


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 II, are released and/or phagocytic proteases gain access.
2 ror-free because error-prone repair does not gain access?
3 ot gain access to these regions, or does AID gain access, but the resulting uracils are repaired erro
4 suggest that, in these lesions, meningococci gain access from the capillary lumen to the peripheral e
5  ameliorated Nefud Desert interior, possibly gaining access from multiple directions, either using ro
6  suggest that CMs, most fatty acids of which gain access into cardiomyocytes through LPL-mediated hyd
7 trategy that nonenveloped viruses can use to gain access into cells and how viruses usurp disparate h
8     Unlike most intracellular pathogens that gain access into host cells through endocytic pathways,
9 eton rearrangements and membrane ruffling to gain access into nonphagocytic cells, where it can repli
10 amically controlled way, it is imperative to gain access into the intrinsic dynamics of the supramole
11                                           To gain access, most enzymes use nucleotide flipping, where
12 directly across the plasma membrane but also gain access through endocytic pathways that are yet to b
13 ther a robotic system and/or laser, surgeons gain access through the mouth via minimally invasive tec
14 r total utilization, suggesting that the TAG gaining access through receptor-mediated pathways is pre
15 ernative mechanism by which tumors cells may gain access to a blood supply.
16 trast two-dimensional objects in particular, gain access to a predominantly left-lateralized language
17  trained to press one lever (seeking; SL) to gain access to a second lever (taking; TL) linked with f
18 ubiquitination of DSL ligands allows them to gain access to a select, Epsin-dependent, endocytic path
19 obesity also showed increased willingness to gain access to a sucrose cue.
20 ty of the SPROUTS database is the ability to gain access to a variety of structural analyses at one p
21 sely functionalized azetidine ring system to gain access to a wide variety of fused, bridged, and spi
22 ogic mechanism through which SZ chondrocytes gain access to active TGF-beta: the synovium and articul
23 A central question is how nuclear substrates gain access to an enzyme in the ER.
24  external protons permeate TRPM2 channels to gain access to an intracellular site that regulates chan
25 ing that tissues permissive for ERV activity gain access to an otherwise silenced source of regulator
26 chain particle possessed a unique ability to gain access to and accumulate at glioma sites.
27 anochain) that possesses a unique ability to gain access to and be deposited at micrometastatic sites
28 nsport from cells requires that they readily gain access to and function within interstitial fluid.
29 onducting hemichannels that allow protons to gain access to and leave buried carboxyl groups on the p
30                   Here we review how viruses gain access to and spread in the well-protected CNS, wit
31               Most compartments that viruses gain access to are under active surveillance by one or m
32 holin-mediated disruption of the membrane to gain access to attack the cell wall, signal anchor relea
33  what stimuli will and what stimuli will not gain access to awareness.
34 roup members is essential for individuals to gain access to benefits from engaging in intergroup conf
35 cles can overcome barriers and allow them to gain access to biological systems.
36 e capacity of this opportunistic pathogen to gain access to BL receptors, leading to a successful col
37 Our results raise a possibility that E1A may gain access to cellular promoters through PLDLS-dependen
38 spindle assembly commences when microtubules gain access to chromatin after nuclear envelope breakdow
39           The mechanism by which pioneer TFs gain access to chromatin remains an important unanswered
40 y factors and transcriptional machinery must gain access to chromatin to extract genetic information.
41 oplasm in interphase cells; thus, it may not gain access to chromosomes until mitosis.
42 ired rats to solve a new puzzle every day to gain access to cocaine, which they then self-administere
43  requiring animals to solve daily puzzles to gain access to cocaine.
44  where Bcd influences chromatin structure to gain access to concentration-sensitive targets at high c
45 gher-tier cortical areas, including hMST, to gain access to conscious perception.
46 o the nucleolar proteome database and hence, gain access to continually updated results.
47  mechanism whereby pathogenic autoantibodies gain access to cryptic B cell epitopes.
48 ism by which toxins without a binding moiety gain access to cytosolic ribosomes is not known.
49 ery has to overcome this physical barrier to gain access to damaged DNA and repair DNA lesions.
50 hods and technology, we are able to reliably gain access to data in larger quantities, dimensions and
51 where otherwise normal tissue was removed to gain access to deeper hippocampal pathology in patients
52 ol II) must break the nucleosomal barrier to gain access to DNA and transcribe genes efficiently.
