


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 to contribute to pathologies associated with fumonisins.
2 resultant mutant lost the ability to produce fumonisins.
3  the role of Fum14p in the esterification of fumonisins.
4  FUM14 is required for the esterification of fumonisins.
5 method for the quantitative determination of fumonisins.
6 and 94.4% for all the mycotoxins, except for fumonisins.
7 nd FB2 contents in silage were due to hidden fumonisins.
8 lerable daily intake (PMTDI) recommended for fumonisins.
9  rates confirming exposure to aflatoxins and fumonisins.
10                                  Exposure to fumonisin alone or coexposure with aflatoxins may contri
11 HL-60 and the transfectants was abrogated by fumonisin, an inhibitor of ceramide generation, and by t
12                        The effects of GEO on fumonisin and ergosterol production were evaluated at co
13 s, subsequently inhibiting the production of fumonisins and ergosterol.
14 flatoxins and ochratoxin, and 2.0ngL(-1) for fumonisins and neosolaniol.
15                 Fusarium moniliforme toxins (fumonisins) and Alternaria alternata lycopersici (AAL) t
16 oor child health and development: aflatoxin, fumonisin, and deoxynivalenol.
17                                Aflatoxin and fumonisin are toxic food contaminants.
18                                              Fumonisins are a family of carcinogenic secondary metabo
19                                              Fumonisins are a group of mycotoxins found in various fo
20                                              Fumonisins are a group of polyketide-derived mycotoxins
21                                              Fumonisins are mycotoxins produced by Fusarium species t
22                                              Fumonisins are polyketide-derived mycotoxins produced by
23                                              Fumonisins are secondary metabolites of the fungus Fusar
24  a Farber disease patient in the presence of fumonisin B (1), the conversion to NBD-ceramide was redu
25      A 2-h pretreatment of Jurkat cells with fumonisin B(1) (100 microm), a specific inhibitor of CoA
26                                              Fumonisin B(1) (FB(1)) is a mycotoxin that inhibits cera
27                               C(6)-ceramide, fumonisin B(1) (FB(1)), or etoposide was used to initiat
28 sphorylation of SR proteins was inhibited by fumonisin B(1) and by overexpression of glucosylceramide
29 ns grown for 3 weeks in culture in 20 microM fumonisin B(1) develop dendrites, axons, and synaptic te
30 s of the sphingolipid biosynthesis inhibitor fumonisin B(1) has been achieved.
31                  These data demonstrate that fumonisin B(1) protects against toxin-induced synaptic b
32          In this work the ability to predict fumonisin B(1)+B(2) contents in corn meal using an FT-NI
33                                              Fumonisin B(1), an inhibitor of ceramide synthase, and g
34    The increase in ceramide was inhibited by fumonisin B(1), an inhibitor of ceramide synthase, but n
35 tor of serine palmitoyltransferase (SPT), or fumonisin B(1), an inhibitor of ceramide synthase, retar
36                                              Fumonisin B(1), an inhibitor of ceramide synthesis, sign
37  cord cell cultures grown in the presence of fumonisin B(1), an inhibitor of ganglioside synthesis.
38 pressed by inhibitors of ceramide synthesis, fumonisin B(1), myriocin, and l-cycloserine, and 4-HPR t
39     When cells were treated with 5-50 microm fumonisin B(1), the cellular level of ceramide decreased
40  to control cultures, tetanus toxin added to fumonisin B(1)-treated cultures does not block potassium
41                                Supplementing fumonisin B(1)-treated cultures with mixed brain ganglio
42 ent with the inhibitor of ceramide synthase, fumonisin B(1).
43 de synthase is inhibited by the fungal toxin fumonisin B(1).
44  expressing wild type PAK1 with sphingosine, fumonisin B, or sphingomyelinase, all of which are able
45 /kg), diacetoxyscirpenol (<LOQ - 91 mug/kg), fumonisin B1 (<LOQ - 95 mug/kg), fumonisin B2 (<LOQ), fu
46 The specific inhibitor of ceramide synthase, fumonisin B1 (50 microM), was able to suppress H(2)O(2)-
47  glycol-dimethacrylate), PA-EGDMA) to remove fumonisin B1 (FB1) and fumonisin B2 (FB2) from model sol
48                     The inhibitory effect on fumonisin B1 (FB1) and fumonisin B2 (FB2) production was
49 eaf tissues with a PCD-inducing fungal toxin fumonisin B1 (FB1) and increased sensitivity to heat sho
50 essment of two highly concerning mycotoxins (fumonisin B1 (FB1) and ocratoxin A (OTA)) has successful
51 e report that PCD triggered by the mycotoxin fumonisin B1 (FB1) can be suppressed by PTI in Arabidops
52                               In this study, fumonisin B1 (FB1) consumption was assessed through dete
53 n of sphingolipid synthesis by the mycotoxin fumonisin B1 (FB1) disrupts axonal growth in cultured hi
54 e of the mycotoxins deoxynivalenol (DON) and fumonisin B1 (FB1) in industrial beers.
