


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ere at day 35 post TBI without a significant gender difference.
2 ensitive and precise enough to identify this gender difference.
3 pulation and tested birth cohort effects for gender differences.
4 erstand outcome processing, impulsivity, and gender differences.
5 rsonality were greater than comparable human gender differences.
6                                There were no gender differences.
7 ce may imply a role for urocortin 2 in these gender differences.
8 hat other factors may be responsible for the gender differences.
9 ogen or estrogen receptors do not affect the gender differences.
10 s in brain volume and account for behavioral gender differences.
11 h clinical measures, and reflected important gender differences.
12    Two-sample T-tests were used to calculate gender differences.
13             Conduit EFs and total EFs showed gender differences.
14 ain information on possible geographical and gender differences.
15 examines the following: (1) the evidence for gender differences; (2) energy, glucose, and lipid metab
16 r or panic attacks were analyzed to test for gender differences across 18 panic symptoms.
17  clinical course of study subjects displayed gender differences: Affected LQTS women experienced a si
18  tenuous, because it is difficult to compare gender differences among biologically similar groups wit
19  of health care contact and examined age and gender differences among the subjects.
20                        By delineating normal gender differences and age-related morphometric changes
21 kinson's disease and Tourette syndrome, show gender differences and age-related onset.
22     Behaviour of mutation load also exhibits gender differences and late-life reversals, explaining s
23 In order to elucidate the molecular basis of gender differences and sex determination, we used RNA-se
24      Statistical methods for the analysis of gender differences and similarities are reviewed, includ
25                          This study examined gender differences and temporal changes in the clinical
26 vidence that both the magnitude of mean math gender differences and the frequency of identification o
27                                    Cognitive gender differences and the reasons for their origins hav
28 l cell types, organelles, synaptic function, gender differences and the subventricular neurogenic nic
29                        No study has analyzed gender differences and time trends in patients referred
30 rsonalized approach may be more sensitive to gender differences and to the impact of psychiatric co-m
31     This study examined age-related changes, gender differences, and the interaction of age and gende
32                                         This gender difference appears to be mediated in part by an i
33                               Cardiovascular gender differences are apparent long before CVDs appear
34 t and gender interacted, which suggests that gender differences are diminished in more recent cohorts
35 equency of arrhythmia recurrence and whether gender differences are independent of clinical, electroc
36                                        These gender differences are mediated, at least in part, by ef
37  HF patients with impaired LVEF, significant gender differences are present, and the prognostic predi
38 lying mainly on evidence from meta-analyses, gender differences are reviewed in cognitive performance
39 ghtly older than Group I with no significant gender difference between groups.
40          Here we report that there is also a gender difference between pulmonary metastasis and lymph
41                   This study assessed within-gender differences between psychiatrists and other physi
42                               The consistent gender differences confirm and expand existing results s
43                                  Although no gender difference could be identified for total Co conce
44                                         This gender difference could result from estrogen regulation
45            We hypothesize that the estimated gender differences critically depend on how we elicit th
46 switched from monetary to child-benefitting, gender differences disappear.
47 s in females were double that in males, this gender difference disappeared when attention-deficit/hyp
48 erm follow-up only, because this may reflect gender differences during follow-up.
49                                There were no gender differences evident in the amount, quality, or ma
50 ummarizes major theories designed to explain gender differences: evolutionary theories, cognitive soc
51                                           Do gender differences exist among the mathematically talent
52                         Significant race and gender differences exist in the population distribution
53                                  Significant gender differences exist, with women spending a greater
54 repancy among studies, and (2) whether a sex/gender difference exists in response to phytoestrogen in
55  opportunities are associated with increased gender differences favoring women in some cognitive func
56 izophrenia pedigrees also failed to show the gender difference for traumatic brain injury (more commo
57 s (RBANS), previous study showed significant gender differences for cognitive deficits in immediate a
58                                Although this gender difference has been primarily attributed to diffe
59                                    A similar gender difference has been reported in some strains of t
60                             Major racial and gender differences have been documented in the natural h
61                                              Gender differences have been suggested in BM-MSCs therap
62 d amyloid beta (Abeta) and/or tau pathology, gender differences have not been well documented in thes
63  of E(2) on baclofen responses, there was no gender difference in 5-HT(2C) receptor-mediated effects.
