


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nt was associated with SCD risk (P=0.008 for general model).
2 b-models also are precisely predicted by the general model.
3  rate models are suggested as steps toward a general model.
4 p of sequences, leading to an insufficiently general model.
5  better linearity than is obtained in a less general model.
6 tability estimates were lower using the more general model.
7 onsumer-resource models are derived from the general model.
8 simulations confirmed these findings for the general models.
9 rimental detail leads to the construction of general models.
10 nhibit enterotoxin activity may lead to more general models about toxin activity or entry into cells
11                                          The general model accommodates data from acorn woodpeckers a
12 minally associated with type 2 diabetes in a general model (additive P = 0.03, dominant P = 0.005) bu
13             Articulating these states into a general model allows for dissecting, comparing, and deri
14           We describe these both in terms of general modelling and addressing the specific conditions
15                                         This general modeling approach is potentially applicable to o
16 able to other locations (transferability) or general models are applicable to smaller areas (generali
17 rivations of the analyses, carried out for a general model, are provided in an Appendix.
18                    This paradigm may offer a general model as to how tissue-specific regulatory mecha
19 trait variation and partitioning suggested a general model based on four interconnected findings.
20                             Here we derive a general model, based on first principles of allometry an
21                                  We derive a general model, based on principles of biochemical kineti
22 t-output mapping for training stimuli, and a general model-based strategy that utilizes humans' defau
23                          We also developed a general, model-based approach to gauge the effects of fa
24 ration effect could yet be predicted using a general model built on refined wheat (adjusted R2: 0.998
25                            Here we develop a general model by combining memory effect and population-
26                                 We outline a general model by which corepressors and coactivators reg
27                      These results suggest a general model by which differential adhesion can be util
28 ned with data from the martian meteorites, a general model can be constructed that constrains the his
29                      There are currently two general models competing to explain the role of subjecti
30 sis of carbon-leaving group (C-LG) bonds, no general models connect structure to reactivity for heter
31                                        Three general models connect these patterns to anatomical evol
32 oaches have remained disconnected because no general models currently provide a means of directly com
33              We exhibit two examples of this general model describing assembly of dodecahedral and ic
34                                   A previous general model describing physical constraints on gamete
35 teria or insecticides) performed better than general models developed on all data.
36                                The resulting general model enables interpreting each phase of the dos
37          We examine the identifiability of a general model encompassing three such mechanisms: popula
38                      These results suggest a general model explaining how ATP hydrolysis is coupled t
39            Based on these data, we propose a general model explaining how expression of the MMO opero
40 own has a negligible effect, demonstrating a general model finding that varying the expression levels
41                 This Viewpoint outlines this general model, focusing on the specific example of Arabi
42                              We specify this general model for 11 generic consumer strategies that gr
43  first set a stochastic equation system as a general model for a heterogeneous quorum sensing network
44                         The data support the general model for ABC transporters in which the NBDs for
45  mechanism in striatal neurons and suggest a general model for achieving rapid posttranslational subu
46 id leukemia (AML) in mice is often used as a general model for AML.
47 e in APP regulation and may determine a more general model for amyloid generation as seen in AD.
48                   In this paper we present a general model for an information management system that
49 me of Wynberg's reaction and provides a new, general model for asymmetric cinchona organocatalysis.
50                      These results suggest a general model for auxin signalling in which the modulati
51                    Our discoveries suggest a general model for bacterial pathogens in which mutations
52                            We also propose a general model for birth-order-dependent neural specifica
53           Based on our results, we propose a general model for branching during maize inflorescence d
54 alleles of low frequency may serve as a more general model for complex genetic diseases, posing a sig
55                      These results suggest a general model for control of SCF activities.
56             X-ray diffraction data support a general model for crustaceans in which tails associate t
57             Herein we develop a rigorous and general model for defect formation in the presence of st
58 refore suggest an alternative to the current general model for DNA unwinding by hexameric helicases.
