


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 or a subset, of the EGF repeats need to be O-fucosylated.
2 orm with higher affinity for heparin was not fucosylated.
3 , acted as efficient glycoligases that could fucosylate a wide variety of complex N-glycopeptides and
4 trast to expectations, PSGL-1 is not heavily fucosylated; a majority of the O-glycans are disialylate
5 er membrane protein that mediates binding to fucosylated ABH antigens of the ABO blood group.
6 ino acid residues as critical for binding to fucosylated ABH antigens.
7 Normal plasma IgG contains approximately 94% fucosylated Abs, but alloantibodies against, for example
8                                         Hypo-fucosylated adalimumab increased the number of CD206(+)
9                                    When hypo-fucosylated adalimumab was added to PBMCs, a larger numb
10                     Susceptibility of [(14)C]fucosylated AGPs to alpha(1,2)fucosidase, and not to alp
11 pha2-3 glycans, including alpha2-3GalNAc and fucosylated alpha2-3 glycans (including sialyl Lewis x),
12 (b), and Le(y) determinants carried by their fucosylated analogues.
13 n strategy to separate functionally relevant fucosylated and afucosylated glycans on mononclonal anti
14 results in a form of the protein that is not fucosylated and has substantially weaker activity in cel
15 e tandem mass spectrometry; these are highly fucosylated and have a novel core that contains internal
16 sed 20 monosialylated and nonsialylated, and fucosylated and nonfucosylated complex- and hybrid-type
17                                    The minor fucosylated and polylactosamine species were well separa
18 mannosamine (ManNAc), were incorporated into fucosylated and sialylated glycans in several cancer cel
19                                              Fucosylated and sialylated glycopeptides from human lact
20 samine-type structures were found to be core fucosylated and some of them contained one to three lact
21                   A mixture of afucosylated, fucosylated, and high mannose oligosaccharides was separ
22 were poorly galactosylated, not processively fucosylated, and negligibly inhibitory, whereas the fuco
23  linkage determination of neutral, branched, fucosylated, and sialylated oligosaccharides.
24  glycans but is modified with hybrid, highly fucosylated, and sialylated sugars.
25              The ligands must be sialylated, fucosylated, and sulfated for optimal recognition by L-s
26         Most human milk oligosaccharides are fucosylated, and their production depends on enzymes enc
27      Furthermore, they proposed that the non-fucosylated antenna mediated adherence to a peridontal p
28  core structures can be decorated with novel fucosylated antennae composed of Fucalpha(1-3)GlcNAc.
29  on its N-glycans, despite these lacking the fucosylated antennae typical of many other eukaryotes; s
30                                         Hypo-fucosylated anti-TNF might be more effective in patients
31                   In mice with colitis, hypo-fucosylated anti-TNF significantly increased the number
32                             We produced hypo-fucosylated antibodies against mouse and human TNF (adal
33 esidues and appear to be more effective than fucosylated antibodies in promoting phagocytosis of anti
34 ose transporter, resulting in a reduction of fucosylated antigens on the cell surface.
35 e form with lower heparin affinity being 97% fucosylated at this position, whereas the form with high
36 en animals given NFb12 and those given fully fucosylated b12, indicating that FcgammaR-mediated activ
37 , together with the structures of another 12 fucosylated biantennary glycans.
38 ) and branched (sialylated, neutral and core fucosylated biantennary IgG glycans) carbohydrates.
39                                       A core fucosylated biantennary oligosaccharide was converted to
40 e Fv region have three characteristics (core-fucosylated biantennary oligosaccharides with one or two
41  AZT) and a significant accumulation of core-fucosylated biantennary oligosaccharides.
42 after surgery with the decrease of most core-fucosylated biantennary structures, as well as the incre
43 d a larger proportion of sialylated and core-fucosylated biantennary, triantennary and tetra-antennar
44 Fc region contained typical Fc glycans (core-fucosylated, biantennary oligosaccharides with zero to t
45  conferred by the elaboration of sialylated, fucosylated binding determinants on N-glycans.
