


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 t demyelination in nude mice was mediated by gamma delta T cells.
2 and is required for stimulation of V(delta)1 gamma delta T cells.
3 robial lipid antigens to both alpha beta and gamma delta T cells.
4 a mechanism of Ig-like ligand recognition of gamma delta T cells.
5 ct inhibition of naive alpha beta T cells by gamma delta T cells.
6 al manner, by a subset of tumor-infiltrating gamma delta T cells.
7 t in the liver and around 20% of the splenic gamma delta T cells.
8  broadly recognized by intestinal epithelial gamma delta T cells.
9 human gamma delta T cells but not in resting gamma delta T cells.
10 istically to augment IFN-gamma production by gamma delta T cells.
11 ognition of such prenyl pyrophosphate Ags by gamma delta T cells.
12 nduced by mycobacterial Ags were detected in gamma delta T cells.
13 ation likewise defines, at the clonal level, gamma delta T cells.
14 re, vaccinia induced antigen-specific memory gamma delta T cells.
15 od about the function of tissue-infiltrating gamma delta T cells.
16 ntial level of self-induced apoptosis of the gamma delta T cells.
17 ly do not promote the efficient expansion of gamma delta-T cells.
18 lymphocytes such as NK cells, NKT cells, and gamma-delta T cells.
19 re CD4(+), 43.3% were CD8(+), and 12.9% were gamma-delta T cells.
20 onal Foxp3(+) induced regulatory T cell-like gamma/delta T cells.
21 ime in evolution as classical alpha/beta and gamma/delta T cells.
22  the inflammatory response in the absence of gamma/delta T cells.
23 lta 1 TCRs, the TCR expressed by most tissue gamma/delta T cells.
24 earance of L. monocytogenes was dependent on gamma/delta T cells.
25 ding of the soluble platelet molecule to the gamma/delta T cells.
26 ect on Th1 cells or interleukin-17-producing gamma/delta T cells.
27 by mitogen activated bovine peripheral blood gamma/delta T cells.
28 g mature CD3+ T cells and a complete lack of gamma/delta T cells.
29 ty of cells contained in these cultures were gamma/delta T cells.
30 ot B6 controls, suggesting a contribution of gamma(delta) T cells.
31 d B cells, NKT cells (CD1 knockout mice), or gamma(delta) T cells.
32 lls, both CD4+ (150%) and CD8+ (60%), and of gamma/delta T cells (70%) present within the intestinal
33                                 Depletion of gamma delta+ T cells abrogated myocarditis susceptibilit
34                                              Gamma delta T cells accumulate at epithelial barriers an
35                                              gamma delta T cells accumulate during Plasmodium infecti
36  have addressed the mechanism whereby murine gamma delta T cells acquire the capacity to differential
37  is most likely mediated through the type of gamma delta T cells activated during CVB3 infection, and
38 ols, indicating that BCG vaccination induced gamma delta T cell activation associated with enhanced s
39 dual function may serve to prevent erroneous gamma delta T cell activation by cross-reactive cell sur
40 ns, this finding suggests a new way in which gamma delta T cell Ag recognition can be regulated.
41                                  The role of gamma(delta) T cells against E. cuniculi infection was f
42 s robust memory effector CD4(+), CD8(+), and gamma delta T cells, all of which are relevant for prote
43 L-12; however, unlike Th2 cells, IL-4-primed gamma delta T cells also expressed this receptor, even i
44  mice confirmed that mice lacking functional gamma delta T cells also fail to develop ACAID.
45  to undergo acute homeostatic proliferation, gamma delta T cells also required their own depletion.
46 atural killer cells and selective defects in gamma delta T cells and dendritic antigen-presenting cel
47 nduced a rapid and extensive accumulation of gamma delta T cells and macrophages in the brain.
48                Coadministration of activated gamma delta T cells and naive alpha beta T cells at the
49  reciprocal stimulatory interactions between gamma delta T cells and other T cell subsets.
50 Well-known members of this group include the gamma-delta T cell and the Natural Killer T cell.
51 lipopolysaccharide, a setting in which liver gamma-delta T cells and invariant natural killer T cells
52 els of IL-22 transcripts could be induced in gamma/delta T cells and alpha/beta T cells.