59 s of nuclear organization, contributing to a general model for enhancer function that involves direct
60 sistance with measured values, and provide a general model for examining the diversity gill morpholog
61 sphate pools, and from DNA, and we suggest a general model for excluding purine base analogs from DNA
62                                            A general model for FGF- and heparin-induced FGFR dimeriza
63 sm described in HIV-1 PR is proposed to be a general model for flap closing in retroviral aspartic pr
64                                 We present a general model for fluorescence quenching by hydrogen don
65 , genes, and gene expression, and provides a general model for gene evolution following whole-genome
66         Our findings allow us to formulate a general model for generation of periodic pattern in the
67 termediates are generated and may serve as a general model for highly processive travelling machines
68 lycan binding region of EBLs, and suggests a general model for how DBL domains evolve under dual sele
69 d an anti-ligase function in Emi1 suggests a general model for how E3 substrates evolve to become pse
70        Based on these findings, we propose a general model for how Hsp104 and related chaperones oper
71 nges in synaptic efficacy and may serve as a general model for how surface receptor number is establi
72       Our method is appropriate under a very general model for how the site influences the trait, inc
73                            We present here a general model for integrase family site-specific recombi
74                   The conversion serves as a general model for integration of multiple pathway resour
75 s interactions with lipid micelles provide a general model for interactions between TSPs, membranes,
76 stitutive transcriptional activator may be a general model for its oncogenic conversion in myeloid le
77 onformational changes in KirBac1.1 provide a general model for ligand-induced Kir channel gating at t
78                                 We propose a general model for Ni(2+) recognition in which betaHis81
79                        This study provides a general model for niche-induced fate determination in ad
80                     These findings suggest a general model for oncogenic complicon formation.
81        Based on these findings, we propose a general model for oncogenic mutants of p85 and p110 in w
82                                 We suggest a general model for paramyxovirus fusion activation in whi
83                                 We suggest a general model for paramyxovirus fusion activation in whi
84 yeast RFC-PCNA complex, thereby presenting a general model for PCNA loading by RFC in archaea and euk
85 s drawn from disturbance ecology to create a general model for population dynamics in disturbance-pro
86                     These findings suggest a general model for predicting the susceptibility of prote
87  of whether it is unique to humans or a more general model for primate vision.
88 se findings provide a structural basis and a general model for product specificity in PRMTs, which wi
89                                            A general model for protein degradation by the MPC is disc
90 s tandem BRCT domains and that this may be a general model for protein-protein interactions between D
91 n gels at the subpicomole level represents a general model for proteome studies relating genomic sequ
92 e we establish and experimentally validate a general model for Rayleigh scattering in FMFs.
93 ate at different residues and also suggest a general model for regulation of PRMTs.
94 orded from the rodent hippocampus suggests a general model for remembering episodes.
95                     These findings lead to a general model for Rho binding and translocation and esta
96                            Here we develop a general model for shell growth based entirely on the loc
97              We propose that this provides a general model for Smad4/MEDEA function in signaling by t
98                     The structure leads to a general model for specific ribosome recognition by amino
99 ses Igk germline transcription and provide a general model for STAT5-mediated epigenetic transcriptio
100  has recently established this organism as a general model for studying cytokinesis.
101                                 To provide a general model for studying the role of oligopeptide repe
102 om Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron and derive a general model for substrate translocation.
103        Beyond the AOB, this study presents a general model for synchronous infra-slow bursting in neu
104         The proposed mechanism may provide a general model for the antisickling effects of aldehyde c
105 ight-chain variable domains is proposed as a general model for the assembly of protein fibrils.