53 on requires that RNA Polymerase II (RNAP II) gain access to DNA in the context of chromatin.
54 rations must occur for DNA repair factors to gain access to DNA lesions and restore original chromati
55 roviding the entry port for exogenous DNA to gain access to DNA receptors associated with the cytopla
56      Open states that enable P450 enzymes to gain access to electrons located in the FMN-domain are f
57                               How commensals gain access to epithelial soma through densely packed mi
58 Claisen rearrangement is a known protocol to gain access to functionalized allenes through the [3,3]-
59 am innovators may face considerable costs to gain access to gene-oriented technologies.
60 cessing centers where many different enzymes gain access to genomic substrates by exploiting direct i
61 hways by which intracellular aqueous protons gain access to Glu(in).
62         Application of chemical synthesis to gain access to high purity hPTH as well as more stable a
63 echanisms employed by bacterial pathogens to gain access to host iron sources, the role of iron in ba
64 ite on CR1 by which P. falciparum merozoites gain access to human erythrocytes in a non-sialic acid-d
65 ID requires single-stranded DNA and needs to gain access to Ig loci, with RNA pol II transcription po
66  opportunities for academic psychiatrists to gain access to important resources.
67 sure that only fully mature, immunogenic DCs gain access to inductive sites, where they might prime e
68 re, we determined whether antibodies rapidly gain access to integrin overexpressed on the abluminal (
69 -the process by which trainees in any region gain access to international training (electronic or in-
70 has to complex with DNA-binding molecules to gain access to intracellular DNA sensors.
71                             How does the FEF gain access to ipsilateral information?
72 he ability of the recombination machinery to gain access to its chromosomal substrates.
73 cus, to allow the recombination machinery to gain access to its chromosomal substrates.
74 breach the membrane of a target host cell to gain access to its cytoplasm.
75 e receives protons from water molecules that gain access to its hydrophobic environment and transduce
76 ter it reaches the nucleus by allowing it to gain access to its target genes.
77 d for an antisense oligonucleotide to enter, gain access to its target mRNA, and exert activity in a
78 y of attachment factors used by the virus to gain access to key cell types involved in pathogenesis a
79 ure suggests that neonatal facilities should gain access to laser technology and laser-trained ophtha
80  model in which core first requires DGAT1 to gain access to LDs, and then LD-localized core interfere
81 dy entry by the ability of CD8(+) T cells to gain access to lesional epithelium.
82 us and provide an efficient means for HIV to gain access to lymph node T cells.
83  group of aminoaldehydes is also required to gain access to lysosomes where their cytotoxic actions a
84 kine receptor CCR7, how other T cell subsets gain access to medullary areas during their normal devel
85 ntracellular antigens have been described to gain access to MHC class II loading after macroautophagy
86 we examine the mechanism by which antibodies gain access to neuronal tissues to control infection.
87  in determining which blood-borne components gain access to neurons.
88        Second, the new route was employed to gain access to new alpha,beta-unsaturated ketones and co
89 exes that must act on it; how such complexes gain access to nucleosomal DNA is not known.
90                                 How proteins gain access to nucleosomal DNA target sites in vivo is n
91 le and undertake diel vertical migrations to gain access to nutrient-rich deeper layers at night and
92  its host cell to avoid immune clearance and gain access to nutritional resources.
93 2 and reveal how MDM2-interacting repressors gain access to p53 target promoters and repress transcri
94 t did not label most normal blood vessels or gain access to pancreatic ducts or intestinal smooth mus
95 quiescent CD44(lo)CD62L(hi) T reg cells that gain access to paracrine IL-2 produced in the T cell zon
96 etabolites than cells in which the PGs could gain access to PG15DH only via PGT.
97 of entry and the adhesive mechanisms used to gain access to PLNs remain poorly defined.
98 ne has raised concerns over their ability to gain access to privileged sites in the body.
99 osit that the first shift enables infants to gain access to redundant audiovisual speech cues that en
100  isotype antibodies that are not expected to gain access to renal cyst lumens.
101 PCNA is not required in vitro for pol eta to gain access to replication complexes at forks stalled by
102 effect terminator read-through, lambdaQ must gain access to RNA polymerase (RNAP) via a promoter-rest
103 lowing nucleotide excision repair enzymes to gain access to sites of damage.
