


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ive context, singing with direct or indirect gaze.
2  rapid saccadic movements to stabilize their gaze.
3 sk-irrelevant social stimuli may capture the gaze.
4  highest-priority location for attention and gaze.
5 ng facial expressions with direct or averted gaze.
6 sampling areas for head rotation compared to gaze.
7 in straight-ahead and eccentric positions of gaze.
8 nd retraction of the eye on attempted inward gaze.
9 cted by social factors such as the partner's gaze.
10 nisms have evolved across phyla to stabilize gaze.
11 oding neurons may be modulated by changes in gaze.
12 and the others that preferred an incongruent gaze.
13 eference of another through direction of eye gaze.
14 ocations with respect to constantly changing gaze.
15 ression faces, but not of their direction of gaze.
16 ential for unsatisfactory appearance in side gaze.
17 th direct gaze, and fear paired with averted gaze.
18 sult from misalignment in the patient's side gaze.
19 ons while allowing normal saccadic shifts of gaze.
20 lity and communicative intention such as eye gaze.
21 d the adult more during direct than indirect gaze.
22 and direct-oblique gaze relative to indirect gaze.
23 us on information presented at the center of gaze.
24 e ONH and peripapillary tissues in eccentric gazes.
25 urgery is often performed to correct primary gaze alignment without considering the symptoms that may
26 Our data suggest that a misalignment between gaze and auditory attention both reduce behavioural perf
27 evolence was associated with enhanced mutual gaze and empathic eye blinking, whereas indifference or
28 to HCS in focusing attention at the point of gaze and filtering out peripheral distractors when the t
29 ibute these differences in averaging between gaze and head cues to poorer visual processing of faces
30 ams a change in gaze using feedback based on gaze and head signals, rather than on separate eye and h
31 nts in the SC are involved in the control of gaze and in the control or modulation of reaching moveme
32 n 23 eyes of 12 normal volunteers in central gaze and increasing (10, 20, and 30 degrees) adduction a
33 l neonatal face-to-face interactions (mutual gaze and intermittent lip-smacking) with human caregiver
34  preferential tracking of a face with direct gaze and levels of maternal sensitivity predict later CU
35  among strangers, longer durations of social gaze and positive affect correlated with greater neural
36  synchrony was anchored in moments of social gaze and positive affect, whereas among strangers, longe
37 movement disorder defined by limited outward gaze and retraction of the eye on attempted inward gaze.
38 l of surgery was to obtain fusion in primary gaze and the reading position without prism, with a post
39 opters [pd] hyperdeviation in straight-ahead gaze) and 4 asymmetric.
40 ignaling emotions - anger paired with direct gaze, and fear paired with averted gaze.
41 vocalized more frequently during live direct gaze, and individual infants who vocalized longer also e
42  faces and for locations indicated by social gaze, and yet a general increase in pixel-level saliency
43 , with diplopia within 30 degrees of primary gaze, and/or enophthalmos >2 mm, and/or 50% of the floor
44 , ocular alignment was remeasured in primary gaze at 6 meters, at 1/3 meter, and at 1/3 meter with a
45  14-25 prism diopters (PD) in straight-ahead gaze at distance fixation.
46 atypical attention to social stimuli [1] and gaze at faces [2] and complex images [3] in unusual ways
47 pursuit movements to orient its direction-of-gaze at potential prey.
48 decision was made, participants continued to gaze at the options, but with reduced vigor, making it p
49 reement between experts when RNA scientists 'gaze' at SHAPE data and identify riboSNitches.
50  value memories of visual objects and guides gaze automatically to stably valued objects.
51 ye region of faces at a larger size improved gaze averaging performance.
52                              Two hypotheses, gaze aversion and gaze indifference, are commonly cited
53                      The results falsify the gaze aversion hypothesis; instead, at the time of initia
54 -year-olds with autism neither shifted their gaze away nor more subtly averted their gaze to peripher
55  measurements recorded in the right and left gaze before and after surgery were included.
