


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 edox modulation of a disulfide bridge on its gamma subunit.
2 uman ENaC, an effect mediated in part by the gamma subunit.
3 RNA specific to the endogenous translocating gamma subunit.
4 calcium channels were also associated with a gamma subunit.
5 n-dependent cleavage site (RKRK(186)) in the gamma subunit.
6 nd at a single extracellular site within the gamma subunit.
7 a locus distinct from its active site on the gamma subunit.
8 lpha subunit and at a single site within the gamma subunit.
9 ic protein consisting of an alpha, beta, and gamma subunit.
10 catalysis or, therefore, for rotation of the gamma subunit.
11  catch and induces a partial rotation of the gamma subunit.
12 ial myocytes express a functional BK channel gamma subunit.
13 e-interacting beta-subunit, and a regulatory gamma-subunit.
14 nd product release, inducing a torque on the gamma-subunit.
15              This process is enhanced by the gamma-subunit.
16  transiently stored as elastic energy in the gamma-subunit.
17 (Lys-189) in the extracellular domain of the gamma-subunit.
18 phabeta-dimers creates torque on its central gamma-subunit.
19 hate in the complete absence of the beta and gamma subunits.
20 vage of the extracellular loops of alpha and gamma subunits.
21 f the extracellular domains of the alpha and gamma subunits.
22  the requirement for the regulatory beta and gamma subunits.
23  residue found at the homologous position in gamma subunits.
24 relative protein content of alpha, beta, and gamma subunits.
25  explored the function of the alpha/beta and gamma subunits.
26 cluding Rho, Rap1, Rac, Cdc42, and G-protein gamma subunits.
27  oocytes injected with ENaC-alpha, beta, and gamma subunits.
28 lso contain auxiliary alpha2delta, beta, and gamma subunits.
29 f the extracellular domains of the alpha and gamma subunits.
30 ners that function in the place of G protein gamma subunits.
31 by furin-dependent cleavage of the alpha and gamma subunits.
32 nd M3 transmembrane helices in the alpha and gamma subunits.
33 ric G-protein consisting of alpha, beta, and gamma subunits.
34 pe cells and in cells lacking beta- and Snf4/gamma-subunits.
35 inhibited by the cone- and rod-specific PDE6 gamma-subunits.
36 KC consensus site on the alpha- or beta- and gamma-subunits.
37 es internalization of the alpha-, beta-, and gamma-subunits.
38  the extracellular domains of the alpha- and gamma-subunits.
39 rted a role for the heterotrimeric G protein gamma subunit 1 (Ggamma1) in mediating cardial-pericardi
40 ed of two alpha-subunits (68.8 kD each), one gamma-subunit (22.5 kD), and one delta-subunit (11.9 kD)
41 .1 kD each), one beta-subunit (56.0 kD), one gamma-subunit (24.8 kD), and one delta-subunit (13.9 kD)
42 lent residues in the nACh receptor delta and gamma subunits) abolished and severely attenuated functi
43  induction of "fetal" acetylcholine receptor gamma subunit (AChRgamma), reduction of "adult" AChRepsi
44    The conservation of primary structures of gamma-subunits across mammalian species suggests that th
45 ce expression and normal levels of alpha and gamma subunit-activating cleavage.
46 rylation in mice and fibroblasts lacking the gamma subunit along with kinetic studies of recombinant
47 rin cleavage and the inhibitory tract in the gamma subunit (alphabetagammaR143A,DeltaE144-K186) showe
48 units regulate the activity of the catalytic gamma subunit and account for 81% of PhK's mass.
49 ontain an endogenous translocating G protein gamma subunit and exhibit receptor-induced Golgi fragmen
50 ndocytosis requires an activating FcgammaR's gamma subunit and involves astrocytic membrane loss of a
51 es of gold nanorods attached to the rotating gamma subunit and/or by increasing the viscosity of the
52 reonine phosphorylation of the ENaC beta and gamma subunits and abolished by inhibitors of (a) mitoge
53 t, contains three G alpha, one G beta, one G gamma subunits and phosducin-like protein BDM-1 that hav
54                     Additionally, crystallin-gamma subunits and serotonin-related genes were highly e
55 haracterized, the identities of its beta and gamma subunits and their function in olfactory signal tr
56  between the amino acid sequences of various gamma subunits and their translocation properties.
