


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 zures) and with the power change of the high-gamma rhythm.
2 excitatory/inhibitory equilibrium and on the gamma rhythm.
3 e associated with brain rhythms, notably the gamma rhythm.
4 emporal-parietal structures and expressed in gamma rhythms.
5 ty characteristic of assembly formation with gamma rhythms.
6  high frequency oscillations associated with gamma rhythms.
7 tial inhibitory neuron subtype necessary for gamma rhythms.
8  interneurons that contribute to hippocampal gamma rhythms.
9 rain) that apparently cannot be tolerated by gamma rhythms.
10 rated by as little as 400 microm, making the gamma rhythm a poor candidate for binding or communicati
11 theories of schizophrenia and that theta and gamma rhythm abnormalities are evident in schizophrenic
12 cal field potential, observable as theta and gamma rhythms and coupling between these rhythms, is pre
13  in PV interneurons for expression of normal gamma rhythms and specific cognitive behaviors.
14 aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonists alters gamma rhythms, and can induce cognitive as well as psych
15  are thought to be organized by co-occurring gamma rhythms ( approximately 25-100 Hz).
16                                     Although gamma rhythms are abnormal in schizophrenia, it remains
17                                              Gamma rhythms are commonly observed in many brain region
18                                              Gamma rhythms are known to contribute to the process of
19 memory retrieval, depending on which type of gamma rhythms are recruited.
20 ies are consistent with data suggesting that gamma rhythms are used for relatively local computations
21        Instead, our results suggest that the gamma rhythm arises from local interactions between exci
22 ematical analysis, we study the breakdown of gamma rhythms as the driven ensembles become too small,
23  whose contrast varies across space generate gamma rhythms at significantly different frequencies in
24 est that robust nesting of hippocampal theta-gamma rhythms at the time of retrieval is a specific rec
25 t in a network with realistic heterogeneity, gamma rhythms based on the interaction of excitatory and
26  Primary visual cortex exhibits two types of gamma rhythm: broadband activity in the 30-90 Hz range a
27 s of several parts of the brain suggest that gamma rhythms can be generated by pools of excitatory ne
28            Large gratings, however, induce a gamma rhythm characterized by a distinctive spectral "bu
29 mple of a place in which slow theta and fast gamma rhythms coexist.
30 ndependently predicts that context-dependent gamma rhythms depend critically on SOM interneurons.
31 pocampal subfield CA1 and that slow and fast gamma rhythms differentially coordinate place cells duri
32  the emergence of the AS-related hippocampal gamma rhythm during the first postnatal week, as well as
33 und" gamma rhythm (resembling the persistent gamma rhythms evoked in vitro by cholinergic agonists) i
34 ations may expand the computational power of gamma rhythms for optimizing the synthesis and storage o
35                     For these functions, the gamma rhythm frequency must be consistent across neural
36 The results suggest the presence of a single gamma rhythm generator with a frequency range of 65-75 H
37              The synaptic bases of theta and gamma rhythms have been extensively studied but the cell
38 tant mice exhibit enhanced baseline cortical gamma rhythms, impaired gamma rhythm induction after opt
39 n: (i) spike times are entrained to a global Gamma rhythm (implying a consistent representation of th
40                                       As the gamma rhythm in area 21a did not spread backward to area
41 arp stimulus-onset transient and a sustained gamma rhythm in local field potential recorded from the
42 e coincident expression of multiple types of gamma rhythm in sensory cortex suggests a mechanistic su
43 al for a visually induced, context-dependent gamma rhythm in visual cortex.
44                       Models of the 30-80 Hz gamma rhythm in which network oscillations arise through
45 this interaction contributes to nested theta/gamma rhythms in hippocampus.
46 cover a previously unappreciated function of gamma rhythms in recruiting both neuronal and glial resp
47   The parameter range chosen is motivated by gamma rhythms, in which the gamma-aminobutyric acid type
48 ed baseline cortical gamma rhythms, impaired gamma rhythm induction after optogenetic drive of PV int
49                The preference of this global gamma rhythm is sensitive to adaptation, in a manner con
50 icularly strongly linked to cognition is the gamma rhythm: it is involved in attention, short- and lo
51 cordings in slice preparations we found that gamma rhythms lead to activity-dependent modification of
52                                              Gamma rhythms may be generated locally by interactions w
53 y glutamatergic drive, we show that top-down gamma rhythms may block sensory signals.
54                In this paper, we discuss how gamma rhythm, one of the main components of the extracel
55                                 The model of gamma rhythm predicts an average zero phase lag between
56 ed scopolamine on movement-induced theta and gamma rhythms recorded in the superficial layers of the
57 onous spontaneous activity to a "background" gamma rhythm (resembling the persistent gamma rhythms ev
58 ast) cells, that may contribute to theta and gamma rhythms, respectively.
59 isual stimuli that induce a strong, coherent gamma rhythm result in enhanced pairwise and higher-orde
60 ch the MCs fire at rates lower than the fast gamma rhythm they create.
61  gamma regimes can interact with a bottom-up gamma rhythm to provide regulation of signals between th
62 olved in the projection of locally generated gamma rhythms to distal sites.
63  requires coupling of approximately 30-100Hz gamma rhythms to particular phases of the theta cycle.
64                                       Third, gamma rhythm typically concurs with irregular firing of
65  of excitatory and inhibitory neurons in the gamma rhythm varies across local circuits and conditions
66                             As in neocortex, gamma rhythms were dependent on GABA(A) receptor-mediate
67        (5) Cholinergically elicited beta and gamma rhythms were eliminated by antagonists of either A
68                          Additionally, these gamma rhythms were linked back to mismatched expectation
69                  The model also reproduces a gamma rhythm whose frequency changes with time, at theta

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