


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 h chemical synapses and electrical synapses (gap junctions).
2 the same components making both sides of the gap junction.
3 ood pressure involves connexin 36-containing gap junctions.
4 onized by shared parallel fiber input and by gap junctions.
5 oplasmic reticulum (ER) Ca(2+) channels, and gap junctions.
6 2 neuromuscular junctions, augmented by 1206 gap junctions.
7 an synchronize amongst IS cells via specific gap junctions.
8 ers of fibroblast cells that communicate via gap junctions.
9 zed that VLDL can modulate and reduce atrial gap junctions.
10 nearby GABAergic RME neurons through GLR-RME gap junctions.
11 toreceptors are electrically coupled through gap junctions.
12 late neuronal intracellular pathways through gap junctions.
13 y by "hijacking" neighboring neurons through gap junctions.
14 rinergic responses are conducted to SMCs via gap junctions.
15 dendrites or inside astroglia dye-filled via gap junctions.
16 electrical transmission between FSIs through gap junctions.
17 rization responses are conducted to SMCs via gap junctions.
18 t uninfected cells through contact dependent gap junctions.
19 connexin43, suggesting a role for connexin43 gap junctions.
20 xternal receptors or intracellularly through GAP junctions.
21 duced Ca(2+) release and propagation through gap junctions.
22  Cx40 and Cx43 which may impair stability of gap junctions.
23 exin 43 delocalization at intercardiomyocyte gap junctions, a change not observed in sedentary mice.
24 inals form two independent sets of homotypic gap junctions, a feature which might be important for li
25 nt declines were reversed by pharmacological gap junction activation.
26 itary tissue, direct cell contacts involving gap junctions allowed local spatial coordination of prol
27 rements and pharmacological manipulations of gap junction and dopamine receptor activity provide comp
28 cal synapses are the functional correlate of gap junctions and allow transmission of small molecules
29 plicated intercellular communication through gap junctions and calcium release from intracellular sto
30           In conclusion, MetS-VLDL modulates gap junctions and delays both atrial and ventricular con
31 persists in shaking B mutants that eliminate gap junctions and dye coupling among GF circuit neurons.
32 rces, including active dendritic mechanisms, gap junctions and extracellular signals.
33 ta130-136 transgenic mice with impaired Cx43 gap junctions and hemichannels showed significantly incr
34  signal electrically through dendrodendritic gap junctions and possibly via chemical dendritic GABAer
35 rus into mice leads to the redistribution of gap junctions and promotes ventricular tachycardia, show
36 a network of interactions between cadherins, gap junctions and spontaneous activity governs neuron as
37 ission, persisted during partial blockade of gap junctions and were mediated, in part, by AMPAergic t
38 mapped as a multiplex network with synaptic, gap junction, and neuromodulator layers representing alt
39 beta-cells propagates to the delta-cells via gap junctions, and the consequential stimulation of soma
40 ely 0.1 m/s without synaptic transmission or gap junctions, and this speed is not consistent with axo
41                                              Gap junctions are cellular contact sites composed of clu
42 calization in non-compact myelin areas where gap junctions are normally formed.
43 tribution of, and protein expression within, gap junctions are still debated.
44 ely accepted that synaptic transmissions and gap junctions are the major governing mechanisms for sig
45       Connexins, the constituent proteins of gap junctions, are transmembrane proteins.
46           We investigated connexin-assembled gap junctions as an alternative route for discharging la
47 ized and differentiated cells, in regulating gap junction assembly.
48 onnexin 30 (Cx30) promoted formation of Cx30 gap junctions at points of contacts between adjacent non
49                                     Blocking gap junctions attenuated neuronal coupling and mechanica
50       Thus, in a sparsely connected network, gap junctions between a small subset of cells can, throu
51                                              Gap junctions between AVA and A-MNs only allow antidromi
52                  Control of synchronicity by gap junctions between GnRH1 neurons has been proposed bu
53                              Intraglomerular gap junctions between MCs at the same glomerulus can gre
54 irect ionic and metabolic coupling occur via gap junctions between neurons.
55 red RPE cell integrity and communication via gap junctions between RPE and neural retina during RGC n
56 acilitated by D2-like receptor modulation of gap-junctions between PCB and the hook sensillum.
