


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 with del22q11 syndrome and the tools for its genetic dissection.
2 that the projection of the BN is amenable to genetic dissection.
3 e receptor diversity in a system amenable to genetic dissection.
4                                              Genetic dissection and expression profiling revealed tha
5 y neurons in the BNST, which will facilitate genetic dissection and functional studies of BNST subreg
6 nants in the intracellular life cycle, using genetic dissection and photothermal nanoblade delivery,
7       In this work, we demonstrate, by using genetic dissection and sensitive GC measurements, that t
8       This system will be invaluable for HPV genetic dissection and serves as a faithful ex vivo mode
9 targeting constructs greatly facilitates the genetic dissection and subsequent biochemical investigat
10     By combining behavioral experiments with genetic dissection and ultrastructural analyses, we show
11 g autoimmune diseases especially amenable to genetic dissection by genome-wide association studies.
12                            Combined chemical/genetic dissection can identify nodal points in developm
13                                              Genetic dissection has revealed the symbiosis signaling
14 phyll species has been recently described by genetic dissection, however the in vivo role of carotene
15                          Pharmacological and genetic dissection in situ and in a heterologous express
16                             Furthermore, our genetic dissection indicates that FANCM functions with t
17 raction, through redesign of this domain and genetic dissection into three parts: a protein domain te
18                               Moreover, such genetic dissection is essential for the generation of pe
19                                              Genetic dissection is yielding insights into the molecul
20 ntify disease mechanisms and etiology, their genetic dissection may be assisted by evaluation of link
21            This field is now moving toward a genetic dissection of 3-phosphoinositide action in a var
22                  These results indicate that genetic dissection of a complex trait, functional annota
23 rful genetic system enabling reliable serial genetic dissection of a large gene family encoding novel
24 ts a novel and relevant system for molecular genetic dissection of a neural circuit that is regulated
25                                          The genetic dissection of a simple avoidance reaction behavi
26 s, for detecting evolutionary trends and the genetic dissection of adaptive traits.
27                 Here, we employ quantitative genetic dissection of an Arabidopsis thaliana developmen
28 rhabditis elegans is a widely used model for genetic dissection of animal behaviors.
29 mediate phenotypes provide crucial tools for genetic dissection of anxiety.
30             This molecular, biochemical, and genetic dissection of ARG function in L. mexicana promas
31  recent new developments in biomechanics and genetic dissection of behavior, and the impact this know
32 non-coding genetic variants in the molecular genetic dissection of brain disorders.
33  data and reverse-genetics resources for the genetic dissection of C. neoformans phenotypes.
34 ves the way for a macrophage-based Mendelian genetic dissection of CD.
35           Here, we present a biochemical and genetic dissection of centralspindlin.
36 rt activity in vivo in a model amenable to a genetic dissection of CHO-1 regulation.
37  model will enable a sophisticated molecular genetic dissection of cold nociceptive genes and circuit
38  provides the foundation for a more complete genetic dissection of collagen type IV molecules and the
39                                 However, the genetic dissection of complex diseases can be greatly fa
40 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) allow genetic dissection of complex diseases in a holistic man
41                Sibships are commonly used in genetic dissection of complex diseases, particularly for
42 ls for regenerative therapy will require the genetic dissection of complex regulatory mechanisms gove
43 eity and incomplete penetrance make thorough genetic dissection of complex traits difficult, if not i
44                                        Thus, genetic dissection of complex traits into specific biobe
45                                          The genetic dissection of complex traits may ultimately requ
46 lysis of quantitative traits will facilitate genetic dissection of complex traits.
47 to accelerate breeding and to facilitate the genetic dissection of complex traits.
48 mbinant inbred lines (RILs) designed for the genetic dissection of complex traits.
49 tion studies (GWAS) have been widely used in genetic dissection of complex traits.
50                                              Genetic dissection of complex, polygenic trait variation
51 s, it is now feasible to launch a program of genetic dissection of cortical circuits through systemat
52 tem, with its unparalleled opportunities for genetic dissection of development and functional organiz
53 tions generated by REMI have facilitated the genetic dissection of developmental pathways in Dictyost
54 e an attractive system for the molecular and genetic dissection of developmental pathways in vitro.
55 nogaster is a widely used model organism for genetic dissection of developmental processes.
56                                              Genetic dissection of disease QTL confidence intervals i
57 n improved strategy that can be used towards genetic dissection of diseases.
58                                          The genetic dissection of domain function has been stymied i
59   Because redundancy is thought to limit the genetic dissection of early ABA signalling, to identify
60 lupus susceptibility loci will permit future genetic dissection of end-organ susceptibility in murine
61 netic context, opening up the possibility of genetic dissection of epigenetic inheritance.
