


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 s, pairwise F(st) (theta) and Nei's standard genetic distance.
2 etermined using taxonomic classification and genetic distance.
3  dussertorum and relate these differences to genetic distance.
4 d Asian) and with respect to interpopulation genetic distance.
5 ormative meioses, a rate consistent with the genetic distance.
6  discriminant analysis and common measure of genetic distance.
7 nucleotides shared MRCA is reciprocal to the genetic distance.
8 eographical distance between populations and genetic distance.
9 atic pressures, and the ratio of physical to genetic distance.
10 sion process that progresses with increasing genetic distance.
11 linkage disequilibrium (LD) as a function of genetic distance.
12  were defined as >/=2 sequences with </=1.5% genetic distance.
13 ecies pairs of Darwin's finches at different genetic distances.
14 y other organisms, and on the measurement of genetic distances.
15 ts the precision of estimates of four common genetic distances.
16 ore with ethnohistorical distances than with genetic distances.
17  to show that these estimates correlate with genetic distances.
18 g to marked distortions between physical and genetic distances.
19 e sequencing identified 33 cases with little genetic distance (0-6 SNPs) between strains, deemed rela
20 rs were identified using 104 combinations of genetic distance (1%-2.5%) and bootstrap (50%-100%) thre
21 sequilibrium and haplotype sharing over long genetic distances (5-15 cM).
22  significantly higher than the intraspecific genetic distance according to the barcoding gap analysis
23 tion to maximize immunogenicity and minimize genetic distance across circulating strains may enhance
24                                              Genetic distances across a1-sh2 varied twofold among gen
25                                              Genetic distances across the a1-sh2 interval varied thre
26            When the three loci were removed, genetic distances across the remaining seven loci were m
27                                    We tested genetic distance against different measures of geographi
28 s far greater than could be accounted for by genetic distance alone.
29 ed/deduced by the comparison of physical and genetic distances along chromosomes and ratios of solo L
30                       However, mitochondrial genetic distances also correlate with the distance requi
31                                     The mean genetic distance among all serovars varied from 0.1% for
32                                              Genetic distance among Lassa strains was found to correl
33                                          The genetic distance among mtDNAs bearing the pathogenic 155
34 hropod community phenotype is related to the genetic distance among plants that these arthropods depe
35      For both S. oviceps and S. dussertorum, genetic distance among populations is related to larval
36 t and evaluated results against estimates of genetic distance among populations of anemonefish, Amphi
37                                      Greater genetic distance among the more common varieties on the
38                            For both methods, genetic distances among a set of markers can be estimate
39                                              Genetic distances among all pairs of populations show a
40 xed individual samples) and by incorporating genetic distances among haplotypes in measures of geneti
41                                              Genetic distances among HCV variants within recently inf
42  E1-HVR1 sequences demonstrated higher serum genetic distances among HCV/human immunodeficiency virus
43 e polymorphic, and the SINE1 insertion-based genetic distances among populations reflected geographic
44  and mouse metabolomes diverge following the genetic distances among species, we detect remarkable ac
45 r multiple mutational events, we carried out genetic distance analysis and phylogenetic analysis of 1
46                                     However, genetic distance analysis indicated that the chicken int
47  a result that was further supported through genetic distance analysis.
48                          Based on phylogeny, genetic distance and clustering patterns, we set out pra
49                                 Intrasubject genetic distance and entropy were highest in hypervariab
50 st showed no significant correlation between genetic distance and geographical distance among A. sutu
51 icant decline of linkage disequilibrium with genetic distance and low levels of background linkage di
52 p, intrasample hypervariable region 1 (HVR1) genetic distance and nonsynonymous substitutions increas
53                      On a global scale, both genetic distance and phonemic distance between populatio
54                                   First, the genetic distance and phylogenetic differentiation betwee
55 s exhibited significant differences in Nei's genetic distance and SBI typing.