46 ohydrates including high mannose structures, fucosylated blood group antigens, and glycans with termi
47 BabA adhesin of Helicobacter pylori binds to fucosylated blood group antigens, such as the Lewis(b) a
48 hilum infection of BMMCs depends on alpha1,3-fucosylated, but not sialylated, glycans.
49 that many proteins in human tissues are core-fucosylated, but their expression is localized to skin k
50              Both L-selectin ligands must be fucosylated by alpha(1,3)-fucosyltransferase (FucT)-IV o
51 Man5GlcNAc2 glycan could be efficiently core-fucosylated by FUT8 in an appropriate protein/peptide co
52 ary complex-type N-glycan also could be core-fucosylated by FUT8, albeit at much lower efficiency tha
53       The O-glycans and glycolipids were not fucosylated by the H-type alpha1, 2FT.
54 ggest that Sfrs proteins are responsible for fucosylated carbohydrate-dependent lung metastasis of ep
55 egulation and function of terminal alpha(1,2)fucosylated carbohydrates in these and other tissues, we
56 nteracts with several related sialylated and fucosylated carbohydrates.
57 onally redundant because they differentially fucosylate certain AGPs.
58 t vaginitis, indicating a role for alpha(1,2)fucosylated cervical glycans in mucosal defense.
59 abundant glycoforms in HCC, including 3 core-fucosylated (CF) forms.
60  sulfation, some of which was located on the fucosylated chitobiose core.
61                                              Fucosylated chondroitin sulfate (fCS) extracted from the
62 zed holothurian glycosaminoglycan (DHG) is a fucosylated chondroitin sulfate with antithrombin-indepe
63 zed holothurian glycosaminoglycan (DHG) is a fucosylated chrondroitin sulfate that possesses antithro
64 a predominance of bi- and tri-antennary core-fucosylated complex type structures carrying one, two, a
65 ans in tACE to be mostly of the biantennary, fucosylated complex type.
66 abling a highly convergent synthesis of core-fucosylated, complex CD52 glycopeptide antigen.
67  the expression of sialyl Lewis X and sialyl-fucosylated core 2 O-glycan (CHO-131 antigen), respectiv
68 dified with tyrosine sulfate and sialylated, fucosylated, core-2 O-glycan(s).
69 ferases required to construct sialylated and fucosylated, core-2 O-glycans on PSGL-1.
70 finity binding epitope of SL2-1 was alpha1-6 fucosylated di-n-acetylchitobiose.
71                                      Six non-fucosylated diantennary complex type glycoforms were det
72 lycans are of the complex type with the core-fucosylated disialylated biantennary and trisialylated t
73  to be important for the recognition of an O-fucosylated EGF repeat by all three mammalian Fringes.
74 nants for the recognition of an individual O-fucosylated EGF repeat by the Fringe enzymes.
75 uences that will allow us to predict which O-fucosylated EGF repeats are modified by the Fringes.
76  laboratory have demonstrated that not all O-fucosylated EGF repeats of Notch are further modified by
77  acceptor specificity, since it is unable to fucosylate either Galbeta1-4Glcbeta-R or free lactose an
78             It is probable that these highly fucosylated epitopes contribute to the immunosuppressive
79 , unexpected mucosal expression of alpha(1,2)fucosylated epitopes in nonsecretor individuals was freq
80 ression of Slc35c2 reduces expression of the fucosylated epitopes Lewis X and sialylated Lewis X in C
81 hat BambL could recognize a wide spectrum of fucosylated epitopes, albeit with a lower affinity for b
82                                              Fucosylated epitopes: the H-type-1 antigen and those rec
83                                       A hypo-fucosylated form of adalimumab bound human FcgammaRIIIa
84                                       A hypo-fucosylated form of anti-TNF binds FcgammaRIIIa with hig
85 N-glycans and milk oligosaccharides based on fucosylated fragment ions with characteristic CCSs.
86 pha1,6-fucosyltransferase (FUT8) to directly fucosylate full-size mature N-glycans in a chemoenzymati
87 ution structures of both nonglycosylated and fucosylated FVII EGF-1 in the presence of CaCl2.
