


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ology is the ingression of a plasma membrane furrow.
2 n and restricted to a narrow zone within the furrow.
3 alization of NMIIA but not of NMIIB from the furrow.
4 uring invagination of the Drosophila ventral furrow.
5 astral microtubules to position the cleavage furrow.
6 th determine the position of the cytokinetic furrow.
7 tension are directed along the length of the furrow.
8 spholipids to anchor anillin at the cleavage furrow.
9 le bundles out to the cortex to position the furrow.
10  neuronal specification at the morphogenetic furrow.
11 rrect placement of the proteloblast cleavage furrow.
12 s and the maintenance of the stable cleavage furrow.
13 stricts atonal (ato) expression ahead of the furrow.
14 cell constriction and an acceleration of the furrow.
15 ugh regulation of signaling molecules in the furrow.
16  Hh pathway activity within and ahead of the furrow.
17 corporation of microvillar membrane into the furrow.
18 brate neural tube and the Drosophila ventral furrow.
19 ortical domains are bisected by the cleavage furrow.
20 E)-based vesicle delivery to the cytokinesis furrow.
21 at occurs several hours after passage of the furrow.
22  centralspindlin that instructs the cleavage furrow.
23 efects in contractile forces at the cleavage furrow.
24 express both NMIIA and NMIIB at the cleavage furrow.
25  (FAs) controls the symmetry of the cleavage furrow.
26 paired accumulation of actin in the cleavage furrow.
27 ly active RhoA induced NMIIA at the cleavage furrow.
28 low and define the hexagonal symmetry of the furrows.
29 es for the Pkh protein kinases in regulating furrows.
30 d Buc-GFP, accumulates at embryonic cleavage furrows.
31 dorsal groove, and presence of deep pits and furrows.
32 additional mechanisms can recruit Steppke to furrows.
33 region was required for Sstn localization to furrows.
34 fracture analogue to explain the creation of furrows.
35     In frogs, only sister aster pairs induce furrows.
36   This explains why only sister pairs induce furrows.
37 ilaments that curve the membrane to form the furrows.
38 s the pattern of Rho activation in incipient furrows.
39 e formation of F-actin foci at the incipient furrows.
40 an mobilise grains to form (i) pits and (ii) furrows.
41 r" aggregates that forge the interconnecting furrows.
42 and its loss resulted in short, disorganized furrows.
43 upts the hexagonal packing of the ingressing furrows.
44 tant even though it could form eisosomes and furrows.
45 nd distribution of Diaphanous and F-actin at furrows.
46 oss-linkers affects the speed of cytokinetic furrowing.
47 ty is responsible for asymmetric cytokinetic furrowing.
48 on of ingressing membrane during cytokinetic furrowing.
49  regression rather than failed initiation of furrowing.
50 th other factors, organize into the cleavage furrow [1].
51 y spermatocytes that fail to form a cleavage furrow [3] and during monopolar cytokinesis when myosin
52 l movements are concentrated in the cleavage furrow [8-13].
53  model requires the presence of the cephalic furrow, a fold located anteriorly of the extending tissu
54 that RMD1 is required for myosin II cleavage furrow accumulation, acting in parallel with mechanical
55 identify factors involved in myosin cleavage furrow accumulation.
56 uirement for membrane trafficking to support furrow advancement.
57 activated if DNA is retained in the cleavage furrow after completion of anaphase.
58  caused by failed abscission of the cleavage furrow after telophase.
59 f the semisolid media and in doing so create furrows along which following cells preferentially migra
60 ations in cells at positions of the cephalic furrow, an early morphological marker, differ by a facto
61 cron-scale contours, such as the cytokinetic furrow and base of neuronal branches.
62 h the localization of MyoGEF to the cleavage furrow and decreases MyoGEF activity toward RhoA during
63 tructure that anchors the ingressed cleavage furrow and guides the assembly of abscission machinery.