55                             The fungal toxin fumonisin B1 (FB1) induces apoptosis-like programmed cel
56                                              Fumonisin B1 (FB1) is a food-borne mycotoxin produced by
57 rabidopsis tissues but can be upregulated by fumonisin B1 (FB1) treatment and pathogen infection.
58 nd sensitivity to the PCD-inducing mycotoxin fumonisin B1 (FB1) were increased by ssSPTa overexpressi
59  we assessed GTP mitigation on biomarkers of fumonisin B1 (FB1), a class 2B carcinogen, in blood and
60                                              Fumonisin B1 (FB1), a programmed cell death-eliciting to
61                               Interestingly, fumonisin B1 (FB1), an inhibitor of the salvage pathway,
62 hain ceramide levels, which was inhibited by fumonisin B1 (FB1), and not by myriocin (MYR).
63  are targets for inhibition by the mycotoxin fumonisin B1 (FB1).
64 induced by mycotoxins ochratoxin A (OTA) and fumonisin B1 (FB1).
65 ome immunoanalysis) for the detection of the fumonisin B1 (FmB1).
66 ne governing the production of the mycotoxin fumonisin B1 (fum1) among 121 random ascospore progeny f
67 in adducts (AF-alb) using ELISA, and urinary fumonisin B1 (UFB1) using liquid chromatography-mass spe
68 YPC1p suppressed the inhibition of growth by fumonisin B1 albeit more modestly.
69 nd AtORM2 displayed increased sensitivity to fumonisin B1 and an accompanying strong increase in LCBs
70  suitable screening tool for the analysis of Fumonisin B1 and B2 in food samples.
71 bition of the de novo biosynthesis of SLs by fumonisin B1 and beta-chloro-L-alanine completely abroga
72                      Good specificity toward fumonisin B1 and its structural analog, fumonisin B2, wa
73 educed sensitivity to PCD-inducing mycotoxin fumonisin B1 as well as oxidative stress inducers, where
74                                     Although fumonisin B1 blocked ceramide production and increased s
75 as based on the following: 1) the ability of fumonisin B1 but not myriocin to inhibit ceramide format
76                                Nevertheless, fumonisin B1 but not myriocin was able to protect from T
77 se findings suggest that dietary exposure to fumonisin B1 could adversely affect folate uptake and po
78 because inhibition of ceramide synthase with fumonisin B1 decreased apoptosis in lyase-overexpressing
79              The ceramide synthase inhibitor fumonisin B1 did not affect AA-induced ceramide producti
80 his is the first report of the occurrence of fumonisin B1 in commercial samples of polished rice from
81  preparation method for the determination of fumonisin B1 in rice was optimised using a strategy of s
82 pe microarray was applied to the analysis of fumonisin B1 in spiked maize and wheat samples.
83                                              Fumonisin B1 induced cell cycle arrest in the G1 phase i
84                                              Fumonisin B1 inhibited both the ceramide increase and th
85 ls basally and in response to UV-C, but only fumonisin B1 inhibited cell death, suggesting the presen
86                  Ceramide analogues bypassed fumonisin B1 inhibition to initiate apoptosis directly.
87                              The addition of fumonisin B1 or AAL toxin, TA, to CV-1 cells induced the
88          Inhibition of ceramide formation by fumonisin B1 or down-regulation of PKCdelta potentiated
89 lls treated with ceramide synthase inhibitor fumonisin B1 or glucosylceramide synthase inhibitor 1-ph
90 h ceramide synthesis inhibitors myriocin and fumonisin B1 or siRNA silencing of CerS6 prevented C16-c
91          Inhibition of ceramide synthesis by fumonisin B1 overcame the defect in PKC phosphorylation
92 paired kernel colonization, but the ratio of fumonisin B1 per unit growth was not significantly reduc
93         Inhibition of ceramide synthase with fumonisin B1 prevented p53 reactivation induced by GCS s
94 nd, inhibition of ceramide accumulation with fumonisin B1 restored the ability of PMA to induce trans
95 ition of de novo synthesis using myriocin or fumonisin B1 resulted in decreased overall cellular cera
96 gulation of CYP2C11 when added alone or with fumonisin B1 to block acylation of the exogenous sphingo
97  nor facilitative transport was inhibited by fumonisin B1 treatment, indicating that the effect of sp
98 array-based immunoassay for the detection of fumonisin B1 using a novel mimotope selected by phage di
99 was immobilized onto epoxy-glass slides, and fumonisin B1 was detected in a competitive binding inhib
100 is, since ceramide synthase inhibition (with fumonisin B1) had no effect.
