


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 iles of N-glycans enzymatically treated with fucosidase.
2 es carrying a BODIPY fluorophore for alpha-l-fucosidase.
3 ctosidase, alpha-L-arabinosidase and alpha-L-fucosidase.
4 c) or by pretreatment of cells with alpha1-2 fucosidase.
5 d molecules, fucose metabolism and two alpha-fucosidases.
6 cattering in contrast to reported multimeric fucosidases.
7  To improve upon previous assays for alpha-l-fucosidase, a fluorescence based immunoassay was produce
8       AXY8 was identified to encode an alpha-fucosidase acting on XyG that was previously designated
9 rans-beta-galactosidase (but not trans-alpha-fucosidase) activities that graft sugar residues from on
10 ctosidase (BGAL) variants with enhanced beta-fucosidase activity (tenfold increase in k(cat)/K(M) in
11 me to visualize and locate lysosomal alpha-l-fucosidase activity in human cells.
12                                      Alpha-L-fucosidase (ALF) is an exoglycosidase that is involved i
13 ase that also shows beta-galactosidase, beta-fucosidase, alpha-arabinofuranosidase, and alpha-arabino
14  potential fine specificities of an alpha1-2-fucosidase and an alpha2-3,6,8-neuraminidase.
15 two species by virtue of production of alpha-fucosidase and glyoxylic acid positivity.
16 lity of [(14)C]fucosylated AGPs to alpha(1,2)fucosidase, and not to alpha(1,3/4)fucosidase, indicated
17 e calibration curves for quantifying alpha-l-fucosidase concentrations in both PBS and human blood se
18 sylation of glycoproteins using alpha(1-3,4)-fucosidase, endo-beta-galactosidase, and PNGase F disrup
19 glycoside hydrolase family 29 (GH29) alpha-L-fucosidase from plant pathogenic fungus Fusarium gramine
20              The DNA sequence of the evolved fucosidase gene showed 13 base changes, resulting in six
21                                          The fucosidase had significantly lower action where sialic a
22                                  The evolved fucosidase has a 10- to 20-fold increased kcat/Km for th
23                         Detection of alpha-l-fucosidase has been shown to have relevance in diagnosin
24                 Although the use of specific fucosidases has been successfully employed for assigning
25 y8 gave unique insights into the role of the fucosidase in XyG metabolism in vivo.
26 due E274 of the Lactobacillus casei alpha1,6-fucosidase, including E274A, E274S, and E274G, acted as
27 alpha(1,2)fucosidase, and not to alpha(1,3/4)fucosidase, indicated that an alpha(1,2) linkage is form
28 in the development of fucosyltransferase and fucosidase inhibitors.
29                                 Furthermore, fucosidase-mediated defucosylation of xyloglucan, but no
30 trate specificity revealed that the alpha1,6-fucosidase mutants could introduce an alpha1,6-fucose mo
31 r CHO and COS), pBK-RSV-tyrosinase, and pCP4-fucosidase plasmids, respectively, by electroporation in
32 e showed a 66-fold increase in p-nitrophenyl fucosidase specific activity.
33 noassay was produced implementing an alpha-l-fucosidase specific antibody (FUCA2).
34            The immobilization of the alpha-l-fucosidase-specific antibody onto a quartz slide was inv
35  when systemic cells were treated with alpha-fucosidase, suggesting that the GlcNAc beta 1-4GlcNAc mo
36 screening enabled the identification of beta-fucosidases that are significantly more active (180-fold
37 cteroides thetaiotaomicron produces multiple fucosidases that cleave fucose from host glycans, result
38 0 amino acids were constructed as artificial fucosidases that exhibit selective carbohydrate cleavage
39                      Fucosyltransferases and fucosidases, the main enzymes involved in the incorporat
40 mon feature shared by several bacterial GH29 fucosidases to various extents.
41 L-fucose, which we confirmed by showing that fucosidase-treated cells, largely, failed to activate co
42                                              Fucosidase treatment of T84 cells resulted in significan
43 D-galactosidase, beta-D-galactosidase, alpha-fucosidase, trypsin-like activity, and chymotrypsin was
44 of a glycoside hydrolase family GH29 alpha-L-fucosidase unveiling a Michaelis (ES) complex in a (1)C(
45                            An efficient beta-fucosidase was evolved by DNA shuffling from the Escheri
46  and an immunoassay for detection of alpha-l-fucosidase was produced.
47  most closely resembles inverting GH95 alpha-fucosidase, which displays the highest specificity with

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