


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nnose residues and a Glc-Fuc disaccharide (O-fucosylation).
2 human alpha-1-acid-glycoprotein (for antenna fucosylation).
3 factor 1-alpha (HNF1A) as a key regulator of fucosylation.
4 unrecognized general defect in N-glycan core fucosylation.
5 ing Fcgamma receptor, independent of Fc core-fucosylation.
6 -glycan is essential for FUT8-catalyzed core fucosylation.
7 is, rather than differences in levels of XyG fucosylation.
8 ha(1,3)fucosyltransferase FucT-VII-dependent fucosylation.
9  carbohydrate core-2 branching or alpha(1,3)-fucosylation.
10 ligosaccharides, as well as a high degree of fucosylation.
11 are triantennary and trisialylated with core fucosylation.
12 y oligosaccharide that is influenced by core fucosylation.
13  on ADCC was dependent on the status of core fucosylation.
14 ylation while its absence signifies antennae fucosylation.
15 ly leads to ambiguous assignment of N-glycan fucosylation.
16 enzyme, significantly increased Treg surface fucosylation (66% vs 8%).
17  modification of Notch receptors by O-linked fucosylation, a reaction that is catalyzed by protein O-
18 se of sialylation alpha2-6, poly-LacNAc, and fucosylation, all known epitopes found in different tumo
19 escence (0-9 years) the levels of alpha(1-3)-fucosylation, alpha(2-3)-sialylation, and galactose sulf
20 osylation, suggesting that the level of core fucosylation also depends on the nature of the recombina
21 g the Lewis[x] determinant), alpha(1,6)-core fucosylation and a bisecting GlcNAc residue.
22 w for quantitative site-specific analysis of fucosylation and apply it to a comparison of hemopexin (
23       A pre-requisite for both core alpha1,6-fucosylation and beta1,4-galactosylation is the presence
24 a-galactose and are more diverse with higher fucosylation and better interaction with DC-SIGN [DC-spe
25 t human glycoprotein to determine changes in fucosylation and changes in sialylation that were in ver
26 35c1 overexpression causes elevated N-linked fucosylation and disrupts embryonic patterning in a tran
27 nique will allow dynamic imaging of cellular fucosylation and facilitate studies of fucosylated glyco
28 alyses showed that the IgG-Fc glycoform with fucosylation and fully galactosylation was an independen
29 During maturation (9-18 years) the levels of fucosylation and galactose sulfation continue to increas
30 in primary rat hepatocytes can increase core fucosylation and induce additional glycoform alterations
31             Secretion of ADAMTS17 requires O-fucosylation and its autocatalytic activity does not dep
32 o modification of host glycans by increasing fucosylation and mannose content, while decreasing sialy
33        Notch activity is regulated by both O-fucosylation and O-glucosylation, and Notch receptors co
34                              Amounts of core fucosylation and of triantennary glycans increased subst
35 of antibodies with different combinations of fucosylation and sialylation and performed side-by-side
36  hypoxia also results in increased levels of fucosylation and sialylation.
37                  axy8 exhibits increased XyG fucosylation and the occurrence of XyG fragments not pre
38  transporter, slc35c1 that promotes terminal fucosylation and thereby limits Wnt activity.
39  of GSP-6' and GSP-6" to P-selectin required fucosylation and, to a lesser extent, sialylation as wel
40  triantennary GlcNAc branching, and alpha1,6-fucosylation) and augmented by Asn(347) NeuAc-type sialy
41 h is here validated with human IgG (for core fucosylation) and human alpha-1-acid-glycoprotein (for a
42  the sequences with terminal sialylation and fucosylation, and addition of LacNAc repeat structures.
43         Commensal bacteria induce epithelial fucosylation, and epithelial fucose is used as a dietary
44 s of bi- and triantennary, core and terminal fucosylation, and mono- to trisialylation.