53                                       Bovine gamma/delta T cells and neutrophils roll on 24 h cytokin
54 /delta T cells are the main tissue subset of gamma/delta T cells and they are known to recognize CD1c
55   Moreover, ES-62 modulated the migration of gamma/delta T cells and this was reflected by direct sup
56 nd macrophages), early induced (NK cells and gamma delta T cells), and adaptive immune responses (alp
57 , the response was strongest with V gamma 1+ gamma delta T cells, and in comparison with related poly
58 uced Fas and Fas ligand (FasL) expression by gamma delta T cells, and in the presence of metalloprote
59 ulates CD8 alpha beta and V(gamma)9V(delta)2 gamma delta T cells, and is required for stimulation of
60 nd T-regulatory cells, natural killer cells, gamma delta T cells, and other accessory cells.
61 neutrophils directly, it was chemotactic for gamma/delta T cells, and CCL8-responsive gamma/delta T c
62                                 CD4 T cells, gamma/delta T cells, and IL-18 were not critical.
63 ells were also predominantly CD8(+) and bore gamma delta T-cell antigen receptors.
64 teractions reduced the level of Mtb-mediated gamma delta T cell apoptosis by 75 to 80%.
65 ring the response of the V gamma 6/V delta 1 gamma delta T cells appears to be neither foreign nor or
66                               In circulating gamma delta T cells, approximately 80% expressed CD94, a
67 ively, these data demonstrate that activated gamma delta T cells are capable of modulating the abilit
68                                          TCR gamma delta T cells are considered important in the rapi
69                               Alpha beta and gamma delta T cells are distinguished by the clonotypic
70 ease multiple sclerosis, we demonstrate that gamma delta T cells are important regulators of CNS infl
71 these findings demonstrate that Mtb-reactive gamma delta T cells are more susceptible to AICD and tha
72                                        Thus, gamma delta T cells are needed for sustaining at least o
73 sides the TCR, no other components unique to gamma delta T cells are needed.
74 es results in similar antibody isotypes when gamma delta T cells are present, suggesting that vector
75                                              Gamma delta T cells are the predominant T cell populatio
76 is indicates that distinct subpopulations of gamma delta+ T cells are activated after CVB3 infection
77  it is demonstrated that apoptosis-resistant gamma delta-T cells are capable of mediating significant
78 ations of induced resistance to apoptosis in gamma delta-T cells are considered and discussed because
79           It is first established that human gamma delta-T cells are exquisitely sensitive to apoptos
80 t a detectable but greatly reduced rate, but gamma/delta T cells are completely absent.
81                      We conclude that bovine gamma/delta T cells are important sources of IL-22 and s
82                                        While gamma/delta T cells are involved in host defense and imm
83 ly to naive CD8 alpha/beta T cells, CD44(lo) gamma/delta T cells are poorly cycling in vivo in the st
84  CD8(+) alpha/beta T cells, Ly-6C(+)CD44(hi) gamma/delta T cells are sparse in the thymus but largely
85                                  As Vdelta1+ gamma/delta T cells are the main tissue subset of gamma/
86 ses (150 x 106) and was a unique property of gamma delta T cells, as activated alpha beta T cells wer
87 udies were conducted using ex vivo-activated gamma delta T cells because this was a more clinically r
88                          To better apprehend gamma/delta T cell biological functions in the periphery
89 stages that generate not only alpha beta and gamma delta T cells but can produce dendritic cells and
90  in IL-15-stimulated and Ag-stimulated human gamma delta T cells but not in resting gamma delta T cel
91 advances continue to support the notion that gamma delta T cells can perform specialized functions re
92 These results show, for the first time, that gamma delta T cells can substitute for alpha beta T cell
93                  We show that CD1-restricted gamma/delta T cells can mediate the maturation of DCs.
94 n normal mice belong to a distinct subset of gamma delta T cells characterized by low expression of T
95                                          The gamma delta T cell clone LBK5 recognizes the MHC molecul
96                 A panel of Borrelia-reactive gamma delta T cell clones was derived from synovial flui
97                              Moreover, using gamma delta T cell clones, we determined that IL-15-indu
98 lls could inhibit tumor cell lysis by NK and gamma delta T cell clones.