56                            Using measures of genetic distance and spatial autocorrelation, we compare
57 te the maximum among-population variation to genetic distance and then examine the remaining variatio
58                 We compared several types of genetic distances and calculated a threshold, using mini
59                 A strong association between genetic distances and lake-level changes suggests that h
60 l is supported by the results of analyses of genetic distances and lineage sharing.
61                          With correlation of genetic distances and nearest genetic distances with pre
62 ps of OlVs were distinguished based on their genetic distances and on the inversion of a central 32-k
63 the depiction of adaptive landscapes showing genetic distances and probabilities of travel along thei
64 e Chinese swine breeds were used to estimate genetic distances and times of breed divergence.
65                         However, analyses of genetic distances and tree topologies revealed different
66 tic clustering, shared resistance mutations, genetic distance, and estimated infection dates.
67 unt was positively correlated with HCV load, genetic distance, and Ka.
68 nificantly higher CD4+-cell count, HCV load, genetic distance, and Ka/Ks than those infected with gen
69 tly increased number of HCV clones, entropy, genetic distance, and ratio of nonsynonymous substitutio
70 correlations between caste rank distance and genetic distance are demonstrated for Tamil castes using
71                        The direct effects of genetic distances are negligible and only their common e
72                                        Large genetic distances are observed among African populations
73 d nine different phylogenetic subtypes whose genetic distances are similar to those reported for the
74 which is inferred from the data, just as the genetic distances are.
75 ustering, principal components, and pairwise genetic distance as converging approaches, we identified
76 Hadzabe and Jumid R:'hoansi are separated by genetic distance as great or greater than that between a
77  than the traditional molecular evolutionary genetic distance), as estimated from the HGC.
78 al regions of deletions, one spanning a 5 cM genetic distance at 6p25 and a second site of 10.3 cM de
79  whereas landscape barriers better predicted genetic distance at higher elevations.
80 analyses showed that there was a significant genetic distance at zero divergence times.
81 pecies are strongly isolated in testcrosses, genetic distances at 108 microsatellite loci and 14 sequ
82 ulation) are necessary to precisely estimate genetic distances at loci with high levels of polymorphi
83 allowed precise mapping and determination of genetic distances at the 0.1-cM level in several of thes
84                                          The genetic distance averaged 0.3911, ranging from 0.016 to
85 irus populations in their blood, with median genetic distances averaging 1.08% in the env C2V5 region
86  or soft sweeps-even those occurring a large genetic distance away from the simulated locus.
87                         Correlations between genetic distances based on Alu and nuclear RSPs, short t
88 the previous study, phylogenetic analyses of genetic distances based on the microsatellite loci indic
89       A multidimensional scaling analysis of genetic distances, based on mtDNA lineage-cluster freque
90 urpose, we fitted a statistical model of the genetic distance between 37 tsetse populations sampled i
91 the strength of divergent selection, and the genetic distance between a marker and the QTL on the per
92                        There was evidence of genetic distance between different geographic regions by
93                                 The sizeable genetic distance between DRC60 and ZR59 directly demonst
94                                          The genetic distance between each isolate, as estimated by W
95  analysis of 1205 F2 plants to determine the genetic distance between each of these S -linked genes a
96 ngth of this association and the substantial genetic distance between FY and AT3 emphasize the import
97  parasite beta diversity and geographical or genetic distance between host populations.
98                                          The genetic distance between hybridizing parents affects het
99                                  Analysis of genetic distance between isolates was consistent with th
100 crosatellite data, we document a substantial genetic distance between Kryptolebias marmoratus and K.