45 selectin ligand expression, general cellular fucosylation, and normal postnatal physiology is achieve
46  a virtually complete deficiency of cellular fucosylation, and variable frequency of intrauterine dem
47                              Thus, rapid IEC fucosylation appears to be a protective mechanism that u
48 ng defects associated with enhanced N-linked fucosylation are due to diminished canonical Wnt signali
49 rotein sialylation and alpha-1,6-linked core fucosylation are observed following activation of the be
50              As increases in sialylation and fucosylation are prominent among cancer-associated modif
51 ms that regulate the induction of epithelial fucosylation are unknown.
52  last menstrual period, indicating more core fucosylation as well as possible changes in branching of
53 tyllactosamine units) with internal multiple fucosylation at GlcNAc.
54 lectin: (i) those having a single alpha1-->3 fucosylation at internal GlcNAcs but not at the penultim
55 cNAc and (ii) those having double alpha1-->3 fucosylation at internal GlcNAcs, excluding the penultim
56 plantation mouse embryo, as well as alpha1,3-fucosylation at multiple internal GlcNAc of unbranched p
57 rms at the N187 site of HPX, absence of core fucosylation at N882 and N911 sites of CFH, or a higher
58 mbin results from the specific difference in fucosylation at residue 155, which may result in differe
59 ort here a detailed study of the effect of O-fucosylation at Ser-60 on the structure of FVII EGF-1, i
60 ng of complex-type N-linked glycans +/- core fucosylation but does not process oligomannose- or hybri
61                 In addition, the alpha1-3,-4 fucosylation, but not the terminal sialylation, assists
62  have evolved for the inhibition of in vitro fucosylation, but they are not applicable for in vivo us
63                                          (r) Fucosylation by alpha 1,2-L-FT of the galactosyl residue
64 SGL-1, including sialylation, sulfation, and fucosylation by alpha 1,3-fucosyltransferase(s) (FucT),
65         We unravel the mechanistic basis for fucosylation by AtFUT1 with a multipronged approach invo
66 abilized mucins post translationally through fucosylation by FUT8, as the knockdown of FUT8 resulted
67 acceptor substrate could facilitate the core fucosylation by FUT8.
68            Notch receptors are modified by O-fucosylation catalyzed by protein O-fucosyltransferase 1
69  ADAMTS9 showed that 9 of 12 TSRs with the O-fucosylation consensus sequence carried the Glucosebeta1
70            We investigated whether a lack of fucosylation consequent to loss of GDP-fucose synthesis
71 inner olfactory nerve layer, suggesting that fucosylation contributes to OB development.
72       In addition, the degree of anti-HPA-1a fucosylation correlated positively with the neonatal pla
73 nterfere with selectin-mediated recognition, fucosylation could negatively regulate siglec binding.
74 s, yielded a human cDNA that complements the fucosylation defect in the Lec13 cell line.
75 gnaling during development, and shows milder fucosylation defects than those observed in mice unable
76                  We studied a mouse model of fucosylation deficiency (Fx-/- mice) and mice with the f
77                                              Fucosylation deficiency altered the composition of the f
78 onsequent to a molecular mechanism driven by fucosylation deficiency and/or HES1-loss.
79                                     In mice, fucosylation deficiency leads to colitis and adenocarcin
80                                 We show that fucosylation-deficient Lec13 Chinese hamster ovary cells
81                                 By contrast, fucosylation-deficient myeloid progenitors are insensiti
82 matopoietic stem cells deficient in cellular fucosylation display decreased frequency and defective r
83 n of three other highly conserved sites of O-fucosylation does not have detectable effects.
