


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 fect this trait and map each QTL to a single-gene polymorphism.
2 ontribute to the maintenance of an ancient R-gene polymorphism.
3 durations, and correlated the data with APOE gene polymorphism.
4 lyceride (TG) levels and influenced by a VII gene polymorphism.
5 , and VIIag and TG, and factor VII codon 353 gene polymorphism.
6 en DR4 and an abnormally regulated prolactin gene polymorphism.
7 ers, stratified according to the rs6971 TSPO gene polymorphism.
8 y could be predicted by angiogenesis-related gene polymorphisms.
9 chain-related genes and a number of cytokine gene polymorphisms.
10 ctors, including specific vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms.
11 tcomes are determined by adenylate cyclase 9 gene polymorphisms.
12 isease (NAFLD) might be associated with PEMT gene polymorphisms.
13 he existence of regulatory and/or structural gene polymorphisms.
14 eaction (PCR) was used to genotype beta(2)AR gene polymorphisms.
15  limited to association studies of candidate gene polymorphisms.
16 nd no study has focused on vitamin D-related gene polymorphisms.
17 ells derived from donors with different CCR5 gene polymorphisms.
18 l population with regard to certain cytokine gene polymorphisms.
19 ransplant recipients based on specific CTLA4 gene polymorphisms.
20 related genes (MIC) and a number of cytokine gene polymorphisms.
21  of IFN-gamma expressing cells and IFN-gamma gene polymorphisms.
22 the presence of certain fibrinolytic protein gene polymorphisms.
23 n and was influenced by T1D-associated PTPN2 gene polymorphisms.
24 ny factors, including certain alleles of TNF gene polymorphisms.
25 ting for key vitamin D-binding protein (DBP) gene polymorphisms.
26 nsplant patients was not influenced by NOD 2 gene polymorphisms.
27 ronic periodontitis (CP) and TGF-beta1 29C/T gene polymorphisms.
28 y the apolipoprotein E (apoE, protein; APOE, gene) polymorphism.
29                         We genotyped the DBH gene polymorphism, -1021C/T (rs1611115), that reduces Db
30                                  Four CYP1A1 gene polymorphisms (3801T --> C, Ile462Val, 3205T --> C,
31 he methyl tetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene polymorphism 677C>T as a model of chronic exposure
32                       A total of eighty-five gene polymorphisms (77 SNPs and 8 indels) were detected
33                     It is likely that common gene polymorphisms account for only a fraction of indivi
34                    Variation in these single gene polymorphisms accounted for 5% of the variability i
35  and CYP2R1 rs10741657) and IL28B rs12979860 genes polymorphisms accurately assure SVR in naive CHC G
36  represents one of most likely several multi-gene polymorphisms along the receptor-relaxation axis, w
37      We hypothesized that variations in PBEF gene polymorphisms alter the risk of developing acute re
38                                        Of 11 gene polymorphisms analyzed, a relation was observed bet
39                                     Cytokine gene polymorphism and alloantibody titers will also be i
40 nd that the genetic association between Darc gene polymorphism and BMD variations in humans merits in
41 s investigated the relation between the COMT gene polymorphism and cognitive performance in children.
42 nism underlying the association between NOS1 gene polymorphism and schizophrenia.
43    The association between androgen receptor gene polymorphisms and benign prostatic hyperplasia was
44 n D, there is a dearth of information on VDR gene polymorphisms and breast cancer among African-Ameri
45 he role of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 gene polymorphisms and CCR5 mutations remain unclear.
46 ction effect on asthma between the beta(2)AR gene polymorphisms and cigarette smoking.
47  an association between unique long (UL) 144 gene polymorphisms and clinical disease.
48          We investigated the effects of TLR4 gene polymorphisms and gene-environmental interactions o
49                                     Multiple gene polymorphisms and human leucocyte antigen haplotype
50     We studied the association between Apo E gene polymorphisms and lipids after kidney transplantati
51     The relationship between cytochrome P450 gene polymorphisms and metabolites, response, and diagno
52            Furthermore, the role of cytokine-gene polymorphisms and minor histocompatibility genes in
53                                              Gene polymorphisms and mutations can be found and gene e
54                                       Opioid gene polymorphisms and negative mood contributed indirec
55 k for association between the functional GST gene polymorphisms and PLE, SCLE, and DLE in a case-cont
56 ant association between the BsmI or FokI VDR gene polymorphisms and prostate cancer risk.