57 s gap junction genes, and drugs that inhibit gap junctions blocked neural responses in SMCs, but not
58 ing intact adult and embryonic hearts with a gap junction blocker, beta-glycyrrhetinic acid (BGA).
59 ous hyperactivity using meclofenamic acid, a gap junction blocker.
60 e involved in regulating the permeability of gap junctions by regulating their size.
61 ts that some types of chemical modulation of gap junctions can be executed through the underlying mec
62 ng cardiomyocytes via connexin-43-containing gap junctions, cardiac macrophages have a negative resti
63                        Disruption of GLR-RME gap junctions causes misaccumulation of axonal markers i
64 ons and the consequences on hemichannels and gap junction channel (GJC) functions remain unknown.
65 pse is based on electrical properties of the gap junction channel encompassing two fast and two slow
66 kin-Huxley equations and a 36-state model of gap junction channel gating to simulate electrical signa
67 ied in the patient displayed no formation of gap junction channel plaques.
68 ssion of Cx26-Asp50Asn and wild-type Cx26 in gap junction channel plaques.
69 e X-ray crystal structures of the human Cx26 gap junction channel with and without bound Ca(2+).
70 rived lipid vesicles that contain functional gap junction channels and encapsulate molecular cargos.
71 evel of connexin43 (Cx43), a protein forming gap junction channels and hemichannels associated with d
72 mily of membrane-spanning proteins that form gap junction channels and hemichannels.
73                                  KEY POINTS: Gap junction channels are essential for the formation an
74 en adenosine receptors and the regulation of gap junction channels in endothelial cells of the blood-
75 s a multicellular system and for the role of gap junction channels in exacerbating the effects of dec
76                                              Gap junction channels mediate intercellular signalling t
77                          Both failed to form gap junction channels or hemichannels when expressed alo
78        Here we show that these vesicles form gap junction channels with cells, opening a direct and e
79  results suggest that in addition to forming gap junction channels, Cx50 acts as an adhesive molecule
80 endently inhibit Cx26-Asp50Asn expression in gap junction channels, reverting the dominant negative e
81 43 showed a transdominant inhibition of Cx43 gap junction channels, without reductions in Cx43 protei
82 pears to be unrelated to its role in forming gap junction channels.
83 ins partake in proposed gating mechanisms of gap junction channels.
84 detail, the modulation of ionic transport in gap-junction channels (GJCs).
85 ness in humans, which are knock-outs for the gap-junction channels connexin 26 and connexin 30 genes,
86 fness in humans, which are knockouts for the gap-junction channels connexin 26 and connexin 30 genes,
87 vide a tool for similar exploration of other gap junction circuits.
88 Activation of Tyk2 led to a decrease in Cx43 gap junction communication by increasing the turnover ra
89 dicate that, like Src, Tyk2 can also inhibit gap junction communication by phosphorylating Cx43.
90 bited only a mild transdominant reduction in gap junction communication when co-expressed with Cx30.
91 pontaneous activity, cadherin expression and gap junction communication.
92 in astrocyte-like glia and in changes in the gap-junction component innexin2 in cortex glia.
93 R1, namely, that it directly regulates major gap junction components, contributing to proper cell-cel
94 promotes the assembly of carcinoma-astrocyte gap junctions composed of connexin 43 (Cx43).
95 lls (DCs) and pillar cells (PCs), coupled by gap-junctions composed of connexin 26 (Cx26) and Cx30.
96 pike-triggered spikelets transmitted through gap junctions conditionally trigger postjunctional spike
97 nism has long been identified as electrical: gap junctions conduct ions between CMs, triggering membr
98 r passive electrical properties and the mean gap junction conductance (0.9 nS).
99                          In HF-AS, enhancing gap junction conductance (with rotigaptide) increased co
100 tifying potassium current (IK1) density, and gap junction conductance.
101                                              Gap junctions confer interconnectivity of the cytoplasm
102 tis elegans The molecular composition of the gap junctions connecting RMG hub neurons with sensory sp
103  also demonstrated lowered expression of the gap junction connexin 43.