104 frees them to shift attention to the eyes to gain access to social cues.
105 spinal hyperexcitability enables A fibers to gain access to specific spinal circuitry, via heterosyna
106 inding mode of SSB, thereby allowing RecQ to gain access to ssDNA and facilitating DNA unwinding.
107 nsights into the mechanism by which proteins gain access to ssDNA bound by SSB, as demonstrated by ex
108 ract with SSB, could use this interaction to gain access to ssDNA by first interacting with the SSB C
109 , generally due to colonizing organisms that gain access to sterile sites via disrupted epithelial ba
110 ansported to IMS-facing membrane leaflets to gain access to tafazzin, identifying a previously unknow
111 al cells, to cross this thin barrier, and to gain access to target cells and tissues, leading to syst
112                          Lipoprotein-TAG may gain access to target cells by lipoprotein lipase (LPL)
113  a novel mechanism(s) utilized by B virus to gain access to target cells.
114                    These ribosomes appear to gain access to the 3' UTR via a mechanism that does not
115                           Thus, AID does not gain access to the 5' and constant regions of Ig genes.
116 lecules can exploit the secondary channel to gain access to the active site and modify the transcript
117 s necessary for the lipophilic substrates to gain access to the active site.
118                               Microorganisms gain access to the airways and respiratory epithelial su
119 eta'-site is relatively better positioned to gain access to the BACE1 catalytic cavity.
120  tethered biotin prosthetic group must first gain access to the biotin carboxylase domain and become
121                       Viral infections often gain access to the body of their host by exploiting area
122  exist in the sera of AD individuals and can gain access to the brain interstitium.
123    Following acute brain injury, albumin may gain access to the brain parenchyma.
124                                           To gain access to the brain, HIV-1 must migrate through bra
125 ccharide (LPS) to immunized mice, antibodies gain access to the brain.
126 ux pump inhibitors, demonstrating that ADEPs gain access to the cell but that export occurs.
127 ng attachment to a cell surface, in order to gain access to the cell interior.
128 limiting cell membrane allowing the virus to gain access to the cellular replication machinery.
129                                           To gain access to the central nervous system (CNS), GBS mus
130  A major route for peripheral information to gain access to the cerebellum is via ascending climbing
131 e must be proteolyzed before collagenase can gain access to the cleavage site.
132   Previously, we showed that pneumococci can gain access to the CNS through a nonhematogenous route w
133 Rp must find a way to open it up in order to gain access to the covered template.
134 s viral penetration of cellular membranes to gain access to the cytoplasm and deliver the genome to t
135 iruses must traverse the nuclear envelope to gain access to the cytoplasm and, ultimately, to exit ce
136            From the ER lumen, the toxin must gain access to the cytoplasm, where it enzymatically ina
137  sought to determine how assembled tau seeds gain access to the cytosol and whether this access trigg
138 hagy pathway to defend against microbes that gain access to the cytosol or reside in pathogen-modifie
139 s dislocation or retrograde translocation to gain access to the cytosol.
140 e ER membrane and selective ER components to gain access to the cytosol.
141 somal DNA lesions, the repair machinery must gain access to the damaged DNA in the context of chromat
142                                  Viruses can gain access to the decidua and placenta by ascending fro
143 ion synthesis (TLS), but how TLS polymerases gain access to the DNA template remains poorly understoo
144 ns, presumably so that necessary factors can gain access to the DNA.
145 zed at P2 but not at P9, E. coli K1 bacteria gain access to the enterocyte surface in the mid-region
146 ediated reconfiguration of the holoenzyme to gain access to the enzyme during early elongation.
147                                           To gain access to the gene-containing portion of the barley
148 advantage of endodermal tissue remodeling to gain access to the gonadal mesoderm and are unable to mi
149 D8+ T cell lines have suggested that Mtb Ags gain access to the HLA-I pathway in an alternate vacuola
150      The mechanisms by which Mtb-derived Ags gain access to the HLA-I-processing pathway are incomple
151  suggests that, as in rodents, external cues gain access to the homeostatic control circuits of the h
152 eal a means whereby intracellular Salmonella gain access to the host cell cytosol from within its mem
153 ique intracellular biology that allows it to gain access to the host cell cytosol, Listeria monocytog
154 d pore formation, (ii) innate immune stimuli gain access to the host cytoplasm through the YopBD pore
155 or proteins traverse eukaryotic membranes to gain access to the host cytosol.
