


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ubtherapeutic levels of red cells expressing gamma-globin.
2 tors results in elevated expression of fetal gamma-globin.
3 A-1, FOG-1, and Mi2 were recruited to the (A)gamma-globin -566 or (G)gamma-globin -567 GATA site when
4  recruited to the (A)gamma-globin -566 or (G)gamma-globin -567 GATA site when gamma-globin expression
5 also developed highly active TALENs to human gamma-globin, a pharmacologic target in sickle cell dise
6  our study was to identify HDACs involved in gamma-globin activation.
7                    SAR-mediated induction of gamma-globin also inhibited K562 cell growth by causing
8                                              Gamma-globin, an oncofetal protein overexpressed by clon
9                   Results of the epsilon and gamma globin analysis suggested that divergent selective
10 n-globin, and the intergenic regions between gamma-globin and delta-globin genes.
11 K562 cells by hemin simultaneously increases gamma-globin and down-regulates SATB1 family protein and
12             After birth, expression of human gamma-globin and mouse embryonic globins decreased in Bc
13        Although BCL11A was shown to suppress gamma-globin and p21 and to induce MDM2 expression in th
14 ociated with significant activation of fetal gamma-globin and repression of adult beta-globin transcr
15                           Expression of both gamma-globin and the lariat-embedded small interfering R
16 lt erythroblasts increased the expression of gamma-globin, and the HbF content of the cells rose to l
17 ess predominantly human beta-globin but also gamma-globin; and transgenic murine GM979 cells co-expre
18 d, as is BCL11A occupancy, and both BGL3 and gamma-globin are transcribed.
19 ht into the molecular pathways that regulate gamma-globin augmentation during stress erythropoiesis.
20 creased at the (A)gamma-globin promoter when gamma-globin becomes repressed in postconception day E18
21 ly reduces BCL11A levels and increases human gamma-globin/beta-globin expression ratios.
22     Human K562 cells co-express epsilon- and gamma-globin but not beta-globin; transgenic mouse eryth
23 hy donors were able to specifically cytolyze gamma-globin(+), but not gamma-globin(-) JMML cells in a
24                     Elevated levels of fetal gamma-globin can cure disorders caused by mutations in t
25 ical treatments designed to reactivate fetal gamma-globin can lead to an effective and successful cli
26 ion is evident around the time of birth, and gamma-globin chain production diminishes in postnatal li
27 of Hb F by butyrate showed that reticulocyte gamma-globin chain synthesis markedly increased within 2
28 ed at the transcriptional level by increased gamma-globin combined with decreased beta-globin transcr
29 ss of alpha-globin production and inadequate gamma-globin compensation lead to the development of sev
30 ntration and decreases with increasing fetal gamma-globin concentration.
31 romoters as well as de novo formation of LCR/gamma-globin contacts.
32 hose of fetal cells, including increased LCR-gamma-globin contacts.
33                                          The gamma-globin content of cells expressing gg1-vp64-HA sho
34 herapy of JMML could be directed against the gamma-globin-derived epitope g105.
35                               We predicted 5 gamma-globin-derived peptides as potential human leukocy
36 mouse embryonic globin chains to human fetal gamma globin during fetal life.
37 ns favoring development of fetal liver-like, gamma-globin expressing, definitive hematopoiesis, we fo
38                                    To enrich gamma-globin-expressing cells, transplanted mice were tr
39 ed reconstitution with therapeutic levels of gamma-globin-expressing cells.
40 ed in significant increases in the number of gamma-globin-expressing red cells and the amount of feta
41 f Sp1 and KLF8 resulted in elevated level of gamma globin expression in K562 cells.
42          BCL11A, a repressor of human fetal (gamma-)globin expression, is required for immune and hem
43 nsfected K562 and CD34(+) cells reduced both gamma-globin expression and HbF level, indicating that a
44 r BCL11A leads to a simultaneous increase in gamma-globin expression and reduction in beta-globin exp
45 anisms involved in HU-mediated regulation of gamma-globin expression are currently unclear.
46 6 h at 5 muM, compound 3b was able to induce gamma-globin expression by nearly three times.
47 s higher during primitive erythropoiesis and gamma-globin expression continued into fetal definitive
48 ring RNA (siRNA) significantly increases the gamma-globin expression during the erythroid maturation.