57 ing for the observed torque generated on the gamma-subunit and its change due to mutation of this uni
58 ed of a single copy of an alpha-, beta-, and gamma-subunit and plays an essential role in water and s
59 C is enhanced by proteolytic cleavage of the gamma-subunit and putative release of a 43-amino acid in
60 rrangements disrupt interactions between the gamma-subunit and the C-terminal domain of the alpha(E)-
61 termined by a small unique region within the gamma-subunit and this region contains two cysteine resi
62  a direct interaction between the alpha- and gamma-subunits and indicating that our structure may rep
63 omplex is composed of two alpha-, beta-, and gamma-subunits and represents the key enzyme for the bio
64 ongation factor (eEF) 1B (alpha-, beta-, and gamma-subunits) and eukaryotic translation initiation fa
65 ciferase, IkappaB beta/gamma kinase (IKKbeta/gamma) subunits, and PAD2.
66  the extracellular domains of its alpha- and gamma-subunits, and it was recently reported that ENaC a
67 zed threonine phosphorylation of the channel gamma subunit: and (c) characterize a common scientific
68 all GTPases and the heterotrimeric G protein gamma subunit are methylated on their carboxy-terminal c
69 that the two cytoplasmic Cys residues in the gamma subunit are palmitoylated.
70 oteolytic processing events of the alpha and gamma subunits are associated with channel activation.
71 eric G proteins composed of alpha, beta, and gamma subunits are central signal transducers mediating
72 he furin and prostasin cleavage sites in the gamma subunit, are inhibitory domains.
73 ric G proteins, composed of alpha, beta, and gamma subunits, are activated by exchange of GDP for GTP
74 in the human genome, including all G protein gamma subunits, are predicted to be prenylated.
75 he equivalent residues in the chloroplast F1 gamma subunit, arginine 304 and glutamine 305, with alan
76 ed upon siRNA-mediated knockdown of the AP-1 gamma subunit, as predicted for the common AP-1-dependen
77 in association with inducing cleavage of the gamma subunit at gammaLys194, a site distal to the furin
78                    Cleavage of the alpha and gamma subunits at multiple sites activates the channel t
79 proteins in enriched fractions, ATP-synthase gamma-subunit (AtpC) and Rubisco activase (RCA) were ide
80 rimeric complex composed of alpha, beta, and gamma subunits, belongs to the ENaC/degenerin family of
81                                    Among the gamma subunits, beta(5) interacted preferentially with g
82 the transmembrane M3 helices of the beta and gamma subunits (betaMet-285, betaMet-288, and gammaMet-2
83 ubunit, suggesting a role for this region in gamma subunit binding.
84  6-phosphate receptor homology domain of the gamma subunit binds and presents the high mannose glycan
85                         The G-protein G(beta)gamma subunit blockers suramin (8,8'-[carbonylbis[imino-
86 ha subunits themselves and between alpha and gamma subunits, both of which were decreased in CRT hear
87        Dopamine activation required beta and gamma subunits but not alpha subunits ((Z)beta3gamma2 EC
88                          Coexpression of the gamma-subunit (but not the beta-subunit) is essential fo
89 cting as a solid "pushrod" to push the rotor gamma subunit, but the short helix in F(1)(1/2)s would f
90                  Mitochondrial levels of the gamma-subunit, but not the alpha- and beta-subunits, wer
91 ound that modifying the Arabidopsis thaliana gamma subunit by mutating three highly conserved acidic
92 lcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II gamma subunit (CaMKIIgamma), a component of the NMDA rec
93 tide derived from chloroplastic ATP synthase gamma-subunit (cATPC) proteins.