64 in male myocytes during MI and abolished the gender difference in [Na(+)](i) during MI.
65 o, waist circumference, or visceral fat, the gender difference in CAC was not significant in diabetic
66                     These mice also showed a gender difference in cancer-related death.
67                                          The gender difference in depression may result from a differ
68                                 There was no gender difference in disease severity along the airways
69 rance in male and female mice, we observed a gender difference in EPO effects in weight control.
70                                     The only gender difference in fracture risk was a 2.6-fold higher
71                                         This gender difference in ICa in isoproterenol-treated myocyt
72 center was associated with a decrease in the gender difference in kidney donation.
73                                           No gender difference in low-density lipoprotein or total ch
74          In whites, there was little overall gender difference in obesity prevalence.
75                                          The gender difference in PCDH20 expression may reflect olfac
76         Our studies demonstrate a multilevel gender difference in post-infarction remodeling, with wo
77                         We also identified a gender difference in postvaccination antibody avidity (f
78  The authors sought to determine whether the gender difference in prevalence for major depression was
79                                  None of the gender difference in prevalence of major depression coul
80       This is the first clinical report of a gender difference in response to cardiac angiogenic ther
81 tions of salivary testosterone, however, the gender difference in risk aversion disappeared, suggesti
82                                         This gender difference in sensitivity to cytotoxic agents may
83 in human SLE raises the possibility that the gender difference in SLE may in part be attributed to se
84 ed as female-predominant without evidence of gender difference in survival.
85             Although there was a significant gender difference in the effects of E(2) on baclofen res
86                    These findings suggest no gender difference in the relation between caffeine and P
87 of CNVs in controls, we found no significant gender difference in the risk conferred by these loci.
88                     There was no significant gender difference in the risk of myopia.
89                           In this study, the gender difference in the sweetpotato whitefly Bemisia ta
90  in skin carcinogenesis and suggest that the gender difference in tumor development is more influence
91                     If humans have a similar gender difference in vitamin D(3) metabolism in the CNS,
92 tekeepers with the power to create or reduce gender differences in academic reputations.
93                               There are also gender differences in activated leukocyte behavior in th
94 istic regression analysis indicated that the gender differences in acute PTSD were not associated wit
95                   We analyzed the effects of gender differences in aging on in vivo measurements of a
96 ss-sectional studies demonstrated ethnic and gender differences in ambulatory blood pressure patterns
97 g in the United States, significant race and gender differences in ARDS mortality exist.
98                                          Any gender differences in arterial stiffness could influence
99                                 However, the gender differences in AT(2)R and BW changes have not bee
100 al mechanisms must play a role in regulating gender differences in autoimmune disease of the CNS.
101 -mediated tolerance mechanism contributes to gender differences in autoimmunity.
102                                              Gender differences in BAs and microbiota may account for
103 nd Spain, was designed, in part, to evaluate gender differences in baseline sexual activity, function
104 e data provide the first evidence for within-gender differences in basic sensorimotor gating mechanis
105     All sexually reproducing animals exhibit gender differences in behavior.
106                                              Gender differences in both vulnerability to stroke and o
107                        Furthermore, we found gender differences in brain activation and functional co
108                                Second, clear gender differences in brain aging were evident, suggesti
109  a distinction would be possible only if sex/gender differences in brain features were highly dimorph
110 more cortical surface area, which may offset gender differences in brain volume and account for behav
111 roviding an example for the genetic basis of gender differences in cancer and showing that the genoty
112                                        These gender differences in cardiac and LV mass were parallele
113                We explored whether there are gender differences in cardiac remodeling and whether eti
114         Our studies further demonstrate that gender differences in cardiac remodeling in ICM are larg
115           This observation may be related to gender differences in cardiac remodeling.
116                        Mechanisms underlying gender differences in cardiovascular disease are poorly
117 r signaling, the effect of class II HDACs on gender differences in cardiovascular disease remains uns
118                                     Baseline gender differences in cerebellar morphology may in part
119                                              Gender differences in child development have been extens
120 el processes and societal norms that lead to gender differences in child development in the early yea
121 n-based study we quantified the magnitude of gender differences in child development using the East A
122 ic molecular pathways to previously observed gender differences in clinical COPD phenotypes.