84                            In the absence of fucosylation, dysplasia appeared and progressed to adeno
85                                 Glycoprotein fucosylation enables fringe-dependent modulation of sign
86 sylation in FX(-/-) mice identifies cellular fucosylation events as essential concomitants to fertili
87                           We found that core fucosylation exerted a significant adverse effect on Fcg
88                      The results of enforced fucosylation for 22 patients enrolled in the trial were
89          Consistent with very low endogenous fucosylation, forced fucosylation of intact WEHI-3 cells
90 ised by the presence of outer-arm alpha(1,3)-fucosylation (forming the Lewis[x] determinant), alpha(1
91 ation (FUT8) and downregulation of alpha-1,2 fucosylation (FUT1, FUT2) were identified as features of
92                         Upregulation of core fucosylation (FUT8) and downregulation of alpha-1,2 fuco
93  of two enzymes involved in alpha-1,6 linked fucosylation, GDP-mannose 4, 6-dehydratase (Gmds) and to
94 , the presence of a bisecting GlcNAc or core-fucosylation had little effect on the affinity of Fc to
95 nositol (GPI) anchors and N-glycosylation, O-fucosylation has been recently reported in key sporozoit
96                                     Enhanced fucosylation has been suggested as a marker for serologi
97                                              Fucosylation has profound effects on the expression and
98 G1 monoclonal antibodies with reduced glycan fucosylation have been shown to improve antibody-depende
99                      To study how changes in fucosylation impact embryonic development, we up-regulat
100                                         Core fucosylation impacted L1CAM cleavage and the ability of
101      The mur2 mutation eliminates xyloglucan fucosylation in all major plant organs, indicating that
102 911 sites of CFH, or a higher degree of core fucosylation in CFH compared to HPX, but we did not iden
103 t a valuable tool for studying the role of O-fucosylation in ECM synthesis and remodeling, and will b
104  on hypotheses regarding roles of xyloglucan fucosylation in facilitating xyloglucan-cellulose intera
105                       Conditional control of fucosylation in FX(-/-) mice identifies cellular fucosyl
106 ncertain, as has a requirement for alpha(1,3)fucosylation in HEV L-selectin ligand activity.
107 nterparts, revealed a consistent increase in fucosylation in liver disease with significant site- and
108  (FUT8), the only enzyme catalyzing alpha1,6-fucosylation in mammals, has been observed in several ma
109 ed intestinal epithelial Fut2 expression and fucosylation in mice.
110  offer new insight into the role of alpha1,3 fucosylation in prostate cancer development.
111 ne a critical role for N-glycosylation and O-fucosylation in the biosynthesis of punctin-1.
112 vitro and identifies a requirement for Notch fucosylation in the expression of Notch ligand binding a
113 ew insights into the mechanism of xyloglucan fucosylation in the Golgi.
114 can be identified by the concentration of 2'-fucosylation in their milk.
115 ich we show are both substrates for N-linked fucosylation in zebrafish embryos.
116 h respect to sialylation, mannosylation, and fucosylation, in normal, pancreatitis, and cancer sera.
117                                   The target fucosylation inhibitor (1) was synthesized from readily
118 nd feasibility of a novel strategy, enforced fucosylation, intended to improve engraftment after dono
119                                            O-fucosylation is a common posttranslational modification
120         Furthermore, these results suggest O-fucosylation is a mechanism by which proteins involved i
121 he enzymes (fucosyltransferases) involved in fucosylation is a recurrent theme in modern glycoscience
122                                              Fucosylation is an important feature of protein N-glycos
123             Here we show that increased core fucosylation is associated with de-differentiation of pr
124             In particular, the level of core-fucosylation is critical to several Fc mediated biologic
125                                            O-Fucosylation is essential for receptor function, and elo
126 d CR/Nodal signaling assays, indicating that fucosylation is functionally important for CR to facilit
127      Together these findings indicate that O-fucosylation is functionally significant for secretion o
128  of N-glycans is reduced severely, protein O-fucosylation is generally unaffected.