49 mia, become symptomatic postnatally as fetal gamma-globin expression from two paralogous genes, hemog
50 that a CACCC-binding factor(s) important for gamma-globin expression functions in 5-day chicken red c
51 e expression of BCL11A, a repressor of human gamma-globin expression identified by genome-wide associ
52  BCL11A is required in vivo for silencing of gamma-globin expression in adult animals, yet dispensabl
53 ined with BCL11A deficiency further enhances gamma-globin expression in adult animals.
54       ZL caused a dose-dependent increase in gamma-globin expression in K562 cells.
55 ic binding sites for BCL11A results in human gamma-globin expression in mouse definitive erythroid ce
56 ed by the clinical benefit of elevated fetal gamma-globin expression in patients with sickle cell ane
57                          Further increase in gamma-globin expression in primary human adult erythroid
58                    In addition, the level of gamma-globin expression is consistently higher in MBD2-/
59 ive) chicken red blood cells show that human gamma-globin expression is regulated via its CACCC promo
60          Symptoms worsen from birth as fetal gamma-globin expression is silenced.
61 DA-CIs) butyrate and trichostatin A activate gamma-globin expression via a p38 mitogen-activating pro
62                                              gamma-Globin expression was induced upon exposure to 5-a
63  -566 or (G)gamma-globin -567 GATA site when gamma-globin expression was low (day 18) but not when ga
64 tion has been paid to pathways that increase gamma-globin expression, and hence the production of fet
65 A-mediated knockdown significantly increased gamma-globin expression, HbF synthesis, and the percenta
66 hat HU induces SAR1, which in turn activates gamma-globin expression, predominantly through the Gialp
67 or BCL11A, a well-characterized repressor of gamma-globin expression, was significantly down-regulate
68 cing condition enhances the effect of SCF on gamma-globin expression.
69  BCL11A as a candidate negative regulator of gamma-globin expression.
70  be employed to select or screen inducers of gamma-globin expression.
71 ide our selection of potential regulators of gamma-globin expression.
72 ve chromatin mark, plays a role in silencing gamma-globin expression.
73 nd EHMT2 histone methyltransferases, induces gamma-globin expression.
74 ified several that preferentially upregulate gamma-globin expression.
75 or beta-type globin-transgenic mice enhances gamma-globin expression.
76  determine its ability to increase levels of gamma-globin expression.
77 on of a small intergenic region required for gamma-globin (fetal hemoglobin) gene silencing.
78 rate that the human epsilon- (embryonic) and gamma-globin (fetal) genes are positively regulated by K
79               High-level induction of fetal (gamma) globin gene expression for therapy of beta-hemogl
80             To test the role of CACCC box on gamma-globin gene activation, the CACCC box was deleted
81 viously considered responsible for HPFH -198 gamma-globin gene activation, was not identified.
82 ations suggest that both lentiviral-mediated gamma-globin gene addition and genetic reactivation of e
83 amined COUP-TFII as a potential repressor of gamma-globin gene after stem cell factor (SCF) stimulati
84 creased interaction frequency between the (G)gamma-globin gene and LCR.
85 ical goal requires a robust understanding of gamma-globin gene and protein silencing during human dev
86 ociated with SCFAD-induced activation of the gamma-globin gene and provide a specific molecular targe
87 for BCL11A-mediated repression of endogenous gamma-globin gene and the regulatory non-coding transcri
88 betaYAC/MBD2-/- mice continue to express the gamma-globin gene at a level commensurate with 5-azacyti
89 nds to the -566 GATA site relative to the (A)gamma-globin gene cap site.
90 ce between the locus of region (LCR) and the gamma-globin gene characteristic of the plasmid, cosmid
91            To investigate the control of the gamma-globin gene during development, we produced transg
92 ssion increases epsilon-globin and decreases gamma-globin gene expression accompanied by histone hype
93        Thus, understanding the regulation of gamma-globin gene expression and its silencing in adults
94 er hypomethylation correlates with transient gamma-globin gene expression and may explain the previou
95 trates its role in developmentally regulated gamma-globin gene expression and the ability to control
96 e investigated the effects of thalidomide on gamma-globin gene expression and the involved signaling
97 gh most studies have focused on induction of gamma-globin gene expression as an approach to induce Hb
98 , gene-selective alterations in epsilon- and gamma-globin gene expression by gain and loss of TR2/TR4
99         However, as reported here, this same gamma-globin gene expression cassette was only transcrib
100 e myeloma, thalidomide's specific effects on gamma-globin gene expression during erythroid differenti
101 der study has a functional role in silencing gamma-globin gene expression in adults.
102 effect and resulting in the up-regulation of gamma-globin gene expression in adults.