123 nt management of stable angina and to assess gender differences in clinical outcome at 1 year.
124 ntervention have noted remarkably consistent gender differences in clinical, angiographic, and proced
125 ationally representative data to investigate gender differences in cognitive performance in middle-ag
126                   The current study examines gender differences in colloquium speakers at 50 prestigi
127  is required to better address the impact of gender differences in colorectal cancer.
128 iate regression analysis to evaluate whether gender differences in compensation existed after account
129 sconsin patients demonstrated no significant gender differences in cough and wheezing experiences or
130 arch is needed to determine whether race and gender differences in CRP levels contribute to differenc
131 th Bonferroni correction was used to compare gender differences in cytokine concentrations.
132                                              Gender differences in cytokine production have been obse
133 d to responses specific for myelin proteins, gender differences in cytokine production upon stimulati
134                         The authors examined gender differences in d-amphetamine-induced displacement
135  to study behaviour identifying seasonal and gender differences in daily activity and feeding times.
136  to stress exposure, onset, pathogenesis and gender differences in depression.
137                                              Gender differences in development associated with four n
138                         In Mongolia, smaller gender differences in development were associated with i
139 his sample of career-oriented professionals, gender differences in domestic activities existed among
140                           Finally, we reveal gender differences in dynamics of TCR diversity constric
141                                              Gender differences in early ventricular repolarization w
142      Nevertheless, there were no significant gender differences in either the intensity of neuropil s
143            These findings elucidate specific gender differences in essential neurocognitive functions
144      Purpose To determine whether there were gender differences in full professorship after accountin
145                           Primary outcome of gender differences in full professorship was estimated b
146 dence of a physiologic component is based on gender differences in gastrointestinal transit time, vis
147                                   The marked gender differences in gene expression in wild-type mice
148                                The potential gender differences in genes in the Egfr axis have been s
149                                There were no gender differences in global LVEF (men = 0.69; women = 0
150             Reasons for the striking age and gender differences in HCC associated with HBV compared w
151                                  We examined gender differences in health status over time from basel
152  Furthermore, ablation of IL-6 abolished the gender differences in hepatocarcinogenesis in mice.
153                These findings suggest unique gender differences in how complex interactions between n
154                                              Gender differences in hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HP
155 tereotypes and considers how these relate to gender differences in important life outcomes.
156        In supplemental analysis examining if gender differences in incarceration stress response (ext
157                               In conclusion, gender differences in insulin resistance-associated fat
158                                      Age and gender differences in LA were further explored.
159 ations to humans, a species reported to have gender differences in language acquisition, and found th
160 AR)alpha is a nuclear receptor that mediates gender differences in lipid metabolism.
161        This study is aimed at describing the gender differences in long-term recovery patterns and ex
162           We observed significant ethnic and gender differences in longitudinal trajectories of ambul
163 nd other nations, we address 3 questions: Do gender differences in mathematics performance exist in t
164                   In tfm mice, there were no gender differences in measures of anxiety in the open fi
165 ects of genetic ablation of cyclophilin D on gender differences in mice expressing G93A mutant CuZn s
166  labor market, while we found no support for gender differences in motivation.
167 ardiac and LV mass were paralleled by marked gender differences in myocyte volume, such that average
168 g free testosterone, not estradiol, mediates gender differences in natriuretic peptides.
169 ll, the findings of this study highlight the gender differences in neural responses associated with f
170                                 In addition, gender differences in neural responses associated with l
171                                              Gender differences in nitric oxide bioavailability are p
172  hunger in women as a contributing factor to gender differences in obesity.