129                                            O-Fucosylation is mediated by protein O-fucosyltransferase
130                                 Cell surface fucosylation is required for T3SS2-dependent killing, an
131 hich are conditionally deficient in cellular fucosylation, is consequent to loss of Notch-dependent s
132                                         Both fucosylation isoforms of sPSGL-1 bound to sP-selectin.
133                     Disruption of intestinal fucosylation led to increased susceptibility to infectio
134 dhesion and spreading in vitro, as well as N-fucosylation level of the endometrium in pregnant mice.
135 ion of IgG1 monoclonal antibodies with lower fucosylation levels and thus improve the ADCC of these p
136  increased alpha1,2-, alpha1,3- and alpha1,6-fucosylation levels by up-regulating N-fucosyltransferas
137 he amino acids responsible for site-specific fucosylation map near the GDP-fucose-binding site.
138 broad perspective, these data suggest that O-fucosylation may be a widespread post-translational modi
139 t transfusion), indicating that the level of fucosylation may be antigen dependent and/or related to
140 he rs78060698 variant, through regulation of fucosylation may control intestinal host-microbial inter
141       Co-administration with MSCs or ex vivo fucosylation may enhance utility of CD34(+) cells in cel
142 ads us to propose an atypical water-mediated fucosylation mechanism facilitated by an H-bonded networ
143         Notch activity can be modulated by O-fucosylation (mediated by protein O-fucosyltransferase-1
144   The molecular mechanism, however, by which fucosylation mediates these processes remains largely el
145 the glycopeptide from normal SKP1 and from a fucosylation mutant, followed by matrix-assisted laser d
146  the extracellular domain of the receptor: O-fucosylation, O-glucosylation, and O-GlcNAcylation.
147                                          The fucosylation of a Notch1 EGF repeat fragment that occurs
148 nduced Notch signaling were reduced, and the fucosylation of a Notch1 fragment was also decreased.
149 wis x (17) was synthesized via the enzymatic fucosylation of a precursor displayed in the plate.
150 tizes domestic ruminants, have revealed core fucosylation of a type not previously observed in any eu
151 riantennary complex carbohydrate, as well as fucosylation of all types of chains.
152   We found markedly decreased levels of core fucosylation of anti-HPA-1a-specific IgG1 from FNAIT pat
153                          It is possible that fucosylation of antithrombin may occur in vivo as a mean
154 mucin core 2 can proceed even after alpha1,3 fucosylation of beta1,6-linked LacNAc.
155            We found that inadequate alpha1-3 fucosylation of CB CD34(+) cells, particularly CD34(+)CD
156     These observations suggest that alpha1-3 fucosylation of CB cells might be a simple and effective
157 this defect appears related to low levels of fucosylation of cell surface molecules that are responsi
158                                Inhibition of fucosylation of cell wall polysaccharides also affected
159 us, inhibition of Notch-Serrate binding by O-fucosylation of EGF12 might be needed in certain context
160 ven orally to mice, 2-fluorofucose inhibited fucosylation of endogenously produced antibodies, tumor
161 l step of Lex biosynthesis is the alpha(1,3)-fucosylation of GlcNAc in a terminal Galbeta(1-->4)GlcNA
162                            (d) On C-3 or C-4 fucosylation of GlcNAc, both types 1 and 2 lost activity
163 ification is needed to confirm that enhanced fucosylation of HPX and CFH may serve as an indicator of
164                                         Core fucosylation of IgG is a "safety switch" reducing ADCC,
165                         Nevertheless, forced fucosylation of intact cells did not significantly augme
166 -fucosynthase and fucoligase for direct core fucosylation of intact N-glycoproteins.
167 ith very low endogenous fucosylation, forced fucosylation of intact WEHI-3 cells or murine neutrophil
168 itionally, alpha1,2-, alpha1,3- and alpha1,6-fucosylation of integrin alphaVbeta3, a critical endomet
169                                              Fucosylation of intestinal epithelial cells, catalyzed b
170 rements requires sulfation, sialylation, and fucosylation of ligands.