99                        In addition, purified gamma delta T cells, cocultured with purified monocytes
100                     Thus, peripheral CD27(+) gamma/delta T cells, commonly considered as a functional
101 ultures showed a 10- to 50-fold expansion of gamma/delta T cells compared with the initial cellular i
102 icated that in nonlethal malaria infections, gamma delta T cells comprise a larger proportion of sple
103                     These data indicate that gamma delta-T cells comprise a critical component of the
104 ally, the TCR complexes expressed on primary gamma delta T cells contain only zeta zeta homodimers; h
105                             We conclude that gamma delta T cells contribute to the development of EAE
106 into several subsets, with Ly-6C(-) CD44(hi) gamma/delta T cells corresponding to the IL-17-producing
107                                      Splenic gamma delta T cells could be polarized into IFN-gamma- o
108 eria or related environmental Ags may induce gamma delta T cells cross-reactive with Ags present in t
109 S are the encephalitogenic T cells, and that gamma delta T cell-deficient mice are unable to resolve
110 s in IFN-gamma production were detectable in gamma delta T cell-deficient mice in the spleen and lymp
111                                              gamma delta T cell-deficient mice reconstituted with wil
112            Finally, hearts transplanted into gamma delta T cell-deficient mice resulted in decreased
113                         This was shown using gamma delta T cell-deficient mice that were unable to re
114                                 In contrast, gamma delta T-cell-deficient mice exhibited decreased ce
115 kedly impaired in lung and liver tissue from gamma delta-T cell-deficient mice 24 h postinfection.
116                               Moreover, only gamma/delta T cell-deficient animals had a decrease in t
117           Tibia fractures were created in 60 gamma/delta T cell-deficient mice (also called delta T c
118 n overall superior biomechanical strength in gamma/delta T cell-deficient mice compared with controls
119 eas T/R+ mice crossed with B cell-deficient, gamma/delta T cell-deficient, or major histocompatibilit
120 erated innate response was also increased in gamma/delta T-cell-deficient mice.
121                         Animals deficient in gamma/delta T cells demonstrated more mature histologic
122                                           In gamma delta T cell-depleted animals, all of the chemokin
123 hemoattractant protein-1 at disease onset in gamma delta T cell-depleted mice, and total T cell numbe
124     In this study, we analyzed the effect of gamma delta T cell depletion on chemokine and chemokine
125 escued alpha beta T cell development but not gamma delta T cell development.
126       The special role of IL-7R signaling in gamma/delta T cell development has remained unclear.
127  To determine the role of IL-7R signaling in gamma/delta T cell development, we examined transcriptio
128                             Proliferation of gamma delta T cells did not require prior immunization w
129  reconstituted with Fas ligand-dysfunctional gamma delta T cells did not.
130 al localization and functional properties of gamma delta T cells displaying a similarly restricted TC
131 dent signals, which lead to the expansion of gamma delta-T cells, do so by selectively protecting sub
132                     Our studies suggest that gamma(delta) T cells, due to their ability to produce cy
133 ave previously reported that the presence of gamma delta T cells during certain inflammatory conditio
134   In the present study, an early increase of gamma(delta) T cells during murine infection with Enceph
135  were significantly higher in the absence of gamma/delta T cells during the innate phase of the respo
136             Furthermore, we demonstrate that gamma delta T cells elicited during a P. yoelii infectio
137              We examined the accumulation of gamma delta T cells elicited during infection with virul
138        Vgamma9/Vdelta2 were expressed on all gamma/delta T cells expanded by exposure of PBMC to Lept
139 ction, and bacteria were cleared well before gamma delta T cell expansion was detected 6 days after i
140  Coculture with CD4+ T cells induced optimal gamma delta T cell expansion, although IL-2 alone could
141                                          The gamma delta T cell expansions measured after in vitro st
142    Finally, prominent mycobacterial specific gamma delta T cell expansions were detected in a subset
143               Importantly, all CD1c-reactive gamma/delta T cells express V delta 1 TCRs, the TCR expr
144  function and repertoire of peripheral blood gamma delta T cells expressing the V gamma 2/V delta 2 T
145  antigens that are recognized by a subset of gamma delta T cells expressing the variable region Vdelt
146 induce any significant level of apoptosis in gamma delta T cells from healthy subjects or TB patients
147  less of freshly isolated CD4+ alpha beta or gamma delta T cells from normal healthy individuals and
148 t result in the selective expansion of human gamma delta-T cells from cultures of mitogen-stimulated
149 o by selectively protecting subsets of human gamma delta-T cells from mitogen-induced apoptosis.
150 T cells, it may early preferentially connect gamma delta T cell functions with those of cells that pr
151 t, suggesting that vector effects can negate gamma delta T-cell functions in vivo.