101 nd although BLD was significantly related to genetic distance between markers it was not spread unifo
102 n was supported by the fact that the average genetic distance between members of AluYb8 in each GC wi
103 .621), but Na(+) was correlated with greater genetic distance between milk and blood HIV-1 population
104 ociation between milk Na(+) and the pairwise genetic distance between milk and blood viral sequences
105 netically unique among known PNPs with equal genetic distance between PNPs and uridine phosphorylases
106 thematical basis for suggesting a measure of genetic distance between populations based on microsatel
107 ncrease the probability of transmission with genetic distance between previously immunizing virus and
108                These rates increase with the genetic distance between sequences, the length of conver
109 wo or more markers with extraordinarily high genetic distance between subpopulations were identified
110  than in either Asians or Europeans, and the genetic distance between the Asian and the European popu
111  G-protein-coupled receptor genes, the large genetic distance between the human type 1 and type 2 neu
112                                          The genetic distance between the markers was twofold smaller
113                                          The genetic distance between the most-centromeric deleted lo
114                                   The barley genetic distance between the pM13 marker and Rpg1 was 0.
115  distance between incident case subjects and genetic distance between their HCV variants were uncorre
116              This approach revealed that the genetic distance between these hepaciviruses likely prev
117                                          The genetic distance between these two loci is approximately
118 have been proposed to infer the unobservable genetic distance between two loci from the observable re
119 ber of variants) and genetic diversity (mean genetic distance between variants).
120                 The analysis of the observed genetic distances between adjacent genes vs. the theoret
121                                              Genetic distances between American Indians and HapMap po
122                              To decrease the genetic distances between candidate immunogens and field
123 enetic markers that depend critically on the genetic distances between compared "reference strains."
124 d strong phylogeographic monophyly and large genetic distances between N. n. nebulosa (mainland) and
125  were no significant differences in pairwise genetic distances between ordered and disordered sequenc
126 f HIV pol sequences and Bayesian analysis of genetic distances between pol sequences from index-partn
127  the proportion the variation in a matrix of genetic distances between populations that is explained
128 hic Ancestry Positioning (GAP) relates local genetic distances between samples to their spatial dista
129 gnment techniques are used here to calculate genetic distances between sequence pairs.
130  than those that relied solely upon pairwise genetic distances between sequences.
131                       As also predicted, the genetic distances between taxa that exhibit female invia
132 isolates from all patients indicated smaller genetic distances between than within patients in most c
133 cept gp41, nef, and the 3' half of pol), the genetic distances between the infecting viruses and the
134 pairs) were assumed to be identical, and the genetic distances between the strains were calculated.
135                 We first calculated pairwise genetic distances between the subjects' nasal wash sampl
136  in these categories revealed unusually high genetic distances between the two most diverged populati
137 gn these probabilistic sequences and compute genetic distances between them.
138                                              Genetic distances between these hybrids and their offspr
139 hen the nucleotides are separated by a large genetic distance, but share MRCA, the genealogies will s
140 rst with geographic distances, and then with genetic distances, but not at all with ethnohistoric dis
141                                        Nei's genetic distance calculated from core genome single nucl
142                             Benefits of such genetic distance calculations are illustrated by an anal
143                                              Genetic distances can also compensate for varying inform
144                  Graphical representation of genetic distances can assist in determining if the disap
145                     Here we report that this genetic distance correlates with natural variation and e
146 fied by maximum-likelihood phylogeny using a genetic distance cutoff of </= 1.5%.
147 t patients (63%) had small QS diversity with genetic distance (d) less than 0.2.
148 to analyze the successes and failures of the genetic distances (delta(mu))(2) and D(SW) when used to
149 ission routes using both shared variants and genetic distance, demonstrating that shared variants can
150 posed method yields a robust estimate of the genetic distance despite stochastic errors and occasiona
151                    Both sequence entropy and genetic distances during the hepatitis E acute phase wer
152            First-degree relatives at similar genetic distances (eg, parents, siblings, and offspring)
153                                   We compare genetic distances estimated from mitochondrial DNA with
154 ared by any given pair of isolates and their genetic distances estimated from the MLEE data.
155                                              Genetic distance estimates revealed that Gujjars were cl
156 ity to Europeans than to eastern Asians, and genetic distance estimates to the Europeans are ordered
157  resolving power and produce more consistent genetic distance estimates.