94 Introduction of this region within the yeast gamma-subunit causes a defect in oxidative phosphorylati
95 none functional regulation of BK channels by gamma-subunits: channels either exhibit a full gating sh
96 duction of a unique 70-kDa carboxyl-terminal gamma subunit cleavage fragment.
97 ed and devoid of cone transducin (alpha- and gamma-subunits), cone phosphodiesterase, and G protein-c
98 s alphabetagamma complexes, whose regulatory gamma subunit confers energy sensor function by binding
99 tracellular finger domains of ENaC alpha and gamma subunits contain allosteric regulatory modules.
100 ontaining a glycogen-sensing domain, and the gamma subunits containing 2 regulatory sites that bind t
101               hECN GABAARs are predominantly gamma subunit-containing as assessed by the sensitivity
102 compares with an IC50 of 85 muM for synaptic gamma subunit-containing GABAARs (gamma-GABAARs).
103                 These data indicate that the gamma-subunit controls the expression level of the entir
104 alpha decreased levels of alpha-, beta-, and gamma-subunits, decreased F0F1-ATPase activity, and hind
105                                          The gamma subunits differentially modulate Ca(2+) channel fu
106 x-sensitive labeling studies showed that the gamma subunit disulfide/sulfhydryl couple in the modifie
107 , we show that elimination of the transducin gamma-subunit drastically reduces signal amplification i
108 h HdrABC and dissimilatory sulfite reductase gamma subunit (DsrC) to perform novel electron transfer
109 plasmic reticulum (ER) from alpha, beta, and gamma subunits, each with two transmembrane domains, a l
110                   However, furin cleaves the gamma subunit ectodomain only once.
111 of a 43-amino acid inhibitory tract from the gamma-subunit ectodomain.
112                  We infer that the auxiliary gamma subunit effectively interferes with mallotoxin on
113 formed by Xenopus epsilon and human beta and gamma subunits (epsilonbetagammaENaC).
114  toward a subset of the acid hydrolases, the gamma subunit facilitates the addition of the second Glc
115     The eight members of the calcium channel gamma subunit family are integral membrane proteins that
116 ed that 6 of the 12 members of the G protein gamma subunit family translocate specifically from the P
117 xpression of both FcgammaRIIa and the common gamma subunit following Pam2CSK4 treatment.
118 at close to wild-type levels but require the gamma subunit for optimal phosphorylation of the rest of
119                                  Loss of the gamma subunit from wrapping glia resulted in a disruptio
120 strate that the two heterotrimeric G-protein gamma-subunits from Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana),
121        Recombinant GST ENaC alpha, beta, and gamma subunit fusion proteins were expressed in Escheric
122  cathepsin B but not the full-length beta or gamma subunit fusion proteins.
123 ric G proteins, composed of alpha, beta, and gamma subunits (Galphabetagamma).
124 uctured RGD-lacking C-terminal region of the gamma subunit (gammaC peptide).
125 re gated by direct binding of G protein beta-gamma subunits (Gbetagamma), signaling lipids, and intra
126 r investigate the risk susceptibility by the gamma subunit gene family to SCZ, we conducted a large-s
127 e, we show that genetic deletion of the AChR gamma-subunit gene in mice leads to an absence of pre-pa
128 al association of the five known beta and 12 gamma subunit genes.
129 ected in degenerating rods of the transducin gamma-subunit (Ggamma1) knockout mouse.
130 However, the function of the small beta- and gamma-subunits has remained unclear.
131                 Insertions in the alpha- and gamma-subunits have little effect on GABA or SR-95531 ac
132 odulator (NEMO; also known as IkappaB kinase gamma subunit [IKKgamma]).
133  revealed phosphorylation of Ser(146) on the gamma subunit in response to wtPKC-alpha overexpression.
134  the alpha and/or beta subunits binds to the gamma subunit in the presence of AMP but not when ATP is
135  results underscore the critical role of the gamma subunit in this process.
136 and efficiently associated with the beta and gamma subunits in the plasma membrane.