57 a strong association between TGF-beta1 29C/T gene polymorphisms and quantitative parameters of interd
58    We analyzed the relationship between host gene polymorphisms and responses in recipients of inacti
59 udies have observed associations between PON gene polymorphisms and risk of cardiovascular disease (C
60 th common diseases, such as between cytokine gene polymorphisms and severe bacterial sepsis, have rea
61 itutive regulation of FcgammaRIIb by natural gene polymorphisms and the acquired dysregulation in SLE
62             In future, determination of VEGF gene polymorphisms and thus individual patient VEGF "sig
63  Tregs in autoimmunity, a link between IL2RA gene polymorphisms and Treg function has not been examin
64 d no evidence for an association between VDR gene polymorphisms and type 1 diabetes risk in either ca
65  association between the CYP27B1 and CYP24A1 gene polymorphisms and type 1 diabetes.
66 frequency, risk factors (including candidate gene polymorphisms), and outcomes of serious adverse eve
67 nclude cerebral hypoperfusion, inflammation, gene polymorphisms, and molecular lesions in the brain.
68 ent groups have demonstrated immune response gene polymorphisms, and particularly in the interleukin
69  [25(OH)D] concentrations, vitamin D-related gene polymorphisms, and risk of tobacco-related cancers.
70 ists to visualize genomic features including genes, polymorphisms, and many others.
71              This study examines whether VDR gene polymorphisms are associated with breast cancer in
72                               In man insulin gene polymorphisms are associated with disease risk, and
73 ine phosphatase nonreceptor type 22 (PTPN22) gene polymorphisms are associated with many autoimmune d
74                                 Inflammation gene polymorphisms are associated with modified BC risk,
75             Our results indicated that PCSK2 gene polymorphisms are associated with pleiotropic effec
76 ested the hypothesis that vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms are associated with prostate cancer r
77                                        HMGCR gene polymorphisms are associated with reduced plasma LD
78                Angiotensin-converting enzyme gene polymorphisms are associated with respiratory compl
79    In genome-wide association studies, IL28B gene polymorphisms are highly predictive of therapeutic
80               Vitamin D binding protein (GC) gene polymorphisms are known to influence vitamin D leve
81             These results show that cytokine gene polymorphisms are markers for the severity of disea
82                This study shows that non-HLA gene polymorphisms are of relevance for predicting HSCT
83                Functional mu-opioid receptor gene polymorphisms are present in humans (OPRM1 A118G) a
84 iability in SPS, and the 2 serotonin-related gene polymorphisms as risk factors for SLE flare.
85 ral drug-metabolizing enzyme and transporter gene polymorphisms, as well as chemokine receptor gene p
86          The gene frequencies of each of the gene polymorphisms assessed did not differ between the A
87 redisposition to chronic venous disease from gene polymorphisms associated mainly with vein wall remo
88                                     Multiple gene polymorphisms associated with primary sclerosing ch
89 rosing cholangitis is supported, and further gene polymorphisms associated with protection against pr
90 out to analyze the role of two major non-HLA gene polymorphisms associated with type 1 diabetes (T1D)
91 man endothelial nitric oxide synthase (NOS3) gene polymorphism at Exon 7 (Glu298Asp) has been linked
92 ween disease (or any subtypes) and the MHC S gene polymorphism at position +619, despite its close pr
93 sion was used to determine the role of IL-10 gene polymorphism at position -1082 while adjusting for
94 study strongly suggested a link between NOS1 gene polymorphism at rs3782206 and cognitive functions a
95 le frequency of rs2280789 and rs3817655 CCL5 gene polymorphisms between NODAT and non-NODAT groups.
96 showing differences in association with USF1 gene polymorphisms between sexes.