56 hip between newborn visual fixation (VF) and gaze behavior (GB) to performance in visuomotor and visu
57                                  Analysis of gaze behavior across observers suggests that the greater
58                     The implications of this gaze behavior for perception and brain activity are larg
59 or the understanding of conditions affecting gaze behavior toward faces, such as autism spectrum diso
60 ce-inversion effect and conditions affecting gaze behavior toward faces, such as prosopagnosia and au
61 antify a retinotopic bias implied by typical gaze behavior toward faces, which leads to eyes and mout
62 time, and, crucially, the intrinsic costs of gaze behavior.
63 he typical retinotopic location given normal gaze behavior.
64 lso participates in modulating goal directed gaze behaviour, by prioritizing volitional over reflexiv
65 monetary rewards, thus validating the use of gaze bias as a proxy for learnt reward.
66 nges the reward value of the mimicker, using gaze bias as a proxy for reward.
67 ards more rewarding targets, suggesting that gaze bias can be considered a proxy for relative reward
68 e, similar task, these participants showed a gaze bias for faces paired with high vs low monetary rew
69 s research has demonstrated that people show gaze bias towards more rewarding targets, suggesting tha
70        Subsequently, they were found to show gaze-bias towards faces that mimicked them compared to t
71 sh a classifier capable of simulating human 'gazing' by identifying features of the SHAPE profile tha
72 t evidence that information derived from eye gaze can be used to change the course of individuals' de
73  whenever abrupt shifts in visual objects or gaze cause counterchange of luminance at high-contrast b
74  whenever abrupt shifts in visual objects or gaze cause counterchange of luminance at high-contrast b
75 r movement planning appears to be coded in a gaze-centered reference frame.
76         Thus, VOR modulation is similar when gaze changes are programmed for the eyes alone or for th
77 on (cMRF), a region implicated in horizontal gaze changes.
78         While a fear expression with averted gaze clearly points to the source of threat, direct-gaze
79 t their use of adults' eye gaze depending on gaze communication experience from early in life.
80 vely different experience of eye contact and gaze communication on early social and communicative dev
81 ngruent gaze condition) or away (incongruent gaze condition) from a target object.
82  orienting his gaze either toward (congruent gaze condition) or away (incongruent gaze condition) fro
83 for the same stimuli seen freely or with the gaze constrained in the eye-region.
84 f visual input signals, neural modeling, and gaze-contingent control of retinal stimulation in humans
85 earch shows how the FVF can be studied using gaze-contingent displays and how FVF variation can be im
86 rst randomized controlled trial to examine a gaze-contingent intervention in social anxiety disorder.
87   Although participants were unaware of this gaze-contingent manipulation, their choices were systema
88 olled trial examined the efficacy of a novel gaze-contingent music reward therapy for social anxiety
89                                              Gaze-contingent music reward therapy yielded greater red
90                                     Finally, gaze-contingent music reward therapy, but not the contro
91                                              Gaze-contingent music reward therapy, but not the contro
92 andomly assigned to eight sessions of either gaze-contingent music reward therapy, designed to divert
93                                Using a novel gaze-contingent paradigm in a visual categorization task
94 s during a face identification task, using a gaze-contingent simulated scotoma.
95                                       In the gaze control system, the dynamics of preparatory neural
96 VF variation can be implemented in models of gaze control.
97 , or lack thereof, between components of the gaze-control network, suggesting that the perturbation t
98                                       In the gaze-control network, this function is thought to be med
99 nted eye tracking to record moment-by-moment gaze data from both parents and infants, we found that w
100 diate environment and is likely supported by gaze-dependent decision processes.
101 that infants adjust their use of adults' eye gaze depending on gaze communication experience from ear
102 that during naturalistic visuomotor behavior gaze deployment is coordinated with task-relevant events
103  target that suddenly appears, and shift the gaze diametrically away from the target instead.
104 ignals in the caudate guide the orienting of gaze differently: voluntary saccades by the caudate head
105 ject to noise and introduce instabilities in gaze direction across blinks [2].