64 odeling is thought to stabilize the cleavage furrow and maintain cell shape during cytokinesis [1-14]
65 ositioned to coordinate trafficking into the furrow and mark the center of the cell in lieu of a midb
66                     Because membranes of the furrow and microvilli are contiguous, we suggest that in
67 omain protein that localizes to the cleavage furrow and midbody of mitotic cells, where it is require
68                    In the Drosophila ventral furrow and other epithelia, apical constriction of hundr
69 TP in epithelial cells--RhoA at the cleavage furrow and RhoA and Rac1 at cell-cell junctions.
70 lized myosin is thus critical to ensure that furrow and spindle midzone positions coincide throughout
71 s essential to inhibit myosin and coordinate furrow and spindle positions during asymmetric division.
72 n-scale curvature, including the cytokinetic furrow and the base of cell protrusions.
73 tile ring, actin was not concentrated in the furrow and was not directly required for furrow progress
74  severe rings, strictures, or combination of furrows and edema.
75 kif5Ba is required to enrich Buc at cleavage furrows and for the ability of Buc to promote excess PGC
76                                         Iris furrows and iris color were not associated with iris vol
77 efects, although pkh2 cells formed chains of furrows and pkh3 cells formed wider furrows, identifying
78 kif5Ba is required to recruit GP to cleavage furrows and thereby specifies PGCs.
79         Sti recruits Nebbish to the cleavage furrow, and both proteins are required for midbody forma
80 MIIB]), only NMIIB localizes at the cleavage furrow, and its subsequent absence contributes to polypl
81  the ring, expand the plasma membrane in the furrow, and separate the daughter cell membranes.
82 ntrates activated and total myosin II at the furrow, and simultaneous knockdown of supervillin and an
83 ted to the adherens junction at the cleavage furrow, and that inhibiting recruitment of Vinculin by e
84 henotype (characterized by whitish exudates, furrows, and edema), a stricturing phenotype (characteri
85 tous fungi and dendritic spines, in cleavage furrows, and in retracting membrane protrusions in mamma
86                      Synd localized to these furrows, and its loss resulted in short, disorganized fu
87                  RalA localizes to syncytial furrows, and mediates the movement of exocytic vesicles
88 nd whether it acts through Galpha to promote furrowing are unclear.
89 racterizing the mechanisms that position the furrow, assemble the contractile ring, anchor the ring t
90 sting that TOE-2 might position the cleavage furrow asymmetrically to generate daughter cells of diff
91 e isoforms, only NMIIB could localize at the furrow at low RhoA activity.
92  it proceeds by ingression of an acto-myosin furrow at the equator of the cell.
93                        The initiation of the furrow at the posterior margin of the epithelium and its
94    RhoA activation is sufficient to generate furrows at both the cell equator and cell poles, in both
95 omosomes must clear the path of the cleavage furrow before the onset of cytokinesis.
96 r Arf1 to function at the Golgi for cleavage furrow biosynthesis.
97 mmetric cell divisions in which the cleavage furrow bisects the apical domain.
98 g partner Cyk4 accumulate not only at normal furrows, but also at furrows that form in the absence of
99 provide the ingression force for cytokinetic furrows, but the role of membrane trafficking pathways i
100  the abundant NMIIA does not localize at the furrow by focusing on the RhoA/ROCK pathway that has a l
101 tion proteins are stabilized at the cleavage furrow by increased tension.
102 d graded for crypts (by number and size) and furrows (by number and circumferential extent) following
103 and water at the cell poles and the division furrow can also achieve the same type of shape change du
104 ation and controls the tight localisation of furrow canal proteins and the formation of F-actin foci
105 ssembly, fails to accumulate at the cleavage furrow, cannot rescue myoII-null cytokinesis, and has im
106                              The cytokinetic furrow cleaves the cell by ingressing from basal to apic
107 e base of pseudocleavage and cellularization furrows, closely mimicking Steppke loss-of-function embr
108 vature-mediated filament alignment speeds up furrow closure while promoting energy efficiency.
109 uatorial proteins was greatly reduced at the furrow compared to the interphase cortex, suggesting the
110  role of turnover on the rate and success of furrow constriction.
111  specifies the cleavage plane, and regulates furrow contractility.