104                More than 70 mutations in the gap junction connexin43 (Cx43) gene, GJA1, are associate
105 tive high-frequency hearing, suggesting that gap junctions contribute to passive cochlear mechanics a
106 ub-and-spoke circuit of neurons connected by gap junctions controls aggregation behavior and related
107                                   Connexin36 gap junctions coordinate glucose-induced calcium oscilla
108 ells via cyclic nucleotide diffusion through gap junctions could provide a general mechanism for dive
109               In the thalamocortical system, gap junctions couple inhibitory neurons that are similar
110 ly and in the islet model that reductions in gap junction coupling allow progressively greater glucos
111 Ca(2+) and Na(+) signalling, K(+) buffering, gap junction coupling and metabolism.
112 vity compared to WT mice, indicating reduced gap junction coupling between neurons.
113     Here we examined the mechanisms by which gap junction coupling contributes to islet dysfunction i
114                                      Loss of gap junction coupling disrupts these dynamics, similar t
115 2-PAA stimulated cAMP synthesis and enhanced gap junction coupling in a concentration-dependent manne
116 ors restores connexin expression and rescues gap junction coupling in cochlear organotypic cultures f
117 cal link between adenosine receptors and the gap junction coupling in endothelial cells of the blood-
118  in HF but not CTL hearts, suggesting weaker gap junction coupling in HF-AS versus CTL-AS myocytes.
119 adenosine receptor subtype A2B increases the gap junction coupling in the human blood-brain barrier e
120 ound in NDM suppress [Ca2+], and the role of gap junction coupling in this suppression.
121 nels as a physiological link that integrates gap junction coupling into the adenosine receptor-depend
122                       Although the increased gap junction coupling is cAMP-dependent, neither the pro
123 eral mechanisms underlying the disruption to gap junction coupling under conditions associated with t
124                 Interestingly, we found that gap junction coupling was modulated by spontaneous retin
125                                 Decreases in gap junction coupling were dependent on NO-regulated PKC
126 ne in the coordination of [Ca(2+)] dynamics, gap junction coupling, and insulin secretion dynamics wi
127      It is shown how reduced IK1 density and gap junction coupling, as observed in heart failure, inc
128 ent disrupted calcium dynamics and decreased gap junction coupling, in the absence of disruptions to
129 dicted for many mutations upon reductions in gap junction coupling, where stochastic noise played a s
130 ompletely devoid of bona fide astrocytes and gap junction coupling, whereas coupled astrocytes were a
131 s and a consecutive sustained enhancement of gap junction coupling.
132 gonist 2-phenylaminoadenosine (2-PAA) on the gap junction coupling.
133 a(2+) influx, which leads to the increase in gap junction coupling.
134 tive KATP channels under different levels of gap junction coupling.
135 s the overall islet response, as a result of gap junction coupling.
136 nsider the neuroprotective role of astrocyte gap junction coupling.
137 ta in modulating cytokine-induced changes in gap junction coupling.
138 termine their respective roles in modulating gap junction coupling.
139  by insulin secretion, calcium dynamics, and gap junction coupling.
140  by which pro-inflammatory cytokines mediate gap junction coupling.
141  suppressed the 2-PAA-related enhancement of gap junction coupling.
142  not affect the 2-PAA-related enhancement of gap junction coupling.
143                           In lenses in which gap-junction coupling is increased, the central pressure
144 d, the central pressure is lower, whereas if gap-junction coupling is reduced, the central pressure i
145                    We demonstrated that when gap junction-deficient HeLa cells expressed the N14K and
146 red a suppression of alpha-cell activity via gap junction-dependent activation of delta-cells.
147 agon secretion is mediated by beta-cells via gap junction-dependent activation of delta-cells/somatos
148         We show that increased CO2 elicits a gap junction-dependent release of PGE2.
149 beled putative MC dendrites further revealed gap junctions distributed uniformly along the apical den
150                                              Gap junctions dynamically remodel to adapt to sympatheti
151 ns are disrupted by manipulating cadherin or gap junction expression.
152                           Vertebrates have 2 gap junction families: pannexins (Panxs) and connexins (
153 -out, indicated that lactate anions permeate gap junctions faster than highly-buffered H(+) ions.
154  release whereas electrical synapses utilize gap junctions for direct ionic and metabolic coupling.