171               These findings support ex vivo fucosylation of multipotent CD34(+) CB cells as a clinic
172 fucosyltransferase (FUT8) catalyzes the core fucosylation of N-glycans in the biosynthesis of glycopr
173 nt roles in directing the branching and core fucosylation of N-glycans in vivo.
174 Ic patients suggested that although terminal fucosylation of N-glycans is reduced severely, protein O
175 NAc2, suggesting that FUT8 can catalyze core fucosylation of N-glycans lacking an alpha1,3-arm GlcNAc
176 first report of in vitro FUT8-catalyzed core fucosylation of N-glycans lacking the alpha1,3-arm GlcNA
177                                     The core fucosylation of N-glycans on glycoproteins is catalyzed
178                                         Core fucosylation of N-glycoproteins plays a crucial role in
179 es of the young (MODY) would display altered fucosylation of N-linked glycans on plasma proteins and
180                                         Core fucosylation of N-linked oligosaccharides (GlcNAcbeta1,
181 in humans, requires sialylation and alpha1,3-fucosylation of neutrophils.
182 ose, or a factor that otherwise enhances the fucosylation of Notch and is required for optimal Notch
183 art through processes controlled by O-linked fucosylation of Notch receptors.
184 fects and mechanisms accounting for impaired fucosylation of selectin ligands and defective selectin
185  density, although a marked elevation in the fucosylation of Ser-linked glycans compared with Thr-lin
186 ceptor (TLR) ligands causes rapid alpha(1,2)-fucosylation of small intestine epithelial cells (IECs)
187              Previous studies suggest that O-fucosylation of the epidermal growth factor-like (EGF) r
188                                 The in vitro fucosylation of the nonglycosylated FVII EGF-1 was achie
189  This phenomenon is linked to changes in the fucosylation of the O chain, which was concomitant with
190                                              Fucosylation of the polylactosamine sequences on complex
191   Whereas in the double mutant core alpha1,3-fucosylation of the proximal N-acetylglucosamine was abo
192 ls revealed that galactosylation rather than fucosylation of the side chains is essential for mainten
193 ned to stipules and pollen grains leading to fucosylation of the walls of these cell types in the mur
194 fut2 gene-trap lines, we demonstrated that O-fucosylation of TSRs was essential for restricting epith
195 charides and glycoproteins demonstrated that fucosylation of xyloglucans and of N-linked glycans is f
196        In view of the influence of outer-arm fucosylation on carbohydrate recognition processes in ge
197 e split mutation introduced a new site for O-fucosylation on EGF repeat 14 of the Notch extracellular
198                          However, sites of O-fucosylation on Notch that influence Notch activation ha
199                                Previously, O-fucosylation on Ser or Thr mediated by the endoplasmic r
200                              Either alpha1,3 fucosylation or 6-O-sulfation of the GlcNAc moiety reduc
201                    We investigated whether O-fucosylation or Fringe-mediated elongation of O-fucose o
202 lass, presentation, opsonization density, Fc fucosylation, or mutation.
203 oteins with O-fucose; here we describe the O-fucosylation pathway in the nucleocytosol of a eukaryote
204      To elucidate the GnT I-independent core fucosylation pathway, we generated a stable HEK293S GnT
205 e responsible for the GnT I-independent core fucosylation pathway.
206 , implicating a clear GnT I-independent core fucosylation pathway.
207                             Furthermore, the fucosylation pattern of PSGL-1 can affect its affinity f
208                In the context of a wild-type fucosylation phenotype, we find that the Notch ligands s
209 om several laboratories has indicated that O-fucosylation plays an important role in ligand mediated
210 dependent killing, and genetic inhibition of fucosylation prevents membrane insertion of the T3SS2 tr
211 ron, a component of this flora, restored the fucosylation program, whereas an isogenic strain carryin
212 rences are responsible for the site-specific fucosylation properties of each enzyme.