112                         Disruption of PCP in furrowed-deficient flies results from a primary defect i
113 r ring constriction, produce force to form a furrow, disassemble the ring, expand the plasma membrane
114                                              Furrowed does so through a homophilic cell-adhesion role
115 additionally, it accumulates in the cleavage furrow during cytokinesis.
116  required for internalization of the ventral furrow during gastrulation.
117                 The geometry of the cleavage furrow during mitosis is often asymmetric in vivo and pl
118 nt cells initiate the ingression of cleavage furrows earlier than normal, shortening the stage of cyt
119 nd plays an important role in pseudocleavage furrow extension, and this role is also likely to be cru
120 erexpression in rhogef2 mutants reversed its furrow-extension phenotypes, Peanut and Diaphanous recru
121 ion, suggesting a relationship with cleavage furrow formation and abortive cytokinesis.
122                   dop is required for normal furrow formation and controls the tight localisation of
123     RalA function is absolutely required for furrow formation and initiation.
124 e the actin cytoskeleton to promote cleavage furrow formation and progression during cytokinesis.
125 both microtubules and proteins necessary for furrow formation and the completion of cytokinesis.
126                                  Remarkably, furrow formation can be initiated in rounded interphase
127 tion during the lengthening phase of ventral furrow formation can be precisely described by viscous f
128                       RhoA controls cleavage furrow formation during cell division, but whether RhoA
129 ole is also likely to be crucial in cleavage furrow formation during cell division.
130                    Cortical F-actin prior to furrow formation fails to exhibit a normal transition in
131 d Goltzer show that RhoA activity can induce furrow formation in all cell cortex positions and cell c
132 and the exocyst complex, that mediates rapid furrow formation in early Drosophila embryos.
133                                              Furrow formation in early syncytial Drosophila embryos i
134                                 Furthermore, furrow formation in response to RhoA activation is not t
135             When Rab8 function is disrupted, furrow formation in the early embryo is completely aboli
136 C and Dia are each required to promote actin furrow formation in the syncytial embryo, suggesting a p
137 athway that is essential for plasma membrane furrow formation in vivo.
138                              Plasma membrane furrow formation is crucial in cell division and cytokin
139  of membrane trafficking pathways in guiding furrow formation is less clear.
140 es to orchestrate spatiotemporal dynamics of furrow formation is unknown.
141 ompression by flow or active alignment drive furrow formation remains unclear.
142 est that Dop impinges upon the initiation of furrow formation through developmental regulation of cyt
143                       This is independent of furrow formation, centrosomes and microtubules and, inst
144 that during the lengthening phase of ventral furrow formation, hydrodynamic behaviour of the cytoplas
145          Here, we use 4D imaging to identify furrow formation, stabilization, and regression periods,
146 ile rings and that cell rounding facilitates furrow formation.
147 cytoplasm and plasma membrane during ventral furrow formation.
148  the cytoskeleton and tension during ventral furrow formation.
149 en Nuf and Polo with respect to Nuf-mediated furrow formation.
150 e for Synd in actin-regulated pseudocleavage furrow formation.
151 s essential for central spindle and cleavage furrow formation.
152 sophila embryos is exceptionally rapid, with furrows forming in as little as 3.75 min.
153                   In the absence of RalA and furrow function, chromosomal segregation is aberrant and
154                 In vivo studies suggest that Furrowed functions partially redundantly with Fmi, media
155  that midzone MTs become highly stable after furrows have begun ingression [2], indicating that furro
156 hains of furrows and pkh3 cells formed wider furrows, identifying novel roles for the Pkh protein kin
157 es force to ingress the cytokinetic cleavage furrow in animal cells, yet its filament organization an
158 tacts also direct ingression of the cleavage furrow in coordination with FAs in epithelial cells-MDCK
159      How myosin II localizes to the cleavage furrow in Dictyostelium and metazoan cells remains large
160 ological problem-positioning of the cleavage furrow in dividing cells-to explain how and why DE and A
161 LET-99 localizes to the presumptive cleavage furrow in response to the spindle and myosin.
162 t in mammalian cells stabilizes the cleavage furrow in the presence of a chromatin obstruction.