152 obtaining sufficient numbers of viable human gamma delta-T cells given their relative infrequency in
153  Ly-6C(- or +) CD44(lo) and Ly-6C(+)CD44(hi) gamma/delta T cells greatly resemble, and behave like, t
154 cific localization of TCR-defined subsets of gamma delta T cells has been widely reported; however, t
155 D8+ T cell immune response in the absence of gamma(delta) T cells has been demonstrated.
156 nce, however, that human, murine, and bovine gamma delta T cells have a role in the immune response t
157    However, increased frequencies of Vdelta1 gamma delta T cells have been observed in various epithe
158                                              Gamma delta T cells have been shown to regulate immune r
159                                        Human gamma delta T cells have the ability to rapidly expand a
160 mbined, these data suggest that mice lacking gamma delta-T cells have an impaired ability to resolve
161                                              Gamma(delta) T cells have been reported to play an essen
162                            Finally, CD44(lo) gamma/delta T cells have an intrinsic high plasticity as
163 stion, we studied the resources that control gamma delta T cell homeostasis in secondary lymphoid org
164                                        Thus, gamma delta T cell homeostasis is maintained by trophic
165            Among normal splenocytes, as with gamma delta T cell hybridomas, the response was stronges
166 stence of two regulatory control pathways in gamma/delta T cells; IL-2 or PMA treatment induced a slo
167 ound a high frequency of V gamma 6/V delta 1 gamma delta T cells in both infected and autoimmune test
168                                  The role of gamma delta T cells in controlling the influx of inflamm
169                            The importance of gamma delta T cells in corneal allograft survival was co
170 tood, although recent findings indicate that gamma delta T cells in general influence both innate and
171 8(+) T cells, there is a similar increase in gamma delta T cells in p27(Kip1)-deficient mice compared
172  and further support a pathological role for gamma delta T cells in patients with multiple sclerosis.
173  IL-15 may contribute to activation of human gamma delta T cells in the immune response to microbial
174 ifferential T cell reactivity, and that most gamma delta T cells in the normal spleen are present in
175 L-15 significantly enhanced the expansion of gamma delta T cells in the peripheral blood after stimul
176 r the predominant production of IFN-gamma by gamma delta T cells in the presence of IL-12, despite th
177 d the IL-15R alpha chain expression in human gamma delta T cells in the presence or absence of nonpep
178 ay contribute to the remarkable abundance of gamma delta T cells in this avian representative.
179 of inducing an increase in the percentage of gamma delta T cells in vivo.
180 ice, suggesting an immunoregulatory role for gamma/delta T cells in Candida vaginitis.
181 mmune response models of a critical role for gamma/delta T cells in down-modulation of the immune res
182   The present study investigated the role of gamma/delta T cells in experimental vaginal candidiasis.
183     The results indicate that the absence of gamma/delta T cells in IL-7Ralpha(-/-) mice is due to in
184                          In contrast, IL-17+ gamma/delta T cells in lungs were unaffected.
185                                        Colon gamma/delta T cells in mice that lack conventional dendr
186                   The evidence for a role of gamma/delta T cells in the context of skeletal injury de
187 partially dependent upon the presence of TCR-gamma/delta T cells in the host.
188 vels of FcRL3 on Treg cells, and on CD8+ and gamma/delta T cells, in comparison to RA patients with t
189                              The majority of gamma delta T cells induced by BCG vaccination were gamm
190 ta T cells preferentially increase among the gamma delta T cells infiltrating inflamed tissues.
191       Although recent findings indicate that gamma delta T cells influence both early innate and Ag-s
192              Several studies have shown that gamma delta T cells influence granuloma development afte
193      The aim of our study was to investigate gamma/delta T cells, innate lymphocytes known to be invo
194  CD44 and Ly-6C subdivides murine peripheral gamma/delta T cells into several subsets, with Ly-6C(-)
195 8(-) cells; the maturation of CD4(-)8(+) and gamma delta T cells is normal.
196                  Because one of the roles of gamma delta T cells is the regulation of inflammation, w
197                                       Bovine gamma delta T cells, isolated from the peripheral blood
198                                              Gamma delta T cell knockout mice displayed increased mor
199             Pulmonary bacterial clearance in gamma delta-T cell knockout mice was unimpaired.
200 , most gamma delta TCRs expressed on ex vivo gamma delta T cells lack CD3 delta.
201 uce poor protective immunity, the absence of gamma delta T cells led to significant reductions in bot
202 y and predominant production of IFN-gamma by gamma delta T cells likely is critical for the roles tha
203 thymocytes along the natural killer (NK) and gamma delta T-cell lineages.