106 nism might be specific to the maintenance of gaze direction across blinks or might depend on a more g
107                                              Gaze direction and especially direct gaze is a powerful
108 d representation of other's hand actions and gaze direction at the single neuron level in the ventral
109 venly distributed between those preferring a gaze direction congruent with the direction where the gr
110 he oculomotor system constantly recalibrates gaze direction during blinks to counteract gaze instabil
111 ectrical brain activity, we demonstrate that gaze direction enhances the perceptual sensitivity to th
112                                              Gaze direction is an important social cue that can be us
113                                Processing of gaze direction may rely on a predominantly cortical netw
114 sue of whether PMv MNs are influenced by the gaze direction of another individual.
115 lf of the recorded MNs were modulated by the gaze direction of the human agent.
116 e instructed to fixate a visual target while gaze direction was recorded and blinks were detected in
117 ion susceptible to contextual cues - such as gaze direction when judging facial displays of emotion.
118 ed less attention to adult eye movements and gaze direction, an effect that increased between 6-10 an
119 s noisy and more efficient than averaging of gaze direction, though presenting only the eye region of
120 cise and less accurate in their judgments of gaze direction.
121  vision will be sensitive to diplopia in any gaze direction; in such cases, the consequences of asymm
122 al) and sample-size (the effective number of gaze-directions pooled) were derived by fitting equivale
123 to the efficient neural processing of direct gaze due to the biological importance of eye contact for
124 auditory attention independent of our visual gaze, e.g when shadowing a nearby conversation at a cock
125 judgement tendency: P = 0.019, d = 0.62; eye-gaze effect: P = 0.03, d = 0.56; anterior cingulate acti
126 rforming a grasping action and orienting his gaze either toward (congruent gaze condition) or away (i
127                        Interestingly, direct gaze elicited greater responses than averted gaze when p
128                   Recently, a counterpart of gaze-evoked eye nystagmus was identified for head moveme
129 ntripetal drifts of the eyes with consequent gaze-evoked nystagmus.
130 ally suppressed during large head-free gaze (gaze = eye-in-head + head-in-space) shifts when both the
131 at with increasing neural activation, direct-gaze faces enter awareness more readily than averted-gaz
132 es enter awareness more readily than averted-gaze faces.
133 early points to the source of threat, direct-gaze fear renders the source of threat ambiguous.
134 ntially affects perception of clear (averted-gaze fear) and ambiguous (direct-gaze fear) facial threa
135 ar (averted-gaze fear) and ambiguous (direct-gaze fear) facial threat cues via selective engagement o
136 ted with higher anxiety for M-biased averted-gaze fear, while increased left amygdala reactivity was
137 ted with higher anxiety for P-biased, direct-gaze fear.
138 l interactions between neurons that maintain gaze fixation and neurons that program saccades.
139 e-locked event-related potentials (ERPs) and gaze fixation were recorded while children watched chara
140 quasicoronal planes during monocular central gaze fixation.
141 ppocampal responses scale with the number of gaze fixations made during viewing of novel, but not rep
142                                The number of gaze fixations that a participant made on a given trial
143 in the binding of information, as sampled by gaze fixations, during visual exploration.
144 conspecifics, monkeys engage in eye contact, gaze follow, and reciprocate facial expressions.
145 perience in the first months of life predict gaze following (directing attention to locations where o
146 mitation in the first week of life predicted gaze following at 7 months of age.
147 ces also support the development of infants' gaze following competence.
148                     Imitators were better at gaze following than non-imitators, suggesting neonatal i
149                            Face scanning and gaze following were assessed using eye tracking.
150        In addition, this foundational skill--gaze following--is plastic, and can be improved through
151 rigger distinct flight patterns to stabilize gaze for different tasks.
152 f numerous competing stimuli by moving their gaze from one object to another, in a rapid series of ey
153 heir roles in the binding of information and gaze function, respectively.