137 pe is not due to redundant roles for the two gamma subunits in the same signaling pathway but rather
138  the relationship between mallotoxin and the gamma subunits in their BK channel-activating effects in
139 We have here addressed the role of the Snf4 (gamma) subunit in regulating SNF1 protein kinase in resp
140 ouse models containing either isoform of the gamma-subunit in the heart.
141 In response to torque-driven rotation of the gamma-subunit in the hydrolysis direction, the nucleotid
142 echanical energy and torque (rotation of the gamma-subunit) in F1-ATPase is very challenging.
143 hat removal of the inhibitory tract from the gamma subunit, in the absence of alpha subunit cleavage,
144 g to multiple extracellular sites within the gamma-subunit, including (i) a high-affinity stimulatory
145              A second distal cleavage in the gamma subunit induced by other proteases, such as prosta
146  the highly conserved acidic residues in the gamma subunit influence thiol redox potential.
147           When channels lacked the alpha and gamma subunit inhibitory tracts, alpha subunit cleavage
148 nnel as a result of release of the alpha and gamma subunit inhibitory tracts, respectively.
149 hat can consume ATP to drive rotation of the gamma-subunit inside the ring of three alphabeta-subunit
150 at or near one ACh binding site at the alpha/gamma subunit interface.
151 xin for binding at the alpha/delta and alpha/gamma subunit interfaces of the nAChR, with higher affin
152 rresponding to the fragment cleaved from the gamma subunit is a reversible inhibitor of endogenous EN
153  interaction site near the N terminus of the gamma subunit is important for recruitment, but not acti
154 aken together, we conclude that although the gamma subunit is not required for the binding of GABA or
155                    Activity of the catalytic gamma subunit is regulated by allosteric activators targ
156  6-phosphate receptor homology domain of the gamma subunit is required for optimal phosphorylation.
157                                       The C8 gamma subunit is unrelated and belongs to the lipocalin
158 rmore, we observe that communication between gamma subunits is necessary for both regulatory roles.
159           These results demonstrate that the gamma-subunit is required for the formation of pre-patte
160 t homologous sites within either the beta or gamma subunit knuckle domain resulted in little or no ch
161  In contrast, deletion of either the beta or gamma subunit knuckle domain within the alphabetagamma t
162 other at the interface between the alpha and gamma subunits (labeling of alphaM2-10 and gammaMet-299)
163                              Channels with a gamma subunit lacking this 43-residue tract have increas
164 ociation of the complex; similarly, a mutant gamma-subunit lacking the [4Fe-4S] cluster is unable to
165      We demonstrate that loss of the laminin gamma subunit (LanB2) in the peripheral glia of Drosophi
166 ATPase, 2) interacts with alpha-, beta-, and gamma-subunits leading to increases in their phosphoryla
167 demonstrate that the knock-out of transducin gamma-subunit leads to a major downregulation of both al
168  cells by reducing mRNA expression of the BK gamma subunit leucine-rich repeat-containing protein 26
169 rexpressing wtPKC-alpha blocked decreases in gamma-subunit levels, maintained F0F1-ATPase activity, a
170 that the C-terminus of the photosynthetic F1 gamma subunit, like its mitochondrial counterpart, forms
171               To study the importance of the gamma subunit M2-M3 linker, we examined the macroscopic
172 ng enhanced green fluorescent protein in the gamma-subunit M3-M4 loop, which confirmed our nAChR beta
173 i clamp loader that exists in space as three gamma-subunits (motor) flanked by the delta' (stator) an
174                       Therefore, neither the gamma-subunit nor the regulatory ATP bound to the epsilo
175 technique to identify the NADH dehydrogenase gamma subunit (nuoG) primer set that is sensitive and sp
176  2 in the alpha1 subunit of GlyRs and in the gamma subunit of alpha1beta2gamma2GABA(A)Rs and measured
177                                          The gamma subunit of AMPK binds AMP and ATP, and mutations t
178 te ligands bound to one or more sites in the gamma subunit of AMPK promote the formation of an active
179 nteraction between ERManI and gamma-COP, the gamma subunit of coat protein complex I (COPI) that is r
180 events injury-induced decreases in levels of gamma subunit of F0F1-ATPase, 2) interacts with alpha-,
181 c mice (TG-CRP) with either mice lacking the gamma subunit of FcgammaRI (FcRgamma(-/-)) or FcgammaRII
182           Similarly, replacing Loop 2 of the gamma subunit of GABA(A)Rs with deltaL2 shifted the etha
183 s bind at the interface between an alpha and gamma subunit of GABA(A)Rs, preferentially enhancing syn
184 tations in the GNPTG gene, which encodes the gamma subunit of GNPT, in affected subjects of Asian and
185 ls were determined by ELISA specific for the gamma subunit of NSE.