62 chanisms and set the stage for the molecular genetic dissection of factors underlying such traits.
63                                          Our genetic dissection of fission yeast CTD function provide
64                                The molecular genetic dissection of flowering time control in Arabidop
65 nogenesis in all vertebrates and allow for a genetic dissection of genes needed to establish the earl
66                                              Genetic dissection of HGF signaling via c-MET reveals th
67                                          The genetic dissection of hot spots for chromosomal abnormal
68 ures as an important experimental system for genetic dissection of HPV regulatory elements.
69           After years of linear gains in the genetic dissection of human disease we are now in a peri
70                                              Genetic dissection of human systemic lupus erythematosus
71 nderstand complex, non-Mendelian phenotypes, genetic dissection of hypertension-related traits employ
72 cell lines provide a tractable model for the genetic dissection of immunoglobulin hypermutation and t
73 DD is a promising intermediate phenotype for genetic dissection of impulsivity and externalizing spec
74 eceptor 3-specific connectome useful for the genetic dissection of inborn errors of Toll-like recepto
75 inical and immunological impact of the human genetic dissection of infectious phenotypes.
76                                              Genetic dissection of lupus pathogenesis in the NZM2410
77                                              Genetic dissection of M. tuberculosis is complicated by
78 nce (UAS)-GAL4 binary system has facilitated genetic dissection of many biological processes in Droso
79  interference, these methods will facilitate genetic dissection of meiotic recombination control.
80 nstrate the suitability of the mouse for the genetic dissection of microdeletion syndromes.
81                 Our results open the door to genetic dissection of mitochondrial Ca(2+) signaling in
82 vironmental risk factors has complicated the genetic dissection of more prevalent essential hypertens
83 rphogenesis genes, posing a challenge to the genetic dissection of morphogenesis mechanisms.
84       To address these questions, we began a genetic dissection of myelination in zebrafish.
85  in specific cell types is essential for the genetic dissection of neural circuits.
86                                          The genetic dissection of NIDDM allowed us to map up to six
87  nociception and the power of Drosophila for genetic dissection of nociception.
88 lts in a thin eggshell phenotype, allowing a genetic dissection of origin regulation.
89                                          The genetic dissection of other adaptive traits in Aquilegia
90 e approach developed can also facilitate the genetic dissection of other dynamic processes, including
91                                 However, the genetic dissection of PARP function has been hindered by
92  and thus should provide an animal model for genetic dissection of pathways contributing to the disea
93                      Using pharmacologic and genetic dissection of PI3K/mTOR signaling, dual DDR/mTOR
94                                          The genetic dissection of PKD allowed us to map on rat chrom
95                                          The genetic dissection of PKD in the cross allowed us to det
96 ding positional cloning of monogenic traits, genetic dissection of polygenic traits, construction of
97                       Our work initiates the genetic dissection of posterior body morphogenesis and l
98 rons through a combined pharamacological and genetic dissection of presynaptic pH homeostatic mechani
99 legans to investigate this question, through genetic dissection of process outgrowth both in vivo and
100 ntitative phenotypes can be used for in vivo genetic dissection of protein mechanism in Arabidopsis.
101 ive trait loci (QTLs) is a powerful tool for genetic dissection of QDR.
102  with luxCDABE should greatly facilitate the genetic dissection of quantitative differences in gene-f
103 ymorphism detection will greatly advance the genetic dissection of quantitative traits in model organ
104                                              Genetic dissection of regulatory and metabolic attribute
105 ogressive renal failure, suggesting that the genetic dissection of renal failure in humans will requi
106 of RHD3 regulation, we conducted a molecular genetic dissection of RHD3 gene expression and function.
107 a and demonstrated the use of the network in genetic dissection of rice biotic stress responses and i
108 nes, provides a solid foundation for further genetic dissection of rubber related traits, comparative
109 D occurring during this period, we undertook genetic dissection of seven currently known Drosophila c
110                                              Genetic dissection of signaling in model organisms along
111                                              Genetic dissection of signaling pathways in mammalian ce
112 osophila may serve as a model system for the genetic dissection of sleep.