158 e sufficient to obtain accurate and reliable genetic distance estimates.
159    This is borne out by the relatively small genetic distances even in the intronic regions, which ar
160 ociations among SNPs over great physical and genetic distances, even in African populations.
161 (-5) per year, respectively) and the minimal genetic distances existing between these and historical
162 ial changes in genetic diversity (theta) and genetic distance (F(ST)) over the last three generations
163                                      Roger's genetic distance for about 64% of the pairs of lines fel
164              If the null hypothesis that the genetic distances for isolates within and between source
165 e computer-generated sequences are a shorter genetic distance from any two contemporary virus sequenc
166  were genetically divergent, showing as much genetic distance from each other as from the entire SIVs
167 mission, the authors calculated the smallest genetic distance from each patient sample to all other s
168 xample, height is predicted to decrease with genetic distance from Europeans, despite robust anthropo
169 eport that whereas this ratio increases with genetic distance from genes across populations, it is lo
170                      H. acinonychis ' modest genetic distance from H. pylori, its ability to infect m
171                     The ratio of sex-average genetic distance from the Genethon and CHLC genetic link
172 stinct subset, held at a relatively constant genetic distance from the majority of the population thr
173  the strength of a species' response and its genetic distance from the pheromone sequence source geno
174 o far and that X-Y divergence increases with genetic distance from the pseudoautosomal region.
175 iciency virus (HIV) infections and a similar genetic distance from the SIV239 vaccine as intraclade H
176                                          The genetic distance from the various P1 clones to the most
177 ophilum as a monophyletic lineage with large genetic distances from any other ITS2 C3 type found outs
178 ture of linkage disequilibrium (LD) by using genetic distances from LD maps and provides a location f
179 ; 2 of 10 by viral evolution with increasing genetic distances from the most recent common ancestor (
180 stant mutants; and 6 of 10 by maintenance of genetic distances from the MRCA.
181                                 We find that genetic distances (FST and population branch statistics)
182               The study estimated a moderate genetic distance (GD) that will facilitate transfer of u
183                                              Genetic distances (GDs) among parents were estimated wit
184 the population structure of N. meningitidis (genetic distance, &gt;0.425), whereas exl2 and exl3 were fo
185                         Relatives at similar genetic distances had similar risks for OCD, despite dif
186                                 Estimates of genetic distance have proven accurate, but previous calc
187 st two examples, as does the fact that these genetic distances have large stochastic variance.
188 unity among viruses is correlated with their genetic distance in the phylogenetic tree of the paramyx
189                      We find that the lowest genetic distance in this dataset is between modern Armen
190 ine-scale correlation between geographic and genetic distance in this population.
191 en shown to more accurately reflect accurate genetic distances in highly variable regions of rRNA gen
192                                 Estimates of genetic distance indicated that the controls and the cla
193 r results suggest that the optimal choice of genetic distance is based upon splitting a DNA sequence
194                                         This genetic distance is expressed in terms of a ratio of com
195 the efficiency is not limiting even when the genetic distance is maximized.
196                      The average intermarker genetic distance is ~1.7 cM.
197 nd the sharp decline in risk with increasing genetic distance, it cannot fully explain the geographic
198                                  Besides the genetic distance, LD is also affected by many factors, s
199                   The group of patients with genetic distance located in the decay region (d>0.53) ha
200 th bootstrap or posterior support >/=90% and genetic distance &lt;/=4.5%).
201                                          The genetic distance (mean +/- standard deviation) between i
202 ns or species, and some authors proposed new genetic distance measures for this purpose.
203 a very general multivariate method, based on genetic distance methods, (ii) illustrate it for multial
204  cell functions are conserved across varying genetic distance, much of a given organism's essential g
205                                        Large genetic distance, multiple genetically fixed nucleotide
206  strain divergence for each gene approaching genetic distances observed for FIV between different spe
207 c analysis of sampled HIV pol genotypes at a genetic distance of <1.5%.