155                                   To utilize gap junctions for molecular delivery we have developed C
156 d-type (WT) levels and significantly reduced gap junction formation and function in osteoblasts and o
157  connexin family of membrane proteins enable gap junction formation and homeostasis, supporting commu
158 e affected tissues show remarkable disrupted gap junction formation and significant upregulation of c
159           A deficiency in LRP6 disrupts Cx43 gap junction formation and thereby impairs the cell-to-c
160 , we report the scaffold function of LRP6 in gap junction formation of cardiomyocytes.
161 fibroblasts and fibroblasts are connected by gap junctions formed by proteins such as connexin-43, wh
162      Astrocytes are extensively connected by gap junctions formed of connexins, which also exist as f
163 e-cell imaging data further demonstrate that gap junctions formed of the tail-deleted Cx32 are highly
164 merging as complex structures, consisting of gap junction-forming connexin proteins and also multiple
165 apses in zebrafish, Danio rerio, require two gap-junction-forming Connexins for formation and functio
166 causes only hearing loss, exhibited impaired gap junction function and showed no transdominant intera
167 d with human pathologies and how they affect gap junction function.
168                  PDGFRalpha(+) cells express gap junction genes, and drugs that inhibit gap junctions
169           Electrical synapses are created by gap junction (GJ) channels that provide direct ionic com
170 is coordinated by soluble factors, exosomes, gap junction (GJ) channels, and the recently described t
171 ctrical interactions with cardiomyocytes via gap junction (GJ) channels.
172 role of zonula occludens-1 protein (ZO-1) in gap junction (GJ) function, we generated and analyzed a
173 ury associated with a down-regulation of the gap junction (GJ) protein connexin43 (Cx43).
174                                              Gap-junction (GJ) channels formed from connexin (Cx) pro
175                                              Gap junctions (GJs) are important for maintenance of CNS
176                                              Gap junctions (GJs) exhibit a complex modus of assembly
177 ells, and presents as hemichannels (HCs) and gap junctions (GJs) on the cell membrane.
178                                              Gap junctions (GJs), intercellular channels composed of
179  gap junctional protein innexin shaking-B to gap junctions (GJs).
180  synchronization of myometrial cells through gap junctions (GJs).
181                     Delivering drugs through gap junctions has the potential to boost the effectivene
182 the significance of connexin 43 (Cx43)-based gap junction in maintaining the homeostasis of BTB in th
183                These results reveal roles of gap junctions in a complex behavior at cellular resoluti
184            We investigated the properties of gap junctions in cerebellar interneurons by combining pa
185 ediated by an injury-induced upregulation of gap junctions in glial cells surrounding DRG neurons.
186 ur study reveals the function of glia-neuron gap junctions in neuronal axon specification and shows t
187 ic mice with functional hemichannels but not gap junctions in osteocytes did not display a significan
188    Notably, it is abolished by a mutation in gap junctions in projection neurons and is found to be m
189 pillary diameter by pericytes and a role for gap junctions in vascular network interactions.
190 ncreased vascular monolayer permeability and gap junctions, increased NCAM expression and produced ha
191                   Conversely, in CTL hearts, gap junction inhibition (carbenoxolone) decreased coupli
192                                          The gap junction inhibitor carbenoxolone increases the spont
193 e delta-cells was rapid and sensitive to the gap junction inhibitor carbenoxolone, whereas the effect
194 expressed by astrocytes in the CNS and forms gap junction intercellular communications between astroc
195 tractile signal apparently spreading through gap junctions into neighboring muscle cells.
196 ated in the granulosa cells diffuses through gap junctions into the oocyte, maintaining meiotic proph
197 szlay et al. (2016) shows that the number of gap junctions is the dominant factor underlying the stre
198 isolated a missense mutation in the UNC-7(L) gap-junction isoform, which perturbs DOP-2 signaling in
199 t the tissue level, we modeled the increased gap junction lateralization and lower conduction velocit
200 ogical data, makes general predictions about gap junctions: locations close to the soma; relatively s
201 , long-range activation of astroglia through gap junctions may promote recurrent seizures on the mode
202               These results demonstrate that gap junctions may serve as an amplifier of chemical tran
203        The orally bioavailable modulators of gap junctions meclofenamate and tonabersat break this pa
204  behaviors, indicating that UNC-9-containing gap junctions mediate RMG signaling.