103 ns in the reactivation and/or maintenance of gamma-globin gene expression in the adult transcriptiona
104 erythroid cells paradoxically enhanced fetal gamma-globin gene expression in transgenic mice, we wish
105 ing factors or drugs capable of reactivating gamma-globin gene expression is complicated by the lack
106 ggest that during definitive erythropoiesis, gamma-globin gene expression is silenced, in part, by bi
107 cally relevant transcriptional activators of gamma-globin gene expression to additively enhance HbF.
108                                        Fetal gamma-globin gene expression was increased in human tran
109 i2beta is sufficient to significantly induce gamma-globin gene expression without disrupting erythroi
110 vating beta-globin and indirectly repressing gamma-globin gene expression.
111 gene cluster might play a regulatory role in gamma-globin gene expression.
112 oteins (ZF-Ldb1), leading to reactivation of gamma-globin gene expression.
113 d in simian primates with a fetal pattern of gamma-globin gene expression.
114 lase and DMTU diminished thalidomide-induced gamma-globin gene expression.
115 romoter by the SCFAD is sufficient to induce gamma-globin gene expression.
116        Overcoming the silencing of the fetal gamma-globin gene has been a long-standing goal in the t
117  through which DNA methylation represses the gamma-globin gene in adult erythroid cells, betaYAC/MBD2
118 ed tissue-specific expression of a linked (A)gamma-globin gene in erythroid cells at all developmenta
119 TFII, which is involved in the regulation of gamma-globin gene induction.
120                      A marked copy of the (A)gamma-globin gene inserted between locus control region
121                                    The fetal gamma-globin gene is expressed in fetal erythroid cells
122                                          The gamma-globin gene is reactivated upon treatment with the
123                            Expression of the gamma-globin gene is silenced in adult humans.
124 ogous, stem cell-targeted gene transfer of a gamma-globin gene may be therapeutically useful.
125 say that detects only strong inducers of the gamma-globin gene promoter and in cultured human erythro
126      However, certain point mutations in the gamma-globin gene promoter are capable of maintaining ex
127 strating that displacement of HDAC3 from the gamma-globin gene promoter by the SCFAD is sufficient to
128 onal recruitment of RNA polymerase II to the gamma-globin gene promoter was observed with exposure to
129 as not myelotoxic, hypomethylated DNA in the gamma-globin gene promoter, and produced large cumulativ
130  HDAC3 by siRNA induced transcription of the gamma-globin gene promoter, demonstrating that displacem
131  adaptor protein NCoR, specifically from the gamma-globin gene promoter.
132 y a protein complex that binds the HPFH -198 gamma-globin gene promoter.
133 ription factor designed to interact with the gamma-globin gene promoters, or (3) a short-hairpin RNA
134 VP64, designed to interact with the proximal gamma-globin gene promoters.
135 K9Ac, which was especially pronounced at the gamma-globin gene region.
136 that O-GlcNAcylation is a novel mechanism of gamma-globin gene regulation mediated by modulating the
137 by histone deacetylases (HDACs) that mediate gamma-globin gene regulation.
138 se data support a positive role for HDAC9 in gamma-globin gene regulation.
139 rs, or (3) a short-hairpin RNA targeting the gamma-globin gene repressor, BCL11A, were tested.
140  of a beta(m)-globin gene upstream of the (G)gamma-globin gene resulted in expression of beta(m)-glob
141 sition of a downstream enhancer to the fetal gamma-globin gene results in reactivation of the gamma-g
142 iscuss other factors that may be involved in gamma-globin gene silencing and their potential manipula
143 ch encode transcription factors critical for gamma-globin gene silencing during beta-type globin gene
144 intains the nucleosome density necessary for gamma-globin gene silencing in adults, and that LRF conf
145  observed that knockdown of Mi2beta relieves gamma-globin gene silencing in beta-YAC transgenic murin
146 ted with HDAC9 siRNA; we observed 40 and 60% gamma-globin gene silencing in day 11 (early) and day 28
