies with a low amount of fucose displayed higher binding affinity to FcgammaRIIIa
115            Transitions specific to outer arm fucose document a disease-associated increase in outer a
116 at and that addition of both O-glucose and O-fucose enhances stability in an additive manner.
117 arrying complex N-glycosylation lacking core fucose exhibited superior potency (ED(50) = 3 mug).
118 hese results establish a requirement for GDP-fucose for L. major viability and predict the existence
119                                Moreover, the fucose-free antibodies generated in N. benthamiana are c
120 ties, we have now produced glycan-optimized, fucose-free versions of PG9 and RSH in Nicotiana bentham
121 transferase (FucT) catalyzes the transfer of fucose from GDP-fucose to asparagine-linked GlcNAc of th
122 yltransferase FUT1 catalyzes the transfer of fucose from GDP-fucose to terminal galactosyl residues o
123 on produces multiple fucosidases that cleave fucose from host glycans, resulting in high fucose avail
124 on contributes to EHEC virulence by cleaving fucose from mucin, thereby activating the FusKR signalli
125 arium graminearum (FgFCO1) actively releases fucose from the xyloglucan fragment.
126                  Here, we show that removing fucose from trastuzumab (Herceptin) increased its bindin
127                   Using a unique system, the fucose (fuc) regulon, in which IS5 insertion and excisio
128 re, we show that the mice immunized with a l-fucose (Fuc)-enriched Reishi polysaccharide fraction (de
129 I, which may compensate for the loss of core fucose functions.
130 paration of nine determined monosaccharides (fucose, galactose, arabinose, glucose, rhamnose, xylose,
131                                              Fucose, galactose, arabinose, glucose, sucrose, rhamnose
132 Previous analyses showed the presence of GDP-fucose (GDP-Fuc), the precursor for all fucosylation rea
133                              Starting from L-fucose, GDP-fucose is constructed by one bifunctional en
134 espond to one of four new inducer molecules: fucose, gentiobiose, lactitol and sucralose.
135 m Notch target activation, indicating that O-fucose glycans are critical for efficient Notch-ligand b
136          Therefore, the presence of Gal on O-fucose glycans differentially affects DLL1-induced NOTCH
137 e combined data support a key role for the O-fucose glycans generated by Pofut1 in Notch regulation o
138 ions in hematopoiesis of Notch modified by O-fucose glycans, we examined mice with inducible inactiva
139 r Lec8 or Lec20 CHO mutants lacking Gal on O-fucose glycans.
140 that the lectin AAL had higher binding where fucose groups are displayed on separate branches.
141         FucP of Escherichia coli catalyzes L-fucose/H(+) symport, and a crystal structure in an outwa
142 erminal galactose, bisecting GlcNAc and core fucose has been realized.
143 product characterization, and lot release as fucose has been shown to adversely affect the ability of
144   Host cells modify secreted proteins with O-fucose; here we describe the O-fucosylation pathway in t
145 nt subclasses (IgG1-4) with and without core fucose (i.e., 20% fucose remaining).
146  GFT1-silenced plants are almost devoid of L-fucose in cell wall-derived xyloglucan and rhamnogalactu
147                       The key role played by fucose in glycoprotein and cellular function has prompte
148 DP-N-acetylglucosamine, GDP-mannose, and GDP-fucose in Plasmodium falciparum intraerythrocytic life s
149                     Although the function of fucose in the parasite is not known, the presence of GDP
150 of three metabolites (copper, trehalose, and fucose) in the environment of a cell population over tim
151     The interface between collectin-11 and L-fucose, in both the recipient and the allograft, is an a
152 e degree of galactosylation of core alpha1,6-fucose increased, and a novel Galalpha1,2Fucalpha1,3 moi
153 e used by fucosyltransferases to incorporate fucose into protein and cellular glycans.
154 eotide sugar transporter for import of GDP-L-fucose into the Golgi and is required for proper plant g
155 de sugar transporter that translocates GDP-L-fucose into the Golgi lumen.