154  partially suppressed during large head-free gaze (gaze = eye-in-head + head-in-space) shifts when bo
155 direct gaze (looking forward), (ii) indirect gaze (head and eyes averted by 20 degrees ), or (iii) di
156 ted by 20 degrees ), or (iii) direct-oblique gaze (head averted but eyes orientated forward).
157  vestibulo-collic reflex, smooth pursuit and gaze holding.
158                                              Gaze-holding following the OKR was also modified in para
159  in line with the usual coupling of hand and gaze in both executed and observed actions, the incongru
160 ze on valuation and suggest a major role for gaze in neural mechanisms of valuation and decision-maki
161 n outcome measures were changes from central gaze in the configuration of the ONH and peripapillary t
162 , we investigated the effect of constraining gaze in the eye-region during dynamic emotional face per
163 uclear neurons are responsible for conjugate gaze in the horizontal plane, whereas ATD neurons provid
164 ctroencephalography to assess whether direct gaze increases neural coupling between adults and infant
165          In this study, we introduce a novel gaze independent BCI paradigm that can be potentially us
166 tion of a target stimulus in eyes-closed and gaze independent condition, and further classified with
167 the first to show the possibility of using a gaze independent visual ERP paradigm in an eyes-closed c
168 the present EEG study, we manipulated visual gaze independently of auditory attention while participa
169 estigated both auditory attention and visual gaze independently, little is known about their interact
170 band power contralateral to the direction of gaze, indicative of a suppression of distracting input.
171            Two hypotheses, gaze aversion and gaze indifference, are commonly cited to explain a diagn
172 s gaze direction during blinks to counteract gaze instability.
173 usly induced opioid antagonism during dyadic gaze interactions in monkeys.
174                                          Eye gaze is a key channel of non-verbal communication in hum
175         Gaze direction and especially direct gaze is a powerful nonverbal cue that plays an important
176                                          Eye gaze is a window onto cognitive processing in tasks such
177 ty to discern the target of another person's gaze is critical for social and linguistic development,
178 ith a large body of evidence indicating that gaze is directed preferentially to deviant information d
179                       However, when we shift gaze is mostly unknown despite its fundamental importanc
180 nt for face processing, and direction of eye gaze is one of the most socially salient facial signals.
181  exploited contextual salience cues in their gaze judgments, and that the average strength of this co
182                             This increase in gaze latency was due to a decrease in velocity and ampli
183 l craniotomy, ptosis, diplopia, and vertical gaze limitation can result from tethering of the superio
184  that a large proportion of OFC cells encode gaze location and, that in some cells, value coding is a
185                                              Gaze location was highly concentrated toward the central
186 o was singing nursery rhymes with (i) direct gaze (looking forward), (ii) indirect gaze (head and eye
187 r a socially highly relevant cue like direct gaze, lower levels of neural activity are sufficient to
188                                        These gaze-modulated neurons were evenly distributed between t
189 , who systematically reciprocated the direct gaze of the stimulus monkeys, also showed eyeblink entra
190  previously documented behavioral effects of gaze on valuation and suggest a major role for gaze in n
191 oural, imaging and modelling approaches that gaze orientation during phototaxis behaviour in larval z
192 r in adduction and abduction than in central gaze (P < .02).
193  syndrome, Kallmann syndrome, and horizontal gaze palsy with progressive scoliosis.
194 ties, ataxia, dysarthria, dystonia, vertical gaze palsy, and cognitive decline.
195 ausing clinical manifestations of horizontal gaze palsy, scoliosis, and intellectual disability.
196                      No patient had isolated gaze paresis, hemianopia, or neglect.
197  eye tracker was used to record time-varying gaze paths while 13 radiologists interpreted 40 lung CT
198 ture by specific facial features, as well as gaze patterns and changes in pupil dilation during free
199 d of the first trimester results in abnormal gaze patterns to salient social information.