147                                  One mode of gamma-globin gene silencing involves a GATA-1.FOG-1.Mi2b
148 HDAC9 gene knockdown produced dose-dependent gamma-globin gene silencing over an 80-320 nm range.
149 tive PCR demonstrated a complete reversal of gamma-globin gene silencing with detectable gamma-globin
150 2-NuRD and GATA-1/FOG-1/NuRD, play a role in gamma-globin gene silencing, and Mi2beta (CHD4) is a cri
151    We show that lentiviral delivery of human gamma-globin gene under beta-globin regulatory control e
152 lidomide induces increased expression of the gamma-globin gene via ROS-dependent activation of the p3
153                                 Although the gamma-globin gene was expressed in the HPFH 2/beta locus
154   An adult stage-specific silencer of the (A)gamma-globin gene was identified between -730 and -378 r
155 a level comparable to that of the endogenous gamma-globin gene were achieved using a SB-Tn beta-globi
156 quired for the down-regulation of the galago gamma-globin gene were localized to the minimal promoter
157  mechanisms responsible for silencing of the gamma-globin gene were obscure until application of geno
158      Lentiviral vectors encoding (1) a human gamma-globin gene with or without an insulator, (2) a sy
159 duced to 35% and chromatin looping of the (G)gamma-globin gene with the LCR was disrupted with decrea
160 lex occupancy at a site downstream of the (A)gamma-globin gene within sequences of BGL3, an intergeni
161  a novel transcription factor that binds the gamma-globin gene, and is essential for silencing the ga
162 evelopmental stage-specific transcription of gamma-globin gene.
163 and MBD2 in the silencing of the human fetal gamma-globin gene.
164 A (shRNA) within the intron of a recombinant gamma-globin gene.
165 or the developmental regulation of the human gamma-globin gene.
166 ed by a sense-oriented intron from the human gamma-globin gene.
167 ponding to the 5'-untranslated region of the gamma-globin gene.
168 bin gene, and is essential for silencing the gamma-globin gene.
169 -thalassemia through activation of the fetal gamma-globin gene.
170 ptional activity of the endogenous beta- and gamma-globin genes and identified several that preferent
171 role in chromatin loop formation between the gamma-globin genes and LCR, which is a critical step for
172 diminished at the Ey-, betah1-, epsilon- and gamma-globin genes and locus control region in KLF1(-/-)
173 F/ZBTB7A transcription factor occupies fetal gamma-globin genes and maintains the nucleosome density
174 emonstrate that transcriptional silencing of gamma-globin genes by BCL11A involves long-range interac
175 ene-autonomous silencing of the epsilon- and gamma-globin genes during development, and suggest that
176 igenetic conditions preventing activation of gamma-globin genes during differentiation of adult eryth
177 cing of the mouse embryonic globin and human gamma-globin genes fails to occur in mice in the absence
178 ition and genetic reactivation of endogenous gamma-globin genes have potential to provide therapeutic
179 e embryonic beta-like globin genes and human gamma-globin genes in adult erythroid cells in vivo.
180 the human embryonic epsilon-globin and fetal gamma-globin genes in definitive erythroid cells.
181 In RNA-sequencing analysis of erythroblasts, gamma-globin genes were among the most significantly upr
182                     The downstream wild-type gamma-globin genes were not expressed.
183 y to the promoters of the human epsilon- and gamma-globin genes, the mouse embryonic Ey- and betah1-g
184 AL1 in transcription activation of the human gamma-globin genes, we reduced the expression of TAL1 in
185 ylation and decreased DNA methylation of the gamma-globin genes, with opposite changes in the beta-gl
186 pecific repression of the human epsilon- and gamma-globin genes.
187 ult beta-globin gene, as well as HbF and the gamma-globin genes.
188 s well-known effects on transcription of the gamma-globin genes.
189 a critical step for the transcription of the gamma-globin genes.
190                  Here we show that the human gamma-globin (HBG) genes in these mice behave as murine
191 s, HBS1L-MYB SNPs, and an SNP upstream of (G)gamma-globin (HBG2; the XmnI polymorphism), in two indep
192 ilon-globin, but in contrast to induction of gamma-globin in definitive erythroid cells.
193 a lead compound for the development of a new gamma-globin inducer.
194 activate gamma-globin synthesis or screening gamma-globin inducers for the treatment of sickle cell d
195 promoter was observed with exposure to these gamma-globin inducers.
196 ll disease and beta-thalassemia, but current gamma-globin-inducing drugs offer limited beneficial eff
197                                      A novel gamma-globin-inducing short-chain fatty acid derivative
198 s of HU on K562 and CD34(+) cells, including gamma-globin induction and cell-cycle regulation.
199           However, the mechanisms underlying gamma-globin induction during the rapid expansion of adu
200 1 is thus a promising therapeutic target for gamma-globin induction, and tranylcypromine may serve as
201 oint mutation associated with elevated fetal gamma-globin into erythroid cell lines.
