


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 at Fsmapk is present as a single copy in the fungal genome.
2 earrangements (CRs) are widely documented in fungal genomes.
3 egradation" (i.e., antibiotic resistance) in fungal genomes.
4 rotrophs, which we analyzed along with other fungal genomes.
5 ined in a rapidly evolving region of diverse fungal genomes.
6 ns, based on annotations from proteins in 46 fungal genomes.
7 rces driving the diversification of GH28s in fungal genomes.
8 n 2, that identifies protein-coding genes in fungal genomes.
9 markable increase in the number of sequenced fungal genomes.
10 ses found in a variety of plant, animal, and fungal genomes.
11 ching, analysing and visualizing features of fungal genomes.
12 ge DNA inserts (up to 230 kb) into plant and fungal genomes.
13 integrating large DNA inserts into plant and fungal genomes.
14                   Comparative analyses of 31 fungal genomes (12 generated for this study) suggest tha
15     Here, the increasing number of sequenced fungal genomes allowed for systematic identification of
16 SMs are found in contiguous gene clusters in fungal genomes, an atypical arrangement for metabolic pa
17                        The complexity of the fungal genome and lifestyle questions the existence of o
18 e a complete toolset, including an annotated fungal genome and methods for genetic manipulation of th
19  includes over 23 000 bacterial genomes, 400 fungal genomes and 100 protist genomes, in addition to 5
20  query to search their counterparts in other fungal genomes and found that the secretome profiles clu
21     We provide here an overview of available fungal genomes and highlight some of the biological insi
22 es exist in all Ascomycete and Basidiomycete fungal genomes and that all possess an SH3 domain and a
23 enzymes for polysaccharide deconstruction in fungal genomes and will help identify new strains and en
24                          Here we sequence 30 fungal genomes, and perform transcriptomics with three r
25    FunGAP predicts protein-coding genes in a fungal genome assembly.
26 eoformans NMT allele was introduced into the fungal genome by homologous recombination.
27                   Models of the evolution of fungal genomes compatible with these results, and their
28                      Many plant, animal, and fungal genomes contain cytosine DNA methylation in asymm
29                                         Some fungal genomes contain multiple genes encoding homologue
30 ty, in a client/server relationship with the Fungal Genome Database (FGDB), and as a web-browsing too
31  and homologous TER sequences from available fungal genome databases by computational searches.
32                                  Many of the fungal genomes examined contain genes encoding homologue
33  SNP callers using our FDR method with three fungal genomes, finding that it was able achieve a high
34 he function of antibiotics and for exploring fungal genomes for new antibiotics.
35        To test this, we examined 100 diverse fungal genomes for the simplest type of cluster, gene pa
36                             Over 40 complete fungal genomes have been publicly released with an equal
37 encoding these two proteins are found in all fungal genomes including those for the pathogens, Candid
38 rhizal lifestyle evolution, we sequenced new fungal genomes, including 13 ectomycorrhizal (ECM), orch
39       Application of the new method to known fungal genomes indicates substantial improvement over ex
40                            Analysis of other fungal genomes indicates that only the budding yeasts ha
41 s that the family was represented in all but fungal genomes, indicating an ancient origin for the fam
42                  A notable characteristic of fungal genomes is that genes involved in successive step
43 fy nine putative laccase-coding genes in the fungal genome of Leucocoprinus gongylophorus cultivated
44                                              Fungal genomes range in size from 2.3 Mb for the microsp
45                               A survey of 54 fungal genomes revealed that seven other species have pr
46                   The continuously expanding fungal genome sequence data have sparked genome-directed
47 t integration, analysis and dissemination of fungal genome sequences and other 'omics' data by provid
48 irst fungus in 1996, the number of available fungal genome sequences has increased by an order of mag
49 amatically based on the availability of more fungal genome sequences in recent years.
50                             Of the available fungal genome sequences, only seven other closely relate
51                                     Although fungal genome sequencing and assembly have become trivia
52 e process of annotation in a large number of fungal genome sequencing projects.
53                               (v). Different fungal genomes shared few putative orthologous PKS genes
54       Furthermore, a detailed analysis of 10 fungal genomes shows that this holozoan signature in RiB
55 ur approach to a set of nine fully sequenced fungal genomes spanning 150 million years, generating a
56  proteins amongst the 42 available sequenced fungal genomes suggests unexpected roles for circadian t
57 ated the evolution of these genes across 115 fungal genomes, testing each gene fusion for evidence of
58  coding capacity of mimivirus, the minimized fungal genomes that contain elements of bacterial metabo
59 iDB is a functional genomic resource for pan-fungal genomes that was developed in partnership with th
60 cently sequenced Drosophila genomes and nine fungal genomes to address the problem of accurate gene-t
61          We apply our procedure to seventeen fungal genomes to create a genome-wide catalogue of gene
62 -molecule long-read sequencing of 16 diverse fungal genomes, we observed that up to 2.8% of all adeni
63 splays alignments of sequences from multiple fungal genomes, while the Sequence Similarity Query tool

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