204                                      Vdelta1 gamma delta T cell lines and clones derived from differe
205 strate a conservation of both alpha/beta and gamma/delta T cell localization in the thymus across 450
206          Among those patients with cutaneous gamma delta T-cell lymphoma (n = 33), there was a trend
207                     Our results suggest that gamma delta T cells may be capable of developing a memor
208 and finally that different subpopulations of gamma delta+ T cells may either promote or inhibit Th1 c
209                                      Rather, gamma delta T cells mediated this effect indirectly thro
210 d immunodepleted mice, we found evidence for gamma/delta T-cell-mediated regulation of IFN-gamma prod
211                            In the absence of gamma/delta T cells, mice die after infection with a dos
212  subsets (Th17, Th22) and at lower levels by gamma-delta T cells, NKT and innate lymphoid cells.
213              CD4 and CD8 alpha/beta T cells, gamma/delta T cells, NKT cells, regulatory T cells, and
214              Mitigation of GVHD by activated gamma delta T cells occurred only at high doses (150 x 1
215                              We observe that gamma delta T cells of the V delta 1 subset accumulate i
216 receptors CD94:NKG2A and KIR2DL1 than either gamma delta T cells or NK cells.
217 e TCR alpha beta+ CD8+ T cells more than the gamma delta T cells or the TCR alpha beta+ CD4+CD8- popu
218                            In the absence of gamma/delta T cells or after IL-17 neutralization, this
219 ent levels of cytokines normally produced by gamma/delta T cells or conversely from an excess of cyto
220 iveness was shown not to require CD8+ or TCR-gamma/delta+ T cells or IFN-gamma.
221  CD8(+) T cells, NK1.1 CD4(+) T (NKT) cells, gamma/delta T cells, or alpha/beta T cells indicated tha
222                                        Since gamma delta T cells play a major role in other forms of
223                     The results suggest that gamma delta T cells play an important role in the CNS im
224 ver, in contrast to CD4+ alpha beta T cells, gamma delta T cells predominantly produced IFN-gamma, ev
225 nd others have seen that V gamma 6/V delta 1 gamma delta T cells preferentially increase among the ga
226 ce such cells represent close to half of the gamma delta T cells present in the liver and around 20%
227 nce of lipopolysaccharide and CD1-restricted gamma/delta T cells produced bioactive interleukin-12p70
228 factor, to modulate prenyl phosphate-induced gamma delta T cell proliferation and cytokine production
229                              In mice lacking gamma delta T cells, proliferation of encephalitogenic T
230         These data suggest that CNS resident gamma delta T cells promote the production of IFN-gamma
231           Recognition by this tissue pool of gamma/delta T cells provides the human immune system wit
232                  Surprisingly, we found that gamma delta T cells rather than CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cell
233 nhances regulatory T cell expansion; and (3) gamma delta T cells rather than CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cell
234 onses, it has remained unclear what triggers gamma delta T cell reactivity.
235 mphocytes in the blood of cattle express the gamma delta T-cell receptor, but specific functions for
236 and that antigen binding to alpha-beta or to gamma-delta T cell receptor does not play a role in tumo
237 te immunity [natural killer T cell (NKT) and gamma-delta T-cell receptor], and innate immunity can de
238 ass II+ CD11b- CD8alpha+ dendritic cells and gamma/delta T-cell receptor-bearing CD3+ T cells was pro
239                      The promiscuous mode of gamma delta T cell recognition of these antigens may be
240                               CD1-restricted gamma/delta T cell recognition of immature DCs provides
241                                        Human gamma delta T cells recognize prenyl pyrophosphate Ags a
242 -deficient mice reconstituted with wild-type gamma delta T cells recovered from EAE and resolved infl
243                                 Depletion of gamma delta T cells reduced expression of CCR1 and CCR5
244                                        Thus, gamma delta T cells regulate both inflammation in the CN
245 ool recapitulated the ontogenetic pattern of gamma delta T cell replenishment before alpha beta T cel
246                                     However, gamma delta T cells responded more strongly to the bacte
247                   Both murine alpha beta and gamma delta T cells responded polyclonally to systemic b
248                                          The gamma delta T cell response proceeded in the absence of
249 dings emphasize the importance of CD4(+) and gamma-delta T-cell responses and have implications for i