101 sitive on-site quantification of fumonisins (fumonisin B1+fumonisin B2) in maize has been developed.
102                             The inclusion of fumonisin B1, a ceramide synthase inhibitor, blocked PSC
103  in the ceramides was partially decreased by Fumonisin B1, a ceramide synthase inhibitor.
104 was dependent on ceramide synthesis, because fumonisin B1, a ceramide synthetase inhibitor, blocked t
105 amide without FFA induced DNA laddering, but fumonisin B1, a ceramide synthetase inhibitor, completel
106  de novo biosynthesis was similar to that of fumonisin B1, a classical inhibitor of ceramide synthase
107                                              Fumonisin B1, a dihydroceramide synthase inhibitor, exag
108          CS activation was obligatory, since fumonisin B1, a fungal pathogen that acts as a specific
109 ction was investigated in Caco-2 cells using fumonisin B1, a mycotoxin that inhibits the biosynthesis
110                         However, addition of fumonisin B1, a selective ceramide synthase inhibitor, a
111 ed sphingosine by ceramide synthase, we used fumonisin B1, a specific inhibitor of ceramide synthase.
112                               Treatment with fumonisin B1, a specific natural inhibitor of ceramide s
113 and that LASS1 in HeLa cells is sensitive to fumonisin B1, an in vitro inhibitor of (dihydro)ceramide
114  sphinganine by a second method (addition of fumonisin B1, an inhibitor of ceramide synthase) also re
115                                         Both fumonisin B1, an inhibitor of ceramide synthase, and ISP
116 ion induced by S1P was completely blocked by fumonisin B1, an inhibitor of ceramide synthase, but onl
117                                              Fumonisin B1, an inhibitor of ceramide synthase, prevent
118 16)-ceramide in SW480 cells was inhibited by fumonisin B1, an inhibitor of ceramide synthases (CerS).
119 in arachidonate signaling was detected since fumonisin B1, an inhibitor of de novo ceramide synthesis
120 y was not inhibited in vitro and in cells by fumonisin B1, an inhibitor of the CoA-dependent ceramide
121 nd okadaic acid, ceramide synthase inhibitor fumonisin B1, and ROS scavenger N-acetylcysteine (NAC).
122 gnificant variables for the determination of fumonisin B1, and then, a central composite rotatable de
123 termination of ten mycotoxins (ochratoxin A, fumonisin B1, fumonisin B2, deoxynivalenol, fusarenon-X,
124  of ceramide production by the fungal toxin, fumonisin B1, impaired TCR-induced interleukin (IL)-2 pr
125 sphingolipid biosynthesis, L-cycloserine and fumonisin B1, prevented the observed accumulation of the
126                                 Myriocin and fumonisin B1, specific inhibitors of key enzymes (serine
127                                              Fumonisin B1, the N-acyl-sphinganine dehydrogenase (e.g.
128 ivity is CoA-independent and is resistant to fumonisin B1, thus explaining why YPC1 was cloned as a f
129  presence of the ceramide synthase inhibitor fumonisin B1, which inhibited apoptosis by 18%-81% (medi
130                                  Conversely, fumonisin B1, which inhibits the biosynthesis of endogen
131                                  Conversely, fumonisin B1, which selectively inhibits ceramide syntha
132 the programmed cell death-inducing mycotoxin fumonisin B1, with an accompanying reduced accumulation
133 B1, thus explaining why YPC1 was cloned as a fumonisin B1-resistant gene.
134 ular ceramide levels and Abeta generation in fumonisin B1-treated cells.
135 s whose overexpression bestows resistance to fumonisin B1.
136 y of SL synthesis, beta-chloro-L-alanine and fumonisin B1.
137  competitive inhibitor of ceramide synthase, fumonisin B1.
138 wn risk factors may be caused by exposure to fumonisin B1.
139 bilization, which was blocked exclusively by fumonisin B1.
140  lead to cell death, which were inhibited by fumonisin B1.
141  de novo ceramide biosynthesis, myriocin and fumonisin B1.
142 im of this study was to evaluate the fate of fumonisins B1 (FB1) and B2 (FB2) during industrial dry-m
143                             The stability of Fumonisins B1 and B2 (FB1, FB2) was studied and the effe
144 termined to be effective for quantitation of fumonisins B1 and B2 in feed.
145 simultaneous extraction and determination of fumonisins B1 and B2 in maize.
146 derivatization is a suitable alternative for fumonisins B1 and B2 quantitation in corn-based feeds.
147 nivalenol, zearalenone, sterigmatocystin and fumonisins B1, B2 and B3.
148 91 mug/kg), fumonisin B1 (<LOQ - 95 mug/kg), fumonisin B2 (<LOQ), fumonisin B3 (<LOQ), T2 (<LOQ) and
149 , PA-EGDMA) to remove fumonisin B1 (FB1) and fumonisin B2 (FB2) from model solutions and red wine.