106  genetic relationships, leading to a revised general model for the biosynthesis of these virulence-co
107 production of IL-7 by thymic stroma may be a general model for the clinically observed adverse effect
108                        Our results suggest a general model for the conformational switch in the cycli
109                                 We present a general model for the Continuous Prisoner's Dilemma and
110 train divergence and evolution, as well as a general model for the discovery of functional mutations
111                        It may also suggest a general model for the evolutionary flexibility of conser
112 ly mammalian development and could provide a general model for the genomic response to acquisition of
113 CaM-Na(V)1.5 IQ motif complex can serve as a general model for the interaction between CaM and ion ch
114                    The suppressors outline a general model for the mechanism of suppression of the G6
115    These and other results further support a general model for the membrane specificity of the C2 dom
116 s of YAP2-type uORFs and also support a more general model for the mode of action of other known uORF
117 ve been subject to intense investigation, no general model for the molecular basis of nonadditive gen
118 stages of the infection is considered, and a general model for the pathogenesis of urinary tract infe
119                                 We present a general model for the Prisoner's Dilemma in which variab
120 es of mutated EGFR-CD45 chimeras supported a general model for the regulation of RPTPs, derived from
121                                 We propose a general model for the requirement of host RNA polymerase
122                             We now propose a general model for the role of Aha1 in the Hsp90 ATPase c
123  for other mammalian OBP-ligand complexes, a general model for the role of OBPs in mammalian olfactio
124 ther DNA processing pathways, and proposes a general model for the role of RPA in protein-mediated ha
125                  This requirement leads to a general model for the spreading and inheritance of silen
126                        Our results provide a general model for the stepwise process leading to genome
127                      These results lead to a general model for the synergistic function of activation
128 )-DNA cleavable complex, we have developed a general model for the ternary drug-DNA-TOP1 cleavable co
129 tify four additional TTN genes and present a general model for the titan phenotype.
130                 This approach may serve as a general model for the undertaking of population-specific
131 nd nociceptors expressing TRPM8, providing a general model for this form of cold-induced pain.
132                                       In the general model for transcription-coupled DNA repair, an R
133  role for the CY of FcgammaRIa and provide a general model for understanding how multiple receptors t
134                                 We present a general model for understanding the stereochemical cours
135                        We develop and test a general model for variation within and between species i
136                       Finally, we describe a general model for VNTR mutations that encompasses insert
137 ain structures has allowed us to formulate a general model for why most L27 domains form an obligate
138                                      To test general models for membrane-protein folding and to ident
139 ndividuals in the same analysis and to allow general models for the crossover process to incorporate
140                                   We present general models for the relationship between enhanced fus
141                                            A general model framework is presented here but a special
142    To overcome this limitation, we develop a general modeling framework to shed light on the relative
143                     We present and analyse a general modelling framework for systems where breeders a
144                      We shall discuss a more general modelling framework of interactions of structure
145 ell firing in the AcbSh is consistent with a general model from other pharmacological and electrophys
146                      Then, defining a rather general model Hamiltonian for the donor material, we sho
147                                            A general model has been proposed for the fusion mechanism
148                                          Two general models have been proposed for DNA replication.
149                                      Earlier general models have investigated when environmental pred
150     In this paper we provide evidence that a general model in the network science on opinion dynamics
151 ther membrane protein complexes has led to a general model in which a unique, ordered pathway is foll
152                         These data suggest a general model in which convergent maps use coincident ac
153 1 restriction in T cells, and they suggest a general model in which multiple APOBEC3 proteins functio
154 ucleic acids, a hypothesis consistent with a general model in which some modern biochemical systems r
155          It allows the formulation of a more general model in which stable PRD can be induced by a va
156 ibition and open probability, supporting the general model in which the bi-lobe motion in ATD regulat
157 ses of both cell types can be described by a general model in which the outputs of a set of linear fi
158 ation in cellular extracts and in terms of a general model in which VHR may be a general MAP kinase p
159                         By comparison with a general model, in which transmission probabilities and r
160                                        For a general model incorporating the role of succession or pa
161 account for these observations, we propose a general model incorporating unique opportunities for mei
162                                 We develop a general model incorporating viral dynamics and pharmacok
163                                     We use a general model, incorporating biological components and d
164 or experimental systems, incorporated into a general model, indicate that oncogenic stimuli lead to t
165                                            A general model indicates a marrow cell that can continual
166                           A quantitative and general model is derived for the interaction potential o
167                                          The general model is described and illustrated by examining
168                                            A general model is developed to characterize the effect of
169             On the basis of these results, a general model is proposed for the interfacial binding of
170                                            A general model is proposed whereby up to 10 levels of sig
171                                         This general model is tested in a matching task in which rewa
172                                          The general model is, typically, analytically intractable, b
173                                          Our general model may also be applicable to other small neur
174 r the tether material after crossover, and a general modeling method for tether pulling experiments.