202 improved the splicing events that remove the gamma-globin intron by optimizing the intron insertion s
203 the packaging of the spliced RNA without the gamma-globin intron by targeting the intron-containing R
204                                 However, the gamma-globin intron is not efficiently removed by splici
205                     In contrast, human fetal gamma-globin is activated by dnTR4 only in definitive, b
206 lleviated when postnatal expression of fetal gamma-globin is maintained.
207 distinct fetal hemoglobin (HbF) stage, where gamma-globin is the dominant globin chain produced durin
208 ecifically cytolyze gamma-globin(+), but not gamma-globin(-) JMML cells in an A2-restricted manner.
209                   We previously found that a gamma-globin lentiviral vector utilizing the beta-globin
210  pomalidomide demonstrated increased in vivo gamma-globin levels in their erythrocytes.
211 ly human alpha- and beta(S)-globins with <1% gamma-globin levels) are amenable to correction with inc
212 ex, was observed in erythroid cells with low gamma-globin levels, whereas only a weak signal was dete
213 with beta-thalassemic HSCs transduced with a gamma-globin/MGMT vector initially had subtherapeutic le
214 oduced a dose-dependent 2.5-fold increase in gamma-globin mRNA (p < 0.05).
215 due to the expansion of cells lacking HbF or gamma-globin mRNA (silenced cells).
216 ions that produced low versus high levels of gamma-globin mRNA and fetal hemoglobin (HbF).
217 5-Aza that produce near maximal induction of gamma-globin mRNA and HbF do not alter cell growth, diff
218 umulation of cells that possess undetectable gamma-globin mRNA and HbF.
219 table SAR expression in K562 cells increased gamma-globin mRNA expression and resulted in macrocytosi
220            We found that thalidomide induced gamma-globin mRNA expression in a dose-dependent manner,
221 the polysomal fraction of reticulocytes with gamma-globin mRNA following butyrate exposure.
222  gamma-globin gene silencing with detectable gamma-globin mRNA in more than 95% of the cells.
223 oreover, enforced HDAC9 expression increased gamma-globin mRNA levels by 2.5-fold with a simultaneous
224 al model in which HOXB6 represses alpha- and gamma-globin mRNA levels to perform a structure/function
225  without concomitant changes in reticulocyte gamma-globin mRNA levels.
226 siRNA and shRNA, we observed no induction of gamma-globin mRNA or HbF.
227                     These findings highlight gamma-globin mRNA translation as a novel mechanism for r
228 duces only a small, nonadditive induction of gamma-globin mRNA, signifying that DNA methylation acts
229  adult reticulocytes, less than 5% expressed gamma-globin mRNA.
230  increasing the efficiency of translation of gamma-globin mRNA.
231  number of actively translating ribosomes on gamma-globin mRNA.
232 sion without affecting the expression of the gamma-globin or normal beta-globin (beta(A)) genes.
233 hemoglobin switch prior to birth, with human gamma-globin predominantly restricted to primitive eryth
234 articipate in both erythroid cell growth and gamma-globin production by regulating PI3 kinase/extrace
235 n interactions occurred in the CRE in the (G)gamma-globin promoter (G-CRE) in vitro after drug treatm
236  and dissociation of repressor complexes for gamma-globin promoter activation.
237 examining methylation patterns within the (G)gamma-globin promoter and miRNA expression within primar
238 actor was able to interact directly with the gamma-globin promoter and up-regulate expression of repo
239  and O-GlcNAcase (OGA), interact with the (A)gamma-globin promoter at the -566 GATA repressor site; h
240 redirected from the adult beta- to the fetal gamma-globin promoter by tethering Ldb1 to the human gam
241                   We found that the proximal gamma-globin promoter complex is assembled by a developm
242 present in both the active and the repressed gamma-globin promoter complexes in fetal and adult eryth
243 ies of the active and the repressed proximal gamma-globin promoter complexes in K562 human erythroleu
244    Strikingly, targeting the SA to the fetal gamma-globin promoter in primary adult human erythroblas
245 occupancy of OGT, OGA, and Mi2beta at the (A)gamma-globin promoter is increased.
246                              We also studied gamma-globin promoter methylation during in vitro differ
247                    MBD2 does not bind to the gamma-globin promoter region to maintain gamma-globin si
248 ysis, we found that the highly methylated (G)gamma-globin promoter was inversely correlated to baseli
249 d Mi2beta recruitment is increased at the (A)gamma-globin promoter when gamma-globin becomes represse
250 obin promoter by tethering Ldb1 to the human gamma-globin promoter with custom-designed zinc finger (
251  binds to its target site at the human fetal gamma-globin promoter, and reactivates this transcript i
252  primary adult human erythroblasts increases gamma-globin promoter-LCR contacts, stimulating transcri
253 ion and hypermethylation associated with the gamma-globin promoter.