156 t promoter, thereby allowing the bacteria to gain access to the host cytosol.
157                           Other retroviruses gain access to the host ESCRT components by utilizing a
158 xins have evolved a variety of mechanisms to gain access to the host-cell cytosol and thereby exert v
159  The simulation reveals that water molecules gain access to the internal sites by a transient aqueduc
160  biological tools; however, their ability to gain access to the intracellular environment is limited.
161 ken of the Snieckus hydroborating reagent to gain access to the key trifluoroborate needed for the ma
162 breach the intestinal epithelial barrier and gain access to the lamina propria.
163             MC develops when malignant cells gain access to the leptomeningeal space, producing sever
164 ow hydrophobic signals engage the channel to gain access to the lipid bilayer.
165 gest a model in which gammaherpesviruses may gain access to the mature B cell compartment by recurren
166 everal techniques to penetrate the shells to gain access to the meat inside.
167 G and that the PAG uses the NRA as a tool to gain access to the motoneurons generating vocalization.
168 sive pneumococcal disease, S. pneumoniae can gain access to the myocardium, kill cardiomyocytes, and
169 on and suggest that HIV-1 subviral particles gain access to the nucleus by interacting directly with
170 xploits the host nuclear import machinery to gain access to the nucleus, where capsid assembly and ge
171 in to recruit the receptor importin beta and gain access to the nucleus.
172             We demonstrate that TgMYST-B can gain access to the parasite nucleus and acetylate histon
173 ling indicates that the target peptide might gain access to the PDHK active center through the open b
174 dCII is released and/or phagocytic proteases gain access to the periplasm, and SodCII is degraded.
175 ch suggests unfolding as the prerequisite to gain access to the periplasm.
176           A key unresolved issue is how ions gain access to the pore, because the structure reveals t
177 tein DAF to open the tight junction barrier, gain access to the primary receptor CAR, and activate vi
178 d phenotypic characteristics of T cells that gain access to the prostate and induce leukocyte recruit
179 rotation of NADP(+) permits the substrate to gain access to the reactive flavin peroxyanion intermedi
180  the agent crossing an epithelial barrier to gain access to the recipient nervous system.
181 ty that imposes constraints on which enzymes gain access to the recombination intermediate, thereby c
182 tRNA shape-mimicry enables the viral IRES to gain access to the ribosome tRNA-binding sites and form
183  of the polymerase, the large protein (L) to gain access to the RNA.
184    AM fungi colonize root epidermal cells to gain access to the root cortex, and this requires the re
185 cked 50S ribosomal subunit, allowing RrmJ to gain access to the substrate nucleotide U2552, and where
186 This suggested that microbiome products that gain access to the systemic circulation, rather than bei
187 corneal epithelial cell-derived exosomes may gain access to the underlying stromal fibroblasts upon d
188                   Attempts have been made to gain access to the vinigrol structural framework by way
189 RNA structures become unstable and ribosomes gain access to their binding sites in the mRNAs.
190 ly are relatively hydrophobic molecules that gain access to their blocking site on the sodium channel
191 epair or modify bases in double-stranded DNA gain access to their substrates by base flipping.
192 but the majority of the vascular plants also gain access to these mineral nutrients through endosymbi
193 arget populations in developing countries to gain access to these potentially life-saving medicines.
194 osine deaminase (AID) that initiates SHM not gain access to these regions, or does AID gain access, b
195 ogical analysis coupled with live imaging to gain access to these relationships in ferrets infected w
196 ivores and fungivores that evolve resistance gain access to these resources and can also gain protect
197 s commonly postulated that plasma cells only gain access to these signals within specialized regulato
198     Yet, circulating antibodies must somehow gain access to these tissues to mediate their antimicrob
199    The olefin is mechanistically critical to gain access to this 14-electron, monovalent Ir intermedi
200 o rapidly access the microcirculation and to gain access to this highly anticoagulant environment.
201 ich microbes bypass host iron restriction to gain access to this metal across the host vacuolar membr
202 virus nuclear antigen 1 (EBNA1) was found to gain access to this pathway by autophagy.