213  studies demonstrated that the site-specific fucosylation properties of these enzymes could be revers
214 ese two enzymes have distinct "site-specific fucosylation" properties.
215  GDP-fucose (GDP-Fuc), the precursor for all fucosylation reactions, in the blood stages of Plasmodiu
216  that the metabolite may be used for further fucosylation reactions.
217 o prepare activated L-fucose derivatives for fucosylation reactions.
218                   We also observed that core fucosylation reduced the activity of GnT-IV toward the b
219  receptivity, as well as the regulation of N-fucosylation remains unclear.
220 and, commensurately, cell surface alpha(1,3)-fucosylation reveals that acceptor sialyllactosaminyl gl
221               In contrast, in the absence of fucosylation, sialylation did not adversely impact ADCC.
222 ular weight of the chains, and the levels of fucosylation, sialylation, and sulfation remain fairly c
223           Sialylation in the context of core fucosylation significantly decreased ADCC in a cell-base
224                            For example, core fucosylation significantly decreases antibody-dependent
225                                       This O-fucosylation site did not meet the proposed consensus se
226               Unexpectedly, one additional O-fucosylation site was found in the disintegrin domain.
227 -like domain and the presence of a consensus fucosylation site within all EGF-CFC family members sugg
228 osylated form even for the residues near the fucosylation site.
229                            We identified 7 O-fucosylation sites in the thrombospondin (TSP) type 1 re
230 ating that arabinosyl residues represent the fucosylation sites on these molecules.
231 has been successfully employed for assigning fucosylation, such strategies are often too cumbersome,
232 eceptor led to approximately 30% and 3% core fucosylation, suggesting that the level of core fucosyla
233 s in HA specificity, such as preferences for fucosylation, sulfation and sialylation at positions 2 (
234 hD) and platelet Ags frequently have reduced fucosylation that enhances their pathogenicity.
235 ,6-Trifluorofucose (1) is a new inhibitor of fucosylation that has been demonstrated to allow the pre
236  in mice conditionally deficient in cellular fucosylation that is attributable to a loss of Notch-dep
237                         The relevance of gut fucosylation to human diseases also is discussed.
238 application toward the rapid verification of fucosylation types in a therapeutic protein (Rituximab).
239                                    Thus, the fucosylations unveil a proliferation-dependent switch in
240  was efficient in detection of N-glycan core fucosylation using lectin blotting and lectin ELISA assa
241 dition of fucose to the diet, which restored fucosylation via a salvage pathway.
242  that IL-22RA1 signaling promotes intestinal fucosylation via induction of the fucosyltransferase Fut
243 ryonic development, we up-regulated N-linked fucosylation via over-expression of a key GDP-Fucose tra
244                        This increase in core fucosylation was associated with increased levels of two
245 ther enzyme) demonstrated that site-specific fucosylation was defined within a 40-amino acid segment
246 Unexpectedly, only small amounts of terminal fucosylation was found in diantennary complex-type N-gly
247    To test the functional consequences of Ab fucosylation, we produced V-gene-matched recombinant ant
248 ecifically, whereas alpha2,6-sialylation and fucosylation were not.
249 st to the FNAIT patients, no changes in core fucosylation were observed for anti-HLA antibodies in re
250 , including N-glycosylation, sialylation and fucosylation, were observed between early and late time
251 n a receptive endometrium by up-regulating N-fucosylation, which is a potential useful biomarker to e
252 these FX-deficient cells exhibited defective fucosylation, which is required for Notch signaling.
253  fucosylated N-glycans rapidly verifies core fucosylation while its absence signifies antennae fucosy
254 iabetic CD34(+) cells manipulated by ex vivo fucosylation with ASC-101.
255 937 lymphoma cells, the glycosides decreased fucosylation without affecting sialylation.
256 tions to GlyCAM-1, together with appropriate fucosylation, yields enhanced rolling ligands for both p

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