88                     The overall structure of fucosylated FVII EGF-1 is very similar to the nonfucosyl
89 on constants (Kd) for the nonfucosylated and fucosylated FVII EGF-1 were found to be 16.4 +/- 1.8 and
90 toward a variety of sulfated, sialylated, or fucosylated Gal beta 1,3/4GlcNAc beta- or Gal beta 1,3Ga
91  discerned with sulfated, sialylated, and/or fucosylated Gal beta 1,3/4GlcNAc beta-based acceptor moi
92 rum albumin coupled with a common glycoform (fucosylated glycan lacking the alpha1,3-linked mannose)
93                   Selectin interactions with fucosylated glycan ligands mediate leukocyte rolling in
94 one or more alpha2,3-sialylated and alpha1,3-fucosylated glycan receptors that are unique from those
95 teract with alpha2,3-sialylated and alpha1,3-fucosylated glycan receptors, including 6-sulfo-sialyl L
96 lectively block the endogenous generation of fucosylated glycan structures.
97 orders was shown for twins with low level of fucosylated glycans and high level of non-fucosylated gl
98  that neither the FUT loci nor their cognate fucosylated glycans are essential to normal development.
99                               CD43 lacks the fucosylated glycans found on PSGL-1 and is enriched for
100 f another locus that regulates production of fucosylated glycans in intestinal enterocytes.
101                DC-SIGN has high affinity for fucosylated glycans in several plant glycoproteins and p
102              The affinity of BambL for small fucosylated glycans is very high as demonstrated by micr
103                                              Fucosylated glycans on pathogens are known to shape the
104          Modeling of MsaFBP32 complexed with fucosylated glycans that are widely distributed in proka
105 etailed structures and roles of other highly fucosylated glycans that co-exist in the parotid gland a
106                                          Two fucosylated glycans were found to be up-regulated in hea
107 y that selectins and DC-SIGN bind to related fucosylated glycans, but the mechanism of the interactio
108 orhabditis elegans expresses a wide range of fucosylated glycans, including N-linked oligosaccharides
109 rTF(1-263) contain high mannose, hybrid, and fucosylated glycans.
110 (PSGL-1), as well as sialylated and alpha1,3-fucosylated glycans.
111 l tool to address functional questions about fucosylated glycans.
112 nants, including core beta-xylose and highly fucosylated glycans.
113 of fucosylated glycans and high level of non-fucosylated glycans.
114 eutrophils depend on sialylated and alpha1,3-fucosylated glycans.
115  as well as asymmetrically and symmetrically fucosylated, glycans were identified from HCCF in experi
116 m-free NMRI mice revealed that production of fucosylated glycoconjugates and an alpha1, 2-fucosyltran
117            The intracellular localization of fucosylated glycoconjugates was visualized by using fluo
118 resented as relative abundance of individual fucosylated glycoforms normalized to the level of their
119 line results in the production of fully core-fucosylated glycoforms of the oligomannose substrate Man
120 eported glycoforms of IgG1, including doubly fucosylated glycoforms.
121 utant animals are defective in production of fucosylated glycolipids and that bre-1 mutant animals ma
122 lular fucosylation and facilitate studies of fucosylated glycoproteins and glycolipids.
123                                  CTB-binding fucosylated glycoproteins are present in normal human in
124 n leukocyte CD11b/CD18 and basally expressed fucosylated glycoproteins followed by binding to desmoso
125 ttle is known about the distribution of core-fucosylated glycoproteins in mammalian tissues.
126 synthesis of structurally well-defined, core-fucosylated glycoproteins remains a challenging task due
127                              The presence of fucosylated HBGAs in saliva and stomach biopsy specimens
128 th the defucosylated pentasaccharide and the fucosylated hexasaccharide without a significant differe
129 he first example of production of fully core-fucosylated high-mannose glycoforms.