186 cterize the loss of SNF4Agamma, encoding the gamma subunit of the AMP Kinase complex.
187 s possesses two homologues of the regulatory gamma subunit of the ATP synthase, encoded by the ATPC1
188 PII also bind to the yeast orthologue of the gamma subunit of the COPI coat complex (Sec21p), a known
189 ation of key functional features seen in the gamma subunit of the eukaryotic AMP-activated protein ki
190 he N terminus of zeta blocks rotation of the gamma subunit of the F1-ATPase of P. denitrificans by a
191  pathways by inducing the degradation of the gamma subunit of the inhibitor of kappaB kinase complex
192 acid residues near the C-terminus within the gamma subunit of the mitochondrial ATP synthase form a "
193                                          The gamma subunit of the rotor, which plays a central role i
194              Evidence suggests the alpha and gamma subunits of ENaC are cleaved during assembly befor
195 1, ASIC3, TRPV4, TRPA1, the alpha, beta, and gamma subunits of ENaC, and the two pore K+ channels (TR
196  suggest that palmitoylation of the beta and gamma subunits of ENaCs enhances interactions of their r
197  in the cytoplasmic segments of the beta and gamma subunits of Fc epsilon RI by the Src tyrosine kina
198 l modification of Met to Asp was reported in gamma subunits of human fetal Hb Toms River (gamma67(E11
199  auxiliary metabolic genes for the alpha and gamma subunits of reverse dissimilatory sulfite reductas
200 hat Aly1 and Aly2 interact directly with the gamma-subunit of AP-1, Apl4.
201 cinity of the redox modulation domain in the gamma-subunit of ATP synthase.
202            This activation was mapped to the gamma-subunit of ENaC.
203                                          The gamma-subunit of fetal AChRs is indispensable for the pr
204 family of small GTPases, nuclear lamins, the gamma-subunit of heterotrimeric GTPases, and several pro
205  total ProGRP, as well as the alpha- and the gamma-subunit of NSE isoenzymes.
206 ypertension due to mutations in the beta- or gamma-subunit of the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC).
207  The recombinant mAb 131 is specific for the gamma-subunit of the fetal AChR to which it bound with s
208 e observed where certain mutations in the F1-gamma-subunit of the two-sector F1Fo-ATP synthase allow
209                   Conversely, the alpha- and gamma-subunits of AMPK are O-GlcNAcylated, O-GlcNAcylati
210 dle syndrome, a mutation of the beta- and/or gamma-subunits of ENaC produces an activated ion channel
211 creased protein levels of alpha-, beta-, and gamma-subunits of F0F1-ATPase in RPTC.
212 o-immunoprecipitated with alpha-, beta-, and gamma-subunits of F0F1-ATPase.
213 mplex (ODC) also antibodies to the beta- and gamma-subunits of F1F0-ATPase (anti-beta, anti-gamma) oc
214                  Antibodies to the beta- and gamma-subunits of F1F0-ATPase occur in anti-M2 positive
215 mily of transmembrane proteins that includes gamma-subunits of voltage-gated calcium channels.
216                               Ca(2+) channel gamma subunits, of which there are 8 isoforms, consist o
217 nation of the effect of various parts of the gamma-subunit on free energy surfaces of F1-ATPase.