205 pply metabolic substrates to neurons through gap junction-mediated astroglial networks.
206 ma occurs secondary to RGC death through the gap junction-mediated bystander effect.
207                                              Gap junction-mediated electrical coupling between beta-c
208  cells (MTCs) by GABA release from SACs: (2) gap junction-mediated electrical coupling is strong for
209 hat both intact pericyte function as well as gap junction-mediated signaling across the vascular netw
210 ganglion cells (RGCs) was strongly shaped by gap-junction-mediated electrical coupling within the bip
211     Our results demonstrate that ipRGCs form gap junction microcircuits during development that are m
212               Electrical synapses, formed by gap junctions, modulate sensory circuits.
213  results suggest that lateral excitation via gap junctions modulates odor tuning in the antennal lobe
214   Here we show that ipRGCs form an extensive gap junction network with other retinal neurons, includi
215  We determined that this modulation of ipRGC gap junction networks occurs via dopamine released by wa
216 periments to show that ipRGCs form extensive gap junction networks that strongly contribute to the ov
217 nal waves mediate dopaminergic modulation of gap junction networks to regulate pre-vision light respo
218 hotoreceptors, increased the extent of ipRGC gap junction networks, thus increasing the number of lig
219 ox balance using a reducing agent-indicating gap junction nexus stability is modifiable.
220 dwork for exploration of mechanisms by which gap junction nexus stability modulates intercellular com
221 nd as structural adhesion complexes known as gap junction nexuses.
222 taneous conductance-voltage rectification of gap junctions on an asymmetry of cell-to-cell signaling.
223   The facilitating effect of intraglomerular gap junctions on interglomerular synchrony is through tr
224  is determined due to the inaccessibility of gap junctions on the dendritic tree.
225                    We observe that with weak gap junction or excitatory synaptic coupling, network he
226           Moreover, we find that blockade of gap junctions or ablation of Cx36 significantly reduces
227 ia electrical or chemical connections (i.e., gap junctions or excitatory/inhibitory synapses).
228                  Pharmacological blockade of gap junctions or genetic ablation of connexin 36 (Cx36)
229           Drugs that block K(+) channels and gap junctions or that activate Ca(++) channels significa
230        Many cells in the CNS communicate via gap junctions, or electrical synapses, the regulation of
231 ent stem cells (hiPSCs) contained functional gap junctions partially contributed by Connexin 45 (CX45
232     Our results establish that the number of gap junctions per connection is the main determinant of
233 and perifusion insulin secretion assays, and gap junction permeability measurements.
234 lly connect the cytoplasm of adjacent cells, gap junctions permit transport of a diverse range of mol
235 ell surface, there were stark differences in gap junction plaque formation, gap junctional intercellu
236 arkedly increases endogenous myocardial Cx43 gap junction plaque size at the intercalated discs.
237  within the connexin proteins that determine gap junction plaque stability.
238 nnexin isoform, the cluster of channels (the gap junction plaque) can be stably or fluidly arranged.
239  Ca(2+) in turn induces the formation of new gap junction plaques and a consecutive sustained enhance
240 tations (Y151C, V181M, R183C and L239I) form gap junction plaques and produce levels of junctional co
241 ressed expression results in accumulation of gap junction plaques at the plasma membrane.
242                 The S183F mutant formed some gap junction plaques but was largely retained within the
243 nhancement was accompanied by an increase in gap junction plaques formed by Cx43.
244 164Q and C168Y) either form no morphological gap junction plaques or, if they do, produce little or n
245 consistently exhibit overt reduction of Cx43 gap junction plaques without any abnormality in Wnt sign
246 n potential firing in MCs through changes in gap junction properties.
247 anslated small C terminus isoform, GJA1-20k (Gap Junction Protein Alpha 1- 20 kDa), which is required
248 oglein (DSG)1, tight junction protein 2, and gap junction protein alpha.
249 + mice carry a mutation in one allele of the gap junction protein alpha1 gene (Gja1), resulting in a
250             Recent studies indicate that the gap junction protein connexin 43 (Cx43) renders GBM cell
251 estricted to intercalated discs and binds to gap junction protein connexin 43 (Cx43).