163                                 The cleavage furrow in Xenopus zygotes is positioned by two large mic
164      Here we show that LET-99 contributes to furrowing in both asymmetrically and symmetrically divid
165 T-99 enhances myosin accumulation to promote furrowing in both symmetrically and asymmetrically divid
166                INCENP overexpression rescues furrowing in MKlp2-depleted cells in an INCENP-actin bin
167 ein belt at the leading edge of constriction furrows in dividing cells.
168 s stable punctate patches that correspond to furrows in the plasma membrane that are about 300 nm lon
169 hich correspond to approximately 200-nm-long furrows in the plasma membrane.
170  complex subunit and localizes to ingressing furrows in wild-type embryos, becomes punctate and loses
171 narrow epithelial furrow, termed the ventral furrow, in which actomyosin fibres and tension are direc
172 e along the cell surface and into ingressing furrows, independent of endocytosis.
173 t only sister asters recruited two conserved furrow-inducing signaling complexes, chromosome passenge
174 clude that if multiple signals contribute to furrow induction in echinoderm embryos, they likely conv
175                                           As furrows ingress, cytoplasmic Rab8 puncta are depleted an
176 e., substrate attached side) of the cleavage furrow ingressed less than the top (i.e., unattached sid
177  ring, but its role, if any, during cleavage-furrow ingression and abscission is poorly understood.
178   KIF20B depletion affects the speed of both furrow ingression and abscission.
179 ng that there is active coordination between furrow ingression and microtubule dynamics.
180      Here, we calculate the full dynamics of furrow ingression and predict cytokinesis completion abo
181  growth is rapid but regulated for cycles of furrow ingression and regression.
182      Of interest, ring closure and hence the furrow ingression are nonconcentric (asymmetric) within
183 odel in which active Rab8 populations direct furrow ingression by guiding the targeted delivery of cy
184 promotes microvillar F-actin assembly, while furrow ingression controls microvillar F-actin disassemb
185 the Rho1-GTPase regulator slam and show that furrow ingression controls the rate of microvillar deple
186 otein dynamics has allowed us to account for furrow ingression during cytokinesis, a model cell-shape
187  RhoA promotes contractile ring assembly and furrow ingression during cytokinesis.
188 ila embryo undergoes several cycles of rapid furrow ingression during early development that culminat
189 required for daughter cell symmetry than for furrow ingression dynamics.
190 t link compartmental behaviors with cortical furrow ingression events are unclear.
191 served Arf GAP Asap is required for cleavage furrow ingression in the early embryo.
192 s-like protein A (RalA) is required for fast furrow ingression in the early fly embryo.
193 arization microscopy and found that cleavage furrow ingression initiates by contraction of an equator
194 eling of the plasma membrane during cleavage furrow ingression involves the exocytic and endocytic pa
195 on yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, cleavage furrow ingression is driven by polymerization of cell wa
196 in Drosophila embryos, to show that cleavage furrow ingression is kinetically coupled to the loss of
197 Rho1 inhibited SS formation but not cleavage-furrow ingression or the concomitant actomyosin ring con
198 e overall reservoir is depleted in sync with furrow ingression over 60-70 min.
199 ormed, which correlated with slower cleavage furrow ingression rates.
200 null embryos correlates with faster cleavage furrow ingression rates.
201 on), while simultaneously promoting cleavage-furrow ingression through primary septum formation.
202 tomyosin cytoskeleton, resulting in extended furrow ingression times and asymmetrical cell division.
203 ggests that the CPC is integral for coupling furrow ingression with midzone microtubule stabilization
204 e sequential steps of cytokinesis, including furrow ingression, membrane resolution and cell separati
205 ted substrate attachment could be regulating furrow ingression.
206 hways converge to ensure successful cleavage furrow ingression.
207 minant-negative mutant increases the rate of furrow ingression.
208 e formation and defects in cytokinesis after furrow ingression.
209 the embryo is important in supporting timely furrow ingression.