218 own to induce the 40 degrees rotation of the gamma-subunit only when the betaE subunit is empty, wher
219                                 Furthermore, gamma subunit palmitoylation had a dominant role over be
220 ndividual or multiple subunits revealed that gamma subunit palmitoylation has a dominant role over be
221       ENaC activation by DHHCs was lost when gamma subunit palmitoylation sites were mutated, whereas
222 sducin beta-subunit without its constitutive gamma-subunit partner sufficiently stresses the cellular
223  retinal phosphodiesterase (PDE6) inhibitory gamma-subunit (PDEgamma) plays a central role in vertebr
224 clic GMP phosphodiesterase (PDE6) inhibitory gamma-subunit (PDEgamma) stimulates GTPase activity of t
225  for the C-terminal region of the inhibitory gamma subunit (Pgamma), known to directly inhibit PDE6 c
226                      How the PDE6 inhibitory gamma-subunit (Pgamma) interacts with the catalytic subu
227 ction of phosphodiesterase-6 (PDE6) with its gamma-subunit (Pgamma) is pivotal in vertebrate phototra
228 hosphodiesterase (PDE6), is regulated by its gamma-subunit (Pgamma), whose inhibitory constraint is r
229 nhibition by the cone- and rod-specific PDE6 gamma-subunits (Pgamma) were comparable.
230  photoreceptor cells contains two inhibitory gamma-subunits (Pgamma) which bind to the catalytic core
231 ytic heterodimer but also for its regulatory gamma-subunits (Pgamma) whose inhibitory action is relea
232 tructure prediction of the N terminus of the gamma subunit places gammaCys-33 within an alpha-helix a
233 such as Ras, most Rho GTPases, and G protein gamma subunits, plays an essential role in determining t
234      Simulations reveal that, in response to gamma-subunit position, the active site conformation is
235 s peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma subunit (PPAR-gamma), the master activator of adip
236 e valine-modified chloroplastic ATP synthase gamma-subunit precursor elicited significantly stronger
237 nic PKA activity and levels of PKA catalytic gamma subunit protein were significantly lower in granul
238 rms and regulators, G-protein alpha-and beta,gamma-subunits, protein kinase A subtypes and the phosph
239 n of fragments of chloroplastic ATP synthase gamma-subunit proteins, termed inceptin-related peptides
240 meric G proteins composed of alpha, beta and gamma subunits regulate a number of fundamental processe
241 E) 6 complex, made up of alpha, beta and two gamma subunits, regulates intracellular cGMP levels by h
242  that thioredoxin-dependent reduction of the gamma-subunit regulatory disulfide modulates the proton
243 ase complex involves rotation of the central gamma subunit relative to the catalytic sites in the alp
244 act, and electron microscopy of the isolated gamma subunit revealed a distinct alteration in conforma
245                            To understand the gamma subunit role in the catalytic mechanism, we previo
246                         In F(1), the central gamma subunit rotates inside the alpha(3)beta(3) ring.
247 ions, and to make compensatory new ones, the gamma-subunit rotates through 25 degrees -30 degrees .
248 tionship between the catalytic mechanism and gamma subunit rotation, the pre-steady-state kinetics of
249 the rate-limiting transition state involving gamma subunit rotation.
250 in cooperative nucleotide binding leading to gamma subunit rotation.
251 ecular dynamics simulations of torque-driven gamma-subunit rotation in the F1-ATPase rotary motor.
252 ential for ATP synthesis, and cannot convert gamma-subunit rotation into the conformational changes i
253 ineffective coupling of the chemistry to the gamma-subunit rotation.