203  existing programs and did not help patients gain access to timely PCI.
204 pend first on its ability to enter cells and gain access to TLR9 and second on its capacity to form a
205 er evidence, suggests that AID may similarly gain access to transcribed S regions and V exons in vivo
206 sm and binds to the 40S ribosomal subunit to gain access to translating mRNAs, MERS-CoV nsp1 was dist
207 ven basic models to explain how odour inputs gain access to transmodal representations required for n
208 es and other macromolecular therapeutics can gain access to tumor cells via leaky tumor vessels.
209 meable to substrate peptide; water molecules gain access to zinc through a polar, central channel tha
210                          Testing whether CMV gained access to brain through nonspecific vascular disr
211 f smectite veins along which CO2-rich fluids gained access to grain interiors.
212 in major clades such that some lizard clades gained access to new resources, which in turn led to muc
213 eover, in mice, human IgG from the periphery gained access to relevant areas in the hippocampus and b
214 nd blood, demonstrating that instilled ricin gained access to the circulation.
215 acuoles, from which the bacteria escaped and gained access to the cytosol of adjacent cells.
216 on conditions during this transformation, we gained access to the natural products as well as two epi
217                                          VSV gained access to the nervous system through peripheral n
218     The TiO2 nanotubes were believed to have gained access to the nuclear machinery and caused increa
219                           Both radionuclides gained access to the seminiferous tubules.
220                           Both AQP2 and AQP3 gained access to the surface plasma membrane in insect l
221 tubular reabsorption of macromolecules, that gained access to the tubular lumen on glomerular filtrat
222 o ascertain why these donors with ESRD never gained access to the waiting list.
223 ses such as HIV have a daunting challenge in gaining access to a new host predominantly through the p
224 both human and mouse lung adenocarcinomas by gaining access to an endosomal compartment within tumor
225  can be challenging due to the difficulty of gaining access to conventional diagnostic matrices of bl
226 nt of shared online informatics resources by gaining access to data where it is being analyzed.
227 r chromatin remodeling may facilitate NER in gaining access to DNA damage in nucleosomes.
228 ucing the effective dose of toxin capable of gaining access to glycolipid and glycoprotein receptors
229  use of health information and services: (1) gaining access to health information, (2) navigating in
230 sh environment is an efficient mechanism for gaining access to iron.
231 P14 associates with the membrane as a way of gaining access to its membrane soluble substrate.
232 ique "plug-and-play" approach to efficiently gaining access to orphan pathways that may open avenues
233 hat the E1A-12 N terminus prevents PKAc from gaining access to p65 to account for Ser(276) hypophosph
234 ng, aphids inject saliva into plant tissues, gaining access to phloem sap and eliciting (and sometime
235  interacting with health care providers, and gaining access to proper health care.
236 vectors which, although no longer capable of gaining access to receptors on target cells, may be able
237 ocial anointing has functions beyond that of gaining access to resources.
238 hat many SSIs occur as a result of pathogens gaining access to surgical wounds either hematogenously,
239 ractions between PBP 2a and the cell wall in gaining access to the active site in the inhibition proc
240 ency (slope = -0.6 to -1.0), indicating that gaining access to the base lesion provides a substantial
241 esters Daxx in the nucleus, prevents it from gaining access to the cytoplasm, from binding to and act
242  transporter, FepA, as a receptor and, after gaining access to the cytoplasmic membranes of sensitive
243 re more efficient than wild-type bacteria in gaining access to the host cell cytosol and in initiatin
244 e first description of a secreted proteinase gaining access to the inside of a cell and altering intr
245 tablishes a chronic infection in its host by gaining access to the memory B-cell reservoir, where it
246 infections can pose a threat to pregnancy by gaining access to the placenta and fetus, and clinical s
247 ls exiting the intravascular compartment and gaining access to the renal tubular space, we reasoned t
248 e to show that phagocyte-derived H(2)O(2) is gaining access to the Salmonella cytoplasm.
249 ions, thereby inhibiting S. typhimurium from gaining access to the systemic circulation.