156 to FcgammaRIIIa is markedly affected by core fucose, irrespective of its plant-specific alpha1,3 or m
157                                              Fucose is a common monosaccharide component of cell surf
158                                              Fucose is a sugar present in glycoconjugates often assoc
159                                            O-fucose is added to cysteine-rich domains called thrombos
160                                              Fucose is an L-configuration sugar found abundantly in t
161                  Starting from L-fucose, GDP-fucose is constructed by one bifunctional enzyme L-fucos
162 re active in vitro, indicating that most GDP-fucose is formed by a de novo pathway that involves the
163                                              Fucose is highly abundant in the intestine.
164 sylated proteins are shed into the lumen and fucose is liberated and metabolized by the gut microbiot
165 e N-glycan structure confirmed that alpha1,3-fucose is missing from the N-glycans of allelic fuct-1 a
166  metabolic labeling experiments showing that fucose is not significantly incorporated by the parasite
167 duce epithelial fucosylation, and epithelial fucose is used as a dietary carbohydrate by many of thes
168                   The incorporation of alpha-fucoses is demonstrated for H-type I and II; alpha(1,3)-
169                          To test whether GDP-fucose itself was essential for Leishmania viability, we
170 and WbdP) and they transfer glucose (Glc), L-fucose (L-Fuc) and N-acetylperosamine (PerNAc) onto GalN
171 nd not by sequential domains like the fungal fucose lectin from Aleuria aurantia.
172 ages, with additional alpha1,2- and alpha1,3 fucose linkages found in MCF-7 cells.
173 ith terminal alpha2,3-sialidic acid and core fucose linkages, with additional alpha1,2- and alpha1,3
174                           During growth on L-fucose major changes in the central carbon metabolic net
175  overall yield from commercially available l-fucose, making it the most efficient route reported to d
176 chains consist of typical M. xanthus lipids, fucose, mannose, N-acetylglucosamine and N-acetylgalacto
177  locus revealed that Cj0485 is necessary for fucose metabolism and chemotaxis.
178 g genes for import of fucosylated molecules, fucose metabolism and two alpha-fucosidases.
179 reveals concomitant shifts in cyclic AMP and fucose metabolism consistent with phototaxis and extrace
180 n the parasite genome, but the importance of fucose metabolism for the parasite is unknown.
181 lly related carbohydrates such as arabinose, fucose, methyl galacturonate and N-acetylgalactosamine t
182 s with procainamide hydrochloride to inhibit fucose migration during tandem MS analysis.
183 tin and EGF domains of L-selectin bound to a fucose mimetic; that is, a terminal mannose on an N-glyc
184                                     O-Linked fucose modifications on Notch1 epidermal growth factor-l
185 sual N-glycans with a range of galactose and fucose modifications on the Man2-3GlcNAc2 core region.
186 ose-deficient murus1 mutant, AGPs lack these fucose modifications.
187                          Both galactosylated fucose moieties were also found in two parasitic nematod
188                                          The fucose moiety of the blood group B trisaccharide Galalph
189 cosidase mutants could introduce an alpha1,6-fucose moiety specifically at the Asn-linked GlcNAc moie
190 ains 11-13 of hN1 modified with either the O-fucose monosaccharide or the GlcNAc-fucose disaccharide
191 erved varying degrees of elongation beyond O-fucose monosaccharide, indicating that Fringe preferenti
192 ed statistically lower action where alpha1-2 fucose neighbors the sialic acid or is on the opposing b
193 hated polysaccharide that consists mainly of fucose, normally found in brown seaweeds.
194                          Removal of the core fucose of this glycan greatly increases the affinity for
195 t a disease-associated increase in outer arm fucose on both bi- and triantennary glycans at the N187
196 lian Notch receptors require modification by fucose on epidermal growth factor-like (EGF) repeats of
197             Our previous work indicated that fucose on human epithelia is a frequent target for lecti
198                           Indeed, removal of fucose on myelin reduced DC-SIGN-dependent homeostatic c
199 COLEC11) recognizes an abnormal pattern of L-fucose on postischemic renal tubule cells and activates
200  has been demonstrated that lack of the core fucose on the Fc N-glycans leads to drastic enhancement
201 f C. elegans N-glycans and that the alpha1,3-fucose on the reducing terminus can be substituted by an
202 two N-acetylhexosamine, thirteen hexose, one fucose, one methyl, and two pentose residues; however, i
203 ggest that B. bifidum SC555 does not utilize fucose or sialic acid from HMO.
204 erns specific to those structures containing fucose or sialic acid residues.
205 ansporter that competes with Slc35c1 for GDP-fucose, or a factor that otherwise enhances the fucosyla
206 ve carbohydrate cleavage reactivity toward l-fucose over d-glucose.