113                  Thus, our studies present a genetic dissection of SLIT/ROBO signaling during organ d
114 me-scale mutant libraries may facilitate the genetic dissection of such complex phenotypes but with l
115 tant role in phenotypic variability, yet the genetic dissection of such phenomena remains challenging
116 e in budding yeast provides a foundation for genetic dissection of the biological functions of SR pro
117              We also provide new data on the genetic dissection of the cell death pathways operative
118  phyla and set the stage for a sophisticated genetic dissection of the cellular and molecular alterat
119  Altogether, this information will allow the genetic dissection of the characters involved in the dom
120                                 A successful genetic dissection of the circadian regulation of behavi
121 ishes a behavioral paradigm that will enable genetic dissection of the circuits underlying polarizati
122 de heritable quantitative phenotypes for the genetic dissection of the complex condition of atheroscl
123 methods allow pharmacological inhibition and genetic dissection of the determinants of fungal pathoge
124                                            A genetic dissection of the diabetes syndrome has been car
125 fying loci contributing to BP-I risk and for genetic dissection of the disorder.
126 ironments are not significantly disrupted by genetic dissection of the domains.
127 ts, and provide, to our knowledge, the first genetic dissection of the downstream signaling events in
128 development of diagnostic DNA markers is the genetic dissection of the factors that control resistanc
129 ant Arabidopsis provides many advantages for genetic dissection of the function of this conserved act
130                           Here, we present a genetic dissection of the functions of the hemopexin and
131 eview is the anticipation that the molecular genetic dissection of the integrated host immune, stress
132 ol of TNF-alpha cytolysis must await further genetic dissection of the introduced Ad genes.
133   This model has made possible a step in the genetic dissection of the learning, behavioral, and neur
134                            Here we provide a genetic dissection of the mcm5 gene in Drosophila that d
135 um swarm colonies is an effective method for genetic dissection of the mechanism of light sensing in
136                             However, further genetic dissection of the mechanism of this enhanced cyt
137                                          The genetic dissection of the molecular mechanisms of the C.
138              However, this approach requires genetic dissection of the multiple functions attributed
139 s, and provides the basis for the systematic genetic dissection of the PNS-hematopoietic axis in the
140 ular entry, and it offers the possibility of genetic dissection of the polyamine transport process, i
141                                     Toward a genetic dissection of the processes involved in aging, a
142                                The molecular genetic dissection of the QTLs affecting stay-green will
143                                              Genetic dissection of the regions flanking the bscN gene
144 tion comes a unique opportunity to perform a genetic dissection of the regulation of excitability of
145 t strains were created that enabled chemical-genetic dissection of the role of different functional g
146  that this type of screening strategy allows genetic dissection of the roles of various plant defense
147 ity of R. centenum has allowed us to perform genetic dissection of the signaling pathway that affects
148  by a combination of two-hybrid analysis and genetic dissection of the target pathways.
149 ledge, we present the results of a molecular genetic dissection of the TFIID subunit Taf2.
150 als via males, providing the opportunity for genetic dissection of the trait.
151                                          The genetic dissection of these interactions presents specia
152               These studies will now allow a genetic dissection of these processes in moss.
153  components of BP psychopathology may enable genetic dissection of this complex disorder, and investi
154                                              Genetic dissection of this developmental coordination sh
155  dominant sterile hermaphrodites, permitting genetic dissection of this kinase.
156  group level in Drosophila and expect that a genetic dissection of this phenomenon will identify cons
157 osophila Hsp90, setting the stage for future genetic dissection of this phenomenon.
158                                            A genetic dissection of this problem is afforded by the mi
159                  We report in this paper the genetic dissection of this putative operon to determine
160 the CC population can be a powerful tool for genetic dissection of this trait.
161                                          The genetic dissection of various human infectious diseases
162 a should provide a valuable tool for further genetic dissection of VDAC role(s) in mitochondrial biol
163  time provided the basis for a comprehensive genetic dissection of vertebrate development using the t
164                                              Genetic dissection of xanthophyll metabolism in the gree
165        To examine the utility of r-cores for genetic dissections of mu1 functions in reovirus entry,
166 onstrate a powerful new system for molecular genetic dissections of sigma1 with respect to its struct
167                                    Likewise, genetic dissections of the defense response of the nonve
168    This perspective derives both from early "genetic dissections" of learning in mutant Drosophila by
169                  Here, we used a CRISPR/Cas9 genetic dissection strategy combined with sensitive and
170            Here we conducted a cell-specific genetic dissection study in conditional mutant mice that
171                                              Genetic dissection suggests that Abl functions via Fz/Ds
172  a highly heritable trait which may yield to genetic dissection through use of quantitative trait loc
173  closely related Solanaceae have precluded a genetic dissection, we captured and compared meristem ma
174                 Using in vivo recordings and genetic dissection, we identified the DEG/ENaC protein,
175        This study demonstrates by a complete genetic dissection why the inheritance pattern of S-HSCR

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