130     The capability to preferentially consume fucosylated HMO suggests a competitive advantage for the
131 l gene cluster devoted to the utilization of fucosylated HMO, including genes for import of fucosylat
132 se, certain strains additionally metabolized fucosylated HMO.
133 ing revealed a preference for consumption of fucosylated HMO.
134 e fecal microbiota of Fut2(-) mice that lack fucosylated host glycans show decreased alpha diversity
135         These preclinical data indicate that fucosylated human Tregs is an effective strategy for pre
136 d galactosylation, decreased sialylation (of fucosylated IgG glycan structures) and increased bisecti
137 glycoforms, in which more than 50% were core-fucosylated, implicating a clear GnT I-independent core
138  prepared from transgenic lines were able to fucosylate, in vitro, purified AGPs from BY2 wild type c
139 e domain probes expressed nearly exclusively fucosylated LacdiNAc on bi-antennary complex-type chains
140 produce complex-type N-glycans with alpha1,3-fucosylated LDN (LDNF) GalNAcbeta1-4(Fucalpha1-3)GlcNAcb
141 hus, the HGE bacterium specifically bound to fucosylated leukocyte PSGL-1.
142 nts can be difficult, in particular terminal fucosylated Lewis and blood group antigens present on N-
143  an outer membrane protein that binds to the fucosylated Lewis b histo-blood group antigen on the sur
144 of human adenocarcinomas express sialylated, fucosylated Lewis blood group antigens on cell surface a
145 lly, that simultaneous DC-SIGN engagement by fucosylated ligands and TLR4 signaling was required for
146  participates in the generation of alpha(1,3)fucosylated ligands for L-selectin and provide further e
147                               Thus, CD31 and fucosylated ligands of P-selectin seem to be the candida
148 ally could confer a distinct specificity for fucosylated ligands.
149       The production of the homogeneous core-fucosylated Man5GlcNAc2 glycoform of EPO in the FUT8-ove
150 ll surface oligosaccharides contain specific fucosylated moieties expressed in lineage- and/or tempor
151                                     Specific fucosylated moieties of oligosaccharides and related gly
152 1) and the alpha2,3-sialylated- and alpha1,3-fucosylated-moiety sialyl-Lewis x (sLe(x)), which modifi
153 a closely related sialylated and alpha-(1,3) fucosylated molecule, plays a key role in HGE infection,
154 ulations, confirmed by experiment, predicted fucosylated molecules that are restricted to librations
155 cosylated HMO, including genes for import of fucosylated molecules, fucose metabolism and two alpha-f
156 ter pylori, abnormal expression of alpha(1,2)fucosylated motifs and binding of GII.4 virus-like parti
157 al alterations include an increase in large, fucosylated, mucin-type glycoproteins, changes in the ty
158 udies indicate that expression of sialylated fucosylated mucins by human carcinomas portends a poor p
159 ant animals, although viable, show a lack of fucosylated N- and O-glycans, based on mass spectrometri
160 the glycosylation reveals that only a single fucosylated N-acetyl glucosamine on N54 is required for
161          We found that Endo-D preferred core-fucosylated N-glycan for hydrolysis but favored nonfucos
162 e possible functional significance of highly fucosylated N-glycans is discussed in relation to their
163 d for selective capture and analysis of core fucosylated N-glycans present in complex glycan mixtures
164 rocainamide + H](+) in the tandem MS data of fucosylated N-glycans rapidly verifies core fucosylation
165  Asn623 and Asn752) are occupied with highly fucosylated N-glycans that possess unusual difucosylated
166  healthy human myelin, MOG is decorated with fucosylated N-glycans that support recognition by the C-
167 selective and quantitative profiling of core fucosylated N-glycans using UPLC-HILIC-FLR analysis was
168 strated its ability to bind to core alpha1-6 fucosylated N-glycans, but not to core alpha1-3 fucosyla
169 osylated N-glycans, but not to core alpha1-3 fucosylated N-glycans, or other alpha1-2, alpha1-3 and a
170 venue to a wide variety of homogeneous, core-fucosylated N-glycopeptides and N-glycoproteins that are
171                                Surprisingly, fucosylated N-linked glycans and glycolipids, previously
172 tivity is mediated by sialylated, alpha(1,3) fucosylated, N-linked glycans.