250             Furthermore, the chimera blocked gamma delta T cell rolling on E-selectin.
251                                              Gamma delta T cells secrete Th1- and Th2-like cytokines
252      Previously, we showed that depletion of gamma delta T cells significantly reduced clinical and p
253                             The CD8-positive gamma delta T cell subset did not accumulate at sites of
254  rearrangements not previously found in this gamma delta T cell subset, implying a difference in its
255         This is the first demonstration of a gamma delta T cell subset, which exhibits a defined tiss
256          The importance of alpha beta versus gamma delta T-cell subset antigen expression in the clas
257 corresponding to the IL-17-producing CD27(-) gamma/delta T cell subset exhibiting innate-like feature
258 We now show that T cells of the major tissue gamma/delta T cell subset recognize nonpolymorphic CD1c
259 n some cases tissue-specific accumulation of gamma delta T cell subsets can be predicted by expressio
260                    In this capacity, certain gamma delta T cell subsets may serve as cytolytic sentin
261 stence of distinct phenotypic and functional gamma/delta T cell subsets.
262       Recent studies have suggested that the gamma(delta) T cell subtype may also be important for th
263                         We describe a bovine gamma delta T cell TCR-associated subset that preferenti
264         Among unstimulated splenocytes, more gamma delta T cells than alpha beta T cells expressed CD
265 nized by diverse human intestinal epithelial gamma delta T cells that are restricted by MICA and MICB
266 ynovial fluid contains a large proportion of gamma delta T cells that proliferates upon stimulation w
267  inflammation as efficiently as CD8-negative gamma delta T cells that, in contrast, express E-selecti
268                                      AICD of gamma delta T cells, therefore, provides an explanation
269 his study investigated the ability of bovine gamma delta T cells to expand and produce gamma interfer
270 as shown to be independent of the ability of gamma delta T cells to produce IFN-gamma, and was specif
271               IL-12 also induced IL-4-primed gamma delta T cells to proliferate and to translocate St
272 These results and the inability of V(delta)1 gamma delta T cells to respond to target cells expressin
273  may thus selectively evoke contributions of gamma delta T cells to the host response.
274                     The stronger response of gamma delta T cells to TNF-alpha was correlated with hig
275                         The ability of human gamma delta-T cells to mediate a number of in vitro func
276 a 1+ cells again represented the predominant gamma delta T cell type.
277                              Third, CD44(lo) gamma/delta T cells undergo spontaneous proliferation an
278                        Among T cell subsets, gamma delta T cells uniquely display an Ag receptor-base
279  examined the repertoire of the infiltrating gamma delta T cells, using two different methods, and fo
280  in mice transplanted with BM plus activated gamma delta T cells vs those given marrow cells alone.
281 ansgenic mice, IL-4 production by peripheral gamma delta T cells was confined to the gamma delta+9D3+
282 , because acute homeostatic proliferation of gamma delta T cells was inhibited by an intact alpha bet
283                 We show that the presence of gamma delta T cells was needed to promote the production
284 regulation of inflammation, we asked whether gamma delta T cells were able to regulate CNS inflammati
285 rpose of this study was to determine whether gamma delta T cells were able to regulate graft-vs-host
286 ence of metalloproteinase-inhibitors >70% of gamma delta T cells were FasL+.
287                                              Gamma delta T cells were found to provide helper functio
288                                              gamma delta T cells were found to rapidly expand and pro
289 doptive transfer of DTH assay, we found that gamma delta T cells were required for the generation of
290 itive for MICA/B, the frequencies of Vdelta1 gamma delta T cells were significantly higher than in th
291               Using this model we found that gamma delta T cells were still plentiful among the infil
292                                 Mice lacking gamma(delta) T cells were susceptible to E. cuniculi inf
293                                 Responses by gamma-delta T cells were 6-fold higher in seropositive t
294                            The CD1c-reactive gamma/delta T cells were cytotoxic and used both perfori
295 for gamma/delta T cells, and CCL8-responsive gamma/delta T cells were enriched for IL-17F.
296             Similarly, T cell receptor (TCR)-gamma/delta T cells were not required for maximal inhibi
297 tes, CD4 and CD8 T cells, and alpha/beta and gamma/delta T cells were uniformly positive for PSGL-1,
298 g for at least 3 wk after stimulation of the gamma delta T cells with Borrelia burgdorferi.
299 allograft survival was confirmed by blocking gamma delta T cells with GL3 Ab before corneal transplan
300                                        Human gamma delta T cells with the TCR variable region V(delta

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