175 results with computational simulations using general model networks and anatomical brain networks, as
176                   We introduce and analyze a general model of a population evolving over a network of
177                                 We present a general model of actin filament deformation and fragment
178                           Here, we develop a general model of admixture that mechanistically accounts
179 etailed quantitative agreement with a recent general model of allosteric cooperativity that exhibits
180 on of the mature T-cell compartment and as a general model of binary lineage decisions, the underlyin
181                        I then develop a very general model of cancer progression, which I use to expl
182                      These results support a general model of chaperone-mediated protein quality cont
183  reserve therefore provides an empirical yet general model of cognitive aging and development.
184                                            A general model of coronary vascular development should no
185                        Our results suggest a general model of cortical function, whereby horizontal c
186                                          The general model of covalently attaching a small protein as
187              Animal models have implicated a general model of crystal-induced inflammation involving
188 : a commonly used predator-prey model, and a general model of cyclic trophic interactions.
189                      These results suggest a general model of DMPK regulation with two main regulator
190                   In this paper we present a general model of drug release from a drug delivery devic
191                             Here we derive a general model of ecosystem respiration based on the kine
192                        However, we propose a general model of endemic stability that is applicable to
193 orage, and use these patterns to formulate a general model of energy allocation between growth, lipid
194 hese patterns we propose DEBlipid, a simple, general model of energy allocation that is closely relat
195                    We use the framework of a general model of fractal-like distribution networks toge
196 t about by "globalization," application of a general model of freedom based on ecological-economic fa
197 -specificity of HpTx2 and point the way to a general model of gating modifier toxin interaction with
198 propose hierarchical Gaussian processes as a general model of gene expression time-series, with appli
199                                      While a general model of H2 activation has been proposed for [Fe
200                      These results suggest a general model of how MADS-box proteins recognize and bin
201                     These findings suggest a general model of how pH-dependent proteinaceous inhibito
202                   Our observations lead to a general model of how substrates, such as ethanol, can re
203 rial dysfunction and cardiomyopathy and as a general model of inducible, reversible cardiomyopathy.
204                 In this review, we discuss a general model of integration of environmental cues by Tr
205 eoretical analysis of a previously-developed general model of inter-trial error correction is used to
206 ap sizes and shapes in the ectoderm, using a general model of interstitial gap mechanics.
207 We use our quantitative results to propose a general model of long-range electrostatic screening in i
208 rovide experimental evidence to support this general model of memristive electrical switching in oxid
209                               We find that a general model of morphological selectivity has a low pro
210                                            A general model of neural development is derived to fit 18
211  we extend this framework by linking it to a general model of parasite accumulation.
212                               Here, we use a general model of periodic patterning to show that differ
213 these findings support the conclusion that a general model of permeability will require consideration
214  to colocalize in RPE, CE, and MDCK cells, a general model of polarized epithelia.
215  also point to a new, biologically important general model of precise and selective interaction betwe
216                These results indicate that a general model of protein evolution will emerge as more f
217  can be fabricated on silicon, and suggest a general model of quantum-state fabrication using other c
218                             In this study, a general model of recombination in circular molecules is
219                            Here we develop a general model of recurrent selective sweeps in a coalesc
220 nder anoxic conditions and also serving as a general model of saturated pyrimidine residues.
221                                          The general model of selective sweeps we describe goes some
222      To provide the experimental basis for a general model of short-term plasticity, we studied three
223                             Here, we study a general model of spatially embedded networks with depend
224                         Here, we introduce a general model of spurious association in structured popu
225                           We describe here a general model of structural variation that encompasses b
226                                I construct a general model of the interactive feedbacks of host prefe
227                           We describe here a general model of the kinetic mechanism of protein foldin
228 learned joint torque responses rather than a general model of the object interface forces.
229       Replication concepts are defined and a general model of the steps in DNA replication is present
230 onstraints based on the previously developed general model of the transmembrane alpha-bundle for rhod
231             These observations also led to a general model of the unfolding transition state structur
232                                            A general model of this process, the territorial-expansion
233   The main conclusion of the study is that a general model of vasomotion that predicts experimental d
234                                 We develop a general model of word formation and demonstrate the conn
235             The results lead us to propose a general model of Zn2+ inhibition of GABAA receptors in w
236 ton acceptor or the tyrosine, in accord with general models of amino acid radicals.
237     Over 25 years of study have produced two general models of apoA-I structure in discoidal HDL comp
238                            We have developed general models of capsid assembly that describe the proc
239 perates in time will be necessary to develop general models of cognition.