200                        By leveraging natural gaze patterns, we found that a large proportion of OFC c
201 ed development in identity perception, while gaze perception abilities were already comparatively mat
202                                Impairment in gaze perception in ASD likely arises via heterogeneous u
203           We analyzed performance on a novel gaze perception task with classical psychophysical metri
204 rformed atypically in at least one aspect of gaze perception, the particular aspects disrupted varied
205 properties of an image associated with human gaze placement is important both for understanding how b
206 nodules were within 50 pixels of the nearest gaze point for 990 of 992 correct detections.
207 er of the screen area at faster speeds (mean gaze points at slowest speed vs fastest speed, 86% vs 97
208 within 50 pixels (approximately 3 cm) of all gaze points.
209  oculomotor recalibration mechanism adapting gaze position during intrinsically generated disruptions
210                                              Gaze position was tracked by using an infrared eye track
211  After adapting for approximately 35 blinks, gaze positions after blinks showed significant biases to
212 nd vertical ocular deviations at 9 different gaze positions of each eye were measured by the strabism
213 give rise to awareness compared with averted gaze, possibly because the human brain is attuned to the
214 ; for studies on the vestibular influence of gaze, posture, and locomotion; and for deciphering the s
215 he population of interneurons that stabilize gaze preferentially project to motoneurons that move the
216 t with others is present from birth, and eye gaze processing is crucial for social learning and adult
217                                            A gaze processing network comprising fusiform face area (F
218                    Facial expression and eye gaze provide a shared signal about threats.
219 ithelium (tRPE) from its position in central gaze reaching 49 +/- 10 mum in 30-degree adduction (stan
220 acements during blinks can trigger automatic gaze recalibration, similar to the well-known saccadic a
221                                              Gaze-related changes in adult-infant neural network conn
222  and motor efference copy signals, including gaze-related information.
223 as stronger during direct and direct-oblique gaze relative to indirect gaze.
224                    Despite the perturbation, gaze remained accurate.
225 cent works suggest that tectum can elaborate gaze reorientation commands on its own, rather than mere
226 f physiological limits in maintaining steady gaze, resulting in Brownian-like trajectories [4-7], whi
227 hesis that the VOR is also suppressed during gaze saccades made with en bloc, head and body together,
228 During active behavior humans redirect their gaze several times every second within the visual enviro
229 nd change in structure was evaluated by 'gel gazing.' SHAPE data is now routinely collected with next
230 n 5 of the 11 stimuli demonstrating that the gaze shift between the ECG leads is different between th
231                                  No adaptive gaze shift occurred when blinks were simulated with shut
232 ated the mechanisms for evaluating perceived gaze-shift duration.
233 lation of endogenous arousal signals informs gaze-shift timing judgements.
234 he eyes are normally never stationary: rapid gaze shifts (saccades) incessantly alternate with slow f
235 s the most when they exhibited high rates of gaze shifts and were thus highly alert.
236 heses explaining the link between blinks and gaze shifts are discussed.
237 t the point of fixation, allowing unhindered gaze shifts at other times.
238  optic tectum (superior colliculus) commands gaze shifts by synaptic integration of different sensory
239  quantified by computational models of human gaze shifts in visual search and face recognition tasks.
240 or colliculus (SC) and can lead to premature gaze shifts reminiscent of compromised inhibitory contro
241 jority of their gaze shifts, especially when gaze shifts were large, thereby timing their blinks to c
242 redator (Vulpes vulpes) and their blinks and gaze shifts were recorded.
243 rmine the relationship between their blinks, gaze shifts, and context.
244 eacocks blinked during the majority of their gaze shifts, especially when gaze shifts were large, the
245 llow each other rapidly, separated by sudden gaze shifts.
246                           Participants timed gaze-shifts performed by face stimuli in a Standard/Prob
247 lus-dependent timer exploits arousal to time gaze-shifts.
248 visual difficulties with restricted vertical gaze, slowed horizontal and vertical saccades, dysphagia
249  head movements that require silencing their gaze-stability reflexes along the primary rotation axis
250                             We then focus on gaze stabilization design in flying insects and detail s
251 es (VORs) are the dominating contributors to gaze stabilization in all vertebrates.