254  looping of distal enhancers to the modified gamma-globin promoter.
255 tdTomato under the control of the endogenous gamma-globin promoter.
256 us and gain of LDB1 complex occupancy at the gamma-globin promoters as well as de novo formation of L
257  at the -566/-567 GATA sites of the proximal gamma-globin promoters.
258  21 of 23 lines expressed the transgene, and gamma-globin protein was present in 100% of erythrocytes
259 throid cells had an increased beta-globin to gamma-globin ratio from 0.66+/-0.08 to 1.05+/-0.12 (p=0.
260 t decreased COUP-TFII expression resulted in gamma-globin reactivation in adult erythropoiesis.
261   In these cells, proximity between the BGL3/gamma-globin region and the LCR is established.
262                          Expression of human gamma-globin remained high in Bcl11a(cko/cko) embryos du
263  EHMT2 are epigenetic regulators involved in gamma-globin repression and represent a novel therapeuti
264 ther, the transcription networks involved in gamma-globin repression were selectively and differentia
265  expression is activated by KLF1, leading to gamma-globin repression.
266 mbers, together with corepressor ETO2 and by gamma-globin repressor BCL11A.
267 creased beta-globin transcripts resulting in gamma-globin rising to 90% of total beta-like mRNA.
268 ption factor BCL11A is a central mediator of gamma-globin silencing and hemoglobin switching.
269 entiation program, leading to a reversion of gamma-globin silencing in adult human erythroblasts.
270 gene expression but is dispensable for human gamma-globin silencing in vivo.
271  the delta-globin gene that is necessary for gamma-globin silencing.
272 the gamma-globin promoter region to maintain gamma-globin silencing.
273 of BCL11A induces only partial developmental gamma-globin silencing.
274 tion acts primarily through MBD2 to maintain gamma-globin suppression in adult erythroid cells.
275                               Enhanced fetal gamma-globin synthesis alleviates symptoms of beta-globi
276     Newly identified modifiers of alpha- and gamma-globin synthesis and insights into the mechanisms
277 ifying transcription factors that reactivate gamma-globin synthesis or screening gamma-globin inducer
278                    Using the beta-globin and gamma-globin TALENs, we generated cell lines that expres
279 marrow CD34+ cells, with a greater effect on gamma-globin than on beta-globin.
280 enign genetic condition, mutations attenuate gamma-globin-to-beta-globin switching, causing high-leve
281 dition, overexpression of TAL1 increased the gamma-globin transcription and increased interaction fre
282 was reactivated by an artificial zinc finger-gamma-globin transcription factor and the previously ide
283 along with GATA1, and cooperate in silencing gamma-globin transcription in adult human erythroid prog
284                      Autonomous silencing of gamma-globin transcription is an important developmental
285                            In contrast, when gamma-globin transcription is reactivated in these cells
286 clude that alternative NLI complexes mediate gamma-globin transcription or silencing through long-ran
287             In the TAL1 knockdown cells, the gamma-globin transcription was reduced to 35% and chroma
288 anges are accompanied by strong increases in gamma-globin transcription.
289 reatly enhancing expression of a hybrid beta/gamma-globin transcriptional unit in plasmid-transfected
290 on was not directly attributable to the beta/gamma-globin transcriptional unit, since this same unit
291 tion (PCR) revealed significant increases in gamma-globin transcripts that were balanced by reduced b
292  led to erythroid-specific expression of the gamma-globin transgene and concomitant reduction of endo
293 viral vectors to transfer wild-type beta- or gamma-globin transgenes into hematopoietic stem cells fo
294 e gene lentiviral vector encoding both human gamma-globin under the transcriptional control of erythr
295 essed beta(m)-globin throughout development; gamma-globin was co-expressed in the embryonic yolk sac,
296 bin expression was low (day 18) but not when gamma-globin was expressed (day 12).
297 whereas only a weak signal was detected when gamma-globin was expressed.
298         Human beta-globin was expressed, but gamma-globin was not; a similar expression pattern was o
299 liver proerythroblasts express low levels of gamma-globin, while adult marrow proerythroblasts expres
300 igh levels of embryonic (epsilon) and fetal (gamma) globins, with little or no adult globin (beta).

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