210 ply from exocytosis and membrane demand from furrow ingression.
211 rvoir of microvilli unfolds to fuel cleavage furrow ingression.
212 s and for midzone MT stabilization following furrow ingression.
213 nt for intracellular trafficking pathways in furrow ingression; however, the pathways that link compa
214 1 is temporarily inactivated during cleavage-furrow ingression; this inactivation requires the protei
215                                    Secondary furrow initiation along the dorsal and ventral margins i
216 CYK-4, a centralspindlin component, promotes furrow initiation in C. elegans embryos and human cells.
217 ugh depletion of nonmuscle myosin II delayed furrow initiation, slowed F-actin alignment, and reduced
218 perates with Wg signaling to inhibit lateral furrow initiation.
219          Synd and Peanut were both absent in furrow-initiation mutants of RhoGEF2 and Diaphanous and
220                 By manipulating the cleavage furrow into different shapes, we show that the ring prom
221     The inactivation of Rac1 at the cleavage furrow is controlled by MgcRacGAP.
222    During animal cell division, the cleavage furrow is positioned by microtubules that signal to the
223 ng constriction, but the rim of the cleavage furrow is the main site for endocytosis.
224 alian cells and demonstrate that cytokinetic furrowing is primarily regulated at the level of RhoA ac
225 hogen, which is captured by cells within the furrow itself.
226                                  We modulate furrow kinetics with RNAi against the Rho1-GTPase regula
227                               Elevating Sstn furrow levels had no effect on the steppke phenotype, bu
228 the steppke phenotype, but elevating Steppke furrow levels reversed the sstn phenotype, suggesting th
229 ularity, allowing it to propagate, leaving a furrow-like scar in its wake.
230 ibility results in a competition between the furrow line tension and the cell poles' surface tension.
231 erization, and its removal disrupted Steppke furrow localization and activity in vivo.
232                                              Furrowed localizes at or near apical junctions, largely
233 ane, we observed the recruitment of cleavage furrow markers, including an active RhoA reporter, at mi
234  aberrant cytoskeletal reorganization during furrow maturation, including abnormal F-actin enrichment
235 division cycles in Drosophila Pseudocleavage furrow membranes in the syncytial Drosophila blastoderm
236 al differentiation by blocking morphogenetic furrow (MF) progression and R8 specification.
237 rk, optix is required only for morphogenetic furrow (MF) progression, but not initiation.
238 itates efficient traffic flow throughout the furrow network by maintaining coherent cell alignments,
239 x, lamellar actin networks, and the cleavage furrow of dividing cells--always together with myosin-II
240 ading edge of motile cells, and the cleavage furrow of dividing cells.
241 chieved when each nucleus is surrounded by a furrow of plasma membrane.
242 sma membrane and accumulated in the cleavage furrow of the Q.a and Q.p neuroblasts, suggesting that T
243 cephalic mouse mutants, mitosis and cleavage furrows of cortical stem cells appear normal in magoo.
244 eton activity at the base of plasma membrane furrows of the syncytial embryo.
245 biquitous in nature and technology, from the furrows on our foreheads to crinkly plant leaves, from r
246 hales (Mysticeti) in possessing longitudinal furrows or grooves in the ventral skin that extend from
247  CO2 ice and demonstrate that these resemble furrow patterns on Mars, suggesting similar formation me
248 ry are key determinants for correct cleavage furrow placement and cortical expansion, thereby establi
249 c targeting factor Rab11 is recruited to the furrow plane normally at the tip of bundling microtubule
250 ortical expansion, ensuring correct cleavage furrow positioning and the establishment of physical asy
251  polarity appears normal, and chromosome and furrow positioning remains unchanged when nmy-2 is inact
252 ymmetric cortical extension and myosin basal furrow positioning.
253 cleavage, myosin recruitment to the cleavage furrows proceeds in temporally distinct phases of tensio
254 entiating photoreceptors that lie behind the furrow produce and secrete the Hh morphogen, which is ca
255  Inhibition of membrane partitioning blocked furrow progression, indicating a requirement for membran
256 the furrow and was not directly required for furrow progression.