252                                              Gaze stabilization is an almost ubiquitous animal behavi
253 interact for simultaneous object pursuit and gaze stabilization is not understood.
254                Systems analysis reveals that gaze stabilization often involves several sensory modali
255 nce during nose-up postures while preserving gaze stabilization performance.
256 describe functional similarities in eyes and gaze stabilization reflexes, emphasizing their fundament
257 g of nose-up sensations without compromising gaze stabilization.
258 rs to shape the adaptation of all aspects of gaze stabilization.
259 hus participates in both upward and downward gaze stabilization.
260 c range of extraocular motor commands during gaze stabilization.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Outward-direct
261 tion.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Outward-directed gaze-stabilizing eye movements are commanded by abducens
262  of motion-sensitive visual neurons regulate gaze-stabilizing head movements.
263        Odor acts to increase the strength of gaze-stabilizing optomotor reflexes to keep the animal a
264 ance (the difference between right- and left-gaze strabismus measurements) before and after surgery.
265  actor model the time course of learning the gaze strategies is fully explained by an optimal Bayesia
266        These results demonstrate that direct gaze strengthens bidirectional adult-infant neural conne
267                               As we move our gaze through a complex scene, the retinal image is const
268   However, whether genetic factors influence gaze to complex visual scenes more broadly, impacting ho
269 ound that "social visual engagement"-namely, gaze to eyes and mouths of faces-is strongly influenced
270 heir gaze away nor more subtly averted their gaze to peripheral locations.
271                            The VGHA uses eye gaze to steer the acoustic look direction of a highly di
272 differences in newborns' average duration of gaze to stimuli.
273 xamination of the effect of manipulating the gaze to the eye-regions on all the components of the sub
274 map whose function is to guide attention and gaze to the most conspicuous regions in a visual scene.
275  are strongly modulated by the distance from gaze to the position of a reward-predicting target.
276 ies suggest that they can precisely relocate gaze to tiny visual targets.
277  underlying the prioritized access of direct gaze to visual awareness in healthy human volunteers and
278 s underlying the privileged access of direct gaze to visual awareness.
279 reward therapy, designed to divert patients' gaze toward neutral stimuli rather than threat stimuli,
280 lizes the world on the retina or directs the gaze towards salient features in the surroundings.
281                                              Gaze tracking revealed that control monkeys looked prefe
282 , mechanically actuated displays, and mobile gaze-tracking technology, these displays can be tailored
283 were exposed to faces with direct or averted gaze under continuous flash suppression, thereby manipul
284 of four awake marmosets trained to fix their gaze upon images of faces, bodies, objects, and control
285 e that the brain always programs a change in gaze using feedback based on gaze and head signals, rath
286                                 With a level gaze, visual processing tasks are simplified and behavio
287 n of lung nodules encompassed within each GV gaze volume (search effectiveness), the fraction of lung
288             Once encompassed within their GV gaze volume , the average sensitivity of nodule recognit
289 , the fraction of lung nodules within the GV gaze volume detected by the reader (recognition-acceptan
290          The radiologists' gaze volumes ( GV gaze volume s) were defined as the portion of the lung p
291  total lung volume encompassed within the GV gaze volume s, the fraction of lung nodules encompassed
292 en 86 and 143 of 157 nodules within their GV gaze volume s.
293                            The radiologists' gaze volumes ( GV gaze volume s) were defined as the por
294    We observed increased response times when gaze was directed away from the locus of auditory attent
295 gaze elicited greater responses than averted gaze when participants were aware of the faces, but smal
296 cessing at locations away from the center of gaze, where visual resolution is low.
297 a common confound: the conspecific's line of gaze, which could serve as an associative cue.
298 s, the fixating eye conveys the direction of gaze while the fellow eye points at a peripheral locatio
299 rain structure associated with attention and gaze, while monkeys watched video of natural scenes.
300 ul or neutral faces with averted or directed gaze, with the luminance and color of face stimuli calib

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