207 how that GFT preferentially transports GDP-L-fucose over other nucleotide sugars in vitro, while GFT1
208 llowing key reactions were identified: (i) L-fucose oxidation to L-fuconate via a dehydrogenase, (ii)
209 ural symmetry motifs in the Escherichia coli fucose permease (FucP) results in remarkable homology to
210 ilms in the presence of fucose, although its fucose permease mutant (fucP) shows no change.
211 ting a mutation in fucP (encoding a putative fucose permease), one of the genes in the plasticity reg
212 similarity with the glycerol-3-phosphate and fucose permeases from Escherichia coli, respectively.
213                                          The fucose phenotype, shown in chemically defined medium, is
214                                Thus, the GDP-fucose precursor is essential in a wide variety of organ
215 e diagnostic peak corresponding to [GlcNAc + Fucose + Procainamide + H](+) in the tandem MS data of f
216  is constructed by one bifunctional enzyme L-fucose pyrophosphorylase (FKP) via two reactions.
217 1-4) with and without core fucose (i.e., 20% fucose remaining).
218  structure of the complex of MsaFBP32 with l-fucose reported here shows a cylindrical 81-A-long and 6
219 or receptor binding is the embrace of an ABO fucose residue by a disulfide-clasped loop, which is ina
220  in proton migration, which in turn leads to fucose residue migration from the glycan core to the ant
221 ltrasferase (FUT)-catalyzed transfer of an L-fucose residue to carbohydrate acceptors.
222 ules with only one N-acetylglucosamine and a fucose residue was fully able to abolish the interaction
223 ducing terminal galactose, as well as of the fucose residue.
224 ical of many other eukaryotes; some of these fucose residues are capped with hexose residues as shown
225          The modification of alpha1,6-linked fucose residues attached to the proximal (reducing-termi
226                                  Up to three fucose residues can be present on the standard N,N'-diac
227 removal of alpha2,3-sialic acid and alpha1,3-fucose residues from host cell surfaces makes them less
228 /MS), we now reveal that actually up to five fucose residues modify the core region of C. elegans N-g
229  that modulate Notch activity by modifying O-fucose residues on epidermal growth factor-like (EGF) re
230 pha1,3-linked, but also core alpha1,6-linked fucose residues on their N-glycans.
231 onalized glycoclusters with galactose and/or fucose residues targeting both PA-IL and PA-IIL lectins
232                       Previously, up to four fucose residues were detected on its N-glycans, despite
233 toid arthritis SF contained both sulfate and fucose residues, and SF lubricin was capable of binding
234 ted glycans, namely O-methylated mannose and fucose residues, as part of bacterial LPS and nematode c
235 olved in the incorporation and cleavage of L-fucose residues, respectively, represent captivating tar
236 ex type containing terminal sialic acids and fucose residues.
237 sists of N-glycans with core alpha1,3-linked fucose residues.
238 oligosaccharides that are deficient in "core fucose" residues and appear to be more effective than fu
239 f the aldehyde dehydrogenase enzyme from the fucose/rhamnose utilisation BMC with different short-cha
240         Homologues for enzymes involved in a fucose salvage pathway are apparently absent in the P. f
241 ct an Atfkgp mutant that is defective in the fucose salvage pathway indicates that 2F-Fuc must be con
242                                         This fucose-sensing system is required for robust EHEC coloni
243 ly, these antibodies with a low amount of Fc fucose showed enhanced phagocytosis of platelets using F
244 , similar to the type 2 LacNAc termini, with fucose, sialic acid, or sulfate.
245 ucose sites (N103 and N448) and one O-linked fucose site (T61) were fully glycosylated in both innova
246                             The two N-linked fucose sites (N103 and N448) and one O-linked fucose sit
247                        The majority of the O-fucose sites were modified to high stoichiometries.
248 ified peptides containing all 22 predicted O-fucose sites, all 18 predicted O-glucose sites, and all
249    SL2-1 belongs to a new group of bacterial fucose-specific lectins that have no similarity to known
250 ars was suggested by lectin blots, using the fucose-specific Lens culinaris agglutinin (LCA).
251 ssays reveal that addition of O-glucose or O-fucose stabilizes a single EGF repeat and that addition
252 t8-deficient (Fut8(-/-)) mice that lack core fucose structure die within 3 days after birth, but the
253 ting reports regarding the maximal number of fucose substitutions in C. elegans, which in part may be
254 e parasite is not known, the presence of GDP-fucose suggests that the metabolite may be used for furt
255  measurements of monosaccharide composition, fucose, sulfate, and uronic acid contents revealed that
256  GDP-mannose 4,6-dehydratase (GMD) and GDP-L-fucose synthase (FS), is conserved in the parasite genom
257 ues of GDP-mannose 4,6-dehydratase and GDP-L-fucose synthase enzymes that are active in vitro, indica
258 iparum GDP-mannose 4,6-dehydratase and GDP-L-fucose synthase expressed in transgenic 3D7 parasites sh
259 ck of fucosylation consequent to loss of GDP-fucose synthesis contributes to colon carcinogenesis.