252 mined whether dysregulated expression of the gap junction protein connexin 43, which has been observe
253 d by mutations in the GJB1 gene encoding the gap junction protein connexin32 (Cx32).
254 ctrical synapses that depend strongly on the gap junction protein connexin36 (Cx36).
255 ectrical synapses, most of which require the gap junction protein connexin36 (Cx36).
256                              We targeted the gap junction protein connexin43 (Cx43) responsible for m
257  accompanied by overt mislocalization of the gap junction protein connexin43 (Cx43).
258 al protein plakoglobin and the major cardiac gap junction protein Cx43 were markedly diminished in bu
259 y mutations in GJB1, which codes for Cx32, a gap junction protein expressed by Schwann cells and olig
260 n and increased expression of connexin 43, a gap junction protein involved with labor.
261                       Connexin26 (Cx26) is a gap junction protein that oligomerizes in the cell to fo
262                                 Connexin 43 (gap junction protein) is expressed in pigmented and albi
263                                          The gap junction protein, connexin43 (Cx43), has critical ro
264 Wnt signaling, followed by the expression of gap junction protein, connexin43.
265 ion of Cx43 (connexin 43), the major cardiac gap junction protein, is often associated with arrhythmi
266 ealed the presence of Cx43, the main cardiac gap junction protein, localized to cell-cell borders.
267 onnexin 43 (Cx43), the most widely expressed gap junction protein.
268 l (A88V) mutation in the gene coding for the gap-junction protein connexin30 (Cx30) protects the coch
269          Mutations in the genes encoding for gap junction proteins connexin 26 (Cx26) and connexin 30
270          Mutations in the genes encoding for gap junction proteins connexin 26 (Cx26) and connexin 30
271 ciates with intercalated discs, and integral gap junction proteins Cx43 (connexin 43), Cx45 (connexin
272 3 and Cx43 are the most abundantly expressed gap junction proteins from each family.
273 anscription factors Foxc2 and Nfatc1 and the gap junction proteins Gjc2, Gja1, and Gja4 were temporos
274                                              Gap junction proteins mediate signaling communication by
275                                 In contrast, gap junctions provide a direct route to the cytoplasm th
276 posed of desmosomes, adherens junctions, and gap junctions provide the structural backbone for coordi
277        Here we describe a RGC that relies on gap junctions, rather than chemical synapses, to convey
278              We further uncover that GLR-RME gap junctions regulate RME axon specification through ac
279 raction with a molecular partner involved in gap junction regulation.
280 ays a central role in angiotensin II-induced gap junction remodeling and arrhythmogenesis.
281        To identify the mechanisms regulating gap junction remodeling in cardiac disease, we sought to
282                                              Gap junction remodeling is well established as a consist
283               The mechanisms responsible for gap junction remodeling that include alterations in the
284 nt role in disease progression by regulating gap junction remodeling.
285                           The defect in Cx43 gap junction resulting from LRP6 reduction is attributab
286 a(2+) channel, only via the hemichannels and gap junction routes.
287                   Indeed, selective block of gap junctions significantly reduced propagation but not
288 old labeling revealed a large variability in gap junction size and that only 18% of the 340 channels
289 racteristics, such as stromal support cells, gap junctions, soluble factors, extracellular matrix pro
290 system in mice, we show that knockout of the gap junction subunit connexin 43 in astrocytes throughou
291 ctions between the NALCN, K(+) channels, and gap junctions that mediate regulation of locomotion in C
292 ound that it was the ACs coupled to RGCs via gap junctions that were lost in glaucoma, whereas uncoup
293             The use of antidromic-rectifying gap junctions to amplify chemical transmission is potent
294      Specifically, we demonstrate that using gap junctions to deliver the chemotherapeutic doxorubici
295 ower expression of connexin43, a major known gap junction unit in vascular cells.
296                           The potent role of gap junctions was confirmed in patch-clamp recordings in
297 the tail-deleted Cx32, increases the size of gap junctions, whereas the expression of the tail-delete
298  we developed methods to inhibit unc-9-based gap junctions with dominant-negative unc-1 transgenes.
299  localized at appositional membranes forming gap junctions with enormous cytoplasmic protein accumula
300 ere is remodeling of the plicate domains and gap junctions with vacuole formation around and between

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