254  in an EF hand of CaM and in a region of the gamma subunit sharing high sequence similarity with the
255               The ligand-binding site in the gamma-subunit (Snf4) has clear structural differences fr
256 s partially rescued by overexpression of the gamma subunit, suggesting a role for this region in gamm
257 a - 1, alpha -2/delta, beta, and gamma), the gamma subunit that comprises an eight-member protein fam
258 lular allosteric regulatory subdomain of the gamma subunit that has an important role in conferring t
259 le alpha or beta, and it is instead the F(1) gamma subunit that initiates the release of the chaperon
260               We sought to determine whether gamma subunits that are expressed in cardiac tissue phys
261 ) proteins have been identified as auxiliary gamma subunits that elevate the voltage sensitivity of r
262 ed alterations of the Gal83 (beta) and Snf4 (gamma) subunits that relieve glucose inhibition, and we
263 with the beta-subunit and the other with the gamma-subunit that appear to be necessary for the struct
264 nd a concomitant 120 degrees rotation of the gamma-subunit, the interface closes further to the alpha
265 ein-protein interactions with its inhibitory gamma-subunit, the prenyl-binding protein (PrBP/delta),
266 ) of the inhibitor of NF-kappaB kinase (IKK) gamma subunits, thereby activating IKK.
267 TP molecules induces rotation of the central gamma-subunit, thereby forcing the site to transform thr
268 es of the catalytic beta-subunits act on the gamma-subunit through repulsive van der Waals interactio
269 edox modulation of a disulfide bridge on the gamma-subunit through the ferredoxin-thioredoxin regulat
270                                    Different gamma subunits, thus, confer distinct spatiotemporal pro
271 e that interacts with the common Fc receptor gamma subunit to initiate immune signaling.
272 from the fetal acetylcholine receptor (AChR) gamma-subunit to the adult epsilon-subunit.
273 ral elements for differential binding of the gamma-subunit to the GAFa domains of the alpha- and beta
274                             Depending on the gamma subunit, translocation occurs predominantly to the
275 ide of Arf1 binds to the central part of the gamma subunit trunk of a second AP-1 complex.
276 e rate of translocation also varies with the gamma subunit type.
277  Translocation rates differ depending on the gamma subunit type.
278        Oscillations in HeLa cells expressing gamma subunit types with different translocation rates w
279  membrane dissociation rates among different gamma-subunit types to differentially control betagamma-
280 set of basic and hydrophobic residues in the gamma-subunit types.
281  was caused by an altered redox state of the gamma-subunit under low, but not high, light.
282   Driven by a proton flux, the F1 asymmetric gamma subunit undergoes a stepwise rotation inside the a
283 is, immunoreactivity to ENaC alpha, beta and gamma subunits was detected both by Western blot and imm
284 ta-subunit and sucrose nonfermenting4 as the gamma-subunit was constructed to examine functional aspe
285 es, Arg304 and Gln305, in the chloroplast F1 gamma subunit were changed to leucine and alanine, respe
286           We observed that only the beta and gamma subunits were modified by Cys palmitoylation.
287  attempts to disrupt genes encoding beta and gamma subunits were unsuccessful, suggesting an essentia
288 gG- and IgM-antibodies against the beta- and gamma-subunits which had been recombinant expressed in E
289 of epithelial Na(+) channel (ENaC) alpha and gamma subunits, which associated with a lower baseline p
290          We demonstrate that cleavage of the gamma-subunit, which is critical for full channel activa
291 xperiments probing different segments of the gamma-subunit, which resolves a long-lasting controversy
292  requires intact C termini in ENaC beta- and gamma-subunits, which contain PY motifs used to target E
293 -ray structure is enforced sterically by the gamma subunit whose orientation is stabilized by interac
294 ents in oocytes expressing channels carrying gamma subunits with both a mutation in the furin cleavag
295  nonequivalence of human Hb alpha, beta, and gamma subunits with respect to redox reactivity and may
296                                              gamma subunits with similar translocation properties are
297  region, is reduced allowing rotation of the gamma-subunit with less impedance.
298 P bind competitively to a single site in the gamma subunit, with their respective phosphate groups po
299              The focus has been on alpha and gamma subunits, with little attention given to beta subu
300 sm is coupled to the rotation of the central gamma subunit working as a ratchet but with structural d

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