173 New research contributes to our knowledge of gender differences in osteoporosis risk, diagnosis and m
174 rsistent high-risk characteristics in women, gender differences in outcomes in patients undergoing co
175 iveness and suggested that there are notable gender differences in perceiving facial attractiveness a
176                                              Gender differences in peritraumatic dissociation may hel
177              Moreover, there are significant gender differences in physiologic contributions of mPGES
178          The changes in CYPs account for the gender differences in porphyria and DDC metabolism.
179                        Given the significant gender differences in predisposition to human alcohol-re
180         Limited information exists regarding gender differences in prognostic value of exercise echoc
181 rome-P450 (CYP) enzymes revealed significant gender differences in protein expression and activity in
182                     Our analyses reveal that gender differences in publication rate and impact are di
183                              In adolescence, gender differences in rates of affective disorders emerg
184 berrations in volumes of subcortical nuclei, gender differences in rates of cortical grey matter redu
185  male versus female kidneys, indicating that gender differences in renal CYP2J5 expression are regula
186 a, we investigated the natural experiment of gender differences in resistance to infections.
187                                              Gender differences in response to metyrapone were seen i
188                                              Gender differences in response to psychological treatmen
189         Recent clinical trials indicate that gender differences in responsiveness to drug therapy als
190 ting data, although sparse, suggest possible gender differences in risk factors for SCD.
191 sample, thus allowing for the examination of gender differences in risk for suicide attempts associat
192                                              Gender differences in salary exist in this select, homog
193 ogy of these symptom differences may involve gender differences in sensitivity to CO(2) and in the th
194                                              Gender differences in service access among children are
195                                              Gender differences in smoking vary cross-nationally.
196                                              Gender differences in social cognition are a long discus
197                                              Gender differences in social factors, psychological symp
198 y shows gray matter loss with age as well as gender differences in structure and function, but little
199 of neoplastic lesions, it also abolished the gender differences in survival and reduced the differenc
200                               Data regarding gender differences in survival, recently collected in a
201 th CAD, it partially accounts for racial and gender differences in survival.
202 bsence of estrogen, plays a critical role in gender differences in susceptibility of the kidney to is
203 ulated with myelin proteins and may underlie gender differences in susceptibility.
204 hanistic etiology of these developmental and gender differences in TCR diversity and specificity, as
205         The review also identified important gender differences in terms of stroke risk factors, prev
206 drome, behavioral risk factors and diabetes, gender differences in the association between diabetes a
207                                              Gender differences in the association of blood and urine
208                               Documented sex/gender differences in the brain are often taken as suppo
209 dy demonstrates that, although there are sex/gender differences in the brain, human brains do not bel
210 ggression in males, there may be substantial gender differences in the clinical efficacy of commonly
211                         This report examined gender differences in the clinical manifestations of cur
212 anges in its transcription may contribute to gender differences in the clinical severity of HCM.
213 erences, which represent the most persistent gender differences in the cognitive literature, are part
214                                   There were gender differences in the components of EaI/E(LV)I durin
215 gest the need for further investigation into gender differences in the contribution of mineral metabo
216                                        Thus, gender differences in the coronary vasculature may be a
217                                              Gender differences in the development of coronary heart
218 ught to determine whether there are race and gender differences in the distribution of C-reactive pro
219 ; however, metabolic risks largely explained gender differences in the educational gradient in corona
220 een thoroughly characterized with respect to gender differences in the human brain.
221                The results revealed distinct gender differences in the impacts of obesity and stress
222           Epidemiological studies have shown gender differences in the incidence of congestive heart
223                             Further, age and gender differences in the incidence of contralateral pat
224                        This review considers gender differences in the molecular and cellular physiol
225                                              Gender differences in the overall hazard of alcohol use
226  These data demonstrate important ethnic and gender differences in the pathogenesis of insulin resist
227                                    There are gender differences in the patterns of violent behavior a
228           This study suggests that there are gender differences in the prevalence, risk, and clinical
229                                         Some gender differences in the progression of human immunodef
230                         The authors assessed gender differences in the proportion of clinical visits
231                                     However, gender differences in the relation between socioeconomic
232 greater dopamine release in women as well as gender differences in the relationship between regional
233 ) the constitutive activity of GHSR; and (c) gender differences in the sensitivity to deletion of the
234                                              Gender differences in the symptoms of major depression h
235              In this group of matched twins, gender differences in the symptoms of major depression w
236                                     Although gender differences in the therapeutic benefit of seroton
237              In this study we determined the gender differences in the TMEV-specific immune response,
238 hite, black, Hispanic, Asian, and other) and gender differences in the use of these therapies in the
239  efficiency hypothesis, and possibly also of gender differences in the visuo-spatial domain.