208 iously fine-mapped the kat(2J) mutation to a genetic distance of 0.28 +/- 0.12 centimorgan between D8
209 n the proximal region of the X chromosome, a genetic distance of 0.57 cM exists between markers that
210                This fragment covers a barley genetic distance of 0.6 cM and a rice DNA physical dista
211 e of approximately 300 kb corresponding to a genetic distance of 0.9 cM.
212  distinct subregions separated by a variable genetic distance of 15-30 cM.
213                    The linkage map covered a genetic distance of 1811 cM with an average marker inter
214 cal interval between D11S4205 and D11S913, a genetic distance of 2.9 cM, equivalent to approximately
215  a cellular senescence gene, SEN16, within a genetic distance of 3 - 7 cM, at 16q24.3.
216 .28 cM (P = 0.002) and a pair of loci with a genetic distance of 3.68 cM (P = 0.0004).
217 ial chromosome contig was constructed over a genetic distance of 5 cM that includes both alpha7 loci
218 D10S585 (or D10S1172) and D10S1664, within a genetic distance of 5-11 cM.
219 vidence for LD between a pair of loci with a genetic distance of 5.28 cM (P = 0.002) and a pair of lo
220  which the critical linkage interval spans a genetic distance of 5.41 cM and a physical distance of 1
221  LD (P = 0.02) between a pair of loci with a genetic distance of 5.51 cM.
222                                This covers a genetic distance of 8.9 cM which corresponds to a physic
223 es, >/=80% local branch support, and maximum genetic distance of all sequence pairs in the cluster </
224 atellite markers on chromosome 6q spanning a genetic distance of approximately 11 cM in males and 20
225 rphic markers D2S119 and D2S378 and covers a genetic distance of approximately 16 cM, is underreprese
226 for both USH1C and HI and spans an estimated genetic distance of approximately 4 cM.
227 ing from DXS8026 to ELK1, corresponding to a genetic distance of approximately 5.5 cM.
228      When analyzing phrase dissimilarity and genetic distance of both sexes, we found significant res
229                        Here, we assessed the genetic distance of geographically segregated viruses th
230 timates of three genetic distances (standard genetic distance of Nei, chord distance, FST) was examin
231 near the centromeric end of CFA9, spanning a genetic distance of only 4.7 cM.
232 re was a significant correlation between the genetic distance of the lines and the activities of enzy
233                                  The overall genetic distance of the parents had no influence on muta
234                            The interspecific genetic distance of the stored-product psocids was signi
235 exl2 and exl3 were found in clonal groups at genetic distances of <0.2.
236 ss than 0.3% of identical repeat values when genetic distances of 27% or more were examined.
237                                The order and genetic distances of all markers and gene loci mapped in
238 nt correlations were still found between the genetic distances of anther-smut and host populations.
239 h isolation by distance correlating with the genetic distances of B. terrestris, suggesting the latte
240      Bioinformatic analysis found equivalent genetic distances of monotypic and nonmonotypic sequence
241 assing cultural and genetic attributes), and genetic distances of the populations in the areas studie
242  to a 6-cM region between 123.5 and 129.5 cM genetic distance on chromosome 11, identifying the site
243                               The results of genetic distances, phylogenetic trees and principal comp
244     Thus the poor correlation of physical to genetic distance previously observed in M. grisea appear
245 emed relapses, and three cases for which the genetic distance ranged from 1306 to 1419 SNPs, deemed r
246                     In addition, we examined genetic distance relationships between SI and SC populat
247                                      Greater genetic distances relative to the time of infection were
248  of Yucca, the effect of host specificity on genetic distance remains significant after accounting fo
249 es with the eBURST algorithm and analyses of genetic distances revealed that genetic clusters represe
250                 Previously, we observed that genetic distance significantly decreased with the number
251                     We look at how to choose genetic distance so as to maximize the power of detectin
252 , the potential for covarions increases with genetic distance so that highly divergent proteins may h
253 efficient of variation of estimates of three genetic distances (standard genetic distance of Nei, cho
254 fferent geographic regions by Nei's Standard Genetic Distance, suggesting parasite populations vary l
255         An analysis of heterozygosity versus genetic distance suggests that African populations have
256                                          The genetic distance suggests that the two island subspecies
257 roughly 2-fold-higher patristic (tip-to-tip) genetic distances than historic sequences, with HLA pres
258  results in recombination across far greater genetic distances than mendelian genetic exchange.