257 ion mutants of RhoGEF2 and Diaphanous and in furrow-progression mutants of Anillin.
258 ular to two basal domains and their cleavage furrow rarely bifurcates the luminal domains.
259 ate, active Rap1 becomes restricted from the furrow region, where the myosin contractile ring is subs
260  resolve the obstruction before the cleavage furrow regresses or breaks the chromosomes, preventing a
261 ell and two-cell C. elegans embryos suppress furrow regression following depletion of essential chrom
262         Accordingly, ALIX depletion leads to furrow regression in cells with chromosome bridges, a ph
263 ARG depletion does not result in cytokinetic furrow regression nor does it affect internal mitotic ti
264 sis; however, cytokinesis failure stems from furrow regression rather than failed initiation of furro
265 btle Golgi reorganization preceding cleavage furrow regression.
266 onstrate that the kinetics of the ingressing furrow regulate the utilization of a microvillar membran
267 ch an ectopic myosin cap shifts the cleavage furrow relative to the spindle center.
268 h new membrane are deposited to the cleavage furrow relatively evenly during contractile-ring constri
269 e determines the position of the cytokinesis furrow, such that the contractile ring assembles in an e
270 al cells generates a long, narrow epithelial furrow, termed the ventral furrow, in which actomyosin f
271 ane helices constituting a membrane-spanning furrow that provides a path for lipids in scramblases ha
272 late not only at normal furrows, but also at furrows that form in the absence of associated spindle,
273 n actomyosin network at the base of membrane furrows that invaginate from the surface of the embryo.
274 ough construction of an intricate network of furrows that is facilitated by eDNA.
275 activity, leading to assembly of cytokinetic furrows that partially ingress.
276 by a differentiating wave, the morphogenetic furrow, that sweeps across the eye imaginal disc and tra
277                    Here, we demonstrate that furrowed, the Drosophila selectin, is required for PCP g
278  N-cadherin is enriched in the post-cleavage furrow; then one cell pivots around the other, resulting
279 t impairs NMIIA localization at the cleavage furrow through increased actin turnover.
280                                 The cleavage-furrow tip adjacent to the actomyosin contractile ring i
281 lization precedes F-actin recruitment to the furrow tip, suggesting that membrane trafficking might f
282 ding endocytic tubules that form at cleavage furrow tips (CFT-tubules).
283 uently be repressed behind the morphogenetic furrow to allow for neuronal differentiation.
284 tion of select target genes posterior to the furrow to ensure properly timed mitotic exit.
285 f cellular appendages and/or at the cleavage furrow to help compartmentalize the plasma membrane and
286 s have begun ingression [2], indicating that furrow-to-MT communication may occur.
287 tex and induces a strong displacement of the furrow toward the anterior, which can lead to DNA segreg
288 dinated cell-shape changes to form a ventral furrow (VF) and are subsequently internalized.
289 show that Myosin relocalizes to the cleavage furrow via two distinct cortical Myosin flows: at anapha
290 Asp myosin II's localization to the cleavage furrow was rescued by constructs encoding rcdBB, mmsdh,
291 (via pump or human power), distribution (via furrow, watering can, sprinkler, drip lines, etc.), and
292 n anaphase, p120 is enriched at the cleavage furrow where it binds MKLP1 to spatially control RhoA GT
293 ealed asymmetry in the shape of the cleavage furrow, where the bottom (i.e., substrate attached side)
294 have focused on the formation of the ventral furrow, whereby approximately 1,000 presumptive mesoderm
295 reorientation along the cytokinetic cleavage furrow, which might have implications for diverse other
296 ure to inhibit formation of ectopic cleavage furrows, which result in mitotic defects and DNA damage.
297 ubulovesicular structures along the cleavage furrow while the exocyst tethers vesicles at the rim of
298 uncovering a feedback mechanism that couples furrowing with microtubule dynamics.
299 ntromere region, midbody, and pseudocleavage furrows without DNA damage and in addition forms numerou
300 tin are familiar cohabitants of the cleavage furrow yet how they might be functionally connected has

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