240 are decreasing in more recent cohorts, while gender differences in time from first use to dependence
241 , and one reason for these variations may be gender differences in transporter expression.
242                                              Gender differences in UVB-induced skin carcinogenesis we
243 and vitamin D, appeared to contribute to the gender differences in UVB-induced vitamin D production a
244    Overall, there were no significant age or gender differences in variability between and within sal
245                              The evidence on gender differences in variance is summarized.
246               The present study investigated gender differences in violent behaviors among patients w
247                  In stratified analyses, the gender differences in VT/VF recurrence were greatest in
248 e mice in the water maze, while there are no gender differences in water maze performance in wild-typ
249                                              Gender differences in wave 1 of the National Heart, Lung
250                                              Gender differences in WD-induced steatosis, insulin sens
251 s well recognised, but little is known about gender differences in white matter microstructure.
252 ontrol of dyslipidemia, including ethnic and gender differences, in persons free of known clinical ca
253     Future education of rescuers should take gender differences into account.
254 owever, the underlying mechanism behind this gender difference is poorly understood.
255 owever, the underlying mechanism behind this gender difference is poorly understood.
256                          The reason for this gender difference is unclear.
257                                         This gender difference may be due to an interaction between c
258          We have previously shown that these gender differences may be due to over expression of prog
259  hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) suggests that gender differences may be operant in the phenotypic expr
260 ted with airflow limitation in men, and that gender differences may exist in the relation of oxidativ
261                                              Gender differences may exist in the relationship between
262                             Awareness of the gender differences might increase attention toward popul
263 ta presented herein suggest that species and gender differences observed in BD-induced cancer are dir
264 crophages and plays an important role in the gender differences observed in HIV protease inhibitor-in
265 st that eNOS and nNOS both play roles in the gender differences observed in ischemia/reperfusion inju
266                      This study examined the gender differences of cognition using the measurement an
267                                   Ethnic and gender differences persisted after adjustment for height
268 han anticipated number of males (33%), and a gender difference regarding concomitant involvement of c
269 tients, yet the detailed mechanisms for this gender difference remain unclear.
270 r caries in the X chromosome may explain the gender differences seen in caries frequency.
271 effect of IL-17 signaling and indicates that gender differences should be taken into account in the p
272                                          The gender differences suggest that females are more sensiti
273 ribute uniquely to the evaluation of sex and gender differences (termed "sex effects").
274 e aware of the risk for osteoporosis and the gender differences that exist within this disease.
275                                   Aside from gender differences, there is significant variation in th
276  favorably than women, and, of concern, this gender difference was especially prominent among STEM fa
277 s cell type in budgerigars because a similar gender difference was found in a visual nucleus, the ent
278                      However, no significant gender difference was found when we compared females ver
279                                     The only gender difference was in diastolic filling rate, which w
280                                To study this gender difference, we demonstrated that pri-miR-216a is
281 investigate the molecular mechanisms of this gender difference, we examined the effect of genetically
282 vious research on major depressive disorder, gender differences were also evident among participants
283                                              Gender differences were assessed across all domains.
284                                              Gender differences were evaluated.
285                               No significant gender differences were found between the two groups (P=
286                                           No gender differences were found in the frequency of other
287                                              Gender differences were identified in the nature of supp
288                                              Gender differences were independent of measured clinical
289 g and working memory than females, but these gender differences were not presented in schizophrenia p
290                                           No gender differences were noted.
291                                              Gender differences were observed in correlations of chan
292                          When nonsignificant gender differences were removed from the models, correla
293                          When nonsignificant gender differences were removed from the models, the gen
294 rong association with SAF, particularly when gender differences were taken into account.
295                                  Significant gender differences were unveiled, with numerous alterati
296              Since these brain networks show gender differences when mediating emotional and cognitiv
297 A system have important implications for the gender differences which are observed in animal models o
298               These data suggest significant gender differences with glutamate and lactate/pyruvate p
299 tor gating mechanism and also shows a robust gender difference, with women exhibiting lower PPI than
300                           We found important gender differences, with female rescuers showing inferio

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