173                        The structures of the fucosylated neoglycans in CHO(alpha1, 2)FT cells and the
174 teracting specifically with high mannose and fucosylated neutral carbohydrate structures, langerin ha
175 solated a nonfucosylated and three variously fucosylated neutral oligosaccharides from human milk tha
176                                              Fucosylated O- and N-linked glycans are essential recogn
177 ults demonstrate that PSGL-1 contains unique fucosylated O-glycans that are predicted to be critical
178                  PSGL-1 requires sialylated, fucosylated O-linked glycans and tyrosine sulfate to bin
179 ressing cell line was found to be fully core-fucosylated oligomannose glycan (Man5GlcNAc2Fuc).
180 , agalacto, bisected biantennary, and a core-fucosylated oligosaccharide in the position of Asn B37 w
181 glycan moiety consisting of a sialylated and fucosylated oligosaccharide properly positioned on a cor
182 nsensus motif, was modified with biantennary fucosylated oligosaccharide structures.
183                                              Fucosylated oligosaccharides and glycoconjugates have be
184 gests that the N-CRD recognizes more complex fucosylated oligosaccharides and with a relatively highe
185 -dimensional structure and dynamics of three fucosylated oligosaccharides are investigated using a co
186                                              Fucosylated oligosaccharides have been proposed to be in
187 combinant Sfrs1 protein bound to a series of fucosylated oligosaccharides in glycan array and plate-b
188                   The expression of specific fucosylated oligosaccharides in milk thus varies in rela
189                             Determination of fucosylated oligosaccharides is particularly important d
190                                    alpha(1,3)Fucosylated oligosaccharides represent components of leu
191              Additionally, administration of fucosylated oligosaccharides to C. rodentium-challenged
192 ed recombinantly and demonstrated to bind to fucosylated oligosaccharides with a preference for alpha
193  is thus imperative for the synthesis of all fucosylated oligosaccharides.
194 ors but discriminates between differentially fucosylated oligosaccharides.
195 ns, or other alpha1-2, alpha1-3 and alpha1-4 fucosylated oligosaccharides.
196 fetal bovine serum acetylcholinesterase were fucosylated on the innermost N-acetylglucosamine residue
197  data suggest that murine myeloid leukocytes fucosylate only a few specific glycans, which interact p
198 y oligosaccharides including structures with fucosylated or sialylated N, N'-diacetyllactosediamine (
199               Sf9 cells mainly processed the fucosylated paucomannosidic structure (GlcNAc)(2)(Mannos
200 appear to be caused by structural changes in fucosylated pectic components such as rhamnogalacturonan
201 d neutrophils, and a cell line devoid of the fucosylated platelet selectin glycoprotein ligand 1 (PSG
202 ls were co-administered with MSCs or ex vivo fucosylated prior to injection, respectively.
203 ccharides included sialylated, sulfated, and fucosylated products based on mass spectrometry.
204                                              Fucosylated proteins are shed into the lumen and fucose
205 oying CD11b/CD18 as a probe to blot T84 cell fucosylated proteins purified via fucose-specific lectin
206 on encodes an adhesin that binds an alpha1-2 fucosylated receptor(s) present in the cecal mucosa.
207            We showed that, compared to fully fucosylated (referred to as wild-type in the text) b12,
208 -Xaa(2)-(Ser/Thr)-Cys-Xaa-Xaa-Gly (where the fucosylated residue is underlined).
209            It is surprising that some of the fucosylated schistosome glycans contain the Lewis x (Le(
210                                              Fucosylated selectin ligands are essential for all inter
211  to express alpha2-3-sialylated and alpha1-3-fucosylated selectin ligands such as sialyl Lewis x (sLe
212 ed can allow rapid identification of various fucosylated, sialylated, sulfated glycotopes and definit
213 e chains - a key step in the biosynthesis of fucosylated sidechains of galactoxyloglucan.
