


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 cytokines was detectable (</=5 ng/ml) in the general circulation.
2 on from the gastrointestinal system into the general circulation.
3 rocoagulant cells and enzymes that enter the general circulation.
4 tics to the local LNs and over time into the general circulation.
5 tters in projection neurons, and through the general circulation.
6 mediators to draining lymph nodes and to the general circulation.
7 to overcome dilution of these signals in the general circulation.
8 w to blood by accumulation of albumin in the general circulation.
9 f the Asian pollutant outflows on the global general circulation and climate.
10 orbed from the lumen of the gut to reach the general circulation and is then distributed to periphera
11 blood-brain barrier, a "barrier" between the general circulation and the CNS.
12 ccurs in the liver before glucose enters the general circulation, and that the glutamate-induced post
13              We identify an ensemble of five general circulation climate models whose output closely
14 acific storm track likely impacts the global general circulation due to its fundamental role in merid
15 ive clouds (DCCs) play a crucial role in the general circulation, energy, and hydrological cycle of o
16  analyzed the rate of virus clearance in the general circulation in rhesus macaques receiving a conti
17   We demonstrate how recent atmosphere-ocean general circulation model (AOGCM) simulations of the cli
18 tudied using an atmosphere and ocean coupled general circulation model (AOGCM).
19 differing climatic conditions generated by a general circulation model (GCM) in "normal" and "hosing"
20 gional climate models (RCMs) are driven with general circulation model (GCM) output--to produce fine-
21 ed a heat map approach along with downscaled general circulation model (GCM) projections of warming a
22  us to calibrate individual ice cores, prior general circulation model (GCM) studies have supported t
23 We first use simulations with an atmospheric general circulation model (GCM) that explicitly simulate
24 of Andean surface uplift with an atmospheric general circulation model (GCM) that tracks oxygen isoto
25 rd Institute for Space Studies (GISS) ModelE General Circulation Model (GCM) to the regional scale us
26 rid-box-scale temperature projections from a general circulation model (HadCM3).
27 ce ocean Hg inputs and losses using an ocean general circulation model (MITgcm) and an atmospheric ch
28  We have incorporated HR into an atmospheric general circulation model (the National Center for Atmos
29 mmer temperature changes by the NCAR CCSM4.0 general circulation model across the Arctic.
30              Comparisons of the data using a general circulation model and a simpler isotopic distill
31 Here we use a fully coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation model and an ice-sheet model to asse
32 hio current in the North Pacific sector of a general circulation model and dimensional reduction of a
33 EOS-Chem model coupled to meteorology from a general circulation model and focus on impacts to northe
34 ic growth of the inorganic sea salt within a general circulation model and show that a reduced hygros
35 member grand ensemble of simulations using a general circulation model and thereby explicitly resolvi
36 th Atlantic TC activity using the HadGEM2-ES general circulation model and various TC identification
37 r one representative concentration pathway x general circulation model combination, such uncertaintie
38  MLD and chlorophyll simulated with an Ocean General Circulation Model coupled to a biogeochemistry m
39 ns with NSIPP1 (version 1 of the atmospheric general circulation model developed at NASA's Goddard Sp
40               Using the eddy-resolving Ocean General Circulation Model for the Earth Simulator, we ge
41                            In an atmospheric General Circulation Model forced by observed sea surface
42                                          Our general circulation model outcomes did not reveal thresh
43                             Using downscaled general circulation model output, we calculate a WNV vec
44                          Simulations using a general circulation model reproduce the essential featur
45 th simulations of a coupled ocean-atmosphere general circulation model shows that both natural and an
46 ere we analyse a series of transient Coupled General Circulation Model simulations forced by changes
47                                   Subsequent general circulation model simulations show that the Sout
48 s demonstrated in a hierarchy of atmospheric general circulation model simulations with altered radia
49                                          Our general circulation model simulations, which take into a
50                  Results from an atmospheric general circulation model support this interpretation an
51         Results from a coupled sea ice-ocean general circulation model supported this hypothesis when
52 nse to this melt water pulse using a coupled general circulation model that explicitly tracks water i
53 Simulation results using an atmosphere-ocean general circulation model that includes estimates of the
54                                            A general circulation model that simulated changes in sola
55                            Using a numerical general circulation model to estimate moist static energ
56  simulations with a coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation model to identify the impacts of for
57 owth of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet using a general circulation model with coupled components for at
58        Here, we use an isotope-enabled ocean general circulation model with realistic geometry and fo
59 non was reproduced successfully by a coupled general circulation model, Flexible Global Ocean-Atmosph
60      Here we present predictions from a Mars general circulation model, indicating that the observed
61         When we combine these results with a general circulation model, some of the simulations resul
62  present in a fully coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation model, subject to a freshwater hosin
63                        Here we show, using a general circulation model, that substantially more sea-i
64            Here I present simulations with a general circulation model, using elevated carbon dioxide
65                               An atmospheric general circulation model, which assimilates data from d
66 echanism using simulations with an idealized general circulation model, with which we show that the e
67 tion, regional climate model nested within a general circulation model.
