


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nocyte cell lines also expressed message for fusin.
2 cell lines was recently identified and named fusin.
3 nvelope and may prevent its interaction with fusin.
4 ses utilize an accessory molecule other than fusin.
5 mino acid sequence is 91% identical to human fusin.
6 attractant through activation of CXCR4/LESTR/Fusin, a G protein-coupled receptor.
7                                              Fusin, a heterotrimeric GTP-binding protein (G protein)-
8              CXC-chemokine receptor (CXCR)-4/fusin, a newly discovered co-receptor for T-cell line (T
9 confirmed by staining with a polyclonal anti-fusin Ab.
10                                              Fusin acted preferentially for T cell line-tropic isolat
11                         Expression of CD4 or fusin alone did not permit fusion.
12 uses use the orphan chemokine receptor LESTR/fusin (also known as fusin), whereas macrophage-tropic p
13 cloning of the murine homologue of the human fusin (also termed CXCR-4) gene could provide an importa
14  from animals, including the HIV co-receptor fusin (also termed CXCR4).
15                 In addition, introduction of fusin and CD4 into a human cell line, U87MG, that is res
16                     Finally, coexpression of fusin and CD4 made both a murine and feline cell line su
17 1 strains did not fuse with cells expressing fusin and CD4, suggesting that M-tropic viruses utilize
18 20 treatment, resulted in coprecipitation of fusin and CD4.401 molecules from their membranes.
19 c primary HIV-1 isolate (89.6) utilizes both Fusin and CKR-5 as entry cofactors.
20 he chemokine receptor CXCR4 (also designated fusin and LESTR) is a cofactor for fusion and entry of T
21                        The identification of fusin and other chemokine receptors as coreceptors for H
22 de evidence for physical association between fusin and the CD4-gp120 complex on cell membranes.
23 ding IL8RA (CXCR1), IL8RB (CXCR2), and CXCR4/fusin, and to the orphan receptors EBI1 and BLR1.
24 ino acid differences between mouse and human fusin are located in the ectodomains, suggesting that th
25 cell-tropic viruses efficiently used CXCR-4 (fusin) as a coreceptor.
26                                Antibodies to fusin blocked cell fusion and infection with normal CD4-
27 ice junction of the mouse chemokine receptor fusin/CXC chemokine receptor R-4 (CXCR-4) revealed a pot
28                 The alpha-chemokine receptor fusin (CXCR-4) and beta-chemokine receptor CCR5 serve as
29 membrane-spanning G protein-coupled receptor fusin/CXCR-4 is expressed in primary mouse astrocyte cul
30                  The CXC chemokine, SDF-1, a fusin (CXCR4 chemokine receptor) ligand, and an antifusi
31 e chemokine family, including CCR5 and LESTR/Fusin (CXCR4), function as coreceptors in combination wi
32  show that one member of this family, termed Fusin/ CXCR4, is able to function as an alternative rece
33 ocks the entry of T-tropic HIV-1 mediated by fusin/CXCR4/LESTR (leukocyte-derived seven-transmembrane
34 seven-transmembrane-spanning receptor family fusin: CXCR4 for T-tropic strains and CCR5, principally,
35                                     However, fusin does not promote entry of macrophage-tropic viruse
36                                  Recombinant fusin enabled CD4-expressing nonhuman cell types to supp
37 ed by an anti-Fusin monoclonal antibody, (2) Fusin expression renders human and nonhuman CD4-negative
38 identification of the structures crucial for fusin function.
39                         Therefore, the mouse fusin gene has a unique genomic organization compared wi
40 kine receptor CXCR4 (also known as LESTR and fusin) has been shown to function as a coreceptor for T-
41 ate gels and reacted with rabbit antisera to fusin in protein immunoblots.
42                   Cell surface expression of fusin in these cells was confirmed by staining with a po
43 that expression of this glycoprotein, termed fusin, in murine, feline, simian, and quail cell lines,
44 yncytium induction and/or infection, and (3) Fusin is selectively down-regulated from the cell surfac
45                    This protein, designated "fusin," is a putative G protein-coupled receptor with se
46  G protein-coupled chemokine receptor CXCR4 (Fusin, LESTR).
47 pic viruses tend to use CXCR4 (also known as fusin, LESTR, or HUMSTR).
48                     Further study with CXCR4/Fusin/LESTR transfected HEK 293 cells showed that N33A b
49 ly receptor consistently detected was CXCR4 (fusin/LESTR), although HT-29 cells did not express mRNA
50 tes through activation of the receptor CXCR4/Fusin/LESTR, which is a fusion co-factor for the entry o
51                                              Fusin messenger RNA levels correlated with HIV-1 permiss
52 ion by these viruses is inhibited by an anti-Fusin monoclonal antibody, (2) Fusin expression renders
53    The 45-kilodalton protein comigrated with fusin on sodium dodecyl sulfate gels and reacted with ra
54  receptor RNA transcripts and high levels of fusin on the cell surface.
55 tia with QT6 cells expressing CD4 and either Fusin or CKR-5.
56 hage-tropic strains of HIV-1, while another, fusin or CXCR-4, functions as a coreceptor for T cell li
57 infection of 3T3.CD4.401 cells with vaccinia-fusin recombinant virus (vCBYF1), followed by gp120 trea
58 n contrast, cloning of genomic DNA for mouse fusin revealed the presence of a 2.3-Kb intron separatin
59                   Transcripts encoding CXCR4/Fusin, the fusion cofactor used by T cell line-tropic is
60 degenerate PCR, the mouse homologue of human fusin was cloned from a peritoneal exudate cell cDNA lib
61                                      CXCR-4 (fusin) was the first identified, and it serves as co-rec
62 hemokine receptor LESTR/fusin (also known as fusin), whereas macrophage-tropic primary HIV-1 isolates
63            Recently, a human protein termed "fusin" with characteristics of a seven-transmembrane-spa

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