214             Selectins bind to sialylated and fucosylated sLe(x) receptors, and two enzymes, fucosyltr
215 idase digestions, and co-chromatography with fucosylated standards, the product of the reaction with
216 ed nonfucosylated seed amyloid xyloglucan or fucosylated stem xyloglucan as a substrate with equal fa
217  glycans might be complicated by the partial fucosylated structure and the alpha-Gal (1-3)-beta-Gal o
218                                      Similar fucosylated structures are also commonly found in a vari
219                                          All fucosylated structures contained a core (alpha1-6-linked
220                    Genetic deletion of these fucosylated structures in the mouse has been a powerful
221         The functional significance of these fucosylated structures is incompletely defined, although
222                         We further show that fucosylated structures promote CTB entry into a colonic
223 mplying that as yet unidentified sialylated, fucosylated structures serve as physiologically relevant
224 es (10-15%) of extended SLex with internally fucosylated structures: NeuAc alpha 2-->3 Gal beta 1-->4
225                       Enzymatic synthesis of fucosylated sugars in milligram scale was successfully p
226 C-type lectins that bind certain sialylated, fucosylated, sulfated glycoprotein ligands.
227  H-type alpha1,2FT does not indiscriminately fucosylate terminal galactosyl residues in complex-type
228 nd similarly to alpha3-sialylated and alpha2-fucosylated terminal LN, but not to alpha6-sialylated an
229  LN, but not to alpha6-sialylated and alpha3-fucosylated terminal LN.
230 ding many species with highly charged and/or fucosylated termini.
231  studies have suggested that the sialylated, fucosylated tetrasaccharide sialyl Lewis X (sLex) is an
232 -galactosyl-capped trisaccharide and the two fucosylated tetrasaccharides.
233    A minority of the O-glycans are alpha-1,3-fucosylated that occur as two major species containing t
234 clinical data suggesting that use of ex vivo fucosylated third-party human regulatory T cells (Tregs)
235 e 2 O-linked glycans that are sialylated and fucosylated to bind P- and E-selectin.
236            Selectin ligands must be alpha1-3 fucosylated to form glycan determinants such as sialyl L
237  The DG9-glycan index, which is the ratio of fucosylated to nonfucosylated triantennary glycans, prov
238 he untreated Tregs, the murine recipients of fucosylated Tregs maintained weight, had ameliorated cli
239             In a xenogenic GVHD mouse model, fucosylated Tregs showed prolonged periods of in vivo pe
240               MALDI-MS data revealed several fucosylated tri- and tetra-antennary glycans which were
241                  The level of core-alpha-1,6-fucosylated triantennary glycan (NA3Fb) increased both o
242                      Glycopeptide 1 with the fucosylated trisaccharide, beta-d-GlcNAc(1-->4)[alpha-l-
243  O-fucosyltransferase 2 and showed that it O-fucosylates TSRs but not EGF repeats in vitro.
244 e pd-A1PI, most glycans on recA1P1 were core fucosylated via alpha(1-6) linkage.
245 ures, sometimes methylated and core alpha1,6-fucosylated, with terminal beta1,3-linked galactose; a r
246                   These results suggest that fucosylated XyG is a suitable substrate for at least one
247 ble genotypes all had substantial amounts of fucosylated XyGs and weakly ME-HGs, but lacked heavily M
248 s of PD-resistant grapevine genotypes lacked fucosylated XyGs and weakly methyl-esterified HGs (ME-HG
249 upport the conclusion that weakly ME-HGs and fucosylated XyGs are substrates of the pathogen's CWDEs
250 s) seeds, which produce large amounts of non-fucosylated xyloglucan as a seed storage polymer.
251 tain less than 2% of the wild-type amount of fucosylated xyloglucan because of a point mutation in th
252 polymer, XTR9 has a clear preference for non-fucosylated xyloglucan polymer.

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