150  inhibitory effect on fumonisin B1 (FB1) and fumonisin B2 (FB2) production was significant at GEO con
151 s with immobilised L-thyroxine, glucosamine, fumonisin B2 or biotin as template, can demonstrate comp
152 e quantification of fumonisins (fumonisin B1+fumonisin B2) in maize has been developed.
153 n B1) and 15mugL(-1) (for deoxynivalenol and fumonisin B2).
154  ten mycotoxins (ochratoxin A, fumonisin B1, fumonisin B2, deoxynivalenol, fusarenon-X, T-2 and HT-2
155 ward fumonisin B1 and its structural analog, fumonisin B2, was observed, together with negligible cro
156  B1 (<LOQ - 95 mug/kg), fumonisin B2 (<LOQ), fumonisin B3 (<LOQ), T2 (<LOQ) and zearalenone (<LOQ).
157 chratoxin A, diacetoxiscyrpenol (DAS), three fumonisins, beauvericin (BEA), deoxynivalenol (DON), 15-
158                                 In Fusarium, fumonisin biosynthetic genes (FUM) are clustered, and th
159 ied, as did the effects on the production of fumonisins, but at >/=300 mug/mL of REO, these processes
160                 Whereas fungi damage plants, fumonisins cause disease both to cattle breedings and hu
161                  However, the three forms of fumonisins collected in all fractions amounted to 183%,
162                                              Fumonisins contain a highly reduced, acyclic 18-carbon c
163                                              Fumonisins contain two tricarballylic esters that are cr
164 lation between cancer and food suggests that fumonisin contamination rather than aflatoxin is the mos
165  associated with a safer product in terms of fumonisin contamination.
166 ation between child growth and aflatoxin and fumonisin exposure in Tanzania.
167 B(4) to the tricarballylic esters-containing fumonisins, FB(3) and FB(4), respectively, when incubate
168 gbw/day for the sum of (DON+3-ADON+15-ADON), fumonisins (FB1+FB2+FB3), the sum of (T2+HT-2), NIV and
169 d the occurrence of deoxynivalenol (DON) and fumonisins (FBs) in malting barley.
170  effect of nixtamalization on the content of fumonisins (FBs), hydrolysed (HFBs) and partially hydrol
171 and ultrasensitive on-site quantification of fumonisins (fumonisin B1+fumonisin B2) in maize has been
172  allows a fast and reliable determination of Fumonisin in beer samples with recovery rate of 87-105%.
173 d is comparable to HPLC for the detection of fumonisins in corn, animal feeds, and human foods.
174 ysed (HFBs) and partially hydrolysed (PHFBs) fumonisins in maize was investigated at laboratory-scale
175 nd PHFBs reduction, due to the solubility of fumonisins in water during the steeping process, but did
176 ked by myriocin inhibition of SPT as well as fumonisin inhibition of the ceramide synthases, suggesti
177 HFB(4), which are biosynthetic precursors of fumonisins lacking the tricarballylic esters, were detec
178         In the endosperm, cornmeal and grits fumonisin levels decreased from 60 to 95%.
179 trial dry-milling can contribute to reducing fumonisin levels in corn products intended for human con
180                                              Fumonisin levels in cornmeal and grits were below the ma
181 robic conditions for 7days have shown higher fumonisin levels than those not exposed to air.
182 flatoxin promotes hepatocellular cancer, and fumonisin may promote esophageal cancer.
183            Fusarium verticillioides produces fumonisin mycotoxins during colonization of maize.
184 oduced by inhibition of ceramide synthase by fumonisins, mycotoxins produced by Fusarium moniliforme,
185   Thus, the inhibition of fungal biomass and fumonisin production was dependent on the concentration
186  growth of F. verticillioides and subsequent fumonisin production.
187 h) were tested, with all polymers exhibiting fumonisin removal capacities (monitored by LC-MS).
188                                              Fumonisin-specific antibody was used to isolate mimotope
189  are not frequently studied in milk, such as fumonisins, sterigmatocystin or ochratoxin B.
190 , ochratoxin A, zearalenone, deoxynivalenol, fumonisins, T-2 and HT-2 toxins, fusarenone X, diacetoxy
191 on made available forms of matrix-associated fumonisins that were then converted to their hydrolysed
192                               Law limits set fumonisins tolerable daily intake with respect to severa
193      Moreover, blocking ORMDL induction with fumonisin treatment resulted in significantly greater in
194     A limit of detection of 2.5 mugL(-1) for fumonisins was achieved, with an analytical working rang
195                     The occurrence of masked fumonisins was also investigated.
196                      The recovery values for fumonisins were between 42.1% and 64.6%.
197                                              Fumonisins were concentrated in the germ and pericarp at
198 und in peanut, maize, rice, and cassava) and fumonisins, which occur primarily in maize.

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