97 enzyme digestion and assessment of flagellin gene polymorphisms by amplification of the whole gene an
98 28(null) T cells by flow cytometry, HLA-DRB1 gene polymorphisms by polymerase chain reaction (PCR)/se
99 (rs1501299) and rs2280789 and rs3817655 CCL5 gene polymorphisms by real-time polymerase chain reactio
100 role of recipient and donor chemokine system gene polymorphisms by using a candidate gene approach on
101                                     The IL1B gene polymorphisms C-511T, T-31C, and C3954T were tested
102                                    Two MTHFR gene polymorphisms (C677T and A1298C) were tested by flu
103 mins B(6) and B(12), methionine) and related gene polymorphisms (C677T methylenetetrahydrofolate redu
104                                    Two MTHFR gene polymorphisms, C677T and A1298C, are linked to alte
105 l cancer association studies with DNA repair gene polymorphisms can be validated or refuted.
106                                              Gene polymorphisms can vary tumor incidence by affecting
107 aim to investigate the genome for variation (gene polymorphisms), characterise multiple levels of the
108 to prospectively determine whether candidate gene polymorphisms contribute to stroke risk.
109 ars to prospectively determine whether these gene polymorphisms contribute to the risk of VTE.
110 linked allele) and immunoregulatory cytokine gene polymorphisms correlate with variable immune respon
111 istic may be pertinent in humans and lumican gene polymorphisms could be related to high myopia.
112  reproductive factors and 5 estrogen pathway gene polymorphisms (CYP17 rs743572, CYP19A1 rs10046, ERb
113 191) for killer immunoglobulin-like receptor gene polymorphisms did not explain these observations.
114     In this ongoing multicenter study, these gene polymorphisms differences among ethnic/racial group
115       Here we review what is known about CRP gene polymorphisms, discuss how these might affect the e
116 r V Leiden mutation (R506Q), a prothrombotic gene polymorphism, disrupts the activity of this natural
117 g-lipid profile in PTX candidates, and Apo E gene polymorphism does not worsen lipid dyslipidemia aft
118 A recent analysis of 25 historical candidate gene polymorphisms for schizophrenia in the largest geno
119 variation in SM gene clusters: nonfunctional gene polymorphisms; gene gain and loss polymorphisms; wh
120                                      The EGF gene polymorphism genotype is associated with risk for d
121 h polymorphism was used to determine the EGF gene polymorphism genotype.
122    Our results suggest that patient cytokine gene polymorphism genotypes may influence GVHD outcome b
123                            Serotonin-related gene polymorphism genotypes were determined by polymeras
124  allele of the angiotensin converting enzyme gene polymorphism has previously been associated with a
125                                         Such gene polymorphism has profound implications for the desi
126 urrent prevalence of CQR-associated parasite gene polymorphisms has been documented for some regions,
127               The role of beta3-adrenoceptor gene polymorphisms has insufficiently been explored and
128                                         PER3 gene polymorphisms have been associated with differences
129                         Interleukin-1 (IL-1) gene polymorphisms have been associated with increased l
130                 Interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) gene polymorphisms have been associated with parvovirus
131                      Several noncoding LRRK2 gene polymorphisms have been associated with susceptibil
132                         Interleukin-8 (IL-8) gene polymorphisms have been considered as susceptibilit
133                                         BMP2 gene polymorphisms have been linked to osteoporosis and
134 ptoms was moderated by histamine degradation gene polymorphisms HNMT T939C and HNMT Thr105Ile in 3- a
135 version, INS gene (rs1004446_A), and non-HLA gene polymorphisms identified by the Type 1 Diabetes Gen
136       Therefore, we examined the human MC4-R gene polymorphism in 190 individuals ascertained on obes
137 et of PD, we evaluated the frequency of APOE gene polymorphism in a sample of PD patients with (n=118
138 s and an associated model suggest that the R gene polymorphism in A. thaliana may not be maintained t
139  was no association between CIMT and any CRP gene polymorphism in either population.