259  rule for sterility at significantly smaller genetic distances than pairs with smaller X chromosomes
260 nic) revealed patterns of gene diversity and genetic distance that reflected population history.
261   We have determined the marker separations (genetic distances) that maximize the probability, or pow
262                                      At 4.5% genetic distance, the UK was more clustered and MSM and
263 ClusterPicker (90% bootstrap threshold, 0.05 genetic distance threshold).
264 xplore the effect of different bootstrap and genetic distance thresholds on clusters identified in a
265 he ordering process is demonstrated with the genetic distance to a genotype with high catalytic activ
266      Ancestral sequences, which minimize the genetic distance to circulating strains, provide an oppo
267 eference-mapped MTBC genomes, and calculated genetic distance to previously sequenced UK MTBC isolate
268 and ranked them according to their predicted genetic distance to the main tsetse population.
269  a statistically significant decrease in the genetic distance to the MRCA was detected in three, indi
270 g filters for selection, recombination rate, genetic distance to the nearest gene, percent overlap wi
271 f LD that can be interpreted as the expected genetic distance to which the ancestral haplotype is pre
272 o homoeologous subgenomes based on different genetic distances to melon, cucumber, and watermelon in
273 uthors propose a quantitative approach using genetic distances to study the degree of similarity betw
274 led "centralized" sequences) that have equal genetic distances to the circulating viruses.
275 the use of HMA for quantitative inference of genetic distances under the conditions we describe is of
276                     The female:male ratio of genetic distance varied across individual chromosomes in
277            The average physical distance per genetic distance was estimated at 350 kb/cM.
278  stronger correlation between geographic and genetic distance was found among animals in the north th
279 the coefficient of variation of estimates of genetic distances was shown to be approximately determin
280 ng, pairwise population differentiation, and genetic distance, we found that the Libyan Jewish group
281 erved between complement fixation titers and genetic distance, we propose a system for classification
282  of weighted LD between pairs of sites whose genetic distance were larger than a certain starting dis
283 opulation gene diversity and interpopulation genetic distance were seen in the case of SNPs located w
284                                     Pairwise genetic distances were calculated for the regions analyz
285                                          HIV genetic distances were calculated using the polymerase r
286  more rapidly than ordered protein, pairwise genetic distances were compared between the ordered and
287 he SSLP-based deletion map was confirmed and genetic distances were determined using the European Col
288 ag regions of the genome were sequenced, and genetic distances were estimated by using the true tree
289                                     Pairwise genetic distances were estimated from aligned nucleotide
290 ated recombination decreases with increasing genetic distance when the two endpoints are on the same
291 a good indicator of how precise estimates of genetic distance will be.
292 organization and function, as they correlate genetic distance with cytological structures, and are an
293 ith high mutation rates produce estimates of genetic distance with lower coefficients of variation th
294 Patiria miniata, the bat star, and correlate genetic distances with a model based on flow rates and p
295 and contrast traditional PAUP(*) Nei-Li AFLP genetic distances with a recently proposed method utiliz
296  previously on different maps, and correlate genetic distances with physical distances.
297 correlation of genetic distances and nearest genetic distances with previously understood notions of
298 t criteria for bootstrap support and maximum genetic distance within large phylogenetic trees.
299 H. capsulatum var. capsulatum group A clade, genetic distances within clades were an order of magnitu
300                                          The genetic distances within CRF07_BC and CRF55_01B groups w

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