250                        On the other hand, by gaining access to tunneling through individual dopants,
251 h predation to a floral simulation strategy, gaining access to, and visually attracting, a novel reso
252 e receptor-mediated uptake or whether enzyme gains access to brain storage by another route when brai
253 t in retinal disease, mislocalized rod opsin gains access to cAMP signaling, which leads to neuritic
254 e mechanism by which LPS from these bacteria gains access to caspase-11 in the cytosol remains elusiv
255                                  Condensin I gains access to chromosomes only after the nuclear envel
256 toplasm from interphase through prophase and gains access to chromosomes only after the nuclear envel
257 e nucleotide excision repair (NER) machinery gains access to damaged chromatinized DNA templates and
258       Our findings suggest that mutant GlyRS gains access to ectopic sub-compartments of the motor ne
259                            HIV-1 Gag protein gains access to ESCRT directly by binding Alix, an ESCRT
260 x1), fail to clear self-DNA, accumulated DNA gains access to intracellular compartments where it driv
261 pus erythematosus, a major route whereby DNA gains access to intracellular TLR9, and thereby activate
262    The data indicate that flecainide rapidly gains access to its binding site when the channel is ope
263 iferase is released from the viral lumen and gains access to its substrates is light emitted and read
264 mechanism by which this virus recognizes and gains access to its target cell is still largely unknown
265  the TCR signal and how the repair machinery gains access to lesions imbedded in stalled RNA polymera
266 not the major route by which blood prolactin gains access to neurons in the brain.
267 tigated the mechanism by which Ty1 integrase gains access to nuclear DNA as a model for how other ret
268 Ibeta (DLAD) but the mechanism by which DLAD gains access to nuclear DNA remains unknown.
269                                          MRN gains access to occluded DNA ends by removing Ku or othe
270 scular mycorrhizal (AM) symbiosis, the plant gains access to phosphate (Pi) and nitrogen delivered by
271                                       If AID gains access to the 5' and 3' regions that are unmutated
272  it has not been clear how p-hydroxybenzoate gains access to the buried active site.
273 ure reveal how the cytosolic DNA sensor cGAS gains access to the cargo within micronuclei to drive ty
274 ached by blockade by a lipid acyl chain that gains access to the channel cavity through intramembrane
275      Previous data have shown that the virus gains access to the CNS by infecting olfactory sensory n
276 orferi, the causative agent of Lyme disease, gains access to the CNS.
277                   Precisely how cellular DNA gains access to the cytoplasm remains to be determined.
278                             L. monocytogenes gains access to the cytosol of infected cells, where sec
279 which likely serve as depots from where SV40 gains access to the cytosol.
280  for intrauterine transmission in which ZIKV gains access to the fetal compartment by directly infect
281 Mycobacterium tuberculosis extracellular DNA gains access to the host cell cytosol via the ESX-1 secr
282 ssentially dispensable once L. monocytogenes gains access to the host cell cytosol.
283  human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) gains access to the interior of the target cell, host ce
284 ynamic, providing an explanation of how cAMP gains access to the ligand binding sites that, in the cr
285  infection and persistence proposes that EBV gains access to the memory B cell compartment via GC rea
286 that intestinal epithelium-derived "self-Ag" gains access to the mucosal immune system, leading to Ag
287 ficient mouse chimeras, we demonstrate HSV-1 gains access to the murine brain stem and subsequently b
288 y, cofactor in the incorrect oxidation state gains access to the mutase active site and is not releas
289      The exonuclease travels with pol II and gains access to the nascent RNA after endonucleolytic cl
290           However, it is not clear how Keap1 gains access to the nucleus.
291 Taken together, these data argue that TgGCN5 gains access to the parasite nucleus by interacting with
292 in concert with the Sec incorporation domain gains access to the ribosomal A site.
293 ng amounts of lipids, we establish that SecA gains access to the SecYEG complex via a lipid-bound int
294 ay be one of the crucial steps by which ZIKV gains access to the site of spermatozoon development and
295 s, little is known about how CHIKV binds and gains access to the target cell interior.
296  state in which the fusion machinery on gp41 gains access to the target cell membrane.
297 a functional uptake pathway in which the SSO gains access to the targeted RNA.
298 ganism that can cause severe disease when it gains access to underlying tissues.
299 sing a wide range of severe diseases when it gains access to underlying tissues.
300 hodopsin was depleted from primary cilia but gained access, without being enriched, with the dual Ax(

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