140              The profound effect of the IL-2 gene polymorphism in homozygous individuals may serve as
141 e nuclear tandem repeat surfactant protein B gene polymorphism in intron 4 is associated with an incr
142            To elucidate the role of this ACE gene polymorphism in sarcoidosis, we conducted a case-co
143  The metabolism rate can be affected by BChE gene polymorphism in the human population and BChE stere
144   Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra) gene polymorphisms in 83 human immunodeficiency virus (H
145 sis of CHF, we studied the prevalence of TNF gene polymorphisms in CHF patients and the correlation o
146         This study examined the role of NOS1 gene polymorphisms in cognitive functions and related ne
147 valuate the role of proinflammatory cytokine gene polymorphisms in gastric and esophageal cancers def
148 MP)-8 and tissue inhibitor of MMP-1 (TIMP-1) gene polymorphisms in generalized aggressive periodontit
149                           Endothelial lipase gene polymorphisms in humans appear to be associated wit
150      We tested the hypothesis that candidate gene polymorphisms in inflammatory pathways contribute t
151                             The influence of gene polymorphisms in key immunoregulatory molecules on
152  MMP-8 -799 C/T and TIMP-1 372 T/C, *429 T/G gene polymorphisms in males may be associated with the s
153 of cytokine expressing T cells, and cytokine gene polymorphisms in normal volunteers.
154     The aim of this study was to analyze TAP gene polymorphisms in patients with sarcoidosis using th
155 e proteins and cytokine or cytokine receptor gene polymorphisms in smallpox vaccine-induced adaptive
156 ential interactions between the VDR and RXRG gene polymorphisms in the 1958BC.
157       The low prevalence of some of the IL-1 gene polymorphisms in the ethnic groups included in this
158  needed to clarify the role of other HSP70-2 gene polymorphisms in the pathogenesis of the CAD.
159             No opioid receptor, mu 1 (OPRM1) gene polymorphisms, including the functional single nucl
160 ciation between narcolepsy and immune system gene polymorphisms, including the identification of poly
161 e deletion/deletion genotype (DD) of the ACE gene polymorphism increases the risk of myocardial infar
162 s provide a likely route through which ADCY5 gene polymorphisms influence fasting glucose levels and
163                    We investigated how IL28B gene polymorphism influences HCV clearance with infected
164           The authors investigated whether a gene polymorphism influencing neuroplasticity may contri
165 pisodes by race, age at transplantation, and gene polymorphism (interleukin [IL]-6, -174 G/C, IL-10,
166 e was to test the hypothesis that the BK(2)R gene polymorphism is a determinant of fat-free mass and
167                                       CX3CR1 gene polymorphism is associated with a higher rate of ca
168                                     Cytokine gene polymorphism is associated with functional differen
169 se data support the findings that the COL1A1 gene polymorphism is associated with low BMD and fractur
170                       The 276G/T adiponectin gene polymorphism is associated with NODAT in Caucasian
171 rtion/deletion angiotensin-converting enzyme gene polymorphism is associated with prolonged mechanica
172 scription factor 7-like 2 (TCF7L2) rs7903146 gene polymorphism is associated with the risk of PTDM an
173 established, knowledge of the effects of KIR gene polymorphism is limited to special cases in which s
174  prospective study indicate that the ACE D/I gene polymorphism is not associated with subsequent risk
175 rons have reduced levels of BDNF, and a BDNF gene polymorphism is present in a subpopulation of patie
176 diet-induced metabolic programs, human MMP14 gene polymorphisms located in proximity to the enzyme's
177                                 BDNF and its gene polymorphism may be important in synaptic plasticit
178    Our findings suggest that the +331G/A hPR gene polymorphism may contribute to endometrial cancer r
179        These findings suggest that rare IL-6 gene polymorphisms may associate with RA susceptibility
180                 Our data suggested that TLR4 gene polymorphisms may be associated with a decreased ri
181      We conclude that certain TLR and TREM-1 gene polymorphisms may be associated with CAD in Russian
182 latory circuit function induced by circadian gene polymorphisms may contribute to the behavioral mani
183 iden (FVL) or G20210A prothrombin (PT20210A) gene polymorphisms may differ according to genotype and
184                            Androgen receptor gene polymorphisms may have a potential role in the path
185          The TEDDY data suggest that non-HLA gene polymorphisms may play a different role in the init
186 ce that non-coding, although functional GLRB gene polymorphisms may predispose to PD by increasing st
187 polymorphisms, as well as chemokine receptor gene polymorphisms, may influence response to treatment.
188 onsider a three-way interaction between CD14 gene polymorphisms, microbial exposures and the age of e
189                In human, prodynorphin (Pdyn) gene polymorphisms might be linked to cognitive function
190 slet autoimmunity (IA) and whether vitamin D gene polymorphisms modify the effect of 25(OH)D on IA ri
191                                         IL-1 gene polymorphisms, most prominently IL1A (-889), IL1A (
192 d that whereas neither the serotonin-related gene polymorphisms nor the mean SPS was predictive of an
193           In chronic periodontitis (CP), the gene polymorphism of interleukin-6 (IL-6) to 174C/G has
194 ngly suggest an association between cytokine gene polymorphism of TGF-beta, IL-10, and INF-gamma and
195 is by examining the prevalence of functional gene polymorphisms of antioxidant enzymes and evidence o
196 lymerase chain reaction (PCR) -based method, gene polymorphisms of FCGA2A-H131R and FCGA3A-V158F were
197 The aim of this project was to study whether gene polymorphisms of inflammatory markers are associate
198 C genotypes and mannan-binding lectin (MBL2) gene polymorphisms of liver donors were significantly as
199 pact of donor cytokine and cytokine receptor gene polymorphisms on acute rejection after renal transp
200                      However, the effects of gene polymorphisms on asthma severity and airway express
201 o assess the influence of IL-10 and TGFbeta1 gene polymorphisms on the development of acute rejection
202           We assessed the effects of non-HLA gene polymorphisms on the risk of islet autoimmunity (IA
203 For secondary VTE, a Q360H apolipoprotein A4 gene polymorphism (OR, 0.34; 95% CI, 0.18 to 0.65; P=0.0
204 =0.036) and a Q27E beta2-adrenergic receptor gene polymorphism (OR, 1.40; 95% CI, 1.09 to 1.79; P=0.0
205 FDR], P<0.0001), an N291S lipoprotein lipase gene polymorphism (OR, 3.09; 95% CI, 1.56 to 6.09; P=0.0
206              Evidence implicating individual gene polymorphisms (or haplotypes) within some of the li
207 e nuclear tandem repeat surfactant protein B gene polymorphism, patients were found to have either a
208 nt study, we tested the hypothesis that VEGF gene polymorphisms play a role in the treatment success
209 lex (MHC) class II and T-cell receptor (TCR) gene polymorphisms play important roles in rodent suscep
210 roliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)-gamma2 gene polymorphism Pro12Ala has been associated with incr
211 h) and lower regulatory (IL-10 low) cytokine gene polymorphism profile exhibited increased risk for l
212               Sheep with prion protein (PrP) gene polymorphisms QQ171 and RQ171 were shown to be susc
213  genetic component is divided between common gene polymorphisms, rare genomic copy number variants, a
214 y beta-adrenergic receptor signaling pathway gene polymorphisms, rather than race, are the major fact
215                                    Candidate gene polymorphisms related to inflammation, thrombosis a
216                                              Gene polymorphisms relating to serotonin transport and a
217 tly inherited AD, in addition to the at-risk gene polymorphisms responsible for late-onset AD, all in
218 bjects were genotyped for 276G/T adiponectin gene polymorphism (rs1501299) and rs2280789 and rs381765
219 r findings suggest that elevated mPFC NPY in gene polymorphism rs16147 carriers or after chronic stre
220                              Carriers of NPY gene polymorphism rs16147 have been reported to have ele
221     Vitamin D receptor (VDR) and the megalin gene polymorphism's link with longitudinal cognitive cha
222  al. report that in humans with a kallikrein gene polymorphism that lowers kallikrein activity, the b
223 den constitutes a rare example of a balanced gene polymorphism that maintains the FV Leiden mutation
224 den constitutes a rare example of a balanced gene polymorphism that may provide a survival advantage
225 response to bacterial LPS in humans, a human gene polymorphism that results in the amino acid substit
226                      This study identifies a gene polymorphism that strongly influences the lipid and
227 sing autosomal dominant mutations as well as gene polymorphisms that alter the risk for pathology ind
228 associated minor H antigens that result from gene polymorphisms that are balanced in the population a
229  number of weak alleles of MMR genes and MMR gene polymorphisms that are capable of interacting with
230 y that catheter infection is associated with gene polymorphisms that cause hypercoagulability or incr
231         Finally, I discuss several candidate gene polymorphisms that interact with childhood maltreat
232 candidate gene studies have identified a few gene polymorphisms that may be correlated with the syndr
233  with the goal of eventually identifying the gene polymorphisms that reside in these regions.