260 solic protein required for the first step of fucose synthesis.
261 nzymes GDP-mannose dehydratase (GMD) and GDP-fucose synthetase (GMER) were expressed ectopically; fro
262 with Kdo-N3 and an alkynated derivative of L-fucose that incorporates into rhamnogalacturonan I, co-l
263       These results demonstrate that, like O-fucose, the O-glucose modifications of EGF repeats occur
264  proximal renal tubule in association with L-fucose, the potential binding ligand for CL-11.
265 at involved in recognizing the terminal HBGA fucose, the saccharide which forms the primary conserved
266  localization of mucin origin, with terminal fucose, the sialyl T-antigen, and N-linked oligosacchari
267 ucose derivatives that depleted cells of GDP-fucose, the substrate used by fucosyltransferases to inc
268 ly tert-butyldimethylsilyl (TBDMS) protected fucose thioglycosides as glycosyl donors for oligosaccha
269 T) catalyzes the transfer of fucose from GDP-fucose to asparagine-linked GlcNAc of the N-glycan core
270 osyltransferase-VI and guanosine diphosphate fucose to enhance the interaction of CD34(+) stem and ea
271 d-Arap, both proteins were able to salvage l-fucose to GDP-fucose.
272                  We hypothesized that adding fucose to human Tregs, forming the Sialyl Lewis X moiety
273             Here, we show that addition of L-fucose to purified FucP in detergent induces approximate
274 T1 catalyzes the transfer of fucose from GDP-fucose to terminal galactosyl residues on xyloglucan sid
275 gy of Fx-/- mice was reversed by addition of fucose to the diet, which restored fucosylation via a sa
276 leucine in nac(1) flies, which abolishes GDP-fucose transport in vivo and in vitro.
277                    This pathway as well as L-fucose transport shows interesting overlaps to the D-ara
278 cose, and significant inhibition of active L-fucose transport, indicating that the two residues are l
279  a conserved serine residue in the Golgi GDP-fucose transporter (GFR) is substituted by leucine in na
280                         Here we identify GDP-fucose transporter 1 (GFT1), an Arabidopsis nucleotide s
281 he crystal structure of the Escherichia coli fucose transporter FucP and have identified four transme
282 results suggest that Slc35c2 is either a GDP-fucose transporter that competes with Slc35c1 for GDP-fu
283 ucosylation via over-expression of a key GDP-Fucose transporter, Slc35c1, in zebrafish.
284                    The third position of the fucose unit is always linked to a rhamnose, which is a s
285 idue of the main chain, (ii) a hyperbranched fucose unit, and (iii) two rhamnose residues with opposi
286 thin the identified glycans, the position of fucose units was located to quantitate possible changes
287 of the NCTC11168 locus into 81-176 activated fucose uptake and chemotaxis.
288 now known to encode pathways for glucose and fucose uptake/metabolism.
289 was enzymatically synthesized from 4-deoxy-L-fucose using L-fucose dehydrogenase.
290  to this paradigm, we provide evidence for l-fucose utilization by C. jejuni.
291            Consistent with their function in fucose utilization, transcription of the genes in the lo
292 on, we found that this locus is required for fucose utilization.
293  this locus was consistently associated with fucose utilization.
294 ting from readily available l-rhamnose and l-fucose via highly regioselective, one-pot double serial
295 sII with the C4-epimer of TDP-quinovose (TDP-fucose) was examined.
296 maR), and whether the absence of the Fc core fucose (which increases binding to FcgammaRIIIa) increas
297 o a terminal xylose unit and a hyperbranched fucose, which is in turn substituted with a terminal gal
298 lammatory responses through recognition of L-fucose, which we confirmed by showing that fucosidase-tr
299 fucose, and the hydrophobic interaction of L-fucose with the beta-face of D-galactose), a nonconventi
300 X stands for different sulfation patterns of fucose (X = 3,4S (46%), 2,4S (39%), and 4S (15%)).
301 e whereas the acidic polysaccharides contain fucose, xylose and 4-O-methylglucuronic acid -residues.

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