68 e using both a conceptual model and an ocean general circulation model.
69 easing surface nutrient drawdown in an ocean general circulation model.
70 hich is consistent with leaf physiognomy and general-circulation-model temperature estimates for the
71    We used output from four atmosphere-ocean general circulation models (AOGCMs; CCSM4, HadGEM2-CC, M
72 elie, Antarctica and projections of SIE from General Circulation Models (GCM) of Earth's climate incl
73  projected under five different global-scale General Circulation Models (GCMs) and two Representative
74                                              General circulation models (GCMs) are the tool for predi
75 erefore of great concern, especially as some general circulation models (GCMs) predict a severe dryin
76                                     However, general circulation models (GCMs) predict future increas
77  concentrations of atmospheric CO2, high-end general circulation models (GCMs) simulate an accumulati
78 odel Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) general circulation models (GCMs) suggest that warmer wi
79 tomology model with climate projections from general circulation models (GCMs) to predict changes in
80 g coarse resolution climate simulations from General Circulation Models (GCMs) to project future clim
81                                              General circulation models (GCMs), forced by sea surface
82 al period by an ensemble average of multiple general circulation models (GCMs).
83                     Results from two oceanic general circulation models (OGCMs), forced by observed w
84 recipitation predictions from five different general circulation models and atmospheric CO2 concentra
85 g climatic velocities derived from different general circulation models and emissions pathways was le
86        Using two presence-only models, seven General Circulation Models and four emission scenarios,
87 is significantly overestimated in most ocean general circulation models and simpler box models previo
88                              Variation among General Circulation Models and Species Distribution Mode
89  the ocean, and they suggest that most ocean general circulation models are overestimating oceanic an
90               We use downscaled outputs from general circulation models coupled with a hydrologic mod
91                                              General circulation models explain this dichotomy, predi
92                                              General circulation models have generally excluded the f
93 2005 and 2091-2100) from 29 Atmosphere-Ocean General Circulation Models implemented under CMIP5.
94 the ECHAM-4 model, implying that atmospheric general circulation models like ECHAM-4 can successfully
95 demonstrated in a number of simulations with general circulation models of the coupled ocean-atmosphe
96                                       Oceans general circulation models predict that global warming m
97                                  Atmospheric general circulation models represent aerosol-cloud inter
98 es to future climate simulated by a range of general circulation models run under all four representa
99 mprovement Project, and driven by outputs of general circulation models run under representative conc
100                                              General circulation models show that as the surface temp
101                                      Current general circulation models suggest that the increase in
102 hypothesis with the output of an ensemble of general circulation models to project the poleward range
103                                  Atmospheric general circulation models used for climate simulation a
104 sions; Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory General Circulation Models) on total forest C, tree spec
105  is supported by simulation experiments with general circulation models, additional support from fiel
106 nants for plant water use efficiency and for general circulation models, but a mechanistic understand
107 his time has been simulated with atmospheric general circulation models, but these relatively coarse
108 tion of four sources of variation (choice of general circulation models, emission scenarios and speci
109 les in the Amazon remain poorly simulated in general circulation models, exhibiting peak evapotranspi
110 CP4.5), and pessimistic (RPC8.5)-using three General Circulation Models, for the period 2061-2080.
111                                              General circulation models, however, simulate SST variab
112                         Using an ensemble of general circulation models, we find a robust increase in
113 ts and statistical downscaling from IPCC AR4 general circulation models, we project that gray snapper
114 sed variability in rainfall, a prediction of general circulation models, were assessed in native gras
115                        But the resolution of general circulation models, which are traditionally used
116 ries of greenhouse gas emissions, using five general circulation models.
117 e hitherto only been possible with expensive general circulation models.
118 ll patterns of response predicted by several general circulation models.
119 models or the comparison of predictions from general circulation models.
120  challenges conventional projections made by general circulation models.
121  interpretation of optical phase curves with general circulation models.
122 els and climate projections for 2030 from 20 general circulation models.
123 te change because they have not been seen in general circulation models.
124 teins have been found in soluble form in the general circulation of patients with atherosclerosis.
125 ntitatively by comparison with models of the general circulation of the Earth's mantle.
126 c delivery of drugs after injection into the general circulation or lymphatic systems.
127          The fact that MGP is present in the general circulation raises the question of whether ECMM
128 ctures may be sites of GnRH release into the general circulation since these structures were observed

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