234 s to generate an integrative profile of QTL, genes, polymorphisms that determine BMD.
235 ncer susceptibility and inflammation-related gene polymorphisms, the authors conducted a series of me
236                        Two serotonin-related gene polymorphisms, the serotonin receptor 1A (5-HT1A) p
237                     The relationship between gene polymorphisms thought to modify tobacco-related can
238 dentified aGVHD severity-associated cytokine gene polymorphisms (TNFd and IL-10(-1064)) with severe a
239                    The contribution of novel gene polymorphisms to disease susceptibility and the seq
240 bution of clinical variables and transporter gene polymorphisms to statin concentration was assessed
241 en reported between vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene polymorphisms, type 1 diabetes, insulin secretion,
242       After determination of TGF-beta1 29C/T gene polymorphisms using tetra-primer amplification refr
243                                    The IL-10 gene polymorphism was a C-to-A exchange 571 base pairs u
244                                    CCSP A38G gene polymorphism was assessed in both lung donors and r
245 e nuclear tandem repeat surfactant protein B gene polymorphism was associated with a 3.51 greater odd
246    Baseline clinical data were recorded, ACE gene polymorphism was determined and serial blood sample
247                                        IL-10 gene polymorphism was not associated with CAD.
248                Finally, the FcgammaRIIIa F/V gene polymorphism was not associated with progression of
249        The TT genotype of 276G/T adiponectin gene polymorphism was significantly more frequent in NOD
250 tinct streptococcal clone, the extent of sic gene polymorphism was unexpected.
251                           Genotyping for MBL gene polymorphisms was performed and their distribution
252                            Concerning TREM-1 gene polymorphisms, we found that A/A genotype of the rs
253 of the aldosterone synthase CYP11B2 T(-344)C gene polymorphism were associated with a decreased risk
254 alciotropic hormones, and vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms were also assessed.
255 alpha (TNF-alpha) and interleukin-10 (IL-10) gene polymorphisms were assayed genotypically by PCR-SSP
256             Human TLR2, TLR4, TLR5, and TLR9 gene polymorphisms were assessed in 278 HBeAg-positive,
257                                    IFN-gamma gene polymorphisms were determined by polymerase chain r
258                                          OPN gene polymorphisms were evaluated in patients with alcoh
259                   Two inflammatory candidate gene polymorphisms were identified which were independen
260 enetic distributions of six different CYP1B1 gene polymorphisms were investigated, by sequence-specif
261       Glutathione-S-transferase mu 1 (GSTM1) gene polymorphisms were measured in children.
262                             TGFbeta1-codon10 gene polymorphisms were not associated with CAD.
263                                       COL1A1 gene polymorphisms were not associated with myopia in ou
264 on of TNF alleles of the -238, -308, or +252 gene polymorphisms were observed between patients and co
265                  Recently, COL1A1 and COL2A1 gene polymorphisms were reported to be associated with h
266                                 MAO-A and -B gene polymorphisms were strongly associated with total P
267                HLA-DRB1, HLA-DQB1, and TCRBV gene polymorphisms were studied in Thai individuals with
268 ociation of low-molecular-weight polypeptide gene polymorphism with susceptibility to acute anterior
269 ecipient TNF (TNFd) and IL-10 (IL-10(-1064)) gene polymorphisms with acute GVHD severity in matched s
270 nt component 2(C2)/complement factor B (CFB) gene polymorphisms with age-related macular degeneration
271                 Association of FcGR and TNFA gene polymorphisms with chronic periodontitis (CP) susce
272 e phospholipase domain-containing 3 (PNPLA3) gene polymorphisms with hepatic steatosis.
273 transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta1 29C/T gene polymorphisms with level of tissue breakdown and pe
274             The various association of these gene polymorphisms with malaria severity in different po
275 , which have linked proinflammatory cytokine gene polymorphisms with some of the structural and funct
276 gate the association of adiponectin and CCL5 genes polymorphisms with NODAT in a population of Caucas
277 rain morphology is the serotonin transporter gene polymorphism within the promoter region (5-HTTLPR).

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