240        This functional similarity has led to general models of elongation applicable to both eukaryot
241 iminish and it became incorporated into more general models of higher dysfunction.
242 ntemporary research reflects several themes: General models of job performance are being developed, t
243  spectrum in a finite population for several general models of multiallelic selection.
244 s age, many studies have claimed support for general models of range evolution in which the area occu
245                                           In general, modeling oil-recovery is a challenging problem
246                                              General models on the evolution of policing have focused
247                                          The general model organism database (GMOD) tool kit has prod
248 models of hourly PNC was limited, but that a general model performed acceptably in multiple areas whe
249 ng approaches, we are able to perform a more general model prediction that takes into account the sus
250                                          The general model presented advances previous treatments, an
251                      We end by considering a general model proposing that adult neurogenesis is not a
252                      We demonstrate that our general model provides a host of specific insights, incl
253              Our findings provide an initial general model relating small molecule binding and sequen
254                   We build an analytical and general model resulting from simplifications assuming sm
255 cts and tests whether the predictions of the general models still hold.
256 l correlation, provided as good a fit as the general model, suggesting that environmental and/or poly
257                                         This general model suggests that the roles of nicotinic and m
258 , we analyze the analytical predictions of a general model suitable for describing the spatial biodiv
259 ctal and rodent retinocollicular systems are general model systems used to examine developmental proc
260                                   However, a general model that accounts for the formation and evolut
261 putational work is remarkable and provides a general model that can be used for studying the interact
262 erized as part of an instantiation of a more general model that describes the interaction between und
263 functional theory calculations, we suggest a general model that enables prediction of the feasibility
264 onent analysis can be utilized to estimate a general model that includes the well-known Pritchard-Ste
265                                 We propose a general model that incorporates both such extreme hypoth
266 ing force in gradient dynamics, we develop a general model that is capable of capturing both subtle a
267 ard, as a possible explanation, a simple and general model that relates these data to the steric hind
268 inding regions in the parameter space of the general model that results in a quasispecies only compos
269                        Finally, we develop a general model that shows how these effects can be captur
270                          We then developed a general model that shows these individual fitness reduct
271 s an alternative, this study proposes a more general model that uses detailed organism and tissue com
272  different environments - we achieved a more general model that well-predicted leaf age across forest
273                                          Two general models that are consistent with the biochemical
274 rate our knowledge, it is necessary to build general models that begin with an input image and predic
275 ween theory and data, we study a simple, but general, model that explicitly focuses on the dynamics o
276                                           In general, models that allow chimps to have a larger per-r
277 ecent studies question whether the classical general model (the Jeffress model) applies across specie
278                 Under the conditions of this general model, the maximum expected correlation between
279        This approach results in a simple and general model to account for product accumulation in int
280                  We have recently proposed a general model to account for these atypicalities in Baye
281 divergence, containing the foundations for a general model to anticipate and predict within-target-fa
282                                 We develop a general model to describe both loss of immunity in the a
283                           Here, we present a general model to show that this type of interaction can
284                                We apply this general model to study assembly of FtsZ protein, a basic
285            We attempt to test three possible general models to account for this behavior: 1) The Q(o)
286 ition of distinct island geodynamics permits general models to be developed and modified to account f
287                                    Thus, the general model unifies the four major models of reproduct
288 with alpha-quaternary centers, have led to a general model useful for the prediction of product selec
289                                            A general model was applied to discriminate high-quality n
290                                            A general model was developed to assist in the rational de
291                                         This general model was tested within a phylogenetically infor
292                                      Using a general model we predict the qualitative and quantitativ
293                            Here we examine a general model where population growth can be induced or
294 ion of the transition density function for a general model where the effective population size, selec
295  ubiquitous in nature, our results support a general model whereby antagonistic interactions and natu
296                       Our findings support a general model whereby DNA ligand binding with VirD4 and
297        This approach forms the basis for our general model, which predicts sites on drugs that are su
298  in two ways-by considering (analytically) a general model with a minimal number of assumptions and,
299  that was a thousand-fold larger than a more general model within which the first model was fully nes
300 less than or equal to